About Noxster SEO Company€¦ · SEO company by delivering customers to your online doorstep. Our...

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Transcript of About Noxster SEO Company€¦ · SEO company by delivering customers to your online doorstep. Our...

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About Noxster SEO Company

Noxster is a top SEO Company based out of Los Angeles California. We have established our position as a Top

SEO company by delivering customers to your online doorstep. Our mission and philosophy is provide the

most professional and highest quality customer services along with tactical and strategic search engine

optimization solutions to help each customer achieve their desired results.

At Noxster we take a different approach when it comes to SEO. Each campaign is tailored to each website and

its businesses goals. Each business is unique, which requires a strategic approach based on the initial

consultation with one of our SEO advisors. A full SWOT analysis will be completed to determine your websites

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Every customer is valued, we have top of the line reporting that allows us to monitor and refine your

campaign as needed. We will comply with every SEO code of ethics and guidelines set forth by the search

engines. Your website will achieve top placements with white hat optimization methodologies.

We have outranked:

Noxster SEO difference

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We have dedicated countless hours to researching and implementing new and innovative search engine

optimization methodologies. We take the process one step further to ensure your site is generating a positive

ROI. Having top placement just isn’t enough anymore. Social media, conversion optimization, and pay per click

are all critical components to a successful internet marketing campaign.

Noxster Services

Noxster’s fundamental business model is to provide companies of all sizes with expertly managed online

marketing campaigns, leveraging innovation, leadership, and a strong understanding of online advertising. At

Noxster we offer a full array of services that you will find beneficial for your online campaign.

Search Engine


Pay Per Click Management

Social Media Optimization

Smart Web Design

Graphic Design

SEO Copywriting

Call Us Today: 888-507-4944 Email: info@nseoc.com


Search Engine Optimization

In March 2011, users conducted more than 16.9 billion searches. The search engines of today make it

remarkably easy for consumers to enter a keyword or a phrase and find what they seek. But do they make it

easy for your company to be found in the prominent position on the page where they’ll find you?

Search Engine optimization is highly complex, constantly changing, and sometime unforgiving. But it is vital to

the success of your online marketing strategy. To neglect SEO is throwing away a major opportunity to grow

your business.

Our approach to SEO prioritizes quality of product and services over instant results or utilizing black hat

methods. To maximize the value and long-term ROI, Noxster adheres to “best practices” for all SEO clients.

This ensures any optimization performed offers clients lasting results.

Noxster offers SEO clients unique benefits such as:

Monthly Comprehensive Reporting

Dedicated Linking Building Strategy

Content Analysis

Access to Expert PPC keyword Research and Data

Support a full website Development Team

Personalized Customer Service

Strategic application of Social Media and Viral marketing

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Research and Analysis

Targeting the correct keywords for your business is the first step in ensuring your site attracts the right audience. Since we don’t know your businesses as well as you do, we combine your expertise or your industry, and our expertise of the internet and combine them to product the perfect keywords for your online campaigns. The objective isn’t merely to create traffic, it’s to drive real prospects to your site and increase business. The first step at Noxster is performing a website audit for all SEO clients to gain a comprehensive understanding of a client’s unique needs. The website audit examines key factors that contribute to a client’s natural rankings and the best way to go about your ranking.

Site Analysis

The density, frequency and location of keywords are

critical factors in determining a website’s natural

ranking. Search engines draw a fine line between

acceptable placement and “keyword stuffing”.

Unfortunately the latter does more harm than good.

Site architecture and optimization tactics often

include changes to your site’s copy and backend

coding elements such as HTML, Meta tags, Scripting,

and programming functions.

Page Titles and Keywords

Page Titles and keyword placement are important

factors when creating a website. They give search

engines a better understanding of what your

websites purpose is and will use the page titles to display

in search results. This impacts how you show up in results

and where you are placed.

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Meta Tags

Onsite Factors Analyzed Include:

Keyword Placement

Use of Page Titles & Meta Descriptions

Presence & Accuracy of HTML/XML Sitemaps

Internal Linking Structure

Website Architecture & Programming

Proper Use of Domains & Redirects

Presence of 404 Error Pages

301 Redirects: Making changes to a website can lead to a loss in rankings and traffic. To prevent this, NoXster SEO Company

implements an SEO-friendly tactic called “301 redirects” on client’s websites. This helps SEO for the following reasons:

Canonical Errors: Some client websites have canonical errors caused when different URLs refer to the same page, e.g.

http://www.clientsite.com and http://clientsite.com. Search Engines consider URLs like this to be separate websites

and split organic rankings between URLs. Noxster prevents this from happening.

Duplicate Content: Search Engines hate to see duplicate content on multiple URLs. Noxster uses 301’s to prevent this from occurring.

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Domain Changes: When clients build new websites they don’t want to lose their previous rankings. A 301 redirect allows you to transition

websites without losing these rankings.

HTML and XML Sitemaps: HTML and XML sitemaps are an important factor in determining a website’s natural rankings because they are used by

search engines to identify and index pages on a website.

HTML Sitemap XML Sitemap


Reporting is a key element of Noxster’s SEO services. We provide a report every step of the way. This allows our services

to be as transparent as possible.

Initial Ranking Report This report identifies search engine rankings before any SEO efforts begin. The report aids in gauging the success of Noxster's SEO efforts.

Monthly Ranking Reports This report tracks keywords rankings and illustrates changes in rankings throughout the course of a campaign.

Monthly Progress Reports This report details all SEO-related work performed by NoXster.

Call Us Today: 888-507-4944 Email: info@nseoc.com


Link Building: “Page rank” (PR) is the term Google founder Larry Page gave to a measurement that reflects the quality and value of a web site’s links. Theses links, or the popularity of links to your site (from outside of your actual site) are the most important aspect of your overall visibility on the web. Gathering inbound links from reputable websites is a key element of SEO. Noxster’s innovative approach carefully considers a link’s value from a search engine’s point of view before link acquisition to derive maximum benefit.

Is there such a thing as building too many links?


Call Us Today: 888-507-4944 Email: info@nseoc.com


Proven Results

Client: Photo Magic of Florida

Website: www.photomagicofflorida.com

Service: Local Search


#1- “Photo Booth Orlando” & A Listing (Holding 2 spots on top of the page)

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Pay Per Click Service

Paid Search is one of the best ways to drive immediate traffic to your website. PPC can be used across all major search

engines and social media channels. With our PPC management you don’t just pay us a lump sum and just expect results,

you pay Google and have us properly manage your spend. This allows you to stay on budget, track goals, and see the

most optimal CPC, CTR’s and CPA.

Why Pay Per Click Works

This Heat Map displays the F-shaped principle of how web pages are read. This is graphical representation of where your prospective customers are most likely to click when using Google and other search engines. This data helps understand the importance of appearing in the higher results as well as the pay-per-click areas. Appearing in these areas greatly increases your chances of being clicked on.

PPC Experience

At Noxster we take pride in being Google Ad word certified making sure that we have the training, and past

knowledge of success online. We understand that no two business models are the same, so we take the time

to understand different cultures, industries, and business practices to drive the best results.

Call Us Today: 888-507-4944 Email: info@nseoc.com


Social Media Solutions

Social Media

Noxster Social Media campaigns are built from the group up to achieve real, measureable results. Our messaging is optimized to drive your business goals. We understand and optimize campaigns to maximize the SEO and PPC improvements. Our value is proven through demonstrated results.

Campaign Audit

Before Noxster begins creating message and optimizing profiles an audit is performed to gain a comprehensive understanding of a client’s unique needs. The social media audit examines key factors that contribute to a client’s social media presence and identifies how to best improve results.

Optimized and Custom Messaging

Profile Creation and Optimization: At noxster we can creat new profiles or we can optimize already existing pages. We make sure to always folllow best practices when creating these pages. Once facebook, Twitter, Google + and Youtube pages are set up noxster will manage their upkeep, engagements and continuously optimize for better performance. Optimization Include:

Custom Profile Design with Recognizable Company Branding

Obtaining Vanity URL that Includes the Brand Name

Creation of Custom Tabs that Promote ROI & Engagement

Content Available Only for Fans/Followers/Circle Members

Shop & Share Integration when Applicable

Seasonal Messaging & Design Elements

Message Ratio: Depending on your companies’ business goals, engagement patterns in client’s industry and availability of promotional items we arrive at a custom ratio messaging. These proportions will be the starting point for the campaign.

Call Us Today: 888-507-4944 Email: info@nseoc.com


Graphic Design Solutions

Every industry is a crowded market place, saturated with a multitude of companies offer similar services. To ensure you stand out, Noxster offers graphic designs that allow your customers to recognize your brand and instantly stand out from your peers. If you choose to use our services for graphic design or logo creation you can expect us to focus on creating designs that are engaging to audiences, modern, and industry relevant. Below are some custom examples that Charlie our graphic designer has done:

While our themes are usually simplistic at first glance, our logo will forge an emotional connection with your clients and customers. Whether you are looking for your image to go viral, digital, or printed, we’ll deliverer a solution for each. For more examples we encourage you to check out our graphic design section on our webpage www.nseoc.com. Charlie has experience working with 100’s of companies.

Call Us Today: 888-507-4944 Email: info@nseoc.com


Copywriting Solutions

An optimized site generates higher SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ranking: higher page rank means more visitors to

your site, but that’s only half the story. How do you keep readers engaged? How do you improve online sales or

acquisitions? That takes the talent of a skilled SEO copywriter. SEO copywriters see beyond words. Optimized content

deftly blends the rigors of search engine algorithms with the intention of the site, keeping the reader engaged and

motivated towards achieving the end goal.


Articles: Utilizing selected keywords, SEO articles are to be unique, relevant, informative and plagiarism free. Employ

appropriate call-to-actions and cultivate credibility through thorough research, and article relevancy.

Blogs: Write audience targeted, SEO friendly blogs employing desired keywords. Cross-reference other blog entries,

products or articles when appropriate.

E-Commerce: Product Descriptions, catalogs and look books copy needs to not only capture visitor’s attention, but also

move the customer towards purchasing the item. Noxster’s e-commerce copywriting solution will not only improve your

bottom line it will also keep your SEO goals in mind with targeted keyword content.

Content Pages: Your site tells a story, don’t lose valuable opportunities to speak to your customer and help increase

your SERPs. Noxster’s carefully crafted, keyword rich page copy will not only engage your visitor it will seamlessly

integrate your SEO plan.


Topic Selection and Research – through existing document or internet

Outline – An informal outline will be provided for review, and changes to topic must be made during this stage

Writing – including proofreading and cross referencing if applicable

Editing/Revisions – One round of revisions/changes will be allowed for all articles/blogs. If changes are requested an

estimate as to delivery will be provided.

Call Us Today: 888-507-4944 Email: info@nseoc.com


Smart Web Design

At Noxster we take pride in our web development team. No project is too big or too small for us to handle. If you are looking for a simple face lift, or a complete redesign we have experience taking your site to the next level. Websites are the most important tool for reflecting your brand image and capturing new potential clients, customers, and business relationships. Your website must have the ability to engage visitors and entice them to take actions.

Experience: S to XL. You bring the business model we

offer the solution.

Both (B2C and B2B)

Conversion Optimization


CMS systems

SEO optimized

Website Development Language: PHP









Cold Fusion