Aberra Fulle

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Injuries in Urban Factories of Ketena One-By Aberra Fulle

Transcript of Aberra Fulle




Thesis submitted as partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of ~'lasterof Science in Community Medicine

Oct. 19BB

Addis Ababa. Ethiopia

on for t.he r r criticism a n d c o n atr-uct.j v e s u z z e s tr o n s

t this paper.

I am very ~rat~fuJ to Dr. Gebreselnssie Okub~RZhi. Dr.

Ber~evin, Dr. Aberra Kume. Corn. Gashaye 'l'esfaye.

assa Ror essa , Sr. Emuha i fvh!l uzet.a , Corn. Ha j J e (iebrll,

3ekelech Asscffa and \"/0 De z e tnu 'ys,(czu.

~ graLefully a c knowLe d ze financial support o t the

Health Organization, SIDAt HcGill Uni vo r si i Lv :1nd

• hiopjan Hinist.ry of Health.

ou I d also Iike to acknowledge ne r s o n a l Lv rl,,· '-"t'Y

ebt 1 owe to Sr. Shoare2a Kebede. Sr. \eshiwork

Wit Lakech Mulatu and W/o Sadia Ali

Abe r ra F'uLl e , M.D,


AcknowledRements • i i

Tah ~,. nf Contents

List of Tables1V


List of Fi~ures














Appendix 1 - Vactory & Worker Data Porm

Appendix ~ - Factory Information Form

b3ppendix :3 - l.n.i u r-v He~istration Form

appendix 4 - Questionairre tor Accidentees ij~

p.endix 5 - lLO Classification ofIndustrial Accidents


t ta t of :357 a c c i don+s oc c u r r-e d i~o the 4, 'lb2 workers

durin~ a one year pe r r od ( f rom November 1, .1~HW

1987). in eleven Ketena One Factories.

a rate of HO a.ccidents per 1000 wO.dtcrs year. ut

who nu at.a i ne d Lndu s t.r ~aI ac.c i de nt s , 2t;tj ('/5%) were

and 89 (25%) J(ivinll rates of 99.4 accidents

1000 person years a t. risk for males and 50 accidents

1000 person years at risk for females. Youn~ maJe

have about twice as much risk of accidents as younR

e highest accident rate occurred in those who had worked

or less years and in those who had elementary education.

lowest accident r a t.e was observed in those who with

campai~n, 'l'he h i z he st. accident, rate occurred tn

a~e ~roup 15 _. 19 y ea r-a , t-lhile the lowest rn t.o WfJ,R in

a~e group, 50 - 54 years. Wide variation in accident

es was noted between various factories.

frequency' o f accidents took pJace in 1~,.ro of the

eTeD factories. Where rates were 8~ti times ~reater than


by or against and fall wer'c~ t..re commonest accidents.

by obj ec t. falling from he i zh" "'as the th i r d cornmo ne s t.

of ace .ide n t ;

The c ommone st r(~sulLnnL. J!l.I\H'lC::;

together accounted for 65.H% of the total.

Of the :357 a c.c ide n t.a t.hnt. o c c u rr-s d over the' one year p~r io d ,

only Lwo re au Lt.e d in pu r t i o L di a abLcme n t. und no deaths w er e

not.ed. In general the ac c i dc n t.s wcrc 01' a minor n a t.u r e .

The h i ghe s t; nurnbc r of accidents' WE'r.:: observed on Hond av s eJ

(23. ;5%) and thc Lowes t. on Friday::; 47 (1 ~jX,) • l'cai~ tilJl~ for

accidents was mid-morning betwe€n 9 and 10 AM.

The expe nd i t.u re e s t.Lmnt.e d for r.r-e a t.me n t. and compe n s a t.Lo n

paid by insurance amounted to an average of 760.85

Ethiopian Birr per acci~ent. The o.l e ve n factories paid a

total of 250,049.72 Ethiopia. BirrJ was paid out on claims,

which is only 6.5% of the total insurance premiums paid.

~Th€ Lo s s of 27,440 mnn+h ou r a TD fu c t.o r-i e s in Ket.e na One in

Addis Ababa has the potential to offset gross domestic

production w he n it ]s p r o j e ct.e d to cover tu ct o r i e s of the

who l c country. Besides i..hc cost i n v o I ve d , the la b o r' t.h a t;

would hnve been used for producing ~ood~.:; :1I1(i scrYlc~s is

wasted duelo ac c i d en ts .

Establishing s a te t v commi ttees by· i t ae I f does not guarantee

suee~ss in reducing the injury toll but active and

f u n c t.d c n in g s a f e t v c o mmi ttees in t. h c s c tu ct o r Le s may b e

to s.coident.a and thus ulli;r;~d ..ejy benefitilH4 the coun crv as

a whole.

The highest accident ra t.e occurred with t..hose who had

worked 5 years Bnd below and with those who hud nlementary


Of the 357 accjdents over the one year period two resulted

in partial disablement but no death were noted.

The e x p e n d L't. u r-e e a td ma te d towards treatment and

compensation amounted to 76U.85 Ethjopian Rirr for each of

the accideni~. The eleven factories paid B total of

250, 04 ~j. 72 gthiopian Birr for ace ident i nsu r-e nc e duri n~ t~he

year while 16.259.72 Ethiopian Birr. which is ti.5% of the

insurance was paid out on claims.

Ea t.e b Li e h i.ng a ~H.-.fety commi t.t.e e by jtse! f does HO\. f'n~llr('

success in reducin~ the injury toll, but an active and

functioninK safety committee may be instrumental in rBisin~

-areness and thus ultimately incressin" safety in

"" + "ac~orles .

.e loss of 27~440 man-hours in factories in KeLena One in

-rlis Ababa has the potential to affect Rross domestic

~uction when it is projected to cover factorics of the

..:..ecountry in t.h a t, the jabor that would hnve u s e d for"

:.t .N

f~Dl)J S

hat is ac c Ld e n t? An "accident" is r e g a r d e d as an

amage or both. An occupational accident is concerned WiUl

injury and property damage at work.

ccidents and injuries are major contributors to morbidity,

ortality and d i sab i tity in bot.h industriaJized f:oIHltr:ies,

...,here Ln.jur Los are the' J e ad i ng cause of death during ttH~

-here they now appear among the r j vc c a u s e a O~.'A.

de a t.h , Accidents in industry constitute u si~nificant

_rcenta~e of all ec.c Ld e n t s , part 'ic u Lu r-Lv amon~ t,hose in

heir most productive years, and ore a cause of dea~h and

isability in both developed and developinR countries. In

: dustrialized countries, more potentially produclive years

C life are lost by death and disability due to accidents

_aan by all major disease S1.roups arrd accicte!l'ts r-e or-es en t;

e commonest c au s e s of hospi t.~J .i za t. ion for the young ~1 ) .

s the developing ,.•or Ld increases its industr'ia.1 sector.

C u P Ft t ion 6. 1 ace i clc ntH '::'\ n bee x pe t: 1~~ cl t. 0 h ~ c:0 me

creasin~~y important. it is hoped by providinQ detailed

formation about accidents and their resultant injuries to

crease awareness of their importance in Ethiopia and to

ovide better information on which to baRe prevention and


I"" ~:ent in Et.h iop La there are 114 factor Lcs reg j s t.e red

the Ministry of Industry. They are located in four

canters: Addis Ababa; Dire Daw a , As ma ra and il(H'ar.

_ administrative purposes they are grouped into ten

orations and five share companies. Together these 114

employ 77,396 employees according to Department

anpower and Development reports in 1985. (2.

is one of the five ketenas !-'0, Addis Ababa.

ed in the western part of ~he cBPital. Of the fifty

ries under ·the Mi n j st~ry 0 f Induatry 1n Add i s J\bnba.

are located in Ketena One. AccordinR to information•.••.•., .:.,.~edfrom the l<~thi ooian Trade Un ion, there are l.t.;1 2U

workers in Ketena One, out of which 3~% (41ti2, are

in factories adm i n is t.e a t.e d by the Ministry of

3::~st.IY. The factories in Ke tena One thus represent 22%

-stry of Industry factories in Addis Ababa and 13% of

"'ctories in •• -~ -4 ~. "r.rn ro p r e , /\ much Jarl1;er number of

- a~e employed in co~tBg0 industries and Rre not

Id1 factories except Ad di a Ket e ma Ctlndy have ;" ,"°r.Ltl,·r

c Li n ic . Ai i factory clinics p r-o v i.de fr ee firsij "fd :\.nd

heall.h ser"'lice\.o workers .

.ov r- rs: iUI'y,oJhc IT r r'om 50 t.o 100% of the mcd lea l. cos ts. The

activity of the factory first aid cLinic iH fC'cL'S(d <C'1"1 1:h,;

(')<"!lIlination and treatment of eaSE'8.

not l1;iven a.ithou~h family -planning services are provided in

two of the factories. Factory inspection 1S not presently

arried out by health personnel, a Lt.b ou a h 3.JJ but two,

d i s Ket.cma CH.;ldy a.nd Addi x Ababa Tannery have Dart-time

di caI off leers. As weiJ fl.S the officern t.ho r e

-nics in the eleven factories.

e of t.h e fe c t or i.es had an ooou pa ui ona I he a I t.h and snfety

ram during the study period. However in the past Hix

a , several. have oa t ab I i shed Rui"ety commi t. t,pcs and a

the comm.ittees have even begun f uric t. ion) ng .

ugh Bome industry generated information about

E:::c:te'e •..5 in Ethiopia has been produced by the 11i nis t.r-v or

i~ not. n v u i Ln b l e , To .. ,. ,

study was undertnken.

Injuries are analized by a2e and sex or Hccidentce, 0-01

service,leve_l of \ncome an1 t-ype of factory.

a tur e of the injury and t.v pe of accident are looked at

ith regard to a~e and type of factory invo_lved. l\!tlioll~h

_e -information presented about injuries and ae" ident..s in

studv is Larz c Lv zc ne r-aI and descriptive. it forms t.ho

for a more informed approach to occopational

"dents in Ethiopia, as weJI 8S assistin~ heallh workers

e provision of more effective and appropriate health

cation m28sa~es and safety measures.

obj~ct{v~s of this study are:

o obtain and ena I vzc dot.ai.Lc d data on t.h o occur r enc e

dc s c r-Lbe the rate of accidents bv age, :-,(:'7<. time,

e...-cl- of c duc a t.a on , years of serv-ice and l o vc I of

o c.

rovide information about accidents that wiJl allow

€ffectivc a n d a p p r-o p r-ia Lo health o d u c a t Lo n

X~::5:~~-:£3 and safety measures too reduce and p r e v e n t

=::;;;::.!.!_c~~_:!·~~tsin Ke t.e n a Onc f ac t.o r i e a .

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