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[20:38 6/2/2019 Sysbio-OP-SYSB180060.tex] Page: 252 252–266

Syst. Biol. 68(2):252–266, 2019© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Society of Systematic Biologists. All rights reserved.For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.comDOI:10.1093/sysbio/syy059Advance Access publication September 15, 2018

A Simulation-Based Approach to Statistical Alignment

ELI LEVY KARIN1, HAIM ASHKENAZY1, JOTUN HEIN1,2, AND TAL PUPKO1,∗1School of Molecular Cell Biology & Biotechnology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences,

Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel; and2Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

∗Correspondence to be sent to: School of Molecular Cell Biology & Biotechnology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences,Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel;

E-mail: talp@post.tau.ac.il

Received 04 February 2018; reviews returned 10 September 2018; accepted 10 September 2018Associate Editor: David Bryant

Abstract.—Classic alignment algorithms utilize scoring functions which maximize similarity or minimize edit distances.These scoring functions account for both insertion–deletion (indel) and substitution events. In contrast, alignments basedon stochastic models aim to explicitly describe the evolutionary dynamics of sequences by inferring relevant probabilisticparameters from input sequences. Despite advances in stochastic modeling during the last two decades, scoring-basedmethods are still dominant, partially due to slow running times of probabilistic approaches. Alignment inference usingstochastic models involves estimating the probability of events, such as the insertion or deletion of a specific number ofcharacters. In this work, we present SimBa-SAl, a simulation-based approach to statistical alignment inference, which relieson an explicit continuous time Markov model for both indels and substitutions. SimBa-SAl has several advantages. First,using simulations, it decouples the estimation of event probabilities from the inference stage, which allows the introductionof accelerations to the alignment inference procedure. Second, it is general and can accommodate various stochastic modelsof indel formation. Finally, it allows computing the maximum-likelihood alignment, the probability of a given pair ofsequences integrated over all possible alignments, and sampling alternative alignments according to their probability. Wefirst show that SimBa-SAl allows accurate estimation of parameters of the long-indel model previously developed by Miklóset al. (2004). We next show that SimBa-SAl is more accurate than previously developed pairwise alignment algorithms,when analyzing simulated as well as empirical data sets. Finally, we study the goodness-of-fit of the long-indel and TKF91models. We show that although the long-indel model fits the data sets better than TKF91, there is still room for improvementconcerning the realistic modeling of evolutionary sequence dynamics. [Long-indel model; pairwise alignment; sequencesimulations; SimBa-SAl; statistical alignment.]

Through the course of evolution, a sequence changeswith respect to its ancestor by substitution as well asinsertion–deletion (indel) events, yielding a modified,possibly longer, or shorter sequence. An alignment ofa sequence to its ancestor represents the homologyrelationships at the position level. Alignment inferenceis a challenging task that has been studied for almost fivedecades (e.g., Needleman and Wunsch 1970; Vingronand Waterman 1994; Chatzou et al. 2016). Alignmentsare typically prerequisites for at least three majorclasses of investigation: inferring phylogenies, detectinghomologous regions, which point at common origin, andpossibly function, and analyzing the nature of molecularevolution in terms of rates and selection (Yang 2014;Graur 2016). Due to their great importance for theseevolutionary analyses, constructing alignments has beendubbed “The Holy Grail of Sequence Analysis” (Gusfield1997) and it continues to pose algorithmic challenges tothis day (Kemena and Notredame 2009; Iantorno et al.2014).

Following the pioneering work of Needlemanand Wunsch (1970) who aligned two sequences byoptimizing a similarity score, distance minimizingalternatives were presented by a series of authors(e.g., Sankoff 1972; Sellers 1974; Wagner and Fischer1974). Much effort was invested in choosing optimalparameters for these algorithms, weighting indels ofvarious sizes (Waterman et al. 1976; Gotoh 1982) and

developing faster and memory efficient techniques(Hirschberg 1975; Ukkonen 1985; Myers 1986).

Bishop and Thompson (1986) were the first totreat alignment inference within stochastic evolutionaryprocess theory. However, later models in the fieldheavily rely on the TKF91 model (Thorne et al. 1991).In that seminal work, only indels of a single nucleotideor amino acid were allowed. Thorne et al. (1992)extended their model to allow for longer indels ofa geometric length distribution. However, overlappingindels were not allowed, which is biologically unrealistic.Miklós et al. (2004) extended statistical alignment tolonger indels. Although their work formed a robustfoundation for statistical alignment, very few studiesapplied this model to analyze sequence data. One reasonfor the paucity in follow-up studies is that the long-indel model is conceptually more challenging comparedwith TKF91 or score-based non-stochastic alignmentmethods. Furthermore, the naïve implementation ofpairwise alignment (PWA) inference under this modelis quartic in the unaligned sequence lengths, which isvery slow. Together, these challenges resulted in a lackof available software for statistical PWA inference usinggenuine probabilistic approaches.

Despite these difficulties there are strong argumentsfor the advantage of using probabilistic approaches toalign sequences. One such advantage is the ability toestimate parameters concerning indel rates and sizes,



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which can be highly informative regarding how indeldynamics change between genes and organisms (Ophirand Graur 1997; Hamilton et al. 2003; Lunter 2007; Chenet al. 2009; Levy Karin et al. 2017). Furthermore, unbiasedsampling of alternative alignment solutions, rather thanrelying on a single point estimate, is possible whenemploying a statistical approach. Moreover, a statisticalframework allows for model selection techniques todetermine which indel model best fits specific data.Finally, stochastic models of indels are required for arealistic simulation of sequences (e.g., Stoye et al. 1998;Cartwright 2005; Fletcher and Yang 2009; Sipos et al.2011).

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have been used forthe analysis of biological sequences for more than 20years (e.g., Baldi et al. 1994; Krogh et al. 1994). These firstHMMs were clearly stochastic but did not correspondto an evolutionary model, that is, they were a stochasticrepresentation of the sequence family members aroundan equilibrium state and they ignored any underlyingtree structure and ancestor-descendant relationships.However, most continuous time indel Markov modelscan be expressed as HMMs. For example, the TKF91and TKF92 models were formulated as HMMs by Hein(2001) and Holmes and Bruno (2001) and the long-indel model has an HMM representation as well (Miklóset al. 2004). HMMs have since been widely improvedand are used in many advanced alignment algorithms,including BaliPhy (Redelings et al. 2005) and ClustalOmega (Sievers et al. 2011). Nevertheless, the translationof continuous time Markov models to HMMs is oftennot immediate (Holmes 2017) and the major differencebetween the two arises in the analysis of multiplesequences, as discussed below.

The first key step toward statistical multiple sequencealignment (MSA) was taken by Steel and Hein (2001).They presented the application of the TKF91 model to astar tree with several branches. The ancestral sequenceof such a star tree can be generated by an HMM withthree states: “start”, “base” (nucleotide or amino acid),and “stop”. Most subsequent MSA algorithms are ageneralization of this model (e.g., Lunter et al. 2003). Onekey difference between describing an MSA using a setof HMMs versus a continuous time Markov process isthat only in the latter, the model parameters are sharedamong all tree branches while in HMM-based methods,a different pair HMM is assumed for each branch of thephylogenetic tree (e.g., Holmes 2003). Thus, constructingthe appropriate HMM for many sequences implies agreat increase in the size of the state space.

Herein, we introduce a novel computational approachfor statistical alignment. We developed a versatilesimulation-based procedure to calculate the probabilityof the basic building blocks of the long-indel statisticalalignment. Our proposed procedure serves as analternative to the original trajectory-based computationto estimate these probabilities. Furthermore, weaccelerate the fundamental inference algorithm togreatly reduce running times. We demonstrate theapplicability of the method using simulations as well as

analyses of the HOMSTRAD 2017 benchmark database.Finally, we examine attributes concerning model fittingby extracting summary statistics from input PWAs andcomparing them to summary statistics extracted fromcorresponding sets of simulated PWAs.


Generation of test data sets under the long-indel modelWe define a “skeleton alignment” to be an alignment

over a binary alphabet: each entry is either “-”(gap) or “#” (non-gap). In the long-indel model, theskeleton alignment is dictated by three parameters:r,�, and t (described in detail in the section TheLong-indel Model). We used the SimBa-SAl simulatorto produce 540 PWA skeletons: 20 skeletons fromeach of 27 parameter combinations: r={0,0.3,0.6},�={0.04,0.07,0.1}, and t={0.25,0.5,1}. The ancestralsequence in each such skeleton had exactly 200 non-gap characters. We then simulated a substitution processover each such skeleton using the JTT replacementmatrix (Jones et al. 1992).

Generation of test data sets under the INDELible modelTo test the robustness of PWA inference with the

long-indel model to model misspecification, PWAswere also simulated using INDELible (Fletcher andYang 2009). The INDELible model relies on threeparameters: IR, A (described in detail in the sectionRobustness to Model Misspecification), and a branchlength t. INDELible was used to simulate PWAsunder 27 parameter combinations: A={1.1,1.3,1.7}, IR={0.01,0.02,0.05}, and t={0.25,0.5,1}. Altogether, 540 (20× 27) true PWAs were simulated. In each simulation,the ancestral sequence length was set to 200 andthe substitution process followed the JTT replacementmatrix (Jones et al. 1992) along a branch of length t.The maximal indel length was restricted to 50. Columnscomposed of only gap characters were removed.

Column score computationEach inferred PWA was compared with its

corresponding true PWA in order to evaluate itsaccuracy. The accuracy measure is the column score,the computation of which is fully described in thesupplementary material of Satija et al. (2009).

Gotoh and MAFFT pairwise inference proceduresWe computed PWAs based on the Gotoh (1982)

algorithm using the NEEDLE program, which is partof EMBOSS package version 6.3.0 (Rice et al. 2000).MAFFT PWAs were computed using version 7.123b andemploying the FFT-NS-2 strategy (Katoh and Standley2013). For both inference methods default parameter


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values were used. Both programs use the BLOSUM62substitution matrix (Henikoff and Henikoff 1992).

SimBa-SAl implementation and source codeThe programs (SimBa-SAl simulator and SimBa-

SAl inference) are implemented in C++. The sourcecode as well as its documentation are availablefrom https://github.com/elileka. To avoid underflows,computations are carried out in log-space. Using theGumbel-max method allows sampling from a vectorof log-probabilities according to the probabilities.Summing probabilities is possible by implementing thelog-sum-exp trick, in which the largest log probabilityis subtracted from all other log probabilities andthe exponent of each difference is computed beforesummation.


The long-indel modelThe long-indel model is a full probabilistic

evolutionary Markov model that includes substitutions,insertions and deletions (Miklós et al. 2004). It is atime-reversible, context-independent model that allowsindels of arbitrarily long-sequence segments. Theformation of indels under this model is controlledby three parameters: �,r, and �. The identity of thecharacters inserted or deleted in an indel event isindependent of the event itself. Events are described tooccur rightward of the starting position. The parameter� is the total rate a given position is deleted by events ofany length that started in that position or to its left. Thefollowing geometric function is proposed to describe�k , the rate of deletions of size k (k ≥1) that start at agiven position:

�k =�(1−r)2rk−1 (1)

This formulation assures the total rate a position isdeleted by an event of any size is equal to �. The rparameter controls the tendency of events to be short(r close to 0) or long (r close to 1).

The rate of insertions of size k that start to the right ofa given position is �k . The time reversibility of the modelimplies a detailed balance (Miklós et al. 2004), which inturn, implies the following concerning the equilibriumprobability of a sequence of length n:

v(n)=�n(1−�), (2a)

and that the following equation holds for every k (andspecifically for k =1):

�k = �k�k

. (2b)


�k =�k �k. (3)

The total rate of deletion events, d, that start at a givenposition is



�(1−r)2rk−1 =�(1−r). (4)

Similarly, i, the total rate of insertion events that start ata given position, is



�k�k =


��(1−r)2(�r)k−1 = ��(1−r)2

1−�r. (5)

Thus, the total rate of events of any kind that start at agiven position is q=d+i.

In this study, we limited the maximal indel size to be50, that is, events longer than 50 are considered to be oflength 50.

Simulating under the long-indel modelWe implemented a pairwise sequence simulator under

the long-indel model (SimBa-SAl simulator). In thiswork, we used it for two purposes: estimating indelevent probabilities (see below) and benchmarking PWAinference procedures. Following Miklós et al. (2004), weembed an ancestral sequence A in an infinite sequence.In practice, since we limit the indel size to 50 characters,we can embed the sequence within a finite sequence,whose length we denote N. We simulate the evolutionof A and its flanking regions along a branch of lengtht. The need to simulate with flanking regions stemsfrom the fact that indels can start to the left of A andcontinue beyond the right border of A, exposing the leftend positions to uneven indel rates (see Miklós et al.2004). The simulation takes advantage of independencebetween the substitution and indel processes as assumedin the long-indel model. Thus, we focus solely on theindel process and produce an “alignment skeleton,” inwhich each character is either “-” (gap) or “#” (non-gap). In order to allow for the reconstruction of the truealignment at the end of the simulation, each characteris assigned a unique ID (as described by Ezawa 2016).Homologous characters share the same ID. If a characteris deleted from the evolving sequence, its ID is removedwith it and if a character is inserted, it is accompaniedwith a newly generated ID. The simulation is initiatedwith an ancestral sequence of length N (including theflanking regions of the embedded ancestral sequence).As the sequence evolves, its length changes. Let M bethe length of the evolving sequence at a given time pointand q as defined after equation 5. A waiting time forthe next event is drawn from an exponential distributionwith parameter M×q. If the waiting time exceedsthe branch length t, the simulation ends. The type(insertion/deletion) and size of the event are sampledaccording to the relative indel event rates. The leftmoststarting position of the event is sampled uniformly acrossall positions. If the event is a deletion of size k, the startingposition and (k−1) positions to its right are removed. If


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the event exceeds the evolving sequence, it is truncated.Similarly, if the event is an insertion, k characters areinserted right to the starting position.

At the end of the simulation, the descendant sequenceis compared with the ancestral sequence. Shared IDsrepresent homologous characters. IDs that are notfound in the descendant indicate these positions weredeleted, whereas IDs greater-than or equal-to N indicatecharacters that were inserted in the descendant. ThePWA is then trimmed to remove flanking regions oflength 200 characters from each side, which might havebeen exposed to uneven indel rates.

Division of a PWA into segmentsMiklós et al. (2004) described the division of a PWA

between an ancestral sequence A and a descendantsequence D into conditionally independent alignmentsegments, as detailed below. The PWA probabilitycomputed in this study is conditioned on the ancestralsequence A. The computation of this probability isdemonstrated with the following simple example, where‘A’ and ‘D’ with a subscript denote amino acids ornucleotide bases:

A0 A1 A2 – A3 A4 A5 A6

- D0 – D1 D2 – D3 -

We first note that the evolution of the sequence can bedescribed using four events: �− death, �− survival, �−replacement, and �− insertion. In the above example, A0dies (denoted �(A0)). Similarly, A1 survives (�(A1)) andis substituted by D0 (�(A1,D0)) and D1 is inserted (�(D1)).Using this notation, the PWA probability is



The events up to and including a match (homologousposition) on the right divide the list of events intosegments. For example, the second segment C2 consistsof the events:

C2 =�(A2),�(D1),�(A3),�(A3,D2).

The probability of the alignment can be rephrased usingconditional probability as:



Since indel events do not cross match positions, giventhe segment to its immediate left, each segment isindependent of any other preceding segments:


Furthermore, the dependence of each segment on theprevious one reduces to the dependence on a matchposition on the left (denoted as M):


Division of a segment into independent componentsUnder the model, the indel process is independent

of the substitution process, which allows factorizingeach segment. For example, the second segment can befactorized as:



Of note, P(�(A2)) and P(�(A3)) do not depend on theidentities of A2 and A3 since the entire alignmentcomputation is conditioned on the ancestral sequenceA and the indel process is assumed to be context-independent. Hence, these probabilities can be writtenas P(�(#1)) and P(�(#)), where # denotes any characterand the subscript indicates that the deleted sequence isof length 1. Further, P(�(D1)) is equal to the insertionprobability of a substring of one character in length(independent of the character identity) times theprobability that the identity of the inserted characteris D1. This probability can be represented as P(�(#1))×P(D1). And thus:


By this factorization, each segment is decomposed intotwo components; one that is character-independent andone that is character-dependent, which does not dependon M. The character-independent component is termeda chop as defined by Miklós et al. (2004).

The L, N, R, and B chopsThere are four types of chops depending on their

position with respect to adjacent segments. The firstsegment from the left (C1 in the example above) harborsthe L chop. This chop is not conditioned on a match tothe left and includes the first �(#) factor. We follow thenotation of Miklós et al. (2004) and denote P(Li,j) as theprobability of an L chop in which i ancestral characterswere deleted and j descendant characters were inserted.In the above example, the segment C1 is associated withL1,0. An N chop is a chop that is conditioned on a matchposition M to its left and includes a �(#) factor, that is,an N chop always ends with a match position. An Nchop will always be to the right of an L or an N chop.As in the case of an L chop, P(Ni,j) is the probability ofan N chop in which i ancestral characters were deletedand j descendant characters were inserted. In the aboveexample, the chop associated with the second segmenthas a probability P(N1,1)=P(�(#1),�(#1),�(#)|M). An Rchop is the last chop to the right. It is also conditionedon a match position M to its left. However, it does notinclude a �(#) factor. The probability P(Ri,j) is definedsimilarly to P(Li,j) and P(Ni,j). Of note, if the alignmentends on a match, the last chop is R0,0, that is, conditionedon the last match, neither ancestral characters weredeleted nor descendant characters were inserted. Finally,in theory there can be cases in which the alignment


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does not include even a single match position. In such acase there is only a single chop in the alignment and itsprobability is denoted P(Bi,j), where i is the length of theancestral sequence and j is the length of the descendantsequence.

Thus, the PWA probability of the above example andusing the above notation is:





Character-dependent probabilitiesAny of the well-established substitution stochastic

models, such as JC, HKY85, and GTR for nucleotidesand JTT, LG, and WAG for amino acids can be used tocompute the character-dependent components of eachsegment (see Arenas 2015 for a review of these models).

A simulation-based approach to estimate chop probabilitiesMiklós et al. (2004) developed an elaborate trajectory-

based method for estimating chop probabilities. Tocompute a specific chop probability, this trajectory-basedmethod enumerates over all possible paths of sequencestates. Each of these states is a result of a specific indelevent at a specific time. Due to the infinite numberof possible trajectories, boundaries over the number ofevents need to be set. Let Q be the maximal numberof events, then the time complexity of computing eachchop probability is O(Q2). Moreover, the trajectorycomputation depends on the indel model specification.In this work, we propose an alternative procedurefor estimating chop probabilities, which is simulation-based. Our method consists of simulating a long PWAunder the model and then using this alignment toestimate and tabulate the probabilities of the variouschops (see below and Fig. 1). Importantly, our methoddecouples the estimation of chop probabilities fromalignment inference computations (e.g., computing theprobability of a given PWA and finding the maximum-likelihood PWA).

Tabulating N, L, R, and B chop probabilitiesFor a given long-indel parameter combination and

branch length t, the SimBa-SAl simulator is used togenerate a long-true PWA (the length of the ancestralsequence including the flanking regions is 1,000,000). Toestimate the probability of each Ni,j chop, the alignmentis scanned from left to right. As detailed above, a segmentassociated with an N chop ends on a match, conditionedon a match to its left. The probability of the chop is

P(Ni,j)=|Ni,j|∑i,j |Ni,j|

FIGURE 1. A simulation-based estimation of chop probabilities.A simulation to estimate chop probabilities starts with an ancestralsequence of length N (here, N =7; throughout this study, N =1,000,000). The simulation focuses solely on indel events; thus, theactual character identities are irrelevant. Indel events occur along abranch of length t in accordance with indel event rates (see Main Text).At the end of the simulation, the true PWA is reconstructed based oncharacter IDs. Chop probabilities are estimated from this alignment.

where |Ni,j| denotes the total number of observed chopsof type Ni,j.

The L, R, and B chops occur at one or both alignmentends. Therefore, their empirical estimation requiresseveral simulated alignments of various lengths. Insteadof repeated simulations, the same long-simulated PWAused for the estimation of the N chops is dividedinto segments of various sizes. The sizes of thesegments reflect the stationary length distribution (seeEq. 2a). Chop probabilities are computed similarly to theprobability of an N chop.

Consistency checksAppendix B of the long-indel paper (Miklós et al.

2004) presents equations (30–34), which hold in casechop probabilities are consistent. We use these equationsto evaluate the empirical estimation procedure underthe long-indel model. Of note, the sums of B chops inequation (31) and of R chops in equation (32) in Miklóset al. (2004) are missing a factor of (1−�). We thus addedthis factor to the consistency checks performed by ourprogram. Moreover, despite not being explicitly statedin their paper, equation (33) should hold only in the caset=1.

Generation of chop tablesWe used the SimBa-SAl simulator to compute chop

tables under 55,480 parameter combinations of r,�,and t. In all simulations, we fixed �=0.99 (see sectionParameter Optimization below). The parameter valueswere: r={0,0.05,...,0.9},�={0.01,0.02,...,0.2}, and t={0.05,0.06,...,1.5}. These ranges represent reasonablevalues of each of the model parameters. The set of rparameter values covers the entire plausible range, the


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TABLE 1. Inference procedures and dynamic programming matrices

Goal Required matrices

Computing the ML-PWA conditioned on A SSampling a random PWA according to its


Computing the probability of D conditionedon A (summing over all possible PWAs)


Computing the probability that a specificchop-associated segment is included in aPWA of A and D

X, P

A = ancestral sequence; D = descendant sequence.

set of � values spans cases with very few deletions (0.01)to a very high deletion to substitution rate ratio (0.2) andthe t values cover a range starting with highly conservedsequences up to highly diverged ones. The computedchop tables under each of these parameter combinationsare available from the authors.

Inference using precomputed chop tablesThere are several inference procedures concerning

an ancestral sequence A and a descendant sequenceD. All these inference procedures rely on similardynamic programming algorithms to compute variousmatrices (Table 1). Below we modify the dynamicprogramming procedure described by equations (14)and (15) in Miklós et al. (2004) to compute the maximum-likelihood pairwise alignment (ML-PWA) rather thanthe probability of D conditioned on A. The computationof the ML-PWA relies on two stages. In the first stage, amatrix S is computed, where Si

j is the probability of thepartial ML-PWA of the first (i+1) ancestral charactersand the first (j+1) descendant characters, such thatcharacter Ai is matched with character Dj (i=0,...,|A|−1and j=0,...,|D|−1):

Sij =max


P(Li,j)×Pt(Ai →Dj)×j−1∏k=0




j−m−1 ×P(Nn,m)×Pt(Ai →Dj)×j−1∏






where Pt(Ai →Dj) and q(Dk) are computed accordingto the transition and stationary probabilities of thesubstitution process, respectively. The limits of n and mare 0≤n≤ (i−1),0≤m≤ (j−1).

In the next stage, the complete ML-PWA is recoveredby using the S matrix. Since each element Si

j refersto the partial alignment whose last match is betweencharacters Ai and Dj, the rest of the alignment is asegment associated with an R chop of the remaining

characters in A and in D:








|D|−m−1 ×P(Rn,m)×|D|−1∏






where 0≤n≤ (|A|−1) and 0≤m≤ (|D|−1).In equations (6) and (7), in case the number of inserted

descendant characters is equal to 0 (i.e., when j=0 orm=0), the product associated with their insertion isequal to 1.

As detailed in Table 1, additional dynamicprogramming computations that can be carriedout by SimBa-SAl rely on several matrices: S,Z,P, andX. Sampling a PWA is possible by replacing the “max”operator in equations (6) and (7) above with samplingchop-associated segments according to their relativeprobabilities. This modification of equation (6) resultsin the Z matrix. The P matrix can be thought of asthe “forward components” matrix. Its computationis similar to that of the S matrix, with the “max”operator replaced with summation. Element Pi

j is thesum of probabilities of all partial alignments of thefirst (i+1) ancestral characters and (j+1) descendantcharacters such that character Ai is matched withcharacter Dj. Using P and replacing the ‘max’ operatorwith summation in equation (7) allow computing theprobability of D conditioned on A (i.e., considering allpossible alignments). This modification of equations (6)and (7) is used in the parameter optimization procedure(see details below). The X matrix can be thought ofas the “backward components” matrix. Element Xi

j isthe sum of probabilities of all partial alignments ofancestral characters (i+1) to the end and the descendantcharacters (j+1) to the end, conditioned on a matchbetween Ai and Dj.

Time complexityThe time complexity of computing any of the matrices

above using the original method is O(n4 ×Q2), whereeach of the unaligned sequences is of length O(n) andO(Q2) is the time complexity of the chop probabilitycomputation (see above). Using pre-computed chopprobabilities, the complexity is O(n4 ×c(V)), where V isthe size of the chop probabilities table and c(V) is the costof a look up operation (under current implementation,c(V)= log(V)). Even this reduced time complexitybecomes limiting because of the O(n4) component. Wethus introduced additional accelerations.


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AccelerationsIn order to reduce the running times of the dynamic

programming procedure, we have implemented a chop-based acceleration. This acceleration modifies equation(6) when computing element Si

j (similarly for matrices

Z,P, and X) to consider only previous Si−n−1j−m−1 values

for which the corresponding Nn,m is found in theprecomputed chop table. Thus, the number of previous Svalues depends on the size of the N chop table and not onthe value of i and j (i.e., it does not depend on the lengthof the unaligned sequences). This modification resultsin time complexity of O(n2 ×V). Of note, excludingcomputations for Nn,m chops not found in the tableimplicitly assigns 0 as the probability of any chop notobserved in the simulation procedure.

Parameter optimizationThe above procedure describes the computation of

an ML-PWA for a specific set of model parameters.However, the long-indel model parameters: r,�, �, andthe branch length t that best fit a given data set areunknown. As different values of these parameters mayresult in different ML-PWAs, these parameters need tobe inferred. We fixed the value of the � parameter to be0.99. This decision is based on the equilibrium lengthdistribution (see Eq. 2a). As this length is geometricallydistributed with parameter �, the expected sequencelength n is E(v(n))= �

1−�. Thus, under a reasonable

assumption that E(v(n))>100, we obtain that the valueof the � parameter should be greater than 0.99. Since � isbetween 0 and 1, we fixed it to be 0.99.

Throughout this work, parameter combinations wererestricted to a set of 55,480 options (see details above).This discretization allows using precomputed choptables, thus decoupling the inference procedure fromthe one-time task of computing chop probabilities,which accelerates the inference procedure. The scoreof each parameter combination is computed based onthe P matrix, that is, the probability of D conditionedon A, marginalized over all possible PWAs. Ourgoal is to find the parameter combination (r,�, andt) that maximizes this likelihood. We propose twooptimization schemes. The first scheme is a brute-force ML paradigm, which considers all parametercombinations, returning the parameter combinationthat yielded the highest likelihood. The number ofdynamic programming computations in this schemeis equal to the number of considered parametercombinations and it is thus exhaustive. In the alternativeoptimization scheme, we rely on a hill climbing searchprocedure. The initial parameter combination for thesearch is chosen by a quick scan of the parameterspace (see Supplementary Material available on Dryadat https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.p069231). Next, thelikelihood of the initial parameter combination is

computed. Each parameter combination has “immediateneighbors,” which share exactly two out of three of itsparameter values and have a minimal distance from itsthird parameter. For example, one of the neighbors of thecombination (r=0.05,�=0.01,t=0.34) is (r=0.05,�=0.02,t=0.34). The likelihood of each of the immediateneighbors of the initial parameter combination iscomputed. If one of the neighbors has higher likelihood,it replaces the initial parameter combination and itsimmediate neighbors are examined. The replacement ofa combination by a better neighbor continues until noimprovement in likelihood is achieved.


Reconstruction of simulation parametersUsing the SimBa-SAl simulator and a JTT substitution

process (Jones et al. 1992), we generated a set of 540 truePWAs under 27 parameter combinations of the long-indel model (see Materials and Methods). We appliedthe SimBa-SAl inference procedure with the chop-basedacceleration and the initial-PWA optimization schemeto the 540 unaligned simulated sequence pairs. Wefirst measured the ability of the SimBa-SAl inferenceprocedure to identify the parameters that generatedthe sequences. The inference error of each of the threeparameters was computed as (p̂−p)2, where p is the trueparameter value and p̂ is the value inferred by SimBa-SAl. Over all 540 cases, the average inference errors were0.0011 ± 0.0009, 0.0057 ± 0.0048, and 0.026 ± 0.0281for the �,t, and r parameters, respectively. We nextaimed to examine how parameter accuracy depends onthe parameters used for simulating the PWAs (Fig. 2,Supplementary Fig. S1, available on Dryad). We foundthat the estimation error of all three parameters wasconsiderably higher when the r value was high (0.6)rather than low or medium (0 or 0.3). For example, theaverage estimation error of � in data sets with a low ormedium r value is 0.0008, whereas it is 0.0018 for data setswith a high r value (for full details see SupplementaryTable S1, available on Dryad). A high r value comparedwith a low r value combined with the same t and �parameters means fewer indel events. Thus, data setswith a high r value contain less indels, making it harderto infer the parameters behind them.

Comparison to Gotoh and MAFFT pairwise proceduresWe next set to evaluate the accuracy of the ML-PWAs

inferred with SimBa-SAl. To this end, we measured thealignment accuracy by computing the column score ofthe ML-PWA with respect to its corresponding truePWA (see Materials and Methods). We compared thesescores to the measured scores for PWAs computedby two commonly used PWA methods: the Gotohalgorithm as implemented in the package EMBOSS(Rice et al. 2000), and MAFFT PWA procedure (Katohand Standley 2013). Gotoh and MAFFT were run with


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FIGURE 2. Parameter reconstruction. Five hundred and forty simulated PWAs were generated by considering 27 parameter combinationsof the long-indel model. The unaligned sequences of each PWA were given to the SimBa-SAl inference procedure and the parameters inferredfor each dataset were compared with the true ones (full square). In each plot, the three y axes reflect the possible range of parameter values.The figure depicts the accuracy of parameter estimation for nine combinations in which t=1. All combinations are presented in SupplementaryFig. S1, available on Dryad.

default parameters (see Materials and Methods). Overall parameter combinations, the average column scoreswere 0.907, 0.908, and 0.929 for Gotoh, MAFFT, andSimBa-SAl, respectively. The difference between Gotohand MAFFT was not statistically significant (Wilcoxonpaired test P>0.23), whereas the difference betweenSimBa-SAl and MAFFT was (Wilcoxon paired test P<

2.2e−16, Fig. 3). We next tested whether the increasedaccuracy is limited to a specific set of model parameters.Our analysis clearly shows that this is not the case: theincreased accuracy of the SimBa-SAl inference procedurewas observed across most sets of individual parametercombinations (Supplementary Fig. S2, available onDryad).


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FIGURE 3. Inference accuracy of long-indel model PWAs. Fivehundred and forty simulated PWAs were generated by considering27 parameter combinations of the long-indel model. The unalignedsequences of each PWA were given as input to MAFFT and SimBa-SAl. The accuracy of SimBa-SAl is higher than that of MAFFT. “Avg.”indicates the average column score.

Robustness to model misspecificationNext, we measured the effect of model

misspecification on the SimBa-SAl inference procedure.To this end, we used INDELible (Fletcher and Yang2009) to generate PWAs under an alternative indelformation model. The INDELible model is controlledby two parameters: IR and A. The IR parameter isthe rate of indel events relative to a substitution rateof 1. The A parameter is the shape parameter of apower law distribution from which the size of eventsis drawn. Of note, the IR parameter is not equivalentto the � parameter of the long-indel model. While the� parameter of the long-indel model refers to the totaldeletion rate per position by an event of any size, the IRparameter reflects the rate of indel events, which startat a given position. Moreover, the INDELible model isa misspecification of the long-indel model with respectto the following model choices: 1) the function of indellengths; 2) as opposed to the long-indel model, therate of insertions is assumed to be equal the rate ofdeletions, which also means the INDELible modelis non-reversible. We generated 20 true PWAs fromeach of 27 INDELible parameter combinations and aJTT substitution process (see Materials and Methods).These true PWAs were used to test the performanceand accuracy of Gotoh, MAFFT and SimBa-SAl. Overall parameter combinations, the average column scoreswere 0.888, 0.893, and 0.896 for Gotoh, MAFFT, andSimBa-SAl, respectively. The difference between SimBa-SAl and MAFFT was statistically significant (Wilcoxonpaired test P<0.0074, Fig. 4). We further repeatedthese analyses for each set of parameters separately

FIGURE 4. Inference accuracy of INDELible PWAs. Five hundred andforty PWAs were generated by considering 27 parameter combinationsof the INDELible model. The unaligned sequences of each PWA weregiven as input to MAFFT and SimBa-SAl. The accuracy of SimBa-SAlis higher than that of MAFFT.

and the same trend was observed (SupplementaryFig. S3, available on Dryad). These results suggestthat the long-indel model is robust to moderate modelmisspecifications. Finally, as can be seen in the loweraverage column scores, the INDELible test data sets posea slightly harder challenge for the alignment inferencemethods than the long-indel test data sets.

Alignment accuracy measured on the HOMSTRAD 2017database

We downloaded 630 structurally-derived proteinPWAs from the HOMSTRAD 2017 database (accessed:28 December 2017; Mizuguchi et al. 1998; Stebbingsand Mizuguchi 2004). For each of the 630 PWAs wefirst measured the longest stretch of consecutive gapcharacters. We filtered out 460 PWAs in which the longeststretch was found at one of the alignment ends, asthese cases are suspected for non-homogenous rate ofindel events along the sequences. We then ran Gotoh,MAFFT, and SimBa-SAl on the unaligned sequencesof the 170 retained data sets. With average columnscores of 0.742, 0.753, and 0.75 for Gotoh, MAFFT, andSimBa-SAl, respectively, the differences in the measuredaccuracies of the three methods were not statisticallysignificant (Wilcoxon paired test P>0.25 for all threecomparisons). We next reanalyzed the HOMSTRAD 2017data sets using SimBa-SAl, this time sampling 100 PWAsaccording to their probability. In 33 of the 170 cases, thetrue PWA was found in the sample and in eight out ofthese 33 the ML-PWA was not the true PWA. Of note,the column scores computed for the HOMSTRAD 2017


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FIGURE 5. Model fitting testing scheme. Model parameters are inferred from an input PWA by SimBa-SAl (Stages 1, 2, and 3) and 100 simulatedPWAs are generated under those parameters (Stage 4). The same summary statistic is extracted from the simulated PWAs (Stage 5) and from theinput PWA (Stage 6). The number of simulations in which the summary statistic is greater than or equal to the value computed based on theinput PWA (NGE) and the number of simulations in which it is smaller (NS) are used to compute an empirical P value for the input PWA.

database are substantially lower than those obtainedwhen analyzing simulated data sets, suggesting thatthe indel dynamics characterizing HOMSTRAD 2017alignments are more complex than the indel dynamicsgenerated by both INDELible and the long-indel model.

Model fittingTo investigate the reason for the lower scores

computed for the HOMSTRAD 2017 database, we aimedto better characterize how well the long-indel modelreflects indel dynamics in nature. In case the modelcaptures the essence of the dynamics, it is expectedthat summary statistics concerning indel formationextracted from an input biological PWA and from aset of corresponding PWAs simulated under the modelparameters that best fit this biological PWA shouldbe similar. Here, we focused on the following threesummary statistics: 1) the average length of a blockof positions without any gaps (“average gapless blocklength”), 2) the longest gapless block, and 3) the ratio

of gap to non-gap characters in the alignment. Our testof model fitting is designed to assign an empirical Pvalue to each examined input PWA with respect to eachof the three summary statistics by comparing it to 100corresponding PWAs simulated under the model. Thestages of the test are depicted in Figure 5.

We first focused on the long-indel test PWAs. Thesedata sets were simulated under the long-indel modeland thus, the model should fit them. Specifically, whenconsidering a summary statistic extracted from eachinput PWA, we expect its value to come from the samedistribution of values as its 100 corresponding simulatedPWAs. In other words, we expect the distribution ofempirical P values to be uniform between 0 and 1.Focusing on the long-indel test data sets allowed usto examine the impact of the SimBa-SAl parameterinference procedure. We first measured the fit of themodel when the corresponding simulated PWAs weregenerated using the same parameters behind each of theinput PWAs (skipping stage 2 in Fig. 5). As expected, wefound that the distribution of the 540 empirical P valueswas uniform between 0 and 1 for all three summary


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statistics (Fig. 6A). We next examined the distributionsof empirical P values when the computation reliedon simulated PWAs based on the long-indel modelparameters inferred by SimBa-SAl. Here, we foundslight deviations from the expected uniform distribution(Fig. 6B).

We next examined the fit of the TKF91 and the long-indel models to the 170 data sets of the HOMSTRAD2017 database. Of note, TKF91 is a private case of thelong-indel model in which r=0. We thus measured thefit of this model by running the SimBa-SAl inferenceprocedure on each input of the HOMSTRAD 2017database with chop tables in which r=0 (2,920 tablesout of all 55,480 tables of the long-indel model). Forthe long-indel model, we found strong deviations fromthe uniform distribution for all three summary statistics(Fig. 6C). Specifically, 32% and 21% of the empiricalP values associated with the average gapless blocklength and longest gapless block, were smaller than0.05, respectively. In addition, 41% of the empiricalP values associated with the ratio of gap to non-gap characters were greater than 0.94. Together, thesedeviations suggest that the long-indel model tends toover-align the HOMSTRAD PWAs. For the TKF91 model,the deviations were even stronger (Fig. 6D). Specifically,63% and 55% of the empirical P values associated withthe average gapless block length and longest gaplessblock, were smaller than 0.05, respectively, and 53%of the empirical P values associated with the ratio ofgap to non-gap characters were greater than 0.94. Thissuggests that not only the TKF91 model over-aligns theHOMSTRAD PWAs, the insertion or deletion of a singlecharacter at a time makes it deviate even more fromthe indel dynamics observed in real biological data sets.Put together, these results concerning the long-indeland TKF91 models suggest there is still much roomfor improvement in the modeling of indel dynamics inbiological sequence data (see Discussion).

The unrealistic indel patterns of the TKF91 model aredemonstrated in the analysis of the HOMSTRAD GAD(family: GatB and aspartyl tRNA synthetases) domain.Figure 7 depicts the HOMSTRAD true GAD PWA aswell as the ML-PWA estimates based on either the longindel or the TKF91 models. Clearly, in this example, theML-PWA under the long-indel model is closer to theHOMSTRAD PWA than the ML-PWA under the TKF91model. Relative to the real GAD PWA, the TKF91 ML-PWA is characterized by an overabundance of very shortindels, which result in a shorter average gapless block, ashorter maximal gapless block and a higher ratio of gapto non-gap characters. In contrast, the ML-PWA underthe long-indel model, although different from the truePWA, is characterized by indel summary statistics thatresemble those of the true PWA.

Running timesThe SimBa-SAl parameter optimization procedure

used throughout this work saves costly dynamic

programming computations. The average number ofdynamic programming procedures performed in the hillclimbing search was 19.4 ± 14.9 on the long-indel testdata sets, 19.8 ± 14.4 on the INDELible test data sets, and46.7 ± 42 on the HOMSTRAD 2017 database. On average,a single dynamic programming procedure, which usesthe chop-acceleration method, took 4.9 ± 4.1 s on thelong-indel test data sets, 19.9 ± 18.4 s on the INDELibletest data sets, and 48.6 ± 107.3 s on the HOMSTRAD2017 database. All computations were carried out ona computer cluster where each node has 2 2.50GHzIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPUs with 64GB shared RAM. Each ofthe two CPUs has 20 cores.


In this work we present SimBa-SAl, a simulation-basedmethod for statistical alignment. Analysis with SimBa-SAl is performed in two stages. First, chop probabilitiesunder a specific model and its parameters are estimatedusing a simulation. The tabulated results of this one-time computation are used in all subsequent analyses.Second, using the precomputed chop probabilities, PWAestimates are inferred using dynamic programmingprocedures as listed in Table 1. Dividing the analysis intothese two stages relies on the independence of the indelprocess from the substitution process as well as on thedecomposition of an alignment to independent chop-associated segments. Beyond these assumptions, theSimBa-SAl approach offers great flexibility in the choiceof a generative model for indel formation utilized in thefirst stage. In this study, we chose to focus on the long-indel model. One of the major limitations of inferencewith this model is the long running times under a naïveimplementation, as also noted by Miklós et al. (2004). Weproposed two accelerations to the algorithm in additionto decoupling chop probability computations from theinference procedure. The first acceleration is based onexcluding N chops from consideration in the dynamicprogramming procedure (Eq. 6). In such an acceleration,a chop should be excluded from computation if itsprobability is small enough. However, defining acriterion for “small enough” is not straight-forward.The SimBa-SAl approach offers a natural interpretationof this criterion by excluding chops that were notobserved in simulations. The second acceleration savesdynamic programming procedures with respect toparameter choice. We show the utility in a hillclimbing optimization procedure to select a parametercombination among a large set of precomputed choptables. Of note, both these accelerations are applied inthe second stage of the SimBa-SAl method (the inferenceprocedure), indifferent to the model that generated thechop tables.

Our analyses of the performance of the SimBa-SAlmethod focused on accuracies measured with respectto the ML-PWA. This allowed us to compare SimBa-SAlto Gotoh and MAFFT, which produce point estimates of


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FIGURE 6. The fit of the long-indel and TKF91 models. The empirical P values computed for a collection of datasets with respect to each ofthe three summary statistics were divided into 20 equally-sized bins between 0 and 1. The dashed line indicates the expected 5% of P values ineach bin. When the input PWAs are from the long-indel model and each corresponding set of PWAs is simulated under the same parameters asthe input, the empirical P values follow a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 (A). When the input PWAs are from the long-indel model andeach corresponding set of PWAs is simulated under the parameters inferred by SimBa-SAl, the empirical P values exhibit slight deviations froma uniform distribution between 0 and 1 (B). When the input PWAs are from the HOMSTRAD 2017 database and each corresponding set of PWAsis simulated under the parameters inferred by SimBa-SAl under the long-indel model, the empirical P values exhibit strong deviations from auniform distribution between 0 and 1 (C). When the input PWAs are from the HOMSTRAD 2017 database and each corresponding set of PWAsis simulated under the parameters inferred by SimBa-SAl using only the TKF91 model, the empirical P values exhibit the strongest deviationsfrom a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 (D).


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Long indel GAD ML-PWA; r = 0.6, µ = 0.05, t = 1.13; log-likelihood(1g51a|1c0aa) = -284.76; log-likelihood = -289.12; posterior-probability(ML-PWA) = 0.013; P values: 0.4, 0.51, 0.59


TKF91 GAD ML-PWA; r = 0, µ = 0.07, t = 1.11; log-likelihood(1g51a|1c0aa) = -294.28; log-likelihood = -306.68; posterior-probability(ML-PWA) < 5e-6; P values: 0.01, 0.03, 0.93

FIGURE 7. The fit of the long-indel and TKF91 models to the GAD domain. The HOMSTRAD true PWA, SimBa-SAl long-indel ML-PWA, andSimBa-SAl TKF91 ML-PWA are presented one above the other. For clarity of indel patterns, non-gaps are presented with a gray background.Three summary statistics were examined: 1) the average gapless block length, 2) the longest gapless block, and 3) the ratio of gap to non-gapcharacters in the alignment. The estimated parameter values as well as the empirical P values for each of the three summary statistics are presentedabove the SimBa-SAl PWAs. The log-likelihood of each alignment as well as the log of the total probability of the descendant conditioned on theancestor were computed as detailed in Table 1 and in the section “Inference using pre-computed chop tables.”

the alignment. We found that SimBa-SAl with the long-indel model offered greater-than or equal-to accuracy onsimulated data sets as well as on the HOMSTRAD 2017database.

Unlike Gotoh and MAFFT, SimBa-SAl has the abilityto account for alignment uncertainty. Several softwarethat account for alignment uncertainty were previouslydeveloped: Baliphy (Redelings et al. 2005), StatAlign(Novák et al. 2008), and FSA (Bradley et al. 2009). Baliphyassumes a phylogenetic tree of the analyzed sequences,where each branch is associated with its own HMM.In this formulation, indel formation is not based on anexplicit stochastic indel process. StatAlign is based onTKF92 and thus poses its limitations (see Introduction).FSA is based on pair HMMs to estimate posteriorprobabilities for matches and indels between each pairof sequences. An annealing step follows to combinethese probabilities to form an MSA. Thus, although theseprograms explicitly account for alignment uncertainty,they do not analyze substitutions and indels in a unifiedmanner as a continuous time stochastic process along aphylogenetic tree. One way in which SimBa-SAl can beused to account for uncertainty is to consider a sample ofPWAs, drawn based on their probabilities, rather than asingle point estimate. When analyzing the HOMSTRAD2017 database, we showed that in certain cases, sucha sample contains the true PWA even when the truePWA is not the ML-PWA. The importance of samplingbecomes even clearer when examining the posteriorprobability of any single point estimate. In the GADexample presented in Figure 7, we show that the ML-PWAs (computed either under the long-indel or theTKF91 model) have low posterior probabilities (<0.013in both cases), which demonstrates the need to accountfor alignment uncertainty. Furthermore, a sample ofPWAs could then be used for various applications,such as constructing better protein structure models andhomology testing.

When we examined model fitting, we found thatalthough the long-indel model fits the HOMSTRAD2017 database better than the TKF91 model, there is stillroom for improvement when it comes to constructing

realistic models of indel formation. The modularity ofSimBa-SAl should allow the integration of various indelformation models, which relax some of the assumptionsof the long-indel model. The first of these assumptionsis time reversibility of the indel process. Thisassumption, which is often the result of mathematicalconvenience considerations, is not necessarily realisticwith respect to the evolutionary process of biologicalsequences. Specifically, this assumption implies thesame equilibrium length distribution for all analyzedsequences. Moreover, it implies a detailed balance inwhich deletions are the mirror image of insertions, thatis, the rate of inserting k characters times the stationaryprobability of length n is equal to the rate of deletingk characters times the stationary probability of length(n+k). Rivas and Eddy (2008) have proposed a non-reversible Markov model over an alphabet where a gap isan additional character. However, their model does notallow for long indels. Using the framework developed inthis work, it is possible to extend the long-indel modelto a non-reversible version by assuming independentparameters for the insertion and deletion rates. A secondassumption concerns the description of indel lengthsusing a geometric function, which might not be realistic(Chang and Benner 2004; Ezawa 2016). Because SimBa-SAl uses simulations to evaluate chop probabilities, andbecause given the chop probabilities, the computationis independent of the indel length distribution, it isrelatively straight-forward to explore different indellength functions. Another strong assumption of thelong-indel model is that indels occur uniformly alongthe sequence. One possible extension can includesimulations and inferences under indel-rich and indel-poor zones. Finally, the current indel model assumesthat indels are context-independent, which is clearlyfalse (Benner et al. 1993). However, relaxing thisassumption is more challenging as it would requireintroducing dependencies between the substitutionand indel processes, which would complicate thedecomposition of a PWA into chop-associated segments.This would, in turn, result in high computation times forstatistical alignments.


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SimBa-SAl is designed to compute pairwise statisticalalignments. Extending it to analyze multiple sequencesis a laudable, albeit challenging, goal. It will requirethe definition of a chop with respect to multiplesequences or alternatively, the recursive construction ofpairwise chops with respect to their mutual ancestor (asdeveloped by Steel and Hein 2001 for the TKF91 model).Accelerations, such as the chop-based acceleration willbe of great importance in order to maintain reasonablerunning times.


Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository:http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.p069231.


This study was supported by an Israel ScienceFoundation grant 802/16 to T.P. While conducting thisresearch, J.H. was a visiting scholar of the Edmond J.Safra Center for Bioinformatics at Tel-Aviv University.E.L.K. is a recipient of a FEBS long-term fellowship andan EMBO non-stipendiary long-term fellowship.


The authors thank the Associate Editor and JeffThorne for their helpful comments and suggestions.


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