About GM Crops

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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This is a presentation on the risks that Genetically Modified crops can pose to human health and consumers. Do

Transcript of About GM Crops

AboutGenetically Modified Foods

What are GMOs?

When a gene from one species (eg. bacteria) is artificially introduced into a different & often unrelated species (eg. cotton), a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is formed.

An example: A gene from a fish was put into a tomato

Types of Genetically Modified Crops:

Herbicide Tolerant Crops i.e poison drinkers

Insect Resistant Crops i.e poison producers

Are Genetically Modified Foods good?

Myths Promoted by the Bio-tech Industry:

GM crops produce higher yields than natural crops. This will help us feed our growing



• Genetically Modified foods DO NOT have a yield increasing gene!

• The Union of Concerned Scientists, USA concluded after an in-depth study that

GMOs do not increase yield; in fact, on average, yields decrease.

On the contrary..• “…eco-farming projects in 57 nations

demonstrated average crop yield gains of 80% by tapping natural methods..” UN Report by Dr. Olivier De Schutter

By using GMOs , farmers will end up using less pesticides and thus decrease costs.


In Herbicide Tolerant GM crops, Glyphosate (pesticide) use has increased from less than 5 million to more than 50 million pounds per

year (USDA, 2003)

Farmers spray more pesticides because they know that the plant is resistant, but the

weed is not.

Herbicide Tolerant Crop producers are also herbicide producers.

For example: Roundup Ready Soy seeds aremade by Monsanto, which also makes the

herbicide RoundUp.

GM Crops are said to be “substantially equivalent”

to Non-GM crops, so there is no compromise on safety & health.


Insect Resistant crops (Bt crops) have a pesticide INSERTED IN them!

Since it is within, it cannot even be washed away.

Most GM studies have been conducted by the Biotech industry..

Rats fed GM Soy

2005 Study by Dr. Irina Ermakova

Right: 20-day old rat from GM Soy fed group

Left: 19-day old rat from Non-GM Soy fed group

Mortality of rat pups










Contrоl GM-soy Protein-isolate GM soya


More than 50% mortality

Study on GM Soy (2005) by Dr. Irina Ermakova

Less than 10% mortality

Mice ate Bt corn (90 days)

Indicators for liver and kidney toxicity,blood pressure problems, allergies,infections or disease, higher blood sugar,and anemia

Study by Monsanto.


Rats refused to eat the

GM tomato

Many animals avoided GM feed when given a choice

“The Andhra Pradesh Government has advised farmers not to allow animals to graze on Bt cotton fields after four institutes reported the presence of toxins in them.”

The Hindustan Times, 17 June 2007

Bt Cotton farmers in India have reported itching all over the body, eruptions, wounds, discoloration.

The Only Human

Feeding Study on

GM Crops

Genes from the modified crop transferred to intestinal bacteria


If Bt genes

transfer They might turn our intestinal bacteria into living pesticide factories


FDA declares GMOs no different “The agency is not aware

of any information showing that foods

derived by these new methods differ from other

foods in any meaningful or uniform way.”

Food and Drug Administration

“Statement of Policy” May 29, 1992

Secret FDA documents indicate that reports

done by the FDA’s own scientists

contradicted this statement.

Michael Taylor

• In charge of FDA policy• Former Monsanto attorney• Later Monsanto vice president• Currently, Deputy

Commissioner for Foods, FDA

Who overruled the scientists?

American consumers are unaware of eating GM..

As far as you know, have you ever eaten genetically modified foods?•No........................................60% •Don’t Know...........................15%•Yes.......................................25%

Institute for Responsible Technology, America

GM in India

Bt Cotton is the only GM crop grown in India

Bt Brinjal was placed on a 2 year moratorium because consumers

opposed it!

There are 55 crops in the pipeline for clearance..

The proposed Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India

(BRAI) Bill

This Bill will allow quick clearance of GM crops by just a handful of people.

Consumers will lose their Right of Choice

In India, labeling is NOT possible since most foods are not packaged.

In Andhra Pradesh, 3000 villages with 6 lakh farmers have adopted ORGANIC farming

and have said NO to Pesticides and NO to GM

What can you do?

Sign a letter to the Prime Minister of India to stop the proposed BRAI Bill - www.iamnolabrat.com

Spread the word at your school, college or workplace.

You can use this presentation.

Get more information on GM, follow us on:Twitter- @LEAFinitiativeFacebook- www.facebook.com/theleafinitiativeNumber - +91 9594024202

The future of our agriculture and food is in our hands.. Act NOW!

Thank you.