A visit to the clinic

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of A visit to the clinic

A Visit to the ClinicA Visit to the Clinic

Form 1 Form 1 EnglishEnglish

Author List ResponsibilityKoo, Ho Fun Funnecal98048160

Lesson Planning

Lo, Wing Yee Remon98106150

Graphic Collection

Ngan, Lisa Laisan98106490

Worksheet Design

Tsui, Ying Chi Vicky98173700

Technical Support

EDD 5161B Education Communication and TechnologyEDD 5161B Education Communication and Technology(Group 5)

Target AudienceTarget Audience

Our students are from a F.1 Enhancement Program. Most of them are aged 12 to 13, and there are 25 students in the class. The students are able to understand general written and oral English instructions. We assume that they already know some of the vocabulary items such as fever and cold, but a lot more items would be new to them. These students are active learners and they prefer to learn through games and simulations.

Instruction of using slides:Instruction of using slides:

The slides are going to be used in lecturing. It is designed for a double period lesson. Teacher guidance is required in using these slides. However, it can also be used for students to do revision, exercise and answer checking on their own.Accompanied with the slides, students will be given with two worksheets. Both of them will be appeared in the slides. It will be easier for teachers to give instructions and answers.Before the role play, teachers should distribute some costume or authentic materials so that the simulation will be presented in an authentic way.


After the lesson, students should be able to do three things. One, they will be able to name the various types of illnesses. Two, they should be able to describe the symptoms of different illnesses. Lastly, they will be able to respond to the doctor's questions or requests during the consultation.



What is the problem?

sore throat

headache earache


back pain

broken arm

a temperaturecough

broken leg

cut in my hand

What is the Problem?


Pre-listening Exercise

What’s happened to her?

She hurt her arm.

She is going to wait in the waiting room.Where is Judith going to wait?

He will get her arm x-rayed.What is the doctor going to do with Judith’s arm?

What’s wrong with Judith?

She fell downstairs.

Situational Dialogue

Judith: Thanks.

Doctor: Hello Judith. Take a seat. What’s the problem?

Judith: I fell downstairs and hurt my arm. It really hurts. I can hardly move it.

Doctor: OK. Let me take a look. Roll your sleeve up please.

Judith: Ouch! It’s really sore.Doctor: Yes, it looks badly swollen. I think we’ll

have to get that X-rayed. Could you wait in the waiting room please?

Judith: Alright. Will I have to wait long?

Doctor: No, I’ll get the nurse to get things ready now.

Role Play

Doctor: You will be alright soon.

Doctor: Hello, John. Take a seat. What’s the problem?

John: I’ve got a sore throat/stomachache/fever.

Doctor: OK. Let me take a look.

John: Oh! It’s really painful/hot/sore.

Doctor: Um…Please wait outside and the nurse will give you some medicine/a shot/a blood test.

John: Alright. Will I have to wait long?

Doctor: No, I’ll get the nurse to get things ready now.

John: Thanks.

1. I think I ate too much. Now I’ve got a ________.

2. Your back hurts. What have you got?

3. John’s got an ________. He can’t hear very well.

4. My throat itches. It makes me ________.

5. Mary was hit by a car and she’s got a _________ leg.

6. What do you have when your head hurts?

7. I feel very hot. I have got a _________.

Crossword PuzzleCrossword Puzzle (Homework)







1. I think I ate too much. Now I’ve got a stomachache.

2. Your back hurts. What have you got?


3. John’s got an earache. He can’t hear very well.

4. My throat itches. It makes me cough.

5. Mary was hit by a car and she’s got a broken leg.

6. What do you have when your head hurts?


7. I feel very hot. I have got a temperature.

Answer for the Crossword PuzzleAnswer for the Crossword Puzzle

Answer for the Crossword PuzzleAnswer for the Crossword Puzzle7

6 t1 s t o m a c h a c h e

e m2 b a c k p a i n p

5 d eb a rr c 3 e a r a c h e

4 c o u g h tk e ue rn e

The EndThe EndThank you for your attention!

start again

Koo, Ho Fun Funnecal

Lo, Wing Yee Remon

Ngan, Lisa Laisan

Tsui, Ying Chi Vicky