Abrus precatorius Glycine abrus - Information and Library...

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Transcript of Abrus precatorius Glycine abrus - Information and Library...


Abrus precatorius L. Syn: Glycine abrus L. Fam: Fabaceae

VN: Guruvinda

Straggler, branches slender, striate, scarcely woody, young parts silky,

ultimately glabrous; leaves paripinnate, leaflets 10-13 pairs, opposite, oblong,

glabrous, entire; racemes terminal or axillary, flowers clustered, pink; pod

oblong, wrinkled; seed blood red, with a black lateral blotch around the


Fl & Fr: Jul – Feb.

Loc: Sunnapugadda. K.A:17033


Abortion: 2 or 3 seeds are ground and the paste is mixed in a glass of water.

This is administered once a day before breakfast for 3days.

Cough: A spoonful of leaf juice is administered daily twice for 3days.

Dysentery: A spoonful of root paste with half spoon of honey is administered

twice a day for 2 days ays.

Epilepsy: 2 spoonfuls of root extract mixed in a glass of milk is administered

once a day for 3 days.

Muscle Pain: Root is ground into paste and is applied on the affected areas

for half an hour once a day.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Roots along with the roots of Canavalia virosa are

crushed to paste and the juice extracted is applied externally on the affected

areas till cure.

Acacia chundra: (Roxb. ex Rottl.) Willd. Syn: Mimosa chundra Roxb. ex Rottl.

Fam: Mimosaceae

VN: Nallasandra

Medium sized tree; leaves spiral, leaflets 35-50 pairs, elliptic, oblique,

entire, apex subacute; stipular thorns short, hooked; spikes axillary, 1-3 in a

cluster, shorter than leaves; petals white; pod brown, flat, thin, apically

horned; seed ovoid.


Fl & Fr: Jul – Dec.

Loc: Donubay. K.A:17186


Blisters and Boils: Leaf paste with castor oil (3:1) is applied on the affected

areas daily twice till cure.

Acacia nilotica: (L.) Willd. Syn: A. arabica (Lam.) Willd. var. indica Benth.,

Mimosa arabica Lam. Fam:Mimosaceae

VN: Nalla thumma Babul E: Black babul

Tree up to 10m, young branches pubescent; stipular spines straight,

rachis grey-pubescent, with a gland between the first and terminal pair of

pinnae; pinnae 5-7 pairs, leaflets 18-26 pairs; flowers sessile; pod distinctly

stalked, grey pubescent, moniliform, 10-12 seeded.

Fl & Fr: Aug – Apr.

Loc: Gajapathinagaram K.A.:17541


Filariasis: Stem bark with stem barks of Cassia occidentalis, Cassia fistula,

Azadirachta indica, Tamarindus indica, Pongamia pinnata, Phyllanthus emblica,

Zizyphus oenoplia, and tuberous root of Curculigo orchioides and fruit of Musa

paradisiaca are taken in equal quantities and fermented in water for a week.

Half glass of ferment is administered twice a day for 30 days.

Fencing: Plants grown as fencing trees.

Leucorrhoea: Stem bark gum used as external vaginal application from the

6th day of menses for 3days at bed time only.

Snake Bite: Stem bark ground with seeds of Piper nigrum. Paste is applied on

the bitten areas immediately after bite.

Acacia sinuata: (Lour.) Merr. Syn: Mimosa sinuata Lour., Acacia concinna

(Willd.) DC. var. rugata (Buch.-Ham. ex. Benth), Baker, Acacia rugata Buch.-

Ham. Ex. Benth. Mimosa concinna Willd. Fam: Mimosaceae

VN: Shikaya


A stout straggling shrub with numerous small hooked prickles,

branches brown with white dots; leaves bipinnate; leaflets more than 20 pairs,

main rachis armed with sharp hooked prickles, with a large gland at or below

the middle of the petiole and one between the uppermost or the 2 uppermost

pairs of pinnae; flowers white, axillary or terminal globose heads; calyx

funnel shaped; corolla lobes lanceolate; stamens basally connate; pod

lomentum, linear-oblong, fleshy when young becoming wrinkled when dry,

depressed between the seeds.

Fl & Fr: Feb – May.

Loc: Palakonda K.A:17444


Cataract: 2 Spoonfuls of seed paste mixed in a glass of water is administered

for clearing the eyes once a day for 3days.

Fruits: Fruits used as shampoos for headbath.

Dandruff: Seed paste is massaged on the scalp once a day for a week.

Ophthalmic Diseases: 200g of tender leaves along with 20g red chilly powder

and a pinch of salt are fried in palm oil and made into pickle. This pickle is

eaten along with meals once a day for a week.

Acacia torta: (Roxb.) Craib Syn: Mimosa torta Roxb.Fam: Mimosaceae

VN: Korintha chekka

Large climbers; stem usually angled, branchlets minutely pubescent

when young, prickles hooked; leaves alternate, bipinnate, long, pinnae 8-13

pairs, leaflets 25-40 pairs, elliptic, subsessile, unequal sided; flowers white, in

globose heads forming terminal panicles; pods linear, flat, beaked, sutures

thick, undulate, young ones pubescent, ultimately glabrous; seed oblong, 5-8

seeded, chocolate brown.

Fl & Fr: Nov – May Loc:

Lothugedda, Palakonda K.A:16426



Fever: 2 spoonfuls of stem bark extract with 10g of jaggery is administered

twice a day for 3days.

Whooping Cough: 10g of stem sap with 2 spoonfuls of mother’s milk is

administered to children twice a day till cure.

Wounds: Root bark paste mixed with turmeric (5:1) is applied on the affected

areas daily twice till cure.

Acalypha indica: L. Fam:Euphorbiaceae


Erect herb to 75cm; branchlets straite, thinly pubescent; leaves broadly

ovate, rounded to shortly alternate, crenate-serrate, apex acute, glabrous;

staminate half flowers from above the middle; pistillate once at the lower half.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Gangandoravalasa K.A: 17583


Jaundice: leaves with leaves of Justicia adhatoda, Eclipta prostrata, Centella

asiatica, Phyllanthus amarus, Coccinea indica, and Momordica charantia are taken

in equal quantities and ground and made into pills of soapnut seed size. One

pill is administered with rice cunjee or butter milk twice a day for 3days.

Scorpion Sting: Leaf paste is applied on the affected areas and 20g of this

paste is also administered orally.

Achyranthes aspera: L. FAM: Amaranthaceae

VN: Kukka pallu chettu

An erect branched herb; leaves variable, orbicular or obovate, rounded

at the apex, pubescent on both sides; flowers greenish white, in slender

terminal spikes, bracts ovate, bracteoles spinous, wings hyaline, broad;

stamens 5, alternating with appendaged staminodes; urticle oblong enclosed

in the hardened perianth; fruit deflexed, easily adhering to animals and cloth.


Fl & Fr: Throughout the year.

Loc: Bobbili K.A:17453


Antidote to Animal Bite: 3 spoonfuls of seed paste mixed in a glass of hot

water is administered twice a day as an antidote for bite of any poisonous


Antiemetic and Dysentery: 15 leaves are ground along with 12 seeds of Piper

nigrum and a spoonful of honey. A spoonful of this paste is administered

with a glass of hot water every one hour for one day.

Boils: Primary root and young leaf paste is applied externally to suppress the


Chicken Pox: The leaf paste with resin of Shorea robusta and neem is applied

on the body for one week.

Cough: Dry leaves are made into cigars and the smoke is inhaled for 2 days


Cuts: Leaf paste is applied on the affected areas daily once for 3days.

Jaundice: Tender leaves along with the tender leaves of Careya arborea, Mimosa

pudica and Zizyphus mauritiana are crushed to paste and the paste along with

cow milk is administered for 7 days.

Acorus calamus L. Fam: Araceae


An aromatic marshy herb with tuberous roots; leaves scattered,

reniform; flowers blue, in loose racemes, floral leaves much reduced; sepals

blue, hairy; fruits oblong, follicles; seeds obovoid.

Fl & Fr: Sept.

Loc: Parvathipuram K.A: 17513


Cold: Rhizome is dried and roasted. The powder of rhizome is mixed with

honey and administered for daily one week.


Constipation: One tea spoonful of dried rhizome powder is mixed with

Terminalia chebula seed powder and given with hot water at bed time for 5


Rheumatoid Arthritis: Root poultice is applied over the affected area till


Adiantum lunulatum: Burm.

Family: Adiantaceae.

Loc.name: Gatumandu

Rhizomatous erect herbaceous fern, up to 30cm tall, rhizome densely

scaly. Fronds (leaves) 2-3 pinnate, the lowest pinna slightly branched again,

pinnula glabrous, outer margins incised. Sori elliptic or linear, arranged in

roundish sinuses one to each lobe.

Sori: Jul. - Nov.

Locality: Seethampeta K.A: 17501


Abortifacient: A decoction of the fern is used by the tribal people as an


Diabetes: The fern is used in hemicranias and diabetes.

Epileptic fits: The rhizome used for blood diseases and epileptic fits

Scorpion sting: The rhizome paste is applied for scorpion sting; the rhizome

paste is applied for herpes.

Aegle marmelos: L. Correa Syn: Crateva marmelos L. Fam:Rutaceae

VN: Bilvamu

A small or medium-sized, evergreen tree; leaves 3 – foliolate, leaflets

ovate-elliptic; flowers greenish white, sweet scented in short lateral panicles;

petals gland-dotted; fruit ovoid globose, greenish white, rind woody, seeds-

numerous embedded in aromatic pulp.

Fl & Fr: Apr – June

Loc: Palakonda, Pachipenta K.A:17430



Cholera: Stem bark grinds with Piper nigrum and filter the extract. 2spoonfuls

of the extract is taken thrice a day for 3days.

Cold: Leaf is poured into nostrils once a day for 5 days.

Diabetes: About 10ml of leaf juice is given with 5 Piper nigrum seeds twice a

day for two months.

Diarrhoea: Fruit pulp is administered orally till cure.

Indigestion: 5g fruit pulp is administered orally after meal.

Leucorrhoea: Leaf paste is taken orally for one week.

Aerva lanata: (L.) Juss Syn: Achyranthes lanata L.

Fam: Amaranthaceae

VN: Pindikura

Annual erect or suberect herb, up to 75cm tall; leaves alternate to sub

opposite, ovate, pubescent above, white woolly beneath; flowers greenish-

white in dense axillary spikes; seeds annular, testa shiny, black.

Fl & Fr: Through out the year,

Loc: Punyagiri, Donubay. K.A:17455


Headache: 5 ml of root extract is administered twice a day for 3days.

Kidney Stones: 10 ml of whole plant juice is given orally once a day for a

period of 21 days to dissolve stones in kidneys.

Leucorrhoea: 4 spoonfuls of whole plant juice mxed with a pinch of camphor

is administered daily twice for 5 days.

Aganosma caryophyllata: (Roxb.ex.Sims).Syn: Echites cartyophyllata Roxb.ex.

Sims., E.dichotoma Roth Aganosma dichotoma (Roth) Schum. Fam: Apocynaceae

VN: Nallateega

A climbing shrub; leaves pubescent, ovate-elliptic; flowers white in

corymbose cymes; fruit tomentose, seeds hallowed near the top.


Fl: June – Aug. Fr: Feb – Apr.

Loc: Thunda, Makkuva. K.A:17450


Cuts and Wounds: The cottony wool in the fruit is used to stop bleeding from

cuts & wounds.

Sprains: Latex of the plant is applied over the affected parts for immediate


Ailanthus excelsa: Roxb. FAM: Simarubaceae

VN: Peddamanu

Large tree; bark grey; leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 17-25, densely

tomentose, acute or acuminate, base unequal; flowers greenish yellow,

panicles; samara membranous, elliptic, 1-seeded.

Fl & Fr: Feb–Apr.

Loc: Nanda, Saluru K.A:17432


Asthma: 30-50ml of bark infusion is administered orally twice daily till cure.

Alangium salvifolium: (L.f.) Wang. Syn: Alangium lamarckii Thw., Grewia

salvifolia L.f. FAM: Alangiaceae

VN: Uduga

Deciduous small tree with spinescent branches and grey bark; leaves

simple, spiral, membranous, acuminate, entire-wavy, acute or rounded;

flowers in axillary clusters, small, white, fragrant, woolly; berry globular,

crowned with persistent calyx limb purplish-red to black.

Fl & Fr: Mar-Jun

Loc: Kuneru, Komarada. K.A:17467


Rheumatoid Arthritis: Leaf extract warmed with castor oil is applied

externally on the affected part till cure.


Paralysis: Stem bark ground to past with Piper nigrum and the past is

administered two spoonfuls per day for 7 days.

Albizia amara: (Roxb.) Syn: Mimosa amara Roxb. Fam:Mimosaceae

VN: Nalla regi

A moderate sized tree with much branches; bipinnate leaves, leaflets

10-30 pairs, sessile, linear-oblong; flowers yellowish; pods flat; seeds 6-8.

Fl. & Fr: Mar – Jul.

Loc: Mamidipalli, Saluru, K.A:17652


Boils: Flowers are made into paste along with water and the paste is used

over the affected area.

Albizia lebbeck :( L.) Benth. Syn: Mimosa lebbeck L. FAM: Mimosaceae

VN: Dirisana

Large deciduous tree, bark brownish-grey; leaves bipinnate, pinnae 2-4

pairs, leaflets 4-8 pairs, oblong-ovate; flowers greenish yellow in heads,

fragrant; fruit pod, pale yellow, linear-oblong, strap-shaped; seeds 2-12, pale

brown, flattened.

Fl & Fr: March-June

Loc: Kalamrajupeta, Saluru. K.A: 17434


Boils, Eruptions and Swelling: Flowers used as emollient.

Mouth Wash: Roasted seed paste and decoction of the bark is used daily

twice as mouth wash.

Ulcers in Gums: The root bark powder is used as tooth powder to cure

ulcerated gums.

Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. Fam: Liliaceae

VN: Kalabanda


A stoloniferous herb; leaves dense, aggregated, succulent, ensiform,

pale green with distant thorny prickles on the margins; scape 60-90cm long,

simple; raceme dense, flowers reddish-yellow, bisexual, fruit capsule,


Fl & Fr: Loc: Chinamerangi, Garugubilli. K.A:17420


Boils and Wounds: Fleshy portion of leaves mildly heated and applied over

the affected parts.

Chest pain: Leaves ground with the seeds of Strychnos potatorum, the extract

mildly heated and administered in doses of 1 spoonful twice a day for 3days.

Cold and Cough: 2 spoonfuls of the fried leaf pulp in a little ghee eaten with

jaggery thrice a day for 3days.

Dandruff: The whole leaf paste is applied on the scalp and after one hour the

paste is washed thoroughly with mild hot water.

Leucorrhoea: 5ml of juice extracted from the crushed leaves is given once a

day for 7 days.

Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Syn: Echites scholaris L. FAM: Apocynaceae

VN:Pala Garuda

A large evergreen tree; leaves simple, 7 per whorl; flowers small,

yellowish white in umbellate panicles; follicles single or in pairs.

Fl: Dec.-Mar. Fr: May – Sept.

Loc: Nanda. K.A:17416


Malaria: 5ml of stem bark extract is given orally twice a day for 4 days.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Leaf juice or decoction or powder of 2 spoons is

administered orally once in a day till cure.

Alstonia venenata: R.Br. Fam: Apocynaceae



Small tree, up to 4m tall; leaves in whorls, oblong-lanceolate; flowers

white in terminal, sub-umbellate, dichotomous cymes; fruit follicular, up to

12cm long, seeds with tuft of hairs.

Fl & Fr: Feb.-Jul.

Loc: Anasabadra, Makkuva K.A:17460


Anthelmintic: Stem bark along with Piper longum is made into an extract and

is administered in doses of 5 spoonfuls twice a day for 3days.

Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br.

Family: Amaranthaceae

Loc. name: Ponna ganti Kura

Very variable prostrate to erect herb with purplish branches; leaves

linear, oblong; flowers bisexual, small, white, in axillary clusters, fruit

compressed, obcordate, utricle margin winged, seeds orbicular.

Fl. & Frt.: Most part of the year

Locality: Palakonda K.A: 17505


Constipation: The whole plant is used for constipation.

Diarrhoea: decoction of the leaves is used for diarrhoea

Food: Leaves used as vegetable.

Skin diseases: Root paste is used for skine diseases

Amaranthus spinosus: L. Fam: Amaranthaceae

V.N. Mulla thota Koora

Erect herb; leaves deltoid ovate to rhomboid, base truncate to

attenuate, entire to undulate, actuely emarginated, glabrous above, glaucous

beneath; inflorescence axillary and terminal panicles, pendulous; seed

orbicular, utricles compressed, pointed, indehiscent, testa shiny.


FI & Fr: Throughout the year.

Loc: Bobbili. K.A:17448


Dyspepsia: Root with rhizome of Zingiber officinale are taken in equal

quantities and ground. A spoonful of paste is administered daily twice for 2


Pimples: Dried fruit ash mixed with water and applied on the pimples twice a

day for 3 days.

Amaranthus viridis: Linn.

Family: Amaranthaceae

Loc. name: Chilaka thota Kura

A small herb about 60 cm, high with lanceolate leaves.

Fl. & Frt.: Aug. – May.

Locality: Donubay K.A:19710


Food: Leaves used as vegetable by the tribal people.

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius: (Dennst.) Nicolson var. campanulatus

(Decne.) Sivadasan Syn: A. campanulatus non Bl. ex. Decne. Arum

campanulatum Decne. FAM: Araceae

VN:: Adavi kanda

A stout cornous herb, corm depressed globose; leaves 30-90 cm across,

segments pinnate or bipinnatisect, ultimate segments obliquely oblong,

petiole dark green with paler blotches, spathes broadly campanulate; flowers

pale yellow; berries obovoid, red, 2-3 seeded.

Fl & Fr: Mar – Aug.

Loc: Duggeru, Makkuva K.A:17352


Bone fracture: 3 spoonfuls of corm paste mixed with a spoonful of lemon

juice is applied on the affected part and bandaged till cure.


Earache: A spoonful of corm juice is mixed with spoonful of mustard oil. 2.

drops instilled into the ear daily twice for 3 days.

Helminthiasis in Birds and Cattle: 2 spoonfuls of dried corm powder mixed

in a glass of water is administered daily once for 2 days.

Anacardium occidentale: L. FAM: Anacardiaceae

VN:Jidi Mamidi

Trees, upto 8m tall; branchlets glabrous; leaves simple, obovate, thick,

coriaceous; flowers unisexual or polygamous, yellow streaked with pink in

terminal panicles; fruit nut, seated on a large pyriform fleshy body formed by

the enlarged disc; seed reniform, testa membranous.

Fl & Fr: Jan-May

Loc: Poram, Palakonda K.A:17456


Rheumatoid Arthritis: Juice of flower-stalk and fruit is applied locally till


Andrographis paniculata: (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees. Syn: Justicia paniculata

Burm.f., Andrographis suspathulata Clarke. Fam: Acanthaceae


Erect herb, about 80cm high; branches sub-quadrangular, grooved,

puberulous; leaves oblong, linear, obtuse at base, sparsely puberulous, sessile;

flowers whitish with pink marks, in terminal, paniculate racemes; capsules

linear-elliptic; sparsely pubescent, recurving during dehiscent; seeds 8.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Dec. Loc: Mendangi, Makkuva. K.A:17358


Asthma: Stem is mixed with that of Gymnema sylvestre and Justicia adhatoda

leaves, ground and the infusion is given orally till cure.

Deworming: 3 ml leaf decoction is administered once a day for 7 days.


Diabetes: Leaves powdered with leaves of Syzigium jambolanum, Zizyphus

rugosa, Aegle marmelos, Gymnema sylvetrse and tubers of Corollocarpus epigaeus

(2:1 ratio) given with hot water for 20 days.

Leucorrhoea: Leaves with stem bark of Madhuca indica and Zizyphus xylopyrus

are taken in equal quantities and powdered it is made into pills of pea nut

seed size. Two pills administered twice a day for 30 days

Malaria: Three spoonfuls of root and leaf extracts is given twice a day for 5


Annona reticulata: L. Fam:Annonaceae

VN::Rama phalam.

A small tree; leaves large, oblong-lanceolate; flowers light green, 2-3 in

axillary cymes; fruit globose, light yellow when mature.

Fl: May-Jun Fr: Jun-Sept.

Loc: Ajuru, Pachipenta. K.A:17475


Wounds: Leaf paste is applied on the wounds of cattle.

Food: Fruits are edible.

Annona squamosa: L. Fam: Annonaceae

VN:: Sita Phalam

Shrub or small tree bark grey; leaves elliptic or oblong-lanceolate,

glabrescent; flowers greenish, solitary, on leaf-opposed peduncles or 2-4 in a

cluster, fruit a fleshy syncarp.

Fl & Fr: Apr – Nov.

Loc: Aajuru. K.A:17448


Abortion: Root paste along with water is given once a day on empty stomach

for abortion of 3 months pregnancy.

Antidote to Snakebite: Bark juice is given immediately after snakebite.


Asthma: 10 leaves and 30 g of bark are boiled in 1 glass of water till it reduces

to half glass and given orally once a day till cure.

Food: Fruits are edible

Anogeissus acuminate: Wall. Ex. Bedd. Syn: Conoarpus acuminata Roxb.Fam:


VN: Pachi manu.

A large deciduous tree; leaves elliptic – lanceolate, alternate to sub-

opposite; flowers in globose heads; fruit two dentate winged ending in

persistent calyx tube.

Fl & Fr: Mar – May

Loc: Panuku valasa, Pachipenta K.A:17470


Dysentery: Stem bark ground with Pithecellobium dulce and paste is made into

pills. 3 pills twice are given twice a day for 3 days.

Wood: Wood is used for making agricultural implements and in house


Anogeissus latifolia: (Roxb. ex DC) Syn: Conocarpus latifolia (Hort. Beng.) ex.

DC. FAM: Combretaceae

VN: Chirumanu

A large deciduous tree, bark smooth, pale brown; leaves elliptic,

opposite, flowers greenish in globose spikes; fruit drupe with persistent calyx


Fl & Fr: Dec- Feb.

Loc: Manchada valasa, Pachipenta. K.A:17435


Cough: Stem bark extract is administered 3 spoonfuls twice a day for 3 days.

Gum: “Ghattigum” gum is extracted from the stem used in calico printing.

Snake Bite: Seed paste along with water is administered orally and also

applied externally.


Urinary Disorders: Gum with jaggery made into a paste and the paste made

into pills. 3 pills are administered for a day for 6 days.

Wood: Wood is used in house construction and in making wheels in textile


Argemone mexicana: L. FAM: Papaveraceae

VN: Balu Rakkasi

A prickly annual herb; leaves sessile, mottled green and white

pinnatifid, lobes ending in spines, all parts yield yellowish latex; flowers

yellow; capsule oblong or elliptic; seeds black.

Fl: Dec – Apr. Fr: Feb – Jun

Loc: Odisalamatta, Makkuva K.A:17268


Fever: Roots and ground with Piper nigrum one spoonful, of extract is given

twice a day for 5 days.

Malaria: Roots are ground with seeds and leaves and the extract two

spoonfuls is given once a day for 4 days.

Spermatorrhoea: The root bark extract is taken along with cow ghee in 2:1

proportion, one tea spoonful of the extract is taken once in the morning for

two weeks.

Argyreia nervosa: (Burm. f.) Fam:Convolvulaceae

VN:Samudra pala

Large woody climbing shrub with woolly white, tomentose stems;

leaves simple large, ovate and acute, flowers rose-purple in axillary cymes;

corolla tubular, fruit berry ovoid; seed 2-4.

Fl & Fr: Jul – Dec

Loc:Kuneru, Komarada. K.A:17478


Boils: leaves are dipped in castor oil and mildly heated and the worm leaves

are applied on boils.


Rheumatoid Arthritis: A paste of roots made with rice water is applied over

the swollen part till cure.

Arisaema tortuosum: (Wall.) Syn: Arum tortuosum Wall. FAM: Araceae

VN: Dhamma saaru

Tuberous herbs; leaves 1-2, leaflets radiate; spadix with appendage

much longer than the spathe, sheaths purple mettled, tube sub-cylindric,

acuminate, incurved limb; flowers monoecious or dioecious.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Nov

Loc: G.L. Puram K.A:16473


Headache: Tuber paste mixed with Curcuma longa and applied on the head.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Tuber is used in the preparation of massage oil and

this is applied on the affected parts till cure.

Aristolochia indica L. Syn: A. lanceolata Wt. FAM: Aristolochiaceae

VN: Nalla Eswari

Twining shrub to 2 m; leaves very variable, oblong to obovate, 3

nerved from base lateral nerves 3-4, converging towards apex, truncate to

subcordate or panduri-form, apex obtuse to acuminate; racemes axillary or

terminal, 8-15 flowered, dark purple.

Fl & Fr: Jul – Dec.

Loc: Bagu valasa, Salur. K.A:17472


Diarrhoea: Roots ground with the roots of Holarrhena pubescens, Madhuca

longifolia, Orthospihon rubicundus and caraway seeds. The paste with water is

administered for 5 days.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: 5 cm root is pounded with black pepper and the Luke

warm juice is taken twice a day for 2-3days.

Snake Bite: Roots are ground with dried ginger Zingiber officinale the paste is

applied on the bitten part.


Artocarpus heterophyllus: Lam. Syn: A. integrifolia L.f. Fam: Moraceae


An evergreen tree; leaves simple, obovate-oblong, coriaceous;

inflorescence cauliflorous; flowers solitary, usually in axillary receptacles;

fruit syncarp, tubercled, oblong.

Fl&Fr: Dec-May

Loc: Donkinavalasa, Parvathipuram. K.A:17473


Fruits: Fruits are edible seeds cooked as vegetable.

Skin Diseases: Tender leaf paste is applied on the affected area till cure.

Tuberculosis: Edible part of the fruit is taken and kept in a mud pot with

jaggery in alternate layers, then the pot is sealed with a thick cloth and is kept

in sun light for 21 days, later on the entire material is pound into a paste,

administered for 21 days.

Asparagus racemosus Willd. FAM: Liliaceae

VN: Pilli peechera

Armed vine, branchlets glabrous, spines erect; leaves scaly, triangular,

stiff, acuminate, cladodes 2-6 linear, narrow, entire, apex acuminate; raceme

solitary or 3 in a cluster; peduncle much reduced; flowers white, fragrant;

berry globose, ripening red; seeds 3-6, globose.

Fl & Fr: Jul – Oct.

Loc: Thonam, Salur. K.A:17458


Bronchitis: 2 spoonful of tuberous root paste mixed with a spoonful of honey

is administered daily twice for 5 days.

Burning Sensation during Urination: Tuberous roots with stem bark of

Azadirachta indica, root of Rauvolfia serpentina and seeds of Withania somnifera

are taken in equal quantities and ground. 2 spoonfuls of paste mixed in a

glass of water is administered daily twice for 2 days.


Diabetes: These tuberous roots with tuberous roots of Mirabilis Jalapa,

Boerhavia chinesis and roots of Plumbago auriculata are taken in equal quantities

and soaked in lime water for 2 days, dreid and powdered. 2 spoonfuls of

powder mixed in a glass of cow milk is administered daily twice for 3days.

Fertility: Tuberous root with of Bombax ceiba, tuberous root of Boerhavia

chinensis and seeds of Piper nigrum are taken in equal quantities and ground. 2

spoonfuls of paste mixed in a glass of goat milk is administered early in the

morning from the 3rd day of menses for 5 days.

Tumours in Stomach: 3 spoonfuls of tuberous root powder mixed in a glass

of cow milk is administered after supper before bed for 40 days.

Wounds: Tuberous root paste is applied on the affected areas daily twice for 2

days ays.

Azadirachta indica: A. Juss. Syn: Melia azadirachta L. Melia indcia Br.

Fam: Meliaceae

VN:Vepa chettu

A large tree up to 15 m tall; leaves alternate, compound, imparipinnate,

leaflets 5-6 pairs, ovate-lanceolate, subopposite, glaucous, oblique, crenate-

serrate, apex acute to acuminate; flowers cream or yellowish white in axillary

panicles; fruits one-seeded drupes with woody endocarp greenish yellow

when ripe, seeds ellipsoid, oblong to globose, yellow when ripe. J.S. 5488-83

Fl & Fr: Mar – Jun.

Loc: Gajapathinagaram. K.A:17463


Allergy: Handful of tender leaves is chewed on empty stomach early in the

morning for 3 days.

Amoebic Dysentery: Stem bark gum mixed with seeds of Ocimum basilicum is

dried and powdered. It is made in decoction. A spoonful decoction is

administered daily twice for 3days.

Appetite: Handful of fried young flowers are administered daily twice for 5 d

to increase appetite.


Bone Fracture: Stem bark with stem bark of Naravelia zeylanica, roots of

Withania somnifera and Tinospora cordifolia, are taken in equal quantities and

made into decoction. Half cup of egg albumin and sesame oil is added to

decoction. 2 spoonful of decoction is administered daily twice for 30 days.

Bone fracture of Cattle: Root bark with bark of Polyalthia longifolia and stem

of Cissus quadrangularis are taken in equal quantities and ground. Paste mixed

with egg albumin and lime is applied on the affected areas and bandaged for

15 days to cattle and other domestic animals.

Chicken Pox: Leaf paste mixed with turmeric is applied on the affected areas

daily twice till cure.

Cold And Cough: Leaves with tubers of Dioscorea pentaphylla are taken in

equal quantities and ground. 2 spoonfuls of paste mixed with a spoonful of

honey is administered daily once for 3 days. Meanwhile paste soaked in hot

water and is inhaled daily once for 3days.

Constipation: Leaves with roots of Operculina turpethum, seeds of Piper nigrum

and Ricinus communis are taken in equal quantities and ground. 2 spoonfuls

of paste mixed in a glass of hot water is administered daily twice for 3days.

Contraception: Few drops of seed oil are applied on genitals before sexual


Contraction of Uterus: Leaves and leaves of Xanthium pungens are taken in

equal quantities and ground. 2 spoonfuls of paste is administered daily twice

for 5 days.

Dandruff: Leaf paste is applied on the scalp externally daily once for one

hour before head bath for 3days.

Diabetes: Handful of flowers soaked in a glass of water for one hour is

administered early in the morning daily once for 15 days.

Eczema: Seed is mixed with a pinch of turmeric and coconut oil is applied on

the affected areas daily twice for 3days.

Heart Ailment: Stem bark with stem barks of Litsea glutinosa, Phyllanthus

emblica, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula and leaves of Phyllanthus amarus


are taken in equal quantities and ground. 2 spoonfuls of paste mixed in a

glass of goat milk is administered daily once for 15 days.

Intermittent Fever: Stem bark with the seeds of Piper nigrum are taken in

equal quantities and powdered. The powder is made into pills of peanut seed

size. 2 or 3 pills administered daily twice for 5 days.

Jaundice: A spoonful of roasted flower paste mixed with a spoonful of sugar

is administered daily twice for about 10 days.

Kidney Stones: Leaves with leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata are taken in equal

quantities and ground. A spoonful of paste mixed in a glass of water is

administered daily once for 10 days.

Leprosy: Stem bark with stem bark of Bauhinia variegata and stem of Tinospora

cordifolia are taken in equal quantities and ground. 2 spoonfuls of paste mixed

in a glass of water is administered daily twice for 15 days.

Mental Disorders: Leaves with leaves of Eclipta prostrata, Aloe vera, Ocimum

tenuiflorum and Andrographis paniculata are taken in equal quantities and

ground. 2 spoonfuls of paste mixed in water is administered daily once for 30


Rat Bite: Seed paste mixed with turmeric powder is applied on the bitten


Rheumatism: Leaves with leaves of Piper betle, Eucalyptus globulus and Aloe

vera are taken in equal quantities and ground. Paste mixed with a pinch of

camphor is applied on the affected areas daily twice for 10 days.

Ringworm: Leaf paste mixed with a pinch of turmeric is applied on the

affected areas daily twice for 3days.

Wood: Wood is valuable used in house construction.

Spermatorrhoea: Stem bark with leaves of Moringa oleifera and Solena

heterophylla and are taken in equal quantities and ground. 2 spoonfuls of paste

and a pinch of sugar mixed in a glass of cow milk is administered daily once

for 5 days.


Stomach pain: Root bark with stem bark of Gardenia latifolia and seeds of

Coriandrum sativum are taken in equal quantities and ground. 2 spoonfuls of

paste mixed in a glass of hot water is administered daily twice for 3days.

Stomach pain in Cattle: Stem bark with stem bark of Mangifera indica and

Syzygium cumini are taken in equal quantities and powdered. 100 g of powder

mixed in 750 ml of water is administered daily twice for 3days.

Leaves: Leaf cake used as fungicide and as fertilizer

Azima tetracantha Lam. Fam:Salvadoraceae

VN:Tella uppi

A bushy shrub; branches numerous, quadrangular; leaves elliptic,

spines axillary, 4 fewer or more; flowers dioecious; seeds 1-2.

Fl & Fr: Oct- Apr.

Loc: Kankanapalli, Pachipenta. K.A:17431


Asthma: Roots ground to paste along with the roots of Abrus precatorius and

Piper nigrum and administered orally till cure.

Rheumatism: Leaves and roots are crushed and heated mildly and massaged

gently on the body.

Baliospermum montanum: (Willd.) Muell. Arg Syn: Jatropha montanum Willd.

Baliospermum axillare Bl. FAM: Euphorbiaceae

VN: Chittiamudamu

Stout herb to 1m; leaves variable, ovate, lanceolate, acute; flowers

yellowish green, in axillary racemes; capsule ovoid.

Fl & Fr: Dec-May.

Loc: Ganjai Badhra, Saluru K.A:17481


Rheumatism: Seed paste is applied externally on the affected parts till cure.

Stomach ache: The roots are crushed with jaggery and the filtrate is taken

orally twice a day for 2 days ays.


Bambusa arundinacea: (Retz.) Willd. Syn: Bambos arundinacea Retz. Bambusa

bambos (L.) Voss Arundo bambos L. FAM: Poaceae

VN: Mullaveduru

Large thorny shrub, culms thick, erect, 9-30m tall, internodes hollow;

leaf sheaths hairy, blade trigonous, broad, Inflorescence a pseudopanicle of

spiklets, clustered in heads, spicate branchlets.

Fl & Fr: Very infrequent. Loc: Thonam K.A:17187


Anthelmintic: 5 ml of leaf juice is given orally once a day for 3days.

Bamboo culms : used in house construction and in making baskets, curtains.

Blood Purifier: 5 ml of stem and leaf extract is administered twice a day for 7


Fencing: grown as fencing around houses and fields.

Leucoderma: Stems and leaves are made into paste and applied over the

affected parts.

Barleria strigosa: Willd. FAM: Acanthaceae

VN: Neelambaram

A shrub, 1m high, leaves, broadly ovate acuminate, base narrowed

flowers blue coloured in spikes; fruit capsules; 4 Seeded

Fl: Aug-Mar. Fr: Oct-Apr.

Loc: Pittada, Palakonda. K.A:17488


Tuberculosis: Root crushed with Piper nigrum and the juice extract is given

two spoonfulls twice a day for 30 days.

Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaerta. Syn: Eugenia acutangula L. Fam:


VN::Kadapa Chettu

Tree upto 10m, leaves obovate, crenate acute to acuminate, cuneate,

lateral veins 10-12 pairs; inflorescence pendulous; flowers pedicelled; calyx

lobes distinct in buds, filaments pink; fruits fibrous, quadrangular.


Fl & Fr: Feb-May

Loc: Salur K.A:17490


Head ache: Leaves made into paste and applied on forehead.

Peripheral neuritis: Stem bark along with stem bark of Calotropis gigantea,

Pongamia pinnata, Casearia elliptica and roots of Aristida funiculata is ground to

paste. Piper longum also added as an ingredient. Pills are made form it 2 pills

are administered twice a day for 3days.

Rheumatism: Stem bark after grounding with the roots of Barleria prionitis,

Calotropis procera, and Plumbago zeylanica, tubers of Corallocarpus epigaeus,

Costus speciosus and seeds of Macrotyloma uniflorum is cooked in an earthen

pot and peanut sized pills are made from it. These are administered till cure.

Bauhinia purpurea: L. FAM: Caesalpiniaceae

VN: Kanchanam

Moderate sized evergreen, bushy tree; bark ash coloured to dark

brown; leaves oblong; subcordate, entire, apex obtuse to subacute;

inflorescence terminal or axillary racemes; flowers rose to purples, petals

similar; seeds ovoid.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Jan.

Loc: Donubay K.A:17492


Dysentery: Two spoonfuls of bark extract with the root of Zizyphus

mauritiana is given orally twice a day for 3days.

Food: Tender leaves used as leafy vegetables, seeds are edible.

Rheumatoid arthritis: Dried root powder with water in the ratio of 2:3 is

administered till cure.

Bauhinia racemosa: Lam. Syn: Piliostigma racemosa (Lam.) Benth. Fam:




Medium sized deciduous tree; bark blackish, very rough, with deep

vertical cracks; leaves broader than long, connation two-thirds of their length,

7-9 nerved, cordate, entire, apex obtuse, mucronate; racemes terminal and

leaf-opposed; flowers white or yellow on sort pedicles; calyx turbinate, deeply

5-lobed; pod oblong, twisted or falcate, 10-20 seeded.

Fl & Fr: Apr.-Dec.

Loc: Donubay K.A:17495


Asthma: The paste of the stem bark is eaten till cure.

Diarrhoea: Five spoonfuls of the root bark extract is administered twice a day

for 5 days.

Food: Boiled seeds are edible.

Leucorrhoea: The aqueous extract of fresh bark of stem mixed with pepper is

given 2-3 times to prevent leucorrhoea.

Opthalmic infections: Two drops of tender leaf juice is poured into eyes.

Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arm. Syn: Phanera vahlii FAM: Caesalpiniaceae

VN: Addaku

A large woody climber, with circinate tendrils, leaves simple, deeply

lobed, cordate; flowers white in terminal corymbose racemes; pod woody, flat

and velvety.

Fl & Fr: May-Feb.

Loc: Duggeru, Makkuva K.A:17497


Dysentery: 5 spoonfuls of root extract along with half cup of curd is

administered twice a day for 3days.

Syphilis: 5 ml of root extract is given orally twice a day for 7 days.

Wounds: The bark and leaf juice is applied externally on the effected area.

Benincasa hispida: (Thunb.) Cogn. Syn: B. cerifera Savi., Cucurbita hispida

Thunb. Fam:Cucurbitaceae


VN:Boodida gummidi

Vine, branchlets hirsute; leaves ovate-lanceolate, hirsute, cordate,

dentate, acute, tendrils 2 or 3, branched; flowers monoecious, axillary,

solitary; calyx tube campanulate; petals 5, yellow; stamens 3; fruit pepo,


Fl. & Fr: Aug-Mar

Loc: Gantyada K.A:17167


Asthma: 5 ml infusion of root is given orally 3-4 times daily till cure. Juice

of fruit pulp is taken till cure.

Bixa orellana: L.Fam: Bixaceae

VN: Jabarukaya

Evergreen tree, up to 5 m tall, young branches densely, dark silky;

leaves cordate coriaceous, glabrous on both surfaces; flowers purplish, large

in terminal panicles, showy, fragrant; fruit reddish brown capsule, ovoid, soft

bristly, seeds trigonous.

Fl: Jun-Aug Fr: Oct-Mar

Loc: Yeguvasimbi. K.A:17501


Dye: Jaffra dye is extracted from the seeds used for colouring food materials.

Fever: Root bark crushed with jaggery and the filtrate is administered two

spoonfuls twice a day for 3days.

Intermittent Fever: 2 spoonfuls of stem bark extract is administered twice a

day for 6 days.

Boerhavia diffusa L.Syn: Boerhavia repens L., B. procumbens Banks. Ex Roxb.




Annual, diffuse, ascending much branched herb; leaves opposite,

variable in size and shape; flowers pink in axillary and terminal umbellate

panicles; fruit anthocarp, glandular.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Oct

Loc:Pedagottili K.A:17498


HIV: Whole plant of this along with Centella asiatica and Piper longum are

mixed in 5:3:2 proportion and ground into paste. The extract thus obtained is

administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a day. This increases the

haemoglobin content, disease resistance and weight also.

Leucorrhora: 15 ml of decoction of plant is taken orally once a day for 3days.

Bombax ceiba: L. Syn: Bombax malabaricum DC. Salmalia malabarica (DC.)

Schott. & Endl. Fam:Bombacaceae


Tall deciduous tree, up to 30 m tall, armed with prickles, bark greyish,

smooth; leaves crowded at the ends of branches, digitately 5-7 foliolate,

glabrous; flowers large, solitary or paired, bright crimson; fruit capsule,

oblong; seeds many, enveloped by dense white silky floss.

Fl & Fr: Feb-May

Loc: Yegulawada K.A:17471


Luecorrhoea: Paste prepared from about 2-5 cm long root is taken with goat

milk on empty stomach for 3days.

Menstrual Disorders: Root bark crushed with Allium sativum and the extract

is administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls once a day for 5 days after


Skin Disease: Seed oil is applied to remove the scars.

Borassus flabellifer: Murr. Syn: Borassus flabelliformis Mur. Fam: Arecaceae

VN: Thadichettu


A tree with tall stem, up to 40m tall; leaves simple, palmately fan

shaped, plicate, petiole stout, spinous; flowers unisexual, dioecious (male and

female plants separate); fruits a large subglobose drupe, yellow when ripe

with 1-3 fibrous pyrenes.

Fl & Fr: Mar-May

Loc: Pusapatirega. K.A:17500


Food: Kernels are edible, ripen fruit pulp is edible.

Earache: Tender petiole crushed and the juice poured into ear.

Menstrual Disorders: Root bark crushed with Allium sativum and the extract

is administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls once a day for 5 days after


Muscle Pain: Stem peelings crushed with root bark of Alangium salvifolium

and the filtrate mixed with sugar, two spoonfuls of the mixture is a

administered twice a day for 3days.

Stem: Used for house construction; leaves are used for thatching huts.

Bridelia retusa: (L.) Spreng FAM: Euphorbiaceae

VN: Koramanu

Large deciduous tree, with thorns on the bark when young; bark grey

or brown, rough with longitudinal cracks and exfoliating in long irregular

plates; leaves rigidly coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, ovate or obovate, rounded at

base, slightly crenulate; flowers in clusters axillary and terminal spikes; drupe

globose, scaled on the hardly enlarged calyx.

Fl & Fr: Jun – Dec

Loc: Sathabi, Pachipenta K.A:17513


Chest pain: Stem bark crushed with that of Butea superba and Lannea

coromandelica and the filtrate administered in doses of 1 spoonful twice a day

for 3days.


Rheumatic pains: 2 spoonfuls extract of stem bark administered orally once a

day till cure.

Buchanania lanzan: Spreng Syn: B. latifolia Roxb Fam: Anacardiaceae

VN: Chinna murli

Moderate sized tree; branchlets with prominent leaf scars; levaes

brodly ovate, entire; panicles shorter than leaves; petals cream; drupe ovoid-

oblong, black when ripe.

Fl & Fr: Jan – May Loc: Coast Valasa, Pachipenta K.A:17515


Boils: Stem bark paste with Ricinus communis oil is applied on boils.

Diarrhoea: Stem bark powdered with stem bark of Syzygium cumini one

spoonful of this powder is administered twice a day for 3days.

Food: Kernels are edible, mixed with betel nut powder.

Butea monosperma: (Lam.) Taub. Syn: Erythrina monosperma Lam. Butea

frondosa Koenig ex Roxb. Plaso monosperma (Lam.) Fam:Fabaceae

VN:Moduga chettu.

A moderate sized deciduous tree; leaves trifoliate, glabrous,

coriaceous, broadly obovate; flowers appear before leaves, yellowish orange-

scarlet coloured; pod flat, indehiscent, with thick velvety brown.

Fl & Fr: Mar – May Loc: Kankanapalli, Salur K.A:17118


Antifertility: Stem bark extracts with Sesamum indicum oil one spoonful twice

a day is given from 4th day of menstruation to 11th day.

Dye: Dye is extracted from the flowers.

Post natal Care: Gum is extracted from the bark is fried with ghee and is

administered twice a day for 15 days.

Butea superba: Roxb. Fam: Fabaceae

VN:Tiga moduga


A large woody climber; leaves trifoliate, leaflets large with fine hair

beneath, obovate-subrhomboid; flowers 2-4 cm, yellowish red, racemes; pods

long flat.

Fl & Fr: Mar – May.

Loc: Vetaganivalasa, Pachipenta. K.A:17474


Dye: Dye is extracted from the flowers.

Haematuria: Stem bark is made into paste. 2 spoonfuls paste is administered

on empty stomach once a day for 3days.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: 2 spoonfuls of root decoction is taken twice a day for a


Caesalpinia bonduc: L.Syn: Guilandinia bonducella L., C. crista L., C. bonducella

(L), C. bonducella (L.) Flem. FAM: Caesalpiniaceae.

VN: Gatchakaya

A straggling thorny shrub; leaves with large leafy, branched; leaflets

about 10 pairs, elliptic-oblong; flowers in racemes; pods clothed with wiry

prickles; seeds 1-3, hard, grey and shining.

Fl & Fr.: Apr.-Aug.

Loc: Mondemkhallu, G.L.Puram K.A:17476


Abortion: Seeds ground with Sesamum indicum oil, three

Black Quarter Disease in Cattle: The leaves boiled alongwith the leaves of

Vitex negundo, Cassia occidentalis, Tinospora cordifolia and Pupalia lappacea and

the extract given orally to cattle.

Epilepsy: Root bark ground with that of Pongamia pinnata, made into pills; 2

pills twice a day are administered for 30 days.

Spoonfuls of the extract are given orally thrice a day for 3days.

Calotropis gigantea: (L.) R.Br. ex Ait: Syn: Asclepias gigantea L. Fam:



VN: Jilledu

Large bushy shrub to 3 m, covered with white soft wool; leaves elliptic

to oblong, coriaceous, auriculate, apex acute, subsessile; inflorescence

umbellate, extra-axillary panicle; corolla white or purple, lobes spreading;

follicles oblong, inflated.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Denkada K.A:17478


Cough: Latex applied on neck region to relieve cough.

Epilepsy: Roots crushed with the fruits of Terminalia chebula and the filtrate

mildly heated and administered one spoonful once a day for 30 days.

Leucorrhoea: Root decoction with paste of long peppers (3:1) is taken orally.

Rabies: Latex applied over the affected parts.

Stomach pain: Roots crushed with garlic and the extract administered 3

spoonfuls thrice a day till cure.

Calotropis procera: (Ait.) R. Br. Syn: Asclepias procera Air. Fam:


VN: Thellajilledu

Large bushy shrub to 3m; leaves decussate, obovate, coriaceous,

auriculate, apex acute, subsessile; inflorescence extra-axillary umbellate

panicle; corolla purple, lobes erect.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Nelliparthi, Saluru K.A: 17507


Antidote to Snake Bite: One drop of latex allowed to fall on the sand and

made into tablet form. One tablet is given orally immediately after snakebite.

The poison comes out through vomiting.

Antiperiodic: 100gm gynostegium mixed with 25gm black pepper is

administered orally with water. 3 tablets are given in 7 days.


Arthritis: Pills of a black gram size are made from 1 teaspoonful of latex and

mixed with 20 g sugar and 1 g calcium carbonate. One pill twice a day is

given for 3days.

Asthma: Root powder is mixed with latex and tamarind juice and is given

internally twice a day till cure.

Cancer: 1-2 pieces of gynostegium are taken orally with water daily in the

morning for 45 days.

Constipation: Leaves smeared with slightly warmed mustard oil are tied on

stomach portion to get relief.

Cold and Cough: Gynostegium heated on pan till it turns into ash and

common salt is added to it. This ash is taken orally twice a day for 4 days.

Dislocation of Naval: Latex is applied on naval region to cure dislocation of


Earache: Yellow mature leaves are slightly warmed and its extract is taken

out. 1-2 days rops of the extract is poured into ears to cure earache.

Epilepsy: Paste made by adding 25 flowers with 12 nos. of black pepper and

1gm jaggery is taken orally with water twice a day.

Gastroenteritis in Goats: Filtrate of 100-150 gm flowers boiled in water is

administered orally to goal once a day for 3days.

Gingivitis: Fresh green twig heated is used as toothbrush to cure gingivitis

problem in cattle.

Tuberculosis: 1-2 days rops of latex are administered orally once a day for 45


Canavalia gladiata: (Jacq.) DC. Prodr. Syn: Canavalia ensiformis Backer,

Dolichos gladiatus Jacq. FAM: Fabaceae

VN: Tammakaya,

A large climber, woody leaves, trifoliate, obovate, acute, glabrous

leaflets; flowers pinkish white or lilac, in racemes; fruit flat pod, 10-20cm long.

Fl & Fr: Sep.-Mar

Loc: Thonam, Salur K.A:17529



Diarrhoea: The roots along with the roots of Cocos nucifera, Lawsonia inermis,

Jasminum sambac, Solanum melongena, Pergularia daemia ground to paste, 2

spoonfuls of the paste per day along with water is administered for 3days.

Epilepsy: Roots are pound with the roots of Calotropis procera, Pergulari daemia

and mustard seeds (Brassica juncea var. integrifolia). 2 Spoonfuls of the paste is

administered per day for 5 days.

Food: Tender fruits used as vegetable.

Canthium parviflorum Lam., Syn: Plectronia parviflorum (Lam.) Fam:Rubiaceae

VN: Chinnabalusu

A thorny shrub with stout spines; leaves elliptic-obovate, glabrous;

flowers tetramerous, yellowish-white, in axillary cymes; fruit drupe,

yellowish colour.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Dec.

Loc: Jiyyammavalasa K.A:17510


Rhematoid Arthritis: stem bark powder mix with a stem bark powder of

Alangium salvifolium, Cassia auriculata powder and pinch of turmeric powder.

This mixed administered along with decoction of fruits and flowers of Cassia

auriculata boiled with Cuminum cyminum seeds.

1 Spoonful of powder is given twice a day for 14 days.

Constipation: Boiled leaves are made into paste and given orally thrice a day

for 2 days ays.

Capparis zeylanica: L. Syn: Capparis horrida L.f. Fam: Capparidaceae

VN:Aridonda, Aadonda

A thorny climbing shrub, bark rough, yellowish brown; leaves ovate-

obovate; flowers at first white afterwards pink, filaments purple; fruit

obovoid or globose, reddish brown.


Fl & Fr: Jan-May

Loc: Kothavalasa K.A:17481


Earache: Root bark in sesamum oil is boiled and filtered. The cooled filtrate

is poured into ear periodically at intervals of 6 hours for 3days.

Paralysis: Root bark ground with aerial root of Ficus benghalensis and tail of

garden lizard and the paste is made into pills. 2 pills are given per day for 40


Tuberculosis: Root bark ground with Piper nigrum and made into pills, two

pills are administered twice a day for 15 days.

Cardiospermum halicacabum: L. Fam:Sapindaceae

VN:Budda kakara

A climber, stem wiry; leaves alternate, leaflets deeply cut into

segments, glabrous, coarsely dentate; flowers small. White coloured in

axillary cymes; fruit loculicidal capsule, 3-valved, trigonous, membranous.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Dec. Loc: Merakamudidam K.A 16537


Burns: Leaf paste along with oil of Ricinus communis is applied over the

affected parts.

Leucorrhoea: 5 ml of root extract is taken once a day for 15 days.

Carissa spinarum: L. Syn: C. hirsuta Roth, C. spinarum L. var. hirsute (Roth), C.

diffusa Roxb. FAM: Apocynaceae.

VN: Vakakaya

Throny scandent shrub, branchlets grey-tomentose, leaves ovate with

sub-cordate or rounded base, shining, 3-5 x 1.5-2.5 cm, flowers white in

terminal or axillary cymes; berry globose, red when ripe.

Fl & Fr: May-Nov. Loc: G.L.Puram K.A:17483


Food: Fruits are edible.


Leucorrhoea: The roots ground to paste with tubers of Cynodon dactylon and

the paste used along with honey for 7 days.

Snakebite: Root paste is applied on the bitten part.

Stomach pain: 5 ml of root extract is administered thrice a day for 3days.

Caryota urens L. Fam: Arecaceae


Palm with smooth cylindrical trunk; leaves bi-pinnate; leaflets

triangular, apex margins variously serrate; flowers on pendulous spadix; fruit

globose reddish when ripe; one seeded.

Fl & Fr: Feb-Aug

Loc: Mamidipalli, Salur K.A:17518


Aphrodisiac: Toddy tapped from the inflorescence stalk is given in half litre

quantity once in a day for about one month continuously.

Dandruff: Nut powder made into paste applied to the head and bath is taken

after one hour for twice a week.

Toddy: An intoxicating drink is prepared.

Cassia absus: L. Fam: Caesalpiniaceae

VN:Chanupala vittulu

Erect annual herbs, upto 60 cm tall, stem and leaves clothed with grey

bristly viscous hairs. Leaves long, petioled, pinnate, leaflets 2 pairs, ovate-

oblong or ovate-elliptic, glabrous above, pubescent below. Flowers pure

yellow or tinged red, in terminal or leaf-oppossed racemes; fruit pod, flat,

covered with stiff glandular hairs, 5-7 seeded, seeds black, ovoid.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Feb.,

Loc: Parammakonda, Pachipenta K.A:17521


Asthma: 3 ml decoction of flowers in combination with the decoction of

leaves is administered internally till cure.


Cough: 5ml decoction of seeds is administered orally twice a day for 3days.

Cassia alata: L. Fam:Caesalpiniaceae

VN: Tamaramokka

A large shrub; stems erect, thick, with fine downy branches; leaves

almost sessile; leaflets 8-14 pairs, having minute sharp points, leathery,

oblique at the base; flowers large, yellow, racemes narrow; pods winged,


Fl & Fr: Oct-Feb.

Loc: Pusapatirega. K.A:17543


Asthma: Decoction of flowers in combination with the decoction of leaves is

administered internally till cure.

Cassia auriculata: L. Fam:Caesalpiniaceae


A shrub upto 2m; branchlets finely pubescent; leaves long, leaflets 8-12

pairs, elliptic-oblong, obtuse and minutely apiculate, glands between leaflets,

subulate; corymbs axillary and terminal, often panicled; petals yellow, veined;

pod flat, dehiscent, obtuse.

Fl & Fr: Round the year

Loc: Chinamerangi, Garugubilli K.A:17525


Burns: leaves burnt with the feathers of Peacock, and the ash mixed with

coconut oil applied on burns.

Opthalmic infections: 3 ml of leaf juice poured into eyes twice a day for


Cassia fistula L. Syn: C.rhombifolia Roxb. Fam:Caesalpiniaceae



A small tree upto 7m height; leaflets 4-6 pairs, ovate; flowers bright

yellow in long hanging racemes; capsule cylindrical; seeds many; all stamens


Fl & Fr:Mar-Aug

Loc:Nanda, Salur K.A:17545


Chest pain: The stem bark extract mixed with the seed oil of Schleichera oleosa

2 spoonfuls of this extract administered once a day for 3days.

Conjuctivitis: Stem bark with those of Piper nigrum and leaves of Ocimum

tenuiflorum pound to paste and applied to the eyes of cattle.

Dysentery: 5ml of raw juice of fresh bark is taken orally thrice a day for


Dysopia: Fruit pulp along with Piper longum and Ocimum tenuiflorum is given

once a day for 6 days.

Cassia occidentalis L. Syn: Senna occidentalis Roxb. Fam:Caesalpiniaceae

VN: Kasinta

A glabrous undershrub, upto 3 m tall, branchlets glabrous; leaves 10-

15cm long, paripinnate, leaflets 3-5 pairs, elliptic-ovate, membranous,

glabrous above, thinly hairy beneath; flowers bright reddish yellow in

axillary and terminal corymbose racemes; fruit pod, brown with yellow

margins, seeds 20-25 greenish brown.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Seethanagaram K.A:17548


Anthelmentic: 2 Spoonfuls of root extract mixed with a pinch of salt and

administered thrice a day for 4 days.

Boils: The leaf juice mixed with buttermilk and applied on affected parts.

Jaundice: Ten spoonfuls of leaf juice mixed with buttermilk is given thrice a

day for 7 days.


Paralysis: Dried root mixed with that of Tephrosia purpurea ground with

jaggery and the paste, one spoonful of the paste is administered once a day

for 45 days.

Cassytha filiformis: L.Fam: Lauraceae

VN:Seethamma Savaralu

An extensive, twining, parasitic herb; flowers white, bracts small;

stamens 9 in 3 rows; drupes ovoid.

Fl & Fr: Oct-Mar.

Loc: Gurla K.A:17551


Hydrocele: The whole plant crushed with sand and tied tightly on testicles

for 3days.

Muscle pains: The stem paste is mildly heated and gently massaged over the

affected areas till cure.

Celastrus paniculatus Willd. FAM: Celastraceae

VN: Dati chettu

Climbing shrub, stem dark pink; leaves alternate, ovate or obovate;

flowers pale yellow in terminal paniculate cymes; fruit globose capsule,

orange when ripe.

Fl & Fr: Mar-Oct

Loc: Gajapatinagaram K.A:17555


Leucorrhoea: Root bark ground with black pepper grains, 3 ml of extract

taken orally once a day for about 2 weeks.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Seed paste mildly heated and gently massaged over

the affected parts till cure.

Celosia argentea: L. FAM: Amaranthaceae

VN: Kodi Juttu


A annual herb leaves variable linear, ovate- lanceolate, tapering at both

ends, flowers white- pinkish in terminal spikes; seeds black.

Fl & Fr: Oct-Feb.

Location: Antipeta, Bobbili K.A: 17489


Haemorrhoids: The whole inflorescence is sun dried first, then over-dried

and pulverized into fine powder; about 50 gm is taken with water twice daily

for about 30 days.

Uterine Bleeding: The whole inflorescence is sun dried first, then over-dried

and pulverized into fine powder; about 10 gm of the powder is taken with

water twice daily for about 2 weeks.

Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. Syn: Hydrocotyle asiatica L Fam: Apiaceae

VN: Saraswathi Aku

A common, trailing herb, rooting at the nodes; leaves many at each

node, kidney shaped, toothed; flowers in clusters of umbels, reddish; fruit


Fl & Fr: Mar-Feb.

Loc: Parvathipuram K.A:17541


Anaemia: Shade dried leaves powder with powder of pepper seeds is given

in the dosages of 3 spoonfuls of powder with glass of milk early in the

morning for 30 days.

HIV: Whole plant of this along with Boerhaavia diffusa and Piper longum are

mixed in 5:3:2 proportion and ground into paste. The extract thus obtained is

administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a day.

Jaundice: The plant paste is made into pills, 2 pills are administered twice a

day for 7 days.

Memory: Plant soaked in milk for 2 days ays then the leaves are taken out,

dried and pound to powder. A pinch of this powder is administered daily for

1-2 months to improve memory.


Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker FAM: Liliaceae

VN: Dhumma lashun

Rhizomatous herb with tuberous roots; leaves suberect, lanceolate;

flowers white in dense flowered racemes; fruit capsule, 2-lobed at tip and

base, cells 3-4 seeded, seeds flat and black.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Sep

Loc: Thonam, Saluru K.A:17558


Hydrocele: Crushed tuber mildly heated and tightly tied to scrotum.

Wounds and Ulcers: Tuber paste mixed with the seed oil of Schleichera oleosa

applied over the affected parts.

Chloroxylon swietenia DC. FAM: Rutaceae

VN: Billachettu.

Tree upto 10m; bark rough, corky; leaves pinnate; leaflets numerous,

oblong, lanceolate; capsule glabrous, oblong, dark brown, loculicidally 3-

valved; seeds compressed, angular, winged above.

Fl & Fr: Feb-Jul. Loc: Manchadavalasa, Pachipenta K.A 17562


Cold: Stem bark pound with the leaves of Ocimum tenuiflorum and cloves of

Allium sativum with a pinch of salt. 1 spoonful of paste is administered per

day for 3days.

Epilipsy: Stem bark crushed with that of Strychnos potatorum and the extract

administered one spoonful twice a day for 30 days.

Impotency: Root bark extract mixed with goat’s milk and administered two

spoonfuls twice a day for 15 days.

Mosquito Repellant: The smoke of burnt leaves is used as Mosquito


Peripheral Neuritis: Stem bark, with the stem bark of Cleistanthus collinus and

mustard seeds are pound. 2 spoonfuls of the paste is administered daily

along with water for 3days.


Scorpion Sting: Stem bark paste applied over the bitten part.

Wounds and Ulcers: Leaves ground with Curcuma longa and paste applied on

wounds and ulcers of cattle.

Cissampelos pareira L. Fam:Menispermaceae

VN::Adavibanka teega

A twining herb or shrub; leaves ovate; flowers pale green; male flowers

in axillary cymose clusters; female flowers racemose; fruit drupe; seeds


Fl: Apr-Aug Fr: Sep-Dec

Loc: Jarada, Kurupam K.A:16561


Chest Pain: The extract mixed with a pinch of salt and administered in doses

of two spoonfuls thrice a day till cure.

Intestinal Worms: Leaves crushed with that of Androgaphis paniculata and

Pongamia pinnata and the extract given orally 3 sponfuls thrice a day for


Cissus quadrangularis (L.) Syn: Vitis quadrangularis L. Fam:Vitaceae

VN: Nalleru

Rambling shrub; stem fleshy, angular, glabrous, winged or margined;

leaves simple or reniform, thick coriaceous, highly coiled; flowers greenish

red, short peduncled, umbellate cymes; berry globose, reddish brown; seed

solitary, smooth.

Fl & Fr: Apr – Dec.

Loc: Kurukutti, Salur K.A:17492


Fever: Tenders stems and leaves crushed and the extract mixed with breast

milk is administered in doses of half spoonful once a day for 3days to infants.

Food: Tender stems used in curries and chutneys.

Headache: Stem paste is applied on fore head.


Cleistanthus collinus :( Roxb) Benth. Ex. Hook.f. FAM: Euphorbiaceae


Moderate sized trees; leaves alternate, simple, obovate-elliptic; male

flowers in axillary clusters; female often solitary; fruits capsules; seeds black.

Fl & Fr: Apr – Dec

Loc: Cheepurupalli K.A:17495


Suicide: Stem bark or fruits crushed in goat’s milk and the extract taken

orally for committing suicide.

Cleome gynandra L. Syn: Gynandropsis pentaphylla DC., C.monophylla L. Fam:


VN: Vaminta

A strong smelling, hairy, sticky annual herb; leaves 5-foliate, leaflets,

sessile; flowers in corymbs, white or purple; capsules 2-4; seeds kidney

shaped, brown.

Fl & Fr: Nov – Jan

Loc: Boddavalasa K.A:17566


Headache: Leaves paste is applied on the head for 1 day.

Peptic Ulcer: 50 ml of the plant juice is given orally once a day for every

3days for about 6 times.

Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon FAM: Verbenaceae

VN: Gantubarangi

Perennial shrub upto 2 m; stem bluntly 4-angular; leaves sessile;

flowering branches forming a sub-pyramid; corolla blue, rarely white; drupe


Fl & Fr: Jul – Dec

Loc: Kurupam K.A:17547



Analgesic: 100 g root in one liter of water is boiled down to half one. This

decoction in one glassful administered twice a day for 7 days.

Fever: Roots crushed with that of Rauvolfia serpentina and the filtrate

administered in the dosages of 3 spoonfuls once a day for 5 days.

Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels Syn: Menispermum hirsutum L., C. villosus DC

Fam: Menispermaceae


Climbing, villous, evergreen dioecious shrub; leaves variable in shape

and size; staminate flowers in short, slender panicles, pistillate flowers in

clusters; drupe reddish black.

Fl: Nov-Jan Fr: Dec-Apr

Loc: Elwinpet, G.L.Puram K.A:17507


Rheumatoid Arthritis: 12 g o f roots crushed with 2 long pepper seeds are

mixed in a cup of goat milk and the extract is taken daily once for a fortnight.

Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Syn: Bombax religiosum L., Cochlospermum

gossypium DC. Fam:Cochlospermaceae

VN: Konda gogu

A small tree, cracked bark leaves 5-lobed, lobes tomentose below;

flowers yellowish in colour; fruit 5-valved capsule, seeds covered with pale

brown silky wool, black in colour.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Jun

Loc: Ramavaram, Bobbili K.A:17554


Bone Fractures: Stem bark is ground into paste and it is plastered over the

effected area.

Dandruff: 5ml of leaf decoction is taken for bath twice a week.


Coldenia procumbens L. Fam:Boraginaceae


Procumbent herb; leaves obovate-oblong; flowers white; drupes

pyramidal, 4-lobed; seed solitary in each lobe.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Jun Loc: Donkinavalasa, Makkuva K.A:17570


Cuts: Whole plant powder mixed with coconut oil and applied on the

affected parts.

Eczema: Plant paste along with that of Eclipta prostrata is applied on the

effected parts till cure.

Epilepsy: Root paste is applied on forehead.

Psoriasis: The leaves of Coldenia procumbens along with whole plant of

Argemone mexicana and rhizome of Curcuma longa in equal proportions are

taken and burnt to make into ash. The resulting ash is mixed in coconut oil

and made into a paste. This paste is applied continuously for about 30 days

Costus speciosus (Koenig) Smith Syn: Banksea speciosa Koen Fam:


VN: Adavidumpa

Erect herb with rhizome; stem spiraled, slightly woody at the base;

flowers bluish white in dense spikes; seeds black, angular with white aril.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Oct

Loc: Yerrasamanthavalasa K.A:17511


Abortion: 10g of Rhizome paste is administered twice a day for 5 to 7 days.

Chicken pox: Rhizome paste is applied on the body about 5 days.

Crotalaria verrucosa L. Fam:Fabaceae


A branched herb; leaves ovate-oblong; obtuse; flowers bluish or white

terminal racemes; pods minutely pubescent.


Fl & Fr: Aug-Dec

Loc: Thonam, Saluru K.A:10514


Impetigo: 5g of the leaf paste is applied externally on the effected area.

Scabies: Leaf paste is applied externally on the affected area till cure.

Cryptolepis Buchanani: Roem. & Schult. Syn: Nerium reticulatum Roxb. Fam:


VN: Adavipala Teega

Climbing shrub; leaves obovate; flowers pale yellow in axillary

branched cymes; corona lobes 5, fleshy; pollen grains granular; follicles 10cm


Fl & Fr: Apr-Aug

Loc: Artham, Komarada K.A:17560


Diarrhoea: One spoonful of dried root powder is administered twice a day for

5 days.

Galactagogue: 200g of leaf paste is administered once a day for 7-10 days to

increase lactation.

Irregular Menstruation: Root paste with milk is given for two to three days.

Curculigo orchioides: Gaertn FAM: Hypoxidaceae

VN: Nelatadi

An erect herb, 10 cm height; root stocks tuberous; leaves linear-elliptic,

placate, nerves prominent; flowers yellow, long, axillary, solitary, or in simple

racemes; capsules ovoid; seeds 4, grooved.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Kedaripuram, G.L.Puram K.A:17578


Cuts: Roots are made into paste, and the paste is applied on the affected area

till cure.


Irregular Menstruation: Tuber paste with curd is taken orally for three days.

Piles: Two spoonfuls of tuber extract is administered twice a day till cure.

Curcuma longa L. Syn:C. domestica Valeton Fam: Zingiberaceae


Rhizomatous plant; leaves elliptic-oblong; flowers few, yellow; calyx

with few fine hairs; ovary stiffly hairy at the top.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Oct

Loc: Dandigam, Saluru K.A:17563


Rheumatoid Arthritis: Fresh rhizome juice is massaged over the affected area

till cure.

Rhizomepowder “turmeric” used in the curries, powder paste used for face

and legs.

Skin Diseases: The juice of the fresh rhizome is administered over the

affected area.

Curcuma pseudomontana Graham. Syn: Curcuma Montana sensu Baker


VN: Adavi Pasupu

Erect herb; tuberous rhizome; leaves lanceolate-oblong, scape showy

with lower greenish coloured bracts and upper pink-rose or white coloured

bracts; flowers yellow in colour; fruit capsule, globose, 3-valved.

Fl & Fr: May-Sep Loc: Kuntham, Komarada K.A:17581


Diabetes: 2 Spoonfuls of tuber extract with the juice of Phyllanthus emblica is

administered twice a day for 7 days.

Galactagogue: Boiled tubers ground with a pinch of salt is administered

orally once a day for 7 days.


Jaundice: 2 Spoonfuls of tuber extract with curd is administered twice a day

for 10 days.

Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Fam: Cuscutaceae

VN:Seethamma savaralu

Twining, leafless, parasitic herb; branches fleshy, forming dense,

yellow masses on shrubs and trees; flowers pale white, solitary, clustered or

in racemes; corolla lobes reflexed; stigmas diverging; capsules depressed


Fl & Fr: Nov-Mar

Loc: Thunda, Makkuva K.A:17584


Epilepsy: One spoonful of decoction of the young plant with honey is

administered once a day for 7 days.

Tongue Ulcer: Plant paste is applied for tongue ulcers.

Cynodon dactylon Pers. Syn: Panicum dactylon L. Fam: Poaceae


Perennial, glabrous grass; stems slender, creeping; leaves narrow, flat;

inflorescence consisting of 2-6 spikes radiating from a purplish stalk.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Bobbili K.A:17517


Dysuria: 10 Leaves are pestled with 7 leaves of Zizyphus mauritiana and 7

grains of raw rice and a mixture is prepared by adding 150 ml of water to it.

This is taken once in a day for about 10 days.

Piles: An infusion of the grass with milk is given for about 15-20 days.

Cyperus rotundus L. Syn: C. subcapitatus Clarke, C. tuberosus Rottb. Fam:




Perennial herb; stem sparsely tufted; leaves several, flat, scabrous;

sheaths brown; inflorescence simple or compound; glumes ovate; nut oblong,


Fl & Fr: Jun-Nov Loc: Jarajapupeta, Nellimarla K.A:17519


Diarrhoea: Three or Four of tuberous underground stolons are crushed and

the extract along with few drops of honey is taken orally for about 3days.

Intermittent Fever: Half glass of tuberous decoction is administered thrice a

day till the fever subsides.

Dalbergia latifolia:Roxb. Fam:Fabaceae

VN:: Iridi

Deciduous tree upto 10m; leaves elliptic, subcoriaceous; corolla white,

stamens 9, monadelphous; pod oblong, 1-4 seeded.

Fl & Fr: May-Dec

Loc: Dev Gutchimpeta, Salur K.A:17567


Fever: 2 spoonfuls of stem bark extract is administered twice a day for three


Leprosy: 1 Spoonful of bark and leaf extract is administered once a day for 3


Leucoderma: Stem bark powder is applied on the affected part and a tea

spoonful powder is administered internally once a day for about 30 days.

Wood: Wood is valuable used for making house articles or furniture.

Dalbergia paniculata: Roxb. Fam:Fabaceae

VN:Porla patchari

A shrub or a small tree; pinnate leaves, glabrous, black when dry;

flowers light blue to pink coloured; fruit pod, 2 –seeded, winged.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Mar


Loc: Duggeru, Makkuva K.A:17587


Swellings: Leaves are ground into paste; it is applied on the affected area.

Wood: Wood is valuable used for making house articles or furniture.

Datura innoxia mill. FAM: Solanaceae

Syn: D. metel auct. Non Linn.

VN::Nalla Ummetta

Herb upto 75 cm, tall, pubescent all over; leaves ovate or elliptic,

unequal sided at base; flowers white, solitary; capsule globose, covered with

slender spines.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year.

Loc: Kandirivalasa, Pachipenta K.A:17572


Asthma: Leaves are dried and burnt. The smoke is inhaled to get relief

during early stages.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Root crushed with that of Dioscorea bulbifera 2 inches

each and the extract is administered twice a day for 5 days.

Datura metal L. Fam: Solanaceae

Syn:D.fastuosa auct. non Linn.

VN: Tella Ummetta

Annual erect herb; leaves long, pubescent on both surfaces; flowers

pale purple or white, solitary at the center of dichotomous branching; calyx

lobes 5, corolla tubular, 5 toothed; stamens 5; capsule covered with short


Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Kurupam K.A:17590


Asthma: Root powder is mixed with honey and is given which acts as an anti-

cognizant and gives quick relief.


Rheumatoid Arthritis: Leaves and fruits are ground into paste and massaged

over the affected area till cure.

Delonix regia: (Boj. ex Hook) Syn: Poinciana regia Boj. ex Hook



A moderate sized tree, bipinnate leaves; racemes axillary or terminal,

flowers racemes; fruit pod.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Jul

Loc: Elwinpet, G.L.Puram. K.A:17592


Dysmenorrhoea: Flowers are ground to paste with a pinch of salt, and 1

spoonful of paste is administered twice a day with warm water from the first

day of menstrual cycle upto fourth day.

Food: seeds are edible.

Dendrocalamus strictus: (Roxb.) Syn: Bambusa stricta Roxb. Fam: Poaceae

VN: Sadanapu veduru

A strong erect shrub; branches drooping; sheath covered with golden

brown coloured hairs; leaves nearly 10x2cm; spikeslets are in dense globose


Fl & Fr: Apr-May

Loc: Parvathipuram K.A:17576


Abortion: Tender leaves crushed along with seeds of Hibiscus cannabinus 5

spoonfuls of this extract is given orally twice a day for 5 days (Pregnancy upto

3 months).

Fencing: Plants grown as fencing plants

House construction: Culms used in house construction.


Dendrophthoe falcate: (L.f.) Ett. Syn: Loranthus longiflorus Desr., L.falcatus L.f.

FAM: Loranthaceae


Large bushy parasite; bark smooth grey; branches smooth; leaves

opposite, unequal, coriaceous; flowers single, orange-red or scarlet.

Fl & Fr: Mar-May

Loc: Gajapathinagaram K.A:17528


Asthma: 10-12 g of stem bark powder is administered daily twice for 3days.

Leucorrhoea: 5 ml of whole plant extract is taken orally for 21 days.

Desmodium gangeticum: (L.) DC Syn: Hedysarum gangeticum L., Desmodium

collinum Wt. Fam:Fabaceae

VN: Nallarela

Erect, ascending undershrub; branches slightly angled, pubescent;

leaves simple, ovate, acuminate; racemes 20-50 flowered; flowers 2 per bract,

violet; pod linear, moniliform, lower suture deeply indented; joints 4-7,

reticulate, as long as broad, with hooked hairs.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Dec

Loc: Duggeru, Makkuva K.A:17595


Acidity: dried leaf powder is kept inside a small piece of cloth dipped in ghee

and burnt to smoke. The smoke is inhaled thrice a day for 20 days.

Boils and Blisters: leaves ground with a pinch of salt and the paste is applied

on the affected areas till cure.

Desmodium pulchellum: (L.) Benth Syn: Hedysarum pulchellum L., Dicerma

pulchellum (L.) DC., Phyllodium pulchellum (L.) Desv. FAM: Fabaceae

VN: Karra antinta


An undershrub; leaves trifoliate, glabrous-coriaceous, ovateobovate;

flowers white-pinkish, in terminal fascicles; fruit with persistent leafy bracts,

2-3 seeded; seeds reniform.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Dec

Loc: Makkuva K.A:17597


Epilepsy: roots are ground with garlic cloves and the paste is made into pills

of Bengal gram seed size and the pills are administered in doses of three pills

twice a day for about 30 days.

Dillenia pentagyna: Roxb: FAM: Dilleniaceae

VN: Revadichettu

Deciduous tree; bark grey or pale brown, smooth; leaves obovate,

acute; inflorescence fascicled; flowers white; fruit pendulous with the

enclosed fleshy sepals.

Fl: Mar-May Fr: Jun-May Loc: Anasabadra K.A:17584


Rheumatoid Arthritis: 3 inches of stem bark is crushed with sufficient

quantity of salt and the extract is administered orally daily once for 3days.

Dioscorea bulbifera: L.Syn: Dioscorea sativa thumb. Non Linn. FAM:


VN:: Adavi Dumpa

Climbing herb; stems twining to the left, bulbiferous; roots tuberous,

globose; leaves broadly ovate-sub-orbicular; flowers unisexual, male flowers

green or purplish, female flowers in axillary spikes; fruit capsule, recurved.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Dec.

Loc: Anasabadra, Makkuva K.A: 17531


Sterility: Tuber paste is used orally from the 4th day of menstruation for a

period of 21 days to attain sterility.


Dioscorea oppositifolia L. FAM: Discoreaceae

VN: Tella gadda

A climbing shrub; leaves opposite, broadly elliptic, oblong or ovate;

flowers yellowish green; fruit capsule, sub- orbicular broader than longer.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Nov

Loc: Jarada, Kurupam K.A:17587


Fractures: Tubers ground to paste along with tubers of Dioscorea pentaphylla,

stem bark of Litsea glutinosa, aerial root tubers of Vanda tessellata and ste of

Viscum articulatum. The paste along with gingerly oil and blood of black hen

is made into pills. Two pills are given twice a day for 30 days.

Dioscorea pentaphylla: L. Syn: D. jacquemontii Hook. F. D. triphylla L. Fam:


VN:: Dukkapendalam

Large climbers; leaves palmately compound with axillary corky

bulbils; flowers in spikes, unisexual; fruits capsules, oblong, deflexed; seeds

flattened, winged.

Fl & Fr: Feb-Sep

Loc: Kurupam K.A:17602

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Tuber paste is applied externally over the affected area

till cure.

Diospyros chloroxylon Roxb. FAM: Ebenaceae

VN: Ellinda

Small tree; leaves oblong-obovate; flowers white, unisexual, male

flowers pound in a group in capitate cymes and female solitary larger than

male flowers; fruit berry.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Feb.

Loc: Sathabhi, Pachipenta K.A:17534



Diarrhoea: Two spoonfuls of leaf juice is given twice a day for 3days.

Fractures: stem bark ground with that of Holopttela integrifolia, roots of

Plumbago zeylanica, Allium sativum and Syzygium aromaticum and the paste

made into pills. Two pills are administered orally twice a day till cure.

Menstrual Disorders: 5ml of tender leaf juice is given twice a day for 15 days.

Diospyros melanoxylon: Roxb. Syn: D. tupru Buch-Ham, D.dubia Wall. ex DC.

Fam: Ebenaceae

VN: Beedi Aku

A medium sized tree, 5-10m. High tomentose; leaves elliptic narrowed

at both ends; flowers in panicles of drooping cymes; fruits yellowish when


Fl & Fr: Oct-Apr

Loc: Andra K.A:17590


Cold and Coug One spoonful of stem bark extract mixed with jaggery is

administered twice a day till cure.

Diarrhoea: Two spoonfuls of tender leaf juice is administered thrice a day for

5 days.

Fracture: Unripe fruit paste is plastered over the affected area till cure.

Leaves: Leaves used for wrapping beedies.

Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) Syn: Bryonia palmate L. , Bronopsis laciniosa auct.

(Non (L.)Nadu Fam:Cucurbitaceae

VN:Linga Donda

A shrub, tendril 2-fid; leaves palmately lobed, denticulate; flowers

monoecious, male in axillary panicles, female solitary, pale yellow coloured;

fruit globose, brick red coloured when ripe.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Jan

Loc: Kothavalasa K.A:17606



Fertility: 10ml of leaf decoction administered once a day to induce menses in

girls for fertility.

Ticks: fruit juice poured into ear to kill ticks.

Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Mant Syn: E.alba (L.) Hassk., Verbesina alba L., V.

prostrata L. Fam: Asteraceae

VN: Guntakalagaraku

Annual prostrate herb with ascending branches to 70 cm tall; leaves

oblong-lanceolate; flowers in terminal or axillary heterogamous heads, white;

fruit achene, obovate-oblong, triquetrous.

Fl & Fr.: Most part of the year

Loc: Balijipeta, Badangi K.A:17612


Acidity: 5ml plant decoction is administered orally before each meal for 15

days. Spicy food is not allowed during the course of treatment.

Alopecia: 3ml leaf extract is given orally twice a day for 3 months.

Body Pain: 5ml of fresh leaf extract is given orally thrice a day for 5 days.

Boils: Leaf paste is applied externally to boils and 5ml extract is given orally

twice a day for 15 days.

Bronchitis: 10ml of whole plant decoction is given orally twice a day with

honey for 7 days.

Burns: 3 ml of whole plant extract is given orally twice a day for 15 days.

Leaf paste is used for external application.

Constipation: 5g of root powder is given orally once a day for 3days.

Diarrhoea and Dysentery: 3ml of whole plant decoction is given orally twice

or thrice a day for 7 days.

Eczema: Plant paste is applied externally on the affected area for 15 days.

Fever: 5ml of plant extract is given orally twice or thrice a day for 7 days.

General Weakness: 5ml of plant extract mixed with 3 gm fruit powder of

Phyllanthus emblica is given orally twice a day for 6 weeks.


Gingivitis: 3ml of leaf extract is given orally twice a day for 3 weeks.

Haemorrhoids: 5ml of root extract is administered orally thrice a day for 21

days. Spicy food is not permitted during the treatment.

Hair fall: 3ml of leaf extract is given orally twice a day with cow milk for 3


High Blood Pressure: 5ml of plant decoction is given orally twice or thrice a

day for three months. This therapy is prescribed to adult patients only.

Minimum intake of spices, fat and salt is advised during treatment.

Jaundice: 5ml of plant extract mixed with plant extract of Boerhavia diffusa is

given orally twice a day for 15 days.

Liver Enlargement: 7ml of plant extract is given orally twice a day for one

month. Minimum in take of spices, fat and salt is advised during treatment.

Loss of Appetite: 5ml of leaf decoction is given orally before each meal, twice

a day for 15 days till complete cure is obtained. Leaf powder is given orally

after each meal for 15 days.

Palpitation of Heart: 3ml of leaf extract mixed with honey is given orally

thrice a day for 5 days.

Paronychia: Whole plant paste is applied on the affected parts.

Pimples: 5ml of fresh leaf extract is given orally twice a day with cow milk

for 2 months. Spicy food is prohibited.

Premature Graying of Hair: Fresh leaf extract is gently applied to hair.

Spleen Enlargement: 10ml of leaf extract mixed with honey is given orally

twice a day for 15 days.

Urinary Tract Infections: 5ml plant extract is given orally twice a day for 15

days. The same recipe is used to wash genitalia externally; treatment

continues till complete cure.

Weakness of Vision: Leaf extract is given orally twice a day with cow milk

for 3 months till complete cure is obtained.

Wounds: Leaf extract is used to wash open wounds.

Wrinkles: leaf extract with Withania somnifera root powder is given orally

with cow milk twice a day for 3 months.


Elephantopus scaber L. FAM: Asteraceae

VN: Nelamarri

An erect herb; leaves alternate, radical, deeply denatate, hairy;

homogamous heads, pinkish; achens ribbed.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Feb

Loc: Jami K.A:17593


Anthelmintic: 5ml of root decoction given orally twice a day for 6 days.

Diarrhoea: Two spoonfuls of root extract is administered twice a day for 5


Eczema: Dried root paste mixed with mustard oil is applied on the affected


Stomach pain: Root alongwith fruit of Helicteres isora are taken 2:1 proportion.

20ml of this extract is given twice a day for 1 day.

Elytraria acaulis (L.f.) Syn: Justicia acaulia L.f., Elytraria crenata Vahl. Fam:



Herb; leaves radical, obovate-elliptical, crenate with rounded tips;

flowers white colour, imbricate; fruit capsule, acute-oblong; seeds ovoid.

Fl & Fr: Oct-Dec.

Loc: Thotapalli, Parvathipuram K.A:17596


Anasarca: Two spoonfuls of the decoction of the tuberous roots is

administered twice a day for 7 days.

Boils: Leaf paste is applied on the affected parts.

Menstrual Disorders: Two spoonfuls of the leaf juice is administered twice a

day for 9 days.

Entada pursaetha: DC Syn: E. Scandens auct. non Benth., Mimosa entada L., e.

Rheedii Spreng., E. monostachya DC. Fam:Mimosaceae



Gaint, woody, unarmed climbers; leaves even pinnate; leaflets 4 pairs,

ovate-obovate; flowers creamish, scented in axillary spikes; pods elongate,

flat, woody with 1-seeded segments.

Fl: Jan-Apr Fr: Mar-May Loc: Jarada K.A:17603


Rheumatism: Seed coat made into paste and applied externally on the

affected parts till cure.

Erythrina suberosa: Roxb. Fam:Fabaceae

VN:: Mulla moduga

A moderate sized tree, with thick corky bark, branches armed with

yellowish sharp, stout conical prickles; leaflets rhomboid, green, glabrous

above; racemes crowded at tips of branches; flowers bright scarlet; pod

tapering at both ends; seeds 2-4, black.

Fl & Fr: Mar-Aug Loc: Vepada K.A:17615


Dysentery: Root of this plant, barks of Oroxylum indicum, Aegle marmelos,

Pueraria tuberosa and garlic are crushed in equal quantities, cooked in oil and

this oil is given in the doses of two spoonfuls a day for 5 days.

Erythrina variegata: L.Syn: E. indica La Fam:Fabaceae

VN: Baditha

Small armed deciduous tree; leaves trifoliate, leaflets rhomboid-ovate;

flowers bright red, in 5-15 cm long racemes; fruit 6-8 seeded pod; seeds red to

dark purple or brown.

Fl & Fr: Mar-Aug

Loc: Bangaramma Colony, Salur K.A:17540


Cold and Coug Leaf smeared with castor oil, warmed and applied on the

head of young babies.


Intestinal Worms: Two spoonfuls of leaf juice is given orally once a day for

3days to kill intestinal worms.

Eucalyptus globules: Labill. FAM: Myrtaceae

VN: Neelagiri chettu

Large trees bark smooth, sheds in long strips or sheet, leaves elliptic-

ovate, lanceolate or falcate. Flowers whitish, solitary or rarely three, axillary;

fruit globular, sessile.

Fl & Fr: Mar-May

Loc: Coastuvalasa, Pachipenta K.A:17606


Antiseptic: Oil is obtained from leaves by steam distillation, is used locally for

upper respiratory tract.

Bronchitis: 3 ml of leaf extract is given orally twice a day for 7 days.

Euphorbia hirta: L. Syn: Chamaesyce hirta Millsp. E.pilulifera sensu auct. non

L. Fam: Euphorbiaceae

VN:Pacchabottu chettu

Erect or decumbent herb; leaves elliptic, ovate-oblong; flowers

greenish, in axillary, cyathia; capsules pilose.

Fl & Fr: Through out the year

Loc: Gantikonda, S. Kota. K.A:17609


Dysentery: 3 spoonfuls of leaf extract mixed with sugar is administered twice

a day for 7 days.

Leucorrhoea: 20 g of leaves are crushed and extract of the leaves is taken with

honey once in the morning for a month.

Rheumatism: Leaves are warmed and bandaged over the affected part by

applying castor oil till cure.


Evolvulus alsinoides: L. Syn: Convolvulus alsinoides L. FAM: Convolvulaceae

VN: Vishnukrantha

Small hairy procumbent, diffused perennial herb with small woody

root stock; leaves densely clothed with appraised silky hairs; flowers light

blue, solitary or sometimes in pairs, jointed near the middle of the peduncle.

Fl. & Fr: Through out the year Loc: Kesali, Pachipenta K.A:17624


Jaundice: 2 spoonfuls of leaf paste is mixed with onion bulb paste is

administered twice a day for 7 days.

Leucorrhoea: Whole plant paste is used

Evolvulus nummularius: (L.) Syn: Convolvulus nummularius L. Fam:


Prostrate herb; stems rooting at nodes; leaves oblong, orbicular,

glabrous; flowers white in colour, solitary or in 3-flowered cymes; fruit

capsules, subglobose; seeds 2-4.

Fl & Fr: July – Dec Loc: Pedakada, Dattirajeru K.A:17612


Burns: Plant paste is applied on affected parts.

Fever: Plant crushed with few seeds of Trachyspermum ammi. 1 spoonful of

extract is administered twice a day for 3days.

Ficus bengalensis: L. Syn: F. Indica, L., Urostigma bengalense (L.)

Fam: Moraceae

VN: Marri chettu Bore E: Banyan tree

Very large, much branched tree; prop roots arise from branches and

support the plant; leaves spiral, minutely pubescent; inflorescence

hypanthodium; receptacles globose, red when ripe.

Fl: Jan – Mar Fr: Oct – Dec. Loc: Veduruwada, Palakonda K.A:17627


Boils: Latex is applied on the affected parts.


Fruits: Fruits are edible, leaves used for making food plate.

Leucorrhoea: Tender root used to treat leucorrhoea.

Rheumatism: Milky juice of the bark is applied on the affected parts till cure.

Ficus racemosa: L. Syn: F. glomerata Roxb. Fam : Moraceae

VN:Medi chettu

Large deciduous tree; leaves elliptic – lanceolate, alternate; figs

monoecious, cauliflorous, globose, white, pilose, ripening red.

Fl & Fr: Mar-Jun

Loc: Meraka mudidam K.A:17615


Diarrhoea: Stem bark crushed with Curcuma longa and the 5 ml of extract is

given orally once a day for 7 days.

Leucorrhoea: 10 g ripe fruit along with 30 g sugar candy are taken with milk

twice a day.

Rheumatism: Latex is applied locally on the affected part till cure.

Ficus religiosa: L. Fam: Moraceae


Tree, leaves ovate-round, cusp, linear; receptacles depressed, globose,

in axillary pairs.

Fl & Fr: Jul – Nov

Loc: Baridi, G.L. Puram. K.A:17543


Diarrhoea: 2 spoonfuls of stem bark extract is taken orally once a day for


Gonorrhoea: 100g of the bark is shade dried and crushed in to powder. This

powder in dosage of one spoonful twice a day is taken with milk for 15 days.

Paralysis: Stem bark extract mixed with butter milk is given in 2 spoonfuls

twice a day for 30 days.


Flacourtia indica (Burm. f.) Merr. Syn: Gmelina indica Burm. f., F. ramontchi L'

Herit., F. sepiaria Roxb. Fam: Flacourtiaceae


Small tree; branchlets sparsely armed; leaves spiral, oblong, orbicular

or ovate; flowers cream; drupe globose; seeds obovoid.

Fl & Fr: Jan – Jun

Loc: Marika, S. Kota. K.A:17630


Bronchial Allergy: 3 Spoonfuls of root extract is given twice a day for 3days.

Jaundice: 2 spoonfuls of leaf juice is administered twice a day for 7 days.

Garuga pinnata Roxb. Fam: Burseraceae


A large deciduous tree; leaves imparipinnate, crowded at the tips,

leaflets 13-19; flowers yellow in colour; fruit drupe globose, 1-seeded.

Fl: Apr- May Fr: Nov – Dec.

Loc: Kumili, Konada, K.A:17618


Stomachache: Stem bark along with the roots of Tridax procumbens and the

bark of Butea monosperma and Pterocarpus marsupium taken equal proportions

and extract is prepared 10 ml of this extract is given twice a day for 1 day.

Gloriosa superba: L. Fam: Liliaceae


A scandent or climbing herb with perennial cylindrical and branched

corm; leaves ovate-acuminate; flowers solitary or in sub-corymbs; perianth

lobes large, wavy and attractive, red and mottled with yellow; capsule

oblong, 3 grooved.


Fl & Fr: Jul – Oct.

Loc: Tachidi, Komarada K.A:10546


Asthma: Leaf paste is heated and applied on the forehead and neck for 7


Rheumatism: Rootstock is crushed and boiled in sesamum oil for an hour.

The oil is strained and applied on joints for about a month to get rid of the


Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz) DC Syn: Limonia pentaphylla Retz.,

G.cochinchinensis Sensu. FAM: Rutaceae

VN:: Gulimi

A large shrub; leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 3-7, alternate, oblong

lanceolate, acute; flowers greenish white in axillary panicles; fruit berry,

globose, pinkish.

Fl & Fr: Apr—Nov Loc: Dandigam, Salur K.A:17632


Conjuctivitis: Raw fruits are taken orally for 3days.

Peripheral Neuritis: Root pounded with 21 long peppers along with water, 2

spoonfuls of the paste is administered per day for a period of 3days.

Gmelina arborea Roxb Fam:Verbenaceae


Unarmed, deciduous tree; tender parts fulvous tomentose; leaves

broadly ovate, cordate, subcoriaceous, apex obtuse to acute; corolla brownish

yellow; drupe yellow.

Fl:Mar-Jun Fr:Nov-Dec

Loc: Kurupam K.A:10548



Chest pain: stem bark ground with that of Streblus asper, Careya arborea and

Piper nigrum and the paste made into pills, one pill a day is administered for

30 days.

Cough: 5ml of leaf juice is administered twice a day for 7 days.

Gonorrhoea: 3ml of leaf juice is administered once a day for 21 days.

Ulcer: Leaves made into paste and the paste is applied on the affected parts.

Gmelina asiatica: L. Syn: G.parviflora Roxb. Fam:Verbenaceae


Armed shrub upto 3m; leaves elliptic, ovate, and glaucous below;

racemes axillary and terminal; corolla golden yellow; drupe yellow.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Dec.

Loc: Gedarikonda, Salur K.A:17621


Dandruff: The ripe fruit paste applied to scalp 1 hour before bath for 4


Leprosy: Root pound with the tuber of Maerua oblongifolia, and made into

paste. 1 spoonful of the paste is administered with water for 30 days.

Toothache: Root ground to paste with cloves and the paste is applied twice a

day for 7 days.

Wounds: Fruit juice along with turmeric powder is heated and applied on the

affected parts.

Grewia hirsute: Vahl Syn: G.hirsuta Wall. Var. helicterifolia (Wall.) Haines,

G.helicterifolia Wall. FAM: Tiliaceae

VN: Bontur chettu

Shrub 1 m height; leaves densely villous beneath with stellate and

fasciculate hairs, sparsely above, 3-4 ribbed, little oblique at base, 5-9x2-3 cm,

linear or oblong-narrow, serrate, acute apex; flowers bisexual, white, in


axillary umbellate cymes; drupe with indistinct 4-lobes, fleshy orange, 8.0-1.5

cm diam, epicarp hairy; pyrenes 4.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Oct. Loc: Mondemkallu K.A:17551


Leucorrhoea: One spoonful of root, powder with 100g fresh cow milk is given

thrice a day for two to three weeks.

Grewia tiliaefolia: Vahl FAM: Tiliaceae

VN: Tadachettu

A moderate sized tree; leaves glabrous; ovate lobes unequal; flowers

yellowish in axillary umbellate cymes; fruit glabrous, 2-lobed.

Fl & Fr: Mar-May

Loc: Rangupuram, Kurupam K.A:17636


Lice: leaf paste is used as a hair wash to kill lice.

Fracture: Root bark paste is applied as plaster on dislocated joints of cattle.

Gymnema sylvestre: (Retz.) R. Br. Ex Schult. Syn: Periploca sylvestris Retz.

FAM: Asclepiadaceae


Woody climber with milky latex; leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate, acute,

rounded, pubescent below; flowers yellow, in axillary umbels; calyx lobes 5,

corolla lobes 5, stamens 5, ovary 2-celled; follicle slender, beaked at apex.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Nov

Loc: Gujjalagedda, Komarada K.A:17255


Cobrabite: Root pounded with roots of Aristolochia India and Rhinacanthus

nasuta. The paste along with infant’s urine administered immediately for

cobra bite.

Diabetes: Leaves powdered along with leaves of Aegle marmelos, Andrographis

paniculata, Syzigium cumini, Zizyphus rugosa and the tubers of Carallocarpus


Epigaeus in 2:1 ratio. 1 spoonful of powder along with hot water is given

twice a day for 1 week.

Dysentery: Roots crushed with the roots of Soymida febrifuga and Careya

arborea and paste along with water is administered twice a day for 4 days.

Galactogogue: Roots crushed with the Piper longum 10ml of extract is given

orally once a day for 21 days.

Tumours: Root pound with Phoenix sylvestris and Trichosanthes tricuspidata

and the paste made into pills. One pill per day is administered orally for 7


Haldinia cordifolia (Roxb.) Ridsd. Syn: Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Hook. f. ex

Brandis, Nauclea cordifolia Roxb. Fam:Rubiaceae

VN: Bandaru

Large deciduous tree, up to 18m tall; bark brownish-grey, thick

furrowed; leaves thick chartaceous, orbicular-ovate; flowers yellowish in

axillary heads; fruit capsule, cuneate, densely downy, breaking into 2

follicular cocci; seeds 6, elongate, tailed above or winged.

Fl: Jun-Sep Fr: Feb-May

Loc: Donkinavalasa, Parvathipuram K.A:17642


Leucorrhoea: stem bark mixed with that of Sterculia urens, ground, boiled

with Piper nigrum, decoction given orally for 9 days. Salt and oil food

prohibited during treatment.

Scorpion Sting: Leaves made into paste and applied as a plaster immediately

after scorpion bite.

Wounds: Leaves made into paste and applied on the affected parts.

Helicteres isora: L. FAM: Sterculiaceae

VN: Chamali

Shrubs; leave alternate, simple, lobed, oblong-obovate, unequal base;

flowers in axillary panicles, reddish brown; fruits follicles, spirally twisted.


Fl & Fr: Apr-Dec Loc:Manchadavalasa, Pachipenta K.A:17624


Dysentry: Fruits with that of seeds of Trachyspermum roxburghinum is made

into decoction, 5ml of this decoction is administered twice a day for 3days.

Scorpion Sting: Root decoction is given orally immediately after the snake


Hemidesmus indicus :(L.) R. Br. Syn: Periploca indica L. Fam: Asclepiadaceae


A twining, prostrate perennial plant; leaves variable, dark green,

undersurface pubescent; flowers green on outside, purple within; follicles

very slender, spreading.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Nov

Loc: Lakkavarapukota K.A:17631


Diarrhoea: Root ground to paste with roots of Jatropha curcas and Holarrhena

pubescens two spoonfuls of the paste is administered twice a day for 3days.

Fever: 5ml of root decoction is administered twice a day for 3days.

Herpes: Root ground to paste with the roots of Aristolochia indica and tubers

of Cyperus rotundus and paste is applied on infected parts.

Galactagogue: 5ml of root powder with garlic is administered orally once a

day for 21 days.

Menstrual Disorders: Roots crushed with Allium sativum, 2 spoonfuls of the

extract is administered twice a day for 5 days.

Snake bite: Root ground with Allium sativum and the paste applied

immediately after snakebite.

Hemionites arifolia: Bunn.

Family: Adiantaceae

VN: Ramabanam


Stipes dark brown, hairy, fronds 5-7 cm, heart shaped sori along the

veins. Seen in moisture areas.

Sori: Jun.-Aug.

Locality: Donubay K.A : 18561


General tonic: Plant used as general tonic by all tribes.

Hibiscus cannabinus: L. FAM: Malvaceae


Herbs; leaves alternate, simple, palmately lobed with neactariferous

gland beneath; flowers in racemes, yellow with purple base; fruits capsules;

seeds dotted with scales.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Jan

Loc: Bondapalli K.A:17645


Abortion: Young flower buds ground into paste and the paste is

administered orally.

Purgative: 100g of leaf paste along with black pepper grains is roasted with

sesamum oil and administered early in the morning on empty stomach.

Hibiscus micranthus: L. FAM: Malvaceae

VN: Nityamalli

Shrub; leaves ovate, lanceolate, petiolate; flowers white, axillary; ovary

5-celled; seeds 2with cottony hairs.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Dec

Localty: Cheepurupalli K.A:17634


Dandruff: Leaves are made into paste and the paste is applied on the scalp.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis :L. Fam: Malvaceae



Shrub; leaves ovate-Ianceolate, petiolate; flowers solitary; fruit oblong,

but not reaching maturity.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year.

Loc: Therlam K.A:17649


Boils: The fresh leaves or flower bud are crushed ad applied as poultice on

the affected area.

Bronchitis: Decoction prepared from the fresh flowers, and the decoctions

divided into 2 parts and add sugar to the decoction. Each part is given for

morning and evening for 3days.

Dandruff: Leaf paste is applied on the scalp continuously for 7 days.

Epilepsy: Stem bark dried and made into powder one spoon full of powder

is administered twice a day for 15 days.

Leucorrhoea: 5ml of leaf extract is taken orally twice a day for 21 days.

Holarrhena pubescens: Wall. Ex G.Don. Syn: H. antidysenterica Wall. ex DC.,

Echites pubescens Buch. – Ham. FAM: Apocynaceae

VN: Palakodisa

A shrub or small tree; leaves ovate, opposite; flowers white, sweet

scented in axillary and terminal cymes; follicles in pairs, cylindrical; seeds


Fl & Fr: Apr-Oct

Loc: Anasabadra, Makkuva K.A:17636


Asthma: One teaspoonful of bark powder is given orally till cure.

Dysentery: Roots pound to paste along with the roots of Jatropha curcas ad

Hemidesmus indicus, 2 spoonfuls of the paste is administered twice a day for


Stomachache: Roots crushed with Madhuca longifolia, Rauvbolfia serpentina

and Aristolochia indica and paste is made into pills. 1 pill is given orally once a

day for 3days.


Holoptelea integrifolia :( Roxb.) Planch. Syn: Ulmus integrifolia ( Roxb.)


VN: Nemali Nara

Large deciduous tree, tender party pubescent; leaves distichous,

elliptic, ovate, apex acute, flattened above; fruit dry winged.

Fl & Fr: Feb-Jun

Loc: Gunukollu, Komarada K.A:17652


Abortion: Root bark crushed with the roots of Plumbago zeylanica in 1:1 ratio, 3

spoonfuls of the extract given orally thrice a day for 5 days.

Abscess: Tender leaf paste is applied on the affected area till cure.

Blisters: Leaf made into paste and is applied on the affected parts.

Bone Fracture: Stem bark paste plastered over fracture bone.

Peripheral Neuritis: Stem bark found with the stem bark of Cassia fistula and

roots of Cocculus hirsutus 2 spoonfuls of the paste is administered twice a day

for 3days.

Wood: wood is used for making agricultural implements.

Hybanthus enneaspermus :( L.) F.V.Muell. Syn: Viola enneasperma L.,

Lonidium suffruticosum (L.) Ging., Viola suffruticosa L. Fam: Violaceae

VN:: Ratnapurasha

Small perennial erect herb; leaves simple, linear-ovate, attenuate,

serrate, apex acute; flowers pink, axillary, solitary; the lowest petal largest

with spurred claw and broad limb; capsule 8-12 seeded.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Nov

Loc: Seethanagaram K.A:17558


Impotency: 3 spoonfuls of whole plant extract is mixed with goats’ milk and

administered once a day for 30 days.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Root extract is taken internally till cure.


Hyptis suaveolens :(L.) Poir Syn: Ballota suaveolens: Fam: Lamiaceae

VN:Seema Tulasi

A tall, hispid, shrub; angular stem; leaves aromatic, ovatelanceolate,

acuminate, serrate; flowers blue, in capitate cymes and axillary; fruit nutlet.

Fl & Fr: Oct—Jan

Loc: Pujariguda, Parvathipuram. K.A:17639


Fever: 5ml of root decoction is administered twice a day for 3days.

Ulcers: Seed paste is applied on the affected parts.

Ichnocarpus frutescens :(L.) R.Br. Syn: Apocynum frutescens L.

Fam: Apocynaceae

VN: Palateega

Straggling shrub; up to 10m long; leaves oblong or elliptic-obovate,

coriaceous; flowers greenish white, numerous, in axillary and terminal,

trichotomous cymes; fruit paired follicular mericarps.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Nov

Loc: Jiyyammavalasa K.A:17655


Epilepsy: 2 spoonfuls of the root filtrate with curcuma longa is administered

twice a day till cure.

Haemorrhage: Root crushed with Cuminum cyminum and Trachyspermum

roxburghianum seeds and the paste with lemon juice is administered once a

day for 9 days.

Ipomoea carnea: Jacq. FAM: Convolvulaceae

VN: Thuti Aku.

A straggling shrub; leaves alternate or lobed; flowers axillary, solitary

or in cymes, bracts various; calyx 5, often enlarged in fruit; corolla

campanulate; stamens 5, filaments filiform; fruit capsule; seeds 4-6.


Fl & Fr: Feb-Jun

Loc: Sivini, Komarada K.A:17659


Rheumatoid Arthritis: leaves are warmed and bandaged over the affected

area for 1 night.

Ixora pavetta: Andrews. Syn: i. Parviflora vahl FAM: Rubiaceae

VN: Korivi chettu

A large shrub; leaves thick, coriaceous, elliptic-obovate, opposite;

flowers in white-cymes, sessile, fruit black, berry, globose.

Fl & Fr: Mar – Jun

Loc: Naya, Komarada K.A:17647


Jaundice: 2 spoonfuls of stem bark extract is administered twice a day for 9


Muscle pain: Root or stem bark crushed with garlic cloves, 3 spoonfuls

filtrate is given twice a day for 5 days.

Skin Disease: Leaf paste is applied on the affected parts.

Jatropha curcas :L. Fam: Euphorbiaceae


A monoecious shrub; leaves simple, broadly ovate, lobed; flowers

green, branched in dichasial cymes; capsules green; seeds black, carunculate.

Fl & Fr: Jul - Mar

Loc: Lovavalasa, Mamidipalli, Salur. K.A:14652


Burns: Latex is applied on affected area.

Coug Stem bark ground with a pinch of salt, made into pills, 2-3 pills are

administered twice a day for 3days.


Dysentery: Root powder mixed with roots of Holarrhena antidysentrica and

Hemidesmus indicus, 2 spoonfuls of the paste is administered twice a day for 2

days ays.

Fencing: Plants as hedge plants around the jatapu houses.

Jatropha gossypifolia :L. Fam:Euphorbiaceae

VN:Seema Nepalamu

Shrub, upto 3 m tall, monoecious, branchlets dark purple, glandular

hairy, leaves glaucous, cordiform, deeply 3-5 lobed, lobes obovate, flowers in

axillary cymes, fruit capsule, subglobose, seeds oblong.

Fl & Fr: Through out the year.

Loc: Nanda, Salur K.A:17661


Bone fracture: Root paste is plastered over the joints.

Leucorrhoea: Root is ground with 6 ml of milk mixed with seed powder of

Acacia catechu and made into tablets. One tablet is given daily on empty

stomach for 3days.

Paralysis: Root pounded with the roots of Canavalia gladiata and Capparis

sepiaria along with Brassiaca juncea var.integrifolia seeds and the paste is made

into pills. 1 pill is administered per day for 15 days.

Justicia adhatoda :Medik. Syn: Adhatoda visica Nees; Adhatoda zeylanica

L. Fam:Acanthaceae

VN: Addasaramu

Erect shrub, upto 1.5m tall, branchlets pubescent, leaves oblanceolate;

flowers creamish white in dense, axillary spikes; fruit capsule, beaked, seeds

4, orbicular, rugose.

Fl & Fr: Oct – Mar.

Loc: Coastvalasa, Pachipenta. K.A:17650


Cough: One teaspoonful of the leaf extract is taken orally for 7 days.


Diarrhoea: One spoonful of the leaf extract is taken twice a day till cure.

Fencing: Plants as hedge plants around the jatapu houses.

Throat Infection: Leaves and roots are ground and the extract is taken orally.

Kalanchoe pinnata :(Lam.) Syn:Cotyledon pinnata Lam. Bryophyllum calycinum

Salisb. B. Pinnatum (Lam.)


VN: Gallarapaku.

A semisucculent herb; leaves decussate, oblong or ovate-elliptic,

glabrous, greenish; flowers yellow, pendulous in paniculate cymes, seed


Fl & Fr: Jan-Mar

Loc: Dattirajeru K.A:17664


Boils: Leaves are slightly warmed and plastered over the affected parts.

Coug A single raw leaf is eaten per day with empty stomach in the morning

for about 7 days.

Diarrhoea: 2 Spoonfuls of leaf paste along with black pepper grains is

administered twice a day for 3days.

Lagerstroemia parviflora :Roxb. Fam:Lythraceae


A tree, 8-10 m height; leaves elliptic-obtuse or acute, coriaceous;

flowers white in terminal and axillary panicles; petals obovate; capsules


Fl & Fr: Apr –Dec

Loc: China merangi K.A:14665


Dysentery: Tender leaves are ground into paste with pepper grains. This

paste in doses of two spoonfuls is administered once a day for 5 days.

Fever: 2 spoonfuls of root bark decoction is taken orally twice a day for 3days.


Rheumatism: Stem bark paste is massaged locally over the affected area.

Stomach Ache: Leaves are crushed with that of Mangifera indica and Syzygium

cumini and the filtrate is administered in doses of two spoonfuls of twice a

day for 3days.

Lannea coromandelica: (Houtt.) Merr.Syn: Dialium coromandelicum Houtt.

Odina wodier Roxb FAM: Anacardiaceae

VN: Gumpena

A large deciduous tree; leafless in dry condition; leaves pinnate,

leaflets oblong, acuminate, entire; flowers in terminal fascicled racemes,

reddish brown in colour; fruit 1 –celled, drupe.

Fl & Fr: Mar – May

Loc: Ramabhadrapuram K.A:17561


Cuts: Stem bark paste or gum applied over the affected area.

Gastric trouble: 1 spoonful of stem bark decoction administered twice a day

till cure.

Mosquito Repellant: The gum is used as mosquito repellant.

Lantana camara :(L.) Mold. Syn: L. aculeata L. FAM: Verbenaceae

VN: Kampu rodda

Straggling armed shrub; leaves crenate-serrate; flowers pink or orange,

in axillary capitate spikes; drupes ripe in black, globose.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Donubay K.A:17672


Rheumatoid Arthritis: 3 teaspoons of tender shoot decoction is administered

daily once for a 30 days.

Lawsonia inermis: L Syn: L. alba Lam. FAM: Lythraceae



Medium sized, much branched shrub, branches, 4-angled; flowers

greenish white, very fragrant; seeds many angular, brown.

Fl & Fr: Feb-May

Loc: Makkuva K.A:17669


Jaundice: Leaf paste mixed with curd in 1:3 proportions in doses of 3

spoonfuls twice a day for 7 days.

Leaves: Leaf paste used for colouring palms nails and foot

Leucorrhoea: 5 ml of root bark decoction is taken orally once a day for 21


Motions: Leaf paste is given to cattle in doses of 100 g once a day for 3days.

Syphilis: Half spoon of leaf paste is administered daily for 16 days.

Leonotis nepetiifolia :(L.) Syn: Phlomis nepetiifolia L. Fam:Lamiaceae

VN: Ranabheri

A tall herb; leaves ovate, crenate-coarsely; flowers small, orange in


Fl & Fr: Oct – Jan.

Loc: Paramma konda, Pachipenta K.A:17672


Breast Pain: Ash of inflorescence mixed with mustard oil is applied on breast

for post natal breast pain.

Burns: Ashes of flowers are applied over the affected parts.

Wounds: Ashes of inflorescence and seed powder in sesamum oil is applied

over the affected parts.

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link. Syn: Phlomis aspera Willd. L. plukenetti (Roxb.)

Spreng Fam: Lamiaceae

VN: Tella Tummi

Annual herbs; leaves linear; flowers in terminal verticals; nutlets



Fl & Fr: Through out the year

Loc: Rama colony, Salur K.A 17433


Rheumatoid Arthritis: Juice of leaves mixed with milk is taken orally twice a

day for 15 days.

Limonia acidissima :L.Syn: Feronia limonia (L.) Sw., F. elephantum Correa, L.

elephantum (Correa) Panigr., Schinus limonia L. Fam: Rutaceae

VN: Velaga

Small armed tree, spines straight, branchlets densely tomentose; leaves

alternate, imparipinnate; flowers creamish in axillary and terminal panicles;

fruit berry, woody, indehiscent; seeds many, embedded in pulp.

Fl: Apr-May Fr: Aug-Nov.

Loc: Pachipenta K.A:17566


Rheumatoid Arthritis: Root is ground with bulb of Allium sativum and made

into pills. These are taken orally twice a day till cure.

Limonia elephantum :( Correa) Syn: Feronia elephantum Correa, Limonia

acidissima L., Feronia limonia (L.), Schinus limonia L. Fam: Rutaceae

VN: Velaga

A moderate sized tree; leaves imparipinnate; flowers in terminal

racemes, polygamous, reddish green; fruit globose; seeds embedded in pulp.

Fl: Feb-Mar Fr: Sep-Oct.

Loc: Ajuru, Pachipenta. K.A:17676


Dandruff: Fruit pulp made into paste and applied over the scalp, after 30

minutes head bath is taken.

Whooping Coug Root bark and fruit pulp crushed with black pepper and the

extract is administered two spoonfuls twice a day till cure.


Lygodium flexuosum :( L.) Sw. Syn: Ophioglossum flexuosum

FAM: Lygodiaceae


A graceful fern climber; pinnae margins serrulate; fertile pinnae several

times longer than broad; surface slightly hairy.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Dec.

Loc: Tikkibai, Kurupam K.A:17678


Anaemia: 1 pinch of root powder once a day for 15-21 days.

Dysmenorrhoea: 15g of roots with 7 black pepper fruits are made into paste

and given twice for about 5 days.

Jaundice: Leaf paste is applied all over the body for 7 days.

Stomach pain: Root paste about 15g in one glassful of water is taken twice a

day for about 3days.

Madhuca indica J. Syn: M.latifolia Macb., Bassia latifolia Roxb.

Gmel. Fam: Sapotaceae

VN: Ippa

Deciduous tree; leaves elliptic , coriaceous when old, rounded, apex

apiculate; flowers creamish- white in axillary panicles; stamens in 3 series;

berries ovoid, pedicel stout; seeds 2.

Fl & Fr: Mar-May

Loc: Jantikonda, Makkuva. K.A:17681


Asthma: five flowers are boiled in a glass of water until it is reduced to half

and is administered orally once a day for 5-10 days

Leucorrhoea: Stem bark with leaves of Andrographis paniculata and stem bark

of Zizyphus xylopyrus arte taken is equal quantities and powdered. Powder

made into pills of peanut seed size. 2 pills administered twice a day for 30



Madhuca longifolia :( Koen.) Macbr. Var. latifolia (Roxb.) Syn: Bassia latifolia

Roxb. FAM: Sapotaceae

VN: Pedda Ippa

A tree; leaves elliptic– acuminate; flowers in terminal panicles, pedicels

brown, pubescent, berries ovoid.

Fl: March Fr: May-Jun

Loc: Odisilametta, Makkuva K.A: 17570


Drink: An intoxicating drink is prepared from the flowers.

Dysmenorrhoea: Mustard seeds and roots pound to paste and made into pea

nut sized pills, 2 pills administered once a day for 10 days.

Lactation: Root or stem bark crushed with black pepper, 3 spoonful of the

extract is administered twice a day after delivery for 15 days.

Sprains: Seed oil is warmed and applied on the affected parts till cure.

Stomach pain: Roots crushed to paste along with the roots of Aristolochia

indica, Holarrhena pubescens and Rauvolfia serpentina is made into pills. 2 pills

per day are administered till cure.

Seed: Oil is extracted from the seeds used for light and general purposes.

Mallotus philippensis :( Lam.) Muell. Syn: Croton philippensis Lam., Rottlera

tinctoria Roxb. FAM: Euphorbiaceae

VN: Hanumanthuni bottu

Medium sized trees, leaves simple, peltate, palmately veined; flowers

in axillary racemes, unisexual; male flowers with many stamens; female

flowers trilocular, fruits capsules with red glandular hairs; seeds smooth,


Fl: May-Aug Fr: Feb-Mar

Loc: Thadipudi, Gantyada K.A:17679


Anthelmintic: Fruit is made into powder and powder is used for powerful



Bruises: Fresh warm leaf juice and bark paste is applied two or three times

daily over the affected parts.

Dye: Red colour dye is extracted from the fruits.

Eruptions: Fruit paste in sesamum oil is applied on the eruptions of leprous


Wounds: Seed paste is applied on the wounds of cattle to kill worms.

Mangifera indica :L. Fam: Anacardiaceae


A large evergreen tree; leaves oblong or elliptic, lanceolate, coriaceous,

cuneate-subacute, entire-waxy, apex acuminate; panicles terminal; flowers

polygamous; drupe ovoid-oblong.

Fl & Fr: Feb-May

Loc: Komarada K.A:17573


Boils: Gum or resin extract from the bark is applied over the affected parts.

Fluent talk: Stem bark pound with the root bark of Cleistanthus collinus and

tuber of Momordica dioica. The paste is used for fluent talk in children.

Food: Fruits are edible; jelly is prepared from the fruit pulp.

Jaundice: A handful of vegetative buds are ground into paste mixed in fresh

toddy, 5ml of the juice is taken orally twice a day for 7 days.

Leucorrhoea: A tablet is prepared by mixing stem bark, leaves and flowers in

equal quantities and put into vagina daily for two weeks.

Manilkara hexandra :(Roxb.) Syn: Mimusops hexandra Roxb. Fam: Sapotaceae

VN: Pala Nimmi

A moderate sized tree, 6m height; leaves thick, glabrous shining,

obovate-cuneate, emerginate, flowers in fascicles of 3-7, axillary, buds club

shaped; fruit berry, reddish-yellow when ripe; 1 often 2 seeded, reddish

brown, shining.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Jan


Loc: Shikaruganji, Dattirajeru K.A:17685


Body pains: Stem bark with black pepper grain is crushed 2 spoonfuls of the

extract is mixed with jaggery and milk and administered twice a day till cure.

Headache: Root paste is applied externally over the forehead.

Food: Fruits are edible

Piles: Stem bark crushed with Piper nigrum, the extract mixed with Saccharum

officinarum and milk and administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a day till


Throat infection: Stem bark crushed with that of Cissus quadrangularis and

garlic cloves, 5 spoonfuls of the decoction is given orally twice a day for 3days

to cattle for throat diseases.

Martynia annua: L. Syn: M.diandra Gloxin Fam: Martyniaceae

VN: Puligoru.

An erect, annual herb; branchlets glandular-hairy; leaves simple, ovate,

cordate at base, margins sinuate, acute at apex; flowers purple with yellow

throat, in axillary cymes; capsules with 2-sharp anterior hooks.

Fl & Fr: Aug – Nov.

Loc: Belagam, Parvathipuram. K.A:17515


Bronchitis: 3 spoonfuls of root decoction administered orally twice a day for

4 days.

Headache: Leaf paste is applied over the head.

Memecylon umbellatum: Burm. f. Syn: M.edule Roxb. FAM: Melastomaceae

VN: Allichettu

A small tree; leaves simple, ovate-elliptic, acute at apex; flowers violet,

in umbellate cymes; berries deep purple when ripe.

Fl & Fr: Mar-Jul

Loc: Parammakonda, Pachipenta K.A:17579



Leucorrhoea: 2 spoonfuls of extract of root bark decoction is administered

twice a day till cure.

Mimosa pudica L. Fam: Mimosaceae


Spreading herb; branchlets glabrescent or hispid, prickles short, erect

or curved; leaves upto 4 cm long, l pinnae 1-2 pairs; leaflets 15-20 pairs,

elliptic-oblong, overlapping; leaves sensitive to touch; flowers pink in axillary

herbs; fruit flat pod, slightly undulate, 2-4 jointed, bristly along the margins;

seeds ovoid.

Fl & Ft: Jun-Oct

Loc: Morkondakutty K.A:17699


Epilepsy: The roots ground with the roots of Mundulea sericea and Mucuna

puriens and the powder is mixed with water and is given orally in the doses of

2 spoonfuls for every 15 minutes about 2 times.

Jaundice: Tender leaves crushed along with the tender leaves of Achyranthus

aspera, Zizyphus mauritiana, and Careya arborea and the paste along with cow

milk given orally in the doses of 3 spoonfuls twice a day for 5 days.

Leucorrhoea: Whole plant is finely ground and mixed with half its quantity of

sugar candy and pills are prepared. One pill is given twice daily for two

weeks Capiscum annuum oily and sour things should be avoided.

Malarial Fever: 5ml of leaf extract is administered twice a day for 7 days.

Mirabilis jalapa L. Fam: Nyctaginaceae

VN:Yerra Malli

An undershrub; branchlets succulent, swollen at nodes; leaves simple,

ovate to elliptic, apex acute or acuminate; flowers pink, in terminal cymes;

anthocarps globose, ribbed, black when ripe.


Fl & Fr: Jul-Oct.

Loc: Kurukuti K.A:17684


Chest and Muscle pain: Tuber ground with Saccharum officinarum and made

into pills, 2, 3 pills are administered twice a day till cure.

Leucorrhoea 25 ml of tuberous root decoction is administered before

breakfast once a day for 3days.

Tumours: The root tuber is ground on rock and the paste applied on


Momordica charantia: L. FAM: Cucurbitaceae

VN: Kakara

Annual, pubescent, tendrillar climber; leaves alternate, simple cordate,

much lobed; flowers in leaf axils, monoecious; fruit spindle-shaped with wart-

like surface; seeds with red aril.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Apr

Loc: Gurla K.A:17702


Diabetes: 5 ml fruit extract is administered twice a day for 35 days.

Jaundice: The leaf paste along with leaf paste of Azadirachta indica is made

into pills, 2 pills are administered twice a day for 3days.

Leucorrhoea: Handful of leaves is pounded and the juice is taken twice a day

for 3days (Only ice with sour milk is prescribed for diet).

Peptic Ulcer: 2 spoonfuls of root decoction is administered daily once till cure.

Momordica dioica :Roxb. Fam: Cucurbitaceae

VN:Adavi Kakara

A perennial climber roots tuberous; leaves cordate, 3-5 lobed; flowers

yellow, solitary, fruits ellipsoid, orange, covered with soft spines.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Nov

Loc: Theralam. K.A:17685



Burns: Leaf paste is applied on burns.

Dandruff: Tuber paste applied on head to remove dandruff.

Jaundice: The leaves crushed along with the leaves of Andrographis paniculata,

Aristolochia indica, and Barleria prionitis and the juice extracted is administered

in the doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a day for 3days.

Food: Fruits used as vegetables.

Rib Muscle pain: Tuber crushed with Tamarindus indica juice and the

decoction is given orally in doses two spoonfuls twice a day till cure.

Snake Bite: Tuber pound with that of Andrographis paniculata, and momordica

dioica the powder is administered with water immediately after snake bite.

Moringa oleifera :Lam. Syn: M. pterigosperma Gacrtn. Fam: Moringacea

VN:Munaga chettu

Small tree upto 8m; bark thick; leaves usually 3-pinnate, ultimate

leaflets elliptic or obovate; flowers white in panicles; capsules cylidnric; seeds


Fl & Fr: Apr-Jul

Loc: Merakamudidam K.A:17581


Blood Pressure: About 300ml decoction of leaves is administered orally on

empty stomach early in the morning for 15 days.

Bruises: Leaves paste is applied over the affected area.

Cold and Coug Leaves of this plant squeezed with a little salt on the palm.

Add some lime and apply around the neck.SSS

Eyesight: Leaves are cooked and eaten daily for good eye sight.

Food: Fruits used as vegetables.

Mucuna pruriens :(L.) Syn: Dolichos pruriens (L.) Mucuna prurita Hook.


VN:Durada gundi


An annual climbing herb with hairy branches, leaves trifoliate, leaflets

ovate-elliptic, pod clothed with dark brown stinging and shining bristles;

seeds 4-6.

Fl & Fr: Nov-Feb

Loc: Karakavalasa, Pachipenta K.A:17709


Dysmenorrhoea: Roots are ground to paste along with roots of Azadirachta

indica, stem barks of Chloroxylum swietenia and Holoptelia integrifolia. The paste

along with cow milk is administered in the doses of 1 spoonful per day for 5


Epilepsy: Roots are pounded with the roots of Mundulea sericea and Mimosa

pudica and the powder is mixed with water, and given orally 2 spoonfuls

every 15 minutes for two times.

Food: Leaves used as vegetables.

Murraya koenigii ( L.) Spreng. Syn: Bergera koenigii L.Fam: Rutaceae

VN: Karivepaku

Shrubs or small trees; leaves pinnately compound; leaflets alternate,

asymmetrical, oblong-lanceolate; flowers white, small, in terminal corymbose

panicles, fragrant; fruit subglobose berry, purplish black when ripe; seeds

1 or 2.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Sep

Loc: Cheepurupalli K.A:17712


Colic: A handful of leaves are pound with the roots of Alstonia scholaris and

Rouvolfia serpentina, Cuminum cyminum and caraway seeds are ground into

paste and pinch of salt is added and peanut size pills are prepared, 2 pills are

administered once a day for 3days.

Dysentery: Root barks or leaves ground with Saccharum officinarum and the

paste is administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a day till cure.


Murraya paniculata: (L.) Jack. Syn: M. exotica L. Chalcas paniculata L.


VN:Naga golugu

A small evergreen tree, nearly 4 m height; leaves imparipinnate,

leaflets 3-7, alternate; flowers frequent, white, solitary or in 1-3 flowered

corymbs; berry oblong; seeds solitary, woolly.

Fl & Fr: Mar – Nov K.A:14691

Loc: Saraya valasa, Dattirajeru


Anaemia: The roots mixed with the roots of Toddalia asiatica and grounded to

paste and a spoonful of paste is given along with ghee daily for a week.

Paralysis: The roots along with the roots of Toddalia asiatica and stem bark of

Morinda tinctoria are pound to paste, one spoonful of paste along with water is

administered orally once a day for 6 days.

Musa paradisiacal L. Fam: Musaceae

VN: Aratikaya

A stoloniferous plant; leaves large; spikes drooping; fruits oblong,


Fl & Fr: Through out the year

Loc: Palakonda K.A:16716


Cold And Coug Leaf ash with honey is taken twice a day for 3days.

Diarrhoea and Dysentery: Unripe fruit boiled and given with rice and curd

till cure.

Food: Fruits are edible, tender fruits, inflorescence used as vegetables.

Impotency: Rhizome boiled with sugar candy and the extract taken orally in

the doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a day for 30 days.

Naravelia zeylanica (L.) DC Syn: Artragene zeylanica

Fam: Ranunculaceae


VN: Pullabatchala

A large climber, 4-5 m. high; woody stem; leaves ovate-elliptic ovate,

opposite, slightly cordate base; flowers pale green-light yellow; fruit an etario

of achens with feathery styles.

Fl: Oct-Nov Fr: Nov-Jan

Loc: Marika, Donubay K.A:17585


Cold: 2-3 daysrops leaf juice is poured into nostrils to get relief.

Toothache: Stem is used to cure toothache.

Naringi crenulata (Roxb.) Syn: Limonia crenulata Roxb., L.acidissima auct. PI.

(non L.), Hesperuthusa crenulata (Roxb.) Fam: Rutaceae

VN: Torra Velaga

A large shrub or a small tree, thorny; leaves imparipinnate, petiole and

rachis broadly winged with axillary spines, leaflets sessile; flowers white

coloured, in axillary racemes.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Nov

Loc: G.L.Puram K.A:14694


Dysentery: Stem bark crushed with the bark of Strychnos potatorum and the

extract is mixed with a pinch of salt and is administered in the doses of 2

spoonfuls twice a day for 5 days.

Intestinal Worms: 5 ml of fruit juice is administered orally twice a day for


Puerperal Fever: Stem bark crushed with that of Strychnos potatorum, the

extract mixed with a little salt and administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice

a day for 5 days.

Nelumbo nucifera: Gaertn. Syn: Nymphaea nelumbo L., Nelumbium speciosum

Wiild. FAM: Nelumbonaceae

VN: Kamalam


A perennial erect herb, rhizome, deep, underground, creeping, leaves

large conical, peltate; flowers white, yellow or rose colour; carpels embedded

in the torus.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Aug.

Loc: Konada, Pusapatirega. K.A:17589


Conjunctivitis: Perianth parts are soaked in water in an earthen pot overnight

and the eyes are cleaned with the water during conjunctivitis for relief.

Diarrhoea: 2 spoonfuls of rhizome extract is administered twice a day for


Nicotiana tabacum L. Solanaceae


Annual, erect, subshrubs; leaves cauline, broadly ovate, elliptic-ovate,

upper leaves narrowed, lanceolate; flowers in terminal corymboid panicles;

fruit capsule.

Fl & Fr: Feb-Mar

Loc: Thonam, Salur K.A:17719


Asthma: 10-12g of flowers are burnt to ash by heating in an air tight earthen

pot and 2g of this ash is given with Piper betel leaf once a day for about 30


Nyctanthus arbor-tristis L. FAM: Nyctanthaceae

VN: Parijatam

A large shrub-small tree; scabrous; leaves ovate-cordate, opposite,

rough, flowers in terminal trichotomously cymes, fragrant, fruit capsule,

orbicular and compressed.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year.

Loc: Krishnapuram, Dattirajeru. K.A:17592



Dandruff: Seed paste is applied to the scalp and head bath is taken after one


Malaria: Decoction of the leaves with black pepper fruits, ginger and pinch of

salt is made into a paste and is administered thrice a day for 3days.

Muscle Pains: 5 ml of leaf decoction is taken orally once a day for 2 days ays.

Ocimum americanum L. Syn: O.canum Sims Fam: Lamiaceae

VN:: Bhootulasi

An erect much branched strongly aromatic herb, stems quadrangular,

pubescent; leaves elliptic-ovate; flowers white or creamish in terminal

racemes; nutlets oblong, black, pitted.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Feb.

Loc: Damarasingi, Donubai. K.A:17697


Fits: The leaves of this plant along with black pepper fruits and garlic cloves

are crushed into a paste and the paste is given in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a

day for 15 days.

Migraine: 2-3 daysrops of leaf juice poured into the nostrils.

Wounds: Leaf paste applied over the affected parts.

Ocimum basilicum L. Syn: O.americanum L. Fam: Lamiaceae

VN:: Kukka Tulasi

A large herb; leaves ovate, wedge shaped, glabrous, entire or slightly

dentate; flowers white-purple coloured in thyrsoid racemes; nutlets large,

mucilaginous when wetted.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Jan.

Loc: Poram, Palakonda. K.A:17596


Diarrhoea: Seeds are ground into paste and pills are made into bengal gram

seed size, 1 pill is administered twice a day for 3days.


Ocimum tenuiflorum L. Syn: O.Sanctum L. Fam:Lamiaceae

VN:Krishna Tulasi

Aromatic, subshrub to 1m; branchlets hispid, terete; leaves elliptic–

oblanceolate, truncate, serrate–undulate, apex apiculate; flowers in terminal

racemes; calyx purplish green, glabrous within; corolla white, purplish

within; calyx not much enlarged in fruit; pedicel spreading, longer than calyx.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year.

Loc: Sangamvalasa, Parvathipuram. K.A:17701


Conjunctivitis: Leaves pound with stem bark of Cassia fistula and pepper.

The paste applied to the eyes of cattle.

Fits: Leaves pound with the leaves of Vitex negundo and the fresh juice

extracted is administered along with honey in doses of 5ml once a day for 10


Gastric trouble: 1 spoonful of leaf juice mixed with a little camphor

administered orally twice a day for 5 days.

Headache: leaves crushed with the leaves of Cleome gynandra and the 2 days

rops of fresh juice instilled into nose and eyes.

Jaundice: Leaves pound with the leaves of Eclipta prostrata, 3ml of fresh leaf

juice is administered twice a day for 7 days.

Rheumatism: Leaf juice mixed with little camphor is administered in doses of

1 spoonful twice a day for 5 days.

Oroxylum indicum (L.) Benth. Ex. Kurz. Syn: Bignonia indica L. FAM:


VN:: Pampini

A small tree about 5m height; leaves long, 2-3 pinnate; leaflets ovate-

acuminate; flowers in racemes; capsules flattened; seeds winged.

Fl: Jul-Aug Fr: Dec-Mar.

Loc: Korukonda, Sunnapugedda K.A:17605



Antifertility: Root bark or seeds ground with roots of Spermacoce articularis

and the intestine of mangoose and the paste made into pills. 1 pill is

administered after menstruation.

Dysentery: 3ml of root bark extract is administered thrice a day for 3days.

Leucorrhoea: Stem bark along with roots of Abelmoschus manihot subsp.

tetraphyllus var. tetraphyllus is crushed together and infusion is prepared. 3 ml

is given orally twice a day for 3days.

Liver enlargement: Root ground with the roots of Amaranthus spinosus and

the paste along with hot water is administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a

day for 5 days in children.

Orthosiphon rubicundus (Don) Benth. Syn: Plectranthus rubicundus Don, Fam:


VN: Nela tappidi

An erect herb, 20-3-m hig leaves ovate-oblong, dentate, coarsely

crenate; flowers white-lilac, on long racemes, nutlets compressed, punctuate.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Dec.

Loc: Gunukollu, Komarada. K.A:17704


Diarrhoea: Root tubers pounded with the stem bark of Cleistanthus collinus

and Oroxylum indicum. A pinch of turmeric powder, caraway seeds, dried

ginger is also added. 2g of the paste is administered along with breast milk

for infantile diarrhoea.

Gonorrhoea: tuberous roots pound with roots of Brassica juncea var.

integrifolia and Asparagus racemosus. The paste along with water is

administered in doses 1 spoonful twice a day for 3days.

Piles: Tubers ground to paste with the tubers of Maeruva oblongifolia, and

Asparagus racemosus. 2 spoonfuls of the paste alongwith water is administered

once a day for 9 days.


Pandanus fascicularis Lam. Syn: P.odoratissimum L.f., P.tectorius sensu

C.Fisher Fam: Pandanaceae

VN; Mogali

A branched shrub or tree; leaves linear-ensiform, stoutly armed with

white prickles on margins and dorsal midrib, under-surface of leaf glaucous;

fruit an oblong syncarpium, yellow colour.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Dec.

Loc:Konada, Pusapatirega. K.A:17609


Skin Disease: The inflorescence is made into a paste and it is applied over

affected area.

Sterility: Root paste is made into pills of Bengal gram seed size and the pills

are administered thrice a day from 4th day of menstrual cycle to 11th day.

Passiflora foetida L. Fam: Passifloraceae

VN:: Gajutiga

A tendrilled, weak stemmed climber; glandular; leaves simple, 3-lobed,

often serrate; flowers solitary white; fruit ovoid, with persistent involucre.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Mar.

Loc: Thenukherja, G.L.Puram. K.A:17707


Headache: 3ml of leaf extract is given twice a day for 3days.

Scabies: plant extract is applied over the affected parts.

Pavetta indica L. Fam: Rubiaceae


An under shrub, glabrous, 3-4 m height; leaves elliptic-obovate,

glabrous, variable in shape; flowers white coloured, in corymbose panicles;

fruit a small berry, blackish.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Oct.

Loc: Buddemkharja, Kurupam. K.A:17611



Blisters: warm leaf paste applied over the affected parts.

Epilepsy: Root bark crushed with that of Alangium salvifolium and Allium

sativum and the extract administered in doses 3 spoonfuls twice a day for 21


Jaundice: One spoonful of stem bark extract is administered once a day for 9


Urinary problems: Roots and leaves are crushed with the roots of Boerhaavia

diffusa, 2 spoonfuls of the filtrate is administered once a day for 10 days.

Pedalium murex L. Fam: Pedaliaceae

VN:Enugu palleru

Annual much branched herb, stem herbaceous; leaves opposite, broad

ovate; flowers purple or pink with yellow throat, axillary, solitary; fruit hard,

indehiscent with two prominent hooks.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Sep.

Location: Kondalingalavalasa. K.A:17735


Dysmenorrhoea: Leaves mixed with garlic cloves and black pepper fruits are

made into paste. The paste is administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls once a day

during menstrual period for 4 days.

Gonorrhoea: The plant is ground into paste and mixed in water and filtered

and the filtrate is administered with sugar in doses of two spoonfuls twice a

day for 15 days.

Menorrhagia: Leaves are soaked in water. The juice which comes out like

butter is given by mixing it with butter milk for 15 days.

Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov. Syn: P.extensa (Jacq.) N.E.Br., Cynanchum

extensum Jacq. , Daemia extensa (Jacq.) R. Br., Asclepias daemia Forssk. Fam:


VN: Dustaputeega


Perennial, twinning milky shrub with foetid small; stem clothed with

spreading hairs; leaves thin, broadly ovate to orbicular, cordate, apex acute;

racemes umbelliform, axillary; corolla greenish yellow; follicles sticky,

curved, covered with soft spines.

Fl & Fr: Oct-Apr

Loc: Kantubhuktavalasa. K.A:17713


Bone Fracture: Leaves ground with that of Plumbago zeylanica and the aerial

roots of Vanda tessellate, and the paste plastered over fractured bones.

Muscular pains in Cattle: Leaf paste along with that of Calotropis procera is

applied over the affected parts.

Stomach pain: Roots ground into paste with black pepper fruits and the

extract is administered in doses of one spoonful twice a day for three days.

Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. FAM: Arecaceae

VN: Eethachettu

Small tree; leaves long, leaflets linear; spadix axillary, spikes in clusters;

drupes oblong –ellipsoid.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Jun.

Loc: Amarayavalasa. K.A:17717


Asthma: Root tuber is pounded with those of Momordica dioica and Coccinia

grandis and the paste of 1 spoonful is administered once in a day for 3d.

Tamarind should be abstained during the treatment.

Cooling and Intoxicant: The juice produce by tapping the spadixes ad trunk

is fermented and made into country-liquor. This is used as in Intoxicant and

for cooling affect.

Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn Syn: P.niruri auct.non L. FAM:


VN: Nelausiri


Annual erect herb, up to 50 cm tall, branchlets slender; leaves elliptic

obovate or oblong; flowers axillary, unisexual, male flowers solitary in lower

axils; fruit capsule, depressed globose.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year.

Loc: Obbangi K.A:17618


Jaundice: Plant paste mixed with curd 3 spoonfuls is given orally twice a day

for 7 days.

Scalp infection: The leaves pound with the roots of Andrographis paniculata

and the paste is applied over the scalp.

Scorpion-Sting: The plant paste applied immediately over the bitten part.

Toothache: The plant paste is applied over the tooth.

Phyllanthus emblica L. Syn: Emblica officinalis Gaertn. FAM: Euphorbiaceae

VN: Peddausiri

A small or medium sized tree, about 6m height; leaves narrowly

oblong; flowers pale green in axillary clusters; berries 2-3 cm in diameter,

globose with stony endcarp.

Fl & Fr: Oct-Dec

Loc: Ingilapalli K.A:17720


Bone Fracture: Stem galls ground with leaves of Vanda tessellate and the paste

plastered over fractured bones.

HIV: Fruits of this plant along with dried ginger and Plumbago zeylanica are

mixed in 6:3:1 proportion are ground and made into paste. The extract thus

obtained is administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a day.

Scurvy: 1 green fruit is administered twice a daily for about 2-3 months.

Skin Diseases: Leaves ground with Curcuma longa and the paste applied over

the skin.

Stomach Ulcer: A table spoonful of pericarp paste is given on empty stomach

for 6 days.


Piper longum L. Fam: Piperaceae


A slender, creeping undershrub; branches erect and thin; leaves

smooth; flowers dioecious, minute; berries small and red when ripe.

Fl & Fr: Jan-Sep.

Loc: Valasaballeru. K.A:17743


Asthma: One pill of peanut size is made from long pepper and flowers of

Calotropis gigantea in equal proportions and is given twice a day until cure.

Headache: 1 gm powder of the dried fruit is taken with few drops honey to

bring immediate.

Puerperal Fever: 5ml of root extract is administered orally once a day for


Piper nigrum L. FAM: Piperaceae

VN: Pippadi gandi

A stout climbing shrub, rooting at nodes; leaves broadly ovate, entire,

rounded at base, shortly acuminate at apex; flowers pale yellow, in spikes;

berries ovoid-globose.

Fl & Fr: Feb & May.

Loc: Jiyyammavalasa K.A:17745


Cold and Coug 3ml of leaf juice is administered orally twice a day for 3days.

Emetics: 3 spoonful of root extract is given orally to stop vomtings.

Toothache: Root paste is applied over the aching teeth.

Plumbago zeylanica L. Fam: Plumbaginaceae

VN:Chitra mulamu

Scandent under-shrub, often woody at base; leaves alternate, ovate,

long petioled, often auricled at base; flowers white in terminal spikes; fruit

capsule oblong, enclosed in glandular persistent calyx 2-3 cm.


Fl & Fr: Oct-Feb

Loc: Garisiguddi K.A:17729


Abortion: Root paste made into pills 2 pills are administered orally twice a

day for 5 days.

Fits: 2 spoonfuls of root paste with Piper nigrum powder and infant’s urine is

administered orally for 3days.

HIV: Whole plant of this along with dried ginger and Phyllanthus emblica

fruits mixed in 6:3:1 proportion ar5e ground and made into paste. The extract

thus obtained is adminisatered in doses of 5 sponful twice a day.

Ring Worm: Roots pound to paste along with stem bark of Calotropis gigantia.

Little salt and buttermilk are also added while making the paste. The paste

applied externally over the affected areas.

Plumeria alba L. Fam: Apocynaceae:

VN:Temple tree

Small tree; leaves crowded in terminal branches; flowers fragrant,

white in lateral or terminal panicles.

Fl: Mar-Apr Fr: Jul-Oct.

Loc: Belagam K.A:17748


Rheumatoid Arthritis: Milky juice is applied as a rubefacient to the joints till


Pongamia pinnata (L.) Mierre. Syn: P.glabra Vent., Derris indica (Lam.)

Bennet., Cytisus pinnatus L., Galedupa indica Lam. Fam: Fabaceae

VN:Kanuga Chettu

A moderate sized, semi-evergreen tree; leaves alternate, imparipinnate;

leaflets opposite, ovate-obovate, acuminate; flowers purplish white, in

axillary panicles; pod woody, obliquely oblong, indehiscent, 1-seeded.


Fl: May-Jul Fr: Dec-May

Loc: Karrivalasa K.A:17751


Cough 5ml of leaf juice is given orally twice a day for 3days.

Diarrhoea: 4ml of leaf juice is given orally once a day for 4 days.

Gonorrhoea: 6 ml of root juice is administered once a day for 7 days.

Peripheral Neuritis: Stem bark ground with the stem barks of Barringtonia

acutangula, Calotropis gigantia, Casearia elliptica and rots of Aristida funiculate

are made into pills. 2 pills per day are given for 1 week.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Root bark is boiled in gingelly oil is stored in an

earthen pot and is given in doses of 1-2 spoons. Oil is also applied externally

to the affected part.

Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. Fam: Fabaceae

VN: Yegisa

Large deciduous tree leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 5-7 foliate,

coriaceous, bilobed at apex; flowers yellow in terminal panicles; pods

glabrous, flat and winged.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Sep.

Loc: Kerangi K.A:17754


Conception: 10g of stem bark ground with that of Mitragyna parvvifolia and

the paste made into pea nut seed size pills. 21 pills are administered orally

once a day for 7 days.

Dysentery: 5ml of root bark extract mixed with curd and administered orally

once a day for 3days.

Piles: Stem bark crushed with Curcuma longa and the extract mixed with a

little sugar, 2 spoonfuls of the extract is given twice a day till cure.

Pterospermum xylocarpum (Gaertn.) Sant. & Wag Syn: P.heyneanum Wall. Ex

Wt. & Arn., Velaga xylocarpa Gaertn. FAM: Sterculiaceae


VN:: Lolugu Chettu

Tree; branchlets rusty, tomentose; leaves coriaceous, ovate, obovate,

obscurely nerved, glabrous above, rusty below, irregularly shortly lobed

towards apex, unequally cordate at base, margin distantly lobed; flowers

white, scented, 2-3 in axillary cymes; sepals and petals 5 each; stamens 15,

staminodes linear; ovary 5-celled, ovules numerous, style grooved; capsule

oblong-ovoid, faintly angular; seeds many, winged along one side.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Nov.

Loc:Tumaravalli K.A:17641


Asthma: 10g decoction of the bark, 5g of leaves and a few black peppers are

given till cure.

Dandruff and Lice: Leaf paste is applied over the scalp for 30 minutes, head

bath is taken to clear dandruff and lice.

Whooping Coug 2ml of stem bark decoction is given orally once a day for

3days for infants.

Pueraria tuberosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) DC. Syn:Hedysarum tuberosum Roxb. ex

Willd. Fam: Fabaceae

VN::Dari Gummadi

A climbing shrub with huge tuberous roots; leaves trifoliate, stipules

hastate at base: leaflets ovate: flowers in axillary racemes: seeds oblong.

Fl & Fr: Mar-Apr.

Loc: Kotikipenta K.A:17757


Peptic Ulcers: Tuber extract mixed with little sugar and administered in doses

of 2 spoonfuls twice a day till cure.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Tuber paste is applied over the affected parts till cure.

Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. Ex Kurz. Syn: Ophioxylon serpentinum L.

FAM: Apocynaceae



Small erect, perennial undershrub, up to 1 m tall; the root system

consists of a prominent tuberous, soft tap root, up to 6cm in diameter having

a corky outer bark; leaves in whorls of 3, oblanceolate, glabrous; flowers pink

or white in corymbose cymes; fruit drupe, purplish black when ripe.

Fl & Fr: Mar-May

Loc:Gangareguvalasa K.A:17761


Fever: Roots crushed and 3ml of the extract is administered twice a day for


Heart Pain: Roots crushed to paste with the roots of Alstonia scholaris, 2

spoonfuls of the paste is administered once a day for 5 days.

Leucorrhoea:Stem with stem of Clerodendrum serratum, stem barks of

Strychnos nux-vomica and Alstonia scholaris are taken in equal quantities, dried

and made into powder 2 spoonfuls of powder mixed in a glass of hot water is

administered daily twice for 30 days.

Snake Bite: Roots crushed with the leaves of Kalanchoea pinnata and the

extract given orally and paste applied over the bitten spot.

Stomach Pain: Roots ground with the roots of Trichosanthes tricuspidata, 1

spoonful of the paste is administered orally thrice a day for 2 days ays.

Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. Syn: R.canescens L. FAM: Apocynaceae

VN: Papataku

A glabrous undershrub much branched; leaves thin, whorl of 4 at each

node, usually unequal size flowers whitish, in axillary or terminal cymose

clusters; drupe red, shining, glabrous and black when ripe.

Fl & Fr: Oct-Feb.

Loc: Korlam, Gantyada. K.A:17763


Blood Pressure: 6ml decoction of root bark is administered once a day for 7



Ricinus communis L. FAM: Euphorbiaceae

VN: Amudamu

A large shrub or small tree; leaves palmately 7-many-lobed; flowers in

terminal racemes; capsules 1-2 cm long with 3-valved cocci.

Fl & Fr: Most part of the year.

Loc: Garugubilli K.A:17646


Head ache: Leaves smeared with castor oil and applied on head.

HIV: Whole plant is used to cure herpes zoster, the symptom of the disease.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:100g of root decoction along with 100g of the roots of

Cassia fistula are taken in 1 litre of water and it is boiled down to ½ litre and

the filtrate is administered in doses of 50ml of 2 spoonfuls twice a day for 30

days. Warm paste of leaves with lemon is applied locally over the affected

areas once a day for 4-5 days.

Rubia cordifolia L. Syn: Rubia munjista Roxb. Fam: Rubiaceae

VN:: Tamaravalli .

A rugose vine or herb, branches 4-angled. Leaves whorled, 4 at the

node, cordate; flowers white in terminal and axillary dichasial cymes; fruit

globose drupe, fleshy.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Oct

Loc: Pedagottili K.A:17649


Giddiness and Stomach Pain: 2 spoonfuls of the root decoction is given

twice a day for 3days.

Ulcers, Eczema and Inflammation: Root paste is applied over the affected


Saccharum spontaneum L. FAM: Poaceae

VN: Rellugaddi


A perennial, tufted grass; culms upto 6m tall, stout, solid; leaf sheaths

5-20 cm long, ligule membranous with fringe of hairs; blades 16-90 x 0.3-0.8

cm linear panicle upto 60 cm long.

Fl & Fr: Sep-Nov.

Loc: Latchayyapeta, Bobbili K.A:14723


Eruptions on the Skin: 20 ml root decoction is given orally once a day for 5


Sapindus emarginatus Vahl. Syn: S.trifoliatus auct. Non L., S.laurifolius Vahl

FAM: Sapindaceae

VN: Kunkudu Kaya

Medium sized tree; leaves paripinnate, leaflets 3-4 pairs, elliptic-

oblong, coriaceous, obtuse, emarginated, base cuneate, entire; flowers

brownish yellow in terminal panicles; drupe ovoid-tomentose, 3-10 lobed;

seeds 2 in each locule, black.

Fl & Fr: Oct-Jan

Loc: Kallikota K.A:17653


Asthma: 2 g of fruit pulp is given orally twice a day till cure.

Cooling affect: Leaves are made into paste and the paste is applied over the


Dandruff and Lice: Fruit juice is applied over the scalp before taking bath.

Night Blindness: Fine paste of seeds is gently applied over the eye lids daily

at bed time for about 5 months.

Saraca asoca (Roxb.) De Wilde. Syn: Jonesia asoca Roxb. Saraca indica auct non

L. FAM: Caesalpiniaceae

VN: Ashoka.


Ever green tree, up to 5m tall; leaves even pinnate, leaflets 4-6 pairs,

oblong, coriaceous; flowers brilliant orange-yellow, pink with age in short

dense corymbose panicles. Fruit oblong,pod, compressed, flat.

Fl & Fr: All seasons

Loc: Seasadavalasa K.A: 17813


Dysentery: Flowers pounded and mixed with water and administered in

doses of two spoonfuls per day for 3days.

Irregular Menstruation: 5ml of dried bark extract is administered once a day

for 7 days.

Syphilis: Flowers pounded into powder and is applied over the affected


Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken. Syn: S.trijuga (Lour.) Oken. Pistacia oleosa

Lour. FAM: Sapindaceae

VN: Rushi Chettu.

Tree upto 15 m; bark smooth grey; leaves abruptly pinnate, leaflet 2-4

pairs; flowers in fqascicled racemes; fruit 1-celled, smooth.

Fl & Fr: Mar-Jun

Location: Rella K.A:17656


Blood Purification: 4 g of bark paste is given orally once a day for 30 days.

Bone Fracture: Stem bark paste mixed with albumen of egg plastered over

fractured bones.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Stem bark along with those of Mangifera indica and

Tamarindus indica and seeds of black horse gram (20 g each) are crushed,

boiled in 500 ml of water till it is reduced to 100 ml. 1 cup of this decoction is

taken daily once for 4 days. Bark is powdered, mixed with water and boiled

in earthen pot. The decoction thus obtained is massaged lukewarm on the

affected part thrice daily for 4 days. Seed oil is massaged over the affected

area till cure.


Snake Bite: Root bark extract is given orally two spoonfuls thrice a day, paste

is applied over the bitten spot.

Scoparia dulcis L. FAM: Scrophulariaceae

VN:: Ghod Thulasi.

Erect, much branched herb; leaves opposite or whorled, toothed,

serrate glabrous; flowers white, axillary; fruit capsule, small, globose-ovoid,

valves bifid.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Manda K.A:17781


Dysentery: Leaf/root extract mildly heated and administered in doses of 3

spoonfuls twice a day for 3days.

Fever: 2 Spoonfuls of plant juice is administered thrice a day for 3days.

Semecarpus anacardium L.f. FAM: Anacardiaceae

VN: Nalla jeedi

Small to medium sized tree; leaves simple, oblong-elliptic, thick, rusty-

villous below, nerves 16 pairs, obtuse, subacute or cordate; entire, apex

round, retuse; panicles terminal; flowers unisexual, sometimes bisexual,

rarely polygamous; drupes globose-ovoid, reniform: hypnocarp, fleshy.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Sep.

Loc: Thonam K.A:17784


Abdominal Swelling: Seeds ground with onion and the paste is applied over

the affected area.

Cracks, Cuts and Sprains: The secretion from the pericarp is applied over

affected areas.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Stem bark is ground into paste, boiled and applied

externally till cure.


Ulcers and Wounds: Stem bark paste mixed with infant urine mildly heated

and applied over the affected parts.

Wounds of Cattle: Seed oil is applied over the affected area.

Sesamum indicum L. Syn: S.orientale L. FAM: Pedaliaceae

VN: Nuvvulu

An erect herb; leaves lanceolate; flowers axillary, solitary or in racemes;

capsules quadrangular; seeds black, compressed.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year.

Loc: Chinakerjal K.A:17787


Burns and Cuts: Leaf juice is applied over the affected parts.

Dental Problems: Seed oil is used as a gargle before bed time and early

morning for about 30 days.

Shorea robusta Gaertn. F. Syn: Vatica robusta Steud. FAM: Dipterocarpaceae

VN: Guggilam

Very large tree leaves ovate; flowers pale yellow in terminal or axillary

lax panicles; fruit leathery capsule, winged, winges 6-8 times as long as fruit.

Fl & Fr: Mar-May

Loc: Pudese, Komarada. K.A:17791


Amoebic Dysentery: One spoonful of gum resin is taken into a cup of curd

and administered twice a day for 3days.

Chest Pain: 100 g of gum resin is mixed with those of Entada pursaetha seeds

(10g) and 10g of spotted deer horns are grounded to powder. This powder is

mixed with the egg albumin and applied over the chest part.

Chicken Pox: Gum resin with the leaf paste of Achyranthes aspera and neem is

applied over the affected area for 7 days.

Dysentery: 1 spoonful of seed powder is administered orally twice a day for



Gonorrhoea: 5g of resin powder is mixed with sugar candy and administered

twice a day for 7 days.

Sida acuta Burm. F. Syn: S.carpinifolia L. f. FAM: Malvaceae

VN: Nela Benda

Erect herb to undershrub; leaves oblong-lanceolate to elliptic, 3-5

nerved at base, serrate, acute at apex; stipules of each pair different; flowers

solitary or in clusters of 2-5; schizocarp ovoid, acute, wrinkled, with 6-9


Fl & Fr: Sep-Dec

Loc: Onakabadi K.A:17795


Boils, Cuts and Wounds: Root paste is applied over the affected parts.

Scorpion Sting: Leaf paste applied over the bitten part.

Sida cordata (Burm.f.) Borss. Syn: Melochia cordata Burm. f., Sida veronicaefolia

Lam., S.humilis L. FAM: Malvaceae

VN: Gayapaku

Erect, much branched, undershrub, branchlets prostrate to ascending,

tometose; leaves basal suborbicular, upper cordate-ovate. Stellate –

tomentose; flowers yellow, axillary, solitary: fruit depressed globose.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Dec.

Loc: Bogguladibba K.A:17799


Dysentery: 5g of plant paste is administered alongwith butter milk thrice a

day for 2 days ays.

HIV: Whole plant of this along with Tinospora cordifolia and Glycyrrhiza glabra

are mixed in 5:3:2 proportions. They are ground thoroughly and made into

paste. The extract obtained from this is administered in doses of 10 spoonful

twice a day till diarrhoea and dysentery gets cured and disease resistance



Paralysis: 2 spoonfuls of leaf juice is mixed with goat milk and administered

twice a day till cure.

Sida cordifolia L. Fam: Malvaceae

VN: Chiru benda

A small herb or under shrub; leaves velvety; flowers yellow in cymes;

fruit covered with calyx lobes; seeds brown to black.

Fl & Fr: Jun-Jan

Loc:Parasurampuram K.A:17668


Dysentery: 5ml of leaf extract is given twice a day for 2 days ays.

Dysmenorrhoea: Seeds are made into peanut seed size pills. 1 pill is given

daily once for 7 days.

Sexual Potency: Seeds made into peanut seed size pills. 2 pills are

administered once a day for 15 days.

Smilax zeylanica L. Syn: S. Macrophyllas Roxb. Fam: Smilacaceae

VN: Jeeri teega

A tendrillar climbing shrub; leaves ovate, orbicular, leaf base modified

into tendril; flowers pale green in umbels; fruit globose.

Fl & Fr:Sep-Jan

Loc: Moduga K.A:17806


Paralysis: The tubers are crushed with long pepper and 2 spoonfuls of the

extract is administered twice a day for 30 days.

Sperm Production: The root tuber extract with jaggery is prepared and kept

over night. 5 spoonfuls of this extract is administered once a day for 7 days.

Ulcers: Tuber paste is applied over the affected parts.

Veneral Diseases: 2 spoonfuls of the extract of crushed tuber along with piper

longum is administered twice day for 30 days.


Solanum nigrum L., Syn: S.rubrum Mill. Fam: Solanaceae

VN: Kamanchi

An undershrub, upto 1.5m tall, fulvous tomentose; leaves alternate,

ovate, lobed, base rounded or unequal, apex acute; flowers purple, solitary,

axillary; berries obovoid or oblong, green or purple.

Fl & Fr: Oct-Apr

Loc: Levidi K.A: 17810


Gonorrhoea: 5ml juice of whole plant is given thrice a day for 15 days.

Swellings: About 250 g of the whole plant (except root) is eaten as a vegetable

once a day for 5 days.

Solanum surattense Burm. f. Syn: S. xanthocarpum Scharad. S. jaquini Willd.

FAM: Solanaceae

VN: Verumulaka

A prickly, prostrate, undershrub; leaves ovate-elliptic; flowers in extra-

axillary cymes; drupe globular, yellow or white with green veins.

Fl. & Fr: Oct-Apr

Loc: Amaraivalasa K.A:17674


Jaundice: Root bark pound with stem bark of Moringa oleifera. 3 g of the paste

given orally once a day for 6 days.

Toothache: Seeds are powdered and mixed with turmeric powder and is

applied over gums and in between the teeth.

Soymida febrifuga (Roxb.) A. Juss. Syn: Swietenia febrifuga Roxb. Fam:



A moderate size tree, leaves paripinnate, alternate, leaflets elliptic-

oblong; flowers whitish in axillary terminal panicles; fruit septifragal capsule;

seeds winged.


Fl & Fr:Mar-May

Loc: Mondemkallu K.A:17813


Dysmenorrhoea: Roots along with Piper nigrum and cow milk are pound to

paste and is administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls per a day for 3days.

HIV: Stem bark and leaves are dried under shade and is made into powder.

The powder of about 5-100g is administered orally for 6 months. In severe

cases, it is continued 1 year.

Indigestion: 1 spoonful of stem bark extract is administered twice a day for 5


Rheumatism: A poultice of the bark is applied externally till cure.

Sphaeranthus indicus L. Syn: S.hirtus Willd. Fam: Asteraceae

VN: Bodasaramu

An aromatic herb with glandular hairy stem; leaves obovate oblong,

serrate; flowers pink in small heads; fruit achene.

Fl & Fr:Oct-Apr

Loc: Jakuru K.A:17818


Anthelminthic: Seeds are pound into powder; this powder is mixed with

warm water and administered one spoonful twice a day for 3days.

Diarrhoea: 1 spoonful of leaf extract mixed with sugar and milk is

administered daily for 30 days.

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (Salisb.) Syn: Cymburus urticaefolius Salisb.

Stachytarpheta indica auct. None (L.) FAM: Verbenaceae

VN:: Jamikatulasi

A tall herb; leaves coarsely serrate, glabrous; flowers white colour, fruit

oblong, ribbed.

FL & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Chinamantikona K.A:17682



Antidote to Snake Bite: 8ml of plant juice is given orally once soon after

snake bite.

Cuts and Wounds: Leaves ground with that of Leucas cephalotes and the paste

is applied over the affected parts.

Sterculia urens Roxb. Fam: Sterculiaceae

VN::Konda thamara

A tree, 12m height; leaves very large, 5-lobed; flowers in much

branched panicles; follicles oblong, densely pubescent, mixed with stinging

hairs: seeds 3-6 oblong, black.

Fl & Fr: Jan-Apr

Loc: Pudi K.A:17689


Fertility: Root bark is removed and the pith material is dried and powdered.

It is mixed with equal amount of sugar. This mixture and pepper powder in

3:1 ratio is administered in doses 2 spoonfuls twice a day along with water for

7 days.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Stem bark ground with turmeric and the filtrate is

mildly heated and administered in 2 spoonfuls twice a day for 5 days.

Gumkaraya: Edible gum is obtained from the bark of the tree.

Streblus asper Lour. FAM: Moraceae

VN: Baranika Chettu

A small, rigid, evergreen tree; leaves simple, rhomboid, elliptic, scabrid

on both surfaces; flowers yellowish green in axillary cymes: drupes enclosed

in yellow perianth.

Fl & Fr: Feb-Jun

Loc: Veduruvada K.A:17822



Rheumatiod Arthritis: Dried roots pounded with the dried roots of

Holarrhena pubescens and Piper longum. This powder is mixed with water and

boiled along with a bit of earthen pot. This extract is taken orally till cure.

Strychnos nux-vomica L. Fam: Loganiaceae

VN: Mushidi

Deciduous tree upto 15m tall, with short, axillary spines; leaves

elliptic–orbicular; flowers greenish white, fragrant, in terminal compound

cymes; fruit globose berry, thick shelled, orange when ripe, slightly rough but

shining: seeds many.

Fl & Fr:Mar-May

Loc: Nerellavalasa K.A:17692


Asthma: Stem bark is crushed with black pepper and this decoction is

administered in doses of 2-3 spoonfuls twice a day for 45 days.

Dysentery: 1 spoonful of stem bark extract is administered with honey twice a

day for 2 days ays.

Hunting: Seed and pulp used for arrows for hunting animals.

Strychnos potatorum: L. F. Fam: Loganiaceae

VN:Indupu Nirmali E: Clearing nut tree

A moderate-sized tree; leaves simple, ovate, truncate at base, acute at

apex; flowers white, in axillary cymes; berries ovoid, bluish-black when ripe.

Fl & Fr:Jun-Sep.

Loc: Sarika K.A:17826


Blood Pressure: Seed paste mixed with root paste of Abelmoschus ficulneus

and Cuminum cyminum seeds is administered orally for 5 days.

Coug Seed paste mixed with fruit paste of Terminalia Chebula and this paste is

administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls once a day for 3days.


Water Purification: Seed paste when mixed with turbid water, the water

become clean and clear.

Syzygium cumini L. Skeels Syn: Syzygium jambolanum (Lam.) DC, Myrtus

cumini L., Eurenia jambolana Lam. Fam: Myrtaceae

VN: Neredu

A medium to large sized tree; leaves simple, elliptic, or ovate-

lanceolate; flowers greenish white in panicles; fruits globose, dark purple with

pinkish juicy pulp, 1-seed.

Fl & Fr:Apr-Jun

Loc: Nerellavalasa K.A:17831


Burns and Wounds: Stem bark ash mixed with Niger oil applied over the

affected parts.

Coug 5 ml of stem bark extract is administered orally twice a day for 3days.

Diabetes: Dried seeds ground to powder. This powder is mixed with hot

water and is taken in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a day for 30 days.

Dysentery: 3 ml of leaf juice is administered orally twice a day for 2 days ays.

Food: Fruits are edible.

Tamarindus indica L.Fam: Caesalpiniaceae


Tree about 15m; branches glabrous, bark fissured; leaves about 80 cm

across..3 partite, each irregularly pinnatifid, glabrous; flowers green 1cm

across, drooping in umbels; perianth green, segments oblong; berries ovoid

with persistent perianth; seeds numerous. Striate.

Fl:Jan-May Fr: Apr-Jul

Loc:Kasikonda K.A:17702


Asthma: 5ml of bark decoction is administered once a day for 21 days.


Backache, Menorrhagia & Weakness: 10 ml of fruit extract mixed with old

jaggery in 1:2 ratios is administered twice a day for 7 days.

Jaundice: Flower powder mixed with leaf and flower juice of Leucas aspera is

administered in doses of 1 spoonful per day for 4 days.

Food: Fruits used in curries and soups.

Tarenna asiatica (L.) Kuntze ex Schummann Syn: Tarenna zeylanica Gaertn.,

Chomelia asiatica (L.) Kuntze Fam: Rubiaceae

VN: Kommi

Shrub; leaves elliptic ovate; flowers white in branched corymbose

cymes; berries orbicular, green; many seeded.

Fl & Fr:Feb-Oct.

Loc: Ippalavalasa K.A:17706


Dysentery: Stem bark crushed with that of Jatropha curcas, 2 spoonfuls of the

extract is administered thrice a day for 3days.

Emetics: Stem bark crushed to paste with the stem bark of Wrightia tinctoria

and the paste is administered in doses of 3 spoonfuls per day.

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers Syn: Cracca purpurea L., T. Hamiltonii Drumm.

Fam: Fabaceae


An ascending perennial herb with long, stiff, trailing branches; leaflets

13-17, obtuse, emarginate at tip; flowers purple, in axillary racemes; pods

straight, cylindric, seeds green.

Fl & Fr: Oct-Jan

Loc: Kotikipenta K.A:17836


Fever: 2 spoonfuls of root decoction along with black pepper fruits is

administered twice a day for 3days.


Paralysis: 1 Spoonful of dried root powder mixed with that of Cassia

occidentalis ground with jaggery is administered once a day for 45 days.

Stomach Pain: Root pounded with the dry rhizome of Zingiber officinale and

Trachyspermum roxburghianum seeds, 5 ml of this extract are administered

twice a day for 3days.

Terminalia Arjuna (Roxb. ex DC.) Wt. & Arn. Syn: Pentaptera Arjuna Roxb. Ex

DC. T.berry Wt. & Arn. FAM: Combretaceae

VN: Tella Maddi

Large tree upto 20m; leaves spiral to subopposite, oblong or obovate,

nerves 14-17 pairs, obtuse-subcordate, crenate-serrate, apex obtuse; spikes

axillary in panicles; drupes 5-angled, 5-winged, wings oblique, apex notched.

Fl & Fr: Apr-Dec

Loc: Monangi K.A:17715


Asthma: Bark is boiled in water and the decoction is taken orally till cure.

Diabetes: One spoonful of stem bark decoction is administered along with a

pinch of Saccharum officinarum twice a day for 21 days.

Heart problems: A tonic is prepared from the bark of the tree for heart


Leucorrhoea: 5ml of stem bark decoction is administered along with sugar

once a day for 15 days.

Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. Syn: Myrobalanus bellirica Gaertn. FAM:


VN: Tanikaya

A large deciduous tree; leaves simple, ovate or elliptic obovate; flowers

pale greenish yellow in axillary spikes; drupes ovoid, obscurely 5-angled,

narrowed into a very short stalk, brown – tomentose.

Fl & Fr: Mar-May

Loc: Tumaravalli K.A:17745



Asthma: Fruits are ground to power with the fruits of Terminalia chebula,

Balanites aegyptiaca; roots of Aristolochia indica, Rauvolfia serpentine and

Syzygium aromaticum. 1 spoonful of powder along with honey is given thrice

a day for 30 days.

Terminalia chebula Retz. Syn: Myrobalanus chebula (Retz.) Gaertn. FAM:


VN: Karakkaya

A moderate sized tree, 10 m height; leaves elliptic-oblong, acute;

flowers in terminal and axillary panicled spikes; drupes 5-ribbed; seeds


Fl & Fr: Mar-May

Loc: Gummalaxmipuram K.A:17841


Coug Fruit paste mixed with breast milk and administered orally to infants.

Fish Poison: Crushed stem bark and fruits is administered orally in doses of 2


Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook. f. Syn: Menispermum cordifolium

Willd. Cocculus cordifolius (Willd.) DC FAM: Menispermaceae

VN: Tippateega

Woody climber; bark papery and corky; petiole twisted at base; leaves

ovate, cordate, glabrous, membranuous; flowers yellow, fleshy, clasping the

stamens in male; drupelets turning red with age.

Fl & Fr: Jan-Apr

Loc: Mondemkallu K.A:17725


Black Quarter Disease in Cattle: Leaves boiled with the leaves of Vitex

negundo, Caesalpinia bonduc, Cassia occidentalis and Pupalia lappacea and the

extract is given orally to treat black quarter disease in cattle.


HIV: Whole plant of this along with Sida cordata and Glycyrrhiza glabra are

mixed in 5:32 proportion. They are ground thoroughly and made into paste.

The extract is obtained from this administered in doses of 2 spoonfuls twice a

day. This helps in the increase of disease resistance. At the same time,

diarrhoea and dysentery gets cured.

Stomach Ulcers: 3 spoonfuls of tuber extract is given orally twice a day till


Tonic: Stem decoction used as tonic for resistance to various diseases like

spine flue.

Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. Syn: T. aculeate Pers. FAM: Rutaceae

VN: Kondakasinda

Armed straggler, terminal prickles recurved; leaves trifoliate, sessile;

staminate or pistillate flowers in axillary or terminal panicles; fruits ripen in

black, globose, 5-lobed and fleshy.

Fl & Fr: Feb-Dec.

Loc: Gunada Teelesu K.A:17849


Anaemia: The roots pound with the roots of Murraya panuculata 1 spoonful of

the paste is given with ghee for 7 days.

Dysentery: 5 ml of root juice is given twice a day for 3days.

Fox, Maddog & Rat Bite: 2 spoonfuls of root bark is given immediately after

the bite.

Galactogouge in Cattle: Root ground to paste with seeds of Trachyspermum

roxburghianum, 2 spoonfuls of the paste is administered orally for 3days.

Trema orientalis (L.) Syn: Celtis orientalis L., Sponia orientalis (L.)


VN: Bogguchettu


A small tree; leaves alternate, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, serrate,

oblique; flowers greenish-yellow, in clusters, axillary; fruit drupe, black


Fl & Fr:Feb-May

Loc: Jantikonda K.A:17732


Coal: Stem used in the preparation of coal.

Epilepsy: 3 spoonfuls of root bark extract is administered twice a day for 20


Mouth Disease of Cattle: Leaf paste is applied over the affected parts.

Tribulus terrestris L.Fam: Zygophyllaceae

VN: Palleru

A prostrate herb; leaves paripinnate, elliptic-oblong leaflets; flowers

yellow, solitary, axillary; fruit globose, angled, spinous.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year

Loc: Dandigam K.A:17738


Jaundice: Equal quantities of whole plant Amaranthus tricolor with Tribulus

terrestris are made into paste. Two spoonfuls of this paste mixed with cow

milk is given on empty stomach for about 7 days.

Sterility: The root powder is mixed with equal quantity of sesamum seed

powder and is taken with honey in doses of 1 spoonful twice a day for about

30 days.

Urinary Infections: Whole plant is powdered and the powder is dissolved in

water of about 50 ml, after some time it is filtered and the filtrate is

administered in the doses of 15ml thrice a day for 3days.

Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour Syn: Trichosanthes bracteata (Lam.) Voigt.,

Trichosanthes palmate Roxb. FAM: Cucurbitaceae

VN: Abotu dumpa


A large woody climber, tendrils cleft into 3; leaves palmately 3-5 lobed;

flowers unisexual, males in axillary racemes, females solitary and axillary;

fruit globose, red when ripe, pulp dark green with numerous seeds.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Nov

Loc: Gujjuvai K.A:17859


Bloat/Timpany in Cattle: The tuber along with few pieces of Zingiber

officinale, Trachyspermum roxburghianum pound with the tubers of Maeruva

oblongifolia and the paste is administered.

Dysmenorrhoea: Tuber powder along with cow milk is administered in doses

of two spoonfuls per a day for 3days.

Ear ache: Seeds are boiled with sesame oil and 2-3 daysrops of oil is instilled

into the ear.

Mad Dog, Rat and Snake Bite: The tuber pound with Rhinacanthus nasuta,

Aristolochia indica. One fourth of Piper nigrum powder was added to the total

volume of the root powder and made into pills with goat milk. 3 pills per day

are administered.

Stomach Pain: Tuber ground to paste with the tuber of Maeruva oblongifolia,

roots of Aristolochia indica and leaves of Andrographis paniculata and Ocimum

tenuiflorum. 1 spoonful of paste is administered along with hot water twice a


Stomatorrhagia: The tuber along with tubers of Maerua oblongifolia and roots

of Aristolochia indica ground to paste and is given along with Cocos nucifera


Tumours in Stomach: Tuber pound to paste along with the tubers of Phoenix

sylvestris, Corallocarpus epigaeus and the paste along with water is

administered in doses of a spoonful per a day for 5 days.

Ward off Evil Spirit: The tuber paste along with the root paste of Aristolochi

indica and Asparagus racemosus is administered in doses of 1 spoonful per day

for a period of 3days.


Tridax procumbens L. FAM: Asteraceae

VN: Gaddi chamanti

A hispid prostrate herb; leaves lobed, lanceolate; head inflorescence,

yellow in colour, disc florets & ray florets are present fruit cypsela with white


Fl & Fr: Most part of the year.

Loc: Gurrammavalasa K.A:17741


Cuts and Wounds: Leaf paste is applied over the affected parts.

Jaundice: Plant paste with jaggery is administered in doses of two spoonfuls

per day for 7 days.

Tylophora indica (Burm.f.) Merr. Syn: Cynanchum indicum Burm.f.

T.asthmatica (L.f) Wt. & Arn. Asclepias asthmatica L.f. FAM: Asclepiadaceae

VN:: Goripala

A much branched climber with fleshy roots; leaves ovate-oblong, acute,

pale green and pubescent below; flowers greenish yellow or pale purple in

lateral umbellate cymes; corolla rotate, small and smooth.

Fl & Fr: Jul-Nov.

Loc: Cherakupalli K.A:16863


Asthma: One tender leaf with 3 black pepper fruits is chewed on empty

stomach once a day for 30 days.

Dysentery: Root pound to paste, two spoonfuls of the paste is administered

twice a day for 3days.

Urena lobata L.subsp.sinuata (L.) Borss. Syn: U.sinuata L. Fam: Malvaceae

VN:Nalla Benda

An erect branched undershrub; leaves variable in shape; flowers bright

pink; mericarps reniform.


Fl & Fr: Apr-Dec

Loc: Ramabhadrapuram K.A:17754


Anthelmintic: 1 spoonful of root extract is administered twice a day for


Cuts and Wounds: Leaves are crushed and boiled in coconut oil and the paste

is applied externally over the affected areas.

Dandruff: Leaf paste is applied on head 1 hour before bath.

Vanda tessellata (Roxb.) Hook. ex. G. Don Syn: Epidendrum tessellatum Roxb.,

Vanda roxburghii Roxb Fam: Orchidaceae

VN: Atukulabaddu

An epiphytic herb; leaves fleshy, linear, falcate; flowers yellowish

brown, in axillary racemes; capsule oblong, ribbed.

Fl & FrApr-Sep

Loc: Nerellavalasa K.A: 17666


Fractures: Aerial roots are pounded to paste with the stem of Viscum

articulatum, stem bark of Litsea glutinosa, tubers of Dioscorea oppositifolia and

Dioscorea pentaphylla. The paste along with gingelly oil and blood of black hen

is made in to pills; one pill is administered orally once a day for 9 days.

Fractures in Cattle: The above paste in 3 pills per a day is administered orally

for 6 days.

Nervous Weakness: 5 ml of plant juice is given orally once a day for 21 days.

Skin Disease: Leaf juice applied over the affected parts.

Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less Syn: Conyza cinerea L. Fam: Asteraceae

VN: Saha Devi

An erect herb 0.5-1 m high; leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute; flowers in

pinkish heads; fruit achene hairy with white pappus.


Fl & Fr: Most part of the year

Loc: Kuntinavasala K.A:17763


Leucoderma: A spoonful of seed powder mixed with 2 black pepper fruits is

administered once a day for 30 days.

Malarial Fever: A spoonful of root decoction mixed with 2 black pepper fruits

is administered once a day for 6 days.

Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash Syn: Phalaris zizanioides L. Mant, Andropogon

squarrosus auct. None. L.f. FAM: Poaceae

VN: Vattiveru

A perennial, tufted, robust, aquatic grass; leafsheaths glabrous; panicle

up to 25cm long.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Oct.

Loc: Dandigam K.A:17869


Allergy: Roots ground with that of Achyranthes aspera in doses of 10g in one

glass of water once a day for 3days.

Dysuria: About 100 g of the roots are boiled in 500 ml of water for about 30

minutes and the filtrate in doses of 10ml once a day is administered with little

sugar for 15 days.

Viscum articulatum Burm. f. Syn: Viscum nepalense spreng. FAM:


VN:: Chettu bajanika

Much branched semi-parasite shrub stems articulated, flattend,

prominently striate; leaves scale-like; flowers green, in axillary fascicles,

central female, laterals male; berries globose.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Feb

Loc: Kothaguda K.A:17767



Fracture: Stem pound with the stem bark of Litsea glutinosa, roots of Vanda

tesselleta, tubers of Dioscorea oppositfolia and Dioscorea pentaphylla. The paste

along with gingelly oil and blood of black hen made into pills is administered

orally in doses of 2 pills twice a day for 15 days.

Ward off Evil Spirit: Dried stems powdered with dried tuber of Trichosanthes

tricuspidata and roots of Aristolochia indica, Holarrhena pubescens. The powder

along with water is administered one spoonful per day for 3days.

Vitex negundo L. Fam: Verbenaceae


A shrub upto 2m height; leaves 3-5 foliate; flowers in pedunculate

branched tomentose cymes, in terminal panicles; drupes black, globose.

Fl & Fr: Throughout the year.

Loc: Binnidi K.A:17878


Body Swelling: Leaf paste made into peanut sized pills, 2 pills are

administered orally twice a day till cure.

Headache: Leaves are made into paste and the paste is applied over the head.

Jaundice: Leaves crushed with leaves of Acalypha indica, 3 daysrops of fresh

juice administered orally and 1 drop each instilled into eyes for a period of


Woodfordia fruticosa ( L.) Kurz. Syn: Lythrum fruticosum l., W. Floribunda

Salisb. FAM: Lythraceae

VN: Jeguru

A much branched shrub, upto 2m height; leaves subopposite, sessile,

ovate- lanceolate; flowers bright scarlet in axillary panicled cymes; capsules



Fl & Fr: Mar-Jun

Loc: Kothavalasa K.A:17893


Diarrhoea: Dried flower powder is mixed with warm water and is given in

doses of two spoonfuls per a day for 3days.

Jaundice: Bark along with the back of Bauhinia racemosa, Mangifera indica and

Oroxylum indicum, extract is prepared 3ml of the extract is administered orally

twice a day for 6 days.

Leucorrhoea: A spoonful of powder of dried flower mixed in half glass of hot

water is administered daily once for 3days.

Wrightia arborea (Dennst.) Mabb.Syn: Periploca arborea Dennst.W.tomentosa

Roem., W.wallichii DC. FAM: APOCYNACEAE

VN:: Adavi Ankudu

Deciduous tree leaves elliptic-oblong; flowers pale yellow or white in

terminal cymes follicles free.

Fl & Fr: Dec-May

Loc: Mondemkallu K.A:17899


Menstrual Disorders: Root bark ground with Piper nigrum and the paste

made into pills, 2 pills are administered orally twice a day for 10 days.

Snakebite: Latex and the bark fiber tide above the bitten spot.

Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb.) R. Br.Syn: Nerium tinctorium Roxb FAM:



Deciduous trees upto 6m; latex milky; leaves opposite, elliptic-oblong;

flowers white, scented in terminal dichotomous cymes; follicles paired,


Fl & Fr: Feb-Aug

Loc: Peddamadi, Killoyguda K.A:16903



Asthma: Latex with jaggery is taken internally in the form of pills of the

Bengal gram seed size twice a day for about 15 days.

Obesity: Bark along with Cuminum cyminum and garlic is used to reduce


Xanthium strumarium L. Syn: X. indicum Roxb.Fam: Asteraceae

VN: Maraluteega

Shrubs; stems purple, spotted; leaves alternate, simple, ovate, variously

lobed; flowers in heads, green; fruits achene, spiny.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Dec.

Loc: Tummalavalasa K.A:17909


Boils: 3ml of root extract is administered once a day for 2 days ays.

Cancer: 10ml of root extract is given orally twice a day for 45 days.

Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. Syn: Mimosa xylocarpa Roxb. Inga xylocarpa DC.,

Xylia dolabriformia Backer in Hook.f., Fam: Mimosaceae

VN: Konda Tangedu

A large deciduous tree, reddish grey bark; leaves bipinnate, leaflets 4-

12 pairs, obolong, acuminate; flowers small, cream coloured in globular

spikes; fruit large, dehiscent, dark brown; 6-10 seeds.

Fr: Mar-Apr Fr: Nov-Dec.

Loc: Devukona K.A:17913


Gonorrhoea: 2 spoonfuls of root bark extract is administered orally twice a

day for 15 days.

Zingiber officinale: Rose. FAM: Zingiberaceae

VN: Allamu


A perennial plant; root-stock horizontal, tuberous, aromatic; stem

elongated, leafy; leaves linear, sessile, smooth; flower spikes terminating the

leafy system; corolla greenish yellow, lip dark purple, often yellow spotted, 3-


Fl & Fr: Aug-Sep.

Loc: Mamidipalli, Salur K.A:17922


Anorexia and Dyspepsia: About 15 g of rhizome cooked with about 25 g of

jaggery and is administered once in a day for 5 days.

Coug One spoonful of the rhizome juice is mixed with an equal quantity of

cow butter is warmed and massaged on the chest and throat for 4 days before

bed time.

Digestive tonic: Used in digestive tonics.

Food: Used in the curries and in the preparation of chutneys.

Zingiber roseum: (Roxb.) Rose. Syn: Amomum roseum Roxb. Fam:


VN: Adavi Allamu

A tall herb; leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, pubescent, spikes

redical arising directly from tuberous root; bracts bright red, flowers about 4

cm long, corolla red or scarlet.

Fl & Fr: Aug-Sep.

Loc: Gummidiguda K.A:17926


Food: Used as a substitute to ginger in curries.

Leucoderma: Tuber paste mixed with the seed oil of Schleichera oleosa, mildly

heated and applied over the affected area.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: The paste of rhizome is taken orally twice a day for 15



Zizyphus oenoplea: (L.) Mill. Syn: Rhamnus oenoplea L. Fam: Rhamnaceae


A very throny, straggling shrub, young branches with paired prckles,

one straight and the other curved; leaves simple, alternate, distichous, ovate-

lanceolate; flowers green in axillary cymes; drupe globose, black, shining.

Fl & Fr: Jul – Dec

Loc: Boorjavalasa K.A:17934


Food: Fruits are edible.

Heart Problem: The root pound with the stembark of Cipadessa baccifera and

the powder is administered in doses of one spoonful twice a day for 7 days

for palpitation of heart.

Herpes: Root made into paste and is administered orally along with ghee for

6 days.

Ziziphus rugosa: Lam. Fam: Rhamnaceae

VN:Konda Regu

A large straggling, thorny shrub; leaves simple, elliptic-ovate, velvety

beneath; flowers pale yellow, in axillary cymes; drupes pale green.

Fl & Fr: Feb – May

Loc: Saraya valasa K.A:17939


Diabetes: Leaves pounded along with the leaves of Aegle marmelos, Syzygium

jambos, Andrographis paniculata, Gymnema sylvestre and tuber of Corallocarpus

epigaeus (leaves and tuber in 2:1 ratio) and powder along with hot water is

administered 1 spoonful twice a day for 7 days.

Plate 6

Abrus precatorius Acorus calamus

Aegle marmelos Ailanthus excels

Amaranthus spinosus Amorphophallus paeoniifolius

Plate 7

Andrographia paniculata Annaona squamosa

Annona reticulata Argyreia nervosa

Arisaema tortuosum Aristalochia indica

Plate 8

Bauhinia purpurea

Bauhinia racemosa

Bauhinia vahlii Bombax malabarica

Buchanania lanzan Carissa spinarum

Plate 9

Cassia absus Cassia auriculata

Cassia fistula Cassytha filiformis

Celastrus paniculatus Cissampelos pareira

Plate 10

Costus speciosus Curculigo orchioodes

Dalbergia paniculata Desmodium gangeticum

Dichrostachys cinerea Dioscorea bulbifera

Plate 11

Diospyros chloroxylon Eclipta prostrata

Entada pursaetha Evolvulus alsinoides

Gloriosa superba Glycosmis pentaphylla

Plate 12

Grewia hirsuta Hemidesmus indicus

Holarrhena pubescence Ipomoea carnea

Jatropha gossypifolia Justicia adhatoda

Plate 13

Lygodium flexuosum Mallotus philippensis

Momordica charatia Passiflora foetida

Pergularia daemia Pongamia pinnata

Plate 14

Pterospermum xylocarpum Pueraria tuberose

Pvetta indica Scoparia dulcis

Semecarpus anacardium Sterculia urens

Plate 15

Terminalia arjuna Terminalia bellirica

Toddalia asiatica Urena lobata

Vitex negundo Woodfordia fruticosa