A - Role of Native Place Behind Successful Person

Post on 01-Feb-2016

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Transcript of A - Role of Native Place Behind Successful Person

Role of native place behind successful person.Native place is where our story begins. It is the place where the person is brought and raised up. This place is often used in legal documents, together with name and date of birth, uniquely identifies the person. Since the dawn of time people work at their birthplace people become famous at native place. The role of native place behind persons success will be analyzed.First and foremost, native place builds the foundation for education, culture, discipline, etc. Person remains attached to its roots and get to know about the cultural, traditional aspects of life. To add, he/ she become acquainting with the available resources, growing business, occupations of the people, modes of travel and other necessary thing to become successful. For instance, business tycoon Dhirubhai Ambani who started his company Reliance industries in Mumbai is now one of the biggest empire in India. This example shows clearly that native place play prominent role behind someone's success.Furthermore, native place helps in maintaining the native identity. Apart from this, person uses his/her education, experience to give back to others. It helps the masses to become responsible towards native society. To illustrate, Mahatma Gandhi, with his principle on ''Non-Violence'', operated from his hometown Gujarat (India) to get India free from Britishers and became successful. It is obvious from above example that native place deeply influence someone to become famous.In conclusion, after analyzing points of views, it is felt that native place have significant role in person's success, which is supported. Without a doubt one should not forget his/her roots and fulfill their duties towards it as it is the first place of learning which helps to grow in future. Word Count- 280