Aberystwyth University Pleistocene till provenance in east ...

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Aberystwyth University

Pleistocene till provenance in east YorkshireBusfield, Marie E.; Lee, Jonathan R.; Riding, James B.; Zalasiewicz, Jan; Lee, Sarah V.

Published in:Proceedings of the Geologists' Association


Publication date:2015

Citation for published version (APA):Busfield, M. E., Lee, J. R., Riding, J. B., Zalasiewicz, J., & Lee, S. V. (2015). Pleistocene till provenance in eastYorkshire: Reconstructing ice flow of the British North Sea Lobe. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association,126(1), 86-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.12.002

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Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Manuscript Draft Manuscript Number: PGEOLA-D-14-00042R1 Title: Pleistocene till provenance in east Yorkshire: reconstructing ice flow of the British North Sea Lobe Article Type: Research Paper Keywords: North Sea Lobe; British-Irish Ice Sheet; Skipsea Till; Pleistocene; Provenance Corresponding Author: Miss Marie Elen Busfield, Corresponding Author's Institution: Royal Holloway First Author: Marie Elen Busfield Order of Authors: Marie Elen Busfield; Jonathan R Lee; James B Riding; Jan Zalasiewicz; Sarah V Lee Abstract: The ice flow path and dynamic behaviour of the British-Irish Ice Sheet has been subject to renewed interest and controversy in recent years. Early studies in eastern England argued for interaction with Fennoscandian ice onshore in Britain, instigating re-examination of the sedimentology and provenance of many Pleistocene till successions. These studies instead supported an exclusively British provenance, and are used to predict southward advance of a broadly coast-parallel North Sea Lobe. Quantitative lithological and palynological analysis of the Pleistocene till succession in Holderness, East Yorkshire, however, remains to be carried out. We examined the lithologically diverse Skipsea Till in order to reconstruct ice flow pathways to the Holderness coast during the Pleistocene, thereby constraining which areas of substrate were subglacially eroded and entrained prior to deposition. The till yields a diverse range of soft, low-durability and uniquely British allochthonous material, including Permian Magnesian Limestone, Carboniferous limestone and coal, and Carboniferous pollen and spore assemblages that would be unlikely to survive polyphase reworking. Ice extended southwards through southern Scotland, incorporating material in north ease England, north-east Yorkshire and the western margin of the North Sea Basin (NSB), supporting a recurrent ice flow pathway for the eastern margin of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the Mid to Late Pleistocene.

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Pleistocene till provenance in east Yorkshire: reconstructing ice flow of the British 1

North Sea Lobe 2


Marie E. Busfield1*, Jonathan R. Lee

2, James B. Riding

2, Jan Zalasiewicz

1, Sarah V. Lee

1 4

1Department of Geology, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK 5

2British Geological Survey, Environmental Science Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 6

5GG, UK 7

*Corresponding author. Current Address: Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway, 8

University of London, Egham TW20 0EX, Surrey, UK. E-mail: 9

Marie.Busfield.2011@live.rhul.ac.uk 10


Abstract 12

The ice flow path and dynamic behaviour of the British-Irish Ice Sheet has been subject to 13

renewed interest and controversy in recent years. Early studies in eastern England argued for 14

interaction with Fennoscandian ice onshore in Britain, instigating re-examination of the 15

sedimentology and provenance of many Pleistocene till successions. These studies instead 16

supported an exclusively British provenance, and are used to predict southward advance of a 17

broadly coast-parallel North Sea Lobe. Quantitative lithological and palynological analysis of 18

the Pleistocene till succession in Holderness, East Yorkshire, however, remains to be carried 19

out. We examined the lithologically diverse Skipsea Till in order to reconstruct ice flow 20

pathways to the Holderness coast during the Pleistocene, thereby constraining which areas of 21

substrate were subglacially eroded and entrained prior to deposition. The till yields a diverse 22

range of soft, low-durability and uniquely British allochthonous material, including Permian 23

Magnesian Limestone, Carboniferous limestone and coal, and Carboniferous pollen and spore 24

assemblages that would be unlikely to survive polyphase reworking. Ice extended southwards 25

through southern Scotland, incorporating material in north ease England, north-east 26

Yorkshire and the western margin of the North Sea Basin (NSB), supporting a recurrent ice 27

flow pathway for the eastern margin of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the Mid to Late 28

Pleistocene. 29

*ManuscriptClick here to view linked References

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1. Introduction 30

Pleistocene glacial deposits and landforms along the eastern English coast are integral to 31

deciphering the dynamics and extent of the North Sea Lobe during expansion and retreat of 32

the last British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). Onshore advance of the North Sea Lobe has been 33

demonstrated to occur during several different Mid and Late Pleistocene glaciations in 34

County Durham, north Yorkshire and north Norfolk based upon detailed provenance analysis 35

(Lee et al., 2002; Davies et al., 2009, 2011, 2012; Roberts et al., 2013). Although subject to 36

recent geochemical, sedimentological and palaeontological assessment (Boston et al., 2010; 37

Evans & Thomson, 2010; Bateman et al., 2011), the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 stratotype 38

on the Holderness coast, east Yorkshire, is yet to yield systematic and quantitative erratic 39

clast and palynomorph provenance data. Holderness is of particular importance given its 40

chronostratigraphical significance, with Late Pleistocene glacial deposits overlying in situ 41

organic-rich silts (the „Dimlington Silts‟) which yield radiocarbon dates of 22.4-21.3 cal. 14

C 42

ka BP (18.25±0.25 ka BP) and 23.3-21.2 cal. 14

C ka BP (18.5±0.4ka BP) (Catt & Penny, 43

1966; Penny et al., 1969), constraining the earliest possible age for ice advance into this 44

region during the Late Devensian. 45

A lithostratigraphy for the Holderness coast has long been established (Catt & Penny, 1966; 46

Madgett & Catt, 1978; Bowen, 1999; Catt, 2007). However, recent studies focussing on the 47

3D geometry and geochemical composition of the major till units have raised significant 48

questions regarding their regional correlation (Boston et al., 2010; Evans & Thomson, 2010). 49

Reliable chronostratigraphical and lithological provenance constraints are therefore critical to 50

assess the significance of these units in the wider context of BIIS behaviour. In this study, we 51

examine the composition and provenance of the Skipsea Till which is commonly associated 52

with the first Late Devensian advance of North Sea ice into the region. This is to help 53

reconstruct: (1) the flow path of the North Sea ice lobe; (2) identify areas of substrate that 54

were being subglacially eroded and entrained. 55


2. Pleistocene deposits of the Holderness coast 57

The Pleistocene lithostratigraphy in Holderness has traditionally been subdivided into three 58

till members based principally upon lithological properties including colour, particle size 59

distribution, clast (qualitative) and heavy mineral composition, and matrix calcium carbonate 60

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percentage (Catt & Penny, 1966; Madgett & Catt, 1978; Bowen, 1999; Catt, 2007). These are 61

termed the Basement Till, Skipsea Till and Withernsea Till members, and are separated by, 62

and in places inter-bedded with, stratified silts and sands (Catt, 2007). The lowermost 63

Basement Till rests on the underlying Cretaceous Chalk bedrock (Catt & Digby, 1988; Catt, 64

2007), and depending on its stratigraphical relationship to the Ipswichian Sewerby Raised 65

Beach is either pre-Ipswichian (Catt & Penny, 1966; Penny & Catt, 1967; Bateman & Catt, 66

1996; Catt, 2001, 2007) or Devensian in age (Eyles et al., 1994; Boston et al., 2010; Evans & 67

Thomson, 2010). At Dimlington, the stratotype for these glacial deposits, the Basement Till is 68

overlain by the Dimlington Silts (~18.5-18.2 ka) (Penny et al., 1969), and in turn by the 69

Skipsea and Withernsea tills (Rose, 1985; Evans & Thomson, 2010). Recent Optically 70

Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) age determinations of deposits between the Skipsea and 71

Withernsea Tills constrain the timing of initial advance (Skipsea Till) to ~21.7-16.2 ka, with 72

a second oscillation of the North Sea Lobe, and deposition of the Withernsea Till, occurring 73

between 16.2 ka and terminal retreat at ~15.5 ka (Bateman et al., 2011). 74

Between Withernsea and Bridlington the layer-cake lithostratigraphical arrangement of the 75

major till units identified by Catt & Penny (1966) further to the south at Dimlington is less 76

discernible. Evans & Thomson (2010) have argued that the till sequence here is 77

glacitectonically-deformed and thrust-thickened with deformation produced by a south to 78

south-eastwards advance of the North Sea ice lobe. Equally it is evident that the intra-till 79

variability is typically greater than the inter-till variability (Boston et al., 2010), and this is 80

especially applicable to the Skipsea Till (Catt, 2007). Recent unpublished studies recognise 81

potentially five distinct facies of Skipsea Till between Withernsea and Barmston based upon 82

matrix colour, matrix texture and clast content (British Geological Survey, unpublished data). 83

These include: (a) Chalk-rich facies as previously defined at Dimlington by Catt & Penny 84

(1966); (b) local Quaternary-rich facies; (c) Mercia Mudstone-rich facies; (d) Kimmeridge 85

Clay-rich facies; and (e) Lias-rich facies. 86

Various studies have debated the provenance of the Skipsea Till, with some authors 87

advocating west-east ice dispersal from the Lake District (Bisat, 1939; Foster, 1987), whilst 88

others favour erratic transport from northern Britain (Catt & Penny, 1966; Madgett & Catt, 89

1978; Catt, 2007). Whilst recent re-examination of deposits considered correlative in north 90

Yorkshire (Roberts et al., 2013), County Durham (Davies et al., 2009) and the North Sea 91

Basin (Davies et al., 2011) yield a predominantly northern British signature, quantitative 92

analysis of the clast lithology and palynomorph content of the Skipsea Till (and other 93

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distinctive till units) in Holderness remains to be carried out. Previous quantitative studies of 94

the Skipsea Till have focussed upon the application of heavy mineralogy (Madgett and Catt, 95

1978) and geochemistry (Boston et al., 2010) to differentiate between different till units 96

within the region rather than reconstruct till provenance. This study represents the initial 97

findings of a major study examining the lithological and provenance variations within the 98

Skipsea Till. The focus of this paper is to examine the clast and micro-fossil provenance from 99

the chalk-rich facies (A) of the Skipsea Till. This will facilitate comparison with other erratic 100

transport paths identified for the eastern British-Irish Ice Sheet, and thus contribute to our 101

understanding of the ice dispersal patterns which fed southwards advance of the North Sea 102

Lobe. 103


3. Methods 105

Multiple bulk samples of Skipsea Till (Facies E) were collected for the extraction of erratic 106

clast and palynomorph assemblages from the base of coastal cliff sections at Easington 107

(National Grid Reference TA 406 190), southern Holderness (Fig. 1). The sample site is 108

situated 3 km to the south-southeast of the stratotype sections at Dimlington with the chalk-109

rich facies of the Skipsea Till being readily correlatable between the two based upon bulk 110

lithology and stratigraphical position. The unit sampled is a dark grey-brown (Munsell 111

Colour: 5Y 3/1) matrix-supported diamicton, with sub-angular to sub-rounded clast 112

morphologies alongside sparse glacially striated forms (Fig. 2). Samples were obtained from 113

a single section, with sampling restricted to freshly cleaned faces to minimise the effects of 114

weathering and surficial re-working, and thus ensure analysis of in situ material. 115

Erratic clasts were extracted by disaggregating bulk samples of the till in sodium 116

hexametaphosphate [(NaPO3)6] and wet-sieving through 16 mm, 8 mm, 4 mm and 2 mm 117

sieves. The 8-16 mm and >16 mm size fractions were categorised in terms of lithology and 118

stratigraphical age, and hence regions of likely provenance through correlation with reported 119

outcrop occurrences. The allochthonous palynomorph content was extracted from two 50 g 120

sub-samples of the bulk material through non-acid palynological preparation techniques 121

(Riding & Kyffin-Hughes, 2004, 2006). Three slide fractions were prepared from each 122

residue through swirling and heavy liquid separation (Riding & Kyffin-Hughes, 2004), 123

representing a light, heavy and centrifuged sub-sample. The palynomorphs were grouped 124

according to stratigraphical ranges, thus indicating their likely provenance. 125

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4. Results 127

4.1. Clast Lithological Analysis 128

The total 8-16 mm and >16 mm erratic population of the Skipsea Till (Facies E) comprises a 129

diverse suite of locally-derived sedimentary lithologies (76.85%), alongside subsidiary far-130

travelled sedimentary (4.18%) and crystalline components (13.53%) (Table 1, Fig. 3). The 131

remaining clasts (5.86%) represent erratic lithologies of indeterminate provenance, including 132

quartzo-feldspathic sandstone, fine-grained olive-green mudstone and intermediate igneous 133

lithologies, whose characteristics were not sufficiently diagnostic to discern a stratigraphical 134

association. 135

Clast lithologies derived from Pleistocene successions include reworked white-brown 136

(weathered) flint, Greensand chert and sandstone, and impure quartzite pebbles, constituting 137

10.32% of the sample population (Fig. 3). Cretaceous sedimentary lithologies are most 138

abundant (30.68%), consisting of chalk and black-grey (unweathered) flint (Table 1). The 139

Jurassic assemblage (9.76%) consists of calcareous sandstone, silty micaceous limestone and 140

micaceous mudstone, alongside clasts of black bituminous mudstone (the Mulgrave Shale 141

Member of the Whitby Mudstone Formation or “Jet Rock”), ironstone, oolitic and/or shelly 142

limestone and allochthonous shell fragments. The Permo-Triassic fraction (12.83%) is 143

dominated by Magnesian Limestone, crystalline dolostone and dolomitic sandstone, with 144

subordinate quantities of brick-red Sherwood Sandstone, evaporite-bearing sandstone and 145

limestone, gypsum, and wind-faceted sandstone (dreikanter). Carboniferous erratic 146

lithologies (13.39%) include organic-rich sandstone, dark grey-brown and pink-red 147

(haematite stained) crystalline limestone, and single occurrences of coal and fossil material. 148

The remaining sedimentary constituent comprises minor, yet persistent populations of 149

Devonian „Old Red Sandstone‟ (1.95%) and Lower Palaeozoic greywacke and dark green 150

chert (2.23%). 151

Within the crystalline component (Table 1, Fig. 3), Devonian lithologies dominate (8.65%), 152

and include rhyolitic and andesitic porphyries, felsic intrusive material, and subsidiary 153

quantities of felsite, non-porphyritic andesite, volcaniclastic rock and quartzose metamorphic 154

lithologies. The Carboniferous fraction (4.18%) is dominated by mafic igneous lithologies, 155

alongside trace quantities of intermediate trachytic lava. Permian crystalline lithologies 156

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(0.28%) are restricted to single occurrences of rhomb porphyry, and an unknown 157

microgranite. 158


4.2. Palynological Analysis 160

Facies E of the Skipsea Till contains a diverse association of allochthonous Carboniferous, 161

Jurassic, Cretaceous and Quaternary palynomorphs, in addition to abundant non-age 162

diagnostic forms (Table 2; Riding, 2012). Carboniferous spores predominate (51.84%), 163

including large populations of Densosporites spp. and Lycospora pusilla, alongside more 164

minor occurrences of Cirratriradites saturni, Radiizonates spp., Reticulatisporites spp., 165

Endosporites globiformis, Simzonotriletes intortus and Tripartites vetustus (Fig. 4). With the 166

exception of the latter, indicative of Late Mississippian (Viséan to Early Bashkirian) input 167

(Riding, 2012), the assemblage is characteristic of the Pennsylvanian (Late Bashkirian to 168

Kasimovian). Jurassic palynomorphs constitute 12.78% of the population (Table 2), including 169

pollen and spores, and rare dinoflagellate cysts. Dinoflagellate cyst taxa recognised include 170

the Late Sinemurian marker Liasidium variabile, the characteristically Early Toarcian 171

Nannoceratopsis deflandrei subsp. senex and the Callovian to Middle Oxfordian index 172

Gonyaulacysta jurassica subsp. adecta, in addition to forms from the Kimmeridgian to 173

Tithonian such as Oligosphaeridium patulum, Perisseiasphaeridium panosum and 174

Systematophora spp. The Jurassic pollen assemblage contains the characteristically Early and 175

Mid Jurassic genus Chasmatosporites, and Callialasporites spp. which is typical of the Mid 176

and Late Jurassic, alongside minor occurrences of characteristically Jurassic spores such as 177

Ischyosporites variegatus (Riding, 2012). 178

The age-diagnostic palynomorph population with the lowest abundance are Cretaceous 179

palynomorphs (1.23%), with dinoflagellate cysts recognised including Cribroperidiium spp., 180

Odontochitina operculata, Hystrichodinium voigtii and ?Isabelidinium sp. With the exception 181

of the latter Late Cretaceous form, this assemblage is characteristic of the Early Cretaceous 182

(Riding, 2012). These occur alongside spores of the genus Cicatricosisporites, which is 183

typically Early Cretaceous. Palynomorphs derived from Quaternary deposits were found to be 184

low in abundance (6.65%); these include Pediastrum spp., Spiniferites spp and Tilia (Table 185

2). The remaining palynomorph population (27.50%) consists of long-ranging, and thus non-186

age diagnostic forms such as acanthomorph acritarchs, bisaccate pollen and smooth fern 187

spores. 188

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5. Discussion 190

5.1. Provenance of the erratic clast and palynomorph assemblages 191

The chalk-rich facies of Skipsea Till (Facies A) at Easington contains a diverse assemblage of 192

locally-derived and far-travelled erratic clasts and palynomorphs, incorporated through 193

erosion and entrainment of sedimentary and igneous strata in northern England, southern 194

Scotland and the western margin of the North Sea Basin (Fig. 5). The wide geological range 195

of lithologies present suggests that many of the major sedimentary bedrock units in eastern 196

England were not extensively buried beneath superficial deposits and thus were actively 197

eroded and being entrained subglacially. 198

Jurassic, Cretaceous and Quaternary sedimentary lithologies are considered to be locally 199

derived from the Cleveland Basin, southern Yorkshire, and adjacent offshore strata. These 200

include chalk and grey-black (fresh) flint from the Upper Cretaceous chalk bedrock (Kent, 201

1980; Cameron et al., 1992), immediately underlying the Pleistocene succession in 202

Holderness (Catt, 2007). Their local derivation, and hence minimal erosion during transport, 203

is consistent with the limited occurrence of Cretaceous spores and dinoflagellate cysts. Lower 204

Jurassic material, typical of the Cleveland Basin, include Liasidium variabile and 205

Nannoceratopsis deflandrei subsp. senex derived from the Redcar Mudstone and Whitby 206

Mudstone formations, respectively (Brittain et al., 2010; Bucefalo Palliani & Riding, 2000), 207

alongside trace quantities of the Mulgrave Shale Member (“Jet Rock”), which is unique to 208

Yorkshire. Oolitic and/or shelly limestones and allochthonous shell fragments are more 209

characteristic of the Mid to Late Jurassic strata of the northern Cleveland Basin (Fig. 5), 210

consistent with the occurrence of Gonyaulacysta jurassica subsp. adecta (see Riding & 211

Thomas, 1997), which was likely to have been eroded from the Callovian-Oxfordian 212

Osgodby Formation to Coralline Oolite Formation succession. White and brown (weathered) 213

flint and well rounded quartzite pebbles were provenanced to the locally widespread Pliocene 214

and Pleistocene deposits, both on- and offshore (Lee et al., 2002). Trace quantities of 215

Cretaceous Greensand chert and glauconitic sandstone are likewise considered to be derived 216

through reworking within Quaternary deposits due to their lack of outcrop exposure north of 217

Holderness (Cameron et al., 1992; Mitchell, 1995; Hopson et al., 2008). 218

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More far-travelled sedimentary lithologies include the Permian-Triassic Sherwood Sandstone 219

Group and Magnesian Limestone Formation, both of which outcrop extensively across 220

northern Yorkshire, southern County Durham and offshore (Fig. 5). Incorporation of 221

abundant Carboniferous material, including organic-rich sandstones and limestones, 222

alongside single occurrences of coal and thermally-matured coral, indicates derivation from 223

County Durham and Northumberland or the immediately adjacent offshore area, as 224

Carboniferous strata do not outcrop in the central North Sea (Cameron et al., 1992). Coal 225

material could arguably be derived from Jurassic strata in Yorkshire and the adjacent 226

offshore, but the greater outcrop occurrence of Carboniferous coal and the abundance of 227

Pennsylvanian „Coal Measures‟ palynoflora provides strong support for a Carboniferous age. 228

Pink-purple stained limestones of the Upper Coal Measures are considered more typical of 229

the Midland Valley strata, given their restricted extent in north-east England. Overall, 230

however, the low durability and large population of Carboniferous sedimentary lithologies 231

support a more proximal principal source region. 232

Rare far-travelled sedimentary clasts include lower Palaeozoic greywacke likely to have been 233

derived from the Southern Uplands (Greig, 1971), having only limited exposure in north-east 234

England (Taylor et al., 1971), alongside Devonian Old Red Sandstone clasts of southern 235

Scottish provenance (Greig, 1971; Cameron & Stephenson, 1985). In addition, crystalline 236

metamorphic lithologies characteristic of the Scottish Grampian Highlands (Johnstone, 1966) 237

are extremely low in abundance. Alternatively, theses erratics may be reworked clasts from 238

the widespread Dalradian-rich Old Red Sandstone conglomerates of the Midland Valley 239

(Cameron & Stephenson, 1985). 240

The far-travelled component is dominated by igneous lithologies typical of the Devonian 241

Cheviot Volcanic Complex (Fig. 5). These include characteristic purple to red-brown 242

rhyolitic and green to dark brown andesitic lavas and porphyries, alongside abundant 243

intrusive lithologies eroded from the main granitic pluton (Greig, 1971; Taylor et al., 1971; 244

Robson, 1980). This is established as the principal source of felsic intrusive material due to 245

its large extent and abundance of associated Cheviot lavas within the till. This is in contrast to 246

the paucity of erratic material derived from other major volcanic provinces, such as the Lake 247

District and the Grampian Highlands (Johnstone, 1966; Taylor et al., 1971). Basaltic erratic 248

lithologies may be provenanced to the extensive Carboniferous and Devonian lava 249

successions of north-east England (Taylor et al., 1971), and particularly southern and central 250

Scotland (Greig, 1971; Cameron & Stephenson, 1985). Quartz-dolerite erratics were likely to 251

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have been incorporated through the erosion of mafic intrusions in northern Britain, including 252

the widespread Tertiary dyke swarm (Emeleus & Gyopari, 1992). However, the abundance of 253

Carboniferous sedimentary lithologies, and entrained erratics from the proximal Cheviot 254

volcanic complex provides support for derivation from the prominent Carboniferous Whin 255

Sill in northern England, and potentially from the coeval Midland Valley Sill in central 256

Scotland (Taylor et al., 1971; Dunham & Strasser-King, 1982; Bateson & Johnson, 1984; 257

Cameron & Stephenson, 1985). The single occurrence of volcaniclastic material within the 258

sample is considered to have been derived from the Devonian Ochil Hills Formation in the 259

Midland Valley (Cameron & Stephenson, 1985). The absence of extrusive volcanic 260

lithologies characteristic of north-west England, e.g. the fine-grained, pyroclastic material 261

and green-blue to grey andesitic lavas of the Borrowdale Volcanic District (Taylor et al., 262

1971), negates its inclusion as an erratic source region. 263

Only two clasts of probable Scandinavian provenance were recorded within the Skipsea Till 264

(Facies E), consisting of rhomb porphyry and an unknown microgranite. Possible correlatives 265

of the latter include the pyterlite variety of Rapakivi granite (Müller, 2007), sourced from the 266

Baltic sector of the Fennoscandian Shield (Fig. 5), or a microcrystalline form of the 267

Norwegian Drammensgranit (Lee et al., 2006). The latter may be more consistent with the 268

Oslofjord derivation of the rhomb porphyry erratic (Neumann et al., 2004; Larsen et al., 269

2008), although the granite clast is not a common constituent of Norwegian erratic 270

assemblages recognised elsewhere (Ehlers, 2011 pers. comm). The rare occurrence of these 271

clasts and the common occurrence of low-durability lithologies that are unique to eastern 272

England suggests that the Scandinavian erratics were reworked from pre-existing deposits 273

situated in the current offshore by the BIIS as opposed to direct derivation by Fennoscandian 274

ice (sensu Hoare & Connell, 2005; Lee et al., 2005). Possible sources include ice-rafted 275

erratics from Early Pleistocene coastal deposits (cf. Larkin et al., 2011; Hoare, 2012), or from 276

the reworking of older or contemporary deposits with reported Scandinavian input e.g. the 277

Basement Till on the Holderness coast (Catt, 2007) or the Fisher Formation offshore (Davies 278

et al., 2011). 279

Incorporation of some of the British lithologies through reworking of older glacigenic or non-280

glacigenic strata is likely – especially robust and durable clast lithologies such as Greensand 281

chert, flint (white, brown and chatter-marked), vein quartz and quartzite. However, the 282

abundant occurrences of soft, non-durable sedimentary lithologies, including Jurassic 283

limestone, mudstone and the Mulgrave Shale Member (“Jet Rock”), Permian Magnesian 284

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Limestone and Carboniferous limestone and coal, would be unlikely to have survived 285

multiple episodes of reworking, particularly in light of the evidence for highly-abrasive 286

subglacial conditions (e.g. striated clasts) (Lee et al., 2002). Similarly, during repeated 287

recycling, the Carboniferous palynomorph assemblage would likely have become 288

numerically diluted (e.g. Riding et al., 1997), rather than constituting approximately 52% of 289

the assemblage (Table 2), and would be unlikely to have preserved the abundant intact 290

palynomorphs (e.g. Fig. 4). The relative abundance of non-local erratic materials (e.g. 291

crystalline and sedimentary lithologies) and their grouping and attribution to specific 292

stratigraphical and geographical sources suggests that this component of the clast assemblage 293

is also of primary origin. 294


5.2. Erratic transport paths of the North Sea Lobe 296

The distinctive suite of lithologies and palynomorphs within Facies A of the Skipsea Till at 297

Easington supports transport of material sourced from ice dispersal centres situated over the 298

Midland Valley and southern central Scotland that fed into the Southern Uplands, and then 299

extended southwards entraining crystalline lithologies from the Cheviot Hills, and successive 300

Palaeozoic and Mesozoic strata along the east coast of England (see Fig. 6). This flow 301

trajectory is consistent with a range of Mid and Late Pleistocene tills in eastern England 302

attributed to derivation from the North Sea Lobe of the BIIS during several different Mid and 303

Late Pleistocene glaciations (e.g. Lee et al., 2002; Boston et al., 2010; Davies et al., 2012; 304

Roberts et al., 2013). Although these tills consistently record input from northern Britain 305

along a broadly southerly trajectory, the influence and activity of different ice dispersal 306

centres within the BIIS is variable. 307

Re-examination of Middle Pleistocene tills in County Durham (Davies et al., 2012) and north 308

Norfolk (Lee et al., 2002) reveals a broad suite of diagnostically British clast lithologies and 309

palynomorphs, rejecting earlier predictions of a Scandinavian provenance in these units 310

(Trechmann, 1915, 1931; Boswell, 1916; Bridge & Hopson, 1985; Ehlers et al., 1991). Rare 311

Scandinavian erratics, where present, are therefore considered to reflect reworking within the 312

North Sea Basin (Lee et al., 2002; Catt, 2007). Clast and palynomorph assemblages support 313

derivation from the Grampian Highlands, Midland Valley and Southern Uplands of Scotland, 314

as well as northern England and the adjacent North Sea. Material diagnostic of the north-west 315

of England, e.g. the Lake District, is not recorded, and curiously, compared to younger 316

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(Devensian) tills, input from the extensive Carboniferous successions of Northumberland and 317

County Durham is minimal (Lee et al., 2002; Davies et al., 2011, 2012). 318

Initial Late Pleistocene (Devensian) re-advance in County Durham reflects similar erratic 319

transport paths from northern Britain, but with an additional input from north-western 320

England along the Tyne Gap (Davies et al., 2009). This is corroborated by clast fabrics and 321

striae which support west-east ice flow pathways. However, these deposits are immediately 322

overlain by till of exclusively eastern provenance such as the Horden Till (Davies et al., 323

2009), comprising the characteristic suite of material from the Midland Valley, Southern 324

Uplands, Cheviot Hills and north-eastern England, alongside north-south clast fabric 325

orientations. Further south at Upgang, on the North Yorkshire coast, basal deposits in the 326

Devensian succession reproduce this north-south erratic transport path, again incorporating 327

no material exclusively diagnostic of a Lake District input (Roberts et al., 2013). A striking 328

feature of the Devenisan till successions in both County Durham and North Yorkshire is a 329

notably increased input of low-durability Carboniferous erratic clasts and palynomorphs 330

compared to the pre-Devensian record. 331

Continuing southwards onto the Holderness coast, recent studies have corroborated the 332

dominance of a north-south ice flow pathway (e.g. Boston et al., 2010; Evans & Thomson, 333

2010), but lack the quantitative lithological and palynological analysis to facilitate 334

comparison with other erratic transport paths feeding the North Sea Lobe. This study 335

demonstrates that the Skipsea Till at Holderness records incorporation of material from 336

eastern Britain, eroding crystalline and sedimentary substrates from central and southern 337

Scotland, around the Cheviot Hills and southwards through north-east England and the North 338

Sea (Fig. 6). Similarly to the deposits of North Yorkshire and County Durham, the Skipsea 339

Till records an abundance of intact Carboniferous clasts and palynoflora, although is perhaps 340

unique within the Devensian tills for containing reworked Scandinavian erratics. However, 341

with a longer transport path, opportunity to rework erratics from older tills both on and 342

offshore is greatly increased. 343


5.3. Implications for the evolution of the British North Sea Lobe 345

Throughout the Mid to Late Pleistocene, till successions in eastern England recorded 346

deposition from a southerly extension of the British-Irish Ice Sheet, sourced to ice dispersal 347

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centres in northern Britain. The persistent absence of material derived from north-western 348

Scotland is attributed to a well-established ice divide running broadly N-S across mainland 349

Scotland (e.g. Hughes et al., 2014). Any substrate east of this ice divide was potentially 350

subject to erosion and transport eastwards and southwards towards the North Sea Basin, thus 351

delivering erratic material from the Grampian Highlands, Midland Valley and Southern 352

Uplands to the eastern English coast (this study; Lee et el., 2002; Davies et al., 2009, 2012; 353

Roberts et al., 2013). Further south, ice is diverted along topographical corridors, flowing 354

westwards along the Solway Firth towards the Irish Sea (see Fig. 6), and deflected around the 355

Cheviot Hills to the east along the Tweed Ice Stream (e.g. Livingstone et al., 2012). This 356

dispersal path is supported by the orientation of drumlins and glacial lineations around the 357

Cheviot Massif (e.g. Everest et al., 2005), and clearly represents an important erratic transport 358

path given the recurrent Cheviot input within the Skipsea Till and other deposits of the North 359

Sea Lobe (Lee et al., 2002; Davies et al., 2009, 2011, 2012; Roberts et al., 2013). 360

During the Mid Pleistocene, west to east erratic transport across northern England appeared 361

inactive, and thus no material from north-western England e.g. the Lake District has been 362

observed within the tills of eastern England (e.g. Lee et al., 2002; Davies et al., 2012). By the 363

Late Pleistocene, however, ice was able to cross the Pennines via the Tyne and Stainmore 364

Gaps, generating west-east oriented streamlined bedforms (e.g. Livingstone et al., 2012), and 365

erratic transport pathways which fed Lake District material to ice in eastern Britain (Davies et 366

al., 2009). Expansion of the North Sea Lobe along the eastern English coast during the Last 367

Glacial Maximum effectively blocked trans-Pennine ice dispersal, and thus the termini of 368

these ice streams were dammed to form ice-marginal and proglacial lakes e.g. Glacial Lake 369

Wear, Glacial Lake Pickering and Glacial Lake Humber (Fig. 6; Livingstone et al., 2010; 370

2012). As a result, erratic transport paths from north-western England were abandoned, and 371

the glacial sediments recorded an exclusively eastern British provenance (e.g. Davies et al., 372

2009, 2011; Roberts et al., 2013). The Skipsea Till at Holderness recorded the initial southern 373

extension of the North Sea Lobe during the Late Devensian which can be constrained to 21.7-374

16.2 ka based upon radiocarbon and OSL dating of immediately underlying and overlying 375

deposits (Penny et al., 1969; Bateman et al., 2011). This is further corroborated by high-level 376

lake deposits from palaeo-glacial Lake Humber with an OSL age of 16.6 ± 1.2 ka (Bateman 377

et al., 2008). 378

This southerly ice flow trajectory, though well constrained by geological evidence, is 379

enigmatic given that the more logical flow path would be for ice from the Midland Valley to 380

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have continued eastwards over relatively soft, wet sediments towards the central axis of the 381

North Sea Basin. Significantly, this ice flow trajectory has been interpreted from several 382

different episodes of Mid and Late Pleistocene glaciation (Boulton et al., 1977, 2001; Lee et 383

al., 2002; Clark et al., 2012). Previous studies advocated the onshore (Perrin et al., 1979; 384

Bowen et al., 1986; Fish & Whiteman, 2001) or offshore (Boulton et al., 1991; Davies et al., 385

2009, 2011; Lee et al., 2012) presence of Fennoscandian ice deflecting British ice along its 386

southwards trajectory. The lack of evidence for Fennoscandian ice within mainland eastern 387

England appears to preclude the „onshore‟ scenario; however, its presence and interaction 388

with the central and northern North Sea is likely. For example, Graham et al. (2007) and 389

Bradwell et al. (2008) demonstrated that north-westward overspill of the Norwegian Channel 390

Ice Stream during the Late Weichselian enabled Fennoscandian ice to converge with the 391

British-Irish Ice Sheet to the southwest of Shetland (see Fig. 7a). Such an ice sheet 392

configuration could presumably have also occurred during older glaciations, however, the 393

offshore extent of both British and Fennoscandian ice masses remains largely unknown. 394

Conversely, Boulton et al. (1977, 1991) and Lee et al. (2002) have proposed models for 395

different Mid and Late Pleistocene glaciations whereby the British-Irish Ice Sheet spread and 396

extended across the floor of the North Sea Basin as a large piedmont lobe (Fig. 7b). The 397

advantage of these models is that they do not necessarily require the interaction of British 398

with Fennoscandian ice, and that ice extent was largely driven by unconstrained flow over a 399

soft and wet deformable substrate (Boulton et al., 1977, 1991; Lee, et al. 2002). 400

An alternative model was tentatively suggested by Clark et al. (2012), who proposed an ice 401

dome over part of the southern North Sea during the Late Weichselian which caused British 402

North Sea ice to be deflected southwards (Fig. 7c). Whilst such a model cannot be verified by 403

the currently available offshore data (Clark et al., 2012), the concept of a residual dome or 404

particularly a topographical rise (Clark et al., 2012) in the floor of the North Sea is 405

nevertheless worthy of further consideration because of its potential implications for ice 406

dynamics. Such a topographical rise (or a switch to a well-drained substrate) could form a 407

frictional „sticking-point‟ causing flow deceleration and ice thickening with enhanced areas 408

of basal sliding being directed into adjacent areas of lower relief and/or poorly-drained 409

substrate. Within the western part of the southern North Sea two obvious „frictional‟ areas 410

stand out: firstly, the north-south striking outcrop of Cretaceous Chalk that occurs along the 411

Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and western North Sea margins; and secondly, Dogger Bank, which 412

forms an extensive southwest-northeast trending bathymetric high to the north and northeast 413

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(Fig. 7d). The zone between these two „frictional‟ areas, and the possible zone of enhanced 414

basal sliding, is characterised by a lower topography, with the geology composed of 415

extensive glacial lacustrine, meltwater and till deposits of Mid and Late Pleistocene age, 416

overlying Mesozoic mudstones (cf. Tappin et al., 2011). 417

The attraction of the various ice deflection hypotheses lies in the variation of erratic transport 418

paths during evolution of the British-Irish Ice Sheet. It is evident that Mid Pleistocene till 419

successions along the eastern English coast recorded significantly lower populations of 420

Carboniferous erratic material than their Late Pleistocene counterparts (Lee et al., 2002; 421

Davies et al., 2009, 2012; Roberts et al., 2013). This may reflect protection of the 422

Carboniferous substrate during earlier glacial episodes, e.g. by a blanket of older tills, or 423

alternatively enhanced erosion during the Late Pleistocene, potentially driven by switching 424

ice flow pathways. If ice in the North Sea Basin deflected the North Sea Lobe along its more 425

southerly trajectory, the prominent Tweed Ice Stream may have been similarly deflected, 426

arguments for which can be made based on the strike of drumlins and glacial lineations 427

(Raistrick, 1931; Everest et al., 2005; Mitchell, 2008). This is anticipated to have driven 428

greater subglacial erosion and entrainment of widespread Carboniferous bedrock throughout 429

north-east England, due south of the Tweed Ice Stream, as opposed to the considerably 430

younger Mesozoic and Quaternary deposits of the adjacent North Sea. 431

Currently, it is not possible to test these models further due to the lack of available offshore 432

data, and consequently they remain somewhat speculative. Nor is it currently possible to 433

accurately constrain the extents of the British or Fennoscandian ice sheets, except that 434

previous assertions for the presence of Fennoscandian ice in mainland eastern England during 435

various Mid and Late Pleistocene glaciations are not supported by geological evidence. It is 436

clear from the available geological evidence that the southwards flow of a British North Sea 437

lobe of ice broadly parallel to the trend of the modern coastline of eastern England was a 438

recurrent ice flow pattern, which logically was driven by broadly recurrent glaciological 439

processes and constraints during different Mid to Late Pleistocene glacial events. 440


6.1. Conclusions 442

Re-examination of the lithological and palynological content of the Skipsea Till (Facies 443

E) at Easington, East Yorkshire, confirms that the till was deposited by a lobe of British 444

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ice as previously indicated by Catt (2001, 2007). Critical lithological evidence includes: 445

(1) the abundance of locally-derived and far-travelled erratic lithologies and 446

palynomorphs unique to the British geological record including Jurassic Mulgrave Shale 447

Member (“Jet Rock”), Permian Magnesian Limestone, Carboniferous limestone and coal; 448

(2) an extremely low abundance of Scandinavian erratic lithologies (0.28% of the sample 449

population) and a complete absence of characteristic high-grade metamorphic suites; (3) 450

predominance of low-durability sedimentary lithologies (e.g. Jurassic limestone and 451

mudstone, Permian Magnesian limestone) and numerically concentrated Carboniferous 452

palynoflora indicating direct incorporation from bedrock outcrops with minimal 453

reworking. 454

Erratic clast lithologies and palynomorphs suggest that ice was ultimately sourced from 455

central Scotland, before flowing through the Southern Uplands and northern England, 456

extending southwards across the floor of the North Sea into eastern England. 457

The diverse occurrence of lithologies indicate that during incorporation into this facies of 458

Skipsea Till, most major sedimentary bedrock units in eastern England were largely 459

devoid of Quaternary cover, and were actively eroded subglacially. Studies of other facies 460

of Skipsea Till are currently in progress and will determine whether the focus of 461

subglacial erosion and entrainment shifted either spatially or temporally during 462

emplacement of the till sheet. 463

This southwards ice flow trajectory is a recurrent ice flow path that can be replicated from 464

many Mid and Late Pleistocene tills in eastern England including a number that until 465

recently were thought to be of Fennoscandian origin. 466

The cause of this southwards ice flow has been debated over several decades and remains 467

ambiguous largely due to the paucity of available offshore evidence. However, the 468

repeated ice flow pattern reconstructed from several different glacial events suggests 469

common and recurrent glaciological constraints within the southern North Sea Basin. 470


Acknowledgements 472

This research was undertaken when the lead author was completing an MGeol at the 473

Department of Geology, University of Leicester. The authors wish to thank Jane Flint for 474

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assistance with palynological sample preparation. Andy Saunders, Richard England, Colin 475

Cunningham and Nick Marsh are acknowledged for their advice on clast lithological analysis 476

and preparation. Jonathan Ford, Rodger Connell and John Catt are warmly thanked for their 477

comments and thoughts on the manuscript and aspects of the research, and the authors wish 478

to thank Bethan Davies and John Catt for informative and helpful reviews. JRL and JBR 479

publish with the permission of the Executive Director of the British Geological Survey 480

(NERC). 481


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Figure captions 679

Fig. 1. Location map of north-west Europe showing the site studied and other locations referred to in 680

the text. Modified from Lee et al. (2002) and Woodcock & Strachan (2000). British county 681

boundaries reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data by permission of the Ordnance Survey © 682

Crown copyright 2010. 683

Fig. 2. Photographs of the sampled section of Skipsea Till at Easington (see Fig. 1). (A) Section 684

profile measures 2.82 m. Box (i) indicates example of sample section cleaned to minimise effect of 685

weathering. (B) Note the poorly sorted nature of the diamicton, and the sub-angular to sub-rounded 686

clast morphologies. Box (ii), re-drawn in (C), highlights the glacially striated chalk clast recovered 687

from the till. 688

Fig. 3. Population and lithostratigraphical association of 8-16 and >16mm clast assemblages within 689

each sample of the Skipsea Till studied. 690

Fig. 4. Carboniferous allochthonous palynomorphs extracted from two sub-samples of the Skipsea 691

Till. A-D) Densosporites spp.; E-H) Lycospora spp.; I) Tripartites spp.; J) Endosporites globiformis; 692

and K) Tripartites vetustus. The scale bar measures 10 μm. 693

Fig. 5. Bedrock geology map of northern Britain showing outcrop occurrences of lithostratigraphical 694

groups found within the Skipsea Till erratic clast and palynomorph assemblages. A-J indicate 695

geographical regions referred to in the text. Map modified from BGS DiGMapGB-625. Reproduced 696

with permission of the British Geological Survey © NERC. All rights reserved. 697

Fig. 6. Proposed ice flow path for the British-Irish Ice Sheet that deposited the Skipsea Till, overlain 698

onto outline bedrock geological boundaries (i), with corresponding bedrock geology map and key 699

inset (ii; see Fig. 5). Palaeo-ice marginal lakes and bedforms associated with advance of the North Sea 700

Lobe modified after the Britice Glacial Map of Britain (Clark et al. 2004). Geological map adapted 701

from BGS DiGMapGB-625. Reproduced with permission of the British Geological Survey © NERC. 702

All rights reserved. 703

Fig. 7. Hypothetical models for ice flow within the North Sea Basin to account for the development of 704

the southward-flowing North Sea lobe. (A) Southwards deflection of the North Sea lobe (NSL) by 705

Baltic ice (BI) and the overspill of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream (NCIS) (cf. Fish and 706

Whiteman, 2001); (B) Piedmont-style lobe of British ice without necessary interaction with 707

Fennoscandian ice (cf. Boulton et al., 1977, 2001; Lee et al., 2002); (C) Southern flow path of North 708

Sea lobe driven by the development of an ice dome in the North Sea Basin (cf. Clark et al., 2012); (D) 709

Southern flow path of North Sea lobe driven by elevated or free-draining sticking-points within the 710

subglacial bed (this study). 711

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Table 1. Lithostratigraphical association of the 8-16 mm and >16 mm erratic clast assemblages 712

extracted from the Skipsea Till. 713

Table 2. The distribution of palynomorphs in the two samples studied in eight age-related groups. The 714

numbers indicate the absolute numbers of palynomorphs in the grain count. An “X” indicates that the 715

respective palynomorph is present, but was not encountered in the count. An ellipsis (...) indicates that 716

the respective palynomorph is not represented. Full author citations are included for the taxa at and 717

below species level. 718

Age Lithology 8-16mm





Allochthonous sedimentary n n %

Total Pleistocene 68 5 10.32

Quartzite 32 2

Weathered Flint 32 1

Greensand chert 4 1

Glauconitic sandstone 0 1

Total Cretaceous 198 22 30.68

Chalk, fresh flint 198 22

Total Jurassic 65 5 9.76

Grey/brown calcareous sandstone, grey-green micaceous limestone 27 3

Grey micaceous mudstone, black bituminous mudstone 15 0

Ferruginous sandstone, mudstone, ironstone 9 0

Shelly +/ oolitic limestone, shell material, Rhaxella chert 14 2

Total Permo-Triassic 85 7 12.83

Magnesian Limestone, crystalline dolostone, dolomitic sandstone 75 6

New Red Sandstone, wind-faceted sandstone (dreikanter) 3 0

Evaporitic sandstone/limestone, gypsum 7 1

Total Carboniferous 93 3 13.39

Quartzo-feldspathic, micaceous, calcareous organic-rich sandstone 55 1

Pink-red crystalline limestone 7 0

Dark grey-brown crystalline, crinoidal +/ shelly limestone 29 2

Coal, fossil material 2 0

Total Devonian 13 1 1.95

Old Red Sandstone 13 1

Total Lower Palaeozoic 16 0 2.23

Greywacke 10 0

Dark green chert 6 0

Total unknown provenance 36 3 5.30

Quartzo-feldspathic, polylithic, micaceous sandstone 35 3

Green mudstone 3 0

Allochthonous crystalline

Total Permian 0 2 0.28

Microgranite 0 1

Rhomb porphyry 0 1

Total Carboniferous 24 6 4.18

Mafic quartz +/ olivine porphyry, basalt 11 2

Dolerite (+/ Tertiary?) 12 3

Trachyte 1 1

Total Devonian 60 2 8.65

Rhyolite porphyry, andesite porphyry, andesite, felsite 31 0

Granite, microgranite, granodiorite 24 1

Volcaniclastic sediment, red jasper 2 0

Quartzose schist, metapsammite 3 1

Total unknown provenance 3 0 0.42

Fine grained intermediate igneous with feldspathic phenocrysts 1 0

Ferruginous mafic-intermediate igneous 1 0

Grey-blue intermediate igneous with red crystals 1 0


Palynomorphs Sample 1


Sample 2


Carboniferous pollen and spores

Carboniferous spores - indeterminate 23 11

Cirratriradites saturni (Ibrahim 1932) Schopf et al. 1944 X X

Densosporites spp. 45 26

Endosporites globiformis (Ibrahim 1932) Schopf et al. 1944 1 …

Florinites spp. … 1

Lycospora pusilla (Ibrahim 1932) Schopf et al. 1944 104 82

Radiizonates sp. 1 X

Reticulatisporites spp. 2 ?X

Simozonotriletes intortus (Waltz 1938) Potonie & Kremp 1954 … X

Tripartites vetustus Schemel 1950 X X

Total Carboniferous palynomorphs 176 120

Jurassic pollen spores

Callialasporites spp. 15 3

Cerebropollenites macroverrucosus (Thiergart 1949) Schulz 1967 … X

Chasmatosporites spp. 1 1

Classopollis classoides (Pflug 1953) Pocock & Jansonius 1961 10 15

Classopollis meyeriana Klaus 1960 2 1

Dictyophyllidites sp. 1 9

Ischyosporites variegatus (Couper 1958) Schulz 1967 … X

Perinopollenites elatoides Couper 1958 4 X

Jurassic marine microplankton

Gonyaulacysta jurassica (Deflandre 1939) Norris & Sarjeant 1965

subsp. adecta Sarjeant 1982

X …

Halosphaeropsis liassica Mädler 1963 2 3

Hystrichosphaera orbifera (Klement 1960) Stover & Evitt 1978 X …

Liasidium variabile Drugg 1978 1 1

Nannoceratopsis deflandrei Evitt 1961 subsp. senex (van Helden

1977) Ilyina in Ilyina et al. 1994

X 1

Nannoceratopsis gracilis Alberti 1961 X …

Oligosphaeridium patulum Riding & Thomas 1988 … 1

Pareodinia sp. 1 1

Perisseiasphaeridium pannosum Davey & Williams 1966 … X

Systematophora sp. … X

Total Jurassic palynomorphs 37 36

Cretaceous spore

Cicatricosisporites sp. X X

Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts

?Isabelidinium sp. X 1

Cribroperidinium spp. 1 5

Hystrichodinium voigtii (Alberti 1961) Davey 1974 … X

Hystrichodinium spp. X …

Odontochitina operculata (Wetzel 1933) Deflandre & Cookson 1955 X …

Oligosphaeridium complex (White 1842) Davey & Williams 1966 … X

?Phoberocysta sp. X …

Wallodinium cylindricum (Habib 1970) Duxbury 1983 … X

Total Cretaceous palynomorphs 1 6

Quaternary pollen


Pinus 7 6

Quaternary pollen - indeterminate 2 X

Tilia … X

Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts

Achomosphaera andalousiensis Jan du Chêne 1977 1 …

Operculodinium centrocarpum (Deflandre & Cookson 1955) Wall


… ?1

Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts - indeterminate 2 6

Spiniferites spp. 11 2

Total Quaternary palynomorphs 23 15

Non-age diagnostic palynomorphs

Botryococcus braunii Kützing 1849 0 1

chorate dinoflagellate cysts - indeterminate 0 1

dinoflagellate cysts - indeterminate 11 2

Micrhystridium spp. 12 3

Pediastrum spp. 1 1

prasinophytes 31 0

pre-Quaternary bisaccate pollen 2 0

smooth trilete spores 3 1

Total non-age diagnostic palynomorphs 62 95

Total 299 272