Abraham, father of faith Genesis 12-22 - Chatswood Baptist 12-22... · Journey of faith Genesis...

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Transcript of Abraham, father of faith Genesis 12-22 - Chatswood Baptist 12-22... · Journey of faith Genesis...

Abraham, father of faith

Genesis 12-22



Introduction 1. Journey of faith 11:27 - 12:9 2. Testing faith 12:10 - 14:24 3. Impatient faith 15:1 - 18:15 4. Prayer of faith 18:16 - 19:29 5. Faith and our fears 19:30 – 20:18 6. Child of faith 21 7. Abraham’s final test 22


Introduction Abraham is very important figure in the Bible. To him God spoke the promise of the gospel in advance (Gal 3:8). God promised to bless Abraham and to make him a blessing to all people. Abraham trusted this promise and became an example to us all. The apostle Paul says that he is the father of all who believe whether Jew or Gentile. Abraham’s faced many trials and temptations while waiting for God to fulfil his promise. His faith wasn’t perfect, yet it stood firm and did not waver. Thus his story continues to be a great encouragement to all his children who continue to walk by faith and not by sight in this world. “He is the father of us all” (Romans 4:16). Philip Calman February 2006


1. Journey of faith Genesis 11:27-12:9

Introduction The story of Abraham begins with a journey. Abraham and his family were moving and they had to embark on a significant journey to get where they were going. Many people today go through similar journeys leaving their home in order to make their home in another place. What journeys have you or your forebears made in order to live where you are living today? What brought you or your forebears to the place where you are living?

The journey begins Since the beginning of time people have left their homes and families in order to settle other places. Many have left looking for a better country with a brighter future. The writer of the Hebrews says that Abraham was looking for a better country (Hebrews 11:16). In chapter 11 we read of how the journey began for Abraham who at this stage is stilled called “Abram”. Please read 11:27 to 32 to discover how the journey began for Abram and his family.



1. What journey did Terah and his family set out on? 2. Who went with him and who remained behind? 3. What things are we told about the women that Abram and Nahor married?

Think about it Ur was already an important city religiously and politically at this time. It is said to have had about a quarter of a million people. The best evidence suggests that it was situated in southern Mesopotamia in what we now would refer to as southern Iraq. From what we are told how significant had this place been for Terah and his family?


We are not told what motivated Terah to leave Ur. At least one of his two living sons chose to not go with him. Please read Acts 7:2-4 to find out why Abram did. What prompted Abram to leave the place of his birth?

The journey continues Abram's journey of faith commenced when the Lord told him to leave Ur and go to a land that he would show him. Abram left trusting that the Lord would show him the land and believing the promise that God made to bless him. Please read 12:1-3 to understand the promise on which this journey was based and which it continued after the death of Terah. 4. In what way had the Lord promised to bless Abram and how would it come about? 5. Who else does the Lord promise to bless?


Think about it The earlier part of chapter 11 tells the story of humanity’s working together to oppose God. Men constructed the tower of Babel because they wanted to make a name for themselves and to avoid being scattered across the face of the earth (Genesis 11:4). They wanted to be a great nation independent from God. God however did not allow this to happen. He judged them and he confused their speech and he scattered them across the face of the earth. How does this promise to Abraham suggest that men will come together again and live under God's blessing? Paul wrote that in this promise to Abraham that God announced the gospel in advance (Galatians 3:8). Why is this promise to Abraham the advanced announcement of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ?

As Stephen made clear in speech in Acts the promise of God was what prompted Abraham to leave Ur in the first place. It was also this promise that saw him recommence his journey and leave Haran. Please read 12:4-5 to find out more about the next leg of his journey to Canaan.


6. Why did Abraham leave Haran and who went with him?

The journey doesn't end The journey of faith was not over for Abraham once he arrived in the land of Canaan. The journey didn’t end with Abram arriving in the land that God had promised. Please read 12:6-9. 7. What obstacle was there to Abram making the land of Canaan his home? 8. What did Abram do when he arrived and why do you think he did it? 9. What did God promise Abram when he arrived in the Promised Land? 10. How was Abram to live out his days in the land of Canaan (c/f Hebrews 11:9-10)?


Think about it Who would be Abraham’s offspring that would inherit this promise (c/f Gal 3:16,29)? Arriving in Canaan was only the end of the first leg of Abram’s journey of faith. The journey of faith didn't end for Abram (c/f Hebrews 11:13-16). In what way does our journey of faith continue to go on? When do the offspring of Abraham finally take possession of what has been promised (c/f Rev 21)? Arriving in the Promised Land and seeing the Canaanites already there must have been a test of Abraham’s faith. How is our faith tested in a similar way by what we see around us in this world (c/f Hebrews 11)? What are the things that you see around you that test your faith?


Conclusion Many stories of journeys are about the difficulties and obstacles that occurred along the way. The conclusion of the story usually comes when the destination is reached. Abraham’s journey of faith is different.

Think about it How long does Abraham’s story go on for? When does it finish?


2. Testing faith Genesis 12:10-14:24

Introduction Have you ever been put in a situation where you felt that your faith was being tested? What sort of things in life test our faith in what God has promised? The journey of faith didn’t end for Abram when he arrived in the Promised Land. Abram never really took total possession of what was his for there were already Canaanites living in the land. Abram as long as he lived there lived in a tent and the only piece of land that he took possession of was a burial plot for his wife. Abram’s faith in God’s promise was being tested. In chapter 12 to 14 we read of three different situations that tested Abram’s faith in God and his promise. These three things were famine, family and fighting in the land.


Famine in the land. Abram not only was confronted with Canaanites in the land he was also confronted with a severe famine. Please read 12:10 – 13:4 to learn how Abram responded to this difficulty. 1. Abram came up with a plan. What was it and what did it rely on? 2. Did Abram’s plan succeed? Why did Abram end up leaving Egypt with his wife and everything that Pharaoh had given him? 3. What did Abram do when he arrived back to where his tent had been earlier? Why do you think he did this?


Think about it Do you think Abram was right to try and pass Sarai off as his sister rather than his wife? How would you describe Abram’s faith at this point? What did Abram seem to learn through this situation?



Family in the land Abram and his nephew had grown so wealthy in Egypt that their wealth created a problem for them back in the Promised Land. The land could not support the two families so long as they stayed together. Please read 13:5 –18 to discover how Abram responded this time. 4. What plan did Abram come up with this time? 5. Where did the members of this family end up living? 6. The Lord spoke to Abram and reassured him. What did the Lord say that was so reassuring?


Think about it Why would everything that Abram could see be his one-day? How would you describe Abram’s faith at this point?

Fighting in the land Abram was instructed by the Lord to walk through the length and breadth of the land. It has been suggested that this was a symbolic action by which Abram was staking his claim to the Promised Land. Abram however wasn’t the only one staking his claim. There were others however who also believed that they had a claim to the land and were prepared to fight about it. Please read chapter 14 and learn of how the fighting broke out in the land and how Abram got caught up in it. 7. Who was the fighting between and how did Abram get drawn into the fight?


8. How successful was the rescue attempt carried out by Abram? 9. What was Melchizedek’s assessment of why Abram had been so successful against the kings of the north1? 10. Why did Abram refuse to accept anything for himself that belonged to the king of Sodom2? 1 The precise identification of all these five kings and their cities is difficult. Shinar is the region with which Babel was associated (c/f Gen. 11:2). Ellasar is uncertain. Goiim might be referring to a group of federated cities in Asia Minor. Elam was south east of Babylonia Meredith. G. Kline, 94 “Genesis”, New Bible Commentary; Third Edition. 2 Salem is normally identified to be the site of Jerusalem.



Think about it The kings of the north thought that they had a claim to the land. They were however wrong. Whose land was it shown in reality to be? The tenth was a tribute that Abram gave the Melchizedek as on offering to God the Most High. What do you think Abram was acknowledging by this offering? How are we to respond to all that God has done for us (c/f Romans 6:13ff)? The kings of the north and south depended on their alliances with each other. Who exactly did Abram have on his side? How would you describe Abram’s faith now?


Conclusion Difficulties tested the faith of Abraham as they also test ours today. Paul however wrote that Abraham did not waver in his faith regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in it and gave glory to God (Rom 4:20).

Think about it Did this mean that Abraham never worried about things? What do you think Paul means when he said that he did not waver? How was Abraham strengthened through these difficulties? What did Abraham seem to learn? What things do we need to remember when facing difficulties? What reassurance do we have?


3. Impatient Faith Genesis 15:1-18:15

Introduction All of us probably know couples that desperately would have liked to have children but for one reason or another were unable to have them. Perhaps you have known this disappointment yourself. Many couples experience great personal heartache and disappointment. In the ancient world added to this personal heartache was a misguided belief that barrenness was a sign of God’s judgment. It involved great shame particularly for the woman. For her it could even be a matter of reproach and in some quarters it was thought to be sufficient grounds for divorcing her. For the couple it also meant that there was no one to look after them in their old age. There was also no heir to preserve the family name or inheritance. Abram and Sarai would have been very familiar with disappointment. Abram would be 100 years old and Sarai 90 years of age before Isaac would be born. At times it must have seemed that it was never going to happen. In these chapters (15-17) we see their personal struggle and anguish as they waited for God’s promise to be fulfilled. It is the pain of childless ness that dominates this story.


Abram’s heartache In chapter 15 the word of the Lord comes again to Abram after the Lord had helped him to rescued Lot from four powerful kings. Please read chapter 15. 1. In a vision the Lord reassured Abram. What did the Lord promise to do and how did Abram respond to the Lord’s words of reassurance? 2. How did the Lord respond to Abram’s complaint what does He reassure Abram of? 3. How does Abram respond to being taken outside and told that counting his descendants will be like trying to count the stars?


4. In the second half of chapter 15 the Lord made a covenant with Abram confirming the promise that he made to give Abram possession of the land.3. During this covenant treaty ritual Abram is given more detail about how his descendants will take possession of the land. When would they take possession of the land? What would have to happen first?

Think about it This is the first occurrence of the word “believe” in the Scriptures and perhaps the most important. Abram’s faith becomes a paradigm for all people. It is the way that we all ought to respond to the promise of God. The apostle Paul argues that the words “it was credited to him as righteousness” were not just written for Abraham but for all those who would believe in the gospel. Please read what the apostle says about Abraham and his faith in Romans 4:16-25.

3 “The cutting in half of the heifer and goat and ram were all associated with the making of a covenant or a treaty. “The curse conditionally invoked in the oath was symbolized by this slaying and sundering of animals, signifying ‘so may it be done to him who breaks this covenant’ (cf. 1 Sam. 1:7)” “Genesis”: New Bible Commentary, Third Edition, 95.


What does faith involve? What does it mean to be considered righteous? Who are Abraham’s offspring? How are the two branches of the family related to one another?


Sarai’s impatience Abram’s heartache found comfort in believing the promise of God. Sarai however was understandably growing impatient for after 10 years of living in the Promised Land she was still childless. She would have been 75 years of age and seemed no closer to having a child. In chapter 16 she grows impatient with waiting and comes up with a scheme of her own for having a child. Please read this chapter. 5. What was Sarai’s plan to have a child? 6. What problems resulted from Abram agreeing to the plan?

Think about it What promise was made to Hagar and how does this promise relate to the one that was given to Abram? Was Sarai’s plan successful?


Divine Confirmation After Abram and Sarah had tried to fulfil the promise using their own plan the Lord twice confirmed his intentions to bless them and give them an heir. Please read chapter 17 to discover what the Lord said to Abram the first time and how Abram responded to this divine reassurance. 7. What names does the Lord give to Abram and Sarai and why are they given (3-8; 15-16)? What promise does the Lord reaffirm? 8. Why were Abraham and his male descendants to be circumcised (9-14)? 9. How did Abraham respond to what the Lord had to say the first time he appeared to him?


The Lord appeared to Abraham again by the oaks of Mamre. Again Abraham is a reassured again by the Lord that Sarah will have a son. This time the emphasis falls on Sarah’s reaction to the news. Please read 18:1-15 to learn more of what the Lord said and how Sarah reacted. 11. How did Sarah respond to what the Lord had to say to Abraham?

Think about it God was prepared to do far more than what Abram and Sarai were willing to hope for or imagine. Ishmael would have been enough for Abram. But God told Abram that he would give him the son that he and Sarai had always wanted. It would be this old couple who would be the father and mother of nations. What mistake in judgment did Abram and Sarai make when they decided to take things into their own hands? God surprised Abram and Sarai. What further surprises would the working out of this promise involve?


The Lord reassured Abraham and Sarah of his promise. In what way are believers reassured and their faith strengthened today?

Conclusion The apostle Paul said that these words were not just written for Abraham but they were written for us who believe in the one who has raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 4:22ff).

Think about it In what way does the story strengthen our faith in God even when things might seem to be hopeless? The man of faith doesn’t appear to be without his faults. How can he make so many mistakes and still be the man of faith?


4. Prayer of faith Genesis 18:16-19:29

Introduction Each day the newspapers and radio and television tell of disasters and accidents that happen around our world. It might be news of a bush fire. It could be an earthquake or a tsunami or a pile up of cars on the M2. These reports often have relatively little effect on our lives. Yet they can quickly take on different proportions if we believe that somehow our friends or family might be caught up in them. Have you ever received some news that momentarily caused you to worry about a friend or family member?

Disturbing News In this study Abraham received some disturbing news about the city where his nephew Lot had decided to live. Please read 18:16-21 to understand why this news would have caused Abraham some concern. 1. Where was the Lord heading and why was he heading there?


Think about it The Lord told Abraham that he was on his way to visit Sodom. This was going to be no holiday. It was a visit with view to judgment. The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah was so great that the Lord was preparing to destroy these cities. Why do you think the Lord told Abraham of his intentions to visit Sodom?

Abraham’s Prayer Abraham responded to the news by appealing directly to the Lord to spare the city. Please read Abraham’s intercession for the city in chapter 18 verses 22 to 33. 2. On what basis is Abraham confident to appeal to the Lord for the sake of the city? 3. What reason did Abraham offer God for sparing the city?


4. How did the Lord respond to Abraham’s intercession for the city?

Think about it What do you think Abraham learns from this dialogue with the Lord? What has he been reassured of? Why do you think that Abraham stopped at ten righteous?

Confirming the facts How many righteous people were living in Sodom? Abraham didn’t seem confident that the Lord would find 50 and ultimately he ended up asking the Lord to spare the city for the sake of just ten. But were there even ten righteous? Please read verses 1 to 13 of chapter 19 to see how the facts of this matter would be determined. 5. How did Lot receive the two angels who appeared at the gate of the city in the evening (19:1-3)?


6. Who surrounded Lot’s house and what did they want (4-5)? 7. How did Lot respond to the demands that were made (6-11)? 8. The angels ended up saving Lot from his own neighbours. Having been saved what was Lot instructed to do and why?

Think about it How many righteous men did live in Sodom? How does the Lord do what is right in the case of Sodom?


Escaping Punishment Lot was told to hurry and flee the city to escape the punishment coming on the city. Please read 19:14-29 to learn more about Lot’s flight from Sodom. 9. How did Lot and his family react to the angel’s directions to hastily flee the city (14-16)? 10. Why didn’t the disaster overcome Lot? How did he escape the punishment?

Think about it Did Lot deserve to escape the judgment coming on the city?


Conclusion The Lord revealed to Abraham what he was going to do to Sodom and Gomorrah so that Abraham might instruct his children about the way of the Lord. The story ends with Abraham looking down on the plains of the valley and observing the smoke, which was like the smoke coming from a furnace. Presumably he had seen much that he could pass on to his children.

Think about it What do you think Abraham would have learnt from hearing and seeing what had happened to the people of Sodom? Please read 2 Peter 2:4-10. What does Peter say we ought to learn from this story? How does the Lord deliver us from the judgment coming on the world?


5. Faith and our fears Genesis 19:30-20:18

Introduction There are times in life when our fears can get the better of us. Our fears take on gigantic proportions and our faith in comparison can seem small and insignificant. Fears can cause the person of faith to stumble. What fears do you have? What do you worry about most? In today’s reading we see people’s fears getting the better of faith. We see this in the story of Lot’s daughters and surprisingly again in Abraham.

Lot’s Daughters In the previous study we saw how the Lord rescued Lot and his family from the judgment that came on the cities of the plain. The Lord was able to rescue righteous Lot4 and his daughters from the destruction that rained down on the city of Sodom. After however having been rescued Lot and his family seemed to let their fears get the better of them. Please read 19:30 – 38 to learn how their fears began to dwarf their trust in God. 4 2 Peter 2:7


1. Why were Lot and his daughters living in cave? 2. What did Lot’s daughters fear most? 3. What did they do to appease their fears? 4. What two nations resulted from the action they took? These two nations were to later cause Israel much trouble (c/f Numbers 25; Judges 3:12-13). They would be close neighbours of Israel. Please spend a moment to locate these nations on the map on the following page.



Think about it This story is an example of how people can allow their fears to overcome their faith. Lot’s daughters were clearly not allowing faith to direct their actions. It was their natural fear of being childlessness, which ruled them. It overcame their fear of the Lord because they did what would have been clearly wrong in the sight of the Lord. What way had Lot also allowed his fears to get the better of his faith (c/f 19:21-22)? How can people today allow their fears (which might even be very natural ones to have) to overcome their faith in the Lord and what they know to be right?

Abraham Old fears can remerge at times when we least expect them. These fears can sometimes be irrational and unreasonable. In the light of all that God had already done to protect Abraham his fears in chapter 20 seem a little surprising. Please read this chapter to discover how the man of faith coped with some old fears.


5. What old plan did Abraham come up with while he stayed in Gerar? 6. How did the Lord intervene this time? 7. Why did Abraham pretend that Sarah was nothing more than his sister? 8. Why did Abimelech give Abraham a thousands shekels of silver?


Think about it Abraham and Sarah had already been through much together over their lifetime. What do you find most surprising about Abraham’s actions? How did his actions, at least, on the surface, seem to jeopardize the fulfilment of the promise? Abraham allowed his fears to get the better of him. We too can worry about things in an unreasonable way. What are we to do with our worries (c/f Matthew 6:25-34)? Abraham found himself in a difficult situation to which he responded rather poorly. It could have been an absolute disaster. Yet surprisingly Abraham came out of whole situation better off than what he went into it. What do you think he might have learnt through this?


Conclusion Abraham not only trades Sarah, but also seemed to trade God’s promise for his own personal security. The promise however would be fulfilled in spite of the one to whom it was given sometimes getting in the way.

Think about it In what ways can we sometimes get in the way of God and what he is doing in our lives? Why ultimately will the promise be fulfilled (c/f Isaiah 55:11)? What confidence can we have that ultimately God’s will work out in our lives (c/f Philippians 1:3-6)?


6. Child of faith Genesis 21

Introduction We sometimes have to wait a long time for the things that we want. We might have to save up for them or else perhaps wait for the right time or opportunity to come along. Have there been things that you have had to wait for? Abraham and Sarah had to wait many years before God gave them the child that he had promised. Please read Genesis 21:1-20 to discover how long it was that they had to wait and what it was like once the waiting was over.

Promised child The waiting was finally over the Abraham and Sarah with the birth of a son. In verses 1 to 7 the delight and joy of the parents is described. 1. What did the Lord do for Sarah?


2. How old was Abraham when Sarah born his a son? How long had they been waiting for this promised child (c/f 12:4; 16:15)? 3. Why did so much laughter5 accompany the birth of Abraham and Sarah’s son?

Think about it Why did God give Abraham and Sarah a son in their old age? What do we learn about God from this? God delivered on this part of his promise to Abraham and Sarah. How would God ultimately deliver on all his promises (2 Cor 1:20)?

5 Isaac’s name meant “he laughs” and Sarah said that the Lord had brought her laughter and that everyone who heard about it would also laugh.


The heir of the promise With the birth of Isaac, Abraham was now the proud father of two boys. Ishmael was his first and oldest son. He was the son of Sarah’s servant, Hagar. Isaac was fourteen years younger than Ishmael and was the son of his wife, Sarah. Abraham and two boys but only one of them would be his heir. It is the issue of who would be Abraham’s heir that dominates verses 8 to 20 of chapter 21. Please read these verses again. 4. The issue came to a head at what was meant to be a family celebration6. What happened at the celebration to raise this issue (c/f Galatians 4:29)? 5. Sarah quickly recognised what the real issue would be between these two boys: “Who would be their father’s heir?” What was Sarah’s verdict on the matter? 6 The family was celebrating Isaac’s weaning. Isaac would have probably been about two or three years of age. In those days the mortality rate of young infants was very high so reaching this age was something of an accomplishment and was often celebrated with a feast by the family.


6. How did Abraham respond to Sarah’s verdict on this matter? 7. What did the Lord say about the matter? What was God’s verdict? 8. What happened to Hagar and Ishmael in the desert of Beersheba and what did the Lord do for them?

Think about it Paul used he story of Ishmael and Isaac and their mothers to highlight the truth about Abraham’s heirs. Please read Galatians 4:21-31 to discover more about being an heir. Who are the heirs of Abraham? Who inherit the blessing of Abraham and why?


What city do we belong to if we are heirs of Abraham? How do we see the faithfulness of God to his promises demonstrated even in the story of Hagar and Ishmael (16:10; 17:20; 21:13)?

God is with you The Lord had been faithful to His promise and had blessed Abraham by giving him a son in his old age. It appears that Abimilech, the king of the Philistines saw this as a sign that the Lord was definitely with Abraham and his descendants. Abimilech came to Abrham hoping to make a treaty. Please read about the treaty that was made by Abimilech and Abraham in 22 to 32 of chapter 21. 9. Who was Abimilech concerned for and what did he want Abraham to do? 10. What was Abraham’s concerned about and what did he do in order to address those concerns?


Think about it Abimilech had seen the Lord bless Abraham. He knew through personal experience that the Lord was with him. What did Abimilech recognise about the way he need to relate to Abraham (c/f Genesis 12:1-3)? How did Abraham and acknowledge the fact that the Lord was with him?

Conclusion In this chapter we see the outworking of God’s promise to Abraham. God keeps his promises. The Lord blessed Abraham by keeping his promise and blessing him and Sarah with a son in his old age. Abraham and Sarah came to know that nothing was impossible for the Lord and he would keep his promise. They might have had to wait almost a lifetime to see it work out but they knew that the Lord keeps his promises. Even the king of the Philistines could see this. He knew that God would bless Abraham’s descendants and sought a treaty not only for his sake but the sake of his descendants after him.


Think about it As Abraham’s heirs what promised are we still waiting to see fulfilled? How long might we have to wait before we see all these promises fulfilled? How does this story of Abraham and Sarah encourage us to not give up waiting?


7. Abraham’s final test Genesis 22

Introduction What sort of tests have you had to go through? We sometimes have to do a test to be accredited for the work we do. Have you had to pass a test to be accredited or to get some sort of ticket to be qualified to use some sort of equipment? What tests have you done and which ones have you found most difficult?

God’s test In chapter 22 we come to what must have been Abraham’s greatest and most difficult test of his faith. We know that it was a test for the chapter begins by announcing that after the things that had occurred in the previous chapter that God tested Abraham (22:1). Please read 22:1-12 to find out more about the test and the way that Abraham responded to it. 1. What did the Lord instruct Abraham to do?


2. How did Abraham respond to what the Lord had told him to do? 3. What did Abraham and Isaac take with them on the journey? How much did Isaac seem to know about what was happening? 4. What explanation did Abraham give to his son for what was going to happen? 5. What was the Lord’s assessment of how Abraham had gone in the test?


Think about it Abraham was placed in a terribly difficult situation. He was not only told to kill his son who he deeply loved and who he had been waiting for all of his life, but this son was also the son of promise. He was the one through whom God had said that his promise would be fulfilled. Do you think that Abraham understood why the Lord was asking him to sacrifice Isaac? What do you think convinced Abraham to do just as the Lord told him to do (18:14)? Please read Hebrews 11:17-19 to understand how Abraham thought that God will fulfil his promise even though Isaac was to be sacrificed. What did Abraham believe God would do for God’s promise to be fulfilled? What kind of test was this and how had Abraham gone?


God’s provision Abraham had told Isaac that the Lord would provide. These words were not just a way of hiding the truth from Isaac, but the deep conviction of a man who through his lifetime had come to learn to rely on God. Please read 22:13-22 to learn more about what the Lord would provide for Abraham. 6. Why did Abraham call the place where he had been told to sacrifice his son The Lord Will Provide? 7. Abraham had travelled at least three days from where he had been in the south to get to the mountains of Moriah. Where were these hill located and what were they associated with (2 Chronicles 3:1)? 8. The words that the Lord spoke to Abraham are the last recorded words spoken to him by the Lord. What did the Lord reassure Abraham of and how did the Lord confirm the certainty of what was promised (c/f Hebrews 6:13 – 20)?


9. The chapter ends with Abraham receiving news of Nahor’s family. Who gets a special mention in the genealogy?

Think about it The Lord did provide. At the last minute he provided a substitute to take the place of Abraham’s son. He provided a ram caught by its horns in a thicket. As a result, we are told that the saying grew up that on the mountain of the Lord it will be provided. What sacrifice would God ultimately provide for Abraham and his descendants on this mount (John 1:35-36; Romans 8:32)? How does this sacrifice highlight God’s great love for us (John 3:16)? God not only provides for us in so many ways. Why did Rebecca get a special mention in the genealogy (c/f Genesis 25)?


Conclusion This was the last great test of Abraham’s faith that we hear about. Abraham’s journey has not been an easy one and many of the things that he went through greatly tested his faith in God.

Think about it Why do believers experience such testing (James 1:2-3)? What is God’s purpose in allowing us to be tested? How would you now describe Abraham’s faith and why would you say this? Like Abraham there will be times that we won’t understand what God is asking of us or why we might have to experience certain things. What however have you learnt that you can be certain of?