A very simple presentation about reaching your goal (or not)

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Starting something (your own business) is easy, but how do you work your way through the challenges you will face?

Transcript of A very simple presentation about reaching your goal (or not)

A Very simple presentation

About reaching your goal

By Lucy Wobma

Entrepreneur (Driving miss Isis: Fashion for cars)

& blogger: www.northernlog.blogspot.nl

• Feel free to share this presentation, as long as you mention the author (Lucy) and a link to the blog and/or www.drivingmissisis.nl would be appreciated!

• Groningen, The Netherlands

• January 4, 2010

• Copyright: Lucy Wobma

Want to start you own business?

Or is there some other goal you want to reach?

• There are many great businessmodels and statistics that you can learn from

• And there is this

• On the left-side there is you

• On the right-side, that strangely-shaped thing, is a pot of gold, representing your goal

• Now, wouldn´t it be great if your path towards your goal was like this first figure

• But it isn´t.

• Okay, you think, that´s cool. Ofcourse I didn´t think it was going to be that easy. I have to put in the work, and there are going to be obstacles.

• So let´s be more realistic:

• O, okay, too bad about these obstacles, but I can do it, let´s go!

• And then you start. And yes, there it is, your first obstacle. But you knew that, so, you solve it.

• And then, O! There is the next obstacle. Already!

• What´s happening now! Obstacles keep popping up!

• Bad, bad obstacles!!


• But they won´t go away.

• That model wasn´t right, was it?

• No, it wasn´t.

• It should be more like this:

• Wooow, what´s that!

• There are way to many obstacles, that can´t be right!

• And what are these strange-looking ´Very Thick Brick Walls´ for?

• These ´Very Thick Brick Walls´ let´s call them VTBW, are obstacles too. But very difficult ones, because you can´t go around them, like the obstacles. You have to face them, go through them. That´s the only way to go on.

• Mmmm. Strange, but okay. Where do I start?

• Let´s say there are 3 scenario´s for which way you can go:

• Scenario 1:

• What, do I have to suffer or anything?

• Are you crazy? No way I´m going in there. I´m out, have a nice life!

• And you´re out. There must be some easier way. Suffering is for fools, you want to have a good time, not misery.

• Scenario 2:

• O, okay, a challenge huh. I can do that, I´m tough!

• And you dive in, and work your way around the obstacles. And with every obstacle, you get better at it, you get stronger, you hardly see them as obstacles anymore.

• But then.

• There it is.

• Your first ´Very Thick Brick Wall´

• Jesus. What´s happening to me? I´m not myself anymore. At all.

• Everything is going wrong, I´m scared, worried sick, I panic, I never felt so bad, I feel so lost, everybody hates me, I hate me, it´s never going to work,

• What was I thinking???

•This is no fun at all!!

• But then you remember that you were worried when you met your first obstacles, too. And got past them. So, you confront yourself: what is it I have to do, learn, understand? And with all the strengh and faith you have left, you make ik trough the first VTBW!

• This is just great. You never felt so good about yourself before. The world is opening itself to you, you feel light, strong, confident, you feel...

• What´s that?

• O. Another obstacle.

• Again.

• God, does it ever stop? Aren´t we through yet? I know now, don´t I? I faced my big challenge. I learned very important things. I want to enjoy that feeling.

• So now, it´s enough, okay?


•What´s this?

•Another Very Thick Brick Wall!

•Why? Why? Why?

•No! No! No!

• You´re really pissed now. What is this? Somebody is playing tricks with me. Another VTBW? No Way! I allready showed my very best.

• There is nothing more I can do or give. What do you want from me? Leave me alone! This whole thing is way to hard and stupid anyway.

•I´m out

• And you quit.

• Scenario 3:

• Okay, so here you are.

• All prepared, and you know it´s not always going to be easy

• Off we go now!

• Hmmmm, challenging these obstacles

• But I knew that

• And it´s hard sometimes, but I can do it

• O! Wow! Is that the Very Thick Brick Wall?

• But it´s way more difficult then I could imagine!

• I can´t do this!

• But I have to, I want to reach my goal so, so, so badly…

• And there you go:

• Jesus. What´s happening to me? I´m not myself anymore. At all.

• Everything is going wrong, I´m scared, worried sick, I panic, I never felt so bad, I feel so lost, everybody hates me, I hate me, it´s never going to work!

• But then you remember that you were worried when you met your first obstacles, too. And got past them. So, you confront yourself: what is it I have to do, learn, understand? And with all the strengh and faith you have left, you make ik trough the first VTBW!

• This is just great. You never felt so good about yourself before. The world is opening itself to you, you feel light, strong, confident, you feel...

• What´s that?

• O. Another obstacle.

• Again.

• God, does it ever stop? Aren´t we through yet? I know now, don´t I? I faced my big challenge. I learned very important things. I want to enjoy that feeling.

• So, now it´s enough, okay?


•What´s this?

•Another Very Thick Brick Wall!

•Why? Why? Why?

•No! No! No!

• You´re really pissed now. What is this? Somebody is playing tricks with me. Another VTBW?

• Why?

• I thought that I gave all I have, but maybe it is possible that I can give even more?

• So, there you go, facing your second Very Thick Brick Wall.

• And it´s hard, and it´s awfull, and you have sleepless nights, and you loose friends, and you´re broke. Come on now: is this

really worth it?

• You want to start fighting again, or actually, you feel like giving up. Why bother, whatever it was you wanted to reach, it´s further away then ever before. It´s useless.

• You give it one more try, you stop fighting, you open up again, and there you go

• You made it through your second Very Thick Brick Wall!

• And now, really, life never felt so promising, you´re not scared anymore! You just go and do it!

• Nothing is gonna stop you now.

• What´s that?

• An obstacle?

• Obstacles are nothing!

• You deal with them and you move on!

• You can´t even remember that once, you were worried by them!

• You never felt so much alive. It was hard, but really, it was worth…

• What?

• What´s that?


•Not another Very Thick Brick Wall!

• I´m getting really, really tired by now.

• What´s it now???

• You´re sick to your stomach, but, you start breathing, you start looking at that wall, and, and you just go, and much sooner then before, you go through it!

• And you´re on the other side!

• And this feeling is just incredible!

• It´s not a nervous, thrilled, excited feeling, well, that too, but it´s also a deep, deep sense of faith, trust, freedom, confidence that lightens everything you do from now on.


•What obstacles?

•Very Thick Brick Walls?

• Scary, but what´s on the other side is to

great to be stopped by a wall. • Actually, without these walls, I would never

have discovered that.

• So:

•What Very Thick Brick Walls?

Thank you for reading.

I would very much like to hear from you.

What´s your Very Thick Brick Wall? Or used to be? And how did you go through it?

Or e-mail about whatever is on your mind:


• PS: don´t worry: I´m not trying to make it as a drawer or a cartoonist

• XXX Lucy