A Phyletic Perspective on Cell Growth - CSHL P

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A Phyletic Perspective on Cell Growth

Karl J. Niklas

Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University, Ithaca New York 14853-5908

Correspondence: kjn2@cornell.edu

Commonalities, as well as lineage-specific differences among bacteria, fungi, plants, andanimals, are reviewed in the context of (1) the coordination of cell growth, (2) the flow of massand energy affecting the physiological status of cells, (3) cytoskeletal dynamics during celldivision, and (4) the coordination of cell size in multicellular organs and organisms. A com-parativeapproach reveals that similarmechanismsareused togaugeandregulatecell sizeandproliferation, and shows that these mechanisms share similar modules to measure cell size,cycle status, competence, and number, aswell as ploidy levels, nutrient availability, and othervariables affecting cell growth. However, this approach also reveals that these modules oftenuse nonhomologous subsystems when viewed at modular or genomic levels; that is, differentlineages have evolved functionally analogous, but not genomically homologous, ways ofeither sensing or regulating cell size and growth, in much the same way that multicellularityhas evolved in different lineages using analogous developmental modules.

The elementary parts of all tissues are formed of cells inan analogous, though very diversified manner, so that. . . there is one universal principle of development . . .the formation of cells.

—Theodor Schwann

Cell size matters in four aspects of growth thatare reviewed in this work: (1) cells must

coordinate their growth in size with their phys-iological status; (2) at the cellular level, size af-fects the flow of mass and energy across mem-branes and, thus, physiological status by alteringnutrient availability; (3) in addition, cell size in-fluences the mechanical and dynamic proper-ties of the cytoskeleton and how it operates dur-ing mitosis; and (4) the cells in multicellularorganisms must fit together and work properly.Although these four topics are treated in sepa-rate sections, this review has two overarchingthemes.

The first is that cell “size” is not biologicallymeaningful unless it is measured and under-stood in the context of a cell’s geometry, shape,ploidy, and location. Each of these aspects hasreceived extensive scrutiny individually, but notcollectively (see, however, Simova and Herben2012). Size can be measured in a variety of dif-ferent ways, for example, length, volume, surfacearea, dry mass, or DNA content. Each metric canbe instructive. However, each can also alter ourperception or redirect our attention regardinghow a cell or an organism actually gauges itssize. An additional concern is that a cell or or-ganism may use different metrics to measure itssize, depending on its external or internal cir-cumstances. For example, when using cell vol-ume or surface area as a measure of cell size, it isimportant to recognize that geometry and shapeare not the same thing. With the exception of the

Editors: Rebecca Heald, Iswar K. Hariharan, and David B. Wake

Additional Perspectives on Size Control in Biology: From Organelles to Organisms available at www.cshperspectives.org

Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a019158

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sphere, the shape and size of each geometric classof objects can be changed independently of theother. Thus, as a cell grows in size, it can (at leastin theory) change its shape or geometry, or bothsimultaneously, and any or all such changes mayprovide a cell cues for registering its size. Ploidymust also play an important role in the measure-ment of cell size because statistically strong cor-relations exist among ploidy, nuclear volume,DNA content, cell size, minimum cell-doublingrates, and embryonic developmental rates (Ca-valier-Smith 1982; Shuter et al. 1983; Gregory2001). Ploidy can also influence gene expressionprofiles; for example, subsets of genes are report-ed to be either induced or repressed in ploidy-dependent ways within isogenic lines of yeast(Galitski et al. 1999). Finally, the location of acell is an important variable of interest because itcan provide a cell information about its status,for example, the concentration gradients of amorphogen. This aspect of cell growth is con-ceptually obvious when speculating about howuni- and multicellular organisms might registertheir size. The size of a cell in a multicellularorganism might be based, in part or wholly, onthe condition of the cells around it. In contrast, aunicellular organism might rely, at least in theo-ry, on a mechanism registering only “size of self.”

The second theme throughout this review isthat a broad comparative phyletic approach isrequired to understand cell growth. Each ofthe following four sections shows that differentlineages have evolved functionally analogousbut not genomically homologous ways of ei-ther sensing or regulating cell size and growth,in much the same way that multicellularity hasevolved in different lineages using analogousdevelopmental modules (Niklas and Newman2013). Certainly, some modules are con-served among otherwise different kinds of or-ganisms. The land plants encode orthologs ofthe mammalian cell-cycle regulators retinoblas-toma (RB) and p27/Kip1. However, in yeast, thefunctionalities of these regulators are taken overby Whi5 and Sic1. These and other examplessuffice to show that evolution can take conver-gent pathways to cope with the biological de-mands shared by all organisms. For this reason,this work strives to identify generically func-

tional modules in the mechanisms used to gaugecell size rather than to detail the genomicallylineage-specific differences among bacteria,fungi, plants, and animals. The result precludesa detailed review of cell growth, but rather asbroad an overview as page limitations permit.


As noted, cells must correlate nutrient availabil-ity with their growth in size (measured in termsof cell volume, surface area, or mass). The targetof the rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway pro-vides one mechanism for connecting metabolicstatus and growth in size because its activationor suppression is coupled to cellular energy lev-els, nutrient availability, environmental stresses,and a range of growth factors, such as insulin andindole-3-acetic acid (Wullschleger et al. 2006;John et al. 2011). For example, the induced si-lencing of TOR in Arabidopsis results in the ces-sation of leaf growth, early yellowing caused bychlorophyll degradation, a reduction in theabundance of high molecular weight polysomes,and a decrease in the amount of soluble protein.

TORs are large proteins that share 40%–60% sequence identity across such diverse eu-karyotes as yeasts, worms, flies, mammals, algae,and land plants. Two TOR multiprotein com-plexes (TORC1 and TORC2) have been iden-tified in all of the yeasts, mammals, and landplants thus far examined (Fig. 1A). TORC1(which includes the LST8 protein or its homo-logs across all three lineages) regulates cellgrowth and metabolism by controlling proteintranslation, initiation, and transcription, ribo-some biosynthesis, and mRNA stability. In turn,experimental evidence implicates TORC2 in thecontrol of actin polarization and organizationand, thus, growth-related cytoskeletal changesattending cell division or variations in geometryor shape during cellular ontogeny (Fig. 1A).High levels of nutrient availability activate theTOR pathway, whereas a variety of growth fac-tors repress or activate TOR1.

Despite these and other similarities amongdiverse eukaryotes, significant differences existin how TOR proteins operate in fungi, mam-mals, and land plants. For example, in mam-

K.J. Niklas

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High nutrientavailability




Transcription Ribosomebiogenesis

Cellulose microfibril




Cell wall


Terminal complex



Actin polarizationand organization















Figure 1. Schematics of the TORC1/TORC2, PI3K, and TSC1/TSC2 signaling pathways and portions of plant andyeast cell walls (CWs). (A) In conjunction with LST8 and other proteins, the TORC1/TORC2 pathway stimulatesprotein translation and transcription, ribosome biogenesis, messenger RNA (mRNA) stability, and actin polar-ization and organization. Both TORC1 and TORC2 are inhibited by the TSC1/TSC2 pathway that is, in turn,inhibited if growth factors trigger the PI3K pathway. (B) A portion of the plant plasma membrane (PM) showingtwo cellulose synthase terminal complexes (TCs) and three cellulose microfibrils (CMs). The TCs leave the CMsbehind on the external surface of the PMastheyare driven by microtubules. (C) Aportion of theyeast PM and CWassociated with theyeast cell wall integrity (CWI) signaling pathway that transmits mechanical stresses (in the CWand PM) through a family of Wsc1–Wsc3 and Mid1–Mid2 protein sensors to the Rho1 protein, which integratessignals from the PM membrane to govern b-glucan synthesis, actin organization, and polarized secretion.

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mals, changes in insulin-like growth factors,or reductions in energy levels, or glucose or ami-no acid availability can activate the tuberoussclerosis complex (TSC), which is a negativeregulator of TOR. Conversely, growth factorsand increased nutrient availability can activatethe phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) pathway.The importance of the PI3K pathway in terms ofcell growth came from studies showing thatoverexpression of a dominant interfering alleleof PI3K in the wing of Drosophila reduced cellsize, whereas overexpression of the activated al-lele increased cell size (Leevers et al. 1996). Otherstudies have shown that PI3K inhibits TSC and,thus, stimulates the TOR pathway (reviewed byKosma and Thomas 2002). In contrast, landplants appear to possess alternative TOR inhib-itory pathways because they lack TSC homologs.

Among the land plants and in yeast (Baum-berger et al. 2003; Levin 2005, 2011), the TORcomplexes play an important role in the remod-eling and reshaping of the cell wall, and the cell asawhole, because they influence protein synthesisand the polarization and orientation of actin(and, thus, aspects of cell division, such as theformation of the preprophase band and phrag-moplast in land plants, both of which have actincomponents). For example, plant cell growth insize involves a turgor-driven cell wall expansionthat requires a decrease in the mechanical yieldstress of the cell wall, which is composed of acomplex mixture of polysaccharides and pro-teins (Cosgrove 2005). One of the latter is theEXPANSIN protein family, which is believed tobe involved in cell wall loosening (the additionof active expansin proteins to dead cell wallscauses rapid wall extension, whereas overexpres-sion of the EXP10 gene results in larger leaveswith larger cells) in conjunction with auxin,which is one of the activators of TOR (reviewedby Bogre et al. 2013). The maintenance of cellwall integrity (CWI) and the degree of cell wallmechanical anisotropy depends on the synthesisand orientation of new cellulose microfibrils,which are constructed by cellulose synthaseterminal complexes whose orientation is gov-erned by the microtubule cytoskeleton (Fig.1B). Therefore, the activation, suppression, oralteration of TOR can have important effects

not only on the size of land plant cells, but alsoindirectly on their geometry and shape.

Yeasts have cell walls that are chemically andstructurally very different from those of landplants. Nevertheless, TOR operates persona in-signis comitans with the yeast CWI-signalingpathway (reviewed by Levin 2011). CWI trans-mits mechanical stresses (in the cell wall andplasma membrane) through a family of Wsc1–Wsc3 and Mid1–Mid2 cell surface sensors cou-pled to a small G protein, Rho1, which integratessignals from the plasma membrane with a broadrange of metabolic processes (Fig. 1C), includ-ing b-glucan synthesis, actin organization, andpolarized secretion (Levin 2011). It is hypothe-sized that TOR inhibition, resulting from nutri-ent deprivation or physiological stress, results inplasma membrane stresses that are recognizedby the Wsc and Mid sensors, which activate theCWI pathway. In turn, TOR repression of theCWI pathway likely prevents excessive cell walldeposition during vegetative growth. TOR2 con-trol of the spatial component of cell division alsolikely affects various components of the CWIsignaling pathway because the growth of yeastcells occurs at a discrete location, which requiresa polarization of the underlying actin cytoskel-eton. On a related note, the coupling of theWsc1–Wsc3 and Mid1–Mid2 surface sensorsto Rho1 in yeast is functionally analogous tothe operation of animal integrins and plant in-tegrin-like proteins, which directly or indirectlylink to the cytoskeleton to transmit biomechan-ical signals that, in turn, transduce gene expres-sion patterns affecting metabolism and cytoskel-etal reorganization. This kind of module resultsin a positive/negative feedback loop that is ubiq-uitous in developmental systems.


The preceding draws attention to the relation-ship between signaling pathways and cell growth,nutrient availability, physiological stress, growthfactors, and the biomechanics of the plasmamembrane. However, the details known aboutthe TOR, TSC, PI3K, CWI, and other signalingpathways are only part of a much larger story that

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involves the effects of cell size, geometry, andshape on the rates at which mass and energymove into and out of a cell. This aspect of cellgrowth is treated here in light of studies showingthat cell growth, metabolism, and division ratesdecrease across (and often within) species as cellsize increases (e.g., Kleiber 1947; Hemmingsen1960; Banse 1976, 1982; Niklas 1994a,b; Tang1995; Niklas and Enquist 2001).

Explanations for these inverse relationshipsdiffer among investigators, but considerationstypically involve the size-dependent (scaling)relationships among cell surface area, volume,and dry mass (as measured by carbon or DNAcontent). The relationship between cell surfacearea and volume (and its effect on cell growthrates and division rates) has received the mostattention because of the dictum that growth re-quires energy and, regardless of the form of en-ergy garnered by a cell (radiant energy in plants;chemical energy in fungi and animals), the abil-ity to harvest energy is some function of externalsurface area, whereas the metabolic requirementfor energy is some function of volume.

This explanation is supported by the fact that,across vastly different lineages, cell growth ratesdecrease as the quotient of cell volume and sur-face area decreases. Why this is so can be gleanedby considering a set of objects differing in size,but maintaining the same geometry and shape, acondition that is illustrated by isolated proto-plasts, lymphocytes, or even parenchyma plantcells. For these “Euclidean” objects, surface areais de minimis proportional to the square of somereference length, whereas volume is proportionalto the cube of the same reference length. Becauseit scales as the 2/3 power of volume, surface areawill decrease as the 21/3 power of increasingvolume (i.e., because S / L2 and V / L3, it fol-lows that S / V2/3 and @S/@V / V21/3). Ac-cordingly, it pays to be small, but only if a cellexists in a 2/3 “Euclidean” space. If cell geometryand/or shape is free to change as a function ofincreasing volume, the 2/3 and 21/3 scaling“rules” become irrelevant. For example, reliablemeasurements show that the rigid cell walls ofmany types of bacteria, unicellular algae, andfungi are geometrically similar to prolate or ob-late spheroids, flattened disks, or cylinders. These

measurements also show that, within each ofthese geometric classes, shape varies among spe-cies and occasionally within the same species,sometimes dramatically. Empirical studies showthat these non-Euclidean cells have surface areasthat scale nearly as the 3/4 power of volume (Fig.2A). The difference between 2/3 and 3/4 mayappear trivial numerically, but it can be biolog-ically significant for the exchange of mass orenergy between a large cell and its environment.

Although the 3/4 scaling relationship ismore efficacious for absorption than the 2/3scaling relationship, it is still not good enoughto countermand the potentially negative effectsof increasing cell volume because surface areastill decreases roughly as the 21/4 power of vol-ume (i.e., @S/@V / V21/4). A perplexing mys-tery is why this is so. Theoretically, any cell cangrow indefinitely in volume without a signifi-cant decrease in its surface area. For example, acylindrical cell can increase indefinitely in lengthwhile maintaining a proportional curved surfacearea, provided that its radius remains constant(i.e., because S ¼ 2prL and V ¼ pr2L, it followsthat S/V ¼ 2/r ¼ 2/constant). Some of thelargest cells are cylindrical or have cylindricalcomponents (e.g., the green siphonous algaCaulerpa and the nerve cells of the giant squidArchiteuthis, both of which can be many metersin length). The question remains: why this is notso for all cells?

One explanation is that many cell types re-quire a noncylindrical geometry and shape tomaintain their appropriate function. But thisdoes not explain why cell carbon content (drymass) fails to increase one-to-one with increas-ing cell volume (Fig. 2B), or why, across unin-ucleated prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, DNAcontent fails to keep pace one-to-one with in-creasing cell volume (Fig. 2C). This “cytoplas-mic dilution” results in a decrease in the rate ofthe cell division as cell volume increases (Fig.2D), albeit not invariably so (see Harris 1971).These correlations have been explained by pos-tulating that DNA has two major functions un-related to its protein-coding capacity: (1) thecontrol of cell volume affected by the time re-quired for DNA replication, and (2) the deter-mination of nuclear volume by the overall bulk

Phyletic Perspective on Cell Growth

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–1 0 1 2 3 4

Log cell volume







5 6 7

Log cell volume




on c



5 4




–40 2 4Log cell volume





6 8





00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Log cell volume










11 2 3 4

≈ 0.67

≈ 0.67


5 6 7 8





–3 –2 –1 0 1 2Log cell DNA content








Heterotrophic prokaryotesPhotosynthetic cyanobacteriaUnicellular algae (mostly diatoms)Isolated animal cells (sans amphibians)

Isolated amphibian cells







–3–1 0 1 2 3





Log cell volume




A c



4 5 6





Figure 2. The log–log scaling relationships among cell surface area, volume, carbon content, and chlorophyll(chloro) a content, and cell-doubling rate. Regressions are reported based on model type II regression protocols.(A) The log–log relationship between surface area and volume. Dashed lines have slopes indistinguishable fromthose of Euclidean objects (slopes ¼ 0.667; r2 ¼ 0.99; P , 0.0001); the solid line has a slope �3/4 (slope ¼0.76; r2 ¼ 0.98; P , 0.0001). (B) The log–log relationship between cell carbon content (pg C per cell) andvolume (and between chlorophyll a content and cell volume; see inset). The solid line has a slope ,1 (slope ¼0.90; r2 ¼ 0.95; P , 0.0001). (C) The log–log scaling relationship between cell DNA content and volume (andbetween cell DNA content and division rate; see inset). (Legend continues on following page.)

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of the DNA. In turn, cell growth rates are postu-lated to be determined by cell volume andthe area of the nuclear envelope available forthe nucleocytoplasmic transport of RNA that,in turn, depends on nuclear volume and, thus,on DNA content. During evolution, nuclear vol-ume (and, thus, DNA content) would have to beadjusted for differences in cell volume to allowfor biologically reasonable growth rates (Simovaand Herben 2012). The great diversity of cellvolumes and growth rates and, therefore, ofDNA content among eukaryotes would resultfrom a varying balance in different species be-tween r-selection favoring small cells with rapidgrowth rates (and, therefore, low DNA C-values)and conditions permitting large cells with com-paratively slower growth rates (and, therefore,permitting high DNA C-values) (Hessen et al.2010). In multicellular organisms, cell size needsto vary in different tissues, which provides onepossible explanation for differences in the ploidyof somatic cells resulting from polyteny andendopolyploidy; for example, the experimentalmanipulation of somatic ploidy, either increas-ing or decreasing ploidy levels, results, respec-tively, in an increase or decrease in the adultbody size of Caenorhabditis elegans (Lozanoet al. 2006). It is worth noting that all of thesespeculations and experimental observations reso-nate with the “energiden” hypothesis first pro-posed by Julius Sachs (1892), that is, each nucleuscanmetabolicallycontrolonlyso much cytoplasm(for a recent version, see Cavalier-Smith 1982).


A third aspect of cell growth among algae, landplants, animals, and fungi involves the timing

and location of cell division. Across these di-verse organisms, cell division is correlated withthe dimerization and activation of cyclins andcyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) pairs. Cyclin/CDK complexes phosphorylate target proteinsto activate a sequence of events that advance thecell cycle through the mitosis phase. Althoughthey are not well understood in plants, most ofthese regulators are highly conserved (Crosset al. 2011). For example, plant genomes possessorthologs of mammalian cell-cycle regulators,such as RB and p27/Kip1. In budding yeast,Whi5 and Sic1 function as RB and p27, al-though these proteins appear not to be phylo-genetically related (Cross et al. 2011). Thus,the regulatory network and dynamics of thecell cycle are conserved evolutionarily, althoughthe protein components operating within thesenetworks are not. Consequently, generalizedmodels for the eukaryotic cell cycle (featuringpositive feedback loops driving the irreversibleadvancement of the cell cycle from one stageto the next) are conceptually and biologicallyacceptable, even if they identify taxonomicallyidiosyncratic components (Csikasz-Nagy et al.2006; Roeder 2012).

Importantly, the timing, as well as the loca-tion, of cell division can be the consequences ofcell size and geometry as illustrated by currentmodels for cell division in some bacteria, fissionyeast, and land plants—many of which give theappearance of a Turing reaction–diffusion sys-tem. For example, the site of cell division in therod-shaped bacterium Escherichia coli is forecastby at least three different mechanisms, each ofwhich inhibits the polymerization or the func-tion of the protein FtsZ, which is responsiblefor nucleating cell division throughout all ofthe bacteria thus far examined. The discovery

Figure 2. (Continued) C-DNA content increases with increasing cell volume, but not at a commensurate (one-to-one) rate for heterotrophic prokaryotes and cyanobacteria (slope ¼ 0.22; r2 ¼ 0.67; P , 0.0001), unicellularalgae (slope ¼ 0.79; r2 ¼ 0.89; P ¼ 0.0001), or cells isolated from amphibians (slope ¼ 0.57; r2 ¼ 0.73; P ,

0.0001) or other animals. Across prokaryotes and unicellular algae, cell division rates increase to a limit withincreasing DNA content (see inset). (D) The log–log relationship between cell division rate and volume. Thesolid line has a slope significantly ,1 (slope ¼ 20.17; r2 ¼ 0.16; P , 0.0001). (see inset for key to taxa.)Original units are in mm and pg. (Data taken from Williams 1964; Eppley and Sloan 1966; Mullin et al. 1966;Mandels et al. 1968; Taguchi 1976; Olmo 1983; Shuter et al. 1983; Langdon 1987, 1988; Agustı 1991; von Dassowet al. 2006, 2008; Connolly et al. 2008.)

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of one of these mechanisms, which measuresthe size of E. coli cells as gauged by cell length(and, thus, cell shape), can be traced to the iden-tification of the minicell mutation, which even-tually led to the discovery of the three-geneoperon, the minCDE locus (de Boer et al.1989). This involves the FtsZ-inhibiting proteinMinC, which is driven to oscillate between theends of the cell by two proteins, MinD andMinE (Fig. 3A). Each cycle, which takes roughly1–2 min, results in a time-averaged MinC con-centration, which reaches its minimum at thecell’s midpoint (Rothfield et al. 2005; Lutken-haus 2008). As the cell grows in length, theconcentration of MinC decreases below a criti-cal value that inhibits FtsZ, at which point (andtime) FtsZ polymerizes and activates cell divi-sion.

This MinCDE mechanism is operationallysimilar to the Pom1 mechanism, which operatesin the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe(Fig. 3B). Pom1 is a kinase that inhibits yeastG2/M until cells reach a critical length. It istransported to the cell poles, where it accumu-lates and, subsequently, diffuses to produce agradient that reaches its minimum at the cell’smidpoint. In small (¼short) cells that are inearly G2, Pom1 inhibits Cdr1/Cdr2, which pre-vents entry into mitosis, by inhibiting Wee1that, in turn, inhibits Cdc2(Cdk1) kinase activ-ity, which drives mitosis and, thus, determinesthe length of G2 (Martin and Berthelot-Gros-jean 2009; Moseley et al. 2009). As the cell growsand increases in length, the midlength con-centration of Pom1 drops below a critical lev-el, which releases the Cdr1/Cdr2! Wee1 !Cdr1/Cdr2 cascade, resulting in cell division.Although cell length is registered to regulatemitosis, the Pom1 mechanism does not operatein isolation. Cells in which Cdc2 phosphoryla-tion is prevented (and thereby bypassing Pom1regulation), nevertheless, still exert control over“normal” cell length, albeit with a much broad-er size frequency distribution. It is worth not-ing that the MinCDE and Pom1 mechanismsoperate in an analogous manner to the diffusi-ble heterocyst inhibitor system in the filamen-tous cyanobacterium Anabaena (Wilcox et al.1973).

The mechanisms responsible for the loca-tion and orientation of the future cell wall inland plant cells and animals are much less wellunderstood, although it is almost certain thatthese mechanisms gauge cell size and geometryby methods that include measuring mechanicalforces. Elegant experiments using the effects ofcentrifugation on both haploid and diploidland plant cells have shown that the positionof the interphase nucleus (which prefiguresthe preprophase band and the phragmoplast)establishes the location of the future divisionplane (Mineyuki and Gunning 1990; Murataand Wada 1991). Based on these and other ex-periments, a recent model for land plants pro-poses a microtubule (MT) length-dependentforce-sensing system that permits the cytoskel-eton to position the nucleus (and, thus, the pre-prophase band) into a biomechanically equili-brated position (Besson and Dumais 2011). Ifthe nucleus in interphase is positioned artifi-cially offcenter, the MTs radiating from it, out-ward to the cell cortex, are envisioned to recen-ter the nucleus based on differences in thetensile forces generated among the MTs differ-ing in length (Fig. 3C,1–3). Shorter, as opposedto longer, MTs would be favored collectively toachieve the equilibrium configuration, whichwould automatically coincide with the minimalarea plane that is classically thought to triggerthe location of the preprophase band, which pre-figures the location and orientation of the newcell wall. Cells that are too large would have MTsthat would be unable to tether the nucleus tosome of the cell wall’s facets; cells that are toosmall would have MTs experiencing compressiverather than tensile forces (Fig. 3C,4,5). A similarlength-dependent force-sensing system may op-erate during C. elegans embryogenesis becausethe centrosomes in embryonic cells treated withmicrotubule-depolymerizing drugs fail to reachthe cell center and the division plane is reposi-tioned (Strome and Wood 1983).

That biomechanically induced mechanicalstresses may be involved in plant cell wall orien-tation is consistent with many observations,which are summarily rendered by “Errera’srule” (Errera 1888). The simplest plant cells arethose that constitute parenchyma. These have

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Newcell wall











G2/M entry

Zone ofinhibition

Zone ofinhibition

Cdc2(Cdk1)Wee1Cdr2Cdr1Pom1 X X X

G2/M entryCdc2(Cdk1)Wee1Cdr2Cdr1Pom1

Zone ofinhibition









Figure 3. Schematics of models for the location of the future cell walls in E. coli, fission yeast, and land plant cells.(A) The MinCDE oscillation model for E. coli, in which the MinCDE polar zone begins assembling at one cellend, grows midcell (1), assembles at the opposing cell end (2) where it disassembles, releasing MinC, MinD, andMinE molecules, shrinks back to the cell end (3), and finally releases MinE from the E-ring (4) (adapted fromRothfield et al. 2005; Fig. 1). (B) The Pom1 gradient model for fission yeast, in which Pom1 from the cell endsdiffuses toward the midcell, where it inhibits the Cdr1/Cdr2 ! Wee1 ! Cdr1/Cdr2 cascade that, in turn,prevents G2/M entry (upper diagram). As the cell grows in length, the midcell Pom1 concentration drops below acritical threshold on which the Cdr1/Cdr2! Wee1 ! Cdr1/Cdr2 cascade is operative (lower diagram). (C)The microtubule (MT) force-sensing model, in which the tensile strains in the MTs tethering a nucleus in plantcells are adjusted (1), thereby positioning the nucleus at an equilibrium location where the preprophase band (2)prefigures the location and orientation of the future cell wall (3). Cells that are too large or too small have MTcytoskeletons that are unable to properly locate the nucleus (4 and 5).

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thin primary walls that are hydrostatically inflat-ed. The turgor pressure exerted against the wallsof these cells is more or less uniform; that is, thestresses resulting from turgor pressure withincell walls are uniform, both within each cell,and among neighboring cells. However, at thevertices created by adjoining cells, opposingtensile stresses are resolved into additionalstresses acting in the radial direction on the an-gle of each vertex according to its angle size. Intheory, the tensile stresses in walls at 180˚ shouldbe equal and opposite and, thus, this angle ex-periences no additional radial stress from theresolution of the opposing tensile stresses inthe two intersecting walls. However, these ten-sile stresses are resolved into progressively largerradial stresses as the angle of a vertex decreases,reaching their maxima as the angle approaches0˚. Because these additional radial stresses arecorrelated directly to the size of the angle, stress-es reach mechanical equilibrium at equiangularvertices. The observation that the vertices inthe region of isodiametrical expansion can actas cellular pivots for wall rotation betweensuccessive divisions (so as to coincide with cel-lular mechanical equilibria) provides some evi-dence for the biomechanical regulation of cellshape.

At least one component is missing from allof the currently available cell-size-monitoringmodels: the almost-universal relationship be-tween ploidy and cell size (see Fig. 2D). Cellsmust be able to monitor their ploidy levels andintegrate this information in whatever cell-size-monitoring mechanisms they use. At least twomonitoring-integration models appear reason-able: (1) a mechanism that synthesizes a specificcomponent whose concentration is dependenton ploidy, or (2) a mechanism that measures theamount of a specific component against ploidylevels (Fantes et al. 1975). The size of a criticalburst of some kind of transcription productwould be a measure of a cell’s ploidy and,thus, an example of the first of these two mech-anisms. A protein binding to selected portionsof the genome, maintained at a constant con-centration, and measured by the number ofbound sites would provide an example of thesecond mechanism.


The fourth and last aspect of cell growth treatedhere is the measurement of size within a tissue,organ, or entire organism. As noted, cells haveto achieve appropriate sizes, geometries, andshapes for their functional roles for an organismto operate properly. Yet, among all the topicstreated in this review, this aspect of growthand development is perhaps the least well un-derstood.

Evidence gathered over many years doesshow that plants and animals can regulate theoverall size of their structural components (i.e.,tissues, tissue systems, organs, and organ sys-tems) by monitoring the absolute size of thesecomponents, in addition to gauging cell size andnumber within each (Satina et al. 1940; Fank-hauser 1945a,b; Foard and Haber 1961; Vervoortet al. 1999; Tsukaya 2003; also see Day and Law-rence 2000; Mizukami 2001; Potter and Xu2001). As a consequence, the functional compo-nents of multicellular organisms typically growto their characteristic size and shape even whenexperimentally manipulated to change cellnumber or size, or when they are irradiated toabort cell division entirely (Fig. 4). Thus, contraTheodor Schwann’s proclamation omnis cellulae cellula, the development of multicellular or-ganisms seems to resonate more with Heinrichde Bary’s dictum die pflanze bildet zellen, nichtdie zellen bilden pflanzen. To be sure, alterationsof genome size via polyploidization or endo-reduplication can reset the checkpoint for theoverall size of a cell, tissue, or organ presumablyby changing epigenetically regulated differentialgene expression in ways that, nevertheless, sub-stantively differ between plants and animals(Mizukami 2001). However, it seems that thecellularcomponents within multicellularorgan-isms can “read” their size as they develop, eitherin reference to their local or global position.

In this context, it is important to recognizethat a distinction must be made between “mea-suring size” in a unicellular versus a multicellu-lar organism. In a cell’s division cycle, acrossvery diverse organisms, the process of measur-ing cell size appears to be triggered near the

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ab. mf.











col1/col1; P[col5-cDNA]/+


2n, 2n, 2n 8n, 2n, 2n 2n, 4n, 2n



Figure 4. Comparisons of plant and animal organs differing in experimentally induced ploidy, or cell number orsize, but conserving overall size. All organographically comparable diagrams are drawn to the same scale. (A–C)Median longitudinal sections through periclinal chimeras (2n, 2n, 2n ¼ normal) of Datura shoot apices drawnto the same size (shaded areas denote nuclei; redrawn from Satina et al. 1940; Table 1). (D,E) Drosophila wings ofwild type (WT) and the col1/col1; P[col5-cDNA]/þ double mutant lacking the sector area between longitudinalveins L3 and L4 (sector area denoted by shaded area; redrawn from Vervoort et al. 1999; Fig. 1A,B). (F–H ) Trans-sections through pronephric tubules from 1n, 2n, and 5n Triturus viridescens larvae (shaded areas denote nuclei;redrawn from Fankhauser 1945b; Fig. 1). (I–L) Superimpositions of the outlines of Datura shoot apices (see A–C), Drosophila wings (see D–E), and pronephric tubule lumens (see F–H ) differing in ploidy. (L,M) Epidermalcells of the first foliage leaves of untreated (L) and g-radiated wheat seedlings (M; ab. mf., aborted mitotic figure)(redrawn from Foard and Haber 1961; Figs. 9 and 10). The first leaves of both seedlings are comparable in size(not shown).

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beginning of the S or M phase as a cell ap-proaches its characteristic size (for a review,see Mitchison 2003). Among unicellular organ-isms, the mechanism responsible for control-ling size maintains a reasonably uniform sizefrequency distribution from one generation ofcells to another (at least as gauged by laboratorystudies of cell cultures). However, many of thecells in plants and animals pass through a lim-ited number of cell cycles before they differ-entiate and stop dividing. Consequently, pre-venting significant divergence in cell size fromone generation to another is irrelevant, whereasachieving cell sizes appropriate to the locationsand functions of cells becomes paramount.

With this caveat in mind, the developmentalmechanisms that coordinate cell growth in size,division, and death within the various multicel-lular compartments of plants and animals ap-pear to share similar, albeit not identical, devel-opmental modules. One of these modules is atotal size checkpoint mechanism. In the sim-plest case, this module could by analogous to

that used by bacteria and fission yeast to measurecell size (see Fig. 3A,B). That is, a mechanismusing concentration gradients established bysubstances diffusing along each of the principleaxes of symmetry as, for example, the participa-tion of concentration gradients of indole-3-ace-tic acid and other phytohormones in angio-sperm leaf morphogenesis (see Benkova et al.2003; Hay et al. 2006). However, a number ofexperiments indicate that disruption of patternformation or cell proliferation can deregulateoverall organ size. For example, ectopic expres-sion of either the Hedgehog or Decapentaplegicprotein in the Drosophila wing disk can pro-duce duplicated wing structures (Capdevilaand Guerrero 1994), mutation of the Drosophilalats gene results in greatly enlarged larvae (Xuet al. 1995), and eto1 and ctr1 gene mutationsresult in smaller-than-normal organs because ofreduced cell numbers and size in Arabidopsis(Ecker 1995). Mizukami and Fischer (2000) ex-amined the function of ANT in the control as-pects of shoot development of Arabidopsis and



Organ sizecheckpoints

Final size



Growth promoters;Developmental signal

Meristematic (stem cell)compentence


Tissue sizecheckpoints


Cell sizesensors

Figure 5. Schematic of a hypothetical network composed of generic modules regulating final organ size by sensingand regulating cell size and number (involving cell ploidy levels and cell-cycle status) in coordination with moni-toring meristematic (stem cell) competence. Each module in the network is hypothesized to have an analog in anymulticellular organism. Ancillary modules regulating cell differentiation and feedback loops are not diagramed.

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Nicotiana and report that ant mutations reducedthe size of all floral parts and leaves as a result ofdecreased cell number, whereas 35S::ANT ex-pression enlarged organs without altering theiroverall appearance by increasing cell number.Thus, the identification of a “total organ sizecheckpoint” is only part of a much larger andcomplex developmental system.

In view of our understanding of how organ-isms perceive, measure, and regulate the size oftheir multicellularcomponents, it seems reason-able to suppose that multiple modules are inte-grated to coordinate overall growth in size. Theseinclude a module regulating the duration ofmeristematic (stem cell) competence, as wellas modules monitoring cell size and numberthroughout tissue- and organogenesis (Fig. 5).Some of these modules likely use ploidy levelsand cell-cycle status as sensors and/or regula-tors, whereas others likely involve growth regu-lators and a variety of developmental signals.Comparative studies of multicellular bacteria,fungi, animals, and plants indicate that someof these components may be highly conservedacross a broad spectrum of organisms (e.g., theTOR signaling pathway), whereas others arelikely to be specific to one or a few particularlineages (e.g., ANT functionality in angio-sperms). For this reason, a broad comparativephyletic approach is required, one that identifieshow each module generically functions within alarger system, as well as how each component isgenomically specified. In this kind of global sys-tem, it is futile to label any module as the “mastercell growth” module because this system con-tains recursive negative and positive feedbackloops. This injunction is relevant to understand-ing even simple bacterial cells because modelingand experimentation reveal the equal impor-tance of the coupled effects of the global physi-ological status of cells (as revealed by the activityof their gene expression profiles) and DNA-binding transcription factors and other cell reg-ulators (Berthoumieux et al. 2013).


The author thanks Drs. Rebecca Heald, DavidWake, and Iswar Hariharan for inviting this re-

view and Dr. Dominick J. Paolillo, Jr. and RandyWayne (Cornell University) and two reviewersfor their comments and suggestions. Fundingfrom the College of Agriculture and Life Sci-ences (Cornell University) is gratefully acknowl-edged.


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2015; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a019158Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol  Karl J. Niklas A Phyletic Perspective on Cell Growth

Subject Collection Size Control in Biology: From Organelles to Organisms

Cell-Size ControlAmanda A. Amodeo and Jan M. Skotheim

Mechanical Forces and Growth in Animal TissuesLoïc LeGoff and Thomas Lecuit

Ancestral Condition?Indeterminate Growth: Could It Represent the

H. WakeIswar K. Hariharan, David B. Wake and Marvalee

AmphibiansBiological Scaling Problems and Solutions in

Daniel L. Levy and Rebecca Heald

The Systemic Control of GrowthLaura Boulan, Marco Milán and Pierre Léopold

Intracellular Scaling MechanismsSimone Reber and Nathan W. Goehring

DiversityGenome Biology and the Evolution of Cell-Size

Rachel Lockridge Muellerin Animal LifeGrowing an Embryo from a Single Cell: A Hurdle

Patrick H. O'Farrell

EmbryosXenopusSize Scaling of Microtubule Assemblies in Early

Nguyen, et al.Timothy J. Mitchison, Keisuke Ishihara, Phuong

Organ-Size Regulation in MammalsAlfredo I. Penzo-Méndez and Ben Z. Stanger

Morphology in AmphibiansThe Influence of Genome and Cell Size on Brain

Gerhard Roth and Wolfgang WalkowiakFlowers

Lessons from Leaves and−−Size Control in Plants

Hjördis Czesnick and Michael Lenhard

Controland AMP-Activated Protein Kinase in Cell Growth The Opposing Actions of Target of Rapamycin

N. HallSravanth K. Hindupur, Asier González and Michael

Human Cell TypesNuclear DNA Content Varies with Cell Size across

DamianiJames F. Gillooly, Andrew Hein and Rachel

Small but Mighty: Cell Size and BacteriaPetra Anne Levin and Esther R. Angert

Subcellular SizeWallace F. Marshall

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