A2 exam 2014 growth and evolution

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of A2 exam 2014 growth and evolution

There are many different meanings of the words Growth and Evolution and how they can be interpreted in Art.


1.The act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.

2. Size or stage of development: It hasn't yet reached its full growth.

4. Development from a simpler to a more complex stage: the growth of ritual forms.

5. Development from another but related form or stage: the growth of the nation state.


Both words - growth and evolution suggests a change over time.Growth can be quick, or can be more gradual.

Evolution1.Any process of formation or growth; development:the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane.

2. A product of such development; something evolved: The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research.

3. Biology: change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

4. A process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development, as in social or economic structure or institutions.

EvolutionUsually suggests a very gradual change which occurs over a relatively long period of time.The word is normally used when applied to the changes of a large group or class of things. For example, the evolution of a species, evolution of the city, the evolution of a type of technology, economy, laws, language, culture and so on.

EXAM = 40%

Everybody knows... the Everybody knows... the four AOs four AOs

For the exam you have to show evidence of: ALL 4 of the AOs (Assessment Objectives)

AO1: Looking at other artists AO2: Experimenting with media AO3: Recording your ideas AO4: Making a final piece

It is important that you begin working on the EXAM Paper straight away.


Exam dates….

8th, 9th and 12th May

Where to begin?Where to begin?

Remember ….

The theme is merely a starting point to inspire you.

Feel free to take the project in any direction that you wish, provided that you can clearly justify and explain how the theme has inspired your thoughts and ideas.

Probably the simplest way to start is to remember that both growth and evolution involve …

Change over Time




































A few starting points…


Contextual references

The artists on the next few pages are suggestions to help you think about possible ideas. You may already have ideas of your own.

Keep an open mind at this point...

There is also a Beaumont Pinterest Album of Artists and ideas to support you with your project


Ron Mueck

Mueck's sculptures faithfully reproduce the minute detail of the human body, but play with scale to produce disconcertingly jarring visual images.

Marc Quinn

Quinn’s sculpture, paintings and drawings often deal with the distanced relationship we have with our bodies, highlighting how the conflict between the 'natural' and 'cultural' has a grip on the contemporary psyche


Raphael, was an Italian painter and architect in the Renaissance

Frida KahloKahlo had a serious bus accident which made her abandon the study of medicine and begin to paint. She said: "I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best.”. Her inspiration oftencame from personal experiences

Spanish painter born in 1907

Cecile Dachary

Lisa Kokin‘I try to invent an altogether different identity for them but of course, in the final analysis these works are more about me than any of the hundreds of anonymous individuals who appear in my work”.

Migrant Mother

Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) documented the change on the homefront, especially among ethnic groups and workers uprooted by the war.

Roberta Coni

Lucian Freud

Rineke Dijkstra

Josh Dykgraaf

Damien Hirst


Tacita Dean

In my work this romantic ideal of union with the natural world conflicts with our contemporary impact on the environment.  These pieces are in part responses to environmental stressors including climate change, toxic pollution, and gm crops. 

Kate MacDowell.

Mikkel Rahr Mortensen

Deborah Simon “Each animal is meticulously fabricated to create an unnervingly accurate but slightly off version of the natural animal. Evolution has always held a particular fascination for me, informing how I create and group the animals in my work.”

Tomohiro Inaba

Kath Girdler EnglerKath Girdler Engler's sculptures are appealing both in physical form and through her interpretation of mythical stories. They are the fragments of ancient forms combined with Engler's own understanding of the human body.

Using a combination of Staedler Graphite pencils ranging from 6H to 9B, tape and resin, Salxwedel creates images that look like relics of nature and other objects frozen in time.

Brooks Salzwedel

Steven Follen

William Morris

Laura Katherine McMillan Embroidered Cells

Wire sculptures of images rooted in nature, geometry, and abstraction

Ruth Asawa

Gregory Euclide Eulides work explores ideas surrounding nature and the human experience

"Falling Garden" in San Staë church in Venice, Italy,

Swiss artists Gerda Steiner and Jörg Lenzlinger



From 1969, Kiefer worked on book design. Some examples are worked-over photographs and his more recent books consist of sheets of lead layered with the artist's characteristic materials of paint, minerals, or dried plant matter. For example he assembled numerous lead books on steel shelves in libraries, as symbols of the stored, discarded knowledge of history

Anselm Kiefer

Chiharu ShiotaShiota explores the relationships between past and present, living and dying, and memories of people implanted into objects. To these she adds intricate, web-like threads of black and red.

Things Come Apart

Todd Mclellan

Fiona Hall

Nick Gentry

Gabriel Dishaw

Dishaw is an Artist, Sculptor, Upcycler creates art out of recyecled materials such as old computers, adding machines, typewriters and old technology.

This small body of twelve works consist of images painted on found, discarded pennies. These pictures pay homage to, not only, the binding ideologies that define our family, religious, social and political worlds- but also to the” resonating mythological powers of traditional painting and miniature picture making- much like the Dutch oils on copper from the 17th century. Paid tribute no less on the face of discarded coins these iconic images transcend the coins value while, to some extent, defacing it.”

Jacqueline Lou Skaggs

Jessica BrilliPaintings of vintage objects

Miniaturisation in the style of a Russian Doll. Everything is made out of cardboard

Kyle Bean

Anish Kapoor

Renzo Piano

The Shard

Gelukstraat / Dierendonck Blancke Architecten.

Claus en Kaan Architecten

Canary Wharf is a major business district located in London. It is one of London's two main financial centres and contains many of the UK's tallest buildings.