A2 LTR4 Lingua Inglesa II Teleaula 9 Tema 9 Impressao

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Transcript of A2 LTR4 Lingua Inglesa II Teleaula 9 Tema 9 Impressao

  • 20/05/14


    Lngua Inglesa II

    Profa. Ma. Glauce Soares Casimiro

    Tema 9: Talk about Managing your Money Conditionals As oraes condicionais, em ingls, so divididas em: (0) zero conditional; (1) first conditional; (2) second conditional; e (3) third conditional. Neste tema, sero tratadas as duas primeiras modalidades, zero and first conditionals.

    Mas o que so oraes condicionais? Assim como em portugus, so estruturas usadas para se falar sobre a possibilidade de realizao ou no de determinada ao. O tempo condicional construdo por duas oraes: a orao condicional (conditional clause) e a orao principal (main clause).

  • 20/05/14


    As conditional clauses so as formadas pela partcula i f (se), por isso tambm denominadas if clause, e as oraes principais so o resultado delas.

    Zero Conditional Quando se quer falar sobre uma situao possvel ou imaginria e as consequncias dessa ao forem sempre previsveis e constantes , so usadas as oraes denominadas zero conditional.

    Ao se usar essa estrutura, sabe-se que toda vez que determinada ao acontece o resultado expresso na outra ao sempre o mesmo. A estrutura desta forma condicional : If + Simple Present + Simple Present

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    Zero Conditional Conditional Clause + Main Clause (If clause) + (The consequence or result) If + Simple Present + Simple Present

    If you heat ice, it melts.

    If she is not in the office, her machine takes a message. If you don't water plants, they die. Perceba que, nesta modalidade, tanto na conditional clause como na main clause o tempo verbal utilizado o Presente Simples, o que indica que a condio sempre acompanhada por uma consequncia previsvel e constante.

    If you pour oil on water, it floats. Ou Oil floats if you pour it on the water. If you don't eat for a long time,

    you become hungry.

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    If, When, Whenever Nas oraes zero conditionals, as partculas

    if, when ou whenever tm a mesma inteno de manifestar uma condio.

    If it rains, she takes the bus = When it rains, she takes the bus.

    Whenever he sees a spider, he screams = If he sees a spider, he screams. Zero Conditional com Relao a Tempo As oraes zero conditional referem-se a verdades que se repetem ao longo do tempo.

    When you go to university, you need to work hard. Whenever I call him, he's never there.

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    Expressa aes decorrentes de leis naturais ou universais. Fish die if they stay out of water. If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils. Metals expand if you heat them.


    First Conditional or Real Conditional Usa-se a modalidade first conditional para se falar que alguma coisa acontecer se determinada condio se realizar. Nesta modalidade, a probabilidade de acontecer o que se espera de mais de 50%, ou seja, uma possibilidade real.

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    Conditional Clause + Main Clause (If clause the condition) +(The consequence or result) If Simple Present +Future (will) If I buy a television, I will not have money to pay the rent.

    If they borrow some money, they will be able to buy a new house. If you do your job correctly, you will have a chance of promotion.

    Will, May and Might Ao se usar o auxiliar will na orao principal, expressa-se uma certeza de que o resultado esperado ir acontecer. Mas, caso haja dvidas e se queira expressar essa incerteza, usam-se os modais may ou might. Ambos significam que o resultado esperado pode acontecer, mas no certo.

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    I'm not feeling very well. If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. I'm feeling fine and I've got a car. If it rains tomorrow, I might stay at home, or I may go shopping. I'll decide tomorrow.

    If/Provided that (Contanto que)/So long as (Desde que)

    Em oraes condicionais, alm do if, podem-se usar as expresses provided that ou so long as com o mesmo valor significativo.

    If you put down the gun, I won't call the police.

    So long as you put down the gun, I won't call the police.

    Provided that you put down the gun, I won't call the police.

    *A expresso provided that mais formal do que o if.

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    If not x Unless Pode-se usar a palavra unless no lugar de if not. If you don't put the gun down, I'll call the police. Unless you put the gun down, I'll call the police.

    Usamos o first conditional para falar sobre uma forte possibilidade ou certeza no futuro.

    If you try it, you wont regret it. forte possibilidade;

    If they need it, they ll buy it.

    If I have time, Ill invite her. Youll be late for work, if you dont get up. Come here tomorrow if you have time.

    No lugar de if not podemos usar unless. I wont go unless she calls me.

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    If it doesn't rain, I will go to the beach. If I have money, I will buy a car. He won't have money to travel if he loses his job.

    We will travel to USA if we get a visa. If she takes a taxi, she'll get there in time. If it is rainy, I won't go. If he leaves work early, he will have time to eat before class.

    Will you go if it rains? Na orao com if, no h will: If I am late, I'll phone. (NOT If I will be late, ...)

  • 20/05/14



    01) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase a seguir:

    Those students _______________ if they _______________ hard.

    a)Would succeeded work. b)Succeeded worked. c)Succeed worked. d)Will succeed will work. e)Will succeed work.

    02) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase a seguir:

    If Margareth _____________ another ice cream, she will be sick.

    a) Eat. b) Had eaten. c) Ate. d) Eats. e) Will eat.

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    03) Associe as colunas para formar frases coerentes. a)If she has more time, b)If he has the new Star Wars game, c)If I go to the disco, d)He will phone the police e)If he has a motorbike, f)If she watches the football game, g)If I meet John at school,

    ( ) he will ride it to school. ( ) hell let you play it. ( ) I will give him your message. ( ) she knows the result. ( ) Ill invite you. ( ) she will learn another language. ( ) if he sees the robbery.

    04) Complete as frases, a seguir, usando a first conditional dos verbos entre parnteses. a)My father _____________ (lend) me some money if I _____________ (tell) him I need a new car. b)If this car costs too much, my boss _____________ (buy) another one. c) If the flight for London is full, I ___(go) somewhere else.

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    04) d) What will we do if the taxi _______ (not

    come)? e) Will you phone me if there ______ (be)

    any problems? f) Sara _______ (be) worried if you

    __________ (not arrive) on time.

    05) Complete as frases com if ou unless. a) Sandy won't go to work ___________ she feels better tomorrow. b) Wil l you take part of the game ___________ you are ready? c) Beth won't be able to visit her friends next week ___________ Peter doesn't lend her his car.

    05) d) The dinner won't be ready on time ___________ we hurry up with it. e) I won't arrive on time to the wedding ___________ the address is written incorrectly. f) ___________ I eat healthy food, I wont be able to lose some weight.

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    06) Analise as frases a seguir e decida se elas esto right or wrong com relao ao uso do unless e seu sentido na frase. a) We can sit near the front unless you don't want to sit at the back. ( ) Right ( ) Wrong

    06) b) You will gain weight unless you eat fatty

    food. ( ) Right ( ) Wrong c) Unless you will wear a thick coat, you will

    get very cold. ( ) Right ( ) Wrong


  • 20/05/14


    ZERO CONDITIONAL Expressa situaes gerais que so sempre verdade, quer dizer, dada aquela condio expressa pela orao condicional, obtm-se um resultado determinado. If you press the button, the machine starts to work. If you touch the car, the alarm goes off.

    Expressa uma ordem ou instruo: Please call me if you have any problems. If you need help, talk to the supervisor.

    If I take the stairs, my legs hurt. algo que sempre ou geralmente acontece;

    When water gets to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils. uma verdade;

    Dont interrupt the meeting unless the boss calls.

  • 20/05/14


    IfI miss the 8 o'clock bus, I am late for work. If I am late for work, my boss gets angry. If people don't eat, they get hungry. If you heat ice, does it melt?

    I am late for work, if I miss the 8 o'clock bus. My boss gets angry, if I am late for work. People get hungry, if they don't eat. Does ice melt, if you heat it?

    FIRST CONDITIONAL De modo simplificado, o First Conditional em ingls possui a seguinte estrutura: if + present simple, will ou going to If I have time, Ill visit grandma.

  • 20/05/14


    If you want, Ill go with you. If you tell her anything, well say its a lie. If he studies, hes going to pass. If you dont leave, Im going to call the


    If we dont hurry, well be late for work. If it rains, were going to stay home. If they invite me, Ill go to their party. If you phone me when you arrive, Ill pick you up. If it rains, we wont go to the movies.

    possvel o uso do imperativo na orao principal para dar instrues, aconselhar ou ainda falar sobre possibilidades no futuro, caso a condio expressa se cumpra. A estrutura a seguinte: if + simple present + imperativo ou modal. If you want to come with us, put on your sweater.

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    If you like pizza, we could make one this evening. Call a doctor if you feel sick. Na orao com if, pode tambm ocorrer um modal verb: If you can't come, please phone.

    Unless - As long as... Unless - As long as - Provided/provided Unless = except if The club is for members only. You can't go in unless you are a member (=except if you are a member)

    As long as or So long as / Provided (that) or Providing (that) = if or on condition that You can borrow my car as long as you promise not to drive too fast. Travelling by car is convenient provided (that) you have somewhere to park.