A Study of Employment Obstacles among New Poor Families in Taiwan -- Four Case Studies Shu-jung Li,...

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Transcript of A Study of Employment Obstacles among New Poor Families in Taiwan -- Four Case Studies Shu-jung Li,...

A Study of Employment ObstacleA Study of Employment Obstacles among New Poor Families in Tas among New Poor Families in Ta

iwaniwan -- --Four Case StudiesFour Case Studies

Shu-jung Li, Dr.Shu-jung Li, Dr.Associate ProfessorAssociate Professor

Department of Social WorkDepartment of Social WorkSoochow UniversitySoochow University

Taipei Taiwan Taipei Taiwan World Conference on Social Work and Social DevelopmentWorld Conference on Social Work and Social Development

9 July 2012, Stockholm, Sweden9 July 2012, Stockholm, Sweden


Recently, due to economic globalization, many local iRecently, due to economic globalization, many local industries and multi-national corporations in Taiwan hndustries and multi-national corporations in Taiwan have shifted their production centers and employment ave shifted their production centers and employment opportunities to Mainland China and other countries. opportunities to Mainland China and other countries.

As a result, Taiwan has experienced an imbalance in iAs a result, Taiwan has experienced an imbalance in industry, a rapid rise in the unemployment rate, a widendustry, a rapid rise in the unemployment rate, a widening gap between the rich and poor, and a sharp increning gap between the rich and poor, and a sharp increase in the new poor population.ase in the new poor population.

These drastic changes have aroused society’s attentioThese drastic changes have aroused society’s attention.n.

The government has been aware of the seriousness of the problems of these new poor families, and has adopted some policy measures to assist them.

Such policies measures included the Executive Yuan’s "Immediate Care Plan" ,“Great Warmth Social Welfare Project " and Bureau of Labor Affairs ‘s “Promote Employment Opportunities for the Disadvantaged Plan”.

But many still did not benefit from these policies or programs.

This lead to the questions of what are the obstacles faced by these families?

Are the obstacles a result of lack of job Are the obstacles a result of lack of job opportunities or lack of skills and expertise in a opportunities or lack of skills and expertise in a particular field? particular field?

Are the obstacles a result of psychological or Are the obstacles a result of psychological or family-related problems? family-related problems?

Are the obstacles a result of the delivery system of Are the obstacles a result of the delivery system of employment services? employment services?

What kind of assistance do these families need What kind of assistance do these families need from the government? from the government?

=>=>To answer these questions, further research proved to be To answer these questions, further research proved to be necessary.necessary.

The study was commissioned by the Bureau of Labor The study was commissioned by the Bureau of Labor Affairs to investigate the employment obstacles of the Affairs to investigate the employment obstacles of the new poor families and the types of assistance these new poor families and the types of assistance these families needed from the government.families needed from the government.

The Goals of This StudyThe Goals of This Study

The goals of this study were toThe goals of this study were to (1) (1) investigate the employment obstacles of new pooinvestigate the employment obstacles of new poo

r families,r families, (2)(2) investigate the employment needs of new poor fa investigate the employment needs of new poor fa

milies, and milies, and (3)(3) suggest employment assistance measures and poli suggest employment assistance measures and poli

cies for the government.cies for the government.

Literature reviewLiterature review Previous studies found that educational attainment,

age, previous wage, waiting time for employment, and gender are all associated with the re-employment. (Tsai,2008; Chang, 2010)

K. Martinson and P. Holcomb ( 2007) also found that several everal factors appear to limit the employment of unemployed adult, including (1) a lack of basic skills and credentials; (2) limited access to key work supports such as child care; and (3) severe or multiple barriers to employment, including physical or mental health problems and family crisis that cause individual to be unable to find or keep jobs.

Guo and Lee (2007) found that barriers to employment for disadvantaged families have multiple causes, including care work, psychological barriers, old age, physical illness, work disincentives factor of welfare, lack of employment information, as well as inadequate job skills.

Research Methods

This study used This study used the case study methodthe case study method. . In-depth interviewsIn-depth interviews :: 1616 in-depth interviews were in-depth interviews were

conducted among the breadwinners, family members, conducted among the breadwinners, family members, relatives, and social service and employment service relatives, and social service and employment service workers ofworkers of 44 new poor families. new poor families.

Focus GroupsFocus Groups:: This study also conducted two focus This study also conducted two focus groups with groups with 2626 staff and workers from various govern staff and workers from various government agencies and non-profit organizations. ment agencies and non-profit organizations.

The in-depth interview’s respondents were as follows: 1. Mr. Chen, a single father from Tao-yuan County: the cas

e himself, a social worker of the social affairs department, a staff of labor administration department.

2. Ms. Wu, unemployed women from Tainan county: the case herself, her sister-in-law, a staff of the labor administration department, a social worker from the FAP( Family Assistant program) .

3. Lee family in Taipei city: a director of labor administration department, the supervisor and a former Supervisor of the social welfare center, a civil affairs officer, a neighbor, the Director-general of the Community Council

4. Ms. Lin, an indigenous woman from Hua-lien County: the case herself, a social worker from the CCF (Christian Children Foundation), the supervisor

and a social worker from the Tzu Chi Foundation, a staff from the labor administration department.

I: TheI: The Hanging Basket Girl’s father Mr. Chen

Job Obstacles for Mr. ChenJob Obstacles for Mr. ChenMiddle -to-old ageMiddle -to-old age:: Mr. Chen is 56 years of age alreadMr. Chen is 56 years of age already. To find a job for the middle -to-old age population is in y. To find a job for the middle -to-old age population is in general difficult. Furthermore, when the job involve physgeneral difficult. Furthermore, when the job involve physical aspects, the age issue become more as a restriction.ical aspects, the age issue become more as a restriction.

Care responsibilityCare responsibility: Mr. Chen has two younger children : Mr. Chen has two younger children to care for, boys 5-year- old, girl, 3-year-old, Mr. Chen hto care for, boys 5-year- old, girl, 3-year-old, Mr. Chen has to take care of them that cost employment barriers for as to take care of them that cost employment barriers for him.him.

Previous wage factors and other self-imposed work requirements: Mr. Chen believes that the job salary should Mr. Chen believes that the job salary should be equivalent to his previous job, in order to maintain the be equivalent to his previous job, in order to maintain the household. In addition, it should have weekends and holihousehold. In addition, it should have weekends and holidays in order for him to spend time with his daughter. Otdays in order for him to spend time with his daughter. Other requirements including no moving heavy objects. Theher requirements including no moving heavy objects. These job conditions all make employers hesitant to hire him.se job conditions all make employers hesitant to hire him.

II: The II: The Nomadic Ms. Wu

Job Obstacles for Ms. WuJob Obstacles for Ms. Wu

I. I. lack of job skillslack of job skills : The client's lack of job skills, : The client's lack of job skills, which need to be upgraded.which need to be upgraded.

II. II. Poor healthPoor health III. III. Care ResponsibilityCare Responsibility: The client has childcare : The client has childcare

responsibility, thus limiting the time and place of her responsibility, thus limiting the time and place of her job. job.

IV. IV. Middle ageMiddle age: the client’s age limit her job : the client’s age limit her job opportunityopportunity

V. V. Psychological BarrierPsychological Barrier: The client lack of self : The client lack of self confidence in work due to her frustrated past job-confidence in work due to her frustrated past job-seeking experiences.seeking experiences.

III: The Mysterious Lee Family

The Reasons of Family CrisesThe Reasons of Family Crises

I. The environment of recession

II. Personality traits: Private and reluctant to seek help

III. The long-term unemployment caused psychological and family problems

IV. Family is isolated, and lack of family support

V Government agencies failed to provide appropriate and timely assistance

VI The Mimic effects of suicide

IV: The Independent Chang FamilyIV: The Independent Chang Family

Job Obstacles for Ms. LinJob Obstacles for Ms. Lin I. Care responsibilityI. Care responsibility: Ms. Lin need to take care of : Ms. Lin need to take care of

her sick husband, which limit the location of her job.her sick husband, which limit the location of her job. II.II. Lack of professional skills and licenses Lack of professional skills and licenses: Ms. Lin, : Ms. Lin,

after unemployment, find some temporary jobs, such after unemployment, find some temporary jobs, such as corn harvesting, cutting potato, only last for a few as corn harvesting, cutting potato, only last for a few days with little income. She had found a dishwasher days with little income. She had found a dishwasher job, but which required chef's C license, which Ms. job, but which required chef's C license, which Ms. Lin has not eligible.Lin has not eligible.

III. Middle ageIII. Middle age: Many of the work requirements less : Many of the work requirements less than 35 years of age.than 35 years of age.

IV. Few local job opportunity: IV. Few local job opportunity: The local job The local job opportunities were very limited.opportunities were very limited.        

ConclusionConclusion This study is a qualitative research in nature, which This study is a qualitative research in nature, which

may not make inferences on the whole phenomenon may not make inferences on the whole phenomenon of new poor families’ barriers of employment. of new poor families’ barriers of employment.

However, four cases considered can be said to be the However, four cases considered can be said to be the typical examples of the middle class fall into the new typical examples of the middle class fall into the new poor class, which provides a microcosmic poor class, which provides a microcosmic understanding of of the needs, employment understanding of of the needs, employment difficulties, and the economic depressing difficulties, and the economic depressing phenomenon of the new poor families.phenomenon of the new poor families.  

After a comprehensive analysis of the case After a comprehensive analysis of the case interviews, we have came to the following interviews, we have came to the following conclusions:  conclusions:  

First, The fall of these families into the The fall of these families into the predicament is primarily caused by the economic predicament is primarily caused by the economic downturn, not the individual themselves.downturn, not the individual themselves.

The fall of these families into the predicament is gradually caused by the multi-faceted factors, but within these factors, the most important starting point

is the economic downturn of the environment.

The staffs we interviewed also believe that the social structural factors play a far better importance than personal factors.

Second, the new poor families’ fall into the Second, the new poor families’ fall into the plight is a multi-faceted, dynamic process.plight is a multi-faceted, dynamic process.First, this is a “multi-faceted” phenomenon, which First, this is a “multi-faceted” phenomenon, which are not only related to economis and material are not only related to economis and material problems, but also psychological, and social problems, but also psychological, and social participation problems. participation problems.

Second, it is a “dynamic” process, which refers that Second, it is a “dynamic” process, which refers that it is not just a static description, but also a gradual it is not just a static description, but also a gradual dynamic process in the life cycle. dynamic process in the life cycle.

Third, the barriers of employment include old age, inadequate skills, and confined by care responsibility.

The major obstacles are made up of old age, The major obstacles are made up of old age, technology depreciation, and caring responsibilities.technology depreciation, and caring responsibilities.

Fourth, the common needs of the new poor families include a steady job, lessening care burden, and housing subsidiessubsidies.Assistance that these families needed from the governAssistance that these families needed from the government, include a steady job, assistance to reduce their ment, include a steady job, assistance to reduce their care responsibilities, and housing subsidiescare responsibilities, and housing subsidies. . The four The four cases we interviewed all faced the problem of cases we interviewed all faced the problem of deterioration and exclusion of the living environment, deterioration and exclusion of the living environment, and are in need of housing subsidies.and are in need of housing subsidies.

Fifth, the new poor families whose family Fifth, the new poor families whose family support is weak are in urgent need of support is weak are in urgent need of government intervention.government intervention.These families usually lack family support from exThese families usually lack family support from extended families and are in great need of governmentended families and are in great need of government intervention. The gt intervention. The government should intervene overnment should intervene timely and play the supporting role of the social timely and play the supporting role of the social safety net to lessen the pressure of poverty of these safety net to lessen the pressure of poverty of these families. families.

Sixth, the psychological adjustment of the Sixth, the psychological adjustment of the new poor class may lead to labeling as “lack new poor class may lead to labeling as “lack of work motivation.”of work motivation.”The breadwinner of the new poor families, after fallinThe breadwinner of the new poor families, after falling from middle class to the new poor class, needs long from middle class to the new poor class, needs long-term psychological adjustment. g-term psychological adjustment.

It is difficult for them to give way to low-level work It is difficult for them to give way to low-level work once they enter the job market. once they enter the job market. As a result, some social workers or employment As a result, some social workers or employment service workers, who fail to understand these new service workers, who fail to understand these new poor phenomenon or the clients’ psychological poor phenomenon or the clients’ psychological situation, tend to label those who are not ready to situation, tend to label those who are not ready to accept lower-level jobs as “accept lower-level jobs as “lack of work motivation” ” and are reluctant to assist them. and are reluctant to assist them.

This study has discussed the policy This study has discussed the policy implications and concluded with specific implications and concluded with specific employment assistance policy employment assistance policy recommendations.recommendations.