A new way to Shepherd our Parishioners. Data from CARA at

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Change of leadership Merged/linked parish Children and adults are not attending faith formation opportunities Sacrament participation declining Not enough volunteers Parish not growing Parishioner moral low Not enough money to pay the operational cost of the parish

Transcript of A new way to Shepherd our Parishioners. Data from CARA at

A new way to Shepherd our Parishioners Data from CARA at Change of leadership Merged/linked parish Children and adults are not attending faith formation opportunities Sacrament participation declining Not enough volunteers Parish not growing Parishioner moral low Not enough money to pay the operational cost of the parish A smoldering matter may begin as a minor issue, due to negligence, develops into crisis Crisis can also be where the old system can no longer be maintained 1 No longer believe: 48% Spiritual needs not met: 67% Lost interest: 66% Dissatisfaction with atmosphere: 47% Too formal: 36% Too ritualistic: 38% Music not enjoyable: 36% Too many money requests: 56% https://www.osv.com/OSVNewsweekly/Story/TabId/2672/ArtMID/13567/ArticleID/16269/Lapsed- Catholics-weigh-in-on-why-they-left-Church.aspx Invites negative reaction Erodes trust in leadership Reputation of parish is at stake Threatens financial well-being Survival in jeopardy R EACTIVE M ANAGEMENT Is stressful and ineffective Waiting until issue arises may be too little too late P ROACTIVE M ANAGEMENT Can ensure success Decreases the likelihood of future problems and negative effects Plans for short and long term Encourages innovation Refocus Take back control Confront the facts, even if brutal Focus on morale Look at processes Build in continuous improvement Dont talk about lack of money Be positive connect financial gift with ministry it provides BECOME A STEWARDSHIP PARISH FOCUS ON GIFTS OF PARISH REFLECTS THE belief of its members that all is a gift from God and we must be good stewards of those gifts. COMPRISED OF believers who proclaim the love of Christ throughout the week by their words and deeds, and who gather together on Sunday around the altar to break open the word of God, to receive Christ in the Eucharist and to return, with increase, the gifts entrusted to them. Prayer Stewardship Committee Outreach Hospitality Recommitment Accountability Goal Setting Witnesses of the Baptized First impression Metrics Faith Formation is a family affair Personal ask Communicate Find Level 5 Leaders Focus on Engaged Connecting people to ministry Talents/Strengths Passion Transformation of Lives Baptismal Calls Maturity Holiness Community Service Generosity Disciple response in action Prayer Service Sharing Stretch what more can they do Good to Great St. Francis Assisi, Manitowoc, WI