Abril 2018 - sofimeblog.files.wordpress.com · Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, Horacio Santiago Otero,...

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Abril 2018

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In memoriam

En memoria de JOAQUÍN LOMBA FUENTES, fundador de SOFIME

El pasado día 5 de marzo ha muerto Joaquín Lomba Fuentes, Catedrático Emérito de la Universidad de Zaragoza, nacido en esta ciudad en 1932. Dos días antes, acababa de cumplir la edad de ochenta y seis años. A él le debemos la Sociedad que hoy nos ampara a cuantos nos dedicamos a la Filosofía Medieval en la Península Ibérica y en parte de Latinoamérica. En el otoño de 1989, Joaquín nos reunió en Zaragoza a un grupo de profesores que nos dedicábamos, en mayor o menor medida, al estudio de la Filosofía Medieval, entre los que estaban Vicente Muñoz Delgado, Saturnino Álvarez Turienzo, Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, Horacio Santiago Otero, Mariano Álvarez Gómez, Eudaldo Forment Giralt, María Jesús Lacarra, Jorge Ayala Martínez, Ramón Gabaldós Cardona, de la Editorial Anthropos, y yo mismo. Contamos además con el asesoramiento de D. Antonio Ubieto Arteta, catedrático de Historia Medieval de la Universidad de Zaragoza, reconocido experto en la Edad Media hispana. La intención de Joaquín era crear una Sociedad que se consagrara al estudio y difusión de la Filosofía Medieval en España, que fuera continuación de la Asociación Española de Filosofía Medieval que había existido con anterioridad, creada en Madrid el 18 de abril de 1962 y que se había disuelto a comienzos de la década de 1980. Tras varias sesiones mantenidas en Zaragoza bajo su generoso auspicio, se acordó en la reunión mantenida el día 30 de junio de 1990, crear laSociedad de Filosofía Medieval (SOFIME), aprobar un borrador de sus Estatutos y constituir una Junta Directiva Provisional presidida por el Dr. D. Joaquín Lomba Fuentes, actuando como Vicepresidente el Dr. D. Saturnino Álvarez Turienzo y como Secretario el Dr. D. Jorge Ayala Martínez. El objetivo de esta nueva Sociedad era, según el Acta de la reunión, “asociar a todos aquellos profesores e investigadores dedicados a la Filosofía Medieval a fin de colaborar en proyectos comunes de trabajo y de intercambiar investigaciones y publicaciones a la manera como se hace, en concreto, en la Societé Internationale pour l’étude la Philosophie Médiévale”. Se acordó igualmente celebrar los días 12, 13 y 14 del mes de diciembre de 1990 el Primer

Congreso de Filosofía Medieval en Zaragoza, en el que se celebraría una Asamblea General para aprobar y ratificar los Estatutos provisionales y elegir a la Junta Directiva y cargos correspondientes de una manera definitiva. Se celebró el Congreso, consagrado al estudio de “Los límites de la Razón en el pensamiento medieval”, con gran asistencia de participantes, se sancionaron los Estatutos y se eligieron por votación los miembros de la Junta Directiva, quedando como Presidente el Dr. Joaquín Lomba Fuentes y como Secretario el Dr. D. Jorge Ayala Martínez. Las Actas del Congreso se publicaron en 1992. A partir de aquí la tarea de Joaquín fue enorme, impulsando todo tipo de proyectos, de tareas y de investigaciones. Convocó dos nuevos Congresos en Zaragoza: el segundo tuvo lugar en diciembre de 1994 y estuvo dedicado a “Ética y política en el pensamiento medieval. Fundamentos de la modernidad” y el tercero se celebró los días 17 y 18 de diciembre, con una asistencia de más de doscientos congresistas, coincidiendo con el Octavo Centenario de la muerte de Averroes, por lo que estuvo dedicado a “Averroes y los averroísmos” y en el que participaron congresistas procedentes de Alemania, Italia, Colombia, Venezuela, Marruecos y Egipto, abierto por tanto ya al ámbito internacional, lo que provocó que poco después se incorporaran a SOFIME tanto Portugal como los países Latinoamericanos. Los tres Congresos contaron con el patrocinio de Ibercaja, la Universidad de Zaragoza, el Gobierno y las Cortes de Aragón. En las Asambleas de SOFIME celebradas con ocasión de estos Congresos, Joaquín fue elegido por unanimidad Presidente de la Sociedad. En el cuarto Congreso, celebrado en Córdoba en diciembre de 2004, que tuvo por objeto principal el centenario de la muerte de Maimónides en 1204, Joaquín puso a disposición de la Asamblea su cargo de Presidente. Se acordó que los próximos Presidentes de SOFIME fueran quienes se encargaran de celebrar el siguiente Congreso y se propuso el nombramiento de Joaquín como Presidente de Honor de la Sociedad. Quienes hemos tenido la suerte de conocer y tratar de cerca a Joaquín, sabemos de la gran persona que se nos ha ido. Gran estudioso, dispuesto siempre a ayudar a quien se lo solicitara, a escuchar y a

dirigir, persona afable, bondadosa, sencilla, de un gran rigor intelectual. Joaquín fue un gran conocedor de la Historia de la filosofía griega. Pero su mundo intelectual, en el que se sentía a gusto y en el que disfrutaba, fue el mundo del pensamiento islámico y del pensamiento judío. Conocedor del árabe y del hebreo por sus estudios de Filología Semítica, en la que era Doctor, y de Filosofía, en la que también tenía el sumo grado, pudo consagrarse a la investigación en estos dos campos, dejándonos en prenda una multitud de trabajos, cerca de doscientos publicados en revistas especializadas y en capítulos de libros. Experto en el mundo árabe y judío de Aragón, suyas son las traducciones de pensadores nacidos en estas tierras, como Avempace e Ibn Paqûda, o que vivieron en Zaragoza, como Ibn Gabirol, y compuso diversos libros, de los que entresacamos algunos de sus títulos: La filosofía islámica en Zaragoza, 1987; La filosofía judía en Zaragoza, 1988; La raíz semítica de lo europeo, 1997; El Ebro: Puente de Europa. Pensamiento musulmán y judío, 2002; El mundo tan bello como es. Pensamiento y arte musulmán, 2005. Pero, sobre todos ellos, me gustaría destacar un bellísimo libro, en el que recoge una colección de textos de tres sabios formados en la cultura judaica, vinculados a Aragón, en el que abundan sentencias que aconsejan conductas prácticas y útiles en este mundo o máximas de contenido religioso y moral, Se trata del libro: Ibn Gabirol, Ibn Paqûda, Pedro Alfonso:Dichos y narraciones de tres sabios judíos, edición de Joaquín Lomba, prólogo de Mª Jesús Lacarra, Zaragoza, Mira Editores, 1997. Que Joaquín se ocupara en darnos a leer estos preciosos textos nos muestra mucho de lo que era Joaquín: el sabio que enseña con la mayor humildad. SOFIME se une al dolor de Pilar, su mujer, y del resto de su familia. Que descanse en paz nuestro querido amigo y compañero.


Comunicaciones de SOFIME

Comisiones SOFIME

Promover el estudio de la Filosofía Medieval: una tarea común

De conformidad con lo decidido en la Asamblea anual de SOFIME y para realizar lo dispuesto en los Estatutos se crean comisiones especializadas en áreas fundamentales de los estudios de Filosofía Medieval, «estableciendo una red de información científica entre sus miembros y facilitando todo aquello que pueda ser necesario para la investigación de la filosofía y el pensamiento medieval» (artículo 4). Cuatro comisiones temáticas:

a. Edición crítica de textos. Coordinada por Alexander Fidora (Barcelona).

b. Filosofía e história de las ciencias. Coordinada por José Meirinhos (Porto).

c. Filosofía en el final de la Edad Media y Primera Modernidad Iberoamericana. Coordinada por José Luis Fuertes (Salamanca).

d. Transmisión del saber en la cuenca del Mediterráneo. Coordinada por Pedro Mantas (Córdoba).

Una comisión organizativa:

e. Investigadores, doctorandos y post docs. Coordinada por José Higuera (Porto).

Cada grupo se propone:

1. asesorar la junta directiva en materias de su especialidad; 2. recoger informaciones y difundirlas entre todos los interesados

en ese eje temático (en particular sobre publicaciones, encuentros científicos, cursos, etc.);

3. mantener actualizada la respectiva página en el website de SOFIME y utilizar la newsletter Iberica Phiilosophica Mediaevalia para difundir información;

4. dinamizar actividades de investigación explotando nuevos temas y la constitución de grupos de trabajo conectando distintas sedes académicas;

5. organizar sesiones temáticas y una reunión del grupo en el congreso quinquenal y en los coloquios anuales que sean organizados;

6. preparar informes para publicar en la Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval.

Todos los interesados están invitados a participar en los trabajos de estas redes de información científica y académica. En Iberica Philosophica Mediaevalia de Mayo se darán más informaciones sobre el início de los trabajos de las comissiones. serão dadas novas informações sobre o início dos trabalhos.

* * *

Comissões SOFIME Promover o estudo da Filosofia Medieval:

uma tarefa comum De acordo com a decisão da Assembleia Anual da SOFIME e para cumprir as disposições dos Estatuto, são criadas comissões especializadas em áreas fundamentais de estudo da Filosofia Medieval «estabelecendo uma rede de informação científica entre os seus membros e facilitando tudo o que seja necessário para a investigação da filosofia e do pensamento medievais» (artigo 4). Quatro comissões temáticas:

a. Edição crítica de textos. Coordenada por Alexander Fidora (Barcelona).

b. Filosofia e história das ciências. Coordenada por José Meirinhos (Porto).

c. Filosofia no final da Idade Média e primera modernidad iberoamericana. Coordenada por José Luis Fuertes (Salamanca).

d. Transmissão do saber na bacia do Mediterrâneo.Coordenada por Pedro Mantas (Córdoba).

Uma comissão organizativa:

e. Investigadores, doutorandos e post docs. Coordenada por José Higuera (Porto).

Cada comissão propõe-se:

1. assessorar a direção em assuntos de sua especialidade; 2. recolher informação e divulgá-la entre todos os interessados no

seu eixo temático (em particular sobre publicações, reuniões científicas, cursos, etc.);

3. manter a respectiva página atualizada no site da SOFIME e usar o boletim Iberica Phiilosophica Mediaevalia para divulgar informações;

4. revigorar as atividades de pesquisa, explorando novos tópicos e a constituição de grupos de trabalho que conectem diferentes sedes académicas;

5. organizar sessões temáticas e uma reunião de grupo no congresso quinquenal e nos colóquios anuais quando organizados;

6. preparar relatórios para publicar na Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval.

Todos os interessados estão convidados a participar nos trabalhos destas redes de informação científica e académica. Na Iberica Philosophica Mediaevalia de maio serão dadas novas

informações sobre o início dos trabalhos.

Coloquios, Congresos, y Encuentros

Commentaires sur le De anima, de Petrus Hispanus à Francisco Suárez

Porto, 26-27 abril 2018

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Sala de Reuniões (2º piso)

La Societas Artistarum et le projet Petrus Hispanus organisent un colloque international autour des commentaires sur le De anima d'Aristote, du XIIIème au XVIIème siècle. Ce colloque est consacré à l'ensemble des problèmes philosophiques discutés dans le De anima d'Aristote et ses commentaires. Il s'intéressera également à la réception latine du De anima, en particulier aux commentaires dont il a fait l'objet dans les facultés des Arts, à leur structure, à leur statut générique, à leur insertion dans les plans d'études, et à leurs effets sur d'autres domaines scientifiques. Langues de travail: Français, Anglais, Italien

Participação livre

INFORMAÇÕES E PROGRAMA: http://ifilosofia.up.pt/activities/in-de-anima-2018

Digitization and libraries: the future of the past Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 30 May 2018

Between 2012 and 2017 the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican Library) joined efforts in a landmark digitization project with the aim of

opening up their repositories of ancient texts. More than 1.5 million

pages from their remarkable collections have been made freely available online to researchers and to the general public. The initiative was made possible by a £2 million award from The

Polonsky Foundation. Dr Leonard Polonsky, who is committed to democratizing access to information, sees the increase of digital

access to these two library collections — among the greatest in the world — as a significant step in sharing intellectual resources on a

global scale.

To mark the end of the project, a ground-breaking conference on digitization and libraries is being held in Rome on 30 May 2018. The venue is the Conference Centre at the Augustinian Patristic Institute,

which is situated just off St Peter’s Square. In the context of the Polonsky project this free conference will look at the future of

digitized collections and their funding, with prominent speakers from different libraries and funding bodies across Europe.


9.15-9.30am Welcome from Msgr. Cesare Pasini, Prefect, Vatican Apostolic


9.30-10.15am Opening plenary: From Mabillon to Munich Digital: access,

technology and scholarship Anthony Grafton, Princeton University



10.45-12.05pm Session one: Oxford, the Vatican and the Polonsky Project

Speakers: - Timothy Janz, Director, Printed Books Dept, Vatican Apostolic

Library - Paola Manoni, Responsible for the Coordination of IT Services,

Vatican Apostolic Library - César Merchan-Hamann, Hebraica and Judaica Curator, Bodleian

Libraries - Emma Stanford, Digital Curator, Bodleian Libraries



12.25-1.30pm Lunch


Session two: The future of digital libraries Speakers:

- Dr Kristian Jensen, Head of Arts and Humanities, British Library - Jill Cousins, Director, Hunt Museum, Limerick


2.30-3.00pm Questions

3-3.30pm Tea break


Roundtable discussion: funding digitization - Marc Polonsky, The Polonsky Foundation

- Charles Henry, Council on Library and Information Resources - Maja Kominko, Arcadia Foundation


Closing remarks - Richard Ovenden, Bodley’s Librarian, Bodleian Libraries


Les 4-6 juin 2018 se tiendra à Tours, au CESR, une école thématique du CNRS:

Le Platonisme au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance.

L’admirable renouveau, aussi bien en France qu’en Europe, des études sur le platonisme et le néoplatonisme grec et hellénistique a révélé par contraste la lacune des recherches sur le néoplatonisme médiéval et renaissant. Il est vrai que le Moyen Âge a connu indirectement le platonisme, mais l’historiographie a montré sa présence constante et multiple. En effet, le platonisme fut un phénomène cosmopolite et de longue durée empruntant plusieurs chemins : d’Athènes, à Pergame, à Bagdad, jusqu’à Tolède et à Florence. Programme et modalités d’inscription: https://cesr.cnrs.fr/actualites/manifestations/nouvelle-ecole-thématique-cnrs-le-platonisme-au-moyen-âge-et-à-la La date limite d'inscription est le 31 mai 2018.

« Semaines d’Études Médiévales »

Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévales (CESCM) de l’Université de Poitiers du 18 au 29 juin 2018

Inscription: date limite au 30 mars Blog : https://cescm.hypotheses.org/600


Calls for Papers


Identity and Tradition. Thomas Aquinas and the Church Fathers

April 4-6, 2019

Torun, Poland

Keynote speakers: Serge-Thomas Bonino O.P. (Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome), Carmelo Conticello (CNRS-Paris), Dominic Legge O.P. (Dominican House of Studies, Washington D.C.), Enrique Alarcón (University of Navarra, Pamplona) and Paul van Geest (Tilburg University). The deadline for submitting a paper is November 15, 2018. For more information, please check the attached file or the website: www.biblicalthomism.umk.pl

III Jornadas Medievais Internacionais de Idade Média (Castelo de Vide)

Inclusão e Exclusão na Europa Urbana

Medieval, 11-13 outubro, 2018

III International Conference on the Middle Ages

Inclusion and Exclusion in Medieval Urban Europe

Call for submissos deadline: 15.06.2018


Convocatoria para publicar en revista Philosophia

Philosophia, la revista de filosofía en circulación más antigua de Latinoamérica, es una publicación del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, abierta a contribuciones sobre todos los aspectos de la filosofía, con especial foco en los grandes temas y autores de la filosofía occidental, que signifiquen un aporte original a esta disciplina. Philosophia se encuentra indizada en Latindex, Dialnet, Gale Cengage Learning-Informe Académico y The Philosopher’s Index.

La recepción de propuestas se encuentra abierta en forma permanente. Las mismas deben enviarse por correo electrónico a philosophia@ffyl.uncu.edu.ar con copia a philosophia.uncuyo@gmail.com.


XIX Congreso Internacional de Filosofía

Mundo / Pensamiento / Acción

organiza: Asociación Filosófica de México, A.C.

Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes Aguascalientes, Ags., México

12 al 16 de noviembre de 2018

12 de mayo: Cierre del registro de ponencias. No habrá prórroga.


International Symposium (September 18-19, 2019)

Salle des Conseil, University Paris II

Ius Gentium - Ideas and Practices of International Law in Early Modern Law and


Long forgotten by historiography and legal theorists, the classic doctrine of ius gentium elaborated in the sixteenth century was reintroduced into the field of thought at the beginning of the twentieth century thanks to important monographs devoted to Francisco de Vitoria and Francisco Suarez1. It was then taken up by Ernest Nys2 and James Brown Scott3, in a context dominated by the voluntarist interpretation of the international law, which considered ius gentiumas the expression of the all-powerful will of the States4. Stressing that men and peoples appear as the great absent of the voluntarist doctrine, Nys, Scott and other great internationalists in the early twentieth century re-interpreted the idea of a consensual law jointly decided by the nations, in relation to their interests and that of men. In doing so, they relied on the authority of classic doctrine of ius gentiumdeveloped in the works of sixteenth and seventeenth century authors. The classical doctrine of ius gentium also formed the basis of major contributions by jurists to rethink the establishment of peace between men, thus illustrating its major significance for human societies5.

The secondary literature that is now devoted to the early modern doctrine of ius gentium6 is part of a slightly different spirit. This classical doctrine is no longer interpreted in comparison with classical international law of the 17th century, of which it would have constituted an uncompleted precedent. Rather, it is studied for its own sake, with regard to the historical needs of the societies of the time, to its practical interest, and to intellectual schemata and references mobilized by theorists of the 16th to develop it7. Today,

scholarship proceeds to a more precise analysis of the historical background

from which the idea of interhuman normativity emerged at the very moment when political power was territorialized and where the newly acquired autonomy of the states threatened to set them up against others8. Contemporary scholarship pays also attention to the driving role of the doctrine, mobilized most often within broader issues, such as whether the nation is the owner of its public space or whether it remains common to humanity9. Furthermore, investigation into the early modern literature on ius gentium is no longer limited to emblematic figures such as Francisco de Vitoria and Francisco Suarez; these authors are seen as part of a much broader intellectual current10. Finally, the doctrinal sources are read in light of the great historical and geopolitical events of the time, illustrating their practical significance11.

The richness of these perspectives calls for the exploration of at least the five following axes:

1. The generic definitions of ius gentium between theory and practice,

2. the references to dominium, kingdoms, borders and international trade,

3. the study of references to humanity, the Church, the Empire and the State,

4. the question of global stability and of the binding force of ius gentium,

5. Theory and practice - The right to war, the intermediaries of peace and the question of the use of the law of nations in the event of international conflict.

Papers can be presented in English or French.

Subject to peer-review, the contributions to the symposium will be published.

Deadline to submit an abstract of the communication is July 30, 2018.

Please send your paper proposal to Gaëlle Demelemestre (gdemelemestre@gmail.com)

Summer Schools

École d'été internationale

Du manuscrit à l’incunable. Initiation au texte médiéval et renaissant

Université du Québec à Montréal, 26-31.08.2018

Inscriptions jusque le 30.04.2018


Latin Summer Language Institute at the University of Virginia

Learn Latin this Summer at UVA! For over 20 years the Classics Department at the University of Virginia has offered students the opportunity for intensive study of Latin beginning with the basics of Latin grammar and progressing to reading ancient Roman authors such as Vergil, Ovid, and Cicero. The program offers six hours of formal instruction in Latin every weekday for eight weeks (June 17-August 10, 2018) covering the equivalent of four semesters of college level Latin. No previous knowledge of Latin is required, but students who have already taken introductory Latin at the college level may enroll only in the second half. Non-credit options are also available.

For more information, contact Daniel Moore, Director of the Latin SLI (dwm7a@virginia.edu), or visit: www.sli.virginia.edu/latin.

Critical Editions of Medieval Philosophic Translations – Challenges and Opportunities

Tel Aviv University/Institute for Advanced Studies (Jerusalem)

22-28 July 2018

In the framework of the GIF Project “Arabic-into-Hebrew-into-Latin: The Latin Translation of Maimonides’ Guide. Critical Edition, History and Cultural Context”, in collaboration between the Thomas-Institut (University of Cologne) and The Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas (Tel Aviv University), an international workshop and summer school dedicated to critical editions of medieval philosophical translated texts will be held in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The workshop will focus on philological and methodological problems raised by critical editions of translated medieval philosophical and scientific texts. Sessions dealing with general questions and sessions dealing with technical questions are planned. Moreover, a practical workshop for graduate and post-graduate students is planned.

In the main sessions, questions will be addressed such as: Should a trans-lingual work be considered as an independent text in each of its target-languages, with its own independent manuscript tradition, or is it rather to be considered as another witness of the original text in its source-language? What are the implications of an edition with or without an existing original textual source? Do we have to strive for multi-lingual editions or to concentrate on the philological task peculiar to each language? What are the improvements that can be achieved by a digital edition? Which are the advantages and the limits of the already existing models for multi-lingual glossaries? What information can be provided by translation methods, such as literal/ abbreviated translations? Is it always possible to draw the borders between different genres, such as translations, commentaries and

paraphrases? The workshop will include senior and junior scholars, as well as graduate and post-graduate students, working on relevant topics. The aim is to encourage a debate among senior and junior scholars active in the different fields and languages, as well as to discuss present challenges and future possibilities, in order to enable intensive exchange of knowledge and of research methods. The workshop will be held partly at the Tel Aviv University and partly at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem. Some grants for travel and costs of stay will be assigned to PhD students who are already working on a relevant topic.

Please send your application (CV and a short letter of motivation) by April 30th to: d.disegni@uni-koeln.de

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Speer (andreas.speer@uni-koeln.de), Prof. Dr. Yosef Schwartz (yschwart@post.tau.ac.il), Dr. Diana Di Segni (d.disegni@uni-koeln.de)

Posts y Becas

Tenure-Track Professorship

Textual Transmission and the Transformation of Euromediterranean Europe, 4th-11th


University of Wien






KU Leuven Faculty of Arts – Faculty of Philosophy – Faculty of Theology &

Religious Studies

Three Research Fellowships in Late Ancient Philosophy, Biblical Early Christian Studies

Job description

The project studies one of the most fundamental ideas of ancient Greek culture – the search for perfection. For centuries, not only philosophers and theologians, but also other intellectuals have reflected on what this ideal should consist in, devising ways of pursuing it in a wide range of human activities. A major focus is the complex relationship between theory and praxis and between ideal and reality, as found in pagan and Christian Greek literature from the first seven centuries CE. The team has set two main goals: the production of a comprehensive study of the different aspects of ancient ideals of perfection and of a number of in-depth studies of specific problems and core issues related to the overall topic.

Candidates are invited to apply for a full-time, four-year fellowship in one of the following subprojects:

- fellowship 1: a systematic study of the reception history of the ideal of homoiosis theoi in pagan Greek philosophy, with particular attention to ascetic interpretations.

- fellowship 2: a detailed discussion of Proclus’ view of perfection, as elaborated in his Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus and in other texts.

- fellowship 3: a comprehensive investigation into Plutarch’s use of models of perfection and their role in his ‘psycho-therapeutic’ philosophy.


The candidates have a broad and solid competence in late ancient philosophy and preferably also basic knowledge of early Christianity.

A strong command of Greek (and preferably also of Latin) is essential, as is the ability to combine historical and philosophical/theological methodologies in an interdisciplinary way. Candidates demonstrating a thorough knowledge of relevant literary sources will be especially attractive; proven expertise in one or more of the research domains is an asset. The team welcomes applications from candidates with an excellent graduate degree (typically M.A.) in Classics or in related disciplines (e.g. Ancient History, Byzantine Studies, Religious Studies).

Applicants should be fluent in at least one of the following languages: English, French or German. The dissertation should as a rule be written in one of these languages.

How to apply

Applications should include a letter outlining the candidate’s background and motivation, a detailed CV, one writing sample, and at least one letter of recommendation.

Candidates are asked to submit the entire file to geert.roskam@kuleuven.be.

Deadline for applying: 1 June 2018.

A selected number of candidates will be invited to Leuven for an interview on the 27th of June.

Starting date: 1 October 2018 (or soon after).

The Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, ERC Endeavor “EarlyModernCosmology”

Three pre-doctoral fellows

with outstanding projects in one of the following research areas relevant to the ERC endeavor:

• History of scientific and philosophical thought in the political-confessional contexts of the early modern period;

• History of astronomy in the early modern period, its historical roots and scientific contexts (incl. technical, visual, and conceptual aspects in general);

• Problems of historical epistemology, in particular a meta-reflection on science informed by historical-political and historical-cultural categories.

The successful candidates will enroll in a PhD program at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Philosophy Curriculum. A research proposal (of maximum 15,000 characters, including spaces, 1,5 spaced, in English) should be submitted, including a survey of the state of the art and a final bibliography (which is excluded from the 15,000 characters). Deadline: April 26, 2018, at 13:00 (Italian time) Link: For the details and the submission, please follow the instructions in the call on the University official website: (English) http://www.unive.it/phd-degrees (Italian) http://www.unive.it/dottorati

Visiting Assistant Professor Medieval or Early Modern Mediterranean

(U Miami) University of Miami, Department of History, seeks a Visiting Assistant Professor for academic year 2018-2019 in Medieval or Early

Modern Mediterranean. We particularly welcome applications from candidates specializing in the history of the Islamic Mediterranean. Duties include teaching introductory surveys and upper-level lecture courses and seminars. The teaching assignment is three courses each semester. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in hand by August 2018. Please apply to this position through the University’s Faculty Careers Website: https://umiami.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UMFaculty. For your application, please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, three confidential letters of recommendation, and a writing sample (dissertation chapter, published paper, conference presentation). Please note that the letter of application, curriculum vitae and writing sample must be uploaded on the "Resume/CV" screen by hitting the attachment button for each document you wish to upload. Please have the three confidential letters of recommendation sent to: historysearch@miami.edu The deadline for submission of applications is May 2, 2018. Please contact Interim Chair Eduardo Elena edelena@miami.edu with any questions.

The Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Department of Philosophy and Cultural

Heritage ERC Endeavor “EarlyModernCosmology”

The ERC research endeavor, “Institutions and Metaphysics of Cosmology in the Epistemic Networks of Seventeenth-Century Europe” (proposal number 725883), was established at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice beginning in November 2017. It will benefit from the financial support of the European Research Council for five years. Historian and philosopher of science, Pietro Daniel Omodeo, will lead an international research group investigating early-modern Protestant and Catholic cosmologies in their institutional, political, and ideological settings. The project has a wide-ranging thematic,

geographical, and geopolitical scope. It will be reinforced by a methodological and philosophical reflection on political epistemology informed by Gramscian views on society, culture, and politics. We are currently looking for three pre-doctoral fellows with outstanding projects in one of the following research areas relevant to the ERC endeavor: History of scientific and philosophical thought in the political-confessional contexts of the early modern period; History of astronomy in the early modern period, its historical roots and scientific contexts (incl. technical, visual, and conceptual aspects in general); Problems of historical epistemology, in particular a meta-reflection on science informed by historical-political and historical-cultural categories. The successful candidates will enroll in a PhD program at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Philosophy Curriculum. A research proposal (of maximum 15,000 characters, including spaces, 1,5 spaced, in English) should be submitted, including a survey of the state of the art and a final bibliography (which is excluded from the 15,000 characters). Deadline: April 26, 2018, at 13:00 (Italian time) Link: For the details and the submission, please follow the instructions in the call on the University official website: (English) http://www.unive.it/phd-degrees (Italian) http://www.unive.it/dottorati

The submission should be sent following the procedure as indicated on the University website.

Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) - 2 Postdocs

The Department of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona is seeking to appoint 2 postdocs in Ancient Philosophy for a fixed-term period of 24 months. The positions are to support the research project PROTEUS - Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s), which is funded by the European Research Council and led by Dr Silvia De Bianchi.

Successful candidates will work in a multi-disciplinary research team. They are expected to both perform research independently and coordinate their work with other team members and other project partners. They are also expected to spend up to six weeks per year at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and take part in the activities that Dr De Bianchi will organize there in collaboration with Prof. Fronterotta and Dr Alessandrelli, including a workshop at the CNR-ILIESI in Rome. There are no teaching obligations.

Research Profiles

Postdoc 1:

Successful candidate is expected to work on Plato's Timaeus, Philebus and Parmenides, especially on topics related to the metaphysics of time, soul and world soul, dialectic method, with reference to the Platonic tradition in Antiquity and late Antiquity.

Postdoc 2:

Successful candidate will work on the reception of Plato's cosmology and Stoic cosmology. In particular, s/he is expected to work on the notion of time as incorporeal ontic structure and Stoic notion of matter. Furthermore, s/he will be working on the reception of Plato's chora, the figure of the demiurge and on the cosmological demiurgy in Stoicism and middle Platonism

Candidates must hold a PhD in Philosophy (awarded before September 2016).

Full-time positions (37,5 hours a week) are available from 1 September 2018 for a fixed-term period of 24 months.

Salary: 32.640€ per annum

Closing Date: 5pm on 31st May 2018.

For informal enquiries please contact Dr Silvia De Bianchi: silvia.debianchi@uab.cat

More information on the project can be found on the website: http://www.proteus-pmte.eu/

Please apply following the instructions provided on EURAXESS:

Postdoc 1: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/296240

Postdoc 2: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/296249

Aún aceptando propuestas...

Foreign Knowledge Medieval Attitudes towards the Unknown

Ruhr-University Bochum

14-16 June 2018 https://www.hsozkult.de/event/id/termine-36464

Congreso de SEMYR

CFP Deadline: 1 May 2018 http://www.la-semyr.es/

From Quadrivium to Natural Sciences: New Impulses in the Traditional Framework

Ostrava, Czech Republic 15-16 November 2018


Assistant Professor, Philosophy

Lewis University Romeoville, Illinois

Deadline: 2 June 2018


Nuevas Publicaciones

Revista de Antropología y Filosofía de lo Sagrado

Vol. 1, Núm. 2 (2017): Imago Templi


C. López Alcalde, J. Puig Montada, P. Roche Arnas (eds.)

The Legitimation of Political Power in Medieval Thought. Acts of the XIX Annual Colloquium of

the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale Alcalá, 18-20 September

2013, (Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, 17)

Brepols, Turnhout, 2018




Commentaire sur le livre Lambda de la Métaphysique




Épitre sur les prophéties


Alexandre d'Aphrodise

Les principes du tout selon la

doctrine d’Aristote


I sermoni quaresimali: digiuno del

corpo, banchetto dell’anima

a cura di P. Delcorno, E. Lombardo, L. Tromboni


María del Carmen Paredes Martín, Enrique Bonete Perales

Filosofía, arte y mística



e-codices newsletter, March 2018, nr. 32

e-codices. Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland


OWL N. 5 January-March/Gennaio-Marzo 2018

Newsletter della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana


Socios de SOFIME

Jaume Mensa i Valls, membro de SOFIME, elegido miembro numerario del Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Secció de Filosofia i Ciències Socials) Jaume Mensa i Valls, L’Institut d’Estudis Catalans i els estudis arnaldians (1907-2016). Discurs de recepció de JAUME MENSA I VALLScom a membre numerari de la Secció de Filosofiai Ciències Socials, llegit el dia 20 de febrer de 2018. Disponible online: https://publicacions.iec.cat/repository/pdf/00000254/00000096.pdf

En la prensa

‘Romance and Reason: Islamic Transformations of the Classical Past’ A small, intriguing exhibition at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York (February 14, 2018—May 13, 2018) shows the startling continuities between the ancient Greek world and medieval and early modern Islam. The New York Review of Books, march 2018 http://www.nybooks.com/event/romance-reason-islamic-transformations-classical-past/

La ciudad perdida de Al Medina Al Zahira, obra de Almanzor (Córdoba) https://elpais.com/cultura/2018/03/13/actualidad/1520956516_197950.html

In UK universities there is a daily erosion of integrity https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/apr/24/uk-universities-erosion-integrity-bologna-statement

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