Abc Book of Text Features

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Abc Book of Text Features

An ABC Book of An ABC Book of Text FeaturesText Features

A is for

AAuthor Notes-A note to readers about making the book.

B is for

BBold Print-words with thick heavy lines.

Brainy Bees Know Two from Three

C is for

CCaptions-Information that is near a photograph or illustration that it tells.

Honeybees have some basic numerical abilities, a new study found. They can recognize a pattern based only on the number of elements in it. For example,

if the bees learn to recognize three blue dots, then later they can find three yellow stars, three yellow lemons or three purple blobs.

D is for

DDiagrams- is a drawing of something to show its parts. Labels are often added to the diagram.

E is for

EEndpages-additional information that supports the book.

F is for

FFonts-The way the typing looks. You will find words in bold and color print in books.

G is for

GGlossary-A alphabetized list of special words in a book and their meanings.

H is for

HHeadings-The title, subtitle, or topic that stands at the top or beginning, as of a paragraph, letter, or chapter.

I is forIIndex-An alphabetized list of key information

including page numbers. This can be found at the end of a book.

J is for

JJust say it! A pronunciation guide is when the writer spells out the words phonetically, often in parentheses. This helps us say the word correctly.

"The Gila (HE-la) Monster is a kind of lizard."

K is for

Map KKey-Helps the reader know how to interpret information on a map.

L is for

LLabels-Helps the reader identify parts of a diagram.

M is for

MMap- Helps the reader understand where things are in the world.

N is for

NNon-Fiction Text Features• Helps readers better understand what they are

reading about.• Gives us extra information.• Text features can be found in textbooks,

magazine articles, reports, web pages, and other forms of non-fiction text.

O is for

ClOOse Up- Helps the reader see details in something small.

P is for

PPhotographs-Helps the reader better understand a picture or photograph.

Q is for

QQuestion Format-Questions the author includes in the text for us to think about.

R is forRReference pages-Helps the reader understand information in the book.

S is forSSidebars-Boxes of information to the side

of the main text/column.

T is forTTable of Contents-Helps the

reader identify key topics in the book in the order they are presented.

U is for

UUnderline-Helps the reader understand that a word or words are important.

V is for

VVerso Pages-In page layout, the verso pages are the even-numbered pages on the left side of a two-page spread.

W is for

DraWWings-Helps the reader understand what something could have looked liked.

X is for

AppendiXX-Additional information located at the end of a book.

Y is forCutawaYY-Helps the reader understand

something by looking at it from the inside.

Z is for

ItaliciZZed Words-Helps the reader understand that the word italicized is important.