A stroll in Statia's future

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Transcript of A stroll in Statia's future

1. A stroll in Statias future A PLP Production 2. Poverty I walked between some rubble of a building. Here I saw a group of my fellow Statians sitting around a fire pit. A big pot of soup was boiling, but after closer inspection I could not see too many ingredients. 3. Soup with little ingredients 4. More laws, no relief! On the ground lay a piece of paper which I picked up after greeting everybody there. The paper stated: The following rules and regulations are implemented as of January 1st 2019. It was clear that the readers before me, were not pleased because of the many remarks which were written behind every sentence. 5. Two in particular got my attention: This is all to blame on the DP. Why did we not listen to the others in 2015? We were fooled by the Democrats again!!! 6. Now this was not the first time. In the past few years statements like these were smeared on walls of the government buildings. I remember a particular incident some months ago. It was during one of the many visits from civil servants, from the Dutch Ministries who were taking over more responsibilities and higher functions in our Island governmental apparatus. The only Statian who still worked at this office, a cleaning lady, protested that from then on she was only allowed to clean certain parts of this building, she was not allowed to enter the offices anymore. This brought up a lot of commotion, because why did they not trust her anymore? 7. They want full integration with inequality. NO WAY! Speculations were made that secret documents which under scribed an alliance between the ruling DP party and the Dutch government were missing. These documents proved that a full integration in the Netherlands was soon to happen. This was not a real surprise, since what had taken place soon after they formed an Island government in 2015. The direction which was taken right away and led to the big uprising in 2017, was one of superior dominance. The promised poverty alleviation was turned around into more people who became dependent on governmental support, indirectly coming from the Netherlands. This alleviation consisted of free goods instead of helping the people to be more self-reliant. 8. Big cuts on health care, no way! The people were also very disappointed that Holland had decided that certain medicines should be rationed. A group of older citizens slept for days on the stairs of the local pharmacy in order to obtain a specific item. But the next morning they found out that this item was replaced by something else without notification. This all happened just after the announcement that the intended upgrading of our hospital would become too expensive. There also surfaced a sad story about an older lady who died in Columbia all alone, since there is no money set aside to send her only daughter to be present in the last hours of her life. Again the plans to invest in good Health care closer, but never executed. 9. No lights, no water! As day turned to night, I continued my walk to the ballpark where a group of youngsters was hanging out at the edge of the former pool. Since 2 years there has been no water in the pool and the workers were all laid off. This empty pool creates a nice hiding place for them, where they secretly could share some stuff. I asked one of my students if he could accompany me with his flashlight, since the street lights do not come on anymore due to budgetary reasons. 10. He turned back when I could see the newly constructed road leading down to the fort. Up to now nobody understands why this road was upgraded and not the one leading to our harbor. A harbor which was sold to the highest bidder, and where we can not find a local worker anymore. I did not see anybody out on the streets and there was a strange silence coming from the homes. Cable TV disappeared after the Netherlands found out about illegal services rendered and the cable and radio stations were closed down. Very convenient for the current government because a lot of protest came out via these channels. A masterproject to pave the entire roadnetwork, thirty kilometre, over a period of 6 years goes into effect in 1997. http://www.statiagovernment.com/economy.html 11. Erosion increased! One of the walls of the Fort Oranje which came back in possession of our Island Government a year ago, fell down the cliff recently, because the still present roaming animals had eroded the cliff to the max. My ears picked up a soft jazz tune originating from the former Government Guesthouse and its surrounding historical buildings. This place, owned by a Dutch Hotel cooperation has some private streets which blocked my route to the bakery. 12. No Price control, no jobs, no more red! While taking a detour entering a small alley I passed a few homeless people heavily intoxicated, they transformed the Jewish Synagogue into their refuge. Arriving at one of the many Chinese supermarkets, I found out that the price of bread went up again to 3 dollars and 50 cents. Still confronted with the empty promises from before election time by the DP to enforce a strong price control program I emptied my wallet. Also for the teachers these are difficult times, especially when you cannot find a job at one of the Dutch private schools. 13. Feeling sad! On my way back home, a sad feeling came over me. Why is our island always so divided between the ones who have all the opportunities and have no problem paying the current hefty land tax or high rent of apartments ?And the growing group who has to beg for every little favor. Where are the times of joy and laughter? Next month Easter weekend starts, but I am not looking forward to this anymore, the little strip of beach is overtaken by signs with beach chairs for rent and entrance fees . Laws are put in place which forbid alcohol sales if the persons do not have the necessary diplomas to operate a tent booth. This resulted in withholding people from expressing their cultural and island habits. 14. Why didnt the voters turn away in 2015 from the DPs adoration to Fix the Leak which obviously became todays Bleak prospect. Where are the promised Economic additions, or did they mean the fenced and guarded enclaves created by our fellow globalists, there where we serve and protect. I am almost home, but what a home it is. Did Statia, once a proud island, really crumble so much. Once we had the chance, a chance for a different change. 15. HEALTH CARE CUTS, sorry no more money!