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A study on Determinants of Organization Justice Perception

of Bank Employees

*Dr. Nidhi,

Assistant Professor, M.D.U Center for Professional and Allied Studies, Gurugram, Haryana,

India. Nidhi00@gmail.com

**Krishna Kumari (Corresponding Author),

Research Scholar, M.D.U Center for Professional and Allied Studies, Gurugram, Haryana,

India. krishna.parihaar711@gmail.com


Organization justice is the term refers to the fairness of Organization decisions, process and

behavior towards employees. It is an important aspect for human resource management and

Organization psychology. Organization justice concept becomes more critical to understand in

service industry specifically in banking. This research aims to explore the factors that define the

Organization justice perception of employees in banking. Data collected through questionnaire

methods from public and private sector banks in Gurugram. Result of exploratory factor analysis

shows that Distributive justice, Procedural justice and Interpersonal and informational justice

were four factors that define Organization justice perception of bank employees. Along with that

Organization justice perception was compared between public and private bank employees.

Key words:- Organization justice, Human resource management, fairness, Organization

psychology, Perception.

Journal of Information and Computational Science

Volume 9 Issue 9 - 2019

ISSN: 1548-7741


1. Introduction

Banking industry in India has gone tremendous transformation in recent years. Banking structure

in currant scenario is characterized as fast growing, dynamic and complex structure. High usage

of technology and presence of different banking product like ATM, online Fund transfer, credit

and debit cards facilities, retail banking as well as corporate banking has create pressures over

human resource of banks. Banking industry requires more committed work force today. It has

been seen that service sector employee’s commitment, especially in bank based on perception of

person-Organization fit, employee are committed to Organization when they found similarity

between their own value and Organization work culture (Nazir, 2005). However banking work

forces face many problems like high job stress from their high work load, management pressure,

mental depression, long working hours, work deadlines and poor working condition etc.

(Rahman et al, 2013). Bank employees were generally dissatisfied with decisions and processes

of banks such as performance assessment system, promotion, career development, superiors’

behavior and employee welfare facilities (Karim, Islam and Mahmud, 2014). All these aspect

collectively represent employees’ perception towards Organization justice.

Organization justice refers to an individual’s subjective perception of the fairness of outcomes

distribution, the fairness of procedures used to determine outcomes distribution, the quality of

interpersonal treatment received when procedures are implemented, and the adequacy of

information conveyed about why procedures were used a certain way or how outcomes were

determined (Bell, Ryan and Wiechmann, 2004). Organization justice perception arise from varies

Organization function such as hiring, rewards system, conflict management layoffs, and

performance management (Cropanzano, Bowen, and Gilliland, 2007). Organization justice is

most interested topic for researcher from last decade. It is one of the concepts that help to explain

the employees’ perception of Organization ideology towards outcomes distribution, procedural

fairness and superior subordinate interaction. The term “Organizational justice” was first used by

French (1964) in his reserach and Greenberg (1990) was the one who used Organization justice

to express people’s perception of fairness at workplace. Organization justice perception affects

the individual behavioral outcomes in Organization. It is one of the important aspect of total

Organization behaviors that define employee job satisfaction (Baah, 2014; Akram et al, 2016;

Okocha Friday and Anyanwu 2016), turnover intention (Alexander et al, 1983; McAuliffe et al,

2009), Organization citizenship behavior (Lim and Loosemore, 2016; Chan and Lai, 2017) and

Organization commitment (Jayarathna and Weerakkody, 2016; Abouraia and Othman, 2017).

The absence of Organization justice leads to worst outcomes for Organization. Organization

injustice leads to moral disengagement among employees that further enhance deviant work

behaviors in employees (Hystad, Mearns and Eid, 2014). Thus it is almost necessary to know

what factors in banks constitute employees’ Organization justice perception. Hence the current

study aims to find factors structure for Organization justice in banks.

Journal of Information and Computational Science

Volume 9 Issue 9 - 2019

ISSN: 1548-7741


2. Literature review

The concept of justice was explained by many researchers including Ginsberg (1963) who

defined, “justice in border sense consists the ordering of human relation in accordance with the

general principle that impartially applied”. In his explanation justice was concerns with

problems of balance and adjustment. Perceived equity was the basis of justice in Organization in

terms of rewards allocation. Equity theory of Adams (1965) describes when people were in

social exchange in Organization, they compare their input/output ratio with other similar person.

People perceive equity when found their ratio equal to the ration of other person. An unequal

ratio of input/output represent inequity and that could be due to underpaid or overpaid compare

to other similar person. Underpaid people felt anger and distress and overpaid people feel guilt.

Adams, (1965) also explained that fair distribution of rewards such as pay based on equity and

equality represent distributive justice in Organization. Study conducted by Elovainio et al (1979)

found Organization justice perception significantly depends on decision-making and managerial

procedures. That means along with outcomes justice, procedure fairness was also important for

justice perception. Earlier Alexander et al, (1983) found workplace fairness perception

significantly depends on distributive and procedural justice. Greenberg (1986) also found both

procedural and distributive justice were important for conceptualization of fairness at workplace.

Organization justice theories also explain how person deal with justice, Greenberg (1987)

classified Organizational justice theories into reactive and proactive process-content theories.

Reactive theories tells how people react to unfair outcomes and process and proactive theories

explains what people do to overcomes unfair outcomes and what process they used to achieve

justice. Jerald Greenberg (1990) found both distributive and procedural justice were independent

measure of Organization justice, distributive justice arise when employee feels outcomes

satisfaction and procedural justice achieved when employee have system satisfaction. Later on

Bies and Mong (1986) introduced third type of justice called “Interaction Justice” and described

it as the social side of justice. He described respect and propriety was the prime determinants of

interpersonal justice. Singer, (1993) defined “Interactional justice refers to the quality of

interpersonal treatment an individual receive in the process of resource allocation”. The overall

dimensionality of Organization justice has been define by Colquitt (2001), who conceptualized

Organizational justice as the multidimensional construct that include distributive justice,

procedural justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice. Baah (2014) explained the

Informational justice was concern with explanation or the justification provided by the decision

makers that why outcomes were distributed in a certain way. Tatum et al, (2003) explained

justice at Organization in terms of structural justice and social justice. Structural justice was

explained as structural element of Organization that involved employee in decision making and

provide fair distribution of outcomes and social justice was described as employee’s perception

that Organization provide information to them and concern for their wellbeing. Kim et al, (2004)

explained that in Organization setting justice refers to workplace fairness. Cropanzano, Bowen

and Gilliland (2007) described “Organization justice is a personal evaluation about the ethical

and moral standing of managerial conduct”. Agarwal and Bose (2004) revels that Organization’s

Journal of Information and Computational Science

Volume 9 Issue 9 - 2019

ISSN: 1548-7741


work climate contributes to justice perception among employees. (Bhal and Gulati, 2004)

explained workplace relationship between leader and member based on social exchange helps to

enhance justice perception among employees. Eberlin and Tatum (2008) study revels leadership

and decision making style of mangers in Organization significantly contribute to the justice

perception. Cropanzano, Bowen, and Gilliland, (2007) revels that Organization justice

perception among employee arise from various Organization function such as hiring, rewards

system, conflict management layoffs, and performance management. Karkoulian , Assaker and

Hallak (2016) found Organization justice perception depends on employee’s fair performance

assessment. Chan and Lai (2016) explained justice perception at Organization depends on

Organization’s communication system. Tamta and Rao (2017) found Organization justice

worked as mediator role in the relation between emotional intelligences of employee and

knowledge sharing behavior in Organization. That implies Organization justice enhances

employees knowledge sharing behavior.

3. Research objectives

Present research is focused on Organization justice perception of banking employees. The study

has following research objectives.

1. To find the determinants of Organization justice perception among bank employees.

2. To find the difference of Organization justice perception in public sector and private

sector bank employees.

4. Research methodology

This is an exploratory cum descriptive study. Determinates of Organization justice has been

explore in banking sector. This research is comparative in nature as the Organization justice

perception of public bank and private banks was also compared. First of all exploratory factor

analysis has been applied on data and then two sample t test used to find significant difference

between public and private banks.


Sample of this study were bank employees in the city of Gurugram. Employees from the public

banks and private banks were participated in research. Sample was totally based on the

availability of time with respondent in bank. All respondent were contacted personally by

researcher in their bank branch. Total 130 questionnaires were distributed by researcher to

employees of different banks and explained the purpose of research. After that 102 complete

filled and valid questionnaires were received. Respond rate were 78.46percent percent of sample.

There were 60 public bank employees and 42 private bank employees in final data.

Journal of Information and Computational Science

Volume 9 Issue 9 - 2019

ISSN: 1548-7741



For the collection of data this study has used self structured questionnaire. Questionnaires had

two parts, first part has questions related to employee demographic and second part has questions

related to Organization justice. To measure Organization justice all the variables were identified

through review of literature. Responses were collected on five point likert scale where strongly

disagree score 1, disagree=2, natural=3, agree=4 and strongly agree=5.

5. Analysis

This study had first objective to explore the determinants of Organization justice in banking

sector. Study use exploratory factor analysis to find the dimension of Organization justice.

Before applying the factor analysis the initial sample adequacy has been checked through Kaiser-

Meyer-Olkin test. Table 1 shows that sample is adequate for factor analysis as the value is of

KMO was .813 that was near to 1.00.

Table 1: KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .813

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 2.443E3

df 190

Sig. .000

Table 2 shows the result of rotated component matrix. Through exploratory factor analysis there

were four factors identified. This paper uses the varimax factor rotation and principle component

method. This method identified the factors and components based on their relative significance.

That mean the most significant factor was identified first and then next and so on. Table 2

express that first factor include variables OJ11,OJ12,OJ13,OJ14 and OJ15 The second

significant factor identified with inclusion of variables such as OJ5, OJ6, OJ7, OJ8, OJ9 and

OJ10. In the same way variables namely OJ16, OJ17, OJ18, OJ19 and OJ20 makes third

significant factor and lastly OJ1, OJ2,OJ3 and OJ4 makes fourth factor.

Journal of Information and Computational Science

Volume 9 Issue 9 - 2019

ISSN: 1548-7741


Table 2 : Rotated Component Matrixa


1 2 3 4

OJ1 .798

OJ2 .895

OJ3 .626

OJ4 .870

OJ5 .786

OJ6 .745

OJ7 .910

OJ8 .830

OJ9 .603

OJ10 .864

OJ11 .918

OJ12 .949

OJ13 .935

OJ14 .900

OJ15 .881

OJ16 .899

OJ17 .918

OJ18 .903

OJ19 .694

OJ20 .661

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.

Table 3 shows the percent of variance explained by each factor. Based on the finding of factor

analysis the first factor identified was interpersonal justice. Interpersonal justice was most

significant determinants of Organization justice as it explained 23percent variance in

Organization justice of bank. Second determinates of Organization justice was found procedural

justice with 21percent variance, third significant factor was informational justice with 19percent

variance and the last factor distributive justice explained 15 percent variance in Organization

justice in bank.

Journal of Information and Computational Science

Volume 9 Issue 9 - 2019

ISSN: 1548-7741


Table 3: percent of variance explained by each factors



Factors percent of variance explained by

each factors

Cumulative percent of


1. Interpersonal


23.442 23.442

2. Procedural justice 21.604 45.046

6. Informational


19.744 64.790

7. Distributive justice 15.081 79.871

The second objective of the study was to find the difference of Organization justice perception

among public sector and private sector bank employees. Study uses independence t test. Table 4

shows the result of group statistics. This table explained the mean difference between public

sector and private sector bank based on four Organization justice component that were

distributive justice, procedural justice and interpersonal justice and informational justice. It was

found that distributive justice was lower in public banks than private bank as the mean of

distributive justice was 2.5917 in public sector banks and 3.5595 in private sector banks.

Procedural justice mean was also lower in public bank than private bank as the public bank has

3.3861 mean for procedural justice and private bank has 3.9048 mean. Mean of interpersonal

justice was also lower in public banks than private banks. Public bank has mean 3.5700 and

private bank has mean 3.9048 that higher than public banks. And finally informational justice of

public sector bank was 3.5133 and for private sector bank it was 3.7619. That means information

justice was also low in public bank as compare to private banks.

Table 4: Group Statistics

Employment N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean



Public Bank 60 2.5917 .88654 .11445

Private Bank 42 3.5595 1.00275 .15473



Public Bank 60 3.3861 .86057 .11110

Private Bank 42 3.9048 .67389 .10398



Public Bank 60 3.5700 .87436 .11288

Private Bank 42 3.9048 .87818 .13551



Public Bank 60 3.5133 .84722 .10938

Private Bank 42 3.7619 .66880 .10320

Journal of Information and Computational Science

Volume 9 Issue 9 - 2019

ISSN: 1548-7741


In order to find the significant difference between public and private bank towards the four

components of Organization justice study uses the independent sample t test. Table 5 shows the

result of t test. It was found that there were significant difference of distributive justice and

procedural justice between public banks and private banks. P value of distributive justice was

0.000 and procedural justice was 0.010 that were less than 0.05. Thus due to P<0.05 the

difference was statistically significant. But the P value of interpersonal justice (0.06) and

informational justice (0.116) were that was greater than 0.05, hence so significant difference of

interpersonal justice and informational justice in public sector and private sector was found.

Table 5: Independent sample t test

F Sig. t Df

Sig. (2-




Std. Error








Equal variances

assumed 1.796 .183


5.140 100 .000 -.96786 .18830



Equal variances

assumed 1.414 .237


3.266 100 .001 -.51865 .15881



Equal variances

assumed 1.279 .261


1.900 100 .060 -.33476 .17623



Equal variances

assumed 1.030 .313


1.586 100 .116 -.24857 .15673

6. Conclusion and discussion

This study aims to explore the determinants of Organization justice in banking sector. Through

exploratory factor analysis it was found that Organization justice perception was conceptualized

through four components that were distributive, procedural and interpersonal justice and

informational justice. Result of this study support to previous research that has define

Organization justice on the basis of four factor model that include distributive, procedural,

interpersonal and information justice(Colquitt, 2001; Walsh, 2003). However previous research

Journal of Information and Computational Science

Volume 9 Issue 9 - 2019

ISSN: 1548-7741


of on bank employee, also found three factor model of Organization justice that included

distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice (Usmani and Jamal, 2013)

Another objective of study was to find weather the values of Organization justice perception

components are significantly differs in public and private bank or weather employees of public

and private bank employees’ perception significantly difference towards Organization justice.

Through analysis it was found that out of the four components of Organization justice,

employee’s perception towards distributive justice and procedural justice was significantly

differs in public and private banks. The mean value of distributive justice and procedural justice

was higher among private bank employees than public bank employees. Second the procedural

justice was also considered better in private banks than public banks. But study has found no

significant difference of interpersonal and informational justice perception in public and private

bank. Employees of both banks perceived interpersonal and informational justice are good and

their seniors treat then with respect, dignity and politeness. Also employees of both banks

perceived they received adequate information from their seniors. Interpersonal justice was most

significant factor of Organization justice in bank.

Thus Organization justice in bank is based on four component distributive, procedural and

interpersonal justice and informational justice. Distributive justice based on fair distribution of

pay and rewards. Private bank employees perceive higher distributive justice because of good

salary compare to public banks. Also the decision making, growth and promotion decision were

considered more fair and free of bias in private bank than public banks. Future research need to

explore whether the perception of Organization justice among bank employees significantly

differs based on gander, employee age and employee job position in bank.

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Journal of Information and Computational Science

Volume 9 Issue 9 - 2019

ISSN: 1548-7741
