Aaron Abramovitch - idc.ac.il · Aaron Abramovitch Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of...

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Transcript of Aaron Abramovitch - idc.ac.il · Aaron Abramovitch Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of...

Aaron Abramovitch Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Served as Director-General of the Ministry of Justice, and as a legal advisor for the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization, the World Jewish Restitution Organization and Keren Hayesod. Served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Israel Museum, the Israel Lands Administration and El Al. Earned a degree in Law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Prof. Oded Abramsky Chairman of the National Council for Research and Civilian Development and the Israel S. Wechsler Professor of Neurology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Hadassah Medical School. He served as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and as Chairman of the Association of Medical Deans in Israel. He also chaired the Hadassah's Neurology and Neurosurgery Department and its Neuroimmunolgoy Unit. In 2008, Biogen USA endowed "The Oded Abramsky Chair in Neuroimmunology". Also held senior public health policy positions, including Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Health, Chairman of the National Medical Research Organization in addition to chairing public committees on science and medicine in Israel and abroad. Honored as the "Man of the Year in Medicine" for 2002 by Lion's Israel, he is also a Fellow by Distinction of the Royal College of Physician UK. Earned his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Kamel Agbaria Chairman of the Neighborhood Committee of the Jaffa Arab Quarter, and Chief Coordinator of the Merchavim Institute, the Institute for the Advancement of Shared Citizenship in Israel, where he is in charge of educational programs. He also mentors groups on co-existence between Jews and Arabs and on the integration of Arabs into society. Board member of "Ahuzot HaChof" and "Ezra VeBitzaron" municipal companies. Served on the public board for Tel Aviv's Centennial celebrations and on various public committees in the field of housing and urban improvement. He is a graduate of the Wingate Institute and various courses specializing in group guidance, mediation, conflict resolution and congregational leadership.

Shulamit Aloni Former Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Communications and Minister of Arts and Science, as well as serving as a government Minister without portfolio. A Knesset Member for thirty years, retiring in 1995, she began her parliamentary career for the Labor, founded the Ratz Party (Civil Rights Movement), and finally co-founded Meretz. During her incumbency, she dealt with civil rights issues and has published several books and articles on the matter. A graduate of the David Yelin Teachers' Seminar, she earned a degree in Law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror is Deputy President of the Lander Institute, Jerusalem. Head of the "Defensible Borders Project" at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Former Commander of the IDF's Military Colleges. Served in the IDF's Intelligence Corps for thirty-six years in senior positions, including Head of the Research and Assessment Division, after which he was appointed Military Secretary to the Minister of Defense. Author of two books on Intelligence.

Yadin Antebi is Commissioner of Capital Market, Insurance and Savings at the Ministry of Finance. Previously served as Deputy Commissioner and worked for the Ministry's General Insurance Department and for an accounting firm. Participated in an inter-ministerial committee on capital market reform (the Bachar Committee and on many other governmental committees. Received an MBA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Prof. Uzi Arad Founding Director of the Institute for Policy and Strategy at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy, IDC Herzliya. Chair of the Herzliya Conference. Concurrently, Advisor to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and Founding Chairman of the Atlantic Forum of Israel. Served in the Mossad for twenty-five years in Israel and abroad, his last position being Director of Intelligence. Also served as the Foreign Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Prior to his government career, he was with the Hudson Institute in New York, and a Fellow at the New York Council on Foreign Relations and at Tel Aviv University. Received an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Princeton University, which he attended as a Fulbright scholar.

Yarom Ariav is the Director General of the Ministry of Finance. He has held various managerial positions with Israel Chemicals including European Manager for Israel Chemicals, Senior Deputy Manager of marketing, Vice President of Rotem Empert Negev, and as Director within SQM of Chile on behalf of Israel Chemicals. He has served as deputy

commissioner of budgeting at the Ministry of Finance and team-manager of the Ministry's Budgeting department. He is certified in finance on behalf of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Shamai Assif is Head of the Planning Administration, Ministry of Interior. Previously was a partner in an architecture company, which he co-founded. Held the position of the civil engineer of the city of Tel-Aviv-Jaffa. Was Head of Planning Division at the IDF Planning Department. Certified in Architecture and Urbanism from Harvard University.

President Josי Marםa Aznar Former Prime Minister of Spain. President of FAES (Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis). Distinguished Scholar at GeorgetownUniversity, where he teaches contemporary European politics. Former Chairman of the Christian Democrat and People’s Parties International (CDI) and Honorific President of the Partido Popular in which he held the Executive Presidency. He became President of the Spanish Government (Prime Minister) in 1996, and was reelected in 2000, holding the presidency up until the elections of 2004, when he voluntarily stepped down. Served as Head of the Regional Government of Castile and Leףn. Also served as a Member of Parliament for Madrid. Between 1989 and 1996 he was the leader of the Opposition.

Dr. Gavrial Barkay is a lecturer at the department of Land of Israel Studies and Archeology at Bar-Ilan University. He is the manager of the Temple Mount Antiquities Salvation Operation. He is an expert on the history of biblical Jerusalem. In 1996 he was awarded the Israel Prize of archeology. He received his Ph.D from Tel-Aviv University.

Dr. Shmuel Bar Director of Studies at the Institute for Policy and Strategy, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Served in the Israeli intelligence community for thirty years where he held senior analytical, planning, and diplomatic positions, specializing in regional security, Islamic radicalism and terrorism in the Middle East and East Asia. Published a number of books and articles in his areas of expertise. Received a Ph.D. in History of the Middle East from Tel Aviv University.

Lt. Gen. (res.) Ehud Barak Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister; Head of the Labor Party and former Prime Minister of Israel. Served as Minister of the Interior and as Foreign Minister. Former positions include Chief of IDF General Staff and head of the Israeli Intelligence Branch. Was awarded the "Distinguished Service Medal". Holds an undergraduate degree in Physics and Mathematics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a Masters Degree in Economic Engineering Systems from StanfordUniversity.

Amb. Rafael Barak Deputy Director General, for Western Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A career diplomat since 1977, his previous assignment was Deputy Chief of Mission in Washington, after which he was Charge' d'affaires of the Embassy in Paris. Served as Deputy Director General for Coordination and Director of the Director General’s Bureau at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After the signing of the Oslo Agreement in 1993, he was named the Chief Coordinator for negotiations with the Palestinians. An alumnus cum laude of the Rothschild Foundation Scholarship program, he earned an M.A. degree in Political Science at the Hebrew University.

Rafael L. Bardaji Director of International Policy at FAES Fundacion, Madrid. Taught International Politics at ICADE. Served as the Executive Adviser to Spanish Ministers of Defense Serra and Trillo and to Prime Minister Aznar. Founded the Grupo de Estudios Estratיgicos and served as its Director. Member of the IISS in London, the International Council of the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis (IFPA) of Massachusetts and of the International Committee of the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratיgique of Paris. Also a member of the Conseil Economique de la Dיfense. Author of numerous publications. Graduate of the Complutense University of Madrid in Political Science and Sociology.

Prof. Amir Barnea Professor of Finance at the Arison School of Business, IDC Herzliya, and former founding Dean of the School. Professor Emeritus at Tel Aviv University. Deputy Chairman of the Board and CEO, Singer, Barnea & Co. Held Visiting Professorships at several leading institutions, including Cornell and New York Universities. Serves in several senior positions in Israeli business institutions, as well as on the public committees of the Bank of Israel and the Ministry of Finance. Received a Ph.D. in Finance and Managerial Economics from Cornell University. Member of the Board of Directors, the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.

Amnon Be’eri-Sulitzeanu Co-Executive Director of the Abraham Fund Initiatives, Israel. Served as the Director of Marketing and Communications for the Jerusalem Foundation, under the leadership of Mr. Teddy Kollek and Ms. Ruth Cheshin. Prior to this, he worked as an advisor to the Minister of Immigrant Absorption and as the spokesperson of the Ministry. Amongst other tasks, he was active in designing immigrant absorption and public relations policy. Holds an M.A. in Public Administration from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Professor Leah Boehm is the Chief Scientist at the Israel Aerospace Industries and a member of the organization for business development and daughter-companies of the headquarters of the IAI. She is a member of the National Council for R&D and of the European Union Specialist Committee in the fields of nanotechnology and procedures. She also serves as the Israeli representative for R&D at the European Union. She has also served as the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Science and Technology. She received a PhD in Solid Chemistry from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Alon Bar Deputy Director General for Strategic Affairs and Chief of the Diplomatic Staff to the Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has served as head of the Arms Control Department and in the Egyptian Affairs Department of the

Foreign Ministry. During the years 2000-2006 he was the Israeli representative for the United Nations Arms Control and Disarmament hearings, during which he was also the first Israeli elected to be the deputy chairman of a UN committee. He was also a member of the Israeli delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Graduate of International Relations from the HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem.

Roni Bar-On Minister of Finance. Previously served as Minister of Interior. While in Knesset for the Likud party, he had served as Chairman of the Knesset Committee. He was a member of the Central Committee of the national Israeli Bar Association, the Jerusalemdistrict Bar association, Chairman of the Supreme Court committee and Chairman of the committee for the regularization of sports-gambling. He is a graduate of Law of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Amb. Irit Ben-Aba Deputy Director General for Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has held a variety of posts in the Foreign Ministry including Head of the Middle Eastern Financial Division, Non-Resident Ambassador to Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovinaand Macedonia, and Israeli Ambassador to the Philippines. She was granted the award of excellence by the General Director of the Foreign Ministry as well as the "Excellent Ambassador" award on behalf of the President of the Philippines. She is a graduate of the Hebrew University in East Asian Studies and in the English Language. She is certified by the university in business administration.

Prof. Shlomo Ben-Ami Vice-President of the Toledo International Center for Peace in Spain. He served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Internal Security under the Government of Ehud Barak. He was elected to the 14th Knesset on behalf of the Labor party. He has served as the Israeli Ambassador to Spain. He was also a member of the Tel-Aviv University School of History. In his academic research he specialized in Iberian History. He has published several books including, Scars of War, Wounds of Peace: The Israeli-Arab Tragedy, and Spain: Between Dictatorship and Democracy 1936-1977. Holds an M.A. in History from Tel-Aviv University a Ph.D. in History from Oxford.

Prof. Gabriel Ben-Dor Head of the School of Political Sciences and Director of the National Security Studies Center, University of Haifa. Also served as the Rector of the University and as President of the Israeli Political Science Association. Published seven books and over one hundred articles on Middle East politics, Civic-Military Relations, Conflict Resolution, and Ethnic Politics. Received a Ph.D. in Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies from Princeton University.

Gila Ben-Har is Director of the Center for Educational Technology, an organization which deals with the development and implementation of printed and digital contents for teaching, instruction and evaluation. Former Head of the Education, Culture and Sport Administration of the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Municipality. She is amongst the first graduates of the Jerusalem School of Educational Leadership, where she undertook research on the disperse nature and centralization of the education system and the status of education with regards to the local municipality. Earned an MA in Education from Bar-Ilan University, specializing in Education Curriculums, Education Administration and Education Technology.

MK Maj. Gen. (res.) Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel Member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Served in the IDF for over thirty years holding several posts in operations, intelligence and weapon development units of the Air Force. After retiring from military service was Professor at Tel Aviv University's Cohen Institute for the History and Philosophy of Sciences and Ideas. Has written numerous books and articles on military and security issues and received several awards, including the Israel Defense Award, which he received twice. Holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Tel Aviv University.

Zeev Bielski Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel and the World Zionist Organization. Former Mayor of Ra’anana. Dealt extensively with the development of relations between Israel and Jewish communities in the Diaspora as Chair of the Israeli Forum and Head of the JAFI Aliyah Department in South Africa. Holds a B.A. in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Avi Bitzur Director General of the Ministry for Pensioners' Affairs and JerusalemAffairs. He is an expert on home-front defense at Bar-Ilan University and the Colleges of Ashkelon, Safed, and Or-Yehuda. Directed the liaison between the Histadrut and the Knesset, as also served as the Secretary General of "Am Echad" party, as well as the head of the Israeli Defense Force Fortifications Department. He has a degree in Political Science from Bar-Ilan University and is a graduate of the IDF College of Staff and Command.

Maj. Gen. (Res.) Herzle Bodinger Chairman of the Board, IMDA, the Israeli Missile Defense Association and He serves as President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Rada Electronic Industries, Ltd. Former Commander of the Israeli Air Force. He also served as Military Deputy to the Ministry of Defense Comptroller, Deputy to the IAF Commander and Chief of the Air Force Staff. He served as the commander of an armed air group, commander of the first air wing and commander of Military Flight School. He received a BA in Economics and Business Administration from Bar-Ilan University, and studied in the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.

Amb. John Bolton Former US Ambassador to the United Nations. Presently a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and counsels for Kirkland and Ellis LLP. Served as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security in the Bush Administration. Prior to this, served as Senior Vice President of the American Enterprise Institute, Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs at the Department of State, Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice, Assistant Administrator for Program and Policy Coordination, and General Counsel at the U.S.

Agency for International Development. As an attorney, served as an associate and then a member of the firm at the Washington office of Covington & Burling. Received his J.D. from Yale LawSchool.

Meir Brand Google Israel Country Director. He established Google's Israel branch. Held various senior positions in international companies such as Microsoft, Booz Allen & Hamilton and P&G. He served as the assistant director general in charge of marketing at ICQ (AOL-Time Warner Group) and as the executive of business developments at the Excite@Home internet company. Holds an MA in Economics from the Harvard School of Economics.

MK Prof. Avishay Braverman Chairman of Knesset Finance Committee for the Labor-Meimad Party. Former President of Ben-Gurion University in Be'er Sheva. Previously a senior economist and department head at the World Bank responsible for designing economic plans and implementing them in developing countries. His books and articles deal with development economy, agricultural economy, industrial organization, public policy, resource management and water sources. Recipient of the 1997 Ben-Gurion Prize. Earned a Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University.

Dr. Oded Brosh Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya. An expert on nuclear deterrence and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, currently focusing on the Iranian nuclear issue. Formerly a Research Fellow at Harvard University. Earned a Ph.D. in Political Science from Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Michael D. Brown Former US Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R). He served as the Chief of Staff of the Consequence Management Principals' Committee after the events of 9/11. He served as the leader of the Transition Planning Office for the new Department of Homeland Security. He filled various public positions in Colorado and Oklahoma. He specializes in ethics and discipline in law enforcement. He received his J.D. from Oklahoma City University's School of Law.

Prof. Rivka Carmi President of Ben-Gurion University in the Negev. She previously was Director of the Genetic institute at the University's Medical Center. She also served as the Dean of the Health Sciences Faculty. She is the incumbent of the Kreitman Foundation Chair in Pediatric Genetics. Served as the Chairperson of the Israel Association of Medical Deans. Her research is focused on hereditary diseases in the Arab-Bedouin population in the Negev. She received the Hadassah Award in 2008 and a Life Achievement Award on behalf of Yated (Children with Down Syndrome). She is a graduate of the HadassahMedical School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and specialized in Pediatrics at the Harvard University Medical School.

Dr. Stephen J. Canner Vice President of Investment and Financial Services at the USCouncil for International Business. Worked for 28 years at the International Affairs Division of the US Treasury Department and served in a number of senior positions in the field of foreign investments in the US. In 1990, received the President’s Distinguished Service Award for his work. Earned a Ph.D. in Economics from Clark University.

Glenn Carle Vice President at the McClendon Corporation. Former US Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Transnational Threats. Previously worked as a Senior Analyst at the Sentra company. Served in senior posts in the CIA, including Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Operations. Received his MA in European Studies and International Economics from the Johns Hopkins University's SAIS and has done additional graduate work in International Relations at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.

Prof. Brahma Chellaney Professor of Strategic Studies at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi. Specializes in International Security, Arms Control and International Politics. Was a member of the Policy Advisory Group headed by the Foreign Minister of India. Advised India’s National Security Council. Served in academic positions at Brookings, SAIS, and Harvard. Author of numerous books, articles, op-eds for the International Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, and the Times of India.

Dr. John Chipman Director General and Chief Executive of the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS) in London and is its former Director of Studies. Was a Research Associate at the Atlantic Institute for International Relations. Has written a number of books on security and strategy, including NATO’s Southern Allies and French Power in Africa. Received a BA from Harvard University, an MA from the London School of Economics and a Ph.D. from Oxford. Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George.

Sir Ronald Cohen Chairman of Portland Capital and Portland Trust. Founding Partner and Chairman of Apax Partners Holdings. Chairman of the Social Investment Task Force and founder of EASDAQ, the pan-European market for growth companies, of which he was Vice Chairman. Chairman of Bridges Community Ventures Limited, Founder Director and past Chairman of the British Venture Capital Association, Founder Director of the European Venture Capital Association and the Quoted Companies Alliance. He has served as a member of the London Stock Exchange Working Party on Smaller Companies, CBI Wider Share Ownership Committee and the Executive Committee of The Centre for Economic Policy Research. Graduate of Oxford University and Honorary Fellow of Exeter College. Holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

Prof. Steven Cohen Faculty member of the Jewish Institute of Religion at Hebrew Union Collage in New York and a Professor at The Melton Centre for Jewish Education at The Hebrew University. He is a Sociologist of American Jewry and Jewry around the world. He taught at Queens College and held visiting professorships at Yale and at The Jewish Theological Seminary. He earned his Ph.D. in Sociology from Columbia University.

Amb. David Danieli Deputy Director General for Policy, Israel Atomic Energy Commission. Previously held number of positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among them, Ambassador of Israel to India, Ambassador of Israel to Singapore, Deputy Head of the Center for Policy Research and Director of the Arms Control Department. Was a member of the Israeli Delegation to the CTBT negotiations. Holds an MA International Relations from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Robert Danin Head of Mission of the Quartet Representative to the Middle East. Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, responsible for Arab-Israeli negotiations policy and strategic planning. Served at the White House/National Security Council as Director for the Levant and Israeli-Palestinian affairs and then as Acting Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs. Served on Secretary of State Powell’s Policy Planning Staff, where he was responsible for Middle Eastand Gulf issues. Previously served as a senior political analyst in the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research. He has been a visiting scholar at GeorgetownUniversity’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy and at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from Oxford and an MA degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan President of the Sderot Conference for Society. Former National Security Advisor. Founding Chair of the Tafnit political party and Chairman of the Committee for National Responsibility. Served in the IDF for over thirty years in various positions including Head of the Planning Branch of the IDF General Staff, Commander of the Central Command, and Deputy Chief of the General Staff. In this position he headed the Israeli Security Committee on peace negotiations with the Jordanians, Palestinian and Syrians. Also served as Senior Liaison Officer to the Jordanian Forces. Holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a M.Sc. in Operations Research from Stanford University.

Raanan Dinur Director General of the Prime Minister's Office. Previously served as Director-General of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor and Director-General of the Jerusalem Municipality. Former CEO of Telad and Chairman of the Theatre and Television Department at the Arts and Culture Committee.

Brig. Gen (Res.) Yair Dori Director General of the National Road Safety Authority and former Air Defense Commander. He served as the assistant director general of human resources, organization and costumer service at the National Insurance Institute of Israel in addition to being a senior organizational advisor for "A.A Tium Ltd." Served in the Israeli Air Force and its Air Defense corps in several senior positions. He graduated from AuburnUniversity with a degree in Administration and Public Policy. He is a graduate of many senior managerial courses, both civilian and military, in Israel and abroad, such as the Staff and Command Collage course and an advanced leadership course at Fort Bliss in Texas.

Brig. Gen. (Res.) Amira Dotan Member of Knesset for the Kadima Party and Chair of the Knesset's sub-committee for Foreign Affairs and Public Diplomacy. She is an entrepreneur and was formerly the head of a center for conflict mediation and resolution. She has had many roles in the public sector including the Vice President of Ben-Gurion University and Manager of BNI. She had served as Chief Officer of the Women's Corps and was the first woman in the IDF to receive the rank of Brigadier General. She is a Graduate of Psychology from Ben-Gurion University and has begun her studies for a certifying degree.

Prof. Yehezkel Dror Former Founding President of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute. Member of the Government Commission of Inquiry on the Second Lebanon War. Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Formerly a member of the Club of Rome, Senior Staff Member of the RAND Corporation, Senior Planning Advisor in the Defense Minister’s Office, and Policy and Planning Advisor in the Prime Minister’s Office. Published numerous books and articles. Recipient of the IsraelPrize for Administrative Sciences, the Levi Eshkol Prize for Public Administration, the Harold Lasswell Award, and the Rosolio Prize.

Maj. Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin is a Principal Researcher at the Institute for World Economics and International Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Participated as an expert in the preparations of SALT II, INF Treaty, STARTI and START II. Graduated from the High Military Naval College and worked at the State Naval Testing Site. He is an Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation and several other military academies. Has more than 350 publications

Prof. Zvi Eckstein Deputy Governor of the Bank of Israel. Previously served as Head of the Eitan Berglas School of Economics at Tel Aviv University. Serves as the Mario Henrique Simonson Chair in Labor Economics at the University of Minnesota. Member of several public committees. Served as Chairman of the Investment Committee and Director of the Provident Funds of the Mercantile Discount Bank. He has been a Visiting Professor at Carnegie-Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh. Holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland Former Head of the National Security Council and National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister. Served in the IDF for more than thirty years in several command and staff positions including Head of the Plans and Policy Directorate, Commander of the Infantry, the Paratroopers’ Brigade Commander, and Commander of the Officers’ Academy. Received a B.A. in Economics and an M.B.A. Graduated from an advanced infantry course in Fort Benning, Georgia.

Brig. Gen. (res.) MK Effie Eitam Member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, the Internal Affairs and Environment Committee and Joint Committee for the Defense Budget. Previously, Minister of Housing and Construction, Minister of National Infrastructure and Minister without portfolio. Served in the IDF for 30 years in various field positions including commander of IDF forces in southern Lebanon. Holds an M.A. in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Haifa.

Rafi Eitan Minister of Pensioners' Affairs and Jerusalem Affairs, also in charge of the of Restitution of Jewish Rights and Assets. He is the chairman of the Gil Party (Pensioners' party) since 2006. He has served in the Palmach, Mossad and the Israeli Security Service. Former chairman of Israel Chemicals and has become a private businessman. He studied economics at the London School of Economics.

Dr. Israel Elad Altman Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya. Served in various official positions in Israel and abroad. Formerly, a lecturer at Tel Aviv University and a Research Fellow at the Shiloah Institute for Middle East Studies. Received a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from UCLA.

Maher S. El-Kurd Head of the Economic Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) which is based in Ramallah. He served as the Deputy Minister of Economics and Trade of the Palestinian Authority, as well as financial advisor to the Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the PLO. He was a member of the Palestinian negotiation team in 1993 in Oslo. He received a doctorate degree in economics.

Yigal Erlich Associate Manager and Founder of Yozma, which manages venture capital funds. He is the chairman of the Center for Israeli Industry for Research and Development at the office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Trade. He is the vice chairman of the National Council for Civilian R&D. He has also served as the chief scientist of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Trade. Holds an MA in Chemistry and Business Administration.

Amb. Dr. Oded Eran Director of the Institute for National Security Studies and a member of the Atlantic Forum of Israel. Represented the World Jewish Congress in Israel. Served in the Israeli Foreign Service for over 40 years in various roles, including Ambassador to the European Union in Brussels and Ambassador to Jordan. Served in Israel’s embassies in London and Washington. During his term as Deputy Director General for Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he conducted negotiations on the cooperation accord with the European Union and participated in negotiations on the Paris Agreement with the Palestinians. Was head of the negotiating team in talks with the Palestinians on implementing the interim accords and final status agreement. Earned a Ph.D. in Political Science from the London School of Economics.

Eran Etzion Director of the Policy Planning Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Served as Deputy Head of the National Security Council for Foreign Policy Issues and Chief of Staff of the National Security Council. In the framework of these positions, he dealt with issues related to the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Participated in forums for coordination and bilateral planning with the U.S., Europe, Russia and China. Holds a BA in Philosophy and East Asian Studies, and an MBA.

Dr. Karnit Flug Director of the Research Department at the Bank of Israel and a member of the bank’s management team. Her various work has focused on the labor market (including the minimum wage), the absorption of new immigrants and poverty. Worked as a Senior Economist at the Inter-American Bank and as an Economist at the International Monetary Fund. She received her Ph.D. from Columbia University.

Dr. Liam Fox Member of the UK Parliament, representing the Conservative Party and the party’s Shadow Defense Secretary. A physician by training, he specialized in general medicine. Was a candidate for the Conservative Party’s leadership in 2005. Served as Opposition Spokesman on constitutional issues. Served as Undersecretary of State in the Foreign Office and as Parliamentary Secretary for the Home Secretary Michael Howard. Graduated from the Glasgow University Medical School.

Prof. Jacob Frenkel Former Governor of the Bank of Israel, Chairman of the Group of Thirty (G-30) and Vice Chairman of AIG. Israel Prize laureate in Economics in 2002. Serviced as Chairman of Merrill Lynch International after completing two terms as Governor of the Bank of Israel (1991-2000). Previously served as Chief Economist and Head of Research at the International Monetary Fund, Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and Tel Aviv, and Editor of the Journal of Political Economy. Also served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Deputy Chairman, and Vice President and Chief Economist at the World Bank. Received a Ph.D. in Economics from MIT.

Ralf F cks President of the Heinrich Bצll Foundation. Member of the foundation’s executive board since 1996. In his role, he is responsible for political education, Europe, North America, relations between Israel and Germany, and the foundation’s

scholarship program. Served on behalf of the Green Party as a Senator for Urban Development and Environmental Protection and as Deputy Mayor of Bremen. Was a member of Bremen’s state parliament, representing the Green Party, and served as the party’s co-president in Germany.

Shimon Gafsou Mayor of Nazareth-Ilit. He has served as advisor to Minister Eli Landau in the Prime Minister's office. Among the founders of the movement for quality of government where he is a member today. Former chairman of the Nazareth office of the Likud party. He worked as production manager and general manager at Leder Brothers Inc. He completed his studies in meteorology in England.

Amb. Yossi Gal Senior Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has held a variety of posts in Israel and abroad including Deputy Director General for Economic Affairs and Head of Public Diplomacy in the Prime Minister's Office, and Ambassador to the Netherlands. He is a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Misha Galperin Executive Vice President and CEO of The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. He helped to build several important bodies for facilitating Jewish newcomers to the US, such as, The Educational Alliance (the nation's oldest Jewish settlement house), the New York Association for New Americans (NYANA), the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, FEGS and several Jewish community centers in Los Angeles and New York. Holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from New York University. He is also a graduate of the Wexner Heritage Foundation's Jewish literacy program for lay leadership.

Prof. Ruth Gavison is the Founding President of the Metzilah Center and a Professor of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a senior Research Fellow (Emeritus) at the Israeli Institute for Democracy. She is a member of the Minerva academic committee for human rights. She has been a guest lecturer at Yale University and the University of Southern California. She founded the Society for Human Rights in Israel. She holds a Ph.D. in Law from Oxford University.

Yael German Mayor of Herzliya. In this capacity, chairs several public municipal companies and organizations, including the Herzliya Tourism Company, the Herzliya Development Company and the Herzliya Foundation. An Executive Board Member of Magen David Adom (Israel’s National EMT Service) and the Israeli Archaeological Authority. Associated with a variety of women’ rights lobby organizations. Previously, Co-CEO of Yariv Ben-Eliezer Media Consultant Company and Administrative Director of GG Electrical Industries. A professional schoolteacher and former Principal of the Herzliya “Tehilla” School for Adult Education. Earned a Teaching Diploma (English Language and Adult Education) from the Levinski Seminar and a B.A. in General History from Tel Aviv University.

Mano Geva is CEO of Midgam Research and Consulting, as well as Chairman of the Association of research institutes in Israel. A Statistician by profession, he deals with market research and public opinion. He is an expert in sampling and developing statistical models, including statistic methods for predicting the results of national and local elections by using a sample ballot. He is also a guest lecturer on statistical sampling and research at various academic institutions and organizations and advises on campaign poling for prime ministerial and municipal candidates.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilead Director of the Politico-Military Bureau at the Ministry of Defense. Previously served as Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Head of the Military Intelligence Research Department, and as the IDF Spokesperson.

Naor Gilon Director of the Bureau for International Affairs at the Center for Policy Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has served in a variety of positions in the Foreign Service, including Minister-Advisor at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, Director of the Strategic and Military Department and Diplomatic Advisor to the Israeli Envoy to the U.N Holds a graduate degree in International Relations by the Economic University of Budapest.

Amb. Dr. Dore Gold President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Served as the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations. Previously he served as Foreign Policy Advisor to former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and as a Senior Research Fellow at the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. Holds Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in International Relations from Columbia University.

Richard Gordon President of the American Jewish Congress. He is a partner in McKenna, Long and Aldridge which deals with business development and strategic planning for corporations and non-profit organizations. He has worked as an advisor to senior politicians including Mandale, Clinton and Al Gore. Before joining McKenna, Long and Aldridge he headed a law firm in New York which he established. He has worked in several managerial positions in the field of strategic advising as well as healthcare service.

Gidi Grinstein Founder and President of the Re’ut Institute. Previously served in the Office and then in the Bureau of Prime Minister Barak as the Secretary and Coordinator of the negotiation team of the Government of Israel to the permanent status negotiations between Israel and the PLO. He has extensive background in policy-planning with the Economic Cooperation Foundation. Graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and the Tel Aviv University Schools of Law and Economics.

Erez Halfon Director General of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption. He was Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister on the issue of local authorities and is a permanent member of a senior think-tank within the Prime Minister's Office on social, diplomatic, and economic issues. Previously he worked as Vice-President of a national security company. He is a Bar-Ilan University graduate in social sciences and communications.

MK Tzachi Hanegbi Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Served as Minister of the Interior, Minister of the Environment, Minister of Transportation, Minister of Health and Minister of Justice. Previously, Director of the Prime Minister's Office and President of the National Union of Israeli Students. Earned a B.A. in International Relations and Law from Hebrew University.

Isaac Herzog Minister of Welfare and Social Services and Minister of the Diaspora, Society, Fight Against Anti-Semitism and. Served as Minister of Tourism, Minister of Housing and Construction, Government Secretary and Chairman of the Anti-Drug Authority. Also served as Secretary of the Economic-Social Council and chaired the Lobby for Tourism in Israel and the Municipal Lobby. Graduate of Tel Aviv University School of Law, and completed academic courses at New York and Cornell Universities.

Rony Hizkiyahu Supervisor of the Banks at the Bank of Israel. Former Vice-President of Bank Discount of Israel, where he served as Chief Credit Officer, and Credit Risk Manager. He also managed the Maritime Bank, and held many responsibilities with Bank HaPoalim including Branch Manager in Philadelphia. He is a graduate of Ben-Gurion University in Management and Industry as well as courses in banking at Tel-Aviv University.

Yossie Hollander An entrepreneur and investor in advanced technologies and heavily involved in philanthropy. He has 35 years of experience in the software industry. Founded Ha’Meimad Ha’Hadish that was sold in 1999 to BCM. He instigated the Renewed Energy Initiative of the Weizmann institute and is involved with energy research, policy and investment around the world. Currently serves as a member of the Management Committee of the Weizmann Institute and is the Chairman of the Israeli Institute for Economic Planning.

David Horovitz Editor-in-Chief of The Jerusalem Post. Prior to his current position he was editor and subsequently publisher of the The Jerusalem Report magazine. Has also written from Israel for newspapers around the world, including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Irish Times and The (London) Independent. A frequent interviewee on CNN, the BBC, NPR and other TV and radio stations, he is author of two books and he edited and co-authored the The Jerusalem Report’s 1996 biography of Yitzhak Rabin, which won the U.S. National Jewish Book Award for Non-Fiction. Recipient of the 1995 Bnai Brith WorldCenter Award for Journalism.

Matthew Mark Horn Co-Executive Director of the American Jewish Congress. Served in the Bush administration as the Special Assistant for International Security Affairs (ISA) & International Security Policy (ISP), in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs). He was awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service. Prior to joining the Bush Administration, served as the Director of Federal Affairs at the MWW Group. Also served as the counsel and legislative assistant to Representative Benjamin A. Gilman, then-Chairman of the House International Relations Committee. Served as OSCE legal advisor for elections missions in the Balkans. Served in the United States Marines. Earned his Law degree from Pace University School of Law.

Eli Hurvitz Chairman of the Board of Directors and Founder of Teva Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Previously served as Teva's President and Chief Executive Officer for over 25 years. Chairman of the Board of The Israel Democracy Institute (IDI), Chairman of the Board of NeuroSurvival Technologies Ltd, and a director for Vishay Intertechnology. Served as Chairman of the Israel Export Institute, President of the Israel Manufacturers Association, Chairman of the Board of Bank Leumi, and as a director for Koor Industries. Was a member of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Recipient of the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement. Earned a B.A. in Economics and Business Administration from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Ofer Isseroff is Director of the "Daroma Idan HaNegev" Foundation (Southbound the Negev Era) and Regional Director of the Jewish Agency for Israel. He has held many key positions within the Jewish Agency, including manager of the financial branch, senior referee of the budgeting branch and the Agency's representative to Canada. He also served as senior economist in the Authority for the Protection of the Consumer Rights in Israel. He is a member of a number of administrations within public bodies such as the youth villages of Ramat Hadassah, and Kiryat Ye'arim as well as the Apple Foundation for the advancement of the information era in Israel. He holds an MBA from Tel Aviv University.

Nahum Itzkovich Director General of Ministry of Welfare and Social Services. He also served as Director General of the Ministry of Tourism. Former Chairman of the Drainage Authority of the Sharon area, Head and Treasurer of the Emek Hefer Regional Council, and Chairman of the Foundation for the Israeli Highway Settlement. Served on the board of directors of several public bodies and committees. Holds an MBA from Bar-Ilan University.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Amb. David Ivry President of Boeing Israel and Boeing’s Vice President of International Relations. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fisher Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies. Formerly CEO of Elul Asia. Held senior public roles including Israeli Ambassador to the US, Director General of the Ministry of Defense, Chairman of

Israel Aircraft Industries, Head of the National Security Council in the Prime Minister’s Office, Senior Assistant to the Minister of Defense for Strategic Affairs, and Head of the Steering Committee for Arms Control and Air Security. Served in the IDF in senior positions including Commander of the Israeli Air Force and Deputy Chief of Staff. Received honorary degrees from the Technion and Bar-Ilan University. Graduated from the Technion with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and a graduate of the IDF’s Command and StaffCollege.

Dr. Josef Joffe Editor-Publisher of Die Zeit German weekly and Visiting Professor at Stanford's Hoover Institute. Was a Visiting Fellow of the Dickey Center at DartmouthUniversity and held visiting positions and lecture in many universities. Published scholarly articles and numerous op-eds on the international affairs in several publications, including Foreign Policy and The Washington Quarterly. Received a Ph.D. from Harvard Universityand an honorary degree from his alma mater, Swarthmore College.

Prof. Rassem Khamaisi Member of the Geography and Environmental Studies Faculty at Haifa University and a Senior Research Fellow at the Van-Leer Institute. His research focuses on urban and environmental planning, urban geography, spatial planning in general and the Arab and Palestinian sectors specifically. An advisor to regional and national institutions as well as local authorities in his fields of expertise. He is chairman, member of the board and an activist in a number of organizations including the Society of the Forties for the Unknown Villages, the International Peace and Cooperation Center and the Arab Association for Research and Development in Tamra. He holds a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dr. Anat Kurtz Senior Research Associate and Director of Research at the Institute for National Security Studies. Teaches in the National Security Studies program in the Political Science Department at Tel Aviv University. Her research focuses on questions related to the institutionalization of popular struggles, terrorism as a fighting strategy, the Palestinian national movement, and methods of contending with conflicts that involve sub-state forces. Her book Fatah and the Politics of Violence: The Institutionalization of Popular Strugglewas published in 2005. Received a Ph.D. in Political Science from Tel Aviv University.

Prof. Jacob Karni CEO of HelioFocus. Headed the Institute for Energy Research and Solar Energy Program at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Received a BA in Civil Engineering, as well as a MA and PH.D in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota.

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff Senior Director for Policy Programs at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Previously served as the head of the Washington office of the German weekly Die Zeit. Expert in trans-Atlantic relations and foreign policy. Serves as a commentator on trans-Atlantic affairs and German-US relations, lectures before members of European parliaments, at universities throughout the world, and at research institutes in the US and Europe. Also is a commentator for television and radio stations and newspapers in the US and Europe. Holds a master’s degree in History and German Literature from the University of Freiburg.

Prof. Martin Kramer Senior Fellow at the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies of the Shalem Center and at Harvard's Olin Institute at University. Also is a a Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. His research focuses on contemporary Islam and the politics of Arab states. Directed the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University. Taught as a visiting professor at Brandeis University, the University of Chicago, Cornell University, and Georgetown University; and served twice as a Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington. Earned his Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from Princeton University.

Prof. Shmuel (Mooli) Lahad Director of the Institute for Drama Therapy Studies at Tel HaiAcademic College and served as coordinator of the Bibliotherapy track at the University of Haifa. Received a PhD in Education and Psychology from Columbia Pacific University in California.

Amb. Ronald S. Lauder President of World Jewish Congress and Founder of the LauderSchool of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy at IDC Herzliya. Previously, served as President of the Jewish National Fund. Additionally serves as Chairman of the International Public Committee of the World Jewish Restitution Organization, Treasurer of the World Jewish Congress and Chairman of the Jewish Heritage Council. Former Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Served as U.S. Ambassador to Austria and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO policy. Established the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, which has focused on Jewish education and outreach programs in Eastern Europe. Holds a B.A. in International Business from the Wharton School and a Certificate in International Business from the University of Brussels.

Dr. Ariel (Eli) Levite is Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Served in senior government positions including Principal Deputy Director General (Policy) at the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission, Deputy National Security Advisor (Defense Policy) and Head of the Bureau of International Security at the Ministry of Defense. He was previously a Senior Research Associate and headed a project on Israeli Security at the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. Has taught courses at Tel Aviv University, Cornell University and University of California, Davis, and was a Visiting Fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford University. Has published

many books and articles on strategic and military doctrine, nuclear arms and proliferation, international security and intelligence. Received a Ph.D. from Cornell University.

MK Avigdor Liberman Member of Knesset and Chairman of the Yisrael Beitenu party, which he founded. Member of the Jerusalem Lobby. Served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Affairs, Minister of National Infrastructure, and Minister of Transportation. Received a BA in Social Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Tzipi Livni Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Former Minister of Justice, Minister of Regional Cooperation and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. Previously, worked at the Mossad and was the General Manager of the Government Companies Authority in charge of the privatization of government corporations and monopolies. Received the Champion of Good Government Award. Holds an L.L.B. from Bar Ilan University.

Mr. Sverre Lodgaard Senior Research Fellow of Norwegian Institute for International Affairs (NUPI), Oslo and its former Director. Prior to that, he served as Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Director of International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) and Director of European Security and Disarmament Studies, Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Authored several books and professional publications. He holds a Magister Degree from University of Oslo.

Prof. Herbert London President of the Hudson Institute and Professor Emeritus at New York University. Previously, John M. Olin University Professor of Humanities at New YorkUniversity. Founding Dean of the Gallatin School, also at New York University. Established the Center for Education and Employment Policy at the Hudson Institute. Produced television programs on American culture, and has been a commentator on major radio and television news programs and a guest lecturer at colleges and universities. Writes for major American newspapers and journals and has published twenty-one books. Recipient of honorary degrees from the University of Aix-Marseille and Grove City College, as well as of awards for his writing and educational work. Received a Ph.D. from New YorkUniversity.

Zvi Lubetzky Founder of the group of companies that comprise the IBI Investment House and serves as a director of the companies in the group. Chairman of IBI Investment House and joint CEO of IBI Bourse & Investment Services. Served three terms as a member of the Board of Directors of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Received a BA degree in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Rachel Machtiger is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and Strategy, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy at IDC Herzliya. Worked for 28 years in the Prime Minister’s Office in various research and administrative roles. Fields of research include the Middle East, Asia, Africa, radical Islam and anti-Semitism. At the Institute for Policy and Strategy, she is involved in a range of research areas on topics such as radical Islam, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Iran, Syria and the Palestinians. Received degrees in Political Science and National Security Studies from the University of Haifa.

Ghaleb Majadle Minister of Science, Culture and Sport. Member of Knesset representing the Labor Party. Chaired the Interior and Environment Committee. Formerly served as a member of the Histadrut Labor Federation’s executive committee, as chairman of the Education and Sport Division, and as chairman of the Israeli Olympic Committees. Earlier served as chairman of the Workers’ Council in Baka al-Gharbiya.

Israel Makov Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Policy and Strategy at IDC Herzliya. Formerly CEO and President of Teva, after serving as Vice President for Business Development and Executive Vice President responsible for integration and globalization processes at Teva. Currently serves as chairman of the board of directors of the medical equipment company Given Imaging. Previous positions include CEO of the Gottex fashion company and President and CEO of the Yachin Hakal corporation. Founded an Israeli-American investment bank and was a senior advisor to companies in Israel and abroad in the fields of health. Founded the biotechnology company InterPharm and served as its President and CEO. Was also the business manager of the Abic company. Received an MA in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Michael Makovsky Foreign Policy Director of the Bipartisan Policy Center. Served as a special advisor for Iraqi energy policy in the U.S. Defense Department and as Director of Essential Services in the Washington office of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq. Previously worked as a consultant on energy market issues and founded a consulting firm specializing in energy and political risk analysis. Published a book on Winston Churchill. Received his Ph.D. in Diplomatic History from Harvard University and an MBA from Columbia University.

Gidi Mark is CEO of Taglit-Birthright Israel. Served as Director of Marketing and Development for the organization in Israel. Previously held various positions in Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Consul for Communications and Public Affairs and Spokesperson at Israel’s Consulate in New York. Received an MBA from ManchesterUniversity. He is a graduate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ cadet course and Bank Leumi’s management course for economists.

Dr. Shavit Matias is Deputy Attorney General for International Affairs. Fields of expertise include international law and international trade, the Middle East conflict, and international negotiation. Has taught at Stanford University, Georgetown

University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2008, Georgetown University awarded her a prize for professional achievement. Received a Ph.D. in International Law from George WashingtonUniversity.

Prof. Rafi Melnick is Provost of IDC Herzliya and Former Dean of the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy. Served as Senior Economist and Deputy Director in the Research Department of the Bank of Israel. Previously, lectured at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was a visiting lecturer at Boston University and the Universityof California, Davis. Specializes in macroeconomics, econometrics, Israeli economy, and monetary policy. Developed the “Melnick Index”, a monthly measure of the state of the economy, published by the IDC. Economic consultant for Bank Leumi, Board member of Ofek Securities and Investment and a Research Associate of the Center for Social Policy Studies Research in Israel. Received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley. Member of the Board of Directors, the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.

Dan Meridor Haim Zadok & Co. Law Firm. Candidate in the upcoming elections for the Knesset on the Likud slate. Served as Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice, Minister without Portfolio responsible for strategic affairs and former member of the security cabinet and cabinet secretary. Previously served in the Knesset representing the Likud and subsequently the Center Party, which he helped to found. Served as the chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Chairman of the National Security Doctrine assigned to update Israel’s security outlook in 2004-2006. Received his Law degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron President of the Open University and member of the faculty at the School of Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University. Served as Vice President for Research and Development at Tel Aviv University, Head of the Porter School of Environmental Studies, and in a range of positions in the Faculty of Engineering. She was also the Chief Scientist and Head of the Science Directorate in the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) awarded her the rank of “Fellow” for her contribution to research. Received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Electronics from Tel Aviv University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Yale University.

Prof. Alex Mintz Dean of the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Director of the Program on Applied Decision Analysis (PADA) at the IDC. Co-editor of the journal Foreign Policy Analysis, Associate Editor for experiments and simulations for the Yale-based Journal of Conflict Resolution and editor of the Palgrave-Macmillan book series in Foreign Policy Analysis. Recently appointed along with four Nobel laureates in Economics to the Advisory Board of the Center for Conflict Prevention and Management at the University of Sydney, Australia. Recipient of the ISA Karl Deutsch Award for Research (1993) and the Distinguished Scholar Award of the Foreign Policy section of the ISA (2005). Received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University.

Lt. Gen. (res.) Shaul Mofaz Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Transport and Road Safety, and responsible for the Strategic Dialogue. Former Minister of Defense and IDF Chief of General Staff. Served in IDF command and staff positions including Head of the Plans and Policy Directorate, GOC of the Southern Command, and commander of IDF forces in Judea and Samaria. Received a BA in Business Administration from Bar-Ilan University. Graduate of the U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College in Virginia.

Prof. Yael Moriah Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, and a Lecturer at the Bezalel Academy of Design. A partner in an independent landscape architecture firm. Has also taught at Tel Aviv University, the Open University and Florence University of the Arts. Recipient of many awards for her work, including the Karavan Prize, First Place in a competition held by the Jerusalem Municipality, the Rechter Prize and First Place in a competition held by the Acre Municipality. In 2001, she was named Woman of the Year in the field of landscape architecture by the Mivnim magazine. Received an MA in Architecture and Town Planning from Barcelona Tech (UPC).

Dr. Edward L. Morse is Managing Director and Head of Economic Research at LCM Commodities. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Oxford Energy Policy Club, Trustee of the Fund for Oil Industry Research and a member of advisory committees for curricula on energy topics at NYU, Johns Hopkins University and the University of Houston. Served as Chief Economist for the energy fields at Lehman Brothers and as a senior consultant at Hess Energy Trading Company. Filled senior positions in business, government and academic organizations, as well as in publishing in the energy field. Was the publisher of the Petroleum Intelligence weekly and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Energy Policy. Co-authored four books, in addition to many articles in his field of expertise.

Amb. Alfred H. Moses Chairman of UN Watch and partner and chief attorney in the Civington & Burling Law Firm. Former U.S. Ambassador to Romania. Served as a special presidential envoy on the Cyprus question during President Clinton’s term. While serving as ambassador, was awarded the Marc Cruce Medal by the President of Romania. Received an MA in Law from Georgetown University and an MA in History from Tel Aviv University.

Dr. Boaz Mourad Founder of the Insight Research Group, which studies the psychological and social factors influencing decision-making processes. Managed research and marketing projects on market and opinion research for large corporations and organizations. Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Psychology at New YorkUniversity. Received a Ph.D. in Psychology from Princeton University.

Dr. Lea Nass Former Chairperson of the Knesset Science and Technology Committee and the Subcommittee on Environmental Hazards. Served as deputy mayor of Givat Shmuel and was a member of the board of the Postal Authority and a member of the Health and Environment Committee of the Union of Local Authorities in Israel. Taught Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University. Received an award from the President of Israel in recognition of her parliamentary activity. Also was the recipient of a “Hero of the Environment” award in 2003, as well as the Green Globe award from the umbrella group of environment organizations. Earned a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Bar-Ilan University.

MK Benjamin Netanyahu Opposition leader and former Prime Minister. Served as Minister of Finance, Foreign Minister, Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador to the United Nations and Political Attachי at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. Worked in an international business consulting firm in Boston and in a senior managerial position with Rim Industries in Jerusalem. Received a BA in Architecture and an MA in Management from MIT, where he also studied Political Science.

Igor S. Neverov Director of the North American Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Joined the Foreign Service in 1978. Has the diplomatic rank of special minister and is a member of the executive committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Served in the Russian Embassy in the United States. Graduated from the National Institute for International Relations in Moscow.

Leonid Nevzlin is Chairman and main founder of the Nadav Fund. He is a businessman and philanthropist who immigrated to Israel from Moscow in 2003. Also serves as Chairman of the International Board of Trustees of the Diaspora Museum, is a member of the Board of Governors of Keren Hayesod – United Jewish Appeal, is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Agency and of Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University. Served in influential positions in the private and public sectors in Russia.

Dr. Eli Opper Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor of Israel. Was a partner at Giza Venture Capital, after a 27 year career at Rafael, Israel's armaments development authority. In the last decade in Rafael he held the position of Chief of Staff, VP of R&D, VP of Advanced Topics and General Manager of the Electronic Systems Division.Served as a member of numerous professional committees, published papers and is lecturer in the areas of computers, R&D and management at academic institutions and professional seminars. He has served as a director and chairman of high-tech companies and as a member of the boards of public organizations. Earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering, from the Technion and his PhhD in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

Thomas Oppermann, MdB Deputy Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Group. Former Minister of Science and Culture of the Lower State of Saxony, after which he was elected to the Federal Parliament for the SPD. Appointed Speaker of the working group and Leader of the SPD delegation in the Secret Service Investigation Committee. Prior to his political career, he served as an administrative court judge after completing his Law degree at the Georg August University in Gצttingen.

Prof. Moshe Oron Founder and Chief Scientist of KiloLambda Technologies Ltd and vice president of ICO-International Commission for Optics, as well as Chairman of the University-Industry Relations Committee of Israel NCRD. He is member of the National Council for R&D. The main fields of his activity include lasers, active and passive remote sensing and nanostructures. Moshe Oron published about 40 papers in the literature as well as 20 patents. Founded the laser-plasma activity at Soreq (1965-1993) was the chief scientist of Elbit Systems-Elop (1993-2001), headed the National Committee for infrastructure in Electrooptics (1994-2001), (part time) professor at Technion (1990-2007), member of the and the reseach committee of the OCS, ministry of industry and trade (2001-2009). Earned his BSc. and MSc. from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and his Ph.D from the University of Rochester.

Mr. Michael Oxley is Vice Chairman of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. Formerly served for 25 years as US Representative of Ohio’s Fourth Congressional District. He was appointed Chairman of the House of Financial Services Committee in 2001. During his tenure as Chairman, he co-authored the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which was passed in 2002 inthe wake of several large-scale accounting and corporate governance scandals. In 2007, he joined the Baker Hostetler LLP as a member of its Government Policy Group. Prior to his election to Congress in 1981, Mr. Oxley was a special agent of the FBI and a member of the Ohio General Assembly. Previously, he practiced law with the firm Oxley, Malone, Fitzgerald, and Hollister. He earned his B.A from Miami University and a law degree from Ohio State University.

Sir Michael Pakenham Former UK Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Intelligence Coordinator, and Cabinet Secretary for Defence and Overseas Affairs. Led a distinguished career in the Diplomatic Service lasting nearly 40 years, during which time he held posts in Poland, Paris, Washington, New Delhi, Nairobi, Brussels, Luxembourg and London. His last official position was Ambassador to Poland. Among his current roles he is a Senior Advisor to Access Industries; Director for the Westminster Group; and a member of the European Advisory Board to Northrop Grumman IT. He has led work on the EU Security & Technology research project with Thales and IISS. Other appointments include a member of the Council of Kings College, London University; and Trustee of the Chevening Estate.

Jonathan S. Paris Adjunct Fellow at the Hudson Institute. Expert in Islamic movements. Serves as a commentator for leading television networks and newspapers including: CNN, BBC, Fox, Financial Times and a-Sharq al-Awsat. Has published many books and articles on the Middle East and U.S. foreign policy. He is a graduate of Yale University and StanfordLaw School.

Shimon Peres President of the State of Israel. Former Prime Minister. Served as Chairman of the Labor Party and as Vice President of the Socialist International. Served as a member of Knesset from 1959 until his election as President. Held senior ministerial posts in the various Israeli governments, including Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, Minister of Transportation, Minister of Regional Cooperation, and Minister of Development of the Negev and Galilee. Before entering the Knesset, he served as Director General of the Ministry of Defense. Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Has published ten books.

Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa Custos of the Holy Land, responsible for the holy places in Israel on behalf of the Pope. Responsible for the Franciscan communities in Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan and Egypt. Prior to his current post, he served as Head of the Arab Catholic community of Jerusalem. Head of the “Beit Shimon and Hannah” monastery in Jerusalem. Lecturer in Bible Studies at the Franciscan College in Jerusalem. Graduate of the Pontificia Universitא Antonianum. Studied at the Franciscan College for Bible Studies in Jerusalem and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Tomב� Pojar Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic for Security, the European Union and Bilateral Relations with Europe. Served as Vice President for Bilateral Relations, Advisor to the Vice President for Bilateral Relations, and Director of the "People in Need" Fund. Graduate of Charles University in Prague.

Amb. Avi Primor Director of the Center for European Studies, IDC Herzliya. Served as President of the Israel-Germany Chamber of Commerce, as Chairman of the Israel-European Union Forum at Tel Aviv University and as Vice President of Tel Aviv Universityand of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Served as Israel’s Ambassador to Germany, Ambassador to the European Union, and Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg. Received the European Culture Prize and Medal “Pour le mיrite Europיen” in gold, for European Excellence. Received an MA in International Studies from City College of New York.

Amb. Ron Prossor Israel’s Ambassador to the UK. Served as Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Joined the Foreign Service in 1986 and has since served in a series of posts in Israel and abroad, including Head of the Information and Media Division, Spokesman, Political Attachי and Advisor in the Israeli Embassy in Washington, Media Advisor in the embassy in London, and Director of the Operations Center at the ministry. Earned an MA in Political Science from Hebrew University.

Dr. Shlomi Ravid Director of the International School for Jewish Peoplehood Studies at Beth Hatefutsoth – The Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora. Previously served in various positions in the field of Israel-Diaspora relations, including Founding Director of the Israel Center in San Francisco, Director of the Center for Israel-Diaspora Cultural Relations, Advisor to various departments of the Jewish Agency, and an emissary for the Kibbutz Movement in New York. Earned a Ph.D in Philosophy from Tel AvivUniversity.

Prof. Uriel Reichman Founding President of IDC Herzliya . Previously served as Dean of the Law Faculty at Tel Aviv University and as Dean of the Ramot Mishpat College. Chaired the “Constitution for Israel” Movement and the Committee for Civil Rights of the Israeli Bar Association. A member of several public and government committees. Received his Ph.D. in Law from the University of Chicago and is an expert in property and real estate law. Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.

Col. (res.) Daniel Reizner Partner at the Herzog, Fox & Neeman law firm. Specializes in public international law, security and combating terrorism. Serves as an external advisor to various government ministries, including the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council. Lecturer at TelAviv University, IDC Herzliya and the College of Management. Former Head of the International Law Department of the IDF Chief Military Advocacy, and senior member of Israel’s negotiating teams with Jordan and the Palestinians between 1994-2000. Earned a law degree from Tel Aviv University.

MK Haim Ramon Vice Prime Minister and Minister in the Prime Minister Office. Served as Minister of Justice, Minister of Interior and Minister of Health. Member of Knesset since 1983. Served as Chairman of the Histadrut Labor Federation. Earned a Law degree from Tel Aviv University.

Maj. Gen (res.) Danny Rothschild President of the Council for Peace and Security. Owner of Danroth, Ltd. and a partner in Netacs, Ltd. – an international consulting company in the security field. Serves as a member of the Advisory Committee to the Bank of Israel and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Afeka Academic College for Engineering. Served in the IDF for over 30 years in a range of command and staff positions, including Coordinator of Operations in the Territories, Head of Research in the Intelligence Corps, Commander of IDF Forces in Southern Lebanon, and Assistant to the IDF Chief of Staff.

Uzi Rubin Founding CEO of Rubincon, a security consulting firm. Active in various academic research institutes, including the Institute for National Security Studies and the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) at Bar-Ilan University. His research focuses on ballistic missile programs in Arab states and in Iran, anti-missile defense systems, and related issues. Served as Head of the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) in the Ministry of Defense, and was one of the founders of the non-governmental Israeli Missile Defense Association. He was twice awarded the Israel Defense Prize. Received his MA in Aeronautical Engineering from the Technion.

Prof. Amnon Rubinstein Former President of IDC Herzliya. Lecturer and former Dean of the Radzyner School of Law at the IDC. Served as Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, Minister of Science and Technology, and Minister of Communications. Was a member of Knesset representing the Democratic Movement for Change, Shinui and Meretz. Founded and headed the Shinui movement. Prior to his political career, he served as Dean of the Law Faculty at Tel Aviv University and held the Pinhas Rosen Chair in Constitutional Law. Received the Israel Prize in 2006. Published many books and articles in Israel and abroad on politics, government, law and literature. Earned a Ph.D. in Law from the London School of Economics.

MK Gideon Sa’ar is Chairman of the Likud Parliamentary group in the Knesset and chairman of the Committee for Advancing the Status of Women. At the Knesset served as Deputy Speaker and Coalition Chairman. Prior to that, he was cabinet secretary, assistant to the State Prosecutor and assistant to the Attorney General. A lawyer by training, graduated from Tel Aviv University with a degree in Political Science and Law.

Prof. Scott Sagan is Co-director of Stanford University's Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC). He was previously a professor in the Department of Government at Harvard University. Formerly served as a Special Assistant to the Director of the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon and as a consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defense on issues related to the Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories. Received a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University.

Prof. Leonard Saxe Director of the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies and Professor of Jewish Community Research and Social Policy at Brandeis University. Authored and edited nearly 250 publications. His current research on the Jewish community involves socio-demographic studies of American Jewry and a program of research on Jewish education and its relationship to Jewish engagement. Principal investigator of a longitudinal study of Birthright Israel. Former Science Fellow for the United States Congress and a Fulbright Professor at Haifa University. Awarded the American Psychological Association's prize for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest.

Dr. Brenda Schaffer Head of the Energy Management and Policy Program at the University of Haifa and faculty member at the University’s School of Political Science and Department of Asian Studies. She is also President of the Foreign Policy Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Her research focuses on energy and politics, the politics of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Russia and Iran. Served as Research Director for Caspian Studies Project at Harvard University and a Research Fellow at Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Her books include: Energy Politics and Borders and Brethren: Iran and the Challenge of Azerbaijani Identity. Earned her Ph.D from Tel Aviv University and completed post-doctoral studies at Harvard.

Christian Schmidt Parliamentary State Secretary of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Defense. Served as the spokesman for defense policy for the Christian Democrat party and was a member of the party’s Security Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee. Was a member of the Coordination Council of the German-Czech Forum and Chairman of a group of British and German parliamentarians. A graduate of Erlangen University and the University of Lausanne. An attorney by training, he specialized in labor law and business competition.

Dr. Dan Schueftan Deputy Director of the National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa and Lecturer in the University’s Political Science Department and Senior Lecturer at the IDF National Security College. Consultant to decision makers, senior government officials, the defense establishment in Israel, and security and government officials in the U.S. and Europe. He has published books on Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinians and Israeli policy. His book on the Arabs in Israel will be published in 2009.

Prof. Avraham Sela Professor of International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Chairman of the Truman Center’s Academic Committee. Served as Department Chair and Director of the Master’s Degree Programs in Near East Studies. His research focuses on internal Arab politics, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, modern Palestinian society, and radical Islamic movements. Was a guest lecturer at a number of universities, including Princeton, Oxford, San Diego and Waterloo in Ontario.

Prof. Zaki Shalom Senior Researcher at the Ben-Gurion Research Institute, Ben-GurionUniversity . His research focuses on Israel’s defense policy and Ben-Gurion’s political and defense doctrine. His books include David Ben-Gurion, the State of Israel and the Arab World, 1949-1956, Policy in the Shadow of Controversy: The Routine Security Policy of Israel 1949-1956, With Heart Aflame: David Ben-Gurion Struggle for the Image of Israel and its Leadership, 1963-1967. Awarded the Prime Minister's David Ben-Gurion Memorial Prize in 2008 for his academic work on Ben-Gurion’s defense heritage.

Prof. Uri Shani Director of the Israel Water Authority and Professor at the HebrewUniversity’s Robert Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment in Rehovot. Was a Guest Lecturer at the University of California, Riverside. Served as an Advisor to the Agriculture Department of the World Bank and as Chief Scientist of Agriculture on the Subcommittee for Water Usage. Former Director of the Arava Agricultural Research Station. Earned a Ph.D. in Earth and Water Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Jamie Patrick Shea is Senior Advisor to the Secretary General of NATO for Strategic Planning and Lecturer at Collטge d’Europe. Previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary General for External Relations, Director of Information and Press, and Spokesman for NATO. Earned a Ph.D in Modern History from Oxford University.

Dr. Yaacov Sheinin Founding CEO of Economic Models and Chairman of the Board of Modelim Capital Markets. Concurrently, a lecturer in Economics at Tel Aviv University and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the Bank of Israel. Specializes in economic consulting and computerized micro- and macro-economic models. Served as Chairman of the Investments Committee for provident funds at the First International Bank of Israel. Former R&D Director of US macroeconomics models at the Global Insight (formerly WEFA) consulting firm. Earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

Amb. Prof. Aliza Shenhar President of Emek Yezreel College. Formerly Deputy Mayor of Haifa, responsible for the Education and Culture portfolio. Served as Rector of the University of Haifa, and Professor of Popular Literature and Jewish Folklore. Founded and headed the Department of Folklore Studies and the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies. Served as Israel's Ambassador to the Russian Federation. Headed the Shenhar Commission on Jewish Education in the state education system. Author of numerous books and articles on education, as well as three books of poetry. Member of the RussianAcademy for Sciences. Received honorary degrees from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York and the University of Hartford, as well as the Presidential Medal from CentralConnecticut State University. Earned a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Prof. Yossi Shilhav Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Bar-Ilan University. Previously served as Department Head. Also taught at the HebrewUniversity and the David Yellin College of Education. Guest Lecturer at the London Schoolof Economics. Was a member of municipal and national committees and groups dealing with issues of municipal boundaries, urban planning and education services. Earned a Ph.D. in Political-Urban Geography from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Avraham (Beiga) Shochat Former Finance Minister in the Rabin and Barak governments and Member of Knesset, representing the Labor Party. Chairman of the Shochat Commission on Higher Education system in Israel. Chaired the Knesset Finance Committee and the Higher Education Lobby, as well as the Joint Committee on the Defense Budget. Was among the founders of the City of Arad, serving as the head of its first local council and later as its mayor. Recipient of the Yigal Allon Prize for pioneering work. Awarded an honorary degree from Ben-Gurion University and from the Technion. Earned a BA in Structural Engineering from the Technion.

Prof. Yoav Shoham Member the Stanford University’s Department of Computer Science. Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and a member of the Game Theory Society. Directed the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford. Founded a number of software companies in the field of e-commerce. Recipient of numerous prestigious scientific awards. Published four books in his field. A graduate of the Wexner Heritage Program, he is active on issues related to Israel and the Jewish people. Received his Ph.D. from Yale University, where he twice studied as a Fulbright Fellow. Completed a post-doctoral program at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Dr. Shimshon Shoshani Former Director General of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center for Educational Technology. Previously served as CEO of Taglit-Birthright Israel and held many public service positions, including Director General of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Head of the Education, Youth and Culture Administration in the Tel Aviv Municipality, and Director of the Secondary Schools Department and Institutions Division in the Ministry of Education. Also served as Adjunct Professor at the Hebrew, Bar-Ilan and Tel Aviv Universities. Co-authored articles on education. Received a Ph.D. in Education Administration.

Amb. Zalman Shoval Chairman of the Friends of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Export Investment Corp. Serves in public positions in the fields of economics, politics, academics and the arts. Active for many years in the private sector in banking, financing and industry. Served twice as Israel’s Ambassador to the United States. First served in the Knesset as a member for Rafi and later the Likud from 1970-1981. Re-elected to the Knesset in 1988; resigned when appointed Ambassador. Participated in the peace talks at Camp David in 1978, in Madrid in 1991 and at Wye Plantation in 1988. Awarded the title of “Diplomat of the Year 1999” by the Los Angeles Council on World Affairs. He has published dozens of articles on politics, history and economics in Israeli and international newspapers. Earned a master’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Geneva.

Edwin Shuker An English businessman and philanthropist. A member of the International Division of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, founding member of the World Sephardic Congress and World President of the Justice for Jews of Arab Countries (JJAC) organization.

Dr. Max Singer Senior Research Fellow at the BESA Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University and Founding President of the Hudson Institute, together with the late Prof. Herman Kahn. In 1975 he was Director-General of "Tevel" Institute in Israel. His book with Aaron Wildavsky on zones of peace and zones of conflict won them the Grawemeyer Award for the advancement of peace.

Hanna Siniora Co-executive Director of the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI). Jerusalem-based Arab politician and businessman, manages the East Jerusalem newspaper Jerusalem Times. President of the US-Palestinian Chambers of Commerce. Taught at Bir Zeit University. In the framework of the Palestinian organization Biladi, and in partnership with the Arab-Jewish Center for Peace at Givat Haviva, he founded the "All for Peace" radio station that broadcasts in Hebrew, Arabic and English. Completed studies in Pharmacy in India.

Dr. Sass Somekh Founder of Musea Ventures. Formerly President of Applied Materials, and served as President and in other senior positions in Novellus Systems. Also worked at Bell Laboratories and Intel. Registered more than 50 US patents. In 1988, received an award from the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute (SEMI) for his contribution to the development of the semiconductor industry and in 1994 received the SEMI Award for Lifetime Achievement in this field. Earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology.

Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Ephraim Sneh Founding chairman of the "Yisrael Hazaka" party. Former Deputy Minister of Defense, Minister of Health, Minister of Transportation and MK representing the Labor Party. Chaired the Labor Party’s Knesset faction, the Knesset Subcommittee for Defense Doctrine and the Subcommittee for Oversight of the IDF and Defense Establishment. A physician by training, he specialized in allergies and clinical immunology. Was a Research Fellow at the Allergies and Clinical Immunology Department at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington. Served in the IDF, initially as a medical officer, and later in command roles including head of the IDF Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria. Graduated from Tel Aviv University’s Medical School.

L. Jack Staley President of Stanford Group (Suisse) AG and Head of the European region for Stanford. Prior to joining Stanford, he was with Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential Securities) for eleven years. Prior to Prudential, Mr. Staley was General Manager of Bankers Trust AG (Zurich) responsible for private banking, asset management, institutional trading and capital markets activities (1992-1995). Before Bankers Trust, he was the CEO of Europe for The Boston Company located in London and responsible for a bank in the UKand one in Switzerland as well as a mutual fund processing company.

Tommy Steiner Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya and Executive Secretary of the Atlantic Forum of Israel. At the Institute, he directs research projects focusing on relations between the Israel and the European Union and NATO, as well as the Mediterranean and Middle East regions. Teaches International Relations and Security Studies at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy, IDC Herzliya. Areas of specialization also include regional cooperation in the Mediterranean basin and in Asia-Pacific. Recipient of the Harkabi Prize from the Davis Institute for International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Earned an MA in International Relations (cum laude) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is pursuing a Ph.D.

MK Dr. Yuval Steinitz Member of Knesset from the Likud Party. Member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and its former Chairman. Chaired the Intelligence and Secret Services Subcommittee and co-chaired the Joint Security Committee of the Knesset and US Congress. Previously was as a Lecturer of Philosophy at the University of Haifa. Holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Tel Aviv University.

Effi Stenzler Chairman of the Board of the Jewish National Fund. Previously served as Mayor of Givatayim for 13 years. Recipient of Environmental Award from the umbrella group of Israel’s environmental organizations. Serves in a volunteer capacity as Founding Chairman of the National Security College for Youth, as Chairman of the Higher Leadership of the Youth Organization of Bnai Brith, and as Chairman of the Givatayim Theater Association. He is a member of the Jewish Agency’s Board of Governors. Studied Public Administration and Local Government at Bar-Ilan University.

Dror Strum President of the Israeli Institute for Economic Planning. Expert in economic regulation, he provides consultation to government institutions and courts in this field. He is a Lecturer in Law, specializing in regulation, anti-trust law and corporate law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and IDC Herzliya. Previously served as Antitrust Commissioner and as a Legal Advisor to the Antitrust Authority. Was an attorney and partner in the Haim Zadok & Co. Law Firm.

Prof. Yael (Yuli) Tamir Minister of Education and former Minister of Immigrant Absorption. Taught at the Philosophy Department and School of Education at Tel Aviv University. Was a Visiting Scholar at the Central European University in Budapest and a Research Fellow at Princeton and Harvard Universities and at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. One of the founders of the “Peace Now” Movement and served as Chairperson of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. Served on the Board of Directors of the JerusalemFoundation and the Israel Democracy Institute. Received a Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from Oxford University.

Prof. Mina Teicher Chair of the National Committee for International R&D Relations of the National Council of Research and Civilian Development and Vice President of the International Commission of Mathematic Instruction (ICMI). Professor of Mathematics and Director of the Noether Research Institute for Mathematics at Bar Ilan University, where she served as Vice President for R&D. Served in numerous official scientific positions, including Chief Scientist and Director General of Ministry of Science and Technology. Currently chairs the US-Israel Bi-national Science Foundation (BSF) and the Council for the Advancement of Women in Science & Technology and is President of the Israel Chapter of the International Women's Forum. Recipient of numerous academic awards, including the Batsheva de Rothschild Award, the Rothschild Postdoctoral Prize, and the Delek Foundation Award for Young Researchers. Held visiting appointments in several prestigious institutes,

including Princeton's Institute for Advanced Studies, Max Planck Institute, Columbia, and Shanghai University. Earned her Ph.D. in Economics at the Tel AvivUniversity and completed her post-doctoral studies at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Studies.

Dr. Bruno Tertrais Senior Research Fellow at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratיgique (FRS), and a Lecturer in World Politics at the Institut d'יtudes politiques de Paris. Previously served as Director of the Civilian Affairs Committee, NATO Assembly, Brussels. He has also served as an analyst at the French Ministry of Defense. He was a Visiting Fellow at the RAND Corporation, Santa Monica and a special assistant to the Director of Strategic Affairs at the French Ministry of Defense. Graduated from the Institut d'יtudes politiques de Paris. He also holds a Master's degree in Public Law of the University of Paris, and a Doctorate in Political Science of the Institut d'יtudes politiques de Paris.

Joanne L. Thornton Senior Vice President and Director of International Research, Stanford Group Company. Specializes in international trade and foreign Policy. Prior to joining Stanford, she was an analyst at the Center for International Security. Earned a BA in Political Science and French from Duquesne University, and a Master’s degree in International Affairs from George Washington University. Member of Phi Sigma Iota, the foreign language honor society.

Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg Head of the National Economic Council, Prime Minister’s Office and Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister. Member of the Eitan Bergals School of Economics at the Tel-Aviv University. Specialises in innovations, patents, industrial organisation and research and development. Served as an advisor to the World Bank and to several Ministers and Chief Scientists at the Ministry of Industry, trade and Labour. Was visiting lecturer and research fellow in leading academic institutions, including Harvard, Stanford, the US National Bureau of Economic Research and Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. Holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University.

Prof. (Emeritus) Naama Tzabar Ben-Yehoshua Head of the Unit for Jewish Peoplehood Studies at the School of Education at Tel Aviv University. Until recently served as the Constantiner Professor of Jewish education. Her fields of research include ethics in educational research, planning of school curriculums, as well as immigration and Jewish education. She is active in organizations that work in field of Jewish culture such as Bin"eh, Kolot, and the Jacob Herzog Center for Jewish Studies. She is a pedagogic advisor to the international school for the study of Jewish people at Beth Hatefutsoth. She received her Ph.D. in Scientific Education from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and completed her Post-Doctorate at the University of California in Los Angeles.

MK Avshalom (Abu) Vilan Member of Knesset for the Meretz Party. Member of the Knesset State Control Committee. Served as Chairman of the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Violence in Sports. One of the founders of the "Peace Now" Movement. Served as Secretary General of "Mapam" Party and of the National Kibbutz Movement. Holds a BA in Economics and Philosophy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

MK Maj. Gen. (res.) Matan Vilnai Deputy Minister of Defense. Member of Knesset for the Labor-Meimad Party since 1999. Member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee. Served twice as Minister of Science and Technology and also held the Culture and Sports portfolios in the governments of former Prime Ministers Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon. Previously, served in the IDF for thirty-three years, in positions including Deputy Chief of Staff, GOC Southern Command and Commander of the Paratroopers Brigade. Graduate of the National Security College, Harvard University Center for Strategic Studies and the IDF Command and Staff College. Holds a B.A. in History from Tel Aviv University.

Prof. Gert Weisskirchen Member of the German Bundestag. Member of the Social Democratic fraction (SPD). 2004-2008 Personal Representative of the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE on Combating Antisemitism. Active in human rights organisations. Lecturer of Culture Studies at the University of Potsdam.

Eitan Wertheimer Chairman of "Daroma" – The Company for the Development of the Negev. Chairman of the Board of Iscar Metalworking Company, having previously served as its President and CEO. Leading Israeli philanthropist, focuses his charitable activities to education, medicine and the development of the Negev. Member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel and Chairman of the International Board of Friends of Atidim (an association promoting outstanding youth from Israel's periphery). Received an honorary award from NYPD. Earned his MBA from Harvard's Business School.

R. James Woolsey Venture Partner with VantagePoint. Former US Director of Central Intelligence. Former Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton. Held Presidential appointments in two Republican and two Democratic administrations. Served as Ambassador to the Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE); Under Secretary of the Navy, and General Counsel to the US Senate Committee on Armed Services. Earned a B.A. from Stanford University, an M.A. from Oxford and an LL.B from Yale Law School.

Dr. David Wurmser Director of Delphi Global Analysis and until recently served as the Senior Advisor on National Security Affairs at the Office of the Vice President, Dick Cheney, specializing on Middle East, Terrorism, Proliferation and Strategy. Prior to that, he held several positions in the US Administration, including Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary of State

for International Security and Arms Control, John Bolton. In 1996-2001 he was the Director of Middle East Studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Holds a Ph.D. from John Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.

Yoram Yaacovi is CTO of the Microsoft Israel Development Center (ILDC), CTO and General Manager of Innovation Labs, new ILDC ventures and Academia and Industry outreac, as well as General Manager for technologies at ILDC. Formerly worked at Elbit Computers where he programmed an innovative real time data entry and display system for the Air Force, as well as at Intel where he worked in engineering, consulting and training roles. Former Vice President at Amdocs. He is the co-author of 23 patent applications (7 approved so far) and several IETF RFCs. Earned a BSc in Computer Science from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa.

Lt. Gen. (res.) Moshe Ya'alon Senior Fellow at the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at the Shalem Center. Former Chief of IDF General Staff. Served in the IDF for more than thirty years in senior command positions. Previous postings include Deputy Chief of General Staff, Director of Military Intelligence, GOC Central Command, Commander of IDF Forces in the West Bank, Commander of the Army Training Center and Commander of an armored division. Served as a Distinguished Military Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Received a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Haifa and is a graduate of the Command and Staff College in Kimberley, UK.

Prof. Menahem Yaari is President of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and S.A. Schonbrunn Professor (Emeritus) of Mathematical Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Served as Deputy President of the Academy and President of the Open University. Prior to that held senior positions at the Hebrew University, including Chair of the Department of Economic and Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies. Before joining the Hebrew University, was an Associate Professor of Economics at Yale and co-editor of the journal Econometrica. Held visiting appointments at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Studies, UC Berkeley, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, LSE, Cambridge, and University College London. Received numerous honorary degrees and awards, including the Israel Prize, the Rothschild Prize in the Social Sciences, D. Phil. H.C. from Ben Gurion University, and Foreign Honorary Membership from the American Economic Association. Earned his Ph. D. in Economic and Statistics from Stanford.

Col. (res.) Ahuva Yanai CEO of MATAN, a philanthropic organisation encouraging corporate social responsibility. Served for 28 years in the IDF. Held the positions of the Military Ombudsman, Head of the Academic HR Branch, Head of the Basic Training Unit, Head of the Welfare Branch and Head of the Casualty Liaison Branch. Previously served on a number of boards including the Ilanot Discount Mutual Funds Investment Company, the Council for Cable TV and Satellite Broadcasting at the Ministry of Communications, and the Israel Management Centre.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Danny Yatom CEO and General Director of GSG ltd. Previously served as the Head of the Mossad. Served as a Member of the Knesset from Labour-Meimad Party. Also held the position of Head of the Political Military Bureau at the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Defence. Was Military Secretary to the Prime and Defence Ministers. Was the CEO of Kur Metals and a General Director of a strategic consulting company. During his military service served as the Chief of Central Command. Graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science.

Michal Yrushalmi Professor of Mathematics Education Head of the Institute for Research of Alternatives in Education, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Israel and the Director of Haifa University branch of the Israeli Center for Science and Technology Education (MALAM). Her research areas include: Mathematics Teaching & Learning, Technology in Education and Design of Learning Environments.

Eliyahu Yishai Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labor. Chairman of the Shas Party. Served as Minister of the Interior, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, representative of the Jerusalem Municipal Council and as assistant to former Minister of Interior Arieh Deri. Served as Director-General of El Hama'ayan movement. Studied at Yeshivat Hanegev and Yeshivat Porat Yosef.

Prof. Ephraim Yuchtman-Yaar Head of the Evens Program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution at Tel Aviv University and Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Social Psychology. Former Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Head of the TamiSteinmetz Center for Peace Research. Incumbent of the Rapoport Chair in the Sociology of Labor. Nominated as the first recipient of the Special Fulbright Yitzhak Rabin Award for his academic achievements in the study of peace and democracy. Published several books and numerous articles in academic and intellectual journals on the subjects of Israeli society, public opinion, the Israeli-Arab conflict, and socio-economic inequality. Co-author of the The Peace Index, a monthly column published in the Israeli daily Ha’aretz. Received Ph.D. (Summa cum Laude) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Dr. Zvi Zameret is Director of the Ben-Zvi Insitute, the official historic institute dedicated to the history of Israel and the heritage of Sephardi and Eastern Jewry. Teaches in the Interdisciplinary Department for Contemporary Judaism at Bar-Ilan University. Founded and managed the Zionist-Jewish education system Melitz. Recipient of the Avi-Chai Prize in 1995 for his activity to improve relations between the secular and the religious. Received the Ben-Gurion Prize in 2008. Has published several books, including: The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission of Inquiry Concerning Education in the Immigrant Camps During the Early Years of the State and Across a Narrow Bridge, Education in Israel in the First Years of

the State and Education During the First Decade. Earned a Ph.D. in Contemporary Judaism from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Amb. Michael Žantovsky Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Israel. Elected to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic where he served for six years as the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security. Previously, served as Press Secretary and Spokesman for President Vaclav Havel. Also, served as the Czech Ambassador to the United States. Was a founding member of the Civic Forum, an umbrella organization that coordinated the overthrow of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. Has translated numerous publications and authored a number of papers and essays on foreign policy, freedom of information and other public policy issues.

Gad Zeevi Chairman of the Zeevi Group which is comprised of firms in the fields of civilian engineering, trade, logistics, transportation, real estate development, medical institutes and hospitals, finance, and energy. Has considerable experience in civilian engineering and construction of roads, water and energy plants, airports, and housing in Israel and Africa. An active philanthropist with interests in culture, health and higher education. Earned his B.Sc. in Aeronautics at the Technion.

Guri Zilka Advisor to the National Council for Research and Civilian Development. Until recently, served as Director of the Council for Higher Education and in charge of the Council's budget. Prior to that, he worked for Bank Discount and was Director of Finance of the Jerusalem Municipality. Earned his MBA from the Hebrew University and studied Business Administration at the University of Pennsylvania as a Fulbright Scholar.

Zvi Ziv is CEO of Bank Hapoalim. Previously, Manager of the Business Department and CEO of Bank Hapoalim-Switzerland. Member of the management of Bank Hapoalim since 1998, when he was in charge of the retail division. Earned a B.A. in Economics from TelAviv University, and holds an M.A. in Business Administration.

Shlomo Zohar Chairman of the Board of Directors, Discount Bank. Also serves as Chairman of the Board of Mercantile Discount, C.A.L Credit Company and Discount Israel Capital Market and Investment ltd. Director and Deputy Chairman of the Board Bancorp Discount Ltd., Discount Bank New York and in S. Zohar Consulting and Management Ltd. Served as economic and financial advisor to Matthew Bronfman and Lev Levaiev. Graduate in Business Management for McGill University, Canada.