About Si0 Additions to NiZnCo Ferrites 21)/RLMM Art-88V8N1-p44.pdf · 2011. 3. 17. ·...

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Transcript of About Si0 Additions to NiZnCo Ferrites 21)/RLMM Art-88V8N1-p44.pdf · 2011. 3. 17. ·...

LatinAmerican Journal 01 Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 8 Nos. 1 & 2 (1988)

About Si02 Additions to NiZnCo Ferrites

A. González Arias and T. Rodríguez

Dpto, Física Aplicada, Fac. de Física,Universidad de La Habana.

Se estudia la influencia de pequeñas cantidades de Si().¿en la permeabilidad y el factor de pérdidas de ferritas de NiZnCo, para dos como.posiciones básicas diferentes. En ambos casos. se obsaerva un cambio abrupto en la permeabilidad y en las pérdidas, en una región muyestrecha de alrededor de 0.025%en peso de Si().¿.Los resultados sugieren dos mecanismos diferentes para la influencia del Si().¿en laspropiedades magnéticas: a) por disolución en la red espinela por debajo del 0.05%,y b) estorbando el crecimiento de los granos cuandose adiciona una mayor cantidad.

About Si02 Additions to NiZnCo Ferrites

The influence of small amounts of silica on the permeability and loss factor ofNiZnCo ferrites is studied, for two different basic cornposí-tions. An abrupt change in permeability and losses is observed. in both cases, in a very narrow region of about 0.025 wt % Si().¿.Theresults suggest two different mechanisms for the influence of Si().¿on the magnetic properties: a) by dissolution in the spinel latticebelow 0.05 wt %, and b) by impeding grain growth when larger amounts are added.


Small amounts of silica, added to polycrystallinespinel or hexagonal ferrites, are known to affect noti-ceably one or another physical property. In the case ofhard Ba and Sr M-type hexaferrites, commonly used asmaterials for permanent magnets, silica has been recom-mended as a sintering additive, able to improve the mate-rial properties through the promotion of shrinkage or byimpeding grain growth, providing materials with largervolume magnetization or higher coercitivity. A more orless abrupt change in the smooth variation of the magne-tic and electric properties with added silica is observedbelow 1wt % Si02, and this behavior may be correlatedwith the Si02 solubility-limit in the ferrite crystallattice.For Ba M-type hexaferrite, this limit is around 0.55 wt %,with a similar behavior for Sr-M hexaferrite [1].

In soft Mn-Zn spinel ferrites, used mostly as high-permeability cores for inductor and transformers in thekHz frequency range, much smaller amounts of SiOz areknown to affect properties such as resistivity and per-meability (¡..t), Results obtained by Akashi [2]show thata maximum of resistivity and a mínimum value of theloss factor (tan o) are found when 0.02 to 0.04 wt % Si02

is added to a MnZn ferrite of composition Mllo.66Zllo.21

F~.1104' Lescroel and Pierrot [3] obtained a quite un-usual behavior when analyzing the effect of Si02 on thepermeability of a MnZn ferrite; this parameter reducesfrom 1800 to 500 at about 0.05% of Si02 increasingabruptly up to 2400 for 0.08%, and decresing again whenmore silica is added. Promoted grain growth and largegrains were reported above 0.05 wt % Si02, while below0.05% the grain size was very smal!. It has been conside-red that, in MnZn ferrites, Si02below 0.05% forms inclu-sions which impede grain growth and that, above 0.05%,it redissolves enhancing grain growth [4].

Silica has also been added to high frequency NiZnCoferrites [5],but the literature on the subject is scant, anddoes not provide a clear understanding about the in-fluence of this additive, or about the mechanism invol-ved. In iron excess NiZnCo ferrites the C02+ ions, belowthe Curie temperature, become placed in preferentialsites under the action of local forces, with their magneticmoments oriented along preferred directions, impedingthe displacement of -stabilizing or "pinning" - thedomain walls. The pinning ofthe walls causes a decreasein the permeability, and also in the magnetic losses [6,7].In iron excess MnZn ferrites, the addition of trivalent ortetravalent ions such as TiH , SnH

, ~+ ,GeH or A13+causean increase in the Fe2+ content [8]. Since a certainamount of Fe2+ is also expected in iron excess NiZnCoferrites sintered in air, the influence of Si02 in these ferri-tes could be related to one or several of the followingmechanisms: i) reduction of eddy current losses throughthe increase in resistivity at the grain boundaries,ii) grain growth control, which is also known to have astrong influence in high frequency losses [6], iii) interac-tion with the Cc}+diffusion to stabilize domain walls,iv) changes in the FEf+ contento


To study the effect of Si02 in NiZnCo ferrites, 20 mmdiameter toroidal samples were prepared from carbona-tes and oxides by conventional ceramíc methods, withmixing and millingtimes of1and 2hours, respectively, ina vertical rotatory ball mil!. Calcination and sinteringtemperatures were set at 950 and 1200°C, and cornpac-tion pressure at 2.5 'I'on/crn". After sintering, coolingwas carried out slowly with the furnace to room tempera-

Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales. Vol. 8 Nos. 1 & 2 (1988) 45

tu re , for no less than 20 hours, in order to stabilize thedomain walls. N o significant changes in magnetic pro-nertíes, were found after further thermal stabilization.Samples of the same basic composition with differentamounts of Si02 added were sintered together, to avoidany possible anomalous effect caused by the great sensi-tlvTty of these materials to thermal treatments. A TeslaBM-560 Q-meter was used for the measurement of theinitial permeability and loss factor. All measurementswere carried out in the region of frequencies where thepermeability of the individual samples remained cons-tant, well below the frequency of ferromagnetic reso-nance.

Results obtained for samples with molar ratioF~Os:NiO:ZnO:CoO of 59.0:19.5:20.5:1.0 appear infigure 1, as a function of the amount of silica added to the


basic composition. An abrupt change in thevariation ofthe perrneability is observed around 0.05-0.075 % Si02(curve lII), change wich is al so reflected in the loss factormeasured at different frequencies (curve 1, 10 MHz;curve Il, 20 MHz). The relative decrement of lossesincreases with frequency, and the range of practícalapplication becomes extended to higher frequencies;however, this happens at expense of the impairment ofthe relative loss factor tan O, p.,at lower frequencies, asmay be seen from curves 1 and III. No significant varia-tion of the sintered sarnples density with the amount ofadded silica was detected, neither were found differen-ces in the apparent grain size of samples with up to 0.05%of silica added ('V 2 p.,m), when compared with the samplewithout silica through the optícal microscope (2000x).An ínhibltory effect on grain growth was observed forhigher amounts of Si02•








o, , 0,2

20 ~------'--------'---------r-------~------~0,050

0,3 0,4


Fig. 1. Influence of added SiO¿ on permeability (curve UI) and loss factor (curves 1 and U) for a 59.0:19.5:20.5:1.0:F~Oa:NiO:ZnO:CoO ferrite. Curve I. measured at 10 MHz; curve II. at 20 MHz.

wt %

46 LatinAmerican Journal o/ Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 8 Nos. 1 & 2 (1988)


The results shown in figures 1 and 2 differ fromthose reported for MnZn ferrites in the sense that, in theregion around 0.05% Si02• no significant changes werefound in the grain size distribution which could Justifythe abrupt changes in permeability and losses. However.the change in the behavior of /-L and tan 8 should be rela-ted to some significant change in the mechanism bywhich Si02 interacts wíth the material. A rsasonable






80-- •...--

explanation may be given supposing that, below 0.05 wt%, Si02 dissolves in the spinellattice in a manner similaras that taking place in Ba-M and Sr-M hexaferrites.However, the amount of 0.05 wt % Si02 seems to be toosmall to try to explain the changes in JL and tan 8 throughthe change in Fe2 +contento Also, the fact that the sam-ples did not show significant changes when submitted tofurther thermal treatments, does not support the suppo-sition that the Si02 could assist the diffusion of Co2+ ionsto stabilize the domain walls.

-1(tan ~ J-leo




ZI 110


0,00 0,02 0,04

40 L- -.,- -. -. ,- ~

0,08 0,1

Fig. 2. Influence of added SiOzon permeability (curve II) and loss factor (curve 1) for a 56.0:21.0:22.0:1.0:F6,!Os:NiO:ZnO:CoOferrite, measured at 3 MHz.

47Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales, Vol. 8,Nos. 1 & 2 (1988)

REFERENCESA more plausible explanation is that the silica dis-solved in the lattice would contribute in some manner,not clear at present, to the domain wall stabilization,adding its contribution to that of C<f+ions. If Si02 isadded over the limit of solubility, then a second mecha-nism takes place besides the mentioned one: graingrowth impeding by intergranular SiOz, with a muchsmaller influence on fJ.. and tan o.

It must be pointed out thatthe influence of Si02 maynot be the same at different sintering temperatures. Inact, the difference between these results and those

obtained for MnZn ferrites, in the region ofhigh SiOzcon-tent, could be caused by the different sintering tempera-tures, usually lower by 100 or more degrees for NiZnCoferrites than for MnZn ferrites.

l. Haberey, F. and Kools, F.: Proc. Int. Conf. Ferrites 356, Japan,1980.

2. Akashi, T.; Trans. Jap. Inst. Metals, 2, 171, 1961.

3. Lescroel, Y., and Pierrot, A.: Cables andTransm., 14, 220, 1960~

4. Slick, P.I .. Ch. 3 in "Ferromagnetic Materials", vol. 2, 219, NorthHoll. Pub. cs. 1980.

5. Sholtz, N.N. and Piskariev, Y.A.: Radiofrequeney Ferrites, Ed.Energy, Moscow, 1966 (in russ).

6. De Lau, J.G.M. and von Groenou, A.B., J. de Phys., eollel, sup 4, 38,Cl-17, 1977.

7. De Lau, J.G.M., Philips Res. Repts. Suppl. N° 6, 1975.8. Koning, V., Appl. Phys. 4, 237, 1974.