A Simple Trick For Real Estate Revealed

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of A Simple Trick For Real Estate Revealed

A Simple Trick for Real Estate Revealed

First impressions are everything in real estate, and can mean the difference

between a potential client visiting a particular property or ignoring it.

The internet is usually the buyer’s first resort when thinking of buying real estate.

This gives them an idea and the feel of the space before they even step inside.

With this in mind, there is a new trend that is rocking the real estate world,

cutting costs, increasing the price for buyers, while drawing more people to the

property –virtual furniture.

You heard me right. In the world of technology, there is a virtual assistant, virtual

worlds, virtual girlfriends, and it is no wonder that the real estate industry has

jumped into the game with virtual furniture.

Agents and photographers say that more and more clients are opting to go this

route because it is cheaper and easier for them. The cost of adding virtual

furniture is a fraction of the cost as opposed to say, buying actual furniture for the

house and photographing the whole thing. In addition to this, the asking price of

the house goes up.

So, how does this work? Well, the photographers photograph the room bare. And

after that, they add either photographed furniture or virtual furniture to the

photo depending on the style of the room. It’s not any different than fixing a

photograph via photo enhancing software before posting it online.

Are the clients surprised or put off when they visit the property and find it bare?

Apparently not, as real estate agents (like those found at

http://scottsdalerealestate.com/) say that the clients apparently don’t mind

finding the room bare because they say that they are really buying the property

and not the furniture (which is true, of course).

If this seems like a bit deceptive to you, real estate agents are quick to defend

that it’s not deceiving the clients, it just gives the prospective client an idea on

how to use the space properly (especially since the clients are informed of what

they’re looking at). At the end of the day, they say that the better looking the

place is, the more people will look at it.

Apparently this new and simple real estate trick has been profitable for the agents

who are using it, and is catching on in the industry.

So the next time you look at a property online and fall in love with the furniture,

ask yourself, is it real or not? Does it matter? Can I see myself in this home?