A Tissues

Post on 29-May-2015

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Transcript of A Tissues


Epithelial Connective Muscular Nervous

Tissues are groups of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common or reqalted function.

Epithelial is a sheet of cells that covers the bodies surface or aligns a body cavity. There are two types of Epithelial tissues.

Epithelial Tissues

Simple Epithelial Stratified Epithelial

Simple Epithelial is composed of a single layer of cells and basically used for filtration and absorption in thin layers. There are three types of tissues depending on height and shape

Simple Epithelial Tissue

Simple Epithelial Squamous Simple Epithelial Cuboidal Simple Epithelial Columnar

Simple Epithelial Squamous are flattened laterally, and scale like, and their cytoplasm is sparse. They have a single layer and they are the simplest epithelial.

Simple Epithelial Squamous Tissue

Simple Epithelial

Simple Cubodial are shaped cubelike with a large spherical central nucleai. These Tissues are boxlike: as tall as they are wide.

Simple Epithelial Cuboidal Tissue

Simple Epithelial

Simple Epithelial Columnar are single layers of tall cells with a round oval nuclei and some cells contain cilla. Layers may also contain mucus-secreting unicellular glands or goblet cells. The nucleus is elongated from top to bottom and usually located next to the cell base.

Simple Epithelial Columnar Tissue

Simple Epithelial

The Psuedostratified Columnar is the thick membrane made up of several cell layers. The basal cells are cubodial or columnar and are metabolically active and the surface cells are flat. The nuclei lie at different levels above the basement membrane and give the false impression that several cell layers are present.

Psuedostratified Epithelial Columnar Tissue

Simple Epithelial Columnar Epithelial Tissues

Stratified Epithelia contain two or more cell layers.

Stratified Epithelail Tissue

Stratified Epithelial Epithelial Tissue

Stratified Transitional is like squamous and stratified cuboidal. The surface cells are dome shaped (squamous) depending on the organ and the basal cells are cuboidal or columnar.

Stratified Epithelial Transitional Tissue

Stratified Epithelial Epithelial Tissue

The stratified squamous are thick membrane composed of several cell layers. The basal cells are cuboidal or columnar and they are metabolically active and they produce the flat outside layer and get there energy through mitosis.

Stratified Epithelail Squamous Tissue

Simple Squamous Epithelial Epithelial Tissue

Both the Cubodial and Columnar are relative scarcity in the body

Stratified Epithelial Cuboidal and Columnar Tissue

Simple Epithelial Cubodial Epithelial Tissue

There are two types of muscular tissue. They are highly cellular, well-vascularized tissues and they are responsible for most of the movement of the body.

Muscular Tissue

Involuntary Voluntary

There is only one type of voluntary muscular tissue

Voluntary Muscular Tissue

Muscular Tissue Skeletal Tissue

Skeletal muscles or also called muscle fibers are long, cylindrical cells containing numerous nuclei. They are banded or striated, like alignment of mircofilaments. There are obvious striations in the skeletal muscle as well.

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Voluntary Muscle Musclar Tissue

There are two types of involuntary muscle

Involuntary Muscular Tissue

Muscular Tissue Smooth Tissue Cardiac Tissue

The cardiac muscle is found on the wall of the heart. Cardiac Muscle is also Striated like skeletal muscles.

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

Muscular Tissue Smooth Tissue Involuntary Musclar Tissue

The smooth muscle is called smooth because it has no visible striations. The individual cells are spindle shaped and have one centrally located nucleus. Also the cells are arranged closely to form sheets.

Smooth Muscle Tissue

Muscular Tissue Involuntary Muscular Cardiac Tissue

Connective tissue is found all throughout the body. It is the most prominent and distributed of all the primary tissues. Also blood, cartilage and bone are considered connective tissues. There are three main elements.

Connective Tissue

Connective Tissue Proper Dense Connective Tissue Dense Regular Connective Tissue Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

There are two subclasses in connective tissue proper. All connective proper tissues consist of living cells surrounded by a matrix.

Connective Tissue Proper

Connective Tissue

There are three types of loose connective tissue.

Loose Connective Tissue

Connective Tissue

There are four functions of this tissue. The arrangement of this tissue is very loose. The rest of the matrix appears to be empty space.

Areolar Connective Tissue

Connective Tissue

The reticular tissue is closely related to the areolar tissue but the only fibers in its matrix are reticular fibers, which form the delicate networks along with the fibroblasts called reticular cells.

Reticular Connective Tissue

Connective Tissue

The Adipose Tissue is similar to the structure and function of the areolar tissue but is much greater in the nutrient-storing ability. The cells are packed close together and the matrix is scanty. Also sometimes described as white fat, brown fat, white adipose tissue, or brown adipose tissue.

Adipose Connective Tissue

Connective Tissue

There are two types of Dense Connective Tissue

Dense Connective Tissue

Dense Regular Connective Tissue Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

The Dense regular connective tissue has fibers as its predominant element. This tissue is also often times referred to as the fibrous connective tissue.

Dense Regular Connective Tissue

Dense Connective Tissue

Dense Irregular Connective Tissue has the same structural elements as Regular Connective Tissue but the bundles of collagen fibers are much thicker and are arranged irregularly, and they run in one plane.

Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

Dense Connective Tissue

Cartilage stands for both tension and compression

Cartilage Tissue

Bones are the main support and protection in the body.

Bone Tissue

Blood is made up of red and white cells.

Blood Tissue

The nervous tissue is what regulates and and controls the body nerves.

Nervous Tissue
