A Report from the Valley View Office. A Weekly Report in ...Title: A Report from the Valley View...

Post on 18-Nov-2020

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Transcript of A Report from the Valley View Office. A Weekly Report in ...Title: A Report from the Valley View...

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""'I no \ ..... ,0 I 1"\ , \f ~ 'T " ~ ' - ·-:) r c . . 'J~'LV I_ '"" .,...0"'~' - r • \ -··· ~ .-.. - -· "' _\. . L l . · .: !:'. -· • .• ~ • ..n.J ... i.:.:. . .~. VJ.::.. r ~'!· •• · - ·· .~ rt .:.. .... 3.=...~- .·:1 .t. ., ~ .. - . ...J .l. ':S\ •. u cou:--.. :

JWTOr..:sno p h£·.7e been se :- t-..1:? in ~d-::c.rd tia .:;1 s "1.::>p1 c.nd th~ loc:"l people !' ron :n:-.d l s on C ~)Unty 1-'.ave b ~ en att -nd this ·:orkehi? for a b0ut F. ... _.e 3k a ~)l £J1 ha.ve been !!!e.d•3 that all the project of e. ~h c ou '1ty d 1 9CU3 0 ·-h..:=t t i s going on 1n their o ~~lty ~~d •r~t in t~ey pl an for the MU~.er. in 80~ corxnuni ty t hey are having sulll!ller school and this nchool heve been go inc:; on for about ~ ~~nth, tha local people ot madison c0unty iR having a !-<1nder " ~n'<ien school going on 1n mil ton grove a.."ld t h e kid s 1"' a t tend this school eve ryday and they rove e. great nu:nber a ttending t :ti s oc hool every day, t here are t wo local people is teuch1ng t hene kidA and t he parent i s seen1ng t~t t~ese kids attend school everyday, RO the peo~le in rmdlgon county is really cop era t1ng 1n thi A :movenen t E-nd ~hey n. ::-~ !'c:: dy ···hen the :nove:nent 1s :'eady to go.

In Jackson :.!1aa1sa1pp1 there .. a s a ·:r.e~rch L'1. J a ckson ~ ncl therl~ ubcut t1oven Lundred peoule 1n j &il and they a.re atUl puttln::; t~e :J in j <-111 :ror m.:~rch 1ng, in tha o1 ty or Jackson, i'Te e re eo1ng to st111 :r:R.rch u:1.tlll t hey fill the J a il ~ouse up and t he f~1r gro~ and all the extr~ ~~~Re they x .ve to put us 1n e.nd t hen ·, e hope t he peo? le of c~.nton s.~·:l .~ ~cli'.AOn be C!e.~1s:t'ied ~:..bout \7h~:. t '.';-3 going t o do and ·;ha t ·::a oe.an t o do tT:1 th u~ ~·:e :;oint; t o 'r...'irch un t111 ·,--e !_;et out rre~do::I, t~ey are ::;tlll ~Jut t lng _?ec;:>l;) in j : .in i:t J acks~n :.: l g9 , z.nd the ;Jeop· e a re still c;o 1n;:; t o ::3.rc1 .::nd t·1ey ..,.,ill ont.~in -:o do it unt1ll n~methlng be done.

In C~"lton . isalasl-,::> 1 t~ , reject dirGct Of t i:. e f '!:' ·e . O .. t hou ;:; d r.,;>.Va b -:- tm b9 - ten and his j e t ve been burn ur>, so t hey r> l"e 1 ~ ~-vin,-:; c ~:tton c :l':l (;(.. in ; to thg 4c..rch a."ld t~ey se.y t !le; t!'le y ·rtll n::.ec~ U.."1":1ll so:~:at l :.ln '; b 'C d:m::; t:1era about a hundr~d !)eO:)l e l eF.~.ring :--£d1 soncou ... "1ty r.:td C"'ln;; to J e. ... },:<O n fri day to ba L"l the :Erch a.Tld othe.:- peo:.>le fro:n ~ll oyer ~:- ~ o un t:r is l e .:; ,Tin"" t o i).,; !n t: o ··E:r'ch frl c":. 2.y e.n' : : e y SeY ~.ha:r ... 111 :·, ~ro -..\ 1n "' c:s:.: ~·a • .. mtlll so::tct J .nf; be .lone ln t h i) st - te o t" _,ls~l~ 'l 1P..J 1.

?::1e OeO"!)lA Of !:!ad1.SOn COUnty h ave b?~n 2-."~t --=nd ":O'!'i.:3h1 ::> .:;.nd :-: Ve t ;O t .-;n I"JOr9 information ab out t ::te he.sd s t e: rt PN t., '!' - n P.nd. t~ey 1 ~ SO~n:_; ~0 h.. V f-)

c. k1nd ,:r t)c rd.en so:-:ool g,t t21e :--.lg:,t £c1:ool i n r:'"' d! ::on c c t!l t~l ~~o Ve l 1;,?. j . ;.... ~ . ~ , t hi . , .. . t • "'1 ... ~ ~ , ~c~son :u~~ sc ~~o-, s sc coo_ GUppORe ~o o~~n oy n_ r r -~ or Ju_ y

e.nt\ t~ey r.op e ot h t>be b:.Ye ::utny k i d s c: s t hey c o-.::d to s. : :;?n~ t:-:.1 ~ :c!.otJl t..nd t nere v:lll be ten loc.-.1 eo"Jl e to bel p ~,1 t :: t ne 3e ;cld ~v : r-J d_y :;:~d t here ·:.r l!.l ba a doctor t.-., ch~ .. k - t ha. e k 1d'1 nd see : :'!'. t ~ :-.ey !>..:;..•.re ; oo i·to&l t n an~l t he:: 3 :kid 3 .. ~111 -at t -:--o t.ot ma:::l e·; e ryd ,_y , c.l .. ;o t~:~r ·- ill be f our bu !Jon on t_.e s c1:ool "'r-~und t o t .. , 1~ e t ne s e k i d s to <-.nd :'c& sc'hool doln~ t~ese d 2.y9. -

In ma.di so:1. county t he r e will be a corrM.ni ty ce:-: t er bull ond 1 t "ill nocn b e b 1.lild, by t ':lo f ir3t of J uly t '"!ey :tope to t r: o~ t .h.: ~r· n :!. ~ · . ./~lt er t r:1R co ::n.mity cent '::> .,.;11.1 h ... . v-c c l ::-. n::l roo ~1. en o:' ." i ce , ... pl -! ;r"'U..'1.1 c!1d a \ii: S~ ~md a r1 ryer for t hil loc r:tl ,?eo J.e to u ne d .)i nG ~1 e d ay, .:> t-....3' :;;;0'Jl : 1n mv.di oo:1 co"J.:1ty '!~e rer.l l y pro g r fJ r: o~ ..:r t '1e:r 2 1:.~e '!:'e " l l;; --n''~1- · -c;·- ... r~1

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0 In Polnola county they want everypne t o become a registered vot e, c.n d

they want the people in that county to become ornized so that they will !mow what to do 1n that oounty.aleo they ,?T!l.Dt to et~t a su:ner project, a..'"ld t hey s.re d1aoues ·:::1on Etbout \-:hat the7 w~n .. t o go on 1n that county, sum:::u~r school and other t !.11ng, so they wo.nt to the people 1n that county to set up meeting so that th.r oan discussion what the;r.,.,ant doing t h e summer.

Do}.nt the oonvention in Hattiesburg, there wa s twenty c ounty present, am t l1EtJ discussion what was go1ng on their ootmty about the1~ surmner proJect, and whe. t~7 plan to do, also mass meeting vra.p set up and al:l: the projeat t'ro!ll e e.oh countr told what was haj pen 1n their county, in some county su~~er school 1e already going on, 1n mad1aon cotmty suJIDler aobool is G?1ng on, 8.nd t ile parent are tor thia school to take place, su:mner· school w:il~ s t (:'.rt at Velma Jackson High sc}?.ool .1n the next few week, ther, will be rou~_ :buse~ to. tak.e t~ose o:111. drean to school evel')'da:r, and there rllt be ten loo~..1 p.,o~le' -tcr .. ·te.ke . care of these oholdrean everydaf, and these oholdree.n wUl get two ho"'' meal everyday and th•J . will s~·· thl!. t thete oholdrean will get the right rood: overfdar, also there wUl. b~ a doctor to check these c~ldrean and see tr~t t hey .:nave good health a.nd see t hat the7 are getting the right tood, so t hat t he summer pro Jet t, in •di ~n QO\Ul t:r,

In Leake· .oount7 we are getting an ort1ce set up, and t hen aft er t ne of f ice is set up .. t hen SU:il!ller school wUl st~rt, · they alrea dy r.:ave t r!e1r books and a plaoe. fOr people to stay, also they have a pl a ce for .s.n of'f 1ce all t h ey need. 1s 80~ ·,ont1 to work ri th the and get ·them sta rt on thelr s'lmmer proj eot e.nd they wl).;L .. be· w1111ng to go 1l7 them selves, so t he peopl9 in Le8.ke c ounty is ready tor t her su~~er project, all t hey need is set up ?~d t hey will go&A& on .snd cont1aned their progra2.

People that 11 going to the convention., will bive a wrq to go, this oonventiol 11 tor ·the :cttao\la·?1on ct what each county want r or a su'±:!er project, t here are d1aous.ei,o" . .-about what ia going on their county, and what t hey plan to do tor this SU!!l:!le~~ 1n some count7 t hey have suggest. sw:rner school tor t h e adult &nd. tor k1ndergard,en, so what ever each project e.nd the local people· of t ha t erea sug_,;est will be c!l1souss1on at this convention.

Zv eryon_e is. stUl want to k.."lO'!T E.bout the h ! adatart progrum a.."1d :-:ow i s it run b7 the loca1 people are the principle or t h e !U.Ght school 1n . ea ch oo1mty, we WWlt to know. more about tills p·rogram ana how is 1 t ,?rov1de, :Froti t h e Fe:J.ercl. Governo.r, we want :110re infOrmation ~0 thi s 1ntor::zat10n oc.n be ~dle do7:n to to the local peop)e or a£6h county, so plea~e s end us :-1ore informat i on abou t this program s.nd how is 1 t l)rovi.ded.

There ~llr 'be a pionlo a t lira ~at tie lane · Farm o~ t r.e 3nd of • .Tuly .::~ tid "!'€ Vr :nt people t_ra:a a.oroes the county to be pre·sent, · ~rs .o\.."lll1e De vine , :~e s >"' ~".:i.."i1e Lou Hamer, and lire Victoria Gray ~111 be· t he guast s ;>eak e:- so ·.ie ~:·...:nt _1e:J-ple all .s.orog a t~e county to be pre sent r- rid ~vl'.&O. t ev s~ y :JH '!k:v e 'Jl c-..n !'ol' t h e ~u :1 e!' ·.--1: 1, be di.seua s~ ·a t t n1a p1on1o. -