ABC Book Of U.S. History

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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ABC Book Of U.S. History. 1. Abolitionist -A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery. 2. Alliance -A close associations of nations or other groups, formed to advance common interest or cause. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of ABC Book Of U.S. History

ABC Book Of U.S. History

1.Abolitionist-A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.

2.Alliance-A close associations of nations or other groups, formed to advance common interest or cause.

3.Amnesty-The granting of pardon to a large number of persons; protection from prosecution for an illegal act.

4.Arsenal-A storage place for weapons and ammunition.

1.Blocade Runner-A Ship that sails into and out of a blockaded area.

2.Bounty-Money given as a reward, such as to encourage enlistment in the army.

3.Burgesses-Elected representatives to an assembly.

4.Bond-A note issued by the government, which promises to pay of a loan with interest.

1.Dissent-Disagreement with or opposition to an opinion.

2.Drought-A long period of time with little rainfall.

3.Desert-To leave without permission.

4.Disarmament-Removal of weapons.

1.Effigy-A rag figure representing an unpopular individual.

2.Embargo-An order prohibiting trade with another country.

3.Export-To sell goods abroad.

4.Emancipate-To free from slavery.

1.Famine-An extreme shortage of food.

2.Federal Debt-The amount of money owed by the government.

3.Federalist-Supporters of the constitution.


1.Global Warming-A steady increase in average world temperatures.

2.Genocide-The deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.

3.Greenback-A piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the North during the Civil War.

4.Guerrilla Tactics-Reffering to surprise attack or raids rather than original warefare.

1.Habeas Corpus-A legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned.

2.Horizontal Intergration-The combining of competing firms into one corperation.

3.Hieroglyphics-An ancient form of writing using symbols and pictures to represent words, sounds, and concepts.

4.Human Rights-Rights regarded as belonging to all persons, such as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution.

1.Import-To buy goods from foreign markets.

2.Inflation-A continue rise in the price of goods and services.

3.Impeach-To formally charge a public official with misconduction office.

4.Ironclad-Armored naval vessel.

1.Judicial Review-the right of the Supreme Court to determine if the law violates the Constitution.

2.Judicial Branch-The branch of government, including the federal court system, that interprets the nations laws.

3.John Brown-

4.Joint Occupation-The possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countrys.

1.Kansas-Newbraska Act-

1.Loyalists-American colonist who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for Independence.

2.Landslide-An overwhelming victory.

3.Legislative Branch-The branch of government that’s makes the nations laws.

4.Laissez-faire-Policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nations economy.

1.majority-More than half.

2.Militia-A group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies.

3.Minuitemen-companies of civilian soldiers who boasted that they were ready to fight on a minutes notice.

4.Mayflower Compact-A formal document, written in 1620,that provided law and order to the Plymouth colony.

1.Nullify-To Cancel or male ineffective.

2.NorthWest Passage- Water route to Asia through North America sought by European explorers.

3.National Debt-The amount of money a national government owes to other governments or its peoples.

4.Naturalization-To grant full citizenship to a foreigner.

1.Ordinance-A law or regulation.

2.Overide-To overturn or defeat, as a bill proposed in congress.

3.Offensive-Possition of attacking or the attack itself.

4.Overseer-A person who supervises a large operation or its workers.

1.Privateer-Armored private ship.

2.Partisan-Favoring one side of an issue.

3.Pacifest-Person opposed to the use of war or violence to settle disputes.

4.Petition-A formal request.


1.Recruit –To enlist soldiers in the army.

2.Relocate-To force a person or group to move.

3.Repeal-To cancel an act or law.

4.Revenue-Incoming money.

1.Secede-To leave or withdraw.

2.Slave Code-The laws passed in the Southern states that controlled and restricted enslaved people.

3.Sufferage-The right to vote.

4.Sedition-Activities aimed at weakening established government.

1.Tribute-money paid for protection.

2.Tariff-a tax on imports and exports.

3.Toleration-The acceptance of difference beliefs.

4.Total War-war on all aspects of the enemy's life.

1.Utopia-Community based on a vision of a perfect society sought by reformers.

2.Unconstitutional-Not agreeing or consistent with the Constitution.

3.Unalienable Rights-A right that cannot be surrendered.

4.Underground Railroad-A system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the south to freedom in the north.

1.Vanquero-Hispanic ranch owner.

2.Veto-To reject a bill and prevent if from becoming a law.

3.Vigilantes-People who take the law into their own hands.

4.Vertical Intergration-The combining of companies that supply equipment and services needed for a particular industry.

1.War Hawks-Republics during Madison's presidency who pressed for war with Britain.

2. Writ of Assistance-Legal document that enabled officers to search homes and warehouses for goods that might be smuggled.

1.XYZ Affairs-

1.Yankee-Union soldier

2.Yellow Journalism-A type of sensational, Biased, and often false reporting.

3.Yeoman-Southern owner of a small farm who did not have enslaved people.