A NOTE FROM PASTOR MARIANNEwillowchurch.org/newsletter612.pdf · event. After our cinema fun, we...

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Transcript of A NOTE FROM PASTOR MARIANNEwillowchurch.org/newsletter612.pdf · event. After our cinema fun, we...















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Sermons for June June 3: Holy Communion Sunday “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors: Sharing a Life That Matters – the Door of Celebration” Romans 12:1-8 June 10: “Choose Hope” 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 June 17: Father’s Day “Image Isn’t Everything” I Samuel 15:34-16:13 June 24: Vacation Bible School Sunday Graduation Sunday “The Counter-Culture Christian” 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

In the Christian Church, we follow what is called the Liturgical Year. This “calendar” assists us in observing times and events that are of major importance to followers of Christ. The two major seasons are Advent and Lent. If we allow ourselves to, we can experience Christ living and active as we fully engage in the seasons’ meanings and as we open ourselves up to God’s work in us and in the world. Each year, for example, we hear over and over the familiar stories of Christ during Lent. And if we concentrate on these stories and contemplate their meaning for us, we find that they become our stories. We can see ourselves in them as we experience the joys and the

sorrows of life. They help us to look to God and place our hope and trust in a loving and compassionate and gracious God. We have just observed the season of Easter. This last Sunday, May 27, was Pentecost Sunday which marks a change of the church season once again. We now enter into the season that is named, “Ordinary Time.” "Ordinary Time" gives us time to pause, to take it all in and make connections between the resurrection of Christ and how it applies to us personally and globally. We ask, “What does it mean to live a Christian life?” In the Church Year there are actually two seasons of "Ordinary Time": one is after Pentecost Sunday and the other is after Epiphany (which is the season after Christmas). I find it interesting that there are two seasons of “ordinary time.” But, if we really think about it, isn’t it really in the “ordinary days” of life that we come to the reality of who God truly is to us? Often it is in the day to day routines – the ordinariness of life, we find ourselves most challenged to live life in communion with God. In the business of life we can forget, we can become distracted, we can neglect our relationship with the one who knows us best and loves us most. My encouragement to all of us in this “Ordinary Time,” as well as the beginning of the summer months, is to take time to contemplate. Truly consider your life with Christ. Is it changing and growing? Is it full of passion and compassion? Can you see Christ in your attitudes and words and actions? Take time to rediscover your life in Christ. Take 10 minutes a day and read stories of Jesus from the New Testament. Before you read them, ask the Holy Spirit to talk to you and help you apply the stories to your ordinary, day to day life. Meditate on the scriptures. Pray for the ability to surrender to the power of God to work God’s love and light into who you are. Make this “Ordinary Time” an “Extraordinary Time.” Amen? My love to you all, Pastor Marianne

Father’s Day Fun

June 17 is a day to celebrate what some special men in our lives mean to us. We would like to have some fun

commemorating this day. Would you please consider bringing a photograph of your father, husband, brother,

uncle, cousin, boyfriend, etc. ., as they appeared in “boyhood?”

We will be having a “Boys To Men” display to see how well we can identify the pictures of the past with the

persons of the present.

Please get the photographs to Pastor Marianne by Sunday, June 10, if you can, so that a display can be made.

Would someone like to volunteer to make the display board for this event? Contact Pastor Marianne.

Girls Lock In

Girls of all ages, you are invited to an overnight adventure at the Willow UMC on June 22. The evening will begin with the Outdoor Movie night that is already scheduled as a Community Event. Hot dogs, popcorn and soda pop will be provided at the movie. We will gather at 7:30pm to “set up camp” in the church facility. We will reach out to our community in hospitality as we welcome old friends and new friends alike to the movie event. After our cinema fun, we will have time for games, devotions, a chick flick, snacks, and “girl time.” Sleep is optional, but highly recommended. Bring your bedding, games, movies, nail polish and froofie stuff and a

snack to share. We will close with breakfast and devotions the following morning. Because of “Safe Sanctuary” policies, those girls who are elementary age who want to spend the night, must have an adult present also. Co-planners: Tessa Bailey and Marianne McMunn

Detroit Annual Conference Report by Paul Thomas, Communications Director of DAC "Imagine a World…Healing, Healthy, Whole" was the theme of the 2012 session of the Detroit Annual Conference, which was held

May 17-20 on the campus of Adrian College in Adrian, Mich.

The theme of the conference session focused on stamping out killer diseases by improving health globally, one of the Four Areas of

Focus of The United Methodist Church. To highlight the theme, Michigan Area Bishop Jonathan D. Keaton spoke about "divine health

initiatives" during the opening worship service while Shannon Trillli, director of global health programs at the United Methodist Com-

mittee on Relief (UMCOR), addressed the conference session regarding the work of global health and the impact of the Imagine No

Malaria campaign.

In response to Trilli's presentation, the conference collected $7,785 for Imagine No Malaria during a spontaneous offering. The confer-

ence also pledged to raise $500,000 for the program over the next four years.

The conference collected over $61,000 during special offerings at the conference, the majority of which went to ministries supporting

global health. Supporting covenant partnerships with Haiti and Liberia, over $20,000 was given for the Haiti Hot Lunch Program

(Advance #418790), while more than $18,000 was raised for the Bishop Judith Craig Children's Home in Liberia (Advance #11820A).

In addition, over $12,000 was donated to purchase a delivery truck for the Liberia Annual Conference. Over the last three years, the

Detroit Conference board of global ministries has raised over $53,000 to purchase the truck for Liberia, and the agency announced

that its fundraising goal for that project had been met and that a truck would be purchased.

As part of its legislative business, the conference took the following actions:

Reaffirmed a challenge to all conference clergy to contribute one-half of one percent of their salary annually to support pastors'

salaries in the Liberia Annual Conference and set up an online giving platform for all people to contribute;

Encouraged each congregation to identify a person as their Restorative Justice Coordinator to reach out to, befriend, and mentor

recently incarcerated individuals in their community;

Designated all churches and ministries of the conference to remain concealed weapon-free zones, excluding qualified law en-

forcement officers, regardless of any changes made to the concealed weapon laws in Michigan;

Called on all churches without a United Methodist Men unit to appoint a men's ministry liaison; and

Urged members of the conference session to contact the two Michigan senators to indicate their desire to prevent a war with Iran.

Twenty-one retiring clergy were honored for their ministry during the conference session, while 42 individuals, including 19 clergy,

were remembered at the conference's annual memorial service.

Membership stands at 90,324, down 2,302, or 2.5 percent, from the previous year. Worship attendance for 2011 was an average of

42,410, down 1,182, or 2.7 percent, from 2010. Average church school attendance was 11,463, 813 fewer than last year, or a 6.6

percent decrease.

Sarah Buttignoli

Sarah is the daughter of Mark and Theresa Buttignoli and is

graduating from Airport High School on June 2nd. She was an

active student-athlete, participating in basketball, volleyball, and

the Interact Club. She is planning to attend Baker College, in

Owosso, MI., to study medical laboratory technology in the Fall.

Congratulations to Sarah!

Marsha McMunn

Marsha McMunn graduated with an organizational

communications degree and a minor in Spanish from

Ohio Northern University. She is presently living at

home with her parents, Doug and Marianne

McMunn, while beginning her job search.

Connor Ellis

Connor Ellis is graduating from Airport High School. His par-

ents are Rob and Yvonne Ellis and Connor’s grandparents are

Tom and Mary VanMeer. Connor will be pursuing studies in

auto mechanics. Congratulations Connor!



Thanks John and Joyce Tarr and all the volunteers who make our Out Door Movie Nights Fun!



The Church Mouse Asks Were You Here????

When we fed 200 at our May chicken supper?

When Jeanne asked the children to pray for their parents and others?

When John asked for prayers for teachers?

When Martha asked us to pray for understanding and cures for autism?

When Jim Farr took us "Down Memory Lane" with songs from the 60's and sang a duet with Pastor Marianne?

When Pastor Marianne sang "I Will Follow Him" and dedicated it to her husband Doug?

Jim Farr



Holy Humor!

ALL MEN / ALL GIRLS When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers, she would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal

(current and past). For several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelli would say, "And all girls."

This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing. My curiosity got the best of me and I asked her, "Kelli,

why do you always add the part about all girls?"

Her response, "Because everybody always finishes their prayers by saying 'All Men'!

SAY A PRAYER Little Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother's house. Everyone was seated around the table as

the food was being served. When Little Johnny received his plate, he started eating right away.

"Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer." said his mother.

"I don't need to," the boy replied.

"Of course, you do "his mother insisted. "We always say a prayer before eating at our house."

"That's at our house." Johnny explained. "But this is Grandma's house and she knows how to cook.”


Crafts The Grovers Crafts

Donna Lee, Michele and Jennifer Wanda and Pastor Marianne




New banner for Willow Church, donated and

dedicated in memory of Harold Jenkins.

Willow Church Women’s Group

During the month of June, the Women’s Group will be taking donations for “Heartbeat” of Monroe County. We will have a box in the back of the church along with a list of the items needed (things like baby shampoo, lotion, etc.). Please consider picking up one or two items when you do your weekly shopping and drop them in the box.

If you would like to know more about Heartbeat, check out their website at heartbeatofmonroe.org. Their mission statement (taken directly from their website) states: Heartbeat of Monroe is a Christian faith-based, non-profit, life affirming Pregnancy Care and Resource Center serving the Monroe County area since 1973. The purpose of Heartbeat of Monroe is to give free and confidential assistance to anyone who is dealing with a pregnancy or the parenting of infants and toddlers. The services offered are without charge to clients regardless of marital status, race, religious or ethnic background.

Vacation Bible School

JUNE 18—21 6:30 PM

Come join us for Adventures on Promise Island-where kids discover God’s life-

saving love! Amid the swaying palm trees, exotic wildlife and welcoming

sunshine, kids will learn that God promises:

I am with you

I care about you

I give you what you need

I will save you

I will answer you

We will be talking about God's Promises that is He is with us, He cares about us, He gives us what we need, He will save us, and He will answer us.

We will be collecting money to help stamp out Malaria. We want to purchase nets for our friends in other countries. We will be doing special crafts every day, learning great new songs and enjoying yummy snacks every day. We will have a special theme every day.

Please bring your friends, neighbors, and family to join us this week to learn about God. Stay tune the best is yet to come. Aloha!

Ministries of Willow Church

Food Pantry

Ethel's food pantry offers short term assistance for any in need. 1 bag of groceries at a time. The food pantry is open 24/7. Please call

the church for information or to request assistance.

Spiritual Growth and Bible Study

A weekly study fellowship with emphasis on deepening personal spirituality with practical disciplines. Study group meets Mondays at

7:00. All are welcome.

Prayer Ministry

Our congregation offers through prayer and meditation, intercessory prayer for any concern 24 hours a day. Please call the church office to leave your prayer


AA Ministry

Utilize a 12 step spiritual program to help those suffering the effects of alcohol addiction. Meetings are held Wednesdays 6:00 pm here at the church.

Music Ministry

Choir and worship opportunities through music participation. Practice is every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.

Children’s Ministry

Christian education during worship service is offered weekly to foster and guide our children in their faith. Under the direction of Jeanne Lochner.

Children’s Church the first Sunday of the month coordinated by Jennifer Johnson.

Altar Flowers

Altar flowers can be displayed as a memorial or in honor of someone or something or a special event.

Cost per vase if only 1 vase is purchased for the same week is $15.00. Cost if 2 vases are purchased for the same week is $12.50 each. Make all checks

payable to Darlene's Flowers. If interested in donating altar flowers please contact Vanessa Lenz at 734-731-9611. Please get your flower order

and payment to Vanessa 2 weeks ahead of time or your order may be canceled.

Ethel’s Food Pantry

Ethel's Food Pantry is an outreach of our church and community as we strive to help those who are in need of food assistance. All food is

donated. If you would like to donate at any time, please see Helena, contributions are always needed.

Each month in the newsletter, we will be asking for a needed item. BUT...please remember, misc. items are needed all the time.

This month's item: CANNED MEAT

Scrip Program

Our church benefits from the purchase of Scrip gift cards.

Every time you purchase a card we receive a percentage of

the purchase price. Use the cards not only to give as gifts,

but also consider buying them for your own personal use,

i.e. dining out, home improvements, gas, personal items.

If you would like an updated list of retailers, please see

Martha Molnar.

This newsletter is compiled by Donna Lee Hornyak. A special

thanks to Gail Sobecki and all who submit articles for our news-

letter. If you would like to add to “The Communicator” please

email me at: dhornyak2@gmail.com

(Donna Lee Hornyak)

“The Lord is my light and my salvation-so why should I be afraid?

The Lord protects me from danger-so why should I tremble?”

PSALM 27:1

Bring your lawn chair and join us for Outdoor Movie Nights this summer! On June 8 and 22nd Willow Church will be hosting “family friendly” outdoor movie viewing.

FREE popcorn, hot dogs and beverage will also be available. This is an opportunity to extend hospitality to our church’s neighborhood families, as well as to your own families and friends. In the present economy, people are looking for inexpensive and fun ways to spend time together as family. What a blessing to be able to provide this service as an outreach ministry in Christ’s name. Outdoor Movie Dates are as follows: June 8, June 22, July 13, August 10, August 24. Thanks to John and Joyce Tarr for their leadership in this ministry.

WORD SEARCH: Each month we’ll have a word search...try

to find it in the newsletter!!!

This month’s word...BANNER

Church Bulletin Announcements

If you have announcements that you would like to

share in the bulletin on a Sunday morning, please

get them to Pastor Marianne by the Wednesday

before you would like it printed in the bulletin.

From our hearts!

Dennis and I would like to say a “BIG THANK YOU” for all the special prayers, good thought and meals sent our way by

our church family. Thank you seems like “such a small way” to express our gratitude for the caring way you have helped

us. Dennis continues to prepare for his last and greatest journey from this earth to God’s kingdom. I treasure this time

we have together and the opportunity to say “until we meet again.”

Donna Lee and Dennis Hornyak

Willow United Methodist Church 36925 Willow Road

New Boston, MI 48164

Marianne McMunn, Pastor


Hours at the church: Tuesdays and Thursdays 734-654-9020

Sunday Service 9:30 AM

Web Site: www.willowchurch.org.

Jeanne Lochner, Children’s Ministry

Anne Mathews, Choir Director

Karen Struble, Sunday Worship Director

Prayer of Comfort

May today there be peace within

May you trust God that you are exactly where

you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that

are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received,

and pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be content knowing you are a child of


Let this presence settle into your bones and allow

your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and


It is there for each and every one of us.

Willow Church Steak Fry Saturday, July 14th

Apple Charlie's in New Boston

Sponsored by the Willow United Methodist Church

Music and Karaoke

4:30 p.m. Doors Open

5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. (or until the steaks run out)

Cost: $12.50 for steak dinner

$4.50 for hot dog dinner

$ 1.00 for pop

Menu: Steaks or Hot Dogs

Baked Potatoes Green Beans Lettuce Salad Rolls and Butter Dessert

Apple Charlie's has Petting Farm and Fish Feeding available also.

June 2012

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

Karen Struble

John & Elaine


3 Holy







Tom Shy


Rotary 6:30





Venessa Lenz

Charles &

Mary Grover




Movie Night

at Willow




Sharon & Brian



Terry June


Rotary 6:30

Sheila Odom





14 15

Tom & Mary




Fathers Day


Bible School

Begins during


Advisory Bd.




Bible School




Bible School




Bible School



Rehearsal 7:00



Bible School



Outdoor Movie

Night at Willow


Kimberly Cole

Girls “Lock In”








Rotary 6:30





28 29 Women’s

Group meets

at Jennifer




Jamie Edford