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Transcript of A PEEK INSIDEclcaiechapter.homestead.com/dailyplantit_april2012_ws.pdf · Ayres Hotel & Suites...

april 2012

The Newsletter for the California Landscape Contractors Association - Inland Empire Chapter VOL. 12 / NO. 4

A PEEK INSIDE . . . A Word from the President ................................. 3

LA Expo Highlights ......................................... 4-5

Upcoming Events ................................................ 6

You and the Law ................................................. 7

Safety Tips .......................................................... 9

Business Advice ................................................ 10

Product Spotlight: Recuriting Kit ..................... 12

This Issue of the Daily Plant-It is Only Available Online.


coming events & more!

2 April 2012 IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT

American Honda Motor Company has recalled its gas trimmer model number

HHT35SUKAT. The unit has a shaft that can crack, causing the lower gear case and

cutting attachment to detach, posing a laceration hazard to operator and bystanders.

The voluntary recall of this particular trimmer was jointly announced by the

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with American Honda. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.

About 14,000 have been sold in the United States and 3,600 in Canada. Honda is aware of 11 incidents of broken or cracked shafts. No injuries have been reported.

Recalled trimmers are in the serial number range HAHA-1000001 to HAHA-1017345. The serial number is located on the top side of the shaft below the handlebars. They were sold at Honda Power Equipment dealers nationwide and online from May 2006 to February 2012 for between $420 and $430.

Consumers should immediately stop using these trimmers and contact the nearest Honda Power Equipment dealer to schedule a free inspection and repair. For more information, contact American Honda toll-free at (888) 888-3139 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or visit their website at http://powerequipment.honda.com

May 19

May 22-23

Nov. 7-10

Green Industry Hall of Fame Induction DinnerAyres Hotel & Suites Ontario Convention Center

CLCA Legislative Conference, Sacramento.

CLCA State Convention, Coronado, San Diego.

2012 STaTE aND lOCal EVENTSInland Empire 2012 Chapter Officers & Directors

CHAPTER PRESIDENT - Richard Daigle Irrigator Tech

richardd@irrigatortech.com (951) 538-3575 • fax: (909) 947-2345


jfronte@agsod.com (951) 634-4860 • Fax (951) 226-7391

TREASURER - Mark Pedicone ET Water

mpedicone@etwater.com (714) 343-7770

SECRETARY - Marcie Daigle Irrigator Tech

marcied@irrigatortech.com (951) 232-6429 • fax: (909) 947-2345

V.P. MEMBERSHIP - Pam Kinne Landscape Contractors Insurance Services, Inc.

pkinne@lcisinc.com (866) 330-3177

V.P. EDUCATION - Frank Fontes Casa Verde Landscape

f.fontes@casaverdelandscape.net (909) 749-3535

V.P. COMMUNICATIONS/EDITOR - John Hernandez El Dorado Communications, Inc.

eldoradojrh@yahoo.com (626) 965-5015 • fax: (866) 591-5093

V.P. EVENTS - Margot Boyer jamboyer@earthlink.net

(714) 726-3843 • Fax (714) 970-2023

V.P. SPECIAL EVENTS - Ted Byrne Christy’s

ted.byrne@tchristy.com (951) 452-1500 • alt.: (714) 507-3315

V.P. SENIOR ADVISOR - Charles Nunley Lakshmi Landscape

cnunley@dslextreme.com (626) 676-1505


eyescapes@yahoo.com (949) 466-1222 • fax: (413) 215-7081

DIRECTOR - Andrew Baker Ewing Irrigation

abaker@ewing1.com (714) 814-9535

DIRECTOR - Mike Garcia Enviroscape

mike@enviroponds.com (310) 420-8507

DIRECTOR - Juan Robles BEST/Simplot



Honda Recalls 14,000 Gas Trimmers

It comes as no surprise to many of you that the Green Industry Hall of Fame is something very

near and dear to my heart. It was created from Irrigator Tech Training School as a way to remember those before us, and inspire those today. These forward-thinking individuals’ efforts in our industry should not go unnoticed…hence the Green Industry Hall of Fame.

This year, we’re continuing a tradition we started last year and having a formal dinner award ceremony that is open to all who want to attend. This unique event will be held on Saturday, May 19, at 6 p.m. at Ayres Hotel & Suites Ontario Convention Center. The honoring of the 2012 inductees will take on an additional level of importance as we induct the late Jon Alsdorf this year, as a way to honor all that he stood for in the betterment of the Green Industry. The evening will also feature a delicious dinner, a photo presentation and program book showcasing the inductees, as well as wit and

commentary from Past State CLCA President Tim Nord, who will serve as emcee.

Make reservations online at: www.greenindustryhalloffame.org. I encourage you all to attend and help support this fun-filled event! It’s just $60. I hope to see you there! Check out page 6 inside this magazine for more details and to see a complete list of the 2012 inductees.

Last month, I talked about education and the importance of continually educating yourself. On that same note, I wanted to share with everyone that Irrigator Technical Training School has been contacted by many cities sharing with us that they want education and certification requirements to be made for employees working for, or at, the city. This is great in that it shows that we raise the bar for our industry and the cities are recognizing that employees need to be educated to hold positions with them in the landscape divisions. Just think...if everyone joined in… the cities would all have more beautiful landscapes, less accidents and a higher standard of excellence.

Until next time…diversify your company and always educate!! ~Richard

PresiDent’s messAge

Irrigator TechriCHarD DaiGlE

Green on the Mind

IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT April 2012 3

Buy From Suppliers Who Support Our Chapter!

4 April 2012 IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT

SpJ liGHTiNG booth is staffed by SPJ rep and SFV Chapter Secretary Tommy Endres.

NETaFiM booth is staffed by Bill Millward, who explains the benefits of drip irrigation to Expo attendees.

ValVETTE SYSTEMS reps Ted and Darlena Sirkin, greet the Richard Eldridges at the Long Beach trade show.

a-G SOD reps Paul Gaudet and Joy Fronte, who also serves as IE Chapter Recording Secretary, welcome attendees to their booth at the LA Expo held March 30.

DiG reps Rick Heenan and Nina Colasurdo greet guests at the Landscape Architect Expo at the Long Beach Convention Center.

arTESia SaWDUST reps Matt Smith, AJ Espinoza and Brigitte De Laura greet guests to their informative booth.

HUNTEr/FX reps David Oborn (left) and Dan Kamieniecki (third from left), are visited by Mark Satterfield (second from left) and Brandon Dietrich from All Around Landscape Supply.

paCiFiC SOD’s Terry Bader talks to landscape architects about the numerous benefits of sod in the landscape.

WEST COaST TUrF rep John Marman talks to attendees about all the famous stadiums where his company has installed sod.

SOUTHlaND SOD reps Norm Lopez and John Domenici are visited by Katie Piazza of Delta Bluegrass.

CHaMpiON’S Chris Davey and Ewing’s Warren Gorowitz do some networking at the LA Expo.

GrO-pOWEr rep Jack Engberg discusses his company’s extensive line of soil amendments with LA Expo show-goers.

Landscape Architect (LA) Expo Debuts in Long Beach

all iN THE FaMilY – IE Secretary Marcie Daigle and daughter Mekenna, are all smiles with Board Member Mike Garcia at the Champion booth.

iE DirECTOr Mike Garcia has a nice visit with Old Town Fiberglass rep and good friend Joan Archibald.

IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT April 2012 5

FOrMEr iE EDiTOr Laurie Levine (right) spends some time at the Florasource booth with rep Cara Black.

TalKiNG aBOUT TrEES – IE President Richard Daigle networks with LA/SGV member John Brace of John’s Tree and Landscape at LA Expo.

Vp SpECial EVENTS Ted Byrne visits the Champion booth at the new trade show at the Long Beach Convention Center.

GrEEN iNDUSTrY Hall OF FaME inductees’ photos greet LA Expo attendees at the entrance of the event at the Long Beach Convention Center.

IE Members Show Their Support at LA Expo

The honoring of the newest inductees into the prestigious Green Industry Hall of Fame on May 19 will take on additional significance this year, as one

of the inductees will be Jon Alsdorf, who recently passed away due to complications from a work-related accident. Jon, who was a Past State President of the California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA), headed JRA Landscape Inc. in Fresno, was the designer of the entry garden at CLCA’s Annual Landscape Industry Show and was a presenter at last year’s Induction Ceremonies.

The Green Industry Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies will take place on Saturday, May 19, 2012, 6 p.m. at Ayres Hotel & Suites Ontario Convention Center, 1945 E. Holt Blvd., Ontario, CA 91761; (909) 390-7778.

The following Green Industry achievers will be inducted that evening:Jon Alsdorf – President, JRA Landscape ContractorDr. Barry Cohen, PhD – President, Celtis GroupTom Christy – Founder of T. Christy Enterprises, Inventor of Red Hot Blu-GlueRobert Crudup – President & COO, ValleyCrest Tree Co.Nick Federoff – Radio Commentator, Things Green

Ed Hunter – Founder, Hunter IndustriesBob Perry – Landscape Architect, Author and Professor Emeritus Cal Poly PomonaDr. John A.A. Thomson – Founder, Superthrive EnterprisesRay York – Corporate Secretary, Ewing Irrigation Products

Green Industry Hall of Fame Co-Founders Richard Daigle and Charles Nunley, list the following purposes of the Green Industry Hall of Fame:• To honor individuals, past and present, for their significant impact on the Green Industry• To preserve Green Industry equipment from previous eras• To educate the public about the profound impact these individuals and pieces of equipment continue to have on the Green Industry today

Last year’s Induction Ceremonies were attended by scores of what many would consider the “Who’s Who” of the Green Industry today. Don’t miss this year’s great event.

Dinner is $60 per person, and includes three courses and wine. To make reservations online, go to: www.greenindustryhalloffame.org and follow the links for registration. For sponsorship info., contact Richard Daigle at (951) 538-3575 or Charles Nunley at (626) 676-1505.

In the past, CLCA has participated with other groups for at least a portion of our annual Lobby Days

in Sacramento. This year, however, the events and activities will be All CLCA!

This All CLCA event will offer just as many opportunities to learn about issues that potentially have a big impact on your business and livelihood. It also will provide at least as much information and at least as many tools that can help you work with CLCA to find legislative solutions to industry problems. And, of course, you’ll have the opportunity to network with other CLCA members, CLCA staff members and lobbyist, legislators, and public officials.

ClCa legislative action Conference locationsSheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel1230 J Street Conference Sessions and Wednesday LuncheonHoliday Inn Express728 16th Street For Overnight Stay

Lucca Restaurant & Bar1615 J Street Tuesday Evening Reception and Dinner

State Capitol10th and L Street Wednesday Afternoon Meetings with Legislators

important DatesApril 20 – Deadline to register for conference and receive reimbursement for most costs. Also, the deadline to make airline reservation and guarantee full reimbursement of tickets.(Register earlier than April 20 to improve chances of receiving reimbursement. Reimbursements are available for only 30 participants.)

May 7 – Cancellation Deadline; May 14 – Sponsorship Deadline; May 22-23 – CLCA Legislative Action Conference

For more information, contact Larry Rohlfes at (916) 830-2780 or larryrohlfes@clca.org

6 April 2012 IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT

CLCA Legislative Action Conference is May 22-23 in Sacramento• This 2-day event is just for CLCA members and not other organizations

Submitted by Larry Rohlfes, Assistant Executive Director

RECOGNITIONThank You 2012 IE Chapter Patriots:

ET Water • Ewing Irrigation • LCIS, Inc.We appreciate your continued support of our CLCA Chapter

coming events

Green Industry Achievers to be Inducted Into the Green Industry Hall of Fame on May 19

IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT April 2012 7

2012 ClCa STaTE BOarD• PRESIDENT - Eric Watanabe (818) 993-0200

Signature Pools and Landscape • eric@spl-designs.com

• PRESIDENT-ELECT - Frank Niccoli (650) 592-9440 The Village Gardener Inc. • frank@thevillagegardener.com

• iMMEDiaTE paST prESiDENT - Robert Wade, CLP, CLIA (949) 494-2130 Wade Landscaping Inc. • wli2005@gmail.com

• SECrETarY-TrEaSUrEr - Ted Sandrowski (530) 345-6101 Sandrowski Landscaping, Inc. • tedsandCLCA@aol.com

• aSSOCiaTE MEMBEr Dir. - Rick Zinn (925) 864-1088 Horizon Products • rick.zinn@horizononline.com

• DIR. OF CHAPTER SERVICES/EVENTS - Shari Collins (805) 552-9457 Verdant Landscaping • shari@verdantlandscaping.com

• DIR. OF COMMUNICATIONS - Chuck Carr (805) 732-3705 ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance • ccarr@valleycrest.com

• Dir. OF EDUCaTiON - Steve Jacobs, CLP, CLT (760) 945-4321 Nature Designs Landscape • mail@naturedesigns.net

• DIR. OF LEGISLATION - Pete Dufau, CLT (805) 642-1239 Dufau Landscape, Inc. • dufauland@aol.com

• DIR. OF MEMBERSHIP - Javier Lesaca (661) 836-0229 Lesaca Landscape Company • xabil@aol.com

• DIR. OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Tom Noonan, CID, CLIA (916) 812-5034

Ewing Irrigation Products • tnoonan@ewing1.com

• DIR. OF CHAPTER PRESIDENTS COUNCIL (SOUTH) Rene Emeterio, CLT (805) 823-5603

Specialized Landcape Management Service • remeterio@slmlandscape.com

• DIR. OF CHAPTER PRESIDENTS COUNCIL (NORTH) Aaron Huxley (408) 824-0181

Hunter Industries/FX Luminaire • aaron.huxley@hunterindustries.com

• EXECUTiVE Dir. - Sharon McGuire (800) 448-2522 x 13 CLCA Headquarters • sharonmcguire@clca.org

Major Revisions to the Mechanics’ Lien Statute as of January 1, 2011By Michael S. Martin, Esq., Channel Islands Chapter Board Member

As of January 1, 2011, amendments to Civil Code sections 3084 (lien claims) and 3146 (lis pendens) require contractors to jump through more hoops before

they can enforce their constitutionally guaranteed mechanics’ lien rights. Civil Code section 3084 requires a claimant to notify an owner of its claim before recording it. Also, to be enforceable against a subsequent purchaser or lender, Civil Code section 3146 requires claimants to record a “Notice of Lis Pendens” within 20 days of filing a foreclosure lawsuit.

amendments to the lien Claim Statutes, Civil Code section 3084: Claimants are required to serve a 20-day preliminary notice on owners, original claimants and lenders before recording a mechanics’ lien. Original (prime) claimants are not required to provide the 20-day preliminary notice because they are in a direct contractual relationship with the owner. Also, all claimants are required file a lawsuit to foreclose a mechanics’ lien within 90 day of recording it. Unless the claimant records an extension of credit, the lien becomes null and void if a claimant does not file a lawsuit within the 90-day period.

The 2011 amendments now require claimants to serve owners with a “Notice of Mechanics’ Lien” and a copy of the lien before recording them. With the liens, claimants are required to include a “Certificate of Service” as proof the Notice of Mechanics’ Lien was sent to the owner. Claimants are permitted to serve a construction lender if they are unable to locate the owner. A mechanics’ lien is automatically deemed “unenforceable as a matter of law” if the Notice of Mechanics’ Lien is not served as required.

The California legislature amended section 3084, in part, to address the “double payment problem.” Double payment typically occurs when owners are sued by subcontractors for money the general contractor should have paid its subs but did not. Before the amendments, often a lawsuit was the first notice owners received that the money they were paying their general contractor was not trickling down to its subs. The legislature hopes the new notice requirements will eliminate some lawsuits by encouraging the parties to settle before subs are forced by the statutory deadlines to incur the unnecessary costs of recording liens and filing lawsuits.

New requirement for lis pendens: A lis pendens is a notice, recorded in the chain of title to warn people that property is the subject of litigation and that any interest in the property that is acquired during the lawsuit is subject to its outcome. Typically when someone files a lawsuit that involves real property, like the foreclosure of a mechanics’ lien, that person also files a Notice of Lis Pendens with the court clerk and also records it in the County Recorder’s office of the county where the property is located. Before the amendments, filing and recording a Notice of Lis Pendens, although considered “good practice,” was not mandatory. Now however, for the lien to be enforceable against a subsequent purchaser or lender, Civil Code section 3146 specifically requires claimants to record a “Notice of Lis Pendens” within 20 days of filing a civil action to foreclose.

Michael S. Martin is an attorney with Myers, Widders, Gibson, Jones & Schneider, L.L.P and can be reached by phone at (800) 711-2611 or e-mail at mmartin@mwgjs.com.

You AnD the LAw

8 April 2012 IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT

Gold – $800

• All General Meetings• Name on Banner• 2 Baseball Tickets• 2 Holiday Dinners• 2 Golf Round Fees• Website Logo w/Link• 8x Business Card Placement in Chapter Magazine• Link on Membership Emails• One time, one page company profile in Chapter Magazine

Contractor – $500

• All General Meetings• Name on Banner• 2 Baseball Tickets• 2 Holiday Dinners• 8x Business Card Placement in Chapter Magazine• Link on Membership Emails• One time, one page company profile in Chapter Magazine

Platinum – $1,000

• All General Meetings• Name on Banner• 4 Baseball Tickets• 2 Holiday Dinners• 4 Golf Round Fees• Website Logo w/Link• 10x Business Card Placement in Chapter Magazine• Link on Membership Emails• One time, one page company profile in Chapter Magazine

Silver – $500

• 3 General Meetings• Name on Banner• 1 Baseball Ticket• 2 Holiday Dinner• 1 Golf Round Fee• Website Logo w/Link• 6x Business Card Placement in Chapter Magazine• Link on Membership Emails• One time, one page company profile in Chapter Magazine

2012 Inland Empire Chapter Patriots Program

ie PAtriots ProgrAm

The Inland Empire Chapter is excited to announce its 2012 Patriots Program. We’ve made a few changes to the program from years past, so please take a look at the levels below and choose your degree of participation. The Chapter appreciates any and all sponsors and welcomes you to join our growing list of

sponsors for the 2012 calendar year. Contact Mark Pedicone at (714) 343-7770 for information on enrolling in this program. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Your commitment in this program will underwrite our calendar of events, Chapter administration expenses, State participation expenses for Board Members, and educational scholarships. The following table shows the sponsorship levels. Again, thank you for your continued support of our CLCA Chapter.

Become a 2012 IE Patriot!

IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT April 2012 9

It’s no secret that I work for LS Training Systems. Heck, it’s written below my photo and name accompanying this article. Before you read on, I want you to know that I’m really not trying to offer up a shameless plug about my company’s product, but am instead trying to share with you an unexpected benefit I’ve seen come from the use of it.

Over the past several weeks I have monitored a few training sessions for companies, consisting of 2-4 employees, who were using our LS Training Systems product. These were not the first sessions I’ve ever monitored. In fact, I have been in numerous training meetings and tailgate meetings. However, I have never seen anything like what I saw with these groups.

Let me begin with a quick synopsis of how the system works. The training videos offer a series of quizzes to keep attendees focused throughout the course and each section ends with a test. Trainees are required to pass the test before continuing to the next phase.

What happened during the quizzes within these groups was remarkable. A dialogue between the members of the crews emerged organically, with sincere questions and potential answers discussed. I found them also reading the quiz questions and multiple choice answers with interest and enthusiasm. Never have I experienced this kind of

involvement in training. The interactive videos and the group energy created a mutual learning experience that I did not expect. When it came time to take the required test, the intensity and involvement went up another notch. The exuberance at passing was like winning a soccer game and failing was very disappointing. Those who failed immediately began the training video again so that they could re-test with hopes of getting it right.

It was awesome for me, and the company supervisors, to see this sense of pride showcased. Perhaps it was the interactive component that gave the crews a sense of camaraderie, or maybe it was the fact that their company had invested in a training system to better their skills that made them feel important. No matter what the reason, it worked!

As an employer, I encourage you all to take a look at equipment and safety training through a new set of glasses. Maybe your crew has more pride in their trade than you give them credit for. Maybe their hunger for new knowledge is alive and well, and their willingness to learn new methods as a team is greater than as an individual.

These companies started out with a training program to ensure their crews were educated and trained in equipment and safety training. What they were left with were employees who had a sense of pride and camaraderie between themselves.

Bottom line: I was very impressed by the process that developed, and I hope this article is taken with the intent in which it was presented…to share an unexpected benefit.

sAfetY 411

LS Training SystemsDON KaNSTEiNEr

An Unexpected Benefit

10 April 2012 IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT

Among the most difficult challenges of owning or managing a business – large

or small – is the motivation of employees. We as business owners and managers spend all this time planning, organizing, structuring, and teaching, in order to achieve our goals for our businesses. But if the employee is not motivated enough to implement our grand plans…if neither the potential for raises or

threat of reprimands work, then what?

When I was an employee and the boss gave me a task to do, I would tackle it with all of the energy and skill that I could muster up. And if I saw another task along the way that needed to be done – and I could accomplish it without jeopardizing the successful and on time completion of the original task – then I would do that one too. Unfortunately, I have discovered that employees with that kind of motivation have become few and far between.

If employees are lazy, talk back, don’t complete the work assigned, or in some other way continuously goof up, then you get rid of them after the proper verbal and written warnings. But what do you do with the employee that only does the work assigned and nothing else? Or the employee that works acceptably when directly supervised, but stands around when there is no direct supervision?

Both of these types of employees may simply be lazy, but are better at hiding it than others. But it could also be that

these employees simply do not have the confidence to take on an unassigned task, or continue working without direct supervision. Maybe they were unfortunate enough to have lived with parents who were always putting them down. Or she was the girl that never got asked to dance…or he was the guy that never got picked for the sports team at recess. At any rate, before you let them go and completely lose the investment of time and money you spent training and educating these individuals, there are a couple of things you might try first.

Reassure them that you believe they possess the talent and ability not only to accomplish assigned tasks, but those unassigned as well. And make sure you give them clear parameters as to the additional tasks they would be authorized to perform. Once completed, praise them for going the extra mile. And if they are physically fit, ask them to be on your company soccer team!

In my stores there are plenty of extra minor tasks we expect our employees to do, in addition to their regular duties. For instance, at Landscape Warehouse there are individuals whose job it is to stack the shelves and keep them orderly and well supplied. But if one of my delivery persons walks by a stack that looks like it’s ready to fall over¸ or comes across a piece of merchandise that’s sitting on the floor in front of the shelves where somebody could stumble over it…then I expect that driver to stop and fix the problem right away, even though that is not his regular job. The same goes for anyone walking by trash on the floor, inside or outside. Part of their job – in whatever department they are working – is keeping all areas clean, neat and safe.

This can-do attitude should apply on a landscape or maintenance job as well. Keeping the trucks clean, making sure the equipment is maintained correctly and is safe to operate…making every effort to meet schedules and deadlines…this all has to do with taking pride in one’s work and a kind of “ownership” in the company that provides their check every week.

If you have made a sincere effort to work with this type of employee…and nothing changes…then don’t beat yourself up over it. Recognize that he or she is part of that 20% employee turnover, and continue on your never ending quest for the perfect employee. They’re out there…I know they are! – Jose

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IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT April 2012 11

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EXA-G Sod Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Artesia Sawdust Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Best/Simplot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Briggs Tree Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

DM Color Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

El Dorado Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Ewing Irrigation Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Green Desert Nursery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Gro-Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Kellogg Garden Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

KRC Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Landscape Contractors Insurance Services . . . . . . . . .5

Netafim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Pacific Sod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Redwood Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

S & S Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Smith Pipe & Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Southland Sod Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Southwest Boulder & Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Village Nurseries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

West Coast Turf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3


Deadline for stories and advertising materials:15th of the month prior to publication.

All advertising is to be paid in advance unless otherwise arranged with Mark Pedicone. Checks made out to CLCA may be sent to Mark at address below. All invoice charges for advertising are due in full upon receipt. Ad schedule charges are prorated for the year. Advertising Agencies: Rates are NET.

Technical Information: Supply ads and photos in camera-ready artwork, CD or e-mail in a TIFF, JPEG or PDF format for either Mac or PC. (300 dpi min.) E-mail stories in MS Word if possible. E-mail to Editor John R. Hernandez at: eldoradojrh@yahoo.com. For inserts, please send 550 copies to Editor at mailing address below.

Frequency: 10 times per year. Mailing Address: Direct your checks to: Mark Pedicone, Inland Empire Treasurer, at 634 Pine Ave., Brea, CA 92821. Direct your advertising inquiries and materials, and mailing list changes or additions to: Daily Plant-It Editor John R. Hernandez, 19055 Abdera Street, Rowland Heights, CA 91748; (626) 965-5015, Fax (866) 591-5093.Note: Articles submitted are subject to approval and modification. Chapter or Editor are not liable for misprints or errors, and do not necessarily agree with opinions expressed in byline articles. Articles may be used by other CLCA chapter newsletters, giving proper credit to their source.

ad agencies: all the listed rates are NETrates are prorated for the calendar year.

SiZE 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 10xBusiness Card $ 3951/4 Page (B/W) $90 $255 $ 495 $ 8751/4 Page (Color) $ 625 $10901/2 Page (B/W) $175 $495 $ 955 $15751/2 Page (Color) $1200 $1975Full Page (B/W) $330 $975 $1895 $2890Full Page (Color) $3500

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12 April 2012 IE • THE DAILY PLANT-IT

Finding good people from crew foremen to account managers to sales representatives is still the number one challenge facing landscape contractors. Whether

you are trying to grow or simply maintain your business, not being able to identify and hire the right people can be a challenge.

Landscape contractors who can’t find the right people end up falling into the following traps:• Sending out an inferior workforce into the field to service customers.• Being held hostage by their current workforce.• Not being able to grow and risk losing business due to the lack of good people.

That headache will disappear this spring with the introduction of the Harvest Group Recruiting Tool Kit. Designed for landscape contractors of all sizes, the Recruiting Tool Kit will include Bill Arman’s new book, The Harvest Way for Recruiting and Hiring the Right People.

Arman, the former Vice President of Human Resources for ValleyCrest Landscapes, has interviewed more than 5,000 job candidates in his career, and successfully hired hundreds of landscape professionals. His extensive knowledge and experience will benefit users, and put them on the right track.

The 133-page book will help build your recruiting machine

and includes the following plus a whole “bunch” more:

Harvester Helpful Hints: More than 100 helpful bullet items to help build your recruiting machine, including…• Short Stories: 14 Lessons Learned with examples of recruiting successes.• Sources: 28 time-proven sources to find the right people.• Sample Tools: 16 Sample Tools including: Job Outlines and Interviewing Questions

A unique feature of the Recruiting Tool Kit is Harvesters Bill Arman and Ed Laflamme leading you through the key lessons covered in the book, step-by-step, all on video. A workbook provides detailed information on how to implement your company’s recruiting strategy.

The Recruiting Tool Kit also includes the “Recruiting Toolbox,” a collection of valuable tips and information on effective interviewing techniques and how to structure your recruiting efforts. All the tools are downloadable and easily accessible for landscape contractors and include:

Put your recruiting problems behind you. Pre-order your tool kit today and get a 20% discount! For more information on the Harvester Recruiting Tool Kit visit http://harvestlandscapeconsulting.com/featured-product/

For more information, contact Bill Arman (949) 466-8837 / bill@harvestlandscapeconsulting.com; or Ed Laflamme (203) 858-4696 / ed@harvestlandscapeconsulting.com.

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The Harvest Group Releases the Industry’s First Recruiting Tool Kit for Landscape Contractors