A Two-step Dance with Django and Jinja2 Templates

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of A Two-step Dance with Django and Jinja2 Templates

A Two-step Dance with Django and Jinja2 TemplatesSebastien Mirolo@seabasscapoeirasmirolo@djaodjin.com



Where we started

80 template files4.3K lines of HTML template code+ Customers relyingon site to process payments

photo credit: Happip (http://www.flickr.com/photos/46629025@N02/5453823369) cc 2.0

The Plan

Deploy Django / Jinja2 compatible subsetFeature flag to toggle between template pipelines

An Easy Bit{% csrf_token %}

-{% csrf_token %}+{% block base_bodyscripts %}{% endblock %}{% endblock %}

$ cat index.html{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block bodyscripts %}{% block base_bodyscripts %}{{ block.super }}

{% endblock %}

Undefined Context Variables

{% if urls.profile %}My Profile{% endif %}

When everything can be solved with a filter$ cat templatetags/authenticated_tags.py...@register.filter()def is_authenticated(request): return hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user.is_authenticated()

$ cat index.html{% if request.user|is_authenticated %}...{% endif %}


Moving Python code into Templatescrispy{% include with %} vs. {% macro %}

Moving Template code into PythonURL patterns{% if forloop.counter0|divisible_by:3 %} vs. {% if loop.index is divisibleby 3 %}

Jinja2 rendering pipeline quirksTemplate loadersCache dimensioningOptimizer in a multi-tier context

How you can help? Clone DjaoDjin repos and try them out!Star us on GitHub!


Thank YouSebastien Mirolo@seabasscapoeirasmirolo@djaodjin.com