Abigail Tjaden's Travel Presentation

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Abigail Tjaden's Travel Presentation

Abigail Renola TjadenTravel Presentation Spring 2009More Than Disney and The Eiffel Tower: Mini Thesis Paper

Belle from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

Thomas Cook founder of Travel Agency

Going somewhere else to spend money

Notions of Departing

Figure 1Eiffel Tower

Figure 2: Seeing the Signified: Eiffel Tower

In Paris, France At Dissmores: local grocery store

Figure 3: Typical American Skyscraper

Figure 4: Signpost in England

Figure 5: Streets of Paris

Figure 6: The Louvre

Figure 7: Peter FunchBabel Tales: Memory Lane2007 Photography

Figure 8: Peter FunchBabel Tales: Posing Posers2007 Photography

Figure 9: McDonald’sSeeking comfort in unfamiliar placesGolden Arch in Rome, Italy

Figure 10: SwoonPaper stencil/Relief PrintBerlin 2006

Figure 11: SwoonPaper Stencil/Relief Prints

Figure 12Sabrina Ward Harrison Seattle 2004

Figure 13: Sabrina Ward HarrisonDesktop Windows 2005 Hawaii’s Peace 2004Photography

Figure 14: European FriendsConnections made/stories shared

Figure 15Going and Seeing