A Storyteller's Toolkit from NTEN's 2011 Nonprofit Technology Conference

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Storytelling was the first technology and has driven technology over the centuries. Here's an approach to using this time-honored practice - the world's true oldest profession - to inform, engage and motivate your supporters.

Transcript of A Storyteller's Toolkit from NTEN's 2011 Nonprofit Technology Conference


A Storyteller’s Toolkit:5,000 Years in the Making#11NTCStory

Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN)Nonprofit Technology Conference Washington, DCMarch 18, 2011

Roger Burks, Senior Writer at Mercy Corps@loudmind



Roger BurksSenior WriterMercy Corps


• The conveying of events through words, images, sounds, expressions and gestures

• A way to reach out, connect and share something with others

• The world’s oldest profession

What is storytelling?


Another important definition

Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose.


What is storytelling?

Storytelling =the world’s first technology


What is storytelling?

Throughout history and humanity, storytelling has evolved and driven invention.


The Storyteller’s Toolkit

And that’s because, within each one of us, we’ve always had the basic tools we needed to share stories with each other.


To tell a truly compelling and memorable story, you need a personal:

• Reason why you write (credo)

• Connection to the subject

• Connection to yourself

• Connection to your audience

It’s personal


It’s personal: heart and mind


Personal connection to the subject


Personal connection to the subject

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”Henry David Thoreau, Walden



• Gather the tools that will serve you best in getting the story you need.

• Do some research on the situation or topic you’re about to cover.

• Come up with a list of 9-10 questions that will inform – but not limit – your interview.

Personal connection to the subject


Observation and attention to detail

• What are the details that capture you? Write them down, right then.

• Take note of details not just during, but also before and after the interview.

• Your own thoughts and feelings are important details.

Personal connection to the subject


Don’t approach it as a job, but as an opportunity

• This is your chance to meet and learn something about another person.

• Genuine interest breaks barriers.

• Your own curiosity makes for good interviews and sustained interactions.

Personal connection to the subject


Personal connection to the subject

Think of it more as a conversation than an interview.


Use pen and paper as part of the process

• “The act of writing gives physical form to thoughts.”

• Easier to transcribe subtle details, observations and feelings.

• A notebook of your interviews and notes is permanent and tangible.

Personal connection to the subject


Personal connection to the subject


Personal connection to yourself


Personal connection to yourself

“I’ll know my song well before I start singing.”Bob Dylan


You know a good story right away

•It hits you square in the chest or in the gut.

•You remember a lot of the story without looking at your notes.

•You absolutely can’t wait to tell it.

Personal connection to yourself


Write (somewhat) how you speak

• Authenticity of voice

• Conversational quality and tone

• Ability to develop your own style

• Feeling for readers that they’re connecting with your cause or organization on a personal level

Personal connection to yourself


Personal connection to yourself

Get it all out there at once – edit and filter later.


Personal connection to yourself


Personal connection to your audience


Show, don’t tell

• Let the words come from the conversations that you’ve had.

• Bring the reader along with you; show them what you’ve seen.

• Don’t be afraid to show the reader how you felt.

• Bring unmistakable passion and commitment to your stories.

Personal connection to your audience


Give them familiarity

There are a few classic, key elements to most every compelling story:

• Main character/protagonist• Sense of place• Emotional connection/empathy• Conflict• Resolution

Like any good story, a good nonprofit piece is an engaging experience for readers.

Personal connection to your audience


Personal connection to your audience

Be the stories you tell

• Establish yourself as a consistent, trustworthy voice for your organization.

• Be a dependable storyteller and source of stories for your colleagues.

• Lend your storytelling voice to your cause or organization’s social media efforts.


How Mercy Corps is doing it


Empowering storytellers throughout the organization

Blog launched in May 2009

April 2010 March 2011

436 blog entries 876 blog entries134 bloggers 225 bloggers30 countries 41 countries


Training staff to be storytellers


A variety of stories to capture a variety of experiences

From a recent mercycorps.org content inventory:

Beneficiary or client story Autobiographical pieceField visit Personal reflectionStaff profile/interview Program updateNews update Emergency updatePhoto essay Photo with long captionAudio slideshow Video with long captionRough video Stand-up videoPolished short-form video Polished long-form videoVideo interview Event- or campaign-driven videoWritten travelogue Technically-focused piecePoem


Using stories in social media and fundraising appeals


Stories endure and make a difference


Thank you!

Roger Burks

Email: rburks@mercycorps.org

Blog: www.mercycorps.org/rogerburks

Twitter: @loudmind

Download the toolkit: http://bit.ly/storytellerskit