Aaron Thomas - L30 technology that has impacted film production PDME - Classwork - 6508

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Transcript of Aaron Thomas - L30 technology that has impacted film production PDME - Classwork - 6508

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

Starter – “Beat the Buzzer”YOU MUST attempt to beat the person by pressing the Buzzer first when Mr Crafts OR another student asks a question – First to 3 wins!

YOU SHOULD NOT shout out answers and if you have a bit of a “brain fart” and forget the answer pass it over to someone else on the team!


AS Media Studies – Exam Lesson –

Technologies that have impacted/changed Film PDME

Monday 18th November 2013

Unit G322: Key Concepts Exam


Aims & Objectives

• Re-cap prior learning through a competitive scenario of “Beat the Buzzer”.

• Introduce the Technologies that have impacted Film Production in particular, with the next couple of lessons focusing on DME.

• Look at Case Study examples of WHERE Technologies have impacted Film production.

• Review the learning.

So YOU are prepared and ready for the exam on May 23rd!

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

February 2010 – Nick Roddick

“Technology is not only changing the b_________ of film making, but also the i________ of s____”


mportance tory

2012 – 2013 – Case Study examples!

What trends can we see from these statistics?

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

35 mm – Camera and Projector

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)


• All UK cinemas will be digital by 2013.

• End of a format that has been used for 120 years.

• Directors may still use celluloid to shoot - it's just projectors that will change

UK Digital Screens – Facts!

2002 – 4 Digital Screens

2012 – 3,538 Digital Screens

What other technologies within the Film Industry have dictated this?

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

35 mm Projector - Problems

• Celluloid reels – Expensive! – Around £700 - £1,000 per. Reel!

• 2/3 of UK Cinemas are already digital .

• Distributing the reels also costs money.

• Man Power and Expertise is required.

• Hazardous.

• Does NOT project 3D Films.

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

Implications for Indies?

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

See Link on the Blog Page at home for further reading – Scorsese talks about his reluctance to switch from 35mm filming to Digital Filming.

So why was it not as successful at the box-office compared to say ‘Taken 2’ and other blockbusters released in the Summer of 2012?

Described as an “Agent of challenge and defiance” (McKnight – 1997).

USA – Release Information

Smaller Indies are going to struggle to compete IF they don’t transition from 35mm to Digital sooner rather than later.


• HOW many screens ‘Man of Steel’ (2013) was exhibited in in the UK compared to ‘A Field in England’ (2013) in the UK.

• What were the Top 10 grossing films of 2012 and so far for 2013 – what do they have in common?

Key Term: Prosumer


5 Films shot entirely on mobile multi-media devices like the iPhone:

‘Night Fishing’ (2011) Dir. Park Chan Wook

• $130,000 budget• Production crew of just 80• They used 8 specially equipped iPhones to record the footage.

Will Hollywood take notice?

"We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We

have no obligation to make a statement. Our obligation is to make money.”

(Don Simpson – Producer of ‘Top Gun’)

American Culture In the 1980s (2007) Graham Thompson

Edinburgh University Press

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

Key phrase:


Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

Key Term: CGI

Computer Generated Imagery

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

“The gravity might be lower on earth than Krypton, but universal big budget Hollywood movie kryptonite has been over-reliance on special effects and under-reliance on the imagination of audiences”.


Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

American Film in the Digital Age

Robert C. Sickels - 2011

“..narratively simplistic, visually stupendous, thus it’s near Universal appeal”

Audiences have “diminished expectations” (Mark Kermode)

Digital Film Marketing

Key Term: Above the line Marketing

Warner Bros, ensured that they used alternative methods to market the film and re-coup their heavy investment into the Production and in particular Distribution of the film.Check out the official page at home as it’s blocked in school!

Digital Film Marketing

‘Fast & Furious 6’ (2013 – Universal)

One of the stars of the movie – Vin Diesel - regularly kept fans of the franchise updated with exclusive images from the set and teasers about the films narrative.

Universal would have most likely published this content via. His account to help create the allm important viral marketing for the movie.

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

3D Cinema – Facts!

3D Cinema – Facts!

Who are the main Distributor of 3D Film in the UK?

What does this say about this Institution?

UK Independents – Success!

How many of these films are 3D?

How do these compare the global takings of other Event Movies?

3D Cinema – Facts!

• Of the 3,538 digital screens in the UK in 2012, 1,564

(44%) were 3D-capable digital screens.

This means a powerful Hollywood Major and Distributor of Film in the UK (operate about 12% of the market in the UK) can “tap in” in to this wealth of 3D screens available and saturate the release of the film to a mass audience.

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

3D films 'a fad with legs', says Cineworld finance director Philip Bowcock

Read a copy of the article you have been given –

YOU MUST analyse and identify examples from the article that denote the popularity of 3D Cinema (x2 examples at least) and examples that suggest it is a “FAD” and on the decline.

EXTENSION – YOU COULD write a summary at the bottom of the article to establish whether you agree OR disagree with Andrew Trotman’s article.

YOU SHOULD stick this in to your exercise book!

VOD – Case Study examples• The combined value of the television-based and online VoD film market was £243

million in 2012, up from £162 million in 2011 (an increase of 50%).

• Subscription makes up around 31.5% of this:

VOD – Case Study examples

Another example of a “Day-and-date” release in the UK –

• Released in 50 Public Cinemas (which Curzon control – there’s one in Richmond).Box-Office: £418k

• Available to view on CHC (Curzon Home Cinema)

• Also available on:Sky Store

‘A Late Quartet’ (2012 – Opening Night Productions)

VOD – Case Study examples

Film 4OD and iTunes (VOD) – How many transactions took place for this film?

1,200 Transactions

Is this an example of a Co-production deal OR synergy between two Media Institutions?

What you have learnt today?

YOU MUST write down a fact/figure/quote you have learnt today that you would use in the exam if you were presented with a Technology related question.

YOU COULD write down x2.


Produce a mind-map of the content from this PowerPoint.

Check out the BFI Statistics and find 3 interesting facts about the UK Film Industry.

Due: Next Lesson – Wednesday 18th December