AAC systems for Arabic Speakers

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of AAC systems for Arabic Speakers

AAC - ArabicDavid Banes – Access and Inclusion

May 2016

Text Based CommunicationClaroSpeak iOS

Arabic Keyboard

Arabic Speech

Arabic Prediction

Start with Symbols - Tawasol

Simple AAC

• Single Switch • Recordable Arabic Speech• Symbols can be attached to surface

Simple AAC

• Similar to Big Mack• Different Setup • Use of Colour • Easy to use

Combinations of Words

• Allows choice of words • Each Cell can be given a symbol• Each Cell can be recorded in

Arabic • Available in 9 and 20 word


iPad and Arabic AAC

• Turns iPad into Dynamic Screen• Uses iPad keyboards

and speech• Can record words and


Windows - Grid 2 Arabic Communication and Control

• Import Arabic Symbols• Uses PC Arabic Voices• Optimised for Arabic• Allows use with multiple

applications• Allows multiple Access


CoughDrop• Cross Platform• Supports TTS and Arabic

on iOS and Android for free• TTS on Windows

(premium)• Can import Tawasol

Symbols • Simple Design and


AzuleJoe (Beta)• Fully Open Source• Uses PowerPoint to Create Boards• Can use Tawasol Symbols• Cross Platform • Powerful and easy to use • Needs Arabic adaptation

AAC to Literacy

• From Communication to Literacy • PC Based• Communicate and write • Can use Multimedia

Arabic AAC

Text Based Simple One Message

Simple Message


Combining words and Creating


AAC to Literacy

CommercialOpen Source

Further Help and ResourcesEmail david@davebanesaccess.org Web www.davebanesaccess.org

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