A welcoming community of Jewish life, worship …...2018/04/03  · 4 We are excited to report that...

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Transcript of A welcoming community of Jewish life, worship …...2018/04/03  · 4 We are excited to report that...

www.tbanj.org Bulle n April 2018/5778

A welcoming community of Jewish life, worship & learning





Melissa & Jason Greenbla , son, Ryan, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Jennifer & Jeffrey Tanenbaum, daughter, Risa, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Marlene & Alan Moscowitz, granddaughter, Arden Lily, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Caroline & Jeffrey Ochital, son, Jake, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Caroline & Jeffrey Ochital, son, Noah, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Shari & Robert Kurtz, son, Adin, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Lauren & Seth Cohen, birth of daughter, Marissa Robyn Cohen

Debbi & Max Lebersfeld, birth of granddaughter, Lola Reese Lebersfeld

Emily Fried on being a honored an Israel Bonds event

Josh & Kate Dinar on being honored by the Boulder JCC at their annual event


Mark & Sara Chernoff

A Passover Mitzvah Some members of our congregation may not have family or friends with whom they can celebrate Passover. If you

would consider hosting one or more persons at your family Seder, or find that you will be alone for Seder, please contact Rabbi Kulwin at ckulwin@tbanj.org or 973.994.2290

Erev Passover‐ First Seder: Friday, March 30 Passover‐ Second Seder: Saturday, March 31



Photos courtesy Ruth Ross & Rabbi Dantowitz


We are excited to report that last year’s Annual Giving—Partners in Leadership program was a huge success. Temple B’nai Abraham is strong, both financially and socially, and we have you, the members, to thank for reaching our goal. Your support of Temple B’nai Abraham is of great value and it is our goal to make it rewarding as well.

Merle H. Kalishman, Chair: TBA Annual Giving—Partners in Leadership Commi ee Julie Silbermann, Chair, Development Commi ee

President’s Circle

Marc & Randi Berson

Joni & Alan Cohen

Gi lin & Rosen Families

Bradley Glassman

Charles M. Greef & Shawn Lech

Warren & Andrea Grover

Alan & Susan Hammer

Robert & Sherry Lieb

Mark & Sandi Rosenbaum

Sara‐Ann & Robert Sanders

Julie & Max Silbermann

Maya & David Silbermann

Fred & Trudy Slater

Robin & Leigh Walters

Torah Circle

Mitchell & Ricki Birner

Jeane e Black

Bernice & Kenneth Garbade

Ellen & David Hyman

Lester & Sheila Kalisher

Rabbi Clifford & Robin Kulwin

Sco & Lauren Scher

Mark & Marcy Schwartz

Bob & Ethel Singer

Barry & Ellen Wagenberg

1853 Society

Suzanne & Saul Berkowitz

Kenneth & Nancy Bernstein

Isabella & Josh Fiske

Susan & Alan Gallinson

Sandra & Stephen Greenberg

Bruce & Susan Greene

Merle & Marty Kalishman

Jeffrey & Eileen Klein

Eileen & Marc Mellman

Ronald Meyers

Nancy & Steven Poko low

David & Marian Rocker

Rabbi’s Circle


Ronnie & Jaryn Bloom

Denis & Terry Bovin

Arthur & Robin Brody

Ina & Howard Drew

Nancy & Robert Eskow

Caren & Herbert Ford

Kenneth & Beth Friedman

Terri & Mark Friedman

Shaldine & Richard Gillman

Irwin & Vicki Halper

Ileen & Cary Heller

Michelle & Darren Indyke

Greg & Randi Jeddis

Barbara & Dan Kaplan

Gregg & Julie Klein

Karyn Klein

Ellen & Peter Klein

Susan & Richard Kogan

Jeffrey & Robin Kollin

Patricia & Franklin Kolodny

Ira & Jacqueline Kopito

Kevin Lastorino & Denise Kitay

Richard & Ellen Lincer

Ellen & Sco Loventhal

Jane & Alan Mark

Leslie & Jay Mayesh

ShariEve & Mark Meller

Eric & Judy Perlmu er

Michael & Barbara Rosenbaum

Stacey & Marc Rosenberg

Andre & Nyssa Salz

Jennifer & Elliot Scher

Linda & John Schupper

Bunny & Stephen Schwartz

Arthur & Bunny Shankman

Elizabeth & George Sodowick

Wayne & Chris ne Strassman

Myrna & Marvin Wertheimer

Mitzvah Circle

Jackie & Brian Altman

Michelle & Sco Barishaw

Laurie & Marc Bergman

Adrienne & Harvey Berkman

Richard & Robin Bernstein

Andrea & Philip Bershad


Thank you for being Partners in Leadership 2017‐2018

As of February 28, 2018



Richard & Arlene Bookbinder

Renee & Jeffrey Cohen

Richard & Nancy Dinar

Ruth M. Dolinko

Barbara Drench

Jane & Howard Ehrenkranz

Bruce & Cathy Fischberg

Kerri & Steven Fischer

Joel & Irina Gelbman

Andrea & Sco Gillman

Barbara Go esman

Lesley & Neil Greenstein

Robin & Gary Hecht

Jayne & Jim Jacoby

Harriet & Marvin Kirschner

Shawn & Cindy Klein

Leslie & Fred Lavinthal

Susan & Andrew Leichter

Alyce Sands Miller

Helene & David Mintz

Debbie & Jason Myers

Arthur & Brandi Podnos

Joy & Neil Prupis

Ruth Ross

Ginny & Jeff Roth

Beth & John Schachtel

Greg & Mindy Scheier

Adrienne & Stanley Schwartz

Elaine & Stanley Shapiro

Harvey & Frances Sonnenberg

Kenneth & Terry Starr

Bonnie & Harris Sterling

Bernard & Marianne Tulman

Stacy & Gary Wayne

Suzanne & Jeffrey Weinick

Staci & Glen Weiss

Marjorie Yonteff

Sco & Marjorie Zucker

Circle of Friends

Laurence & Mira Agron

Barbara & Roland Berrebi

Rebecca & Todd Bialick

Barbara & Sco Birnbaum

Sandy &David Bohrer

Joel Bornstein

Jeffrey & Marsha Cohen

Rochelle Cohen

Allyn & Larry Cooper

Daniel Cooperberg

Steven Delman

Erica & Bryce Facktor

Helen Farber

Larry & Sharon Feinsod

Bonnie & Herb Feldman

Lauren & Jamie Feldman

Steven & Marsha Fiske

Rheda & Raymond Folkman

Bruce & Joyce Freeman

Caren & Lee Gaitman

Jaime & Brian Geltzeiler

Amos & Evelyn Gern

Barbara & Mark Gersten

Debbie & Carey Gertler

Richard Goldsmith

Susan & Joel Goldstein

Andrew Grodin & Lisa Fried‐Grodin

Barbara Gross

Keith & Bonnie Gurland

Tara & Richard Heyderman

Madeline & Harold Hoffman

Edna & William Horn

Craig & Sandra Kantor

Robert & Audrey Kaye

Barbara & Warren Klein

Karen & David Klugman

Michael & Antoine e Koenig

Dan & Arlene Kollin

Barry & Bobbi Kolton

Jay & Jessica Kooper

Richard A. Kosson

Jill & Bre Krasnove

Claude & Beth Krause

Stanley & Be e Kurzweil

Stacey & Alec Laken

Esther Laufman

Illana & Jason Lebersfeld

Debbi & Max Lebersfeld

Sco Levy

Paul & Ilene Lieberman

Debbie & Wayne Locke

Sandy & Stephen Markman

Steven Maser

Evi Meinhardt

Carly & David Miller

Marlene & Alan Moscowitz

Vita Orenstein

Rona & Robert Parker

Janet Penn

Lauren & Lloyd Perkel

Cynthia Pfeffer

David & Sandy Posner

Nancy & Sco Ritch

Steven & Karen Rockoff

Ida Rose

Steven & Ronnie Rosen

Marilyn Rosenbaum

Lori & Peter Rosenbaum

Edward & Renee Rosenthal

Linda Ross

Enid & Fred Rothman

Anita & Allan Rubinstein

Milt & Geri Schaeffer

Roger & Sherrie Schneider

Mark & Luba Schonwe er

Donna & Robert Seltzer

Diane & Ira Starr

Lorraine Stein

Harold & Elaine Sterling

Arleen & Herby Tarutz

Marilyn Wald

Honi & Benne Wasserman

Allison & Jonathan Wasserstein

Judy & Amnon Weinstock

Bobbie & Carl Weisenfeld

Randi & Sco Wolfson

Naomi Zeitel

Member’s Circle

Merle Biederman

Ann Bonda

Barbara Jen s Bromberg

Elizabeth Buchbinder

Louise Buchbinder

Myra Cohen

Nurit & Ronen Gans

Deborah & Gregg Jacob

Elyse & David Levine

Sharon & Alan Miller

Joan & Arthur Roberts

Sivia & Philip Snow










TBA Book Group with Rabbi Kulwin Judas by Amos Oz Thursday, May 3, 7:30 PM This latest by Oz was shortlisted for the Man Booker Interna onal Prize (which was won by his friend Grossman). The year is 1959 and Shmuel Ash, a perennial graduate student and wannabe Biblical scholar, needs money. He moves in with Gershom Wald, an elderly and eccentric man seeking company, and Atalia, the widow of Wald’s son, killed in ac on. Ash’s struggle to understand who he is, we come to realize, is al‐so the struggle of the young state of Israel seeking to define itself.

Rosh Hodesh with Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz sponsored by Sisterhood—The Women’s Connec on

The new moon, or new month, is a special holiday that women celebrate together. Join Sisterhood in a warm atmosphere of sharing, learning and noshing to welcome each new Hebrew month! Monday, May 14, 7:00 PM Rosh Hodesh Sivan Women and Torah

Monthly Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Dantowitz Bring your appe te for learning as well as your dairy lunch! Beverages will be provided! This course is free and open to the community. Register online or call 973.994.2290. Women of the Bible: Supporters, Vic ms, Leaders, Warriors, Rabble Rousers! Thursday, April 19 & May 17, 11:30 AM

History Through Text with Rabbi Kulwin History through Text is offered throughout the year by Rabbi Kulwin. Taught in blocks of several weeks, each class will also be a stand‐alone unit so that an inability to a end all (or even most) of the sessions will not be an impediment to an enjoyable and simula ng learning experience.

The Jewish Religion When I say “Judaism,” I know what I mean, but is that what you mean when you say it? And are either of those the same as what our forebears meant millennia, centuries, or even just decades and years ago? Ever since Abraham, Judaism has meandered, twisted and turned, met dead ends in back alleys and sped forward on straightaways, constantly (and perhaps inevitably) evolving.

In these sessions, we will explore Judaism has meant at different mes and in different places. Hopefully, the course we chart will not only educate us but lead us to a be er personal understanding of what Judaism means to us. Liberal Judaism in Germany: Thurs, April 19, 7:00 PM Orthodoxy: Thurs, June 14, 7:00 PM Liberal Judaism in America: Thurs, May 10, 7:00 PM Israeli Judaism: Thurs, June 21, 7:00 PM




Rescheduled for Monday, April 16, 7:30 PM “The Shrinking Jewish Middle” with Professor Steven M. Cohen Rescheduled for Monday, April 16, 7:30 PM ( postponed from March 7th due to the “Nor’easter”) , Temple B'nai Abraham's Bloom Family Memorial Lecture Fund will present "The Shrinking Jewish Middle," with Professor Steven M. Cohen, Research Professor of Social Policy at Hebrew Union College‐Jewish Ins ‐tute of Religion, New York (HUC‐JIR) and Director of the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at Stanford University. America, some say, has been too good to the Jews. We've achieved unprecedented acceptance and success,

but personal involvement in Jewish life is ebbing. Syna‐gogue membership is heading down. Despite Birthright, con‐nec on to Israel remains key only among older Jews. The strong post‐War "middle" of American Jewry is shrinking. What does this mean, and what can we do about it? No one has thought about this more than demographer Professor Steven Cohen. In this year's Bloom Lecture, Prof. Cohen will discuss "The

Shrinking Jewish Middle," review the good and (more) not‐so‐good communal responses he has studied, and offer thoughts on what can be done to preserve the health and well‐being of Jews in America. A one‐ me member of the Hebrew University, CUNY and Yale facul es, a Na onal Jewish Book Award win‐ner and twice named to the Forward Fi y, his research has focused on the many forces which influence American Jewry. He was a consultant to the recently conducted Pew Study of American Jews. This event, supported by the Bloom Family Memorial Lecture Fund, is free and open to the community. Register online at www.tbanj.org or call 973.994.2290.


RSVP Online or Call 973.994.2290





All lis ngs as of March 16, 2018 ONE FAMILY FUND In honor of Arden Lily Moscowitz be‐ing a Bat Mitzvah Rochelle Cohen Julie & Max Silbermann Marji &Barry Nydick In honor of the birth of Lola Reese Lebersfeld Sharon & Larry Feinsod In honor of Nancy & Bob Eskow being recognized by Jewish Family Services Julie & Max Silbermann In memory of Arthur Esralew Isabella & Josh Fiske Sabine & Robert Breier In memory of Pearl Lewis Tammy M. Gardenier Alan & Dana Sobel Marit & Jason Halper Bruce Mactas Michael & Deena Oksenhorn Keller Rohrback LLP Sco & Sara Halper In memory of Leon Rynar Nancy & Richard Dinar Rachel & Jon Meisel David & Tamara Hoffman In memory of Ida Rose Helen Farber Linda & Henry Pelzman Myrna & Marvin Wertheimer Stuart & Audrey Rosenbla Adele & Sidney Bernstein Patricia & George Schneider In memory of Eleanor Mellman Leslie & Jay Mayesh In memory of Marian Re g Bernstein Sharon & Larry Feinsod CLERGY DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of their mother, Lois Greene Bruce & Susan Greene Glenn & Ann Greene In honor of Cantor Epstein & Rabbi Dantowitz for leading Shiva Karen & Kash Bryce & Family

In memory of Sharon Chazkin’s mother Diane & Jerry Jacob In memory of his father, Leonard Pivnick, with thanks to Rabbi Kulwin Jonathan Pivnick In memory of his mother, Eleanor Mellman, with thanks to Rabbi Kulwin Marc Mellman In memory of her mother, Marian Re g Bernstein, with thanks to Rabbi Kulwin Alyse Wolfson In memory of Ann Cummis’ daughter, Deborah Mrs. Pa Goldman In memory of Enid Rothman’s mother, Ida Rose Harriet & Marvin Kirschner Roz Fink & Mary Soriano BARRY FRIEDMAN CREATIVE SERVICE FUND In memory of Leon Rynar Randy & Roberta Samuels In memory of Ida Rose Ruth Ross CARING CONNECTIONS In memory of Ida Rose Dan Cooperberg & Kathy Galanty SHEILA GROSSMAN EARLY SCHOOL FUND In memory of Barry Hee ner Betsey, Ron, Samantha & Ryan Ladell Ruth Ross Dr. Alyce Sands Miller Michelle, Sco , Tyler, Ethan & Jared Barishaw THE FREDERICK W. KAMIS EARLY SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In honor of Nova’s Bat Mitzvah Ginny Kamis In memory of Ida Rose Kathy & Hy Kleinman

In memory of Barry Hee ner Tina Greenberg JEWISH LEARNING PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Arthur Esralew Lauren & Jeff Halperin In memory of Leon Rynar John Williams ELLEN & PETER KLEIN GARDEN FLOWER FUND In honor of Arden Lily Moscowitz becoming a Bat Mitzvah In memory of Barry Hee ner In memory of Marian Bernstein In memory of Ida Rose Ellen & Peter Klein In honor of Josh & Kate Dinar being honored by The Boulder JCC at its Annual Reflec ons Gala In honor of Arden Lily Moscowitz becoming a Bat Mitzvah Pat & Burt Sebold PRAYERBOOK FUND In memory of Edith Mendelsohn The Jeddis Family & The Piloto Family PRIME TIME In honor of Arden Lily Moscowitz becoming a Bat Mitzvah In memory of Eleanor Mellman In memory of Ida Rose Ethel & Bob Singer DR. JOACHIM PRINZ MEMORIAL LECTURE FUND In memory of Leon Rynar Pat & Burt Sebold ROBERT L. ROCKER MEMORIAL FUND In honor of David Rocker’s special birthday Andrea & Warren Grover




YAHRZEIT FUND It is a traditional duty of Jews to recite Kaddish for a deceased parent, child, spouse, or sibling (daily during the first year, annually thereafter on the anniversary of death). We thank those who have contributed to the Yahrzeit Fund in memory of their loved ones. May their memories forever be for a blessing…





Tour de Summer Camps NJ Sunday, April 29, 2018

Star ng and Finishing at the College of St. Elizabeth (2 Convent Rd, Morristown, NJ

The Jewish Federa on’s Tour de Summer Camps NJ, tak‐ing place on April 29, 2018, is a community cycling and family fun event to raise funds for One Happy Camper grants and need based scholarships for children to

a end Jewish summer camps. Studies show that sum‐mers spent at Jewish overnight camp empower Jewish young people to become spirited and engaged Jewish

adults, thereby laying the groundwork for strong, vibrant Jewish communi es for future genera ons.

For informa on go to h ps://tourdesummercampsnj.rallybound.org/.


300 East Northfield Road, Livingston, New Jersey 07039

mailing address: PO Box 46, Livingston, NJ 07039 www.tbanj.org

Temple 973.994.2290 Fax: 973.994.1838

The Early School 973.994.7016 Fax: 973.994.7999

Jewish Learning 973.994.3950 Fax: 973.994.7999

Program (K‐12)

April 2018

The Temple B’nai Abraham Bulle n is published monthly.

Online at www.tbanj.org

Bruce H. Greene, D.O., President

Jeffrey Klein, Vice President Jeffrey Kollin, Vice President

Sco Loventhal, Vice President Kenneth Starr, Vice President

Stacey Rosenberg, Secretary Isabella Fiske, Asst. Secretary

Carey Gertler, Treasurer Craig Kantor, Assist. Treasurer

Julie A. Silbermann, Immediate Past President

Jakob B. Halpern, Counsel

Clifford M. Kulwin, Rabbi

Faith Joy Dantowitz, Rabbi

Jessica Epstein , Cantor

Lee Coppersmith, Cantor Emeritus

Gail Milchman, Execu ve Director

Debbie Aronson Ziering, Director of Early Childhood Educa on

Melissa G. Weiner, Director of Jewish Learning

Tina Greenberg, Communica ons Coordinator


Friday, April 6 7th Day of Passover 6:30 PM Shabbat Service Saturday, April 7 8th Day of Passover 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service/Passover Service, Yizkor Thursday, April 12 Yom HaShoah 6:30 PM Yom HaShoah Service. During Yom HaShoah services, our speaker will be Peter Hirschmann, whose son and daughter‐in ‐law Jonathan and Hayley Hirschmann, are Temple members. Hirschmann, who will share memories of his own upbringing, fled his na ve Nuremberg in 1939, se ling in Newark. He served in the US Army in World War II, earning Purple Heart. Friday, April 13 6:30 PM Shabbat Service Saturday, April 14 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Sh’mini 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Noah Berger son of Deborah & Sco Berger will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Dylan Dennis daughter of Hallie & Joseph Dennis will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah.

Friday, April 20 6:30 PM Shabbat Service. 5th Grade Yom HaShoah Service Saturday, April 21 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Tazria‐Metzora 9:30 AM Jr. Congrega on 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services Sadie Glassman daughter of Leanne Glassman & Brad Glassman will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. Lindsay Rosenthal daughter of Stacey Glassman‐Rosenthal & Mark Rosenthal will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. Friday , April 27 6:30 PM Shabbat Service. 3rd Grade Siddur Service Saturday, April 28 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Acharei Mot‐Kedoshim 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Jared Ende son of Sylvia & Philip Ende will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah