A Vocation is a Career or Calling and the Word is Derived From the Latin Vocare

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of A Vocation is a Career or Calling and the Word is Derived From the Latin Vocare

  • 8/11/2019 A Vocation is a Career or Calling and the Word is Derived From the Latin Vocare


    A vocation is a career or calling and the word is derived from

    the Latin vocare, which means "to call." Vocational guidance

    means helping someone find his or her calling or at least a

    suitable career choice. Vocations or careers can be loosely

    categorized into areas such as service, technical, mechanical,

    creative, health and business.

    Vocational training rather than vocational guidance is availableat career colleges and this is usually for entry-level careers. For

    example, a career college with a health vocational curriculum

    may offer education and training programs for nurses aide and

    medical assistantcareers, while business-oriented vocational

    schools may have marketing assistant and bookkeeping

    program offerings. A career college orvocational schooldiffers

    from regular colleges and universities as the focus isn't on

    academics, but rather on training students for a specific career.

    Vocational or career colleges are also sometimes referred to as

    community colleges ortrade schools.

    Vocational guidance is often started in high school although

    some high schools also have vocational training programs.

    Vocational exploration courses offer students the opportunityto research different career possibilities as well as learn which

    vocational areas they have aptitude or talent in. For instance,

    many vocational guidance classes give tests to the students

    that test their ability with numbers, words, mechanical

    concepts and many more subjects. Tests designed to measure

    an individuals personality traits, intelligence quotient (IQ) as

    well as his or her main values and interests are administered

    and analyzed by career counselors.

    Once career counselors and the students have looked over the

    test results, career options can be chosen that fit best with each

    individual. Vocational guidance doesn't stop there as many

    other considerations must be made when deciding on a career

    direction. The type and number of years of education must be

    considered.Salaryand working conditions are other important

    considerations in career selection. The likely demand for the

    occupation in the next decade or more is a crucial element

    when choosing a vocation since this affects the likelihood of

    finding jobs in a certain career field.

    Vocational guidance isn't just for high school students. Rather

    it's for anyone either starting a career or changing careers.

    Some people may have several different careers in their life,

    while others may stay in the same field during all their working


    The Consolation of Philosophywas written during a one-year

    imprisonment Boethius served while awaiting trial and

    eventual horrific execution for the crime oftreasonunder theOstrogothicKingTheodoric the Great.Boethius was at the very

    heights of power inRomeand was brought down by treachery.

    This experience inspired the text, which reflects on how evil

    can exist in a world governed by God (the problem of

    theodicy), and how happiness can be attainable amidst fickle

    fortune, while also considering the nature of happiness and

    God. It has been described as "by far the most interesting

    example of prison literaturethe world has ever seen."[4]

    Even though reference is often made to God, the book is not

    strictly religious. A link is often assumed, yet there is no

    reference made to Jesus Christ or Christianity or any other

    specific religion other than a few oblique references to Pauline

    scripture, such as the symmetry between the opening lines of

    Book 4 Chapter 3 and 1 Corinthians 9:24. God is however

    represented not only as an eternal and all-knowing being, but

    as the source of all Good.

    Boethius writes the book as a conversation between himself

    and Lady Philosophy. She consoles Boethius by discussing the

    transitory nature of fame and wealth ("no man can ever truly

    be secure until he has been forsaken by Fortune"), and the

    ultimate superiority of things of the mind, which she calls the

    "one true good". She contends that happiness comes from

    within, and that one's virtue is all that one truly has, because it

    is not imperilled by the vicissitudes of fortune.

    Boethius engages questions such as the nature of

    predestinationandfree will, whyevil men often prosper and

    good men fall into ruin, human nature, virtue,andjustice.He

    speaks about the nature of free will versusdeterminismwhenhe asks if God knows and sees all, or does man have free will.

    To quote V.E. Watts on Boethius, God is like a spectator at a

    chariot race; He watches the action the charioteers perform, but

    this does not cause them.[5]On human nature, Boethius says

    that humans are essentially good and only when they give in to

    wickedness do they sink to the level of being an animal. On

    justice, he says criminals are not to be abused, rather treated

    with sympathy and respect, using the analogy of doctor and

    patient to illustrate the ideal relationship between prosecutor

    and criminal.

    In the Consolation, Boethius answered religious questions

    without reference to Christianity, relying solely on natural

    philosophy and the Classical Greektradition. He believed in the

    correspondence between faith and reason. The truths found in

    Christianity would be no different from the truths found in

    philosophy.[6]In the words of Henry Chadwick, "If the

    Consolationcontains nothing distinctively Christian, it is also

    relevant that it contains nothing specifically pagan either...[it]

    is a work written by a Platonist who is also a Christian, but is

    not a Christian work."[7]


    Boethius, was a philosopher of the early 6th century. He was

    born in Rome to the ancient and prominent Anicia family,which included emperors Petronius Maximus and Olybrius and

    many consuls. Wikipedia

    Born:480 AD, Rome, Italy

    Died:524 AD,Pavia, Italy

    Spouse: Rusticana

  • 8/11/2019 A Vocation is a Career or Calling and the Word is Derived From the Latin Vocare


    Parents: Manlius Boethius

    Boethiuswas a Roman mathematician and philosopher who

    wrote texts on geometry and arithmetic which were used for

    many centuries during a time when mathematical achievement

    in Europe was at a remarkable low.
