A note to group leaders: Our hope is that this PowerPoint presentation might be helpful to you in...

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of A note to group leaders: Our hope is that this PowerPoint presentation might be helpful to you in...

A note to group leaders:Our hope is that this PowerPoint presentation might be helpful to you in telling the story of the Gathering. We’re assuming that this “storytelling” might take place as a congregational event involving a dinner. Here are things that might be helpful to know:1. After reading it, please delete this slide. It is just for informational purposes for

the group leader.2. The key to an effective event like this is involving young people in the

storytelling. Look at the different chapters and think about who would be good talking about each one.

3. There are photos in this slideshow taken by the Gathering photographers, or lifted from the Gathering Facebook page. These are placeholders. You are welcome to use them, or to delete photos and insert some of your own that also fit the theme of the slide.

4. In the “Notes” under each slide are instructions that give direction for that particular slide/chapter of the presentation.

5. Please feel free to add or delete slides if these ones don’t apply to you. For example, if you did a pre- or post-gathering event, you’d likely want to add a slide after “travel” that talks about that event.

6. If you’re doing a meal, have the young people serve. It’s a great way for them to say “thank you.”

7. In the meal section, there is a photo of a Detroit Coney Dog. But don’t feel obligated to eat hot dogs.

8. Make sure your young people understand that the point of the event is to tell the story of the Gathering, and to say “thank you” for supporting them.

Have fun!

Telling the Story

<Name> Lutheran Church<City>, <State>

Prayer before the meal:

L: The Lord be with you!G: And also with you.L: Let us pray…G: God of all grace, we give you thanks for the gift of the Gathering. And we ask your presence with us as we share the stories of the work of your people in Detroit.

Bless our time together, our fellowship and our meal together. Make us always mindful of those who do not have enough.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Bruce Helland
Should this be moved up to follow "Detroit."? Add a period after "meal" or are words cut off?

Enjoy the meal!

From here to there

Proclaim Justice

What we accomplished• 1 million diapers collected• 1,425 backpacks distributed• 3,200 vacant lots cleared of

debris• 319 vacant homes boarded• 1,847 mural boards painted• 36 urban gardens installed• 99 picnic tables built• 26 dumpsters filled• 600 neighborhoods affected• 650 heads of hair donated• 609 units of blood collected• 4,000 hats made • 186 board-ups painted

Proclaim Story

Proclaim Community

Ford Field

Being together

Rise Up Together

Words of thanks