โครงการตำาราเรียน สำ...

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Transcript of โครงการตำาราเรียน สำ...


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ชื่อหนังสือ Conquer Comprehension เก่งอังกฤษ พิชิตการอ่านจับใจความ 3ผู้แต่ง Angela Leu, Judy Tilaka, Felicia Wongผู้แปลและเรียบเรียง กวิยา เนาวประทีปร�ค� 80 บาทจัดพิมพ์จำ�หน่�ยเมื่อ กันยายน 2558


EXERCISE 1 ....................................................................................................................................7

EXERCISE 2 ....................................................................................................................................9

EXERCISE 3 ................................................................................................................................. 11

EXERCISE 4 ................................................................................................................................. 13

EXERCISE 5 ................................................................................................................................. 15

EXERCISE 6 ................................................................................................................................. 17

EXERCISE 7 ................................................................................................................................. 19

EXERCISE 8 ................................................................................................................................. 22

EXERCISE 9 ................................................................................................................................. 24

EXERCISE 10 ................................................................................................................................. 26


EXERCISE 11 ................................................................................................................................. 28

EXERCISE 12 ................................................................................................................................. 30

EXERCISE 13 ................................................................................................................................. 32

EXERCISE 14 ................................................................................................................................. 34

EXERCISE 15 ................................................................................................................................. 36

EXERCISE 16 ................................................................................................................................. 38

EXERCISE 17 ................................................................................................................................. 40

EXERCISE 18 ................................................................................................................................. 42

EXERCISE 19 ................................................................................................................................. 44


EXERCISE 20 ................................................................................................................................. 46

EXERCISE 21 ................................................................................................................................. 49

EXERCISE 22 ................................................................................................................................. 51


EXERCISE 23 ................................................................................................................................. 53

EXERCISE 24 ................................................................................................................................. 56

EXERCISE 25 ................................................................................................................................. 58

EXERCISE 26 ................................................................................................................................. 60

EXERCISE 27 ................................................................................................................................. 62

EXERCISE 28 ................................................................................................................................. 65

EXERCISE 29 ................................................................................................................................. 67

EXERCISE 30 ................................................................................................................................. 70

EXERCISE 31 ................................................................................................................................. 72

EXERCISE 32 ................................................................................................................................. 74

EXERCISE 33 ................................................................................................................................. 77

EXERCISE 34 ................................................................................................................................. 80

EXERCISE 35 ................................................................................................................................. 83

EXERCISE 36 ................................................................................................................................. 85

EXERCISE 37 ................................................................................................................................. 87

EXERCISE 38 ................................................................................................................................. 90

EXERCISE 39 ................................................................................................................................. 92

EXERCISE 40 ................................................................................................................................. 95


หนังสือชุดConquer Comprehensionเก่งอังกฤษพิชิตการอ่านจับใจความ



เรียงตามลำาดับจากง่ายไปยาก (Basic - Intermediate - Advanced) สรุปคำาศัพท์


นักเรียน ครู และผู้ปกครองสามารถตรวจสอบและประเมินผลการเรียนรู้ได้ด้วยตนเอง






คำ นำ


One night, Mr Lee and his family

were watching their favourite television

programme. They were all in the living

room. Suddenly, at about half past

eleven, they heard a loud noise as

if someone or something had fallen.

It came from one of the bedrooms

upstairs. Everyone had a surprised look on their faces because none

of the family members was upstairs.

Mr Lee lost no time in dashing up the stairs. The rest of the family,

including the youngest boy, followed closely behind him.

Mr Lee entered the master bedroom and switched on the light.

A man stood at the bedroom window. He wore a mask and was

dressed in black from head to toe. He was a burglar! Mr Lee rushed

to the window to catch him but he was too late! The burglar had

already climbed down a rope. Soon, he disappeared into the darkness.

Mr Lee looked around and saw his briefcase on the floor. It must

have fallen from his table and made the loud noise. Luckily, nothing

was stolen. The burglar had no time to steal anything.





กากบาททับตัวเลขหน้าคำาตอบท่ีถูกต้อง (ข้อละ 1 คะแนน)

What does ‘It’ in the first paragraph refer to?

(1) the bedroom (3) the living room

(2) the loud noise (4) the television programme

Why was everyone surprised to hear the noise?

(1) Everyone was in the living room.

(2) It was very late at night.

(3) The noise was very loud.

(4) It sounded as if someone had fallen.

1 went upstairs after the noise was heard.

(1) Only Mr Lee (3) The whole family

(2) Mr and Mrs Lee (4) Mr Lee and his youngest son

The burglar escaped by .

(1) running down the staircase

(2) jumping out of the window

(3) climbing down a rope

(4) switching off the light

Why could Mr Lee not see the burglar’s face?

(1) The light was switched off.

(2) He was dressed in black.

(3) It was too dark.

(4) He wore a mask.






lost no time in doing something (idm) : เร่ิมทำาในทันที

John lost no time in creating the spring fashion wear when he had the


from head to toe (idm) : จากหัวจรดเท้า, ทั่วไปทั้งร่างกาย

I was covered with mud from head to toe when I accidentally fell in the sty.

briefcase (n) : กระเป๋าหิ้ว, กระเป๋าเอกสาร

My father carries a black briefcase to work.

คำ ศัพทน์า่รู้


1 Why did the merchant hire a guide? (1 คะแนน)





A merchant had to make a journey to a town. He had to cross

a vast desert to get there, so he hired a guide and his donkey. The

merchant sat on the donkey while the guide walked beside him.

By noon, the sun was very hot. They were in the middle of the

desert. Not a single tree or bush was in sight. The merchant was tired,

so he got off the donkey and sat down in its shadow. At once, the

guide complained.

“That is my place,” he said. “Move over and let me sit there!”

“Certainly not,” replied the merchant at once. “I hired this donkey

for the whole journey.”

“Yes, you hired the donkey,” agreed the guide. “But you didn’t

hire its shadow. That belongs to me!”

The merchant and the guide began to quarrel. While they were

busy arguing, the donkey grew tired of standing still and wandered

off. Both men were unaware that the donkey was no longer with them.

In the end, both the merchant and the guide were left in the desert

without any shade and ride.

2 Was there any shade in the desert? Give a reason for your

answer. (1 คะแนน)

3 Why did the donkey wander off? (1 คะแนน)

4 Why did the men not realize that the donkey had wandered off?

What happened to them in the end? (2 คะแนน)

5 ใช้ข้อมูลจากเรื่องราวข้างต้น ตอบคำาถามต่อไปนี้ (5 คะแนน)

Where did the merchant want to


How much did the merchant pay

to hire the guide and his donkey?

How was the weather when they

were in the middle of the desert?

What were the merchant and the

guide quarrelling about?

Where did the donkey go in the


vast (adj) : ใหญ่โต

When we saw the vast crowd at the stadium, we held one another’s

hands so that we would not get lost.

unaware (adj) : ซึ่งไม่รู้ตัวมาก่อน, ซึ่งไม่คาดคิดมาก่อน

He was unaware that his mother was unhappy with his bad behaviour.

คำ ศัพทน์า่รู้




The morning started with a heavy

downpour. There were puddles of

water everywhere. The street was

filled with people carrying umbrellas.

Children were going to school in

their colourful raincoats. There were

many vehicles on the road. Suddenly,

everyone heard a crash.

They looked towards the direction of the crash. To their horror,

they saw a motorcyclist lying on the road. His motorcycle was several

metres away from him. There was a red car with a smashed headlight.

The driver rushed out to help the injured motorcyclist whose left leg

was covered in blood.

Soon, a crowd gathered at the scene. Someone called the police.

A few minutes later, a police car, followed by an ambulance, arrived.

The motorcyclist was placed on a stretcher and the ambulance took

him to hospital. The police took down the number plates of the vehicles

and the names of the witnesses. The police also helped to clear the

traffic jam.





downpour (n) : ฝนตกหนักมาก, พายุฝน

We were having a picnic at the beach when there was a sudden downpour.

headlight (n) : ไฟหน้าของยานพาหนะ

Drivers have to turn on the headlights of their vehicles after seven in

the evening.

stretcher (n) : เปลหาม

The injured football player was placed on a stretcher and brought out

of the match.

คำ ศัพทน์า่รู้

กากบาททับตัวเลขหน้าคำาตอบท่ีถูกต้อง (ข้อละ 1 คะแนน)

1 The road where the accident took place was .

(1) dry and clear (3) busy with traffic

(2) deserted and quiet (4) free of traffic

2 The made puddles of water everywhere.

(1) heavy downpour

(2) people carrying umbrellas

(3) children in colourful raincoats

(4) vehicles on the road

3 The driver helped the motorcyclist because .

(1) he knew that it was his fault

(2) the motorcyclist was seriously injured

(3) both of them were good friends

(4) nobody else wanted to help him

4 How do we know that the motorcyclist was injured?

(1) A crowd had gathered at the scene.

(2) The driver rushed to help him.

(3) His left leg was covered in blood.

(4) His motorcycle was several metres away.

5 The police helped to clear the traffic jam caused by the .

(1) ambulance (3) witnesses

(2) crowd (4) accident