A seamless range of low-voltage motors up to 1,250 kW · From standard to specific: Motors for...

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A seamless range oflow-voltage motors up to 1,250 kW

ws_niederspmotor_GB.indd 1ws_niederspmotor_GB.indd 1 16.11.2007 8:01:50 Uhr16.11.2007 8:01:50 Uhr

From standard to specific:Motors for unlimited possibilities

New drive tasks are always exciting as every challenge is different. What remains identical, however, is the call for a profitable, safe and, above all, integrated solution. We offer such solutions – based on drive and automation technology ranging from frequency inverters to decentralized drive technology and geared motors down to a seamless range of low-voltage motors. Our portfolio comprises three-phase motors, which fit most requirements already as a standard, as well as tailored special versions. We build motors globally with regional and worldwide standards for all sectors and app-lications. Moreover, our motors are unrivaled in terms of innovation.

High-Effi ciency MotorsReduced Energy Costs and Environmental Compatibility 4

Explosion-Protected MotorsMaximum Safety and Extreme Ruggedness 6

Sector-Specifi c MotorsIndividual Requirements and Tailored Solutions 8

Extreme Ruggedness and TestedSuitability for Harsh Conditions 10

Applications Strong Power from the Back Row 12

Totally Integrated Automation 13

Overview of Low-Voltage Motors 14


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Warum Insellösungen schwer verdaulich sind...Getränkeherstellern, die mehr Effizienz in ihren Prozes-sen umsetzen möchten, stehen häufig die gängigen Anlagenstrukturen im Weg. Insellösungen beherrschen das Bild. Maschinen unterschiedlichster Hersteller for-men Strukturen, die wenig flexibel und mühsam zu mo-dernisieren sind. Kommunikation, soweit vorhanden, lässt sich nur aufwendig realisieren. Die Pflege der Sys-teme ist kostspielig. Eine übergreifende Steuerung des Prozesses fehlt. Kurzum: Insellösungen gehen auf Dau-er ins Geld und bieten wenig Raum zur Veränderung.

...und durchgängige Automatisierung denAppetit anregt.Doch Veränderung tut Not. Vor allem im Hinblick auf den wachsenden Kostendruck, dem sich die Getränke-industrie – wie andere Branchen auch – heute gegenü-ber sieht. Der sichere und einfachere Weg zur Optimie-rung führt über eine durchgängige Automatisierung – basierend auf internationalen Standards. Vom Wa-renein- bis zum –ausgang. Von der Produktions- bis hin zur ERP-Ebene. Denn je ganzheitlicher man die Prozesse eines Unternehmens betrachtet, desto mehr Potenzial zur Produktivitätssteigerung lässt sich entfalten.Seit vielen Jahren bringen wir unsere Erfahrung aus verschiedensten Industriebranchen in die Entwicklung

eines ganzheitlichen und durchgängigen Branchen-angebots für die Getränkeindustrie ein. Im engen Dialog mit unseren internationalen Kunden aus der Nahrungs- und Genussmittelindustrie entwickeln wir unser Angebot stetig weiter und richten es an den spe-zifischen Bedürfnissen und Markttrends der Branche aus. Standardisierte Produkte, intelligente Systeme und maßgeschneiderte Dienstleistungen unterstützen heute Mälzereien, Brauereien und Softdrink-Hersteller weltweit dabei, ihre Produktivität zu steigern.

Kurzum: Unser Angebot für die Getränkeindustrie wird Ihnen schmecken. Wohl bekomm´s.

So gut schmeckt Produktivität:unser Angebot für die Getränkeindustrie

Erhöhter Wettbewerbsdruck auf globalen Märkten, strengere gesetzliche Vorgaben, steigende Rohstoff- und Energiepreise sowie Verbraucher, deren Präferenzen sich immer schneller ändern – wer heute in der Getränkeindustrie erfolgreich sein will, muss eine Handvoll wesentlicher Aufgaben erfüllen. Allen voran: Kosten reduzieren. Denn um schnell und flexibel auf Markttrends reagieren zu können, braucht die Ge-tränkeindustrie schlanke und effiziente Prozesse.

Die wichtigste Zutat für mehr Produktivität: eine durchgängige Automatisierung.

Sie hilft Ihnen: die Total Cost of Ownership zu minimieren,

die Abläufe flexibler zu gestalten und die Time-to-Market zu reduzieren,

eine gleich bleibend hohe Qualität in großen Stückzahlen und global zu produzieren, und

gesetzliche Vorgaben effektiver einzuhalten.



Always the right powerWith an output range from 0.06 to 1250 kW, our low-voltage motors drive virtually anything. Depending on the individual requirements, we offer high-effici-ency motors for a positive energy balance, explosi-on-protected motors for maximum safety standards, sector- or customer-specific motors as well as motors in accordance with the IEC and NEMA standard. All motors are equipped with features for maximum efficiency as a standard and offer a convincing cost/performance-ratio. Moreover, we guarantee you consistent and worldwide support with our produc-tion, sales and service expertise.

Always with maximum saving potentialsElectric drives consume around two thirds of the entire electrical energy in industrial applications. Against the background of rising energy costs and the climate change debate, the aspect of energy consumption in drive technology is increasingly gai-ning importance. Our low-voltage motors facilitate the full exploitation of saving potentials to remain sustainably competitive while also protecting the environment.

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High-efficiency motorsreduced energy costs and environmental protection

Energy costs account for 95% of a motor’s lifecycle costs – while procurement and installation merely add up to 5%. Already today, approx. 1.5 billion Euro worldwide could be saved in energy costs every year through the application of high-efficiency motors alone. We offer motors in different efficiency classes both for the IEC and the NEMA market.

In the NEMA market, the Ultra NEMA Premium mo-tors guarantee maximum efficiency, while the IEC market is served with EFF1 motors featuring top-of-the-line efficiency as well as a compact design:

The new 1LE1 motor generation employs the same housing for EFF1 and EFF2.

In addition to an excellent cost/performance-ratio and high operational reliability, the ecobalance over the entire lifecycle is a further clear advantage of our motors. Furthermore, they fi t into any drive concept and cover more than 90% of all imaginable application areas worldwide. These qualities offer benefi ts for everyone: mechanical engineers, system operators – and the environment.

Advantages• Noticeable reduction of operating costs through effi ciency factor optimization• Particularly compact motors of the 1LE1 range in EFF1 with innovative copper rotor technology• High overload reserves in continuous operation (SF 1,15)• Inverter-proof up to 460 V as a standard, own version available up to 690 V • Environmental protection through CO2 reduction• Positive ecobalance of high-effi ciency motors• Part of Totally Integrated Automation via frequency inverters and PROFIBUS and PROFINET• Easy modifi ability through modular mounting kits

Type spectrumWe are one of the few motor suppliers worldwide to offer a complete portfolio of energy-saving motors:

For the IEC market• High-effi ciency energy-saving motors in the highest EU effi ciency class EFF1 (High Effi ciency)• Effi ciency-improved energy-saving motors in EU effi ciency class EFF2 (Improved Effi ciency)• Motors with increased output power in EFF1 and EFF2

For the NEMA market • IEC energy-saving motors in accordance with the US Fede- ral Law EPAct (Energy Policy Act of 1992) for 60 Hz opera- tion with CC number• NEMA motors with legal minimum effi ciency factors in accordance with the US Federal Law EPAct (Energy Policy Act of 1992 – U.S.A. Federal Law)• NEMA motors with NEMA Premium effi ciency in accordance with NEMA MG1• NEMA motors with Ultra NEMA Premium effi ciency: exceed the NEMA Premium effi ciency recommended by NEMA

With our SinaSave software tool, we offer help for the selection of an energy-saving motor both for the IEC as well as the NEMA market:


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5IEC range NEMA range

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Explosion-protected motorsmaximum safety and extreme ruggedness

In hazardous areas such as in the chemical and petro-chemical industry or in gas works, motors have to meet maximum safety standards for the protection of life, machines and the environment. By employing explosion-protected motors by Siemens, you decide in favour of maximum safety. Our rugged Ex motors guarantee durable and fault-free operation even under extreme conditions. This has already been proven more than a hundred-thousand-fold by their global application. Moreover, our range of Ex motors is seamless and covers all requirements with maximum safety and effi ciency during operation.

The acquisition of Loher GmbH enabled Siemens to further expand and complete its portfolio of explosi-on-protected drives, particularly with regard to mo-tors with fl ameproof enclosure and increased safety requirements. The result is a motor portfolio which is globally unrivaled in terms of scope and standard. For extraordinary requirements, Loher provides drive solutions in double protection – as combination of gas and dust explosion protection or Ex d and Ex e. These explosion-protected motors are mechanically dimensioned in the “fl ameproof enclosure” type of protection. At the same time, the temperatures of the active parts correspond to the “increased safety” type of protection. The Ex motors by Loher are sui-table for inverter operation and are ATEX-certifi ed as assembly with DYNAVERT T frequency converters.


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Type spectrum IECOur explosion-protected motors fulfi ll the ATEX 95 directive:• Integrated gray cast iron series for standard and explosion-protected motors• VIK versions optionally possible• Motors with “increased safety” – “e” (Ex e II) type of protection• Motors with fl ameproof enclosure – “d” (Ex de IIC)• Motors in non-sparking design – “n” (Ex nA)• Motors with dust explosion protection for Zone 21/22

Type spectrum NEMAExplosion-proof motors fulfi ll the strict requirements according to • Class I, Group D • Class II, Groups F&G • Division 1, hazardous areas

Quality-tested The explosion-protected NEMA motors are certifi ed in accordance with NEMA MG1 and UL. Our explosion-protected motors for the IEC market are developed, produced and certifi ed in accordance with the 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) directive. Furthermore, they are tested and certifi ed by the German Physical-Technical Fede-ral Institute (PTB) and the German Montan Technolo-gie GmbH (DMT). They thus offer certifi ed reliability and effi ciency for all drive tasks.

7Chemstar Motor with flameproof enclosure

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Sector-specific motorsindividual requirements and tailored solutions

Smoke extraction motors: Reliable ventilation even at high temperaturesWhen accidents happen in buildings with smoke control, the ventilation and heat dissipation systems are in great demand. Ventilation operation has to be maintained as long as possible to keep escape routes free of smoke and improve the chance of survival. Our certifi ed low-voltage motors for smoke extrac-tion fans reliably master even high ambient tempe-ratures. They reduce the building’s heat stress and reliably ensure smoke-free escape and access routes.

Application areasHighly frequented public buildings such as night clubs, shopping malls, movie theatres, airports, enclosed car parks as well as industrial buildings, staircases, tunnels, etc.

Every sector makes its own demands on drive technology. As a complete supplier with long-standing experience, we know all about these requirements. Our engineers are able to understand your individual tasks – after all, standard drives by Siemens are employed in almost all sectors worldwide. In addition, we always seek inno-vative solutions to ensure optimum effi ciency. This is why we supplement our standard range by specifi c motors which perfectly meet specifi c sector requirements and guarantee maximum effi ciency.

Advantages• Motor range up to 200 kW in accordance with EN 12101-3/June 2002 certifi ed for accident operation• F200/300, 200/300 °C for 120 minutes and F400, 400 °C for 120 minutes• Safe ventilation operation in case of accidents• Longer functional duration in case of accidents than standard values• Axial or radial fan drive possible• Smoke-free access routes for sensible fi re-fi ghting and rescue of persons• Reduced consequential damage of fi res• Applicable without tests in already certifi ed systems


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Crane motors: Maximum power even in turbulent applicationsLike ship motors, crane motors are often exposed to extreme weather conditions – as well as being subject to high operational requirements. They have to withstand high humidity, salty air and high wind speeds while ensuring a high overload capacity and a wide speed control range. Our crane motors are safely protected against corrosion on the outside and inside with special varnish and seals.

Application areasThe rugged gray cast iron motors are particularly suitable for rough lifting gear operation under adverse operating conditions – for indoor and outdoor application, e.g. in harbour facilities for rubber-tyred gantry, rail-mounted gantry, auto- matic stacking cranes.

Crane motor

Advantages:• Torque reserves allow for high impact loads• For ambient temperatures up to 50 °C, optionally also higher• Protected against humidity up to 100% and salty atmosphere• Overload capacity up to 230% as acceleration drives• One motor design covers all conventional operating modes (e.g. S2, S3)• Large dimensioned connection box• Corrosion protection inside the motor (winding, enclosure, bearing shields)• Optional particularly rugged legs and fl anges made of torsion-resistant spheroidal iron• Optionally with installed rugged rotary pulse encoder• Chassis motors in rugged, non-ventilated design• Together with the installed encapsulated and sea water-proof disk brakes, the brake motors form a compact unit and serve as ideal chassis motor for modern inverter-fed crane systems

Smoke extraction motor


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Extreme ruggedness and testedsuitability for harsh conditions

Roller conveyor motor

Advantages • The torsion-resistant housing made of spheroidal iron is particularly rugged against mechanical loads• In addition, the ring rib housing prevents the accumulation of scale dust• Torque reserves allow for high, up to 4-fold impulse torques• One motor design covers all conventional operating modes (e.g. S2, S3)• Inverter-proof up to a mains voltage of 460 V, opti- onally available with special insulation up to 690 V• Optimum utilization with inverter infeed through winding adjustment to the respective voltage/ frequency• Optionally with installed rugged rotary pulse encoder

Advantages• Production and type examination (type-approval) in accordance with the specifi cations of the internationally leading classifi cation societies BV (Bureau Veritas, France), DNV (Det Norske Veritas, Norway), GL (Germanischer Lloyd, Germany) as well as LR (Lloyd’s Register, Great Britain)• No individual acceptance required up to limit power ratings of BV < 100 kW; DNV < 300 kW; GL < 50 kW; LR < 100 kW• Motors are available in accordance with the requirements of the classifi cation societies ABS (American Bureau of Shipping, USA), RINA (Registro Italiano Navale, Italy), CCS (Chinese Classifi cation Society, China); type examination certifi cate only for individual acceptances • Special designs available upon request

Marine motor

Roller conveyor motors: Powerful drive, extra ruggedWorking roller conveyors in reversing roller mills are al-most exclusively equipped with directly driven rollers to-day. The requirements placed upon the drive’s mechanical design are extremely high. To meet them, we developed our three-phase roller conveyor motors for inverter opera-tion. They are designed as totally enclosed three-phase asynchronous motors – with a housing made of spheroi-dal graphite iron, ring ribs and reinforced bearing shields.

Application areasThe rugged, non-ventilated roller conveyor motors are particularly suitable for harsh operation in roller mills un-der adverse application conditions, in working and trans-port roller tables, with high ambient temperatures, high humidity and occurring scale dust.

Marine motorsSalty air and high humidity expose electrical equipment installed on ships and coasts to extreme conditions. This is why renowned ship classifi cation societies specify strict requirements for the additional qualifi cation of motors.

Our marine motors meet the requirements of the leading ship classifi cation societies (BV, DNV, GL, LR) and are type-approved up to a rating of 200 kW. They are gene-rally adjusted to the higher ambient temperatures on board of ships. Upon request, they can also be individu-ally accepted by representatives of the ship classifi cation societies.


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Below-deck motorsOur type-approved marine motors are especially designed for below-deck applications on ships and for the offshore industry, e.g. on oil platforms. Drives for ships:• Fans (e.g. for air-conditioning and cooling systems)• Feed pumps (for fi re and cooling water, fuels, oils)• Winches (anchor and mooring winches, lifting gear)• Compressors• Bow thruster drives

On-deck motorsDrive systems on deck of ships have to withstand wind and weather. They must not be affected by spray, fl ooding and icing. Special on-deck motors by Loher are precisely desi-gned for these application conditions and, for example, gu-arantee continued smooth operation even in case of com-plete fl ooding. A special offshore varnish ensures additional corrosion protection.For the areas on deck which are not directly fl ood-prone, Loher offers motors with specially designed fan covers for ventilation protection. The on-deck portfolio by Loher is rounded off by drive solutions in ice-proof design. Apart from the on-deck range, Loher provides further motors for shipbuilding applications, for instance motors for thrusters which improve the maneuverability of ships.

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Applicationsstrong power from the back row

Pumps Pumps are employed in many sectors. They trans-port various liquid substances in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food & beverages, textile, paper, mining, water & wastewater industries. The drives have to cover speed ranges from very slow to very rapidly operating pumps. A high effi ciency and an inverter with adjusted magnetic fl ow are of the es-sence. The pump motors with fi xed bearing on the drive side and installed PTC thermistors guarantee maximum availability.

FansAlso fans are applied in the most varying sectors to convey atmospheric air – whether in building tech-nology, for the water & wastewater, chemical, phar-maceutical, oil & gas, paper and mining industries. A high energy effi ciency and low-noise operation are the paramount requirements.

Due to the square power increase proportional to the speed, special characteristics have to be obser-ved. Our uniform, noise-optimized and externally cooled motor ranges allow for completely integrated fan concepts.

CompressorsAs with pumps and fans, also the application areas of compressors cover a wide range, spanning air-conditioning and refrigeration technology, the che-mical, pharmaceutical, water & wastewater, general mechanical engineering, food & beverages, mining and paper industries. Hardly any sectors do without compressors, which convey and compress gases at any desired pressure. They operate on the basis of our compact high-power motors which meet the international effi ciency factor requirements. Depen-ding on the employed type, service factors of the compressor motors of up to 1.25 are supported.

Our low-voltage motors are suitable for all industrial sectors and applications around the globe, es-pecially with pumps, fans and compressors. Therefore, the drives are only rarely paid much attention – however, pumps, fans and compressors are of decisive importance for many areas of everyday life. Without these technologies, oil could not be pumped from Siberia to Central Europe and air-conditio-ning systems would be unthinkable.


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With our unique Totally Integrated Automation pro-duct and service portfolio, our low-voltage motors can be easily integrated in complex automation so-lutions. Whatever your individual drive requirements – you can realize your plans with matched compo-nents from a single source.

The drives, which are dimensioned for inverter operation, can be integrated in automated systems via motor starters or frequency inverters. The result: Integrated system solutions – cost-effective, effi cient and investment-proof.

Totally Integrated Automation


DP/AS-i Link










DP/AS-i Link

Position switch

Motor MotorMotor




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Overview of low-voltage motors

Energy-saving motors according to IEC Energy-saving motors according to NEMA Ex motors IEC

Housing material Aluminum Gray cast ironAluminum/gray cast iron

Gray cast ironAluminum, gray cast iron

Type of protection e

Application area Standard Standard, harsh ambient conditions

General purpose Severe duty Ex-Zone 1II 2G Ex e II T1-T3

Rated power 0.06 kW - 45 kW 0.75 kW – 1250 kW 1-20 / 1-200 HP 1-400 HP 0.12 - 165 kW

Frame size 56M - 225 71 - 450 140-250/140-440 140-440 63M - 315L

Rated speed 750 - 3000 min-1 750 - 3600 min-1 900 - 3600 min-1 900 - 3600 min-1 750 - 3600 min-1

Rated torque 0.3 - 293 Nm 7 - 10300 Nm 1.5-60 Ib-ft 1.5-1772 Ib-ft 0.61 - 1300 Nm

Rated voltage All commonly used voltages

All commonly used voltages

208-230/460&575 V with 60 Hz

208-230/460&575 V with 60 Hz

All commonly used voltages

Effi ciency class EFF1, EFF2 EFF1, EFF2 High Effi ciency, NEMA Premium Effi ciency

High Effi ciency, NEMA Premium Effi ciency

See catalog D81.1 / IM01

Degree of protection IP55, IP56 (non-heavy-sea),IP65

IP55, IP56 (non-heavy-sea),IP65

TEFC TEFC IP55, IP56 (non-heavy-sea), IP65

Cooling method Surface-cooled Surface-cooled Fan-cooled Fan-cooled Surface-cooled

Construction types All common construction types

All common construction types

Common NEMA construction types

Common NEMA construction types

All common construction types

Temperature class 155(F) utilized acc. to 130(B)/155(F)

155(F) utilized acc. to 130(B)/155(F)

Class B @1.0 SF,Class F @1.15SF

Class B @1.0 SF,Class F @1.15SF

155(F) utilized acc. to 130(B)/155(F)

For operation on inverter up to 460 V

Standard Standard No Yes Yes (type test required)

For operation on inverter up to 690 V

Special insulation Special insulation No No Yes (type test required)



CE, CSA, UL, ee, NOM

CE, CSA, UL, ee, NOM


Approvals for marine drives Below deck operation: BV, DNV, GL, LR

Below deck operation; BV, DNV, GL, LROn-deck operation: Loher motors

No No Below-deck application: ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LR, RINA

Encoder Yes Yes Yes Yes Upon request

Brake Yes Yes No Yes No

External fan Yes Yes Yes Yes Upon request

Typical applications Pumps, fans, compres-sors, conveyor techno-logy, ship applications with special require-ments in terms of low weight and maximum effi ciency

Pumps, fans, compres-sors, conveyor techno-logy, ship applications, mixers, extruders in the chemical and petrochemical industry

Pumps, compres-sors, fans, conveyor technology, indus-trial applications

- Chemical and petrochemical industry- Mining industry- Printing and paper industry

Occasional occurrence of explosive gases in:- Chemical & petrochemical industry- Oil & gas- Etc.

Catalog D81.1 D81.1, IM01 D81.2, U.S./Canada D81.2, U.S./Canada D81.1, IM01

* CE - EC Declaration of Conformity CSA - Canadian Standard Association NOM - Norma Oficial Mexicana

CCC - China Compulsory Certification CNS - 14400 Chinese National Standard, Taiwan KEMKO - Korean Energy Management Corporation ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnica

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Ex motors NEMA Roller conveyor Smoke extraction Crane

Gray cast iron, steelAluminum, gray cast iron

Aluminum, gray cast iron

Gray cast iron Gray cast ironAluminum, gray cast iron

Gray cast iron

Type of protection d Type of protection n Dust Ex

Ex-Zone 1II 2G Ex de IIC T1-T6

Ex-Zone 2II 3G Ex nA II T3

Ex-Zone 21/22Zone 21: II 2D Ex tD A21 IP65 T120°CZone 22: II 3D Ex tD A22 IP55 T120°C

Class I, Group D,Class II, Groups F & G,Division 1 hazardous areas

Steel industry Building and tunnel ventilation

Bridge cranes

0.25 - 950 kW 0.09 - 1000 kW 0.06 - 1000 kW 1-300 HP 2.5 - 66 kW 0.37 - 200 kW 1.1 - 481 kW

71M - 450 63M - 450 56M - 450 140-440 112M...400 80M - 315L 132S - 315L

750 - 3600 min-1 750 - 3600 min-1 750 - 3600 min-1 900-3600 min-1 295 - 1460 min-1 750 - 3600 min-1 727 - 1726 min-1

1 - 8579 Nm 1 - 8090 Nm 0.3 - 8090 Nm 1.5-1772 Ib-ft 16 - 2135 Nm 2.5 - 1546 Nm 10.6 - 3142 Nm

All commonly used voltages

All commonly used voltages

All commonly used voltages

230, 460 & 575 V with 60 Hz

All commonly used voltages

230VD/400 VY, 500 VD, 400VD/690 VY, 500 VY

All commonly used voltages

See catalog D81.1 / IM01

Analog EFF1/EFF2 Analog EFF1/EFF2 High effi ciency Upon request EFF1, EFF2 See catalog HE 1 N

a), IP55, IP56 (non-heavy-sea)

IP55, IP56 (non-heavy-sea), IP65

Zone 21: IP65Zone 22: IP55

TEFC IP55, IP56 (non-heavy-sea), IP65

IP 55, IP56 (non-heavy-sea)

IP55, IP56 (non-heavy-sea), IP65

Surface-cooled Surface-cooled Surface-cooled Fan-cooled Surface-cooled, non-ventilated

Surface-cooled Ventilated or non-ventilated

All common construction types

All common construction types

All common construction types

Common NEMA construction types

IMB3 All common construction types

All common construction types

155(F) utilized acc. to 130(B) (mains operation)155(F) utilized acc. to 155(F) (inverter operation)

155(F) utilized acc. to 130(B)

155(F) utilized acc. to 130(B)

Class B @1.0SF 155(F) utilized acc. to 155(F)

180(H) utilized acc. to 130(B), 155(F)

155(F) utilized acc. to 155(F)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, inverter ope-ration up to 100 Hz

Yes Yes Upon request No Yes Upon request Yes, inverter ope-ration up to 100 Hz







No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes (up to to FS250) No No No Upon request Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No

Occasional oc-currence of explosive gases in:- Chemical & petrochemical industry- Oil & gas- Etc.

Rare short-term oc-currence of explosive gases in:- Chemical & petrochemical industry- Oil & gas- Etc.

Explosive dusts in:- Wood processing- Chemical industry- Plastic processing- Agriculture

- Chemical and petrochemical industry- Mining industry- Printing and paper industry or resp. paper industry

Cold and hot roller mills, as working and transport roller tables

Ventilation of tunnels, car parks, shopping malls

Harbor cranes, container termi-nals

D81.1, IM01 D81.1, IM01 D81.1, IM01 D81.2, U.S./Canada Technical List D81.1, IM01 HE 1 N

15ATEX - Atmosphère ExplosibleNEPSI - Nat. Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection & Safety of Instrumentation, ChinaNEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers AssociationGOST - Gossudarstwenny Standart , Russia

UL - Underwriters Laboratoriesee - Energy Efficiency

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The information contained in this brochure merely contain general descriptions or performance characteristics, which may not always be applicable in the described form to the specific application case or may change due to product advancement. The desired performance characteristics shall only be binding if they are expressly specified upon contract conclusion.All product designations may be brands or product names of Siemens AG or other sub-suppliers, whose utilization by third parties for their rights may violate the rights of the owner.

Subject to changes Order No.: E80001-A450-P220-X-7600 DISPO 21505 2100/6148 MK.SD.SM.SDSM.52.7.04 WS 110710.0 Printed in Germany © Siemens AG 2007

Siemens AGAutomation and DrivesStandard Drives

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Further information on the product portfolio of standard drives is available on the Internet at:


Geared motorswww.siemens.com/gearedmotors

Frequency inverterswww.siemens.com/micromasterwww.siemens.com/sinamics-g110www.siemens.com/sinamics-g120

Decentralized drive technologywww.siemens.com/et200s-fcwww.siemens.com/et200pro-fcwww.siemens.com/combimasterwww.siemens.com/sinamics-g120d

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Information material for ordering and downloadwww.siemens.com/motors/brochures

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