A Traffic Simulation Model Allowing For Wide-ranged Vehicle Communication (being altered/worked on)...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of A Traffic Simulation Model Allowing For Wide-ranged Vehicle Communication (being altered/worked on)...

A Traffic Simulation Model Allowing For Wide-ranged Vehicle

Communication (being altered/worked on)

Timmy Galvin(Third Quarter)


Traffic Simulation Moving past optimal Model Types:

Fluid Flow Agent Based Modeling


Communication Calculation- information flow Human behavior Reaction and Response


Traffic Jams

– What causes a jam? Optimization of Models Variable speed limits

– Inferred effects Kai Nagel Steen Rasmussen

Micro models

Fluid Flow Model

Opposing theory Terrible at small perturbations

Butterfly effect Mostly kept in the United States

Slow to change to agent based


World and environment Vehicles- all private information Reaction Algorithm

– Function of individuality User-definition Density versus Flow

Reaction Algorithm

Delta X Smallest distance on same line of travel Function of two velocities Previously linear

– Not true human behavior, more development

Looking forward through intersections


• Defined by user

• N number of intersections

• Stoplights created with preset timing


Traffic jam moving backwards- speed trap Graphical analysis of density versus flow Traffic congestion and travel time How do different variables affect traffic patterns Altering timing on a system-wide scale

– Networking traffic lights


Traffic is dependent on human specific behavior More factors need to be taken into account

Further research Micro model → macro model Compilation of parts