AAR part 1 - Alumni || IITKGP

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Transcript of AAR part 1 - Alumni || IITKGP

Office of Alumni Affairs and International RelationsIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Kharagpur - 721 302

An Initiative of the Institutional Development (ID) Program

lumniANNUAL REPORT 2010-11

IIT Kharagpur

Editorial Group

Patron :

Content Development:

Idea Creation:

Contributors' Data:

Financial Reporting:

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Institutional Development (ID) Program

Prof. Amit Patra, Dean, AA&IR

Chinna Boddipalli, Managing Director, ID Program

Shreyoshi Ghosh

Corporate Communication Executive

Chinna Boddipalli

Shreyoshi Ghosh

Shampa Goswami

Sadhan Banerjee

Shampa Goswami

Prasenjit Banerjee

Office of Alumni Affairs and International Relations, IIT Kharagpur, Pin-721302Ph: +91 3222 282236Email: alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.inWeb: www.iitkgp.org

Cygnus Advertising (India) Pvt. Ltd.55B, Mirza Ghalib Street, 8th Floor, Saberwal HouseKolkata - 700 016, West Bengal, IndiaPhone : +91-33-3028 1737, Tele Fax : +91 03 22271528 Website : www.cygnusadvertising.in

© IIT Kharagpur All Rights Reserved

Message from Prof. Amit Patra, Dean, AA&IR 1

Diamond Jubilee in View of Director, Prof. Damodar Acharya 2

Progress Report of ID Program by Chinna Boddipalli 8

Details of Advisors and Executive Advisors of ID Program 9

Financial Statements, 2010-2011 10

Year-wise List of Contributors 16(Highlights: Leadership Gifts, Major Gifts and Sponsorships, Annual

Premium Contributors, Featured Donors, Campaign Contributors)

Other Contributors over the years 40

IIT Foundation India Contributors' List 44

IIT Foundation USA Contributors' List 45

Sustainable Fund-raising 46

Fund-raising Programs 48

New Constructions in the Campus 49

Sponsored and Industrial R&D Projects 2010-2011 51

Our Recent Activities 60

Publications 61

Institute Lecture Series 62

Alumni Events 63

Giving Back Campaigns - My Imprint 65

Mentorship Program 66

Institute Awards: Distinguished Alumnus Awards 68

Distinguished Service Awards 71

Nina Saxena Excellence in Technology Award 73

Past Awardees : Distinguished Alumnus Awards 74

Life Fellows 75

Alumni Network : IIT Foundations (India and USA) 76

Domestic and International Chapters 77

Our Commitment 79


Dear Alumnus,

Good News:

Are you aware in 2010-11 your alma mater has been

ranked among the top 25 technology colleges in Asia

by QS Top Universities and the top engineering

college by Outlook India? But the potential is far

more. Let us work towards it together.

With the reputation of the Institute strengthening

itself in the world scenario, we decided to bring to you

how we are making this progress possible,

acknowledge your contributions and involvement

towards this end and what more could be done to

make your alma mater a top class global institution

and sustain it thereof.

Being associated with such an esteemed Institute as

a student, alumnus, faculty and presently as Dean,

Alumni Affairs & International Relations, has

helped me to perceive the Institute through multi-

dimensional aspects. As a result the need to address

dynamic requirements of the Institute and the

strategies thereof has become pristine. Throughout

this last year we have worked towards realizing this

process through a program called Institutional

Development (ID). The ID program aims to

contribute towards strengthening infrastructural

development projects, chair professorships,

scholarships, R&D projects and general

endowments. In order to compete with the best

technological universities in a global environment,

we must increase both long-term endowment and

current operating funds. Also priority for the

Institute is to provide more support for student

initiatives - and gifts from alumni and friends will

help us do that.

The Office of Alumni Affairs and International

Relations is the coordinating centre of ID Program

conducting all means of official communications,

events and activities pertaining to alumni. Round the

year the office publishes journals and newsletters for

updating the alumni. Preeminently, with every

department publishing annual reports, this time as

an initiative of the ID Program, the Office of Alumni

Affairs & International Relations took its maiden

approach bringing forward its own annual report to

proffer comprehendible transparency on various

projects from brand building to fund raising under

the ID Program on ascendable resource development

projects to overall growth of the Institute.

You are a part of our timeline, and your engagement

with the Institute is crucial in helping us reach our

vision. You are energetic, knowledgeable and

immensely talented with strong networks, you can

mobilize funds and resources for over all

development and expansion of our alma mater. So, be

proud to be connected, and make others proud by

connecting and contributing.

If you have any ideas on how we can engage with

you, please feel free to contact me at


We could do better . . . and we should!

Prof. Amit Patra

Dean, Alumni Affairs & International Relations

IIT Kharagpur

1Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

1. What are your recollection

highlights of the past 60 years?

Ans. The Institute started with 208 undergraduates,

12 research scholars and 42 teachers from the

historic Hijli Detention Camp in August 1951.

Research formed an integral part of teacher-centric

IIT system of education. A teacher was fully

empowered to design content of the syllabus, to teach

and to continuously evaluate the performance of the

students. The concept was unheard of in this

country. Masters and PhD level research

programmes followed. In last 60 years the Institute

has grown in size. The Institute currently has over

9,000 students and about 575 faculty, offering 15

B.Tech (Hons) programmes, a B.Arch. (Hons)

programme, 35 Dual Degree Programmes, 7

Diamond Jubilee in view ofProf. Damodar Acharya, Director

integrated M.Sc. programmes, 6 two-year M.Sc.

programmes and 52 postgraduate programmes. The

Institute besides pioneering the IIT system of

education has been introducing many new

programmes for the first time in the country and in

the IIT system that includes B.Tech (Hons) in

Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech (Hons) in

Energy Science & Engineering, B.Tech (Hons) in

Biotechnology, B.Tech (Hons) in Manufacturing

Science & Engineering, B.Tech (Hons) in

Instrumentation Engineering, Master of Medical

Science & Technology, Bachelor of Law with

specialization in Intellectual Property Rights, and

MBA. Research and innovation are being given push

through creation of several Advanced Technology

Development Centres, Research Centres and

Multidisciplinary Research Groups. This has led to

2 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

three-fold increase in research output in terms of

publications in peer reviewed journals, PhDs and

Patents in last 10 years. The landscape of the

Campus is continuously being changed to

accommodate large number of students, faculty and

new academic initiatives. The basic structure and

strength of IIT system of education that centered

around close interaction between the teacher and the

taught, community living and holistic personality

development are being painstakingly maintained.

2. What are your initiatives in your

tenure as IIT KGP Director?

Ans. The academic initiatives taken during my

tenure as Director include:

i) Bringing major changes in undergraduate,

postgraduate and research programmes that

include introduction of slow pace programmes.

ii) Introducing Bioscience and Environmental

Science as compulsory subjects for all


iii) Close monitoring of the programme and

evaluation of the same by the students through

ERP system.

iv) New initiatives to encourage research through

Joint M.Tech-PhD, Joint M.Sc-PhD and Joint

MS-PhD programmes.

v) New academic initiatives include :

establishment of RCG School of Infrastructure

Design and Management, School of Water

Resource Management, P K Sinha Centre of

Bioenergy and Rajendra Mishra School of

Engineering Entrepreneurship.

vi) Major initiatives have been taken to augment

the Campus infrastructure that include

doubling the student accommodation facilities,

creation of about 450 accommodation for the

faculty, about 100 accommodation for the

supporting staff, a mega Classroom Complex

that will have 83 classrooms in the first phase,

a First Year Laboratory Complex, a new Block

for Chemical Science named after the

Founding Director Sir J C Ghosh and a

Chemical Science Laboratory Complex named

after Sir P C Roy. Sports and Games and other

facilities are being substantially augmented to

meet the students' need.

vii) Other major initiatives include construction of

a Road Over Bridge at the entry, a new Water

Supply System, Widening of the Roads and

improvement in the Drainage Systems.

viii) Several Interdisciplinary Research Centres

that include : Centre for Railway Research, IIT

Kharagpur – DVC Research Centre on Power,

General Motors Collaborative Research

Laboratory in Electronics Controls and

Software are now functional.

ix) To have better involvement of the alumni and

to strengthen their connectivity, an

institutional development programme is in

place. This will increase transparency and

accountability. Results in the form of RCG

School of Infrastructure Design and

Management, School of Water Resource

Management, P K Sinha Centre of Bioenergy

and Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering

Entrepreneurship are visible.

3. Education in India in general and

IITs in particular in undergoing

major expansion and change. What

are the major highlights and


Ans. Expansion and change that were overdue in

education including in the IIT system are now taking

place. Such changes are inevitable. IITs have no

doubt created a global brand for the quality of

education that they offer particularly at

undergraduate level. The country requires good

quality Masters and Ph.D Degree holders in large

number to sustain its growing research and

education needs. Producing good number of Ph.Ds

and postgraduates is perhaps the most important

challenge to the IIT system. With opening of the

education sector, the competition for good quality

students is now a reality. Our quality of education

and research has to be at par with the best in the

world. The brand IIT now gives us opportunity to

3Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

spread our wing to other countries and to attract

students from other countries to our Campus. This

gives us good opportunity to upgrade our facilities

and quality of education. The need for cutting edge

research is increasingly being felt. The Industries are

now willing to support such research to remain

globally competitive. This gives us plenty of

opportunities to augment both quality and quantity

of research. Major challenges are, therefore, for IITs

to harness the opportunities. They include hiring

good quality faculty in large number, providing them

attractive facilities and compensation packages,

upgrading the research and education infrastructure

and creating facilities comparable to the best

accommodation within the Institute for all. Good

quality schooling and healthcare support facilities

are also to be provided.

Generation, protection and commercialization of

Intellectual Property is key to our success in

globalized market. The country needs scientists and

engineers with specialization in Intellectual

Property Law. IIT Kharagpur has started a Law

School, Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property

Law”. Its graduates have already made marks for


While receiving the Nobel Prize in Medicine, the

Nobel laureate remarked that the technology and

medicine must become closer to each other, the two

diverse disciplines must merge. Keeping this in view,

the Institute is launching a new School, Dr. Bidhan

Chandra Roy Institute of Medical Science and

Research. The Institute will not be a run of the mill

Medical College. It will bring the technology and

medicine together to create new paradigm for

medical education and healthcare delivery. Students

studying medicine shall have opportunity to

specialize on certain aspects of technology and vice


4. IITs are known for technology,

education, research. But many ask

the questions about how IITs have

contributed to “Nation building”.

Can you give some examples of how

IIT KGP has contributed to the

nation (e.g. in rural, agriculture,

environment, poverty, health…)?

Ans. IIT Kharagpur has significant contribution to

the process of nation building. IIT Kharagpur is

fortunate to have an Agricultural and Food

Engineering Department that has significant

contribution at national level. It includes

technologies for modernization of rice mills,

technologies for post harvest processing of grains,

vegetables and fruits, developing new genetically

modified disease resistant cotton seed, developing

technologies for precision agriculture, developing

technologies for water harvesting and tea processing.

The Institute has a Department of Architecture and

Regional Planning that has contributed significantly

to develop Master Plans for growing cities including

New Town in Rajarhat in Kolkata, Bhubaneswar

and Cuttack Development Authorities, Durgapur,

Haldia and Regional Plan for the North-East. The

Department has contributed significantly to

renovation of Historic Monuments and Heritage

Buildings. IIT Kharagpur, being located in a rural

area, has been promoting rural development through

its Rural Development Centre for more than three

decades now. It has a strong footpoints of district-

based regional development, schemes for Intensive

Crop Farming, Forestry, Horticulture, and NTFP-

based Crafts. The newly added Regional Centre for

Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG) has

contributed significantly in development and

introduction of more efficient and effective rural

technologies including Potters' Wheel, Ambar

Charkha, machines for rope making, machines for

processing of minor forest produce, water filters for

safe drinking water and bioenergy production. The

Institute is engaged in developing Environment

Impact Assessment and Environmental

Management Plans for cities, mines, coastal zones

etc. In the healthcare sector the Institute has

pioneered in establishing a School of Medical Science

& Technology that promotes interdisciplinary

research relating healthcare to other engineering

disciplines. The School has successfully developed a

Reversible Male Contraceptive 'RISUG' that is now

4 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

undergoing third phase of its clinical trial. It has

helped production of quality Copper T – a female

contraceptive. India is now the largest exporter of

this contraceptive. The School has made significant

contribution to Therapeutic and Nutraceutical

Compounds, Non-invasive Testing Devices, material

for Jaipur Foot, Device for Heart Sound Monitoring

and Artificial Heart that has undergone trial on goat,

Medical Implants and others to name a few. IIT

Kharagpur is contributing at national level to key

sectors of economy such as Steel Industries through

Steel Technology Centre, Railways through Railway

Research Centre, Power through IIT Kharagpur –

DVC R&D Centre, Tea Industries through Tea

Engineering Research Centre, Telecom through

Vodafone Essar – IIT Kharagpur TCOE and to

National Security through Centre of Excellence in

Information Insurance.

5. Can you think of major inventions

of discoveries coming out of IIT

Kharagpur that we could highlight

or feature particularly some

inventions or products that

contributed to the country?

Ans. IIT Kharagpur has applied for 242 Patents and

received 109 Patents in last few years.

Over the years IIT Kharagpur has gained special

expertise in advanced chip design, CAD for VLSI and

MEMS, software development, planning,

management and ERP working closely with all major

national and international organizations. Research

has also been initiated on specialized areas such as

MEMS based components for RF application. The

large gamut of specialized software technologies

include power management software, telemedicine

software (currently used in several remote sites in

several States), communication empowerment

software for physically challenged, software for

medical measurements and tools for security and

biometric authentication.

Other important software developed include a

specialized bond-graph based technology, simulators

for biomechanics, and a fluid mechanics and ocean

dynamics based software for storm surge


In the areas of Life Sciences, the Institute has an

artificial heart development program that is

undergoing phase II trial. A unique male

contraceptive, RISUG is undergoing third phase of


The major research initiatives in nanotechnology

and nano-materials include work on nano-

composites, nano-wires, semiconductors and metal

alloys. A major research initiative in the

development of MBE cluster tool nano-

semiconductor infrastructure and nano-devices has

been initiated. The area of micro-fluidics and bio-

nano-mems has developed new techniques for DNA

hybridization, micro-scale cooling for electronic

components and digital microfluidics.

The development of a solar powered aircraft as a

major student-led funded research project has

underscored the active participation of the students

in niche areas.

6. Can you point to some major IIT

KGP alumni contributions – to IIT

Kharagpur, to India?

Ans. Some of our illustrious alumni are :

§ Ajit Jain became president of Berkshire

Hathaway's Reinsurance Group.

§ A. K. Malhotra contributed significantly as CEO

in formative years of ONGC.

§ Arvind Kejriwal won Ramon Magsaysay Award

for his work on RTI.

§ Arjun Malhotra co-founded HCL Technologies.

§ Arun Sarin became the CEO of Vodafone and

received Knighthood.

§ Asit K Biswas got the Stockholm Water Prize

(equivalent to Nobel Prize in Water) and is the

Chairman, Third World Water Research Centre

in Mexico.

§ B. K. Syngal as founding Chairman of VSNL

contributed to the development in Telecom.

5Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Secretary, Dept. of Space.

§ Kirit Parikh, founder Director of Indira Gandhi

Institute of Development Research and a

Member of Union Planning Commission of India.

§ Mani Lal Bhaumik invented the Excimer Laser.

§ Praveen Chaudhury contributed to the

development of Amorphous Silicon, the base

semiconductor material.

§ Prith Banerjee has been appointed as the

worldwide Director of HP Labs.

§ Ramesh Chandra founded Unitech Group,

India's second largest real estate company.

§ R. Gopalakrishnan is the Executive Director of

Tata Sons.

§ Ravi Kant is Vice Chairman and former

Managing Director of Tata Motors.

§ Srikumar Banerjee is the Secretary, DAE and

Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission.

§ Sushanta Kumar Bhattacharyya was awarded

the CBE, a Knighthood and Padma Bhushan.

§ Suhas Patil founded Cirrus Logic.

§ V. C. Kulandaiswamy was awarded Padma Shri

and Padma Bhushan.

§ Vinod Gupta founded InfoUSA and established

Vinod Gupta School of Management and Rajiv

Gandhi School of IP Law.

7. What would you like to see the

alumni to do for the IITs for India?

Ans. IIT Kharagpur would like the alumni to be its

brand ambassador. The most important contribution

that the Institute looks from its alumni is their time.

They can use this time to work as Joint Faculty to

share their experience with the students, to forge

collaboration in research with Industry of their

choice and to mentor the students. Financially they

could contribute towards endowment, scholarship,

chair professorship, special programmes, learning

centres and towards Diamond Jubilee events that

include publications, mementoes, lecture series and

PanIIT 2012 Global Conference.

K. Radhakrishnan is the Chairman of ISRO and 8. What are the grand challenges for

the next 50 years?

Ans. Change in the mindset from being one of the

best Institutions, offering quality undergraduate

programmes to one of the best that excels in Masters

and Doctoral level education, creates new knowledge

and contribute to national and global development

initiatives is the major challenge. Scaling of

infrastructure and facilities to be at par with the best

in the world is the next important challenge. This

will be essential for the Institute to draw good quality

faculty and students from within the country and

from other countries. To become a global player in

higher technical education, the Institute needs to

generate sufficient resources apart from the

Government grant from within the country and

abroad. The Institute has to excel in research and in

quality education to meet the needs of the

Government, Corporate and Service Sectors. This in

turn will call for a major change in the facilities,

faculty profiles and research infrastructures.

Increasing global exposure of the students is also

going to be a challenge.

9. What are your future plans for IIT

Kharagpur? What are you most

excited about or interested in?

Ans. Keeping in view the vision of the Founding

Fathers like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Sir J. C.

Ghosh, the Institute shall strive to become an

excellent Centre of Learning with students and

faculty drawn from all over the world. The Institute

wants to have at least 10% of its faculty from other

countries and 20% of postgraduate and research

students from abroad on its roll. This shall call for

significant improvement in its infrastructure and

generation of financial resources. Interdisciplinary

education and research that could make a difference

will continue to be the effort of the Institute.

The Institute is planning to enter into the field of

Medical Education to bridge the gap between two

diverse disciplines of Engineering and Medicine. The

proposed Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy Institute of

Medical Science and Research within IIT Kharagpur

6 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

will not be a run of the mill Medical College. It will

bring in a paradigm shift in Medical Education

incorporating scientific analysis and technology into

the teaching of medicine. Simulation and virtual

reality will supplement the current experiential

learning and skill development. The product will be a

technology and analysis savy doctor who will be in a

position to use technology in creating and sustaining

the healthcare delivery system with wider reach. The

programme will be supported by a Biomedical

Research Centre and a technology enhanced

outreach programme. Interdisciplinary research will

bring the engineering students and faculty closer to

the medicine and vice-versa. The programme will be

supported by a 1,000 bed tertiary care hospital with

necessary infrastructure. The Institute will produce

more postgraduates and Ph.Ds than the

undergraduate MBBS.

The Institute has considerable bioscience interest

offering programmes in Biotechnology, Medical

Science and Technology, Plant Genetics, Agriculture

Biotechnology and Food Processing besides Drug

Design and Delivery. To support these activities, the

Institute shall establish a School of Bioscience

basically focusing on Cell and Molecular Biology.

Design and manufacturing of quality engineering

products need serious attention, if the country as a

whole could remain globally competitive. Keeping

this in view, the Institute is creating a School of

Quality Engineering Design and Manufacturing in

collaboration with several Industries from such

verticals as automobile, aerospace and electronics.

This School will produce Dual Degree Graduates who

can bridge the gap between the demand and the

supply of engineers who could be an innovative

designer and a manufacturer of global products.

To produce a set of bright entrepreneurs and job

generators, the Institute has introduced a five-year

Dual Degree programme on Engineering

Entrepreneurship where a student gets a B.Tech

(Hons.) and a Masters Degree in Entrepreneurship.

Each student goes through an innovation process

from his/her second year onwards to develop an idea

into a commercially viable product or process. Each

student is mentored by a faculty and a successful

entrepreneur, preferably an IITian from across the

globe. The student is not encouraged to appear at

campus interview. However, deferred placement is

available to him if he fails as an entrepreneur. The

Institute helps him to arrange for venture capital

funding. It also provides him incubation facilities.

Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering

Entrepreneurship is first of its kind.

7Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

KGP is moving forward with renewed vigor and

excitement. As you are aware, IIT Kharagpur is

celebrating its Diamond Jubilee on this August 18th,

and immediately thereafter we plan to embark on a

new journey that shall take us to even greater

heights of excellence. The higher education policies of

Progress Report ofInstitutionalDevelopment (ID)Program

Message fromManaging Director

India are in a transition phase with foreign varsities

approaching the system and institutions like IIT

being recommended to be self sustaining. You must

be aware of the Rs. 200 crores grant in the budget of

2011-2012. However there is a condition to it. Every

penny granted by the Government has to be matched

by the Institute from an independent source. This is

the first signal towards self sustenance. Such

governmental strategies would require IITs to

function and in a comprehensive manner. IIT KGP is

committed to this transformation as evidenced by

launching of Institutional Development (ID)

Program and other initiatives. The ID Program

envisaged a grand plan for IIT KGP in the coming

years. This will include significant developments

across the Institute.

The ID team strives to create new methodologies of

work and ambience and 'Indianize' the program to

suit our requirements. Even though the top

universities in the world have development

programs, in India, IIT KGP has pioneered in

designing this program which will serve as the

guiding lamp for many others in the country.

Through this program the Institute will exert

towards self sustenance. To achieve this end the

Program has been fashioned to improve alum

connectivity, enhance communication and ensure


The program's initial target is to raise the matching

Rs. 200 crores from alumni and corporate. Another

very important landmark for ID Program is to raise

funds for Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The

requirement is Rs. 7 crores. I would encourage all our

alumni to contribute towards this cause and also

assist us in reaching out to corporate and agencies

involved in investing for CSR programs, new

technology developments etc. Together we could

make this possible and take out alma mater to new

heights. The Institute has walked a long way and it

has a lot more to achieve in the future. It is a

renaissance for IIT KGP! Being a KGPian, I sincerely

hope you will be part of all activities.

Chinna Boddipalli (AE/72/Azad)

Managing Director, ID program

IIT Kharagpur

8 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

9Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

IIT Kharagpur has initiated the Institutional Development (ID) program to leverage the alumni and corporate

relations for the growth of the Institute. Approved by the Board of Governors on February 20, 2010, the

program was formally launched on July 1, 2010 with the recruitment of the Managing Director of the program,

Mr. Chinna Boddipalli ('72, AE).


The program aims to support institute's offer to enhance its international ranking.

Vision:§ Provide support for all-round growth plans of the


§ Implement a Sustainable and scalable resource development program

§ Leverage the alumni and corporate relations for the growth of the Institute

§ Promote the KGP Brand

Key components of the program:

§ Alum connectivity

§ Sustainable Fundraising

§ R&D Campaign

§ KGP brand building

§ Recruitment and Retaining

Founding Donors

§ Arjun Malhotra

§ Prabhakant Sinha

§ Purnendu Chatterjee

§ Ranbir Gupta

§ Mani Bhaumik

Institutional Development Program

Our activities so far:


Managing Director: Mr. Chinna Boddipalli (AE/72)

Advisors (discussed in next chapter)


1. Corporate Communication Executive (on board)

2. Executive Officer (on board)

3. Campaigns Executive (in process)

4. Webmaster for alumni portal (in process)

Alum Connectivity:

Integrated Web Portal: An integrated web portal www.iitkgp.org has been developed. The portal was launched during the 8th Annual Alumni Meet, 2011 by Director Prof. Damodar Acharya and is currently at its beta phase. The portal aims to connect to the alumni and inter-connect them through online directory, communities, discussion forum, blogs etc. Also the portal offers services like job portal, market place, details of availing Degree / Transcript / Certificates, Information about Office of AA & IR, ID Program, IIT Foundations and Alumni Associations and Chapters, news and events, publications and book reviews, awards.

Emails & Newsletters – Regular mails on various activates and e-newsletters are sent to the alumni

Career Advancement tools for students and alumni: Keeping this in mind two activities have been undertaken –

I) Mentorship program – senior alumni mentor the existing students. Mentor and mentee is matched based on their requirements specified and they are connected for further communication

ii) Online job portal

Distinguished Alumni and Distinguished Service Awards – to recognize alumni contribution to their

10 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

fields, to the society at large, to the Institute; DAA have been in process for several years, DSA has recently been started.

Alumni Database – Currently connected to 11500 alumni and has involved 5000 among them with a target to connect to 40000 alumni and involve at least 50% of them by 2012. The same database will be used for networking by the Institute, fund raising, and inter-connectivity among the alumni themselves through the web portal. For ensuring this task a dedicated database manager is in the process of recruitment.

Designing Literature – developing content and designs for several promotional literatures – brochures, magazines, pamphlets, letter templates etc

Event management – in process of engaging professional who will organize and manage events across the country

Sustainable Fund raising

This is a continuous process. The alumni will be connected to at the 1st level, then encouraged to participate, make individual contributions, being recognized as a contributor, henceforth leading others to contribute and in turn getting connected to those alumni. The strategies will include creating endowment funds and funds raised for specific purposes e.g. diamond jubilee, alumni meet etc. Specific fund raising campaigns have been developed – corporate matching program, endowment funds, pledge program etc. The fund raising segment in this report details about the funds generated till now and being accounted for.

Brand building initiatives

The initiative aims to help acquire IIT KGP global ranking among the top institutes and maintain the position as a top ranking domestic institute. Some such initiatives are as below:

§ Centers of excellences

§ Brand Visibility Initiatives

§ Strengthening Media Relations – Domestic & International

§ Foreign University linkages

§ Thought Leadership and prominent faculty visits

§ Outreach programs

§ CSR programs

Some strategies already initiated – press coverage have been given on events like convocation, foundation day and Pan IIT, series of articles have been published in a systematic manner ensuring media visibility; engaged an agency for brand management and PR activities.

R & D Campaign

ID Program has been working on collaborating with industrial houses and foreign universities for R & D projects. We are in conversation with some such institutions for jointly projects. More details in the concerned segment.

Recruitment & Retaining:

Herein the program focuses on two distinct policies – faculty and students


§ Recruitment support

§ Chair Professorships for attracting international faculty

§ Encouraging experienced alumni to join as faculty

§ R&D participation


§ Scholarships – streamlining being done, MB Scholarship in process, a special program called 'My Imprint' has been launched with its primary focus towards supporting students (more will be discussed later in this report)

§ Campaign for reaching out to top JEE Aspirants

§ Placement Outreach

IIT KGP has committed itself towards implementation of this program and making a globally reputed position for the Institute. However, this would require a wholesome participation from its students and alumni who stand as the brand ambassadors. We look forward to your ideas and efforts for this endeavor.

It is fun to be part of the transformation process of KGP! KGP ka Tempo Hai hai!

Write to Chinna Boddipalli at chinna@adm.iitkgp.ernt.in

11Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Advisory Board Members

Mr. R. Gopalkrishnan

Mr. Arjun Malhotra

(ECE/1967/VS) - Alumni (India):

(EC/1970/RP) - Alumni (US):

Mr. Gopalkrishnan is currently the Executive Director of TATA Sons Ltd, Chairman of TATA Honeywell and Rallis India , Vice Chairman of TATA Chemicals and a Director of several TATA Companies like TATA Motors, TATA Power and TATA Teleservices. As a member of the Group Executive Office of Ratan

Tata, he is deeply engaged in the management and growth of the prestigious TATA Group. He also serves as a Director on the Board of ICI Ltd, Castrol India and ABP Pvt. Ltd. He the President of All India Management Association, Member of the Managing committee of Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Member of the National Council of CII and Public Representative, Board of Governors, Bombay Stock Exchange. He received the Bombay Management Association's Management Man of the Year Award in 2003. He is the author of The Case of Bonsai Manager, published by Penguin India.

Mr. Malhotra serves as Chairman of Headstrong Co. Board of Directors. A pioneer of the Indian IT industry, Mr. Malhotra has a long string of entrepreneurial successes. He co-founded the HCL group, taking it from a six-person operation to one of India's largest Information

Technology corporations. He is a member of the Board of Governors of IIT - Foundation (KGP), member of Board of Governors of Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, and member of Indian Public Schools Society which runs the Doons School. He founded the Prof. G.S. Sanyal School of Telecommunications at KGP through a personal endowment. Mr. Malhotra was declared Life Fellow of IIT Khargpur in 2003. He is currently a member of the Executive Council of NASSCOM which is India's representative organization for thr IT&ITES industry.

Mr. Matt Ter Molen

Dr. Prabhakant Sinha

- Non-Alumni (US):

(ME/1970) - Alumni (US):

Mr. Molen is Associate Dean for Development and Corporate Relations of Kellogg School of Management and Associate Vice President for Alumni Relations and Development for the Northwestern University. Matt has extensive experience in development at

Northwestern, having been with the University since 1998, working closely with senior leadership in the University including President, Deans, and Trustees. From 1998 through 2003, Matt was the Assistant Dean for Development at the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences of NWU, managing all aspects of development at the College. Prior to Northwestern, Matt worked in development roles at the University of Chicago . From 1987-1989, Matt was with the United States Peace Corps.

Dr. Sinha is co-chairman and co-founder of ZS Associates, a leading sales and marketing consultancy in the world. He is also director of Greenlight Planet, Inc., a company dedicated to bringing affordable solar lighting to the powerless around the world. He also teaches

in Executive Education programs at the Kellog School of Management, Indian School of Business as well as publishing a number of books and over 25 other publications. In addition to receiving number of awards from American Marketing Association and INFORMS Society, he has been honored as an inductee of the Chicago Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame in 2005. Dr. Sinha established P.K. Sinha Center for Bio-energy, India's first such energy research center at IIT KGP, to undertaking research, teaching and technological implementation of conventional and non-conventional energy.

12 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Mr. B.K. Syngal(EC/1962/RP) - Alumni (India):

Mr. Syngal was the Chairman and Managing Director (1991-98) of Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (VSNL Ltd). Mr. Syngal is regarded as the father of Internet and data services in India , which propelled the growth of software exports from India . In the international telecom

arena, he has held the positions of Chairman, Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization

Executive Advisors

Arjun Sen

Anjan Bose

(AE/86/Patel) - Alumni (US): Executive Advisor

for Branding and Communication

(EE/67/RK) - Alumni (US): Executive Advisor

for Faculty Recruitment

Arjun Sen is president and founder

of Zen Mango. Arjun's diverse

background includes aeronautics;

restaurants; charities; launching

one of the largest online businesses

in the country. Arjun earned his

MBA from Brigham Young

University in Provo, Utah and has

worked for Fortune 500 companies in numerous

high-powered marketing positions and most recently

served as VP of Marketing and Operations for Papa

John's. Since 2002 he has been teaching at the

University of Colorado, Boulder. Arjun has authored

an enchanting book called 'Raising a Father' (the

book review is available at the Publications/Alumni

Books segment of www.iitkgp.org)

Dr. Anjan Bose has over thirty-five

years of experience in industry and

academia, as an engineer, educator

and administrator. He is well

known as a technical leader in the

power grid control industry, a

researcher in electric power engineering, an educator

in engineering, and an administrator in higher

education. He holds M.S. (1968) from the University

of California, Berkeley and a Ph.D. (1974) from Iowa

State University, in Electrical Engineering. Dr. Bose

holds the endowed Distinguished Professorship in

Power Engineering at Washington State University,

and is the Site Director of the NSF sponsored Power

System Engineering Research Center. From 1998 to

2005 he served as the Dean of the College of

Engineering and Architecture.

Goyal is a researcher at the US

Department of Energy's Oak Ridge

National Laboratory (ORNL) in

Tennessee. Widely regarded as an

international leader in the field of

high-temperature superconducting

(HTS) materials, Goyal is known

for his contributions to the

practical use of HTS and development and

fabrication of wires that allow these superconductors

to be adopted in the marketplace. Goyal received

executive business training from Purdue University

and the Sloan School of Management,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has

published more than 300 papers, has more than

5,000 citations and holds 54 patents. Goyal has also

Amit Goyal(MT/86) - Alumni (US): Executive Advisor for

Research and Development

(CTO), London , Councilor for India INMARSAT Council, London , Vice Chairman and Director, ICO Boards, Chairman of Governance Committee ICO, Cayman Islands and Governor, INTELSAT Board, Washington DC . Mr. Syngal also assumed charge as the Chairman of Reliance Telecom. He has been recipient of many industry awards including Telecom Man of the Decade award by Wisitex Foundation, India, Partners in Progress award by Maharashtra State Government for his contributions in telecommunications both in India and abroad.

13Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

been honored by the R & D Magazine whose awards

are touted as the 'Oscars of Innovation.'

Neerja Raman is a research

executive with over 25 years

experience in industry and

academia. Her interest area is

enhanced delivery of social impact

through international business.

Ms. Raman is a graduate of the

Kellogg Executive Program, Northwestern

University, and has Masters Degrees from S.U.N.Y

Stony Brook, New York and Delhi University, India.

She is Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Media X,

Stanford University, coach, mentor to entrepreneurs

and as Senior Research Fellow at The Digital Vision

Program studied barriers and enablers for over 100

early stage social entrepreneurs in residence at

Stanford University. Prior, at Hewlett Packard Labs

she was Director, Strategic Planning and founder of

the Imaging Systems Lab which delivered product

ideas and advanced research for Hewlett Packard's

flagship printing, imaging and multi-media


Neerja Raman

– Non-Alumni (US): Executive Advisor for

Research and Development

Roy DaSilva

Joyjit Nath

(EE/76/RK) – Alumni (US): Executive Advisor

for Sustainable Fund raising

(ECE/87/RK) – Alumni (US): Executive Advisor

for Alum Connectivity

Roy DaSilva is Executive Director,

Corporate Services for Epson

Electronics America Inc., (EEA) a

wholly owned subsidiary of Seiko

Epson Corporation, Japan. Roy

r e c e i v e d h i s M a s t e r s i n

Management Studies (MMS)

Degree from the University of

Bombay. Roy has been associated with Industry

Organizations such as FSIA, Professional

Organizations such as TiE, & SIPA, and Community

Organizations such as India Community Center, and

Goa Sudharop, many from their inception in Silicon

Valley. Roy is also the President of IIT Foundation

USA. He has been a driving force in leading several

new chapter events.

Joyjit Nath is the Sr. Principal Engineer (Software

Architect) at Broadcom with specialties in Linux

Kernel/BSP/Drivers, Embedded Linux, Win32

Programming, C/C++, Web Programming --

PHP/MySQL/http. Joyjit is the single point of contact

for the IIT Foundation USA website.

Financial Statements 2010-2011

Reference Notes:

1. Funds transferred for Ranbir and Chitra Gupta School of Infrastructure Design and Management

Particulars Amount (INR)

3, 34, 19,240.79

2, 93, 70,795.57

Opening Balance as of 01.04.2010 12, 61,753.79

Donation Received - 2, 94, 86,115.00

Interest 26, 24,482.00

Other Income - 46,890.00

Use of Funds -

Programs: MB Scholarship - 5, 60,702.00

84 Batch Endowment Fund 9, 46,163.00

Fund transferred to operative Account (Refer Note1) 2, 76, 00,400.00

Alumni Hospitality - 2, 08,268.00

Other expenses - 55, 263. 57

Closing Balance as of 31.03.2011 40, 48,445.22

14 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

On behalf of IIT-KGP we would like to thank you for your generous gift. Your commitment towards the fundraising activity

will help us step closer towards our goal.

Since its inception IIT-KGP has worked diligently to meet the dynamic educative demands of the aspiring youth in this

country and changed lives for the better. It has been extensively supported by the HRD Ministry of the Govt. of India for

decades. However, the brilliant alumni also, through its strong support have proved itself as a strong pillar for various

development activities impacting KGP environment profoundly.

Each year IIT-KGP continues to advance in its mission as mentioned above. With the help of thoughtful contributions from

the alumni such as you we will continue to see the improvements.

Herein we have made a modest effort to thank your contributions over the years.

Office of Alumni Affairs & International Relations

IIT Kharagpur

Alumni who made a difference

15Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Rajiv Gandhi Schoolof IP Law

Vinod Gupta School ofManagement (VGSOM)

GS Sanyal School ofTelecommunication

PK Sinha Centerfor Bioenergy

Ranbir & Chitra Gupta School of

Infrastructure Design & Management

Vodafone Essar - IIT Centre of Excellence in Telecommunications

Advanced VLSIDesign Laboratory

Arun Sarin Laboratory for

Electronic Materials

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.


Arjun Malhotra

As a pioneer in Information Technology, Arjun

Malhotra's (E&ECE '70) name has almost become a

byword for innovation and enterprise. Arjun

Malhotra, had a vision of Telecommunication needs

and its growth potential in India. Mr. Malhotra and

his wife, Mrs. Kiran Malhotra, made an invaluable

endowment for setting up the G S Sanyal School of

Telecommunications, named after his Professor and

former IIT Kharagpur Director, to function as a

center of excellence in the field of communication

technology. He has also helped actively in setting up

the campus communication network and VLSI


Arjun is Chairman of Vision 2020, an alumni

initiative to create a $200 million endowment fund

for IIT Kharagpur by the year 2020. In recognition of

his outstanding contribution and services to the

Institute, Mr. Malhotra was declared Life Fellow of

IIT Kharagpur in February 2003.

16 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Mitrajit Mukherjee (CHE/86/RK) - Mitrajit Mukherjee is the Founder and President

of Exelus Inc. He has 20 years of experience in designing, developing, and

implementing new industrial chemical processes. In IIT Mukherjee was the Hall

President, General Secretary - Social & Cultural, Literary Secretary and Student

Representative for Gymkhana. He did Masters from Southern Illinois University,

Carbondale. Mitrajit made a significant contribution during the year 2010-2011.

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

CONTRIBUTORS 2010 – 2011

Mitrajit Mukherjee

Featured Donor (2010-2011)

17Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)Mitrajit Mukherjee B Tech 1986 CH RK 500000Anand Deshpande B Tech 1984 CS PH 250000Krishan Khanna B Tech 1961 ME AZ 100000Upesh Mahadeva B Arch 2005 AR NH 10000Sushanta Kumar Ray B Tech 1961 CE AZ 10000Pradipta Das M Sc 1984 GG RP 10000Ajit Kumar Chakravarty M Tech 1981 AG RK 10000OP Khanna B Tech 1961 ME PH 10000Dr. V.R. Pavoor 10000VM Nagarajan B Tech 1961 EE RP 10000Anand Dattatraya Kurumbhate 10000Ramachandran Subramanyan B Tech 1961 ME PH 5000

On the occasion of 2010 Foundation day, MOU has been signed between the Technology Alumni Association (TAA), Bangalore and the IIT Kharagpur for the 'Outstanding Young Faculty Fellowship Program' to encourage faculty at IIT Kharagpur. Under the Program, the Institute would select the faculty annually who would be eligible for – a Citation, a Rolling Trophy and financial incentive to be decided by the selecting committee jointly with TAA-BLR on a yearly basis. The faculty should be below the age of 35 years to be eligible under the program. In 2010-2011 the fellowship has been conferred on Dr. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay of Computer Science Engineering. Dr. Mukhopadhyay joined the Institute in 2008. He also got the INSA Young Scientist Award (2010) and INAE Young Engineer Award (2010). His research areas are Cryptology, VLSI, Embedded systems for Cryptographic Systems, Side Channel Analysis.

Contributors (Rs.15000 each):

CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS 2010-2011 Outstanding Young Faculty Fellowship Program

Varadu Seshamani 1969 ME NH Prof. Parameshwar P Iyer 1974 AGRKS Devarajan 1978 EE RP Dhananjay Collur 1981 ECRKAnup Varma 1982 EC AZ Rahul Bhalchandra 1989 NAPHJoseph Fernandes 1990 ME Shasikant Joshi 1990 CSPHKrishnaraj Venkataraman 1991 EE RP Rajesh Saligram 1992 METarun Kumar 1995 CH PH Krishna Mehra 2006 CSRK

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

18 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11


Vinod Gupta

Vinod (Vin) Gupta (AGFE '67) is the Founder and

Chairman of InfoUSA, Inc., headquartered in

Omaha, Nebraska, USA. Vinod has always been

conscious of his Indian roots and generously

contributes to his alma mater for making him what

he is today. In early '90s he gave $2 million to

establish a business school at IIT Kharagpur which

is called the Vinod Gupta School of Management, the

first business school in the IIT system.

Vinod has been donating money to a number of

causes be it for events, Hall or Departmental

requirements. He has also played a pivotal role

towards the establishment of the Rajiv Gandhi

School of Intellectual Property Law again the first of

its kind in the IIT system.

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

19Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


MB Scholarship is being set up by batch-mates and friends from IIT Kharagpur, in the fond memory of

their friend Malayesh Banerjee. Malayesh succumbed to bullet wounds during the ghastly terrorist attack

in Mumbai on November 26, 2008. The Scholarship would be awarded to a UG student in the 3rd year on ndthe basis of his 2 year's performance. Donations from MB Scholarship Programme – Rs. 5, 60, 702

Contributors' Details

Donors Degree Year Dept Amount (INR)

Khushboo Jha B Arch 2005 AR 197,200

Chandan kumar 20,000

Aayush Jain DD 2005 CE 10,000

Amlan Chaudhuri B Tech 2006 EE 10,000

Kamal Kishore Parida B Tech 2004 EE 10,000

Rahul Sinha B Tech 2007 EE 10,000

Abhishek Ranjan B Tech 2010 CH 6,000

Jyoti Kumar M Sc 2004 GG 6,000

Piyush Agrawal B Tech 2004 CE 5,100

Himanshu Gupta B Tech 2001 EC 5,001

Abhinav Sinha B Tech 2003 CH 5,000

Ajay Mohan Rao Dharanipathi B Tech 2005 AE 5,000

Anirudh Reddy DD 2005 EE 5,000

Anuj Sethi DD 2005 CE 5,000

Anup Upadhyay 5,000

Ashutosh Shankar B Tech 2004 CH 5,000

Ayushman Sen B Tech 2005 EE 5,000

Chandan Ghosh DD 2004 EC 5,000

Deependra Mishra DD 2005 ME 5,000

Nishant Kumar B Tech 2009 CE 5,000

Parul Kulshreshtha B Arch 2005 AR 5,000

Rohit Sinha B Tech 2004 ME 5,000

Romila Pradhan M Sc 2008 MA 5,000

Soham Dutta DD 2006 IM 5,000

Abhijeet Kumar Singh DD 2005 MI 4,000

Sandeep Kumar Mishra B Tech 2004 CE 3,000

Saugato Dey B Arch 2005 AR 2,500

Anand Ladda B Tech 2003 IM 2,000

Kumar Saurabh B Tech 2008 BT 2,000

Sandeep Agarwal B Tech 2003 CE 2,000

Sandeep Prasad B Tech 2004 CE 2,000

Rohan Kumar B Tech 2003 CE 1,100

Piyush Singal B Tech 2003 CS 1,000

Raj Kumar B Tech 2003 ME 1,000

Sachin Shukla DD 2006 MI 1,000

Saurabh Roy B Tech 2006 MM 1,000

Soumen Chakraborty DD 2005 EE 1,000

Anurag Verma B Tech 2004 EE 500

Prem Shankar B Tech 2003 NA 500

Ankur Aggrawal B Tech 2004 AE 100

Vikram B Tech 2008 NA 20,000

Donors Degree Year DeptAmount (INR)

Aditya Prasad B Tech 2004 EC 12,000

Rajat Pal Singh Rosha B Tech 2004 MI 10,000

Shouvik Som B Tech 2004 CS 10,000

Srijith Mohanan B Tech 2004 EE 10,000

Upesh Mahadeva B Arch 2005 AR 10,000

Priyanka Dutta M Sc 2008 GG 6,000

Prasun Choudhary B Tech 2003 AG 5,500

Rishabh Raj DD 2004 GG 5,100

Gautam Kumar B Tech 2004 CH 5,000

Gautam Singh B Tech 2003 CS 5,000

Himanshu Shekhar M Sc 2007 CY 5,000

Joydeep Dutta Ph D 2008 AR 5,000

Kamlesh Tiwari B Arch 2005 AR 5,000

Kanwaldeep Singh Kahlon B Tech 2004 CE 5,000

Krishnaswamy T B Tech 2003 EC 5,000

Kumar Avijot B Tech 2004 MI 5,000

Mouneesh Sinha DD 2005 EE 5,000

Mustansir Doctor M Sc 2005 MA 5,000

Sachin Kumar Rastogi B Tech 2004 CE 5,000

Sahil Saurabh Gupta DD 2007 IM 5,000

Shalini Grace Runda B Tech 2004 IM 5,000

Shreeharsh Mallick B Tech 2004 EE 5,000

Satvik Sarwade B Tech 2004 CE 4,000

Saket Sameer DD 2005 CE 4,000

Varun Kishore B Arch 2007 AR 3,000

Shree Krishna DD 2005 NA 2,500

Nitish Prasad Bandi DD 2005 AG 2,000

Sajjan Kumar Soni DD 2005 CH 2,000

Shailesh Kumar Mishra B Tech 2003 CH 2,000

Subrat Kumar Panda Ph D 2010 CS 2,000

Nitin Mohta DD 2006 ME 1,000

Abhineet Nayak B Tech 2002 EC 1,000

Anurag B Tech 2005 CE 1,000

Birendra Kumar Singh M Sc 2005 MA 1,000

Madhuker Priyesh B Tech 2004 ME 1,000

Rahul Kumar Lodha B Tech 2004 EC 501

Ramesh Raman Jha B Arch 2007 AR 500

Sumeet Khanna B Tech 2002 ME 500

Sindhu Verma DD 2005 EE 100

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

20 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11


Prabhakant Sinha

Dr. Prabhakant Sinha (ME '70), Founder and Co-

Chairman of ZS Associates in an effort of giving back

to his alma mater, laid the foundation of P. K. Sinha

Center for Bioenergy in the year 2009. Dr. Sinha, is

seed-funding the Center with 10 crore rupees (2

million USD).

We thank Dr. Sinha whole heartedly for establishing

this multidisciplinary center – which aspires to be

the nation's leading center for Bioenergy research

will help to tap the full potential of the country's

Bioenergy sources through a focused, integrated


In the fiscal year 2011-2012 Dr. Sinha has donated

another Rs. 90 lakhs towards this purpose.

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

21Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CONTRIBUTORS 2009 – 2010 Featured Donor (2009-2010)

Himanshu Patel (B.Tech./84/Patel) – Himanshu is Manager – Gas Technology and Business Development,

Bechtel Corp. Texus. Mr. Patel has contributed significantly during the 2009 annual alumni meet. He was also

instrumental in coordinating with the US alumni for the meet.

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Himanshu Patel B Tech 1984 CH PH 2,46,163

Anand Deshpande B Tech 1984 CS PH 2,00,000

Ashok Kapur B Tech 1967 ME RK 10,000

Pradipta Kumar Das M Sc 1984 GG RP 10,000

Dev Ranjan Sircar B Tech 1960 CE AZ 5,051

Chiranjay Chaudhury M Sc 1985 GG RP 50H00

Yash Pal Singh Ph D 1969 EE NH 2500

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

CONTRIBUTORS 2008 – 2009 Featured Donor (2008-2009)

Rahul Jha (EC/ 1999) – Rahul is Associate at Millennium Capital Management, Singapore. He has

extensively funded the Soft Computing Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering for purchase of

computers, AC unit and other accessories and further development of the lab.

Sekar Srinivasan (CSE/84) – Mr. Srinivasan is a social entrepreneur. With close to 30 years of IT and

product industry experiencehe aims to create an innovative company which can deliver high-quality, scalable

education to both the underprivileged and the affording students of the world, relevant in achieving their

personal goals.

CONTRIBUTORS 2008 – 2009 Featured Donor (2008-2009)

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Rahul Jha EC 1999 ME

Anand Despande B Tech 1984 CS PH 2,50,000.00

Sekar Srinivasan B Tech 1984 CS LLR 2,50,000.00

DVR Rao 25,000.00

Santosh Kumar Mishra B Tech 1981 EE NH 24,099.00

Prabhat Kumar Pal B Tech 1959 NA 10,000.00

Hebbar Airodi B Tech 1984 AE AZ 10,000.00

Krishan Khanna B Tech 1961 ME AZ 10,000.00

Arnab Datta B Tech 1984 ME LLR 10,000.00

Asit Das B Tech 1984 NA LLR 5,000.00

Pabitro Kumar De Sarkar B Tech 1956 CE NH 5,000.00

Ashok Kumar Mandal B Tech 1983 EC NH 5,000.00

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

22 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11


Ranbir Gupta

Ranbir (Ron) Singh Gupta (B. Arch '70) is the

Chairman of SIGMA7 Design Group Inc. with

leadership role for almost 30 years, developing

architecture in to a successful business enterprise.

Under his patronage the Ranbir and Chitra Gupta

School of Infrastructure Design & Management was

started in IIT KGP in 2008 with a seed-funding of

about 1 million dollar.

The school of Infrastructure Design and

Management is the first of its kind to be setup in the

IIT system and also in the country.

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

23Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CONTRIBUTORS 2007 – 2008

CONTRIBUTORS 2006 – 2007

CONTRIBUTORS 2005 – 2006

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Anupam Shringi B Tech 1994 ME AZ 21000

Tata Power 20000

Ashok Kapoor B Tech 1967 ME RK 15000

N. Ganeshan 10000

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Ashok Kapoor B Tech 1967 ME RK 15000

Aniruddha Banerjee B Tech 1979 ME RK 2500

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Rabindra Nath Khanna B Tech 1962 EE 7500

Anuragi Raman B Tech 1993 AG RP 5000

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in


Arun Sarin

Arun Sarin (MMT '75) was the CEO of Britain's

Vodafone Group plc. a senior adviser at the private

equity firm KKR. He serves on the board of directors

of Cisco Systems and Safeway, Inc. He received an

honarary knighthood from the Queen at

Buckingham Palace on March 10, 2010.

Sarin donated $500,000 to the Institute for setting up

the Arun Sarin Electronic Research Laboratory. The

laboratory will be aimed at developing electronic

materials and research in allied field.

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

24 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

25Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CONTRIBUTORS 2004 – 2005

CONTRIBUTORS 2002 – 2003

CONTRIBUTORS 2001 – 2002

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Arjun Malhotra B Tech 1970 EC RP 320000

Anand Deshpande B Tech 1984 CS PH 50000

K P K Nair B Tech 1961 ME 40000

Ashok Kapoor B Tech 1967 ME RK 25000

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Arnab Sarkar M Tech 1969 CH AZ 30000

K Khanna B Tech 1961 ME AZ 24000

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Vinod Gupta B Tech 1967 AG RK 85,50,000

Anand Ashiya 10000

Debasis Mishra B Tech 1998 IM AZ 8000

Dr. Rajendra Nath Basu M Sc 1983 PH RK 5555

Kandavilli Rama Rao B Tech 1959 AG RP 5000

Prof T Ghatak, Kolkata M Sc 1969 GG RK 5000

Ved Prakash Sandlas B Tech 1967 EC VS 5000

Ivan Sindell 4000

Arjun Malhotra B Tech 1970 EC RP 2000

Gude Mahesh Kumar 2000

M K Bhattacharya B Tech 1963 MI NH 2000

Arjun Malhotra B Tech 1970 EC RP 1000

Bishwa Nath Mitra Ph D 1969 AG BCR 1000

Dr Debabrata Sen B Tech 1977 NA LLR 1000

E V Thomas B Tech 1982 AG RP 1000

Ujjal Mondal B Tech 1968 EE RK 1000

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in


Dr. Purnendu Chatterjee

Dr. Chatterjee (B.Tech. '71) is The Chairman of

Chatterjee Group (TCG), which makes long-term

strategic investments in public and private

c o m p a n i e s , w i t h p r i m a r y f o c u s i n

telecommunications and information technology

industries. Chatterjee Group is the lead promoter of

Haldia Petrochemicals, Ltd., a world-scale

petrochemical complex in India. Dr. Chatterjee is a

founding member of the AVLSI Lab and also

contributed significantly towards Hostel


Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

26 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

27Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Dr. Arvind Jain

Dr. Arvind Jain (ME/69/Azad) – Dr. Jain has been a pioneer of IIT Kharagpur

alumni activities in the U.S. for the past twenty years. Arvind was an outstanding

student and a keen participant in extra-curricular activities at Kharagpur. He was

on the editorial board of Impact, an independent campus magazine run by students

during the sixties, President of the Mechanical Engineering Society in his final year,

and the winner of his year's B.C. Roy Gold Medal.

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Arvind Jain B Tech 1969 ME AZ 26,00,000

Jane O' Connar 93000

B K Syngal B Tech, M Tech 1961, 1962 EC RP 11000

Raghuraj Ashiya M Tech 1963 EC JCB 10000

Arjun Malhotra B Tech 1970 EC RP 8000

N N Narkhede DIIT 1967 AG BCR 5555

Bal Krishna Kaplish 5250

Rupal Fodia M Tech 1995 EC 5020

Commander S P Anand 5001

Subhas Ch Bose 5000

Sushama S Joshi 5000

Ujjal Mondal B Tech 1968 EE RK 4000

B B Pandey B Tech 1961 CE RK 4000

P Appans 4000

Prashant R Govil B Tech 1961 NA RP 3000

Dr Mayajit Majumder M Tech 1970 CE 3000

S. Majumder 3000

Prashant R Govil B Tech 1961 NA RP 1111

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

CONTRIBUTORS 2000 – 2001 Featured Donor

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in


Dr. Suhas Patil

Dr. Patil (E& ECE '65) is founder and Chairman

Emeritus of Cirrus Logic Inc. a leading

semiconductor company in USA. He is the main

architect in the conceptualization of the campus wide

network and has been one of the major contributor

and fund-raisers for the same. The funds generated

by his team were also used for procurement and

distribution of subsidized computers to the students

of this Institute. An honorary doctoral degree was

conferred upon him in 1995 at the 41st annual


Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

28 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

29Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CONTRIBUTORS 1999 – 2000 Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

K Rama Rao B Tech 1959 AG RP 20000

Amod Gujral B Tech 1958 ME RP 10000

Swapan Das M Sc 1980 MA 9929

Prof. Prabir Daripa B Tech 1978 ME NH 8000

P Sridhar B Tech 1983 EE 5501

Neeta Sharma 5500

Aniruddha Guha M Tech 1982 ME JCB 5050

A K Bandopadhyay 5000

Sharad Gupta B Tech 1968 EE RP 5000

Bhaskar Krmar 5000

K Balachandran B Tech 1988 AG LLR 5000

Swamy Rao Ajjampur 5000

Srijoy Kr. Ghosh B Tech 2000 IM NH 5000

A. P. Gupta 5000

Shiv Sharma B Tech 1966 MI AZ 5000

Krishna Kr Saxsena M Tech 1961 CY RP 3000

Manapuram Muralidhar 1000

Swarnendu Bhushan B Tech 1997 CH NH 1000

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in


Mr. Brijendra Kumar Syngal

Mr.B K Syngal (E&ECE '61) was the Chairman and

Managing Director of Videsh Sanchar Nigam

Limited, the leading provider of international

telecommunication services in India is actively

associated with IIT Kharagpur as a member of the

Advisory Committee of G. S. Sanyal School of

Telecommunications. He was instrumental in

setting up VSNL sponsored Chair on Information

Technology and a number of scholarships for

undergraduate students at IIT Kharagpur.

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

30 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

31Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CONTRIBUTORS 1998 – 1999

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

H.P.C. Ltd, Mumbai 500000Subrata Sen B Tech 1980 CH 10600Debashis N. Mallick B Tech 1980 ME 10001Abhijit Ray B Tech 1972 ME RK 10000Nikhil Kr. Roy B Tech 1985 CH PH 10000Swapan Kumar Hajra B Tech 1968 ME 10000Chakresh Kumar Jain M Tech 1982 AG VS 10000Binoy Kr Singh M CP 1970 AR 8000Protip GhoshB Tech 1977 EC RP 6100Ajoy Kr Banerjee B Tech 1966 ME RP 6000T. N Tewari B Tech 1979 AG 5111Vipin Asja 5001V. K. Tewari B Tech 1979 AG 5000Firdose A Vandrevala B Tech 1972 EE PH 5000G. M. Hegde B Tech 1973 AG PH 5000Prabitra Lal De B Tech 1968 ME VS 5000Pranab Kr. Guha B Tech 1969 EE NH 5000Manoj K. Maity M Tech 1963 MA BCR 5000Nitin Tamhane B Tech 1975 MM LLR 5000R. S. Gupta M Tech 1956 EE PH 5000S. K. Bore 5000D. N. Bose 5000Surajit Amrit 5000Nijhum Biswas B Tech 1984 AG NH 5000Suraj P Varma 5000P. K. Gupta 5000P Joy Prabhakaran B Tech 1988 EC RP 5000O P Nangolia 5000P. Banerjee 4000C. R. Lahiri Ph D 1962 CY BCR 3000P. K. Ghosh 3000Tapojyoti Pal M Sc 1973 GG RP 2000P. K. Ghosh 1500Sunil Kapoor B Tech 1986 ME PH 1100Arup Kr. Paul B Tech 1968 ME AZ 1000Preshant R Govil B Tech 1961 NA RP 1000M. A. Parameswaran B Tech 1955 ME 1000N V K Dutta 1000M. Ratnaswami 600Arjun Malhotra B Tech 1970 EC RP 2,00,00,000C. L. Puri 240000R. Gopal Krishnan 25000V. R. (Sivam) Parameshwaram B Tech 1960 MM NH 15000Sridhar Mitra 10000Ramen Chakraborty 9000Kamalendu Gupta 8750Pradip Dutta B Tech 1983 ME AZ 5000S. Bhattacharyya 5000Capt. N. S. Mohan Ram 5000Prof. Y. P. Singh 5000Anupam Goyal B Tech 1962 ME RP 5000Sekhar Nath Mukherjee M Sc 1993 PH RP 5000Abhijit Sett 5000A. K. Sen 5000Subrata Bhattacharyya B Tech 1985 EC RP 5000Paresh Rege B Tech 1982 ME RK 5000C. K. Harayan 5000Benu Bhushan Paul B Tech 1960 MM RK 5000

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in


Mr. Ramnath Mukhija

Mr. R. N. Mukhija (EE '65) is the President

(Operations) and Board Member, Larsen &Tourbo.

He is a whole-time Director on the Board. Mr

Mukhija has founded Sushma Mukhija Memorial

Scholarship from 2011-2012. Mr. Mukhija is also an

Advisory Council member of VGSOM.

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

32 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

33Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CONTRIBUTORS 1997 – 1998Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Ujjal Kr. Mondal B Tech 1968 EE RK 3000

A. Haque Ph D 1986 CY BCR 3000

Dipankar Sarkar B Tech 1980 EC PH 2000

Nimai Ch. Dutta Ph D 1971 CY BCR 1000

Y. C. Puri B Tech 1965 ME 1000

Akhil Puri 1000

B. Radesh 1000

Sabyasachi G. Dastidar 1000

P . K. Ghosh 1000

H. V. Makthal M Tech 1974 EE GH 1000

Sukumar Chowdhury B Tech 1956 CE PH 1000

Chandi Maitra 875

E. Chackachery 551

Amit Kr. P. Parikh B Tech 1996 IM RP 500

P. P. Chowdhury B Tech 1996 CH RK 500

Ashok Kr. Sharma 500

Krishna Bahadur Singh B Tech 1993 AG NH 500

Jayanta Mitra B Tech 1965 EE RK 300

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

34 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11


Anand Deshpande

Anand Deshpande (CSE/84/Patel) - Anand

Deshpande is the Founder, Chairman and Managing

Director of Persistent Systems (BSE & NSE:

PERSISTENT), a Company that he founded in 1990.

Anand did Masters (1986) and a Ph.D. (1989) in

Computer Science from Indiana University,

Bloomington (USA). He is member of the Executive

Committee of NASSCOM and serves on the Dean's

Advisory Council of the School of Informatics of

Indiana University.

Mr. Deshpande has been contributing towards his

alma mater diligently year after year.

2010-2011 – Rs. 250000

2009-2010 – Rs. 200000

2008-2009 – Rs. 250000

2004 - 2005 – Rs. 50000

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

35Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CONTRIBUTORS 1996 – 1997Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Prof. S. Sarkar 43290

Jayashree Saha 30000

Krishen Khanna B Tech 1961 ME AZ 24000

R. N. Khanna B Tech 1962 EE 15000

Tapojyoti Pal M Sc 1973 GG RP 11000

Tilak Sarkar B Tech 1985 NA RK 10000

Narendra Goel B Tech 1973 ME RK 5100

Paul Varghese B Arch 1980 AR RK 5000

M. Srinivasa Rao 5000

Indrajit Bhowmick B Tech 1968 ME 5000

Basabi Mitra 5000

Dr. M. M. Maiti M Sc 1967 CY VS 5000

R. T. Arasu 5000

Subir Bhattacharyya B Tech 1980 NA LLR 5000

Jagjit S Kohli B Tech 1971 AG RP 5000

Prof. J. P. Kundu 5000

Prof. N. Mukherjee B Tech 1977 MI 4000

Sumana Roy B Tech 1993 EE SN 3000

Ronal Mascaren 2000

A. K. Ghosal 1001

Rajiv Bahl B Tech 1993 EC NH 1000

Bishwarup Bhattacharyya 1000

S.K. Wadhwa B Tech 1963 ME RK 1000

Bishal Prasad 1000

P. K. Ghosh 500

Pratik Banerjee B Tech 1996 ME LLR 500

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

36 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11


Krishan Mohan Khanna

Krishan Mohan Khanna (ME/61/Azad) – K M

Khanna is the founder of India Watch Foundation.

He is an engineer technocrat with 40 years of

experience in business and management – both

Ind ian and f o re ign , c onsu l tancy and

entrepreneurship. He is the recipient National

Citizen Award 1995-96, as Technocrat of the year,

presented by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.

Mr. Khanna has been contributing towards his alma

mater for several years.

2010-2011 – Rs. 100000

2008-2009 – Rs. 10000

2001-2002 – Rs. 24000

1995-1996 – Rs. 24000

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

37Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CONTRIBUTORS 1995 – 1996Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

C L Puri B Tech 1959 CE 18000

Sanjeev Sabharwal B Arch 1984 AR NH 5001

Prof. G L Dutta 5000

Debiprasad Ghosh B Tech 1995 CE PH 5000

P J J Raju B Arch 1958 AR


Sandipan Bhattacharya B Tech 1967 EE RP 5000

Ahibhusan De B Tech 1965 MT VS 5000

William C Thompson 3000

Madon Gopal Sharma M Tech 1965 EC GH 1000

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

38 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

ANNUAL PREMIUM CONTRIBUTORSAshok Kapur (ME/67 /RK) - Mr. Kapur is General Manager - Commercial, Finolex Pipes

Limited, PVC Resin Plant. Mr. Kapur has been contributing towards the developmental

activities of the Institute annually for more than a decade.

2009-2010 – Rs.10000

2007-2008 – Rs.15000

2006-2007 – Rs.10000

2004-2005 – Rs.25000;

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

39Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

CONTRIBUTORS 1994 – 1995Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

U R Saha B Tech 1956 EE NH 30000

S S Teparia 15000

Subrata Senapati 10032

Pratul Kundu B Arch 1969 AR NH 10001

Brijendra Kr. Sanya l5000

Ballabh Seth 5000

Y V Dharma Rao B Tech 1958 CE RP 5000

Subrata Sengupta B Tech 1969 ME 5000

Ashok Jhunjhunwala B Tech 1972 CH PH 5000

M K Hamid B Tech 1955 CE BCR 5000

Arun Jindal B Tech 1966 ME RP 5000

Neeta Sharma 5000

Krishnendu Chatterjee B Tech 2001 CS 5000

R K Caprihan B Tech 1967 EE RK 5000

P V Purushattam 5000

Ajit Singh B Tech 1962 ME NH 5000

S K Mishra 5000

S M Bhalla B Tech 1959 EE RP 5000

Biswajit Sood B Tech 1959 ME PH 5000

Chandra Kumar B Tech 1963 ME RK 5000

Pramod Bangani 1054

Pramod Bangani 1002

Y C Puri 1000

Kuldip Sharma B Tech 1972 MI LLR 1000

R K Banerjee B Arch 1962 AR PH 700

Dr. Ramesh Garg 550

R K Banerjee B Arch 1962 AR PH 500

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

40 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Other Contributors over the yearsDonors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Jitendra Nath Saha B Tech 1959 EC RP 132000

Dr Manilal Bhowmick Ph.D 1958 PHY 30000

Vinod Gupta B Tech 1967 AG RK 30000

S P Srivastava B Tech 1962 CE RK 25000

Prof N Mukherjee B Tech 1977 MI 20367

Peter Chen B Tech 1962 EE RK 20000

Tayi Sreeram B Tech 1994 EC NH 16120

K J Deshpande 10001

Ashok Kapoor B Tech 1967 ME RK 10000

Bata India Ltd. 10000

Lt. Col. M G S Khurana 10000

Prof J N Bandyopadhyay B Tech 1967 CE PH 10000

S K Kaushik Ph D 1971 CE GH 10000

Tilak Sarkar B Tech 1985 NA RK 10000

V. Ramachandra Moorthi M Tech 1967 EE JCB 10000

Vinod Sobti B Tech 1967 ME RP 10000

Dilip Nandi 8970

Cdr. R S Agawal B Tech 1959 EE NH 7500

Rabindar Nath Khanna B Tech 1962 EE 7500

Michael Yesudas B Tech 1989 ME AZ 6000

P N A P Rao 6000

M N Mahapatra B Sc 1957 GG 5100

S.Pavan Kumar B Sc 1994 CY RP 5100

Tejinder Singh Gill B Sc 1961 GG PH 5025

Srilata Mahapatra M Sc 1986 MSC SN 5021

Satish Chandra Parashar B Arch 1971 AR RP 5010

Brig K Handan 5001

A. C. Sanyal 5000

Anup Singh B Tech 1967 EE AZ 5000

Anwar Alam M Tech 1965 AG JCB 5000

Arvind Mathur B Tech 1972 EE RK 5000

AVM A K Roy 5000

B S Dhiman B Tech 1957 CE AZ 5000

Brig. P S P Sharma M Tech 1968 ME NH 5000

D Sitaremaich 5000

Debjyoti Mitra B Tech 1976 ME RP 5000

Dipti Maity Ph D 1980 CY SN 5000

I K Gokhar 5000

J Majumder 5000

Jitendra Prasad Shaw B Tech 1972 ME RP 5000

41Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Jyotirmoy Bandopadhyay B Tech 1970 EE RK 5000

K N Dutta 5000

K N Rai M Tech 1977 CE 5000

Karabi Chaudhury 5000

Mayur S Khokani B Tech 1971 CH 5000

Mukul Mitra B Arch 1970 AR PH 5000

N Gopal Krishnan M Tech 1962 ME AZ 5000

N Krishnan B Tech 1957 ME AZ 5000

Dr. Nawab Ali M Tech 1970 AG JCB 5000

Nirev Sampet 5000

Pankaj Dutta M Tech 1973 MM JCB 5000

Phalguni Kar B Tech 1972 CE LLR 5000

Prof D Acharya Ph D 1976 IM 5000

R N Khanna B Tech 1962 EE 5000

R N Mukhija B Tech 1965 EE RK 5000

Rabi Kanta 5000

S Bhattacharya 5000

S K Shrivastava 5000

S N Bhattacharya 5000

S Sagar Jain B Tech 1955 ME PH 5000

S Sankaran 5000

S. R Talwar B Tech 1962 ME RK 5000

Samarjit Chatterjee M Tech 1965 CE JCB 5000

Subhajit Roy B Tech 1991 CE NH 5000

T R Seshadri 5000

Vipin Popet 5000

Y C Rao B Tech 1955 ME PH 5000

Prof B N Avasthi M Tech 1958 CE RK 4000

Bhargal Maitra 3000

Debasis Roy 3000

K Srinivasa Raju 3000

L S Ramachandra B Arch 1991 AR AZ 3000

Jyothi Menezes 2325

Chaman Puri 2300

Kanai Dey 2300

Narendra Bhatia 2300

Ujjal Kr Mondal B Tech 1968 EE RK 2300

Dr D P Ghosh 2000

N Dhang M Tech 1985 CE AZ 2000

P J Pise 2000

Prof K S Reddy M Tech 1963 CE PH 2000

Prof P Chatterjee Ph D 1967 EC BCR 2000

S Dey 2000

42 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

S P Dasgupta 2000

T I Eldho 2000

V R Desai 2000

Umesh A Korde B Tech 1982 NA PH 1500

M Kalani B Tech 1959 CE PH 1025

ChandidasGanguly M Tech 2001 CE 1001

Rajith L S M Tech 1998 ME PH 1001

Umesh Rashmi Rohatgi 1001

A K Dikshit B Tech 1992 MI NH 1000

A K Dutta Ph D 1994 AG BCR 1000

Anil Pradyumnarao Deshmukh M Tech 1975 ME JCB 1000

AdinPunyaMitra M Tech 1994 CH AZ 1000

B C Mal B Tech 1971 AG LLR 1000

BikramSankarDas B Tech 1988 CH LLR 1000

Chanchal KumarMukherjee B Tech 1974 NA LLR 1000

Chandra BhushanDubey B Tech 1994 ME LLR 1000

D J Sen B Tech 1985 CE NH 1000

Dr D K Baidya 1000

Hrishikes Das B Tech 1967 AG AZ 1000

HifjurRahaman M Tech 1985 AG VS 1000

Hemant Kumar 1000

JayantaBardalaya 1000

Keshaw PrasadPandey M Tech 1970 AG JCB 1000

M K Jha B Tech 1992 AE RP 1000

N S Raghuwansi 1000

NirupamaMallick 1000

P Pramanik 1000

PratimaMahanty 1000

Prof A K Sahoo B Tech 1985 CH RP 1000

Prof D Nagesh Kumar 1000

Prof Ligy Philip 1000

Prof NirjharDhang M Tech 1985 CE AZ 1000

R Singh 1000

Rintu Banerjee Ph D 1992 CH SN 1000

S Bandyopadhyay 1000

S Dutta 1000

S Kar DIIT 1966 AG JCB 1000

S N Pandey 1000

S Prasad 1000

S Srinivasan M Tech 1977 IM 1000

SatishBal B Tech 1966 AG PH 1000

Satya Hari Dey Ph D 1992 CH PH 1000

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

43Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Subrata Ganguly 1000

Sudit Roy 1000

Tridib Kumar Goswami Ph D 1987 CRY BCR 1000

Udhav Hotchand Varyani B Tech 1985 CE PH 1000

Virendra Kumar Tiwari M Tech 1984 AG VS 1000

MukulAsthna B Tech 1972 ME PH 750

Kiran Seth B Tech 1970 ME AZ 501

Sabya Sachi Roy B Tech 1982 CE RP 500

Tapan Kr Mondal B Tech 1993 CE NH 500

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall Amount (INR)

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

44 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

IIT Foundation India Donor ListDate Name Degree Year Dept Hall Rs. US$

06.09.05 Y.P.S. Suri B Tech 1975 ME 10,001

16.09.05 Chennai Chapter 10,000

05.10.05 Neeta Jain Sharma 10,000

05.10.05 Bangalore Chapter 4,00,000

05.10.05 Ramnath Mani B Tech 1969 EC PH 1,00,000

19.10.05 A.G. Rajadhyaksha B Tech 1982 EE RP 10,000

19.10.05 B.K. Syngal B Tech 1961 EC RP 51,000

19.10.05 D.P. Sengupta B Tech 1961 EE AZ 2,000

19.10.05 V. Venkataswaran B Tech 1961 EE RP 250

10.01.06 M. Chakraborty B Tech 1971 MT LLR 5,000

10.01.06 O.P. Khanna B Tech 1961 ME PH 5,000

15.02.06 R.N. Khanna B Tech 1962 EE 2,05,100

13.04.06 M/s Steel RX Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 2,00,000

13.04.06 Sundar Mohan Murmu B Tech 1979 AE 21,000

08.08.06 Niraj Bechketi 10,000

12.09.06 M/s Oil India Ltd. 2,00,000

12.10.06 M/s Bharat Petrolium 1,00,000

07.11.07 M/s ONGC 4,94,900

17.01.07 Mihir Biswas B Tech 1955 ME PH 1,000

17.01.07 Srikanta Bandopadhyay B Tech 1968 MT RP 10,000

17.01.07 S.M. Murmu B Tech 1979 AE 10,000

17.01.07 Subhash Ch. Mondal B Tech 1982 MT AZ 4,000

17.01.07 Samit Banerjee B Tech 1992 ME PH 20,000

09.02.07 A.K. Sarkar 3000

19.07.07 Davangere Prahlad Naganand B Tech 1970 EC AZ 25,000

06.08.07 TAA, Delhi Chapter 4,50,000

25.09.07 B. K. Syngal B Tech 1961 EC RP 21,000

01.10.07 M/s. Bharat Petroleum 1,00,000

01.11.07 Janaki Ramanan & Raghavan B Tech 1971 CH PH 20$

01.11.07 Manish Pandey & B Tech 1989 CS 75$

Madhulima Pandey

16.11.07 M/s. Hindustan Petroleum 1,00,000

26.11.07 Business World 1,11,250

06.12.07 Computer Factory 10,000

28.05.08 Arjun Malhotra B Tech 1970 EC RP 5,000

06.03.09 R.N. Khanna B Tech 1962 EE 10,000

30.12.09 Arjun Malhotra B Tech 1970 EC RP 5,000

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

45Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

IIT Foundation US Donor ListApril 01st' 2010 – March 31st '2011

Your Alma Mater thanks you whole heartedly.

Donors Degree Year Dept Hall

Pradeep Kumar Thayamballi

Himadri Mayank B Arch 2007 AR

Smarahara Misra B Tech 2001 EC

Pranab K Ghosh Ph D 2003 CE

Deepak Kumar

Arup Kanti Paul B Tech 1968 ME AZ

Nachiketa Mitra B Tech 1992 MT AZ

Sundar K Sundaresan

Joyjit Nath B Tech 1987 EC

Rishiraj Das B Tech 2000 ME RP

Shekhar N Mukherjee M Sc 1993 PH RP

Ramakrishna Prasad Atluri

Ramakrishna Prasad Atluri

Arvind Deogirikar MTech 1974 EC

Ranganathan Gurumoorthy B Tech 1979 EC

Goutam Sinha B Tech 1979 MI NH

Sumit K Mitra M Sc 1977 GG

Ravi Krishna Budhia B Tech 1992 EC

Ramayya P Addanki M Sc 1981 CY

Rakesh Asthana B Tech 1979 EE AZ

Dave K Agarwal

Arindam Chaudhuri B Tech 1996 ME PH

Daljeet Singh B Tech 1969 EE

Sandeep Beotra B Tech 1995 EC LLR

Bikash K Mohanty B Tech 1982 AE

Indra Singhal B Tech 1981 MI PH

Amitava Mitra B Tech 1969 ME PH

Ph D 1987 RP

Ravi Mohan Seam B Tech 1967 ME VS

Debasish N Mallick B Tech 1980 ME RP

Abhinav Anand B Tech 2002 IM AZ

Rajan J Bhambhani B Tech 1974 NA NH

Amit Kumar Saha B Tech 1999 CS RP

Somnath Paul B Tech 1990 EC LLR

Santanu Basu B Tech 1968 EE NH

Madhusudhan Sarangi M Tech 1998 MT

Ranjan Bhattacharya B Tech 1980 EE LLR

Bibhuti B Banerjee B Tech 1985 ME AZ

Om Prakash Arora B Sc 1995 CY AZ

Prasad N Shastry

Koushik K Das B Tech 1998 EC

Kaushik Pal B Tech 1990 ME RK

Naveen Boyina B Tech 2001 MT

Abhishek Bose B Tech 2002 CE

Sreenivas Jayaraman

Arindam Ghatak B Tech 2004 ME

Chintan Thakkar DD 2007 EC

Reshma Patra DD 2007 CH

Surojit Mookherjee B Tech 1979 MT LLR

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

46 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Sustainable Fund raising - scope, strategy, proportion



Major Gifts & Sponsorships

Corporations Foundations

Premium Giving - Annual

Campaign Contributions





Scope:Contributor Categories:



Leadership Gifts

Key to achieving a

sustainable future is the need to develop and maintain a

robust and diverse funding base. Accessing a wide range

of funding opportunities will enable the Institute to

spread dependency across a range of funding sources

rather than few chosen alumni and the Government of

India. The ID program wants to encourage a shared

responsibility for fundraising. Here everyone is a

fundraiser for their beloved Institute.

In order to compete with the globally

well ranked schools, we must increase both long-term

endowment and current operating funds. Endowments

and rankings have a direct correlation. So we have

targeted on endowment which will provide us a strong

capital base in addition to sustainable source of funding

for various projects. Until now we have the policy of

creating endowments, 80% of the interest earned from

the endowment fund will be spend for the specific project,

the balance amount will be re-invested in the fund.

Many corporate houses have programs

through which they will "match" the charitable

contributions made by their employees. Through gift

matching, an alumnus, a chapter or a corporate can

multiply the value of the gift made to the Institute,

making it go further.

– Gifts made by leading donors to

the Institute. The ID program focuses to create more

such leaders. These funds could be utilized for new

constructions and new projects and creating

endowments for sustaining those projects.

Individuals – Alumni contributions majorly towards

developing varied aspects of the Institute

Corporations – ID Program is approaching corporations

for raising endowments as well funds for specified

purposes. We are in the process of roping in corporate

houses for this purpose.

Foundations – The Foundations, Alumni associations

and local chapters have been supporting several alumni

events every year. The same could be channelized to

support fund raising programs for the Institute, the

advantage being herein we will get dedicated group of

alumni who are aware about the Institute's goals and


– Herein we will find a

perennial source of funds through systematic

donations. This fund can be used for sustaining annual

projects and programs, meeting operational


– Campaigns are the best

resource to raise small contributions from a

comparatively larger group. This will create a discipline

among the givers to donate towards their alma mater.

Major Gifts and Sponsorships

Annual Premium Giving

Campaign Contributions

47Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Capital campaign Leadership Gifts / Intensive fundraising efforts to meet a certain

Corporations financial goal in a specified period of time for one

or more major projects, such as the construction

of a building. Contributors may be inspired by

the organization's vision or are motivated by the

naming rights.

Endowment campaign Leadership Gifts / Campaign to allocate funds specifically to create

Individuals / or supplement a fund. The principal is protected

Corporations and the income may be spent on operating

expenses. Contributors here should understand

the need for building the sustainability of the

organization in order to meet its mission.

Grants Leadership Gifts / Significant donations to a KGP for specific

Individuals / programs.

Corporations /


Mass marketing Individuals/ Direct solicitation of funds by mass-mailing

Campaign (including email or other electronic means)

Contributions or telemarketing

Planned giving Individuals/ Pre-arranged gift, such as a bequest, life

Annual Premium insurance policy or gift annuity. Contributors

Giving should share the organization's vision, and / or

who want to take advantage of tax planning.

Regular or annual giving Corporate Gift Fundraising program that generates funding

Matching/ Annual support to help sustain yearly budgets or general

Premium Giving / operations. This includes membership program.



Special event Leadership Gifts / Activities organized by the KGP or other

Individuals / supporting organizations to raise funds.

Corporations For example, Diamond Jubilee.

Sponsorship Corporations Deals that the KGP and sponsors (e.g.,

corporations) enter into with clearly defined

benefits to each party.

Gift-in-kind Individuals Donations of free or discounted goods and

services. Contributors are usually businesses and

professionals in the community.

Fee for service Corporations / Charges for services a KGP already provides

Individuals (or can provide) to clients who receive services

provided. For example, access to industry

knowledge centers.

Merchandising Individuals Sale of branded souvenirs by KGP

Method Kind of Donor Description

48 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Fundraising Programs and Proportions

Gift Categories Description Budget (INR) MinimumAmount(INR)

Special Programs

Diamond Jubilee Full Sponsorship of Event and Branding 7 crores

Mementos 1 crore

Publication 1 crore

Exhibition Train 2 crores

Inauguration and Closing Ceremony 1 crore

Technology Show 1 crore

Nobel Laureate Lecture Series andDistinguished Visitors 1 crore

The academic areas are the Institute’s most precious assets. These are the core of faculty-student relationship and center of knowledge exchange, create award-winning research, and develop innovative teaching curricula. The classrooms provide ideal forums for dissemination of knowledge by world-class faculty and lecturers. All classrooms will be outfitted with state-of-the-art technology. The Nalanda Complex is envisaged to

These residential complexes connect students with the rich resources which make them true KGPians. To facilitate the growing number student population several new halls are coming up and the existing ones are being extended as well.

Academic AreasNaming Rights

Proposed Plan of NewAcademic Complex

Hills of ResidenceNaming Rights

Proposed Plan ofChanakya Hall of


1. 4 Blocks, 8 Floors (8 floors - AG+7) 18 crores 2 crores/

2. Classrooms (Capacity: 120, 240) 75 crores 50 lakhs each

3. Food Court 3 crores 1 crores

4. Reading Room 5 crores 1 crores

1. Two Halls of 2000 capacity 100 crores 2 cr / wing

2. One ladies Hostel of 600 capacity 25 crores 2 cr / wing

3. Extension Block of Old Halls 30 crores

9 small blocks 1 cr / block

6 big blocks 2 cr / block

4. Renovation of Old Hall Common Rooms and Furnishing of 7 NewHall Common Rooms 50 lakhs

5. Convention Centre 30 crores 15 crores


49Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

New Constructions:

Nalanda Academic Complex

Plan of Entire Complex


Proposed Plan:

An Academic Campus requires facilities for

Academic Activities

Other Activities



Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hall of Residence

Chanakya Hall of Residence Gurukul-I (Faculty Enclave)

Nalanda Academic ComplexGuest House Zone

Faculty Residences

Commercial Area

Hospital Zone

Hotel/Amusement Park

Student Dining Facility

Academic Building

School Zone

Residences for Staff

Signature Building


Convention/Amenity Center

Café Coffee Day

New Student Residences

Class room details and students seating accommodation in

Block A Block B Block C Block D120 Capacityclass rooms 38 24 16 16240 capacityclass rooms 22 16 — —60 capacityclass rooms 96 48 28 56Total studentsseating 15600 9600 3600 5280Gross Nos. ofseating forstudents 34080Coverage of

2floor area (m ) 63641.8 39423.0 15136.0 31975.2

First Year Laboratory class for Electrical Technology, Electronics, Physics and Language, No. of floors: G+2

Total built-up area: 5022 sqm

(expected by June, 2011)

Laboratory Building

50 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hall of Residence Lal Bahadur Shastri Hall of Residence Chanakya Hall of Residence

Dr. B. R. Amdedkar Hall : Room area : 24 sqm No. of boys accommodated: 2000 Expected by November, 2011

Lal Bahadur Shastri Hall : Land Area: 38833.50 sqm Total Built up Area: 43,377.16 sqm Ground Coverage: 9102.15 sqm No. Rooms Provided: 680 Room Area: 21 sqm Module Area 571.21 sqm No. of Blocks: 13 Floor Height: 3.15 m No. Floors: G+4 No. of Boys Accommodated: 2000.

Chanakya Hall : Build, Operate and Transfer Project - 33 years 400 rooms for Students and 50 number of Studio Apartment (Suite type)

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Vertical Extensions of Patel, Azad and Nehru Halls of Residence

Additional Blocks in RK, RP, MT, SN and Azad Halls of Residence

Students’ Activity Centre (North)

Patel Hall of Residence: 49 rooms (145 beds) Azad Hall of Residence: 49 rooms (146 beds) Nehru Hall of Residence: 49 rooms (147 beds)| |

RK Hall: 96 rooms (288 beds) RP Hall: 160 rooms (480 beds) MT Hall: 56 rooms (168 beds) SN Hall: 20 rooms (60 beds) Azad Hall: 96 rooms (288 beds) (expected in March, 2011)


| | |

Major Facilities: Multi purpose court Yoga Room Weight Lifting Room Billiards Court Squash Court (Expected by June, 2011)

A type Apartments: 63 nos., Allotted in November, 2010 B type Apartments: 81 nos., expected by March, 2011

1 BR Apartments: 5 Blocks, 80 nos. Apartments 2BR Apartments: 4 Blocks, 64 nos. Apartments (expected by June, 2011)




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Faculty Apartment Staff Apartment

51Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Sponsored and Industrial R&DProjects: 2010-2011

Project Title Dept. Principal Project Investigator Cost (rs.)

Development of SU-8 band Microstructuresfor Integrated-optic & Bio-applications. Development Centre GangopadhyayLarge Eddly simulation of AURA-type flyingwing configurations with Dragerons at operating Engineering Mahapatraspeed range.Autonomous Flight Control Design for AURA Aerospace Engineering Prof. Navtej Singh 2400000Interplanetary satellite orbit determination Aerospace Prof. Manoranjan 1219000using ground based observations. Engineering SinhaStudy of flow structures and associated in a Aerospace Prof. K. P. 816000weapon bay cavity using LES. Engineering SinhamahapatraStudies on Microalgal triacylglycerols Agricultural & Prof. Nirupama 17029560(TAGs) as a source of Biodiesel. Food Engineering Mallick1High rate algal biomass production for food, Agricultural & Prof. H. N. Mishra 6656000feed, biochemicals and biofuels. Food EngineeringRapid Soil Carbon Mappng using Soil Agricultural & Prof. Bhabani 6000000Reflectance in the Visible & Near infrared Food Engineering Sankar DasRegion Characterization.Region Characterization. Agricultural & Prof. Bhabani 6000000

Food Engineering Sankar DasDevelopment of cage for Mariculture thriugh Agricultural & Prof. C. K. 4687400numerical and physical modeling. Food Engineering MukherjeeFlood Inundation Zoning for different return Agricultural & Prof. Chandranath 3600000periods in Mahanadi River Basin. Food Engineering ChatterjeeCharacterization of soil reflectance in the Agricultural & Prof. Bhabani 1965000visible and near-infrared region for the Food Engineering Sankar Dasiron-rich soils of Easern India.Impact assessment of MGNREGA in one Agricultural & Prof. N. S. 1915000district of Madhya Pradesh (Mandla) & Food Engineering Raghuwanshi(AgFE)West Bengal (Paschim Medinipur). Prof. P. B. S.

Bhadoria (AgFE)Climate change & rice-based crop Agricultural & Prof. D. K. Swain 1572000production system of eastern & south Food Engineeringeastern India: Impact assesment &risk Magement through simulation study.Development of pod borer resistant ALPGE Prof. S. K. Sen 20971740transgenic pigeon pea & chick pea.Market Mechanism and the Drug Architecture & Prof. Banhi 442200Availability state of consumers Health: Regional Planning ChakrabortyAn Investigation Study.GaN/In GaN based light emitting diodes, ATDC Prof. Dhrubes 65609600solar cells photoelectrochemical (PEC) Biswasdevide by MOCVD process.Bioful from Marine Microalgae Biotech Prof. Ramkrishna 5933000(A NMITLI Project Sponsored by CSIR) SenReducing accumulation of Toxic metals or Biotech Prof. Mrinal 2981000metalloids in rice grains by Kumar MaitiRNAi-medicated gene silencing approach.Effects of Auxiliary Membrane Components Biotech Prof. Anindya 2476000on Biofilm Formation in Escherichia Coli Sundar GhoshBiofuels Production in a Biorefinary Concept Biotech Prof. Ramkrishna Sen 345000High rate algal biomass production for food, Biotechnology Prof. Debabrata 13828000feed, biochemicals and biofuels. DasBioprospecting of antarctic flore: Screening Biotechnology Prof. S. Dey 10596000of novel genes and healthcare molecules MRDM3

Advance Technology Dr. Pranabendu 500000

Aerospace Prof. K. P. Sinha 7020000

52 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Development of SU-8 band Microstructures

for Integrated-optic & Bio-applications. Development Centre Gangopadhyay

Large Eddly simulation of AURA-type flying

wing configurations with Dragerons at operating Engineering Mahapatra

speed range.

Autonomous Flight Control Design for AURA Aerospace Engineering Prof. Navtej Singh 2400000

Interplanetary satellite orbit determination Aerospace Prof. Manoranjan 1219000

using ground based observations. Engineering Sinha

Study of flow structures and associated in a Aerospace Prof. K. P. 816000

weapon bay cavity using LES. Engineering Sinhamahapatra

Studies on Microalgal triacylglycerols Agricultural & Prof. Nirupama 17029560

(TAGs) as a source of Biodiesel. Food Engineering Mallick1

High rate algal biomass production for food, Agricultural & Prof. H. N. Mishra 6656000

feed, biochemicals and biofuels. Food Engineering

Rapid Soil Carbon Mappng using Soil Agricultural & Prof. Bhabani 6000000

Reflectance in the Visible & Near infrared Food Engineering Sankar Das

Region Characterization.

Region Characterization. Agricultural & Prof. Bhabani 6000000

Food Engineering Sankar Das

Development of cage for Mariculture thriugh Agricultural & Prof. C. K. 4687400

numerical and physical modeling. Food Engineering Mukherjee

Flood Inundation Zoning for different return Agricultural & Prof. Chandranath 3600000

periods in Mahanadi River Basin. Food Engineering Chatterjee

Characterization of soil reflectance in the Agricultural & Prof. Bhabani 1965000

visible and near-infrared region for the Food Engineering Sankar Das

iron-rich soils of Easern India.

Impact assessment of MGNREGA in one Agricultural & Prof. N. S. 1915000

district of Madhya Pradesh (Mandla) & Food Engineering Raghuwanshi(AgFE)

West Bengal (Paschim Medinipur). Prof. P. B. S.

Bhadoria (AgFE)

Climate change & rice-based crop Agricultural & Prof. D. K. Swain 1572000

production system of eastern & south Food Engineering

eastern India: Impact assesment &

risk Magement through simulation study.

Development of pod borer resistant ALPGE Prof. S. K. Sen 20971740

transgenic pigeon pea & chick pea.

Market Mechanism and the Drug Architecture & Prof. Banhi 442200

Availability state of consumers Health: Regional Planning Chakraborty

An Investigation Study.

GaN/In GaN based light emitting diodes, ATDC Prof. Dhrubes 65609600

solar cells photoelectrochemical (PEC) Biswas

devide by MOCVD process.

Bioful from Marine Microalgae Biotech Prof. Ramkrishna 5933000

(A NMITLI Project Sponsored by CSIR) Sen

Reducing accumulation of Toxic metals or Biotech Prof. Mrinal 2981000

metalloids in rice grains by Kumar Maiti

RNAi-medicated gene silencing approach.

Effects of Auxiliary Membrane Components Biotech Prof. Anindya 2476000

on Biofilm Formation in Escherichia Coli Sundar Ghosh

Biofuels Production in a Biorefinary Concept Biotech Prof. Ramkrishna Sen 345000

High rate algal biomass production for food, Biotechnology Prof. Debabrata 13828000

feed, biochemicals and biofuels. Das

Bioprospecting of antarctic flore: Screening Biotechnology Prof. S. Dey 10596000

of novel genes and healthcare molecules MRDM3

Advance Technology Dr. Pranabendu 500000

Aerospace Prof. K. P. Sinha 7020000

Project Title Dept. Principal Project Investigator Cost (rs.)

53Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Project Title Dept. Principal Project Investigator Cost (rs.)

Enhanced production, purification andcharaterization of marine bacterial SenLipopeptide as potential broad-spectrumantimocrobial and anticancer agent forbreast cancer therapy.

Characterization of a novel short chain Biotechnology Prof. Amit Kumar 7670000dehydrogenase reductase (SDR) family Dasenzyme involved in fatty acid metabolismin Mycobacterium tuberculosis & structurebased inhibitor synthesis.

Silk Protein /Blend Matrics in Tissue Biotechnology Prof. S. C. Kundu 4133000Engineering & Biotechnological Applications

Exloration of diversity & microbial role in Biotechnology Prof. Pinaki Sar 2826000arsenic mobilization in As-contaminatedgroundwater of North Eastern States(Arunachal Pradesh & Assam).

Molecular characterization of DacD (a putative Biotechnology Prof. Anindya 2086000DD-carboxypeptidise) of Escherichia Coli. sundar Ghosh

Characterization of Mycobacterium exploration Biotechnology Prof. Amit Kumar Das 1686000of tubercilosis GTP cyclohyrolase and its role inmycobacterial physiology.

The Potential use of biosurfactants for Biotechnology Prof. Ramkrishna 414700medical applications. Sen

Creation of Integrated Development Centre for Educational Prof. Shyamal Kr. 4726000Environment (IDE) for Generation of Technology Das MandalPronunciation Lexicon for Indian Languages(PL-IL) in W3C Pronunciation LexiconStandard (PLS) & Example Lexicon inHindi & Bangla Languages.

Fabrication of Nanostructured Surfaces by Chemical Engineering Prof. Rabibrata 8039200Soft Lithographic & Non Lithographic MukherjeeTechniques.

Instabilty & Pattern Formation in thin Chemical Engineering Prof. Rabibrata 5220000Polymer Bilayers. Mukherjee

Droplet - Based Screeing of Amyloid Chemical Engineering Prof. Sunando 4344800B - Peptide Aggregation. Dasgupta

Foam-gel formation in thin layer with flow Chemical Engineering Prof. Somnath 3500000complexities affecting the placement Ganguly

Antimicrobial Coating on plasma treated Chemical Engineering Prof. Sudarsan Neogi 2000000substrates for Biomedical Application.

Modeling, Analysis and control of Reactive Chemical Engineering Prof. Amiya K. 926000Distillation columns. Jana

A Novel approach to a selective catalytic Chemical Engineering Prof. Sonali 700000procss for reducing thiophenic sulphur Senguptacontent from petroleum products.

Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Cellulosic Chemical Engineering Prof. Saikat 500250Substrates for Bioethanol Production Chakraborty

Optimization of Batch Cystallization Chemical Engineering Prof. Debasis Sarkar 500000Process Uncertainity.

Production of monodispersed nanoparticles Chemical Engineering Prof. Jayanta 500000for a large class of materials using heat Chakrabortytreatment based post processing technique.

Fabrication & Durability Studies on Chemical Engineering Prof. Rabibrata 3888000structured super hydrophobic surfaces. Mukherjee

J. C. Bose Fellowship Chemistry Prof. P.K. Cahattaraj 6800000

Development of silicon carbide supported graphene - Chemistry Prof. S. K. Srivastava 4982000polymer nano composites for EMI shielding applications.

Biotechnology Prof. Ramkrishna 10036800

54 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Project Title Dept. Principal Project Investigator Cost (rs.)

Nanoparticles of copper and its oxides for enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and catalysis.

Asymmetric Synthesis of y-Butyroctone Chemistry Prof. Soumen Hajra 2528000Natural Products.

Effect of π - interactions in chemiacal reactions: Chemistry Prof. Anoop Ayyappan 2135000

Computational study of Braverman cyclisation.

Characterization of Ionic liquid confining Chemistry Prof. Nilmoni Sarkar 1967000micrometerogeneous media & Investigation of ultra fast processes in these confined media.

Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Chemistry Prof. Tarasankar Pal 961000Photocatalytic Applications.

Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanomaterials of Non- Chemistry Prof. Tarasankar Pal 600000Spherical Morphologies for Enhanced Heat Transfer

Computational study of Gold catalysed Chemistry Prof. Anoop Ayyappan 500,000cydoisomerisation of unsaturated Hydrocarbons.

Underwater non-contact explosive response Civil Engineering Prof. Nilanjan Mitra 7248000of marine grade sandwitch composite panels.

Electrocoagulation in continous Flow systems for Civil Engineering Prof. Sudha Goel 3590000removal of drinking water contaminants.

Improving Mechanical Performance & delamination Civil Engineering Prof. Nilanjan Mitra 2460000resistance in sandwich composite panels.

Smarter water resource management, Civil Engineering Prof. Dhrubajyoti 1809000Disaster Mitigation & Diabetic Retinopathy. Sen(CE) &

Prof. ChandanChakraborty (SMST)

Develop of Design Methodology for Civil Engineering Prof. Damodar Maity 1680000Chemically Treated Bamboo ReinforcedConcrete Members for Low Cost Housing

Effects of fines on behavior of Geosynthetic - Civil Engineering Prof. Koushik Deb 500000Reinforced Sands.

Developing a suitable methodology for Identifying Civil Engineering Prof. Sudehsna Mitra 500000accident Prone Sites in the Presence of Limited Data.

Ganga River Basin Management Plan. Civil Engineering, Prof. D. Sen, 2500000CORAL, Humanities, Prof. A. Gupta,RGSOIPL Prof. M. D. Behera &

Prof. N. C. Nayak

Setting up of three Virtual Classrooms in Computer Informatics Prof. P. K. Biswas 15500000IIT Kharagpur Centre

Design of side channel attack resistant Computer Science & Prof. Debdeep 7320000programable block ciphere on FPGA's. Engineering Mukhopadhyay

Creating Accessible study materials for Computer Science & Prof. P.P. Chakrabarti 5300000print impaired students Engineering

Preprocessing & Anlysis of degraded documents under Computer Science & Prof. Jayanta 3450000development of robust document image understanding Engineering Mukhopadhyaysystem for documents in Indian Script - Phase II.

Building Reliable Enbedded Real - Time System an Computer Science & Prof. P.P. Chakrabarti 3366000Approach Combining Formal Methods & Testing. Engineering

Statistical Structure and soft computing based Computer Science & Prof. Pabitra Mitra 2695000techniques for pattern recognition: Theory alogrithms Engineeringand application tobioinfomatics.

Image analysis for preservation and Computer Science & Prof. Jayanta 2300000archiving of Indian Cultural Heritage. Engineering Mukhopadhyay

Software Tools for Cryptanalysis of Computer Science & Prof. Dipanwita 1985000stream Ciphers Engineering Roy Chowdhury

Elderly Speech Recognition with Application. Computer Science & Prof. Pabitra Mitra 1396800Engineering



Chemistry Prof. Tarasankar Pal 2824400

55Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Project Title Dept. Principal Project Investigator Cost (rs.)

Model-based Regression Test Suite Selectionfor Object - Oriented Programs. Engineering

Degitization and web hosting of Bankim Computer Science & Prof. Anupam Basu 1000000Rachnabali in unicode format. Engineering

Design of a controller for finite field Computer Science & Prof. Debdeep 834000Arithmetic on FPGAs. Engineering Mukhopadhyay

Design & Analysis of a Light Weight Computer Science & Prof. Debdeep 792000Cryptographic System on FPGs. Engineering Mukhopadhyay

Design of an Integrated Code for Computer Science & Prof. Dipanwita 600000Authentication and Error Correction. Engineering Roy Chowdhury

Hardware security: Ensuring TRUST in Computer Science & Prof. Rajat Subhra 500000Integrated circuits. Engineering Chakraborty

IBM Faculty Award. Computer Science & Prof. Pabitra Mitra 471471Engineering

Study of Hadware Malware Vunerabilities & Computer Science & Prof. Rajat Subhra 900000Mitigation Techniques for FPGAs. Engineering. Chakraborty

Study of the surface and upper Ocean CORAL Prof. Mihir Kumar 3135750Mesoscale features of North Indian Ocean Dasfrom observation and Model.

High resolution mesoscale prediction of land falling CORAL Prof. M. Mandal 1604200Bay of Bengal cyclones for coastal disaster preparedness.

Hfeature based study of the Indian Ocean CORAL Prof. Mihir Kumar 1542000Circulation using Saral Altika Observations Dash

Evaluation of atmospheric boundary layer CORAL Prof. A. N. V. 352800parameters for validating atmospheric flow Satyanarayanamodels at Kalpakkam.

Investigation on polymer nanocomposite for Cryogenic Engineering Prof. T. K. Dey 1076000electronic packaging applications. Centre

Design, Fabrication and Testing of Miniature Cryogenic Engineering Prof. Indranil Ghosh 1061000Heat Exchangers & Heat Sinks. Centre

Theoretical investigation of the transition metal CTS Prof. A. Tarafder 1872000dichalcogenides (TDMS), highTc cuprates and the alternative route for high Tc Superconductors.

SPIC MACAY Dean Prof. Joy Sen, 100000(Alumni Affairs & I R) Prof Pallab Dasgupta

INDO-CANADA Joint PDA on Nanoscale DEAN Prof. Souvik 800000process for clean coal & bioinspired water (Students Affairs) Bhattachryya& GHG efficient energy technologies.

Integrated Vehicle Health Mahagement Electrical Engineering Prof. Siddhartha 25960000(IVHM) for Automotive Engine Applications. Mukhopadhyay

Stability & Performance of Photovoltaic Electrical Engineering Prof. C. Ckakraborty 21850000

Design of an Embedded System for On-board Electrical Engineering Prof. Aurobinda 3960000Assssment of Level of Alertness in Human Drivers. Routray

Design & fabrication of SOI MEMS Electrical Engineering Prof. Siddhartha Sen 2861600Capacitive Accelerometer

Kinematic State Estimation of Multiple Electrical Engineering Prof. Siddhartha 996000Aerospace Targets Mukhopadhyay

IBM Open Collaboration Faculty Award Electrical Engineering Prof. A. K. Sinha 700000

Testing & Characterization of In - House Development Electrical Engineering Prof. Siddhartha Sen 500000MEMS Capacitive Accelerometer.

Synthesis of functional groups for immobilization of Electronics & Electrical Prof. T. K. 15701400functional proteins on MEMS based micro-sensor Communication Engineering Bhattacharyyasurfaces.

Degradation and Breakdown of Metal GATE/HIGH- Electronics & Electrical Prof. C. K. Maiti 3236860K/III-IV Semiconductor Structures Communication Engineering

Computer Science & Prof. Rajib Mal 1285000

Project Title Dept. Principal Project Investigator Cost (rs.)

56 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

3-D Image sensor for capturing Minutes Details and Visualizationg by Geometric Modelling. EngineeringAn embedded low cost portable color Electronics & Electrical Prof. Swapna 2491440doppler ultrasonography system Communication Engineering Banerjee

Sub Project of TIETS Electronics & Electrical Prof. Dhrubes Biswas 2000000Communication Engineering

Support of Entrepreneurial and Management Electronics & Electrical Prof. Dhrubes Biswas 1729000development of SMEs Through Incubators Communication Engineering

Design & full - wave greens function analysis of a Electronics & Electrical Prof. Bratin Ghosh 1308000COAX - Fed Two layer dielectric reonator antenne. Communication Engineering

Extraction of Radar Signals in the 70-500 MHz Band Electronics & Electrical Prof. Mrityunjay 1000000by Suppressing Interfering Communication Singals. Communication Engineering Chakraborty

Design, Simulation & Development of mm - Electronics & Electrical Prof. B. K. Sarkar 990000wave six port receiver Communication EngineeringModelling, Simulation & Fabrication of Split Electronics & Electrical Prof. Bratin Ghosh 982800Ring Resonators. Communication EngineeringDesign of planar compact high performance Electronics & Electrical Prof. Subrata Sanya l894000RF/Microwave filters for satellite application. Communication Engineering

Seismic Hazard Assessment, Microzonation Geology & Geophysics Prof. Sankar Kumar 37099000& Evaluation of Vulnerability, Risk & NathSocio-Economic Impacts for the City of Kolkata.

To Tobulate, compile & calculate the cross-sections of Geology & Geophysics Prof. Debashis 11040007the nuclear reactions for the nuclear reactor Senguptafuels, namely Thorrium, Plutonium & Uranium.

The Indian Continental Shelf as a Potential Geology & Geophysics Prof. Muruganka 9300000of Phosphate Kumar Panigrahi

Reservoir Characterization using Artificial Geology & Geophysics Prof. William K. 4572000Intelligent Techniques (Soft Computing). Mohanty

Monsoon driven changes as preserved in marine Geology & Geophysics Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta4199280 sediments of Gujarat and Konkan Coasts during the past 20 Kyr.

Phase relations in the Fe-As-An-S system and possible Geology & Geophysics Prof. K. L. Pruseth 3605000role of partial melting of ores in concentrating gold.

Thermal history of the inverted metamorphic Geology & Geophysics Prof. Santanu Kumar 1806000sequence from the northwestern Arunachal BhowmikPradesh: Constraints from Microstructure,Thermobarometry and P-T Pseudosection analysis.

Utilisation of Sar data for mineralexploration with Geology & Geophysics Prof. Amit Kumar 850000special reference to bauxite ore deposits under, Risat UP. Bhattacharya

Influence of S-fugfacity on the Minimum Temperature of Geology & Geophysics Prof. Kamal Lochan 500000Melting in the system Pb-Fe-Zn-S: Implication on sulfide PrusethOre Remobilization by Partial Melting.

Radiation Damage Pattern in Specific Geology & Geophysics Prof. D. Sengupta 366000Minerals and the Dose Distribution Due tothe Presence of Radionuclides from theSinghbhum Shear Zone, Jharkhand, India

"SMS-KSM Fellowship Bridge Project" Geology & Geophysics Prof. Sankar Kumar Nath 300000TEDx IIT Kharagpur. Geology & Geophysics Prof. S. Tripathy 300000

Groundwater - Sea water interactions and a Geology & Geophysics Prof. Abhijit Mukherjee 50000coastal aquifer adjoining the Bay of Bengal:Implications on Flux & Solute exchange.

Standardization Activity in 4G & Beyond in RAN. GSSST Prof. Suvra Sekhar Das 3275000

Expansion of Trade & Development of women Humanities & Social Science Prof. Kishor Goswami 551475Tntrepreneurs in Handloom Industry in Assam

Sustainability of Biodeisel Industry in North East India. Humanities & Social Sciences Prof. Kishor Goswami 914850

Institutional Development Project IIT Kharagpur Dean (Alumni Affairs & IR)1000000000

Surface Communication Electronics & Electrical Prof. P. K. Biswas 3000000

Project Title Dept. Principal Project Investigator Cost (rs.)

57Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Developing Comprehensive supply chain indeces and Benchmarks for Indian Industry.

Multiple Access Array Antenna System at S-band Kalpana Chawla Space Prof. B. K. Sarkar 2450000using Digital Beam forming Techniques. Technology Centre

Analysis of diferent conducting & Dielectric Kalpana Chawla Space Prof. B. K. Sarkar 2231000Structures as EMI Sensors. Technology Centre

Design and development of high-speed Kalpana Chawla Space Prof. B. K. Sarkar 1970000miniaturized RS MEMS switched capacitor Technology Centre

Test Simulator for Sattellite based AIS Kalpana Chawla Space Prof. B. K. Sarkar 1685000Technology Centre

Synthesis of Satellite Footprints Patterns from Planar Kalpana Chawla Space Prof. B. K. Sarkar 1680000Array Antennas By Combination of Particles Swarn Technology CentreOptimization and Fast Fourier Transfor

Enhancement of Transport Layer Kalpana Chawla Space Prof. Raja Datta 1000000Performance for Inter Planetary Network. Technology Centre

Design & Development of ultra wideband Kalpana Chawla Space Prof. Somnath 341997EMI sensors Technology Centre Sengupta

Development of a low cost ceramic gas sensor system Material Science Centre Prof. S. B. Majumder 5000000prototype for monitoring the air quality of automotive cabin.

Development of Membrane Electrode Array Material Science Centre Prof. Basudam Adhikari 4150000Based Novel Sensing System for Rapid Tastwe Cjaracterization of Food Agro products.

Development of cotton Lap/Celulose pad Material Science Centre Prof. Basudam 4108000subsitute from Jute. Adhikari.

Development & Production of Wear Resistant Ceramic Material Science Centre Prof. Basudam 1212000Tiles From Nalco Fly Ash: An Economic Approach. Adhikari

High Strength Polymide - Siloxane Films Material Science Centre Prof. Susanta 998400with Low Heat Shrinkage. Banerjee

Synthesis of mixed metal oxide & porous oxide Material Science Centre Prof. Debabrata Pradhan 500000nanostructured materials by using hydrothermal technique.

Bulk and surface modified layerd-layerd and layerd - Material Science Centre Prof. S. B. Majumder 426500spinel composite cathodes forlithium rechargeable batteries.

On a class of pf doubly singular BVP arising Mathematics Prof. Rajni Kant 824340in Physiology. Pandey

A study on Quntum System with Position - Mathematics Prof. Asish Ganguly 310000dependent Mass in the content of Hermitian/Non - Hermitian Interaction.

Classification of the Actioms of Semisimple Mathematics Prof. Debapriya 165000Lie Groups on Homogeneous Spaces. Biswas

Development of Robust signal processing Mechanical Engineering Prof. A. R. Mohanty 6037000Technique's for detection of underwaterimpact and burst nase.

Pre-clinical Analysis of failure Mechanisms Mechanical Engineering Prof. Sanjay Gupta 2338000and Design Optimization of Acetabular Prosthesis.

Deep Drawing of Laser Welded Advanced Mechanical Engineering Prof. Susanta Kumar 1902000High Strength Steels. Panda

"Lab-on-chip device for Point-of-care Diognosis" Mechanical Engineering Prof. Suman Chakraborty 900000

Optimal design of human muscle like Mechanical Engineering Prof. Vikranth 814000electroactive polymer actuators Racherla

Optimal design of tough wear resistent Mechanical Engineering Prof. Vikranth 500000nanostructured coatings Racherla

DRDO Autonomous Ground Vehicle Project Mechanical Engineering Prof. Anindya Chatterjee 100000

performance & ManagementIndustrial Engineering Prof. Jitesh J. Thakur 494000

Project Title Dept. Principal Project Investigator Cost (rs.)

58 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Feasibility of sequenstration of carbondi-oxide from industrial systems - phase I. Material Engineering

Atomistic Simulations of Gas Hydrates and Metallurgical & Prof. Tarun Kumar 3192000Stabilizer/Inhibitor Design. (sub-project MRDMS5) Material Engineering Kundu

Microstructure - Texture - Toughness Metallurgical & Prof. Debalay 285285relations in high strength automotive. Material Engineering Chakrabarti

1T1/T1B2 B1-Layered and Multilayered Metallurgical & Prof. Shampa Aich 1676000Coating on Steel Substate by pulsed layer Material Engineeringdepositions (PLD) Technique to ImproveTribological properties (High Wear/abrasionResistance Low Frictin Coefficient) andCutting Effeciancy

Study of correlation between processing - Metallurgical & Prof. Sujoy Kumar 500000microstructure - Microtexture & property in Material Engineering Kara Beta Titanium Alloy, Ti-5553.

Processing, characterization and Metallurgical & Prof. Jayanta Das 100000deformation of Ti-Fe(Sn) Ultrafine Eutectic composites. Material Engineering

Innovotive heat-treatment of cast Metallurgical & Prof. Debalay 1328000microalloyed steels for improving the properties. Material Science Chakrabarti

Euro-Indo Foeum for Nanomaterial Metallurgical & Prof. Jyotsna Dutta 741428Research Cooerdination & Cooperation for Materials Engineering MajumdarResearchers in Sustainable Energy Technology.

CO abatement in iron & steel production Metallurgical Prof. P. K. Sen 84360002

by process optimization. Engineering

Essar Steel Research Wing. Metallurgical Engineering Prof. P. K. Sen 2500000

Evaluation of Manganese Nodules Extration Metallurgical Prof. P. K. Sen 1512000Processes for optimal Performance: EngineeringA New Approach, Phase II

Invesigation of Bolt Behaviour in Mining Engineering Prof. Debasis Deb 22954000Development and Depillaring Panels underBlast Induced Dynamic Loading.

An Invesigation on Adsorption Mining Engineering Prof. Samir Kumar Pal 9007000Characteristics id Indian coals & to Ascertain recoveribility of CBM from deepseated coal & Lignite resources.

Study of the behaviour of Oil spill on Ocean Mining Engineering Prof. K. Pathak 7800000surface through laboratory experiments,modelling & Satellite images

Invesigation on Aug-mentation of the life of Mining Engineering Prof. Samir Kumar Pal 5328000dump truck tyres through the improvement of the tyre retreading compound & Development of an optimum road maintenanc management system.

Modelling Extent of overbreak & cracked Zone due to Mining Engineering Prof. Kaushik Dey 2084000blassting in tunnels of hydroelectric projects.

Use of Hyper spectral remote Sensing Mining Engineering Prof. D. Chakravarty 1426000imagery for mapping of minerals deposit

Coastal Protection in the Mahakalpara area Ocean Engineering & Prof. N. R. Mandal 4232000of Kendrapara District, Orissa. Naval Architecture

A investigation into the maneuvering performance of Ocean Engineering & Prof. Vishwanath 2711700ships in shallow navigation channels around Indian Naval Architecture NagarjanCoast under different weather conditions

FIST Project - To Strengthen the post-graduate Physics & Meteorology HEAD 36500000 teaching & research facilities in the department.

Generation of tunable mid-infrared coherent Physics & Meteorology Prof. P. K. Datta 2257100radiation in the range on 12.7-17 micrometerfor strategic spectroscopic application

Metallurgical & Prof. P. K. Sen 1236000

59Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Project Title Dept. Principal Project Investigator Cost (rs.)

Tuning of Structural & Electrical Properties Semiconductors by High energy light Ion - Irradiation.

Evaluation study of Beedi workers welfare Rajiv Gandhi School of Prof. Dipa Dube 210450Hospital. (Dhuliyan). Intellectual Property Law

Reliability Modeling, Analysis & Prediction Reliability Engineering Prof. V. N. A. Naikan 420000of 21 NA (Absolute) Pressure Transducers Centre

Creation of Multimedia based Courseware for E&IT RGSOIPL Prof. Indrajit Dube 11500000 Students to be implemented by IIT Kharagpur.

Development of Novel polymeric materials Rubber Technology Prof. Nikhil K. 1591000for self-healing applications. Centre Singha

Lab to land application of modified Rubber Technology Prof. T. K. Chaki 374880Bituminous binder using waste plastics. Centre

Adaptation of new technology for Rural Development Prof. P. B. S. 326400Ambar Charkha Center Bhadoria

Synthesis of Low Power High Performance School of Information Prof. Debasis 2543160Mixed VLSI CMOS Circuits. Technology Samanta

DST FIST for SMST School of Medical 8900000Science & Technology Head

Transcervical Delivery of Contraceptive in School of Medical Prof. Sujoy Kumar 4400000the Female. Science & Technology Guha

To Evaluate the clinical efficacy of the School of Medical Prof. Manjunathan 2023036fuctional Electrical Stimulatio (FS) Therapy Science & Technology M.in Stroke Survivors.

Separation and Electrical Characterisation School of Medical Prof. Soumen Das 8657000of Biological cells using Microfluidic device Sciences & Technology

Identification of potential biomarkers for the School of Medical Prof. Koel Choudhury 2520000diagnosis of endometriosis: a proteomics Sciences & Technologyapproach.

Assessment of Endometrial Receptivity and School of Medical Prof. Koel Choudhury 1757350its correlation with Sub-Endometrial Blood Sciences & TechnologyFlow (SEBF) in women with Latent GenitalTuberculosis Undergoing IVF.

Development of Statistical Analyzer based School of Medical Prof. Chandan 1308000computer Aided Diagnostic (CAO) System Sciences & Technology Chakrabortyfor Asthma.

Nano-micro polyelectrolytic magnetic & School of Medical Prof. Sujoy K. Guha 981559electrical conductor composite as intra vas Sciences & Technologydeferens reverible contraceptive.

Centre of Railway Research at Sponsored Research & Prof. Siddhartha 203844000IIT Kharagpur Industrial Consultancy Mukhopadhyay

Virtual Labs main Phase Sponsored Research & Prof. C. S. Kumar 103432000Industrial Consultancy

of Physics & Meteorology Prof. Anushree Roy 1838570

60 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Recent ActivitiesIntegrated Web Portal (www.iitkgp.org)

l Alumni Network – Information available about Office of AA & IR, ID Program, IIT Foundations and Alumni Associations and Chapters. Also there are communities for Departments, Halls, Batches, Societies and Chapters. One can create forums and interact with other fellow alumni belonging to that community, upload photos, create campaigns, promote events etc.

l Alumni Services – Institute Awards recognitions for Alumni including, past awardees' profiles downloadable forms and award criteria, Degree Transcripts, Collaborations

l Networking - Strengthening the alumni network and database through various communities – Hall wise, Department wise, Batch wise and Societies. Convocation data is available in the portal along with the user profiles of those who have registered in the old alumni site and the new portal.

l Online Job Portal – Filtered job postings are made available to the alumni and students regularly. These are job postings which are communicated either by the Company itself or a placement agency of repute. The job openings are communicated to the alumni via the e-newsletter once a month. The alumni may also post vacancies available with them which will benefit the young alumni immensely. Internships and Training opportunities may also be posted herein.

l News & Events – The latest updates and announcements about the KGPians (alumni, faculty and students) and the Institute or any information which may be of interest of these groups are posted in these sections under several categories.

Brand Shoppe Coming SoonThe Students' Alumni Cell has planned to launch a Brand

Shoppe on the occasion of Diamond Jubilee celebrations,

at the campus facilitating the students and visiting

alumni to buy customized merchandise. The shop is

planned to be located at Technology Students' Gymkhana.

It will have a wide range of merchandise starting from

apparels, accessories, show pieces and decoration items,

gift items, stationaries and many more. Each item will

carry registered logo and brand name of IIT Kharagpur

and will made available exclusively at the shop.

The shop will be managed by an outsourced vendor. Their

services will include – supply chain and logistics, shop

management, billing and customer care, stock taking and

replinshment. The Office of Alumni Affairs and

International Relations will look after the quality and

design of the products supplied and pricing mechanism as

well as IIT-KGP brand presentation.

An online version of the shop will also be there at the

alumni web portal www.iitkgp.org. For those alumni and

parents of students who cannot visit KGP campus but

would like to avail KGP merchandise, they can shop

online at the online market place of the portal.

We are open to ideas and wish list of the alumni and

students. For this purpose we have created a wish list on

the online market place. You may register at the portal

and add the products you wish for in the wishlist. We will

try to accommodate the same in our product range.

l Online Fund Raising – Three segments in the portal will facilitate this – Giving Back (Donations), Market Place (Shopping segment) and Events registration. The funds will be routed to our alumni fund account through the payment gateway integrated with the portal. In Giving Back segment fund raising campaigns are designed for donors to choose their preferences for each cause. Here we have tried to focus on all segments which will impact the Institute profoundly. The events section will have facility for online registration and payment facilities.

l Market Place – Institute mementoes, videos, photos are being made available through the market place. The alumni can place order for any number of mementoes by making online payment through the shopping cart.

Several more sections like Blogging facility, Knowledge Center and Continuing Education are in the process of development. Also the portal will be connected to several sites like mentorship program, chapter websites etc.

61Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


KGP Connection E-Newsletter


Yearnings of Yore

Spirit of IIT Kharagpur

This is newly launched fortnightly e-newsletter. The

newsletter comprising news about IIT KGP students,

alumni, faculty and the 'Insti' has been welcomed by

the alumni community. It is a connecting platform for

all the launus to their beloved alma mater.

The quarterly newsletter

KGPian is a connecting

platform for all students,

alumni and faculty. Here

w e r e p o r t I n s t i t u t e

d e v e l o p m e n t s a n d

activities, alumni and

faculty achievements,

students' news, Institute

and chapter events and a varied range of topics related

to the KGPians.

This Annual Alumni Meet Souvenir

connects the reminiscences of the

Golden and Silver Jubilee batches

and also other alumni to the current

students. You will find some rare

photos here.

The coffee table photo book celebrates the 60th

anniversary of IIT Kharagpur. In this book Roy has

attempted to capture the spirit of our magnificent

institution, which for the past sixty years has been

helping buds to bloom. With one hundred photographs,

this superbly crafted book enhances our pride and

respect for our beloved alma mater while invoking fond

memories of the IIT Kharagpur spirit.

Price: Rs.990/- (without postage) Rs.1100/- (with


For your copy of any publication please contact:

alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in Or Call us at : 03222 282236.

Postal Charges Additional.

A nostalgic collection of articles, essays and

photographs form the alumni of the class of 1961. The

book is a journey through the memories which have

become more promonent in 50 years, the youthful

dreams and aspirations of the young college-goers and

the dynamic paths they have travelled in these 50

years. Additionally the book has archived important

facts and achievemnts about the 1961 class goers, their

family and professional details. This book is collector's

item for not just those belonging to that class but of all

belonging to that era.

Priced at Rs.750/-

The book “I was reborn on

August 18, 1951" consists

of four parts viz. PURVA-

KAHINI (Autobiography),



(Planner) and Diamond

Jubilee KGPian in a 3-sided hard bound jacket cover.

Priced at Rs 500/-

This Diamond Jubilee

C o m m e m o r a t i v e

Volume brings the

sixty-year journey of

IIT Kharagpur to life,

in full colour. It invites

everyone to join in the joyous celebration of the

landmarks, the growth and prosperity of the Institute,

the dreams and aspirations of its students and

teachers, and their devotion and dedication that has

made the Institute what it is today.

Priced at Rs. 795/- (Available to all IIT students,

faculty and ex-students at 25 per cent discount)

Golden Jubilee Reunion - Class of 1961

Diamond Jubilee Canonical Book by Technology

Alumni Association, Kharagpur

Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Volume

62 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Institute Lecture Series

Interactive Panel Discussion

Institute Lecture (1)

Institute Lecture (2)

Institute Lecture (3)

Institute Lecture (4) – Science Day Lecture

Institute Lecture (5)

Speakers: Smt. Kumod Joshi, Chairperson Khadi

and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Ministry

of MSME, Govt. of India, Mumbai.

Shri S.K. Bandyopadhyay, Padma Bhusan, Member

(East Zone), Khadi and Village Industries Commission

(KVIC), Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India.

Prof. D. Acharya, Director, Indian Institute of

Technology Kharagpur

Moderator: Prof. C. Chakraborty, Dept. of Humanities

& Social sciences, IIT Kharagpur.

Topic: Relevance of Gandhi Today in the Economic

Development of the Country

Speaker: Prof. Stefan Bengston, Professor and

Head, Department of Paleobiology Swedish Natural

History Museum Stockholm, Sweden.

Topic: “Early Life on Earth”

Speaker: Swami Paramanand Giri Ji Maharaj,

Vedant Shiromani Yug Purush Maha Mandeleshwar,

Brahmn Gyani

Topic: “Vedanta Darshan”

Speaker: Prof. David Blair, Winthrop Professor and

Director Australian International Gravitational

Research Centre, University of Western Australia,


Topic: “Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe with

Gravitational Waves”

Speaker: Prof. Bidyendu Mohan Deb, D.Phil

(Oxon, 1969), FNA, FASc, FTWAS Thereotical

chemistry, chemical Physics, Atomic and Molecular

Physics - IISER Kolkata

Topic: “Glimpses into Indian Heritage in Science and


Speaker: Dr. Anil K Rajvanshi, Director Nimbkar

Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), Maharastra.

Topic: “Nation Building, IITians and Happiness”

Institute Lecture (6)

Institute Lecture (7)

Institute Lecture (8)

Institute Lecture (9)

Institute Lecture (10)

Institute Lecture(11)

Speaker: Prof. S. Krishnaswami, Department of

Chemistry Physical Research Laboratory,


Topic: “Natural Radionuclide's in Aqueous Systems:

Tracing and Timing Biogeochemical processes and

particle Dynamics”

Speaker: Acharya Saumendra Nath

Brahmachari, Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur (B.Tech,

ME, 1968) Dr. B.C. Roy Gold Medalist, President

Dev Sangha Seva Pratisthan Deoghar

Topic: “Value Education”

Speaker: Prof. Ajay K. Sood, Departments of

Physics, IISC Bangalore

Topic: Graphene: The Rising Star of 2D


Speaker: Prof. David L Kaplan, Professor and

Chair Department of Biomedical Engineering Tufts

University, USA – Director: NIH Tissue Engg.

Resource Centre.

Topic: “New Strategies for Tissue Engineering”

Speaker: Prof. Bruce Ellingwood, Georgia

Institute of Technology, Atlanta USA.

Topic: “Assessment and mitigation of risk from

competing low- probability, high-consequence events”

Speaker: Prof. Kumbakonam Rajagopal -

Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor, Forsyth

Chair in Mechanical Engineering, Professor of

Mathematics Texas A &M University, USA

Topic: “Continuum Mechanics: The Eternal Well –


63Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Events8th Alumni Meet, 7-9 January 2011

The 8th Annual Alumni Meet

was held from January 7-9,

2011. This year the special

batches were classes of '61

(Golden Jubilee) and '86

(Silver Jubilee). The Chief


was the illustrious Kanwal

Rekhi of IIT-B. The 3 day meet

had a wide variety of activities.

Day 1 saw a rush in the

registration counters, sale of

mementoes, visit to the

Departments and Halls and

Nehru Museum. The alumni even participated in the

evening entertainment program by WTMS and


The second day started with the inaugural event. It

started with Distinguished Service Award and

Outstanding Young Faculty

F e l l o w s h i p A w a r d .

Presentations were made by

Director, Prof. Acharya, Chief

Guest, Prof. Amit Patra,

Dean AA&IR, Prof. Nirjhar

Dhang, Professor In-charge -

Civil Works and Chinna

Boddipalli, Managing Director, ID Program. The

new alumni portal www.iitkgp.org was launched

during this event by the Director. Also two new

programs for the alumni were

launched– Mentorship

program and My Imprint (a

pledge program). The second

session featured the premiere

of the short film on alumni

nostalgia – KGP Connection.

The alumni also had the scope

of exhibiting their athletic side through a miniature

cricketing tournament – Hong Kong Sixes. The

evening was ornamented with

a musical concert. There was

a late night bonfire program

as well.

The final day had the batch

presentations by '61 and '86

b a t c h e s a s w e l l a s

presentations by Students' VP, Alumni cell and

Training & Placement cell. Also mementoes were

presented to all outstation

special batches' alumni by the

Director. The final event was

the Fine Arts Exhibition by

the students and photo

session. This meet was

organized by the Office of

A A & I

R, Students' Alumni Cell and

TAA, Kharagpur. The grand

fiesta was welcomed by over

125 alumni from KGP, rest of

the country and abroad. The

2012 Alumni Meet is

scheduled on January 6-8; the

special batches will be the

Golden and Silver Jubilee

batches and the batch

completing 10th year.

S o u v e n i r s : 7 0 0 h i g h

resolution photographs -

priced at Rs.1000 (includes

shipping in India) or USD 20

(Shipping $5); Video - Rs. 2000 (includes shipping in

India) or USD 40 + Shipping $10; For your copy

please write to You can

make payment online at the below mentioned bank

details: A/c Name: Annual Alumni Meet, A/c No.:

95562200012031, IFSC Code: SYNB0009556; Bank

Name: Syndicate Bank, Branch: IIT Kharagpur,


64 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

PAN IIT 2010

The 3 day long Pan IIT 2010

Conclave was organized at

India Expo Center in

Greater No ida , Ut tar

Pradesh, India between

October 29 -31. The event

saw participation from about

4000 people. The Conclave was planned as a

vignette of multifaceted activities - globally

recognized thought leaders, eminent panelists and

speakers and peers offered

a n o p p o r t u n i t y o f a

co l laborat ive learning

environment. Some among

the key speakers were Dr.

S a m P i t r o d a , A r v i n d

Kejriwal, B Muthuraman,

Mr. Nandan Nilekeni, Arjun

Malhotra, Pulitzer awardee

T h o m a s L F r i e d m a n ,

Pradeep K. Khosla, spiritual

p e r s o n a l i t y S r i R a v i

Shankar, Dr Montek Singh

Ahluwalia, Ministers - Dr C

P Joshi, Mr. Kapil Sibal, Dr.

Farooq Abdullah.

Several IIT Bands and professional performers

entertained during the 3-day

m e e t . T h e W T M S

represented from KGP.

T h e r e w e r e v i b r a n t

interactions, networking

opportunities and chance to

reconnect with friends.

Special Programs for the

families of the alumni were also organized. The

publications included issue

o f P i T e c h m a g a z i n e

featuring all IITs and a

documentary on social

change 'Pathik' featuring

some non-conventional

IITians. From KGP the

l a t t e r i n c l u d e d

Soumyendranath Bannerjee, Peter Chan, Dr.

Kiran Seth and Late V K Jain.

A special meet was organized

for KGPians on October 30.

S e v e r a l i s s u e s w e r e

addressed in this meeting.

Alumni wanted to know

m o r e a b o u t t h e

developments taking place

at IIT KGP in regard to Diamond Jubilee

Celebrations; the Director

updated them accordingly.

Prof. Patra, Dean AA & IR,

communicated about the

Institutional Development

(ID) program which was very

well taken by the alumni

who look forward to engage

themselves for the same. Alumni expressed a deep

concern about IIT KGP not

remaining the first choice

amongst Toppers of JEE as it

used to be; this was a direct

indication towards brand

building of IIT KGP as an

immediate step.


Annual Alumni Meet 2012 : January 6-8

Pan IIT 2012 : December 7-9

Giving back campaigns – My ImprintFor the Students – By the Students

This is a students' pledge

program organized along

with the Students' Alumni

C e l l , w h e r e i n f r e s h

students takes pledge to

give back a percentage of

their annual income to

their alma mater to

support several causes:

1. Student Participation at Global Competitions

2. Financial Aids to Needy Students

3. Stundet Amenities/ Infrastructure

4. Brand Building activities of the Institute to

enhance students' career opportunities

5. Institutional Development Endowment to

facilitate consistent developmental activities

Community - My Imprint focuses on the student

community and recent pass-outs within the last 10


'My Imprint' program reflects the exact KGPian

tempo. The assistance which could have made your

project, studies and research, and living, better in

IIT KGP, My Imprint aims to resolve those to the

very next generation of KGP inmates- Through this

program, you will be able to directly make imprint

towards the progress of our revered Institute.

My Imprint ceremony is organized twice a year,

during Alvida (students' farewell program) and on

the occasion of Convocation. On these occasions

you can fill up the 'My Imprint' pledge form and

submit to the Office of Alumni Affairs &

International Relations. You can also sign up

online: log on to www.iitkgp.org and click on

'Giving Back'

We had a modest launch with 23 students signing

up for the campaign during Alvida. Herein below

we acknowledge the gifts from all the students who

have signed up for the program:

F Name L Name Year Hall Dept Degree

Abhishek Gupta 2011 JC BBM MBA

Aditya Vasudivan 2011 MS CE B Tech

Ankul Anand 2011 PH MI B Tech

Ashesh Kr. Sinha 2011 HJB IM B Tech

Ashish Awasthi 2011 PH ME B Tech

Batthula Tharun 2011 RP EE B Tech

Gorvachne Pothal 2011 MMM CS M Tech

Harkanwal Singh 2011 RK EC B Tech

Jatin Khera 2011 MMM PH M Tech

Khamithlcar Babu Rao 2009 MMM ME M Tech

Kumar Utsav 2011 MS CE B Tech

Manoher Ravuhi 2011 MMM ME M Tech

F Name L Name Year Hall Dept Degree

Paramjeet 2011 PH HSS M Sc

Rohit Jain 2011 RK EC B Tech

Sanjeet Kumar 2011 PH ME B Tech

Satish Chennoju 2011 MMM ME M Tech

Shatrughna Tripathi 2007 PH EE B Tech

Siddharth Doshi 2011 PH AE B Tech

Sourav Agarwal 2007 MS CE B Tech

Sumeet Mohanty 2011 AZ BT B Tech

Sushant Sinha 2011 RK EE B Tech

Tushar Mahapatra 2007 PH ME B Tech

Vijay Kiran Cheruvu 2011 HJB ME B Tech

Come and Join Us: Make your Imprint Right Now!Just log on to www.iitkgp.org (Giving Back)

65Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

66 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Mentorship ProgrammeThe mentorship program aims at a healthy interaction between an interested mentor and an eager

protégé. This program matches the profiles of the applicant and the alumni based on common goals and

career interest. The mentors would advice the protégé on any sort of problems faced by them and would be

able to provide information related to professional and career development. Issues related to career path,

resumes, course selection, international perspectives and work/family could be discussed with the

mentors. The students have the opportunity to remain in contact with the mentors even after graduating.

Registrations for Alumni Student Mentorship Programme will be open once every semester. Registered

students will be allotted a Mentor through a well defined allotment process considering various factors like

department, interests, year, etc. Assistance will be provided by Students' Alumni Cell -

mentorship@adm.iitkgp.ernet.in. To register log on to www.iitkgp.org

Here is the list of mentors for the year 2011

Name & Year Designation Company

Nawang Chhetan (2005) Student IIM Calcutta

Varun Arora (2005) Software Engineer Aster Data Inc., USA

Subhendu Panigrahi (2010) Shelf Life Engineer Infratab

Abhishek Choudhary (1953) KK BK

Anjani Singh (2005) Senoir Engineer NTPC Limited

Ramanathan Narayanan (2005) Associate Goldman Sachs

Soumya Kundu (2009) PhD Pre-candidate University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Souvik Majumdar (2001) Partner TuneSpray

Vidhu Shekhar (2004) Investment Manager QVT

Rahul Lodha (2004) Senior Software Engineer Sonus Networks India Pvt. Ltd.

Aroosh Sohi (2006) SMTS Oracle

Priyank Jain (2010) Analyst Avendus Capital

Himanshu Sharma (2008) Director Sarita Equipments India Pvt. Ltd.

Anurag Mark Topno (2010) PGP Student IIM Ahmedabad

Saurabh Harnathka (2010) Student IIM Bangalore

Ashish Sharma (2007) Systems Engineer IBM India Pvt. Ltd.

Shubhrayan Dasgupta (2008) Asst. Executive Engineer ONGC ltd

Anirban Banejee (2002) Assistant Professor Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata

Husain Kapadia (2010) Iviz Technosolutions pvt ltd SaaS Developer

Yashwanth Reddy (2010) Student IIM Calcutta

Rohit Sinha (2004) Manager - Acquisitions ACWA Power Internationaland Project Finance

Sriganesh Sundaram (1995) Director, Software Development Sabre Holdings Inc.

AnishKhadiya (2006) Junior Associate Mckinsey & Company

Aditya Garg (2010) Student - PGP IIM Ahmedabad

Balram Suman (2003) Staff Research Scientist Chevron

Anil Gourishetty (2008) Assistant Professor Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

Souvik Adhya (2005) Operations Manager Schlumberger

67Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Name & Year Designation Company

Mayank Tayal (2006) Field Service Manager - Wireline Schlumberger

Rohit Mahapatra (2009) Student IIM Calcutta

Avinash Ranjan (2007) PGP Student (MBA Program) IIM Ahmedabad

Jatindra Das (2007) Geophysicist NTPC Ltd.

Avinash Ranjan (2007) PGP Student (MBA Program) IIM Ahmedabad

Amit Sharma (2010) PhD Student Cornell University

Lakshmikanth Reddy M (2010) Deputy Manager Essar Steel Limited, Hazira,Gujarat.

Vijay Agwan (1975) Proprietor Vee Ai Associate

Pappu Bharti (2009) Junior Manager SAIL

SagarGoel (2007) - -

Subhajyoti Mukherjee(1990) Sr. VP and Head Plant-A (5 MTPA Essar Steel LtdSteel Plant)

Arijit Ghosh (2010) Junior Research Fellow Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

Nitish Bandi (2005) Associate Williams Capital Advisors

Khyati Sharma (2008) Tata Consultancy Services ASE

Krishan Khanna (1961) Chairman i Watch, see www.wakeupcall.org & i2K Solutions, see www.i2k.in

Gaurav Bhadoria (2010) Business Management Analyst JP Morgan Chase

Parijat Banerjee (2006) Consultant - Financial Services Oliver WymanPractice

Arnab Bandyopadhyay (2002) Senior Design Engineer Advanced Micro Devices, Inc (AMD)

Nitin Goyal (2008) SDE Microsoft

Sandipan Chowdhury (2008) Graduate Student University of Wisconsin, Madison

Pankaj Sharma (2009) Executive Tata Steel

Soumyajit Mandal (2002) Postdoctoral Research Scientist Schlumberger-Doll Research

Siddhartha Priya (2004) Entrepreneur Entrepreneur

Anant Tripathi (2005) Consultant Feedback Ventures

Subhajit Sarkar (2010) Junior Research Fellow Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre forBasic Sciences

Naveenji Arun (2009) Doctoral Student University of Saskatchewan

ChandraSekhar Yadala (2010) Engineer - R&D Solar Semiconductor Pvt LTD

Alokesh Das (1999) Senior Project Manager Tavant technologies

Byomkesh Kumar (2003) R & D engineer II; SMTS; Synopsys; Mentor Graphics; Reliance Handset Engineer Communications

Pravin Kaushal (2010) Student IIT Kharagpur

Prabodh Sharma (2010) Assistant Manager Vodafone

Robin Kalia (2009) Research Engineer Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)

68 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Institute AwardsDistinguished Alumnus AwardsIIT Kharagpur recognizes the professional

excellence of its alumni through the Distinguished

Alumnus Award. So far about 43 alumni have

received this prestigious Award, the details of

whom are available herein below. However, it is

believed that many others are also deserving of

such recognition and we need the help and

cooperation of all alumni of the Institute to identify

and nominate them for the same.

Details regarding the eligibility and the process of

selection of these awards along with a nomination

form, are available at 'alumni services' segment of

www.iitkgp.org, alumni web portal. You are

requested to help us identify those alumni of this

Institute, who, in your opinion should be

considered for these Awards and get the

nomination form filled up and submitted to the

Office of the undersigned by 31st March, every

year. A soft copy of the nomination form should also

b e s u b m i t t e d b y e m a i l t o

deanaa@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in. Nominations

received after this will be considered for the next


Mr. Subrata Biswas

Mr. Amit Chatterjee

Prof. Mihir K Chaudhuri

Prof. Sujoy K Guha

Mr. Subrata Biswas - Mr.

S u b r a t a B i s w a s i s t h e

Chairman, Damodar Valley

Corpration. He started with

CEO in 2006 and took over Chairman from

Oct.2009. As a leader he transformed the

corporation from a regional to national player.

Biswas was born on April 13, 1959. He did B.Tech. in

ME in 1981.

Amit Chatterjee is currently

General Manager for the Visual

Studio Team Test Business at

Microsof t . Amit leads a

distributed development team located at

Hyderabad, Redmond, and Raleigh, on a mission to

establish Microsoft as a key leader in the Testing

Industry. He did graduation and post-graduation

from IIT Kharagpur completing B.Tech (Hons.) in

E&ECE in 1994 and M.Tech in CSE in 1985. He

was winner of the President of India Gold medal

award in 1984 and the Technology Alumni

Association Gold Medal in 1985.

Mihir Kanti Chaudhuri is Vice

Chancellor of Tezpur University.

He is well-known for his

outstanding and significantly

useful contributions in the field of inorganic chemistry.

Prof. Chaudhuri did Ph. D. from IIT, Kharagpur.

Sujoy K Guha is the Professor of

Biomedical Engineering in the

School of Medical Science and

Technology, IIT KGP. He did

B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering in1961 (4th

rank, Institute merit scholar all years) and M.Tech.

in EE in 1962 (1st rank). He joined IIT-KGP in 2003

as Chair Professor bridging the gap between

academia and research in b iomedica l

instrumentation, new drug molecule continuing

and a clinically accepted medical product.

Uttam Chand Jain is a

renowned architect-planner. He

is the principal partner of UCJ

Architecture & Environment

since June 2008 developing several landmark

projects. He graduated in Architecture (B.Arch.)

with 1st Class Hons. on a scholarship from IIT-

KGP in 1958.

Prof. Narendra Kumar is the

Homi Bhaba Distinguished

Professor in Raman Research

Institute. He is also an Honorary

Professor of Jawaharlal Nehru

Centre for Advanced Scientific Research. He

graduated in B.Tech in E&ECE from IIT KGP in the

year 1962 and secured 2nd rank. In 1963 he

completed M.Tech in Electronics & ECE with

specialization in UHV & Microwave Engineering

and secured 1st rank.

Mr. Uttam C Jain

Prof. Narendra Kumar


Malay Mukherjee is the Chief

Executive Officer, Essar Steel

Business Group. Previously he

was a member of the Board of

Directors of Arcelor Mittal and COO of Mittal

SteelMukherjee did B.Sc. in Physics (1964-67). He

was a resident of Nehru Hall

Mr. Malay Mukherjee

70 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Mr. R. N. Mukhija

Dr. K. Radhakrishnan

Prof. Kailas C Sahu

Mr. R. N. Mukhija is the President

(Operations), Whole time-Director

and Board Member, L&T. with a

glorious career in L&T spanning

over 45 years. He did B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering

in 1965. He was awarded Freedom of Hall and

President of Electrical Engineering Society.

Dr. K. Radhakrishnan is the

Chairman, ISRO and Space

Commission and Secretary, Dept. of

Space, GOI and a key man in the

Chandrayaan mission with a career of more than 38

years in space technology, applications and space

programme management. He did Ph.D. in IEM from

IIT Kharagpur.

Prof. Kailas C Sahu is presently

academic advisor in VGSOM,

IIT-KGP. He has an extensive

teaching career in various

organizations of repute on various topics. Prof.

Sahu did B.Tech. (1957) and M.Tech (1963) in

Mechanical Engineering and PHD in Industrial

Engineering (1968).

Dr. Prabhakant Sinha

P r a b h a k a n t S i n h a i s a

consultant and Co-chairman

and co-founder of ZS Associates

the leading Sales Management

Consultancy in the World. He is also Director in

Greenlight Planet, Inc. P.K. Sinha did B.tech. in

ME in 1970. He has seed funded the P K Sinha

Center for Bioenergy at IIT-KGP.

Ranbir Singh Gupta is the

Chairman of SIGMA7 Design

Group Inc. He has been in

leadership role for almost 30

years, developing architecture in to a successful

business enterprise. Mr. Gupta did B. ARCH in

1970 and won Silver Medal. Under his patronage

the Ranbir and Chitra Gupta School of

Infrastructure Design & Management was started

in IIT KGP in 2008

Ranbir Singh Gupta

Distinguished Service AwardsIIT Kharagpur has started a new Award called

Distinguished Service Award to recognize the

contribution of alumni to the Institute or the

alumni community. This contribution could be in

the form of taking up organizational activity

among the community, giving back to IIT

Kharagpur in any form like mentoring students,

supporting research through collaborations or

funding support, etc.

Details regarding the eligibility and the process of

selection of these awards along with a nomination

form, are available at the 'alumni services' section

of www.iitkgp.org, the alumni web portal. You are

requested to help us identify those alumni of this

Institute, who, in your opinion should be

considered for these Awards and get the

nomination form filled up and submitted to the

Office of the undersigned by 31st March, every

year. A soft copy of the nomination form should also

b e s u b m i t t e d b y e m a i l t o

deanaa@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in. Nominations

received after this will be considered for the next


Institute Awards

71Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

72 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Dr. Arvind Jain

Sundar Mohan Murmu

Ramnath S Mani

Dr. Arvind Jain (ME '69, Azad)

has been a pioneer of IIT

Kharagpur alumni activities in

the U.S. for the past twenty

years. Arvind was an outstanding

student and a keen participant in extra-curricular

activities at Kharagpur. He was on the editorial

board of Impact, an independent campus magazine

run by students during the sixties, President of the

Mechanical Engineering Society in his final year, and

the winner of his year's B.C. Roy Gold Medal. Arvind

is a strategic consultant in the aluminum and

resource industries based in Pleasanton, California.

He is currently Vice President of Rio Tinto Alcan,


Sundar Mohan Murmu (AE '79,

Nehru) is a social engineer,

sportsman, environmentalist,

philosopher and a change maker.

However, he is foremost a

visionary social thinker. Murmu is the Deputy

General Manager of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. now

heading CRM. He is an active alumnus of KGP and

Pan IIT body. He is an inspirational force behind the

alumni movement in TAA Delhi, Hyderabad and

Bangalore. He raised more than 1.5 million INR for

TAA Delhi & Foundation. Murmu has been a key

person in availing 80G tax exemption for IIT

Kharagpur Alumni Foundation.

Ramnath S Mani (E & ECE '69,

Patel) is one of the pioneers in the

field of Industrial Automation in

India. He is instrumental in

creating India's first portal on

industrial automation, www.automationexcellence.com.

He is the founder member and current vice president of

IIT KGP Alumni Foundation India. He has been an

extensive networker and fund raiser for his alma

mater. He has also been an Adjunct faculty and

research collaborator. Mani has been following up for

the railway over bridge and road form Kolkata Highway

to KGP campus.

Dr. Hitendra Ghosh (E & ECE

'58) was a merit scholar. He was a

topper in his class and was

awarded fel lowship from

University of Illinois where from

he did MS and PhD. In 1998 Dr

Ghosh co-founded the first Pan IIT alumni chapter,

Capital IIT Alumni Corp in Greater Washington DC

area and organized the first Pan IIT alumni

conference in 2002 on IP. During his tenure as co-

president of Pan IIT USA, Dr Ghosh started the

Pitech magazine, Pan IIT logo and Pan IIT credit

card. Together with Dr Raj Dave, Dr Ghosh also

helped establishing 'Rajiv Gandhi Memorial IP

School' in IIT KGP – first of its kind in India.

Puran Dang (Civil '59, RP) is one of the earliest and proudest graduates of IIT Kharagpur. Puran Dang was the Founder and President/CEO of his company, Minuteman Group Inc, for three decades and is now a Senior

Advisor. Hundreds of Indian-Americans and many IIT-KGP alumni have been beneficiaries of his professional expertise and humanitarian assistance. Founder of the first ever IIT Alumni Association in the world: Indian Institutes of Technology Society of New England (IIT-SINE) was founded by Puran Dang in 1991. He is the Founding Charter Member of TIEBoston, ensuring IITians achieve heights in innovation and creation of new companies. He also facilitated meetings of the Directors with renowned professors, local alumni, fundraisers for IIT KGP and involved in Faculty Hiring & University Coordination.

Dr. Hitendra Ghosh

Puran Dang

73Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Nina Saxena Excellence in Technology Award

In a bid to encourage and promote technical

innovation, the Institute announces the Nina

Saxena Excellence in Technology Award. The award

commemorates the spirit and memory of its

illustrious alumna Dr. Nina Saxena, B.Tech (Hons.),

ECE 1992 who passed away tragically in 2005. Open

to all Technologists who are Indian citizens, the

award was announced at the IIT Kharagpur

Foundation Day on August 18th, 2006. The award

will be conferred every year on the same day to an

individual who embodies the drive for technical

excellence that Dr. Nina Saxena personified.

The award is funded through an endowment of the

Nina Saxena Memorial fund that has been

collected through IIT Foundation (a non-profit

organization and a US 501(c) organization). The

intent of the fund is to perpetuate excellence

despite all odds. The charter of the Fund is to

provide facilities, mechanisms and opportunities to

enable individuals to rise above expectations and

better serve society.

A distinguished committee will be formed by IIT

Kharagpur to confer upon this award. The award

will be conferred on August 18, 2008. The award

committee will be chaired by Director of IIT

Kharagpur and will be comprised of Deans and

selected faculty members of IIT Kharagpur and

well known alumnus, based in India and the US.

Nominations for best application of technological

practices or a technological breakthrough will be

decided on the basis of the following dimensions

and in the following order of importance:

a) Innovation above and beyond well known results

b) Novel Application of a well known result

c) Societal improvement

d) Benefit to India

e) Application of Technology to underdeveloped

areas and causes


Dr. Jagannath Nayak and Team

Research Centre Imarat, Vignyana Kancha,


Innovation : Development of State of Art Fiber

Optic Gyroscope technology for Aerospace System


1. Prof. Milind V Rane,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT


Innovation : Tube-Tube Heat Exchanges (TT_HE)

2. Smart and Innovative textile Materials

Research Group

Department of Textile Technology, IIT Delhi

(Mr. Kartick Kumar Samanta, Mr. Prateek

Sabharwal, Mr. Rohit Lohani, Dr. Ashwini K.

Agrawal Dr. Manjeet Jassal)

Innovation: Atmospheric pressure glow discharge

plasma reaction technology for functionalization of

textile substrates


Dr. Subhash P. Andey, Dr. Prakesh S. Kalker,

Dr. Madan V. Nanoti

Scientists, Geo-Environment Management

Division, NEERI, Nagpur

Innovation: Household Multi Pollutant Water

Treatment Unit


Dr. S. P. S. Khanuja and Team

Director, Central Institute of Medicinal and

Aromatic Plants, Lucknow

Innovation: Anti-malaria treatment through plant

genotype development

A first of its kind, India-wide award to encourage and promote technical innovationEntries open to all Indian Technologists

Distinguished Alumnus AwardsPast Awardees

74 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

Dr. Biswadip Mitra

(B.Tech. E&ECE/85,

Ph.D CSE/93)

Dr. Arun Phadke

(EE /59)

Mr. Ravi Kant


Dr. Kiran Seth


Dr. Amit Goyal


Subir Chowdhury


Arvind Kejriwal

(ME /89)

Dr. A. K. Malhotra

(B.Tech. President

Gold Medal 1961)

Dr. P. Kr. Roy


Shantanu Mohapatra

(Bsc. GG / 1997)

Dr. Duvvuri Subbarao

(B.Sc. Physics/69)

Dr. Kirit S. Parikh


Structures /57)

Shri Ravinder Nath



Dr. P. Banerjee


Dr. Panjab Singh

(Ph.D /69)

Dr. Pradip. Kr. Roy


Prof. Asit K Biswas


Dr. Supriyo Datta

(EE / 1975)

Dr. A R

Upadhya (A)

Sir Arun Sarin


Shri R. Gopalakrishnan


Prof. Anjan Bose


Prof Prem Vrat


M.Tech. /68)

Prof S K



Dr. S. Banerjee

(MT/67 1967,

Ph.D /74)

Dr. P. Chaudhari

(MT/ 61)

Prof. V. C. Kulandaiswamy

(M.Tech in Civil

Engineering in 1956)

Mr. Vinod Gupta


Dr. Purnendu Chatterjee


75Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Life Fellows

Past Awardees

Sri B. K Syngal,


and M.Tech /62)

Dr. Satyendranath Das Dr. A S Gupta

Ph.D/Maths/ 58,

D.Sc./Maths /66

Mr. Arjun Malhotra


Mr. Bijoy G. Chatterjee Dr. Suhas S. Patil


Prof. G. S. Sanyal


76 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

IIT Foundations

IIT Foundation India:

To act as a centre for networking of the alumni of

the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur,

in order to promote bonding and fellowship

amongst the alumni and, thereby, create a pool

of knowledge, skills and experience to be utilized

for adding to the strength and reputation of the

alma mater, Indian Institute of Technology,

Kharagpur, India by contributing to the

scientific, technological, industrial, managerial

and economic development of India and for the

progress of science and technology in the world

in general.

Elected office bearers are:

Ramnath S Mani, President, EC, 69,


Abhijit Ray, Vice President, CE, 69,


Pronob Guha, Secretary, EE, 69,


B K Mathur, Treasurer, PH, 77,


Alumni network

IIT Foundation USA:

The IIT Foundation is a non-profit organization

devoted to enhancing the capability of Indian

Institute of Technology ("IIT"), Kharagpur. The

main purpose of The IIT Foundation is to raise

funds for IIT Kharagpur, primarily from alumni

based in the US and Canada. The IIT Foundation

is registered as a non-profit organization with

the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under section

501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. All

contributions to the IIT Foundation are tax-

deductible for U.S. taxpayers.

Executive Committee:

§ Roy Da Silva, President, EE, 74

§ Dave Banerjee, Treasurer, CE,76, NH

§ Vasan Raman, Secretary, EC, 68


§ Hitendra Ghosh, EC, 58

§ Partha Sarathi Chatterjee, CS, 87

§ Purnendu Chatterjee, ME, 71

§ Prith Banerjee, EC, 81

§ Anjan Bose, EE, 67

§ Puran Dang, CE, 59

§ Sunil Gaitonde, EE, 83

§ Pradeep Khosla, EE, 80

§ Joe Srestha, NA, 72

77Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Domestic Chapters

Chapter Name Designation Name Email

Aligarh Mr. Pradeep Mittal pradeepmittal@email.com

Bangalore President Mr. S. Devarajan sdev@transmationconsulting.com

Bangalore Secretary Mr. R. Ravichandran rrc_21@yahoo.com

Chennai President Mr. K. R. Subramaniam krs125@hotmail.com

Vice President Mr. Sekhar Priyadarshee spriyadarshee@hotmail.com

Secretary Mr. S. Chandrasekharan scsekaran2010@gmail.com

Delhi President Mr. YPS Suri ypssuri@gmail.com

Hyderabad President Mr. C.K. Jain ckjain1@rediffmail.com

Hyderabad Secretary Mr.M.N. Gupta guptamn@rediffmail.com

Jamshedpur Mr. Manzer Hussain manzer@tatasteel.com

Kanpur Mr. Abhijit Ghosal abhijitghosal@technologist.com

Kharagpur President Prof. G. Bandyopadhyay gbandyo@aero.iitkgp.ernet.in

Kharagpur Secretary Dr. Dilip K Nanda dilip@cc.iitkgp.ernet.in

Kharagpur Jt. Secretary Prof. Kajal Biswas kbiswas@mech.iitkgp.ernet.in

Kharagpur Treasurer Dr. Joy Sen joysen@arp.iitkgp.ernet.in

Kolkata President Mr.Biswajit bis_choudhuri@yahoo.co.in

Kolkata Secretary Ranjoy Ghosh ranjoy.ghosh@tcs.com

Kolkata Treasurer Arun Prakash Das ap_das@hotmail.com

Mumbai Mr. M. Balachandran gaulok@vsnl.com

Mumbai Mr. Krishan Khanna krishan@vsnl.com

Pune Secretary Saumyasanta Choudhuri shoumoc@yahoo.co.uk

Pune President J. P. Banerjee rupa_banerjee@rediffmail.com

Ranchi S. N. Bandopadhyaya soumen.bandyopadhyaya@rnc.sjnltd.net

Roorkee Prof. V. K. Gupta vkgsufce@iitr.ernet.in; vijaysu2010@rediffmail.com

Surat Chapter Mr. Hemant M. Raste hmr@hzw.ltindia.com

Vadodara Mr. Ashis Ranjan ashis.bandyopadhyay@ril.comBandyopadhyay

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

Chapter Name Designation Name Email

Atlanta Ms. Mondira Deb Pant mandy@ece.gatech.edu

Atlanta Mr. Rajan Sriram rajansriram@rediffmail.com

Atlanta Mr. Sandip Dutta sand_dut@hotmail.com

Atlanta Mr. Manas Bajaj manasbajaj@yahoo.com

Bangkok Dr. S. K. Bhatnagar

Boston Mr. Sriketan Monhanti amahanti@hotmail.com

Boston Palaghat A Balasubramanian p_a_bala@yahoo.com

Chicago Mr. Ramu Ramachandran ramu@legat.com

Chicago Mr. Saurabh Bagchi bagchi@erhc.uiuc.edu

Chicago Mr. Shailendra Verma sverma@forestone.com

Chicago Mr. L Ramachandran ramurama@yahoo.com

Chicago Mr. Vikram Vuppala vikram.vuppala@gmail.com

Dubai Mr. K.V.Rajah

Dubai Mr.Ashwini Jain jainras@emirates.net.ae

Houston Mr. Partha Chatterjee

Houston Mr. Hemant Jha hemant_jha@yahoo.com

Kuwait President Mr. M.V.Babji Rao babji@babjirao.com; babjir@keoic.com

Kuwait Mr. Indrajit Bhowmick bhowmick@ebla.com.kw

London Mr. Rajeev G Nair rajeev_nair@yahoo.com

Malaysia Mr. Subroto Haldar boongool@yahoo.com

Malaysia Mr. Dipanjan Majumder dipanjan.majumder@my.lafarge.com

Melbourne Mr. Mouli Ganguly mouli.ganguly@gangulyandassociates.com.au

Michigan Prof. Subrata Sengupta

Minneapolis Mr. Rajiv Tandon rajivtandon@yahoo.com

Minneapolis Mr. Balram Suman balramsuman@gmail.com

New England Mr. Puran Dang pdang@minutemantech.com

New England Mr. Anoop Kumar akumar03@tufts.edu

New York Mr. Ajit K Agrawal ajit_k_agrawal@yahoo.com

New York Mr. Subhodev Das sdas@computer.org

Ohio Chapter Mr. Jacob Mathew jacob@icbs.com

San Francisco Mr. Joy Bhattacharya joybhattacharya@sbcglobal.netBay Area

San Jose Mr. Roy daSilva roydasilvaiitkgp@gmail.com

Seattle Mr. Pankaj Sethi pankaj.sethi@gmail.com

Singapore Mr. Devashish Dutta ddutta@eagle.org

Singapore Mr. Biswajit Khan biswa.khan@gmail.com

Southern President Mr. Alok Chatterjee alokchatterjee@att.net

SOCAL Treasurer Mr.Debasish Banerjee banerji@aol.com

Sydney Mr. Davender K Jain dkjain@ezesolutions.com.au

Toronto Mr. Ujjal Mondal ujjal@pathcom.com

Washington DC Mr. Raju S Dave rdave@mofo.com


78 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

International Chapters

Contributing alumni whose details are missing please contact us with their alum details at alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in

79Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Our Commitments§ The Alumni Annual Report will be released in the month of August

every year on the occasion of the Foundation Day of the Institute.

§ It will have details of funds generated, expenditure made and

channels of expenditure, progress in work, fund planning and closing


§ The report will reflect how your imprint made a difference.

§ We will also ensure proper and on-time completion of project


§ Individual project briefs will be provided to the sponsor on request.

During these 60 years, the Institute has come a long way. A sub-urban

pre-independence detention camp where the Institute was established, it

has rose to the stature of a great institution producing world-class alumni

over the years. From initial student strength of 224 and 10 departments

today we are at a student strength approximating 10000 with 33

departments, schools and centres, including multidisciplinary

programmes. In this transformation process a key role has been played by

possible the alumni, students and faculty have for their beloved Institute.

Now that we have an excellent track record of delivering results with

consistency, we are doing it again through the introduction of our 2020

Vision. There is a long way ahead and we urge your whole hearted support

and co-operations. United we stand.

KGP ka Tempo High hai

80 Alumni Annual Report 2010 - 11

81Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur