A small school with big possibilities. Headmasters Annelie Aleson and Tobias Åsell Public school...

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Transcript of A small school with big possibilities. Headmasters Annelie Aleson and Tobias Åsell Public school...

A small school with big possibilities


• Headmasters Annelie Aleson and Tobias Åsell

• Public school

• About 500 pupils at the whole school, 201 pupils in

year 6-9

• 1999 the first senior level-class started

• Teachers in three teams, in team 3 there are 18


• 3,5 remedial teachers

• Parentalboard


WHY we work in themes?

• We want to create an unified approach - outside of school, the world is not divided into different subjects.

• Our pupils have a real influence over their learning when it comes to content and method.

• We interlink theory and practice.

• We train the pupils in different social situations. We encourage them to seek knowledge outside school.

• We observe a long-term development among pupils when it comes to seeking information, review it critically and report their newly acquired knowledge, using different forms of expression.

• These elements, we believe, lead to more goals being achieved.

• The pupils are more motivated to learn. Learning is more fun.


FUTURE? Society of knowledge

social skills






HOW we organize our work in themes!

The beginning of a theme. It can be a play, pictures or workshops. We try to provoke the


ProvocationPupils and teachers discuss

Evaluation of the provocation

Main thread

Project work

___ ______Learning (teachers and pupils)

Theme - walk through

Brainstorming in the classroom

• What have the pupils experienced? We talk about their thoughts and questions.

• What has aroused their curiosity? What do they want to learn more about.

• The content of our teaching is based on the pupils’ wishes within the given theme, but it is of course related to the goals in the curriculum, the course plans and the national education plan!

• To ensure that the purpose of the work is as clear as possible, we hand out documents about the goals in the different subjects.

The main thread – the work in different subjects

Goals in Swedish.

We describe the goals from the curriculum and how the pupils will achieve them.


• The purpose is that the pupils, based on their interests, should have a possibility to deepen their knowledge by doing a special project.

• We break the normal timetable and let the pupils work with one chosen project. Normally for two weekshalf the days.

• The pupils in years 6-11 work in workshops in mixed groups.The teachers that work with the after school activities arevery much involved in the workshops

The pupils are also trained to

• assume responsibility

• conduct study visits and interviews

• use new techniques for presentation

• cooperate with other pupils, both their classmatesand others.

Open House

Theme suggestions-Your own research

Presentation of different ideas

We decide

Main goals

Subject groups


Questions for discussion

The start




The Final

Theachers Planning

Main thread

Project work


The Final


Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)

• We try to work with smaller groups of pupils

• We offer help with homeworks one afternoon a week after school

• We offer school during holidays for those pupils who needs extra help

• From year 6 the pupils can choose to study languages such as German, French and Spanish

• The pupils who needs extra help to reach their goals in English and/or Swedish can choose to study those subjects togehter with their ordinary lessons in English and Swedish.