A NEW STATIC SYNCHRONOUS SERIES … and Keywords In this thesis a new Static Synchronous Series...

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Transcript of A NEW STATIC SYNCHRONOUS SERIES … and Keywords In this thesis a new Static Synchronous Series...



Cristina 1. Terek Graduate Program in Engineering Science

Department of Electricai & Cornputer Engineering

Submitted in partial filfilment of the requirements fot the degree of

Master of Engineering Science

Facuity of Graduate Studies The University of Western Ontario

London, Ontario May 1999

@ Cristina 1. Terek 1999

National Library Bibliothèque natronaie du Canada

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The author has granted a non- exclusive licence allowing the National Library of Canada to reproduce, loan, dism%ute or sell copies of this thesis in microform, paper or electronic formats.

The author retains ownership of the copyright in this thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission.

L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive permettant à la Bibliotheqpe nationale du Canada de reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette thèse sous la forme de microfiche/^ de reproduction sur papier ou sur format élecîronique.

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Abstract and Keywords In this thesis a new Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) for the control of active power flow on a transmission line is proposed and its effectiveness is inves- tigated. The new SSSC is based on injecting a voltage in a givea line to counter or augment the voltage &op produced by the inductive reactance of the he. The result ing compensator , t herefore, emulates the controL of transmission line reac tance and thus, it assists in controbg the power transmission capacity. The voltage to be

injected in a iine is produced by a Binary Voltage Source Inverter (BVSI). -4 BVSI is an attractive recently proposed Voltage Source Inverter. Its output contains very

little hamonics and it utilizes very few dc sources unlike conventional multi-level VSIs. The %phase output of the BVSI is synchronized to the line fiequency and its phase is arranged to be in or out of phase with the Line reactance drop.

The proposed BVSI-SSSC is realized by using three binary proportioned dc sources, which may be appropriately dimensioned capacitors. The resulting output of a BVSI- SSSC is a 15-step ac voltage waveform. The BVSESSSC has a sophisticated set of coordinated controllen which ensure: BVSI frequency is in synchronism with the system frequency, firing pulses are regulated for inverter valves to ensure minimum harmonic content, the selection of Modulation Index and arrangement regulates an

appropriate phase relationship to create the desired change in the power flow, and

adjustment of firing angles to ensure that the capacitors creating dc binary propor-

tioned sources maintain desired charge on them. Aumliary controls may be added to

create positive system damping through active power control, and voltage dependent

controllers rnay be added to ümit over and under voltage (charging) of capacitors

during fault conditions. The proposed BVSI-SSSC is a device in the family of Flexible .AC Transmission

Systerns (FACTS) devices which are becoming vital in emerging open access transmis- sion networks. The proposeci BVSI-SSSC is digitally simdated using PSCAD/E&ITDC (commercial) software to validate its working and testing its effect iveness to dynam- ically control active power changes in a Iine. The BVSI-SSSC is finally =amined for its operation and recovery when the line on which it is connected is subjected to

serious üne to ground faults of vanbus kinds.

Keywords Series compensation of transmission hes Voltage source inverters Binary voltage source inverter Static Synchronous Series Compensator

Co-Aut horship

The fdowing thesis contains material korn a mimuscript subrnitted for publication

CO-authored by Cristina 1. Terek, R.M. Mathur and K.V. Patil.

AU the research, developmentd, and simulation work presented in this thesis was

performed by Cristina 1. Terek. The original manuscript, a version of which appears

in this thesis, was written by Cristina 1. Terek.


Winston Churchill

Dedicated to my dear parents

Acknowledgement s

In the endlessness that 1 feaced being a full-time mothes and student, in accomplishing my mission and the writing of this thesis, 1 had many wonderful people around me to whom 1 am truly indebted.

I would üke to offer my sincere gratitude to m y advisor and dean, Dr. Mohan Mathur, for allowïng me to enrich my knowledge h m his unlimiteci experience, and for his valuable guidance and kind understanding without which 1 could not have completed my Master's thesis. To Krishnat, &end, coiieague and experienced engineer, 1 wish to thank for his

availability and patience, support and advice, always and whenever it was most needed.

I have also had support fmm professor Tom Bonnema, to whom 1 have often confessed numemus womes and kom whom 1 have received only good appreciation regarding m y duties.

Throughout my studies I felt the encouragement from m y fnends and farni'v, especially from my husband, Bogdan, and m y daughter to mhom 1 dedicate my time

spent in the Universi@, Julia's i ~ o c e n t everyday smile has granted me a tremendous amount of constant happiness which energized me day by day. God bless her!

Lastly, 1 am thankful to my dear parents for letting me freely choose my future and for ali the efforts they have put into m y life to gratify me.


Certikate of Examination

Abstract and Keywords

Co-Aut horship




Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Appendices











Chapter 1


1.1 REAL POWER FLOW MANAGEMENT 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 Classicd devices 3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.2 Advanced devices 4


. . . . . . . . . . 1-2.1 Inductive and Capacitive modes of operation 7

. . . . . . . 1.2.2 Immunity to classical subsynchronous resonances 8

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.3 Capabüify to exchange active power . .- 8

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 THESIS OBJECTIVES 9

1.4 O U T L ~ O F T ~ T H E S I S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 2



. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 VOLTAGE SOURCE BRIDGE INVER3ER.S 13

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 VOLTAGE AND HARMOMC CONTROL 18

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 VARIOUS VSI TOPOLOGIES 23

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 BINARY VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER 24

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 Configuration and Topology 25

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .5.2 Harmonic Analysis 28

2 .5.3 Selective Harmonic Elimination Modulation Technique . . . . 30

. . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 USE OF BVSI FOR REAL POWER CONTROL 31

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 CHAPTER SUMMARY 3'2

Chapter 3


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 INTRODUCTION 134

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 UNIFIED POWER FLOW CONTROLLER 34

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Basic control functions 37

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Generalized power control perspectives 38


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Configuration of a new SSSC 39

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Phasor and analytical representation 41

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Main Controller 43

3.3.4 Capacitor Voltage Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.3.5 Conti01 of power flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.4 TESTOFTHENEWSSSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.4.1 Test case with line represented by an inductor . . . . . . . . . 49 3.4.2 Discussion of the results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.4.3 Sunulateci Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.5 CHAPTER SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Chapter 4


4.1 SIMULAmON PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.2 TWSMISSION LINE CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . 57


4.4 POWERORDERCHANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.5 LZNE WITH SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.6 LOAD CHANGES . . . . . . . . . O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . 63

4.7 FAULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.8 CHUTER SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Chapter 5


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS 67

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Switchingfromonemodetoanother 67

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Different power orders 69

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 Load changes 69

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.4 Faults 70

2 TMNSIENT SIMULATIONS - . . - - - . - . . . . - . . - . . - - . 72

5.3 CEfAPTERSUMMARY * , , - . - - - . - - - - - . . . . , . . - . - 82

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . - - - . - - . 83

Chapter 6


6.1 GENERAL DISCUSSIONS . . . . . - . . . . - . - - . . . . . . . . . 84

6.2 CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . . - . - - - - - - - - - 85 -

6.3 SUGGESTED FUTURE STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . 86

Bibliogaphy . . . . - . . . . - - . - - . . - - - - - . . - - - - . - - . - - 88

Appendix A


Appendu B


Appendix C




List of Tables

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Switching patterns for 3-level BVSI 32

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 BVSI's output voltage limits 62

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 THD for single-phase to ground fadt 79

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 THD for double-phase to ground fault 80

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 THD for three-phase to ground fault 81

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1 Gate pulses output fiom switch firing logic 94

List of Figures

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Elementary Power Tkansmission System 2

1.2 SSSC in inductive and capacitive modes and the related phasor diagrarns 6

2.1 One-phase full bridge inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.2 Three-phase bridge inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3 Waveforms of Sphase bridge inverter with 180' conduction . . . . . . 17

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Single pulse modulation 19

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -5 Selective harmonic elimination method 21

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Three-phase star connected blevel binary VSI 25

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Typical voltages of 3-level binary VSI 27

3.1 The family of synchronous voltage source based power flow controllers

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Basic UPFC control functions

. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Series comection of BVSI in a transmission line

. . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Phasor diagram of the compensated system voltages

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Inverter voltage phase angle controller

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Control diagram of the capacitor voltages

. . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Polar representation of the trigonometric functions

3.8 Steady-state operation of the SSSC for capacitive (a) and inductive (b)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . compensation

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 SSSC in capacitive and inductive mode . . . :

. . . . . . 4.1 Lumped-element representation of a long transmission Line 57

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Phasor diagram of a naturally Ioaded Iine 59

5.1 SSSC switching fkom capacitive to inductive mode . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5.2 SSSC switching from inductive to capacitive mode . . . . . . . . . . . 73

5.3 Power flow and Modulation Index variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

5.4 Adding more load without SSSC connecteci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

5.5 Adding more load with SSSC c o ~ e e t e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

5.6 Reducing the load without SSSC connected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7'7

5.7 Reducing the Ioad with SSSC connected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

5.8 Single-phase to ground fadt o c c h g in the capacitive mode . . . . 79

. . . . . . 5.9 Tw~phasetogroundfaultoccurringintheinductîvemode 80

. . . . 5.10 Three-phase to ground f d t occumng in the capacitive mode 81

A.1 Main system for test case with two infinite buses at the ends . . . . . 90

. . . . . . . . . . . . .4.2 Subsystem representing the real power controller 91

. . . . . . . . A.3 Subsystemrepresentingthecapacitorvoltagecontrolier 92

A.4 Main system for test case with synchronous machine and resistive load 33

List of Appendices

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A CLRCUITDIAGRAMS 89

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B GATE PULSE GENERATION 94

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C IEEE COPYRIGHT TRANSFER 97



Electrical energy transmission and utilization is under two dinerent sets of challenges.

The developing countries are experiencing an unprecedented rapid growth, whereas

the developed countries, notably in Western Europe and North America, are expe-

riencing demand leveling. However, the monopolized structures of deetrical power

utilities in these developed countries are crumbling, giving rise to cornpetition among

new generating companies through an open access to power transmission structures.

Although the two scenarios are radicaliy different , the resulting pressure on the t rans-

mission networks is similar. In each case the requirement is to stably transfer as mrrch

power as possible on each existing IÏne, delay the installation of new lines and/or con-

trollably transfer power on selected lines to reIease capacity as well as cut down ttic

circulating power, fkeeing up lines for added export out of the region. For new lines,

in addition to the cost, environmental considerations and the public concerns delay

securing new nght-of-ways. Attempts should be made to transmit only active power

as far as possible over the high voltage transmission lines and the required reactive

power should be generated locally by various means. Extracthg the highest possible

power transmission capacity on any given line is a high priority for any transmis-

sion Company. Aiso, higher power loads are made possible by deploying new control

devices and smart controis.


To develop an appreciation of the pmblem and its solution a simple system is

considered. A schematic diagram of a simple power transmission line, represented

by its inductive reactance, connecting a sending-end voltage source and a receiving-

end voltage source is depicted in Figure 1.1. To conform to a realistic situation, the

voltage magnitudes at the two ends are chosen to be nearly equal and the phase

difference between the two ends is defined as the load angle. The active and reactive

power flow on a line between two ends (which can be in either direction) is a hinction

of the magnitudes of the voltage at both ends, the Line impedance and the load angle:

where V, and Vr are the magnitudes of the voltage at the two ends IV, 1 = 1 Vr[ = 1 VI,

XL is the line impedance (assumed purely inductive) and 6 = (6, - 6,) is the load

angle. Generdly, the transmitted power can be controlled by varying the voltages,

impedance and load angle. When the power transfer requirernent for a given length of

line increases, higher transmission voltages (V,, V,) must be selected. However, since

Figure 1.1: Elementary Power Transmission System


power networks operate as voltage sources, it is desirable to hold the node voltages

at near rated dues. Therefoce, the active power can be iduenced mainly by phase

shifters (acting oniy upon 6) or by line compensation as the means of changing the

line impedance.

This thesis is not intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of transmission

lines but only some aspects wbich enhance the understanding of the dependence

between electrical parameters of a line and the resulting real power flow.

1.1.1 CIassicd devices

It is a well established practice to use reactive power compensation in order to increase

the transferable power in an ac power system or to control the voltage at a particular

bus-bar. In the past, fixeci or mechanically-switched capacitors and reaetors have

long been employed to increase the steady-state power transmission by controlling

the voltage dong the lines. As a means for real power control, phase angle regulators

( P m ) provide the phase-shifting by controllable quadrature voltage injection with

respect to the terminal voltage, with the objective of angle regdation. Since the

phase relationship between the injected voltage and the line current is arbitrary, the

phase shifter in general has both real and reactive power exchange with the ac power


Since the late 19609, thyristor controlled series capacitors (TCSC) have been used

to Vary the effective series compensating capacitance (a typical scheme using a thyris-

tor controlled reactor in parallel with a capacitm), being only able to affect the mag-

nitude of the current flowing through the transmission line. Similar to conventional

phase shifters are the thyristor controlied phase angle regulators which are able to

continuously vary the phase angle between the voltages at the two ends of an insertion

transformer without changing the magnitude of the phase-shifted voltage from that

of the original line voltage.


Among various power electmnic devices, the inverter which converts a dc voltage into

an ac voltage of a desireci amplitude and kequency seems to be by far the most useful

to be employed in power systerns, in order to make them more reliable, more efficient

and more flexible. Recent technological advancements have made manufacttlfig of

semiconductors with thermal and surge current handüng capability appropriate to

voltage and current ratings of hi& power transmission iines possible.

The development of high-power semiconductor devices with self commutating

capabilities like gate tum-off thyristors (GTO), insulateci gate bipolar transistors

(IGBT) or insuiated gate controiied thyristors (IGCT) opens up new perspectives in

the range of the relatively new Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) equip

ment [l]. The very concept of FACTS includes the use of high power electronics

and appropriate control technologies. Two main objectives of FACTS devices are: to

increase the transmission capability of the lines and to control the power flow over

designated transmission routes. In the future, what is aimed to be realized through

their solid-state implementation is a teal-the control of any of the parameters char-

acterizing a üne: transmission voltage, line impedance and phase angle.

The universal and most effeetive device is expected to be the Unified Power F l w

Controller (UPFC) which is able to control aJi three of the above parameters indepen-

dently and concurrently, and to internally generate controllable reactive power. thus

operating as a static syuchronous cornpensator, static synchronous series compensator

and phase angle regulator ail together. A major project is undertaken for the instal-

lation of the first large scale prototype of UPFC for Amencan Electric Power [2, 31.

The Static Synchronous Compensator (SSC or STATCOM) is a voitage source

inverter connected in shunt with the power system, capable of controllhg the trans-

mission line voltage by hternaily generating reactive power (both inductive and ca-

pacitive). The practicd efficiency of this equipment has been recently validateci by


the I I 0 0 MVAR STATCOM installation [4] for the Tennessee Valley Authority, the

first of its kind in the orrorld.

The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a series comected voltage

source inverter which can modify the effective line impedance. Various studies [5, 61

have been carried out with Merent software models to demonstrate the practicability

and the effkctiveness of such technology. In this thesis, a new SSSC application in

power systems is investigated through digital simulations for various test systems.


Static Synchronous Senes Compensation represents a novel approach, and an alterna-

tive to series line compensation, in which a synchronous voltage source, implemented

by a thyristor based voltage source inverter (VSI), is used to provide controllable se-

ries compensation. This compensator is, in generai, a solid-state switching converter

which is able to exchange active and reactive power at its output tenninals with an

ac power system, when operated with an appropriate dc power supply at its input

terminals. When coupled to an energy storage capacitot, an SSSC can only gener-

ate or absorb reactive power to and from the system. The SSSC considered in this

thesis is a llevel binary VSI connected in series with a three phase transmission line

t hrough a coupling transformer.

The power flow on a line can be increased by inserting an additional capaci-

t ive reactance in series wit h the transmission line, t hus decreasing the effective line

impedance. The power flow can also be decreased by inserting an additional in-

ductive reactance, thereby increasing the effective reactance. The SSSC is a static,

synchronous generator operated as a series compensator without an extemal electric

energy source, whose output voltage is controllable and is in quadrature with the Iine

current. It is employed for increasing or decreasing the overall reactive voltage drap

across the line, thus modeling an inductive or a capacitive reactance in series with


the transmission Line. This variable reactance iduences the electric power flow in

the transmission Iine. A small component of the voltage which is in phase with the

Lne current provides for the losses in the inverter.

The transmitted red power therefore becornes a parametric function of the injected

voltage (V,) and can be expressed as foilows:

Normal mode Inductive mode Capacitive mode

of operation of opration of operation

Figure 1.2: SSSC in inductive and capacitive modes and the related phasor diagrams


The compensating reactance (Xq) iIIustrated in Figure 1.2 is defined to be negative

when the SSSC is operated in an inductive mode; the compensating reactance has a

positive value when the SSSC is operating in the capacitive mode.

1.2.1 Inductive and Capacitive modes of operation

Figure 1.2 shows an example of a simple power transmission system with an SSSC

operating both in inductive and capacitive modes, and the related phasor diagrams.

The transmission b e with the inductive reactance Xc delivering power fiom the

sending-end voltage source to the receiving-end voltage source, having no compensa-

tion of any kind, is said to be in a steady-state. The voltage impressed by the effective

reactance is the same with the voltage drop across the uncompensated line because

the degree of series compensation is zero.

The line reactance is constant and by adding variable series (capacitive/inductive)

reactance, the amount of compensation can be controlled. The degree of series com-

pensation in this case is dehed as:

Xq x 100 % compensation = - XL

where XL is the line inductive reactance and X, is the emulated series reactance.

In the inductive mode of operation, the line current decreases as the inductive

reactance compensation Ievel increases from 0% to 100%. In the capacitive mode of

operation the line current increases with the capacitive reactance compensation level

from 0% to 33%. It is worthy to note fiom the diagrams that the SSSC not only can

increase the transferable power but it c m ais0 decrease it, simply by reversing the

polarity of the injected voltage. The reversed voltage is added directly to the line

voltage drop as if the Line impedance was increased.

The effects of the compensating reactance on the normdized power Bow in the

transmission Iine are as foliows: when the emulated reactance is inductive, the real

and reactive power flow decrease and the effective reactance increases as the reactance


compensation increases in the negative direction, and when the emulated reactance

is capacitive the real and reaictive power flow increase and the effective reactance

decreases as the reactance compensation incteases in the positive direction.

1.2.2 lmm-ty to c h s i c d subspcbronous resonances

The subsynchronous resonance is known as an electric power system condition where

the electric network exchanges energy with a turbine generator at one or more of the

natural frequencies of the combined system below the synchronous frequency of the


An SSSC is an ac voltage source operating o d y at the fundamental output fie-

quency and its output impedance at any other frequency should be zero. In practice

though, the SSSC may have a very smaii inductive impedance provided by the leakage

inductance of the series insertion transformer. The voltage &op across this impedance

is cornpensated at the fundamentai frequency when the SSSC provides capacitive line

compensation (in the capacitive mode). Consequently, the SSSC is unable to form a

series resmant circuit wit h the inductive line impedance to initiate subsynchronous

system oscillations,

1.2.3 Capabiüty to exchange active power

The SSSC when operated with an appropriate dc power supply (an energy source

and/or sink, or a suitable energy storage) can inject a component of voltage in anti-

phase with the voltage developed across the line resistance, to counteract the effect

of the resistive voltage drop on the power transmission. The capabiiity of the SSSC

to exchange both active and reactive power makes it possible to compensate for

both the reactive and resistive voltage drops, maintainhg a high effective X/R ratio

independently of the degree of series compensation.



The scope of this thesis is to examine the use of a Static Synchronous Senes Corn-

pensator (SSSC) in an electrical power transmission line for real power control under

various operating conditions.

The application of a new mdtilevel BVSI to reaüze a new SSSC for reai power

control is investigated. A real power controiler is developed and a capacitor voltage

controiler is adapted for the SSSC.

Initidy, the performance of the BVSI based SSSC is evaluated for providing

series compensation in a power system comprising a long transmiîsion line fed by two

infinite buses at the ends-

Then, BVSI-SSSC operation is examinecl for sudden load changes in a power

system configuration comprising synchronous machine, long transmission Line and

resistive load.

0 The robustness of the BVSI-SSSC is hally tested by applying he-to-ground

faults on a line where it is connected.


Chapter 2 provides a general and basic background of voltage source inverters. Tlic

newly proposed binary voltage source inverter (BVSI) is introduced with its configii-

ration and operating principle and its application for a new SSSC to be used for real

power control Ïs proposed.

The theoretical aspects of the dynamic control of active and reactive power flow are

discussed within the concept of the Unified Power Flow Controuer in a simple system

in Chapter 3. Rirther, the principle of operation, configuration and the controllers

employed for the S tatic Synchronous Series Compensator are presented.

Chapter 4 introduces the software tool used for the transient simulations. It offers

some of the theoretical aspects of long transmission lines and how they are modeled. A


few test systems are explicitly elaborated for the verincation of the SSSC performance

in various cases.

A comprehensive digital simulation study using a 3- level, lssteps BVSI based

SSSC as a real power compensator in a 230 kV transmission line is performed in

Chapter 5. Several r d t s are presented and discussed.

Lastly, Chapter 6 presents the h a l discussions, conclusions and some future te-

search directions-


[I] N.G. Hingorani, ''Flexible ac transmission," IEEE Spectrum, pp. 40-45, April


[2] M.E. Rahman, M. Ahmed, and etal., WE'C application on the AEP system - planning consideratiolis," IEEE Tmnsactzons on Power Systems, vol. 12, no. 4,

pp. 1695-1701, November 1997.

[3] C. Schauder, E. Stacey, and et-al., "AEP UPFC project: Installation, commis-

sioning and operation of the *160 MVA STATCOM," IEEE PES Winter Meeting,

December 1998.

[4] C.D. Schauder and et. al., "Development of a k100 MVAR static condenser for

voltage control of transmission lines," IEEE Tmmactions on Pow er Delivery, vol.

10, no. 3, pp. 1085-1097, Jdy 1995.

[5] L. Gyugyi, C.D. Schauder, and K.K. Sen, "Static synchronous series compensator:

A solid-state approach to the series compensation of transmission hes ," IEEE

TransactZons on Power Delàuery, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 406-417, January 1997.

[6] K.K. Sen, "SSSC-static synchronous series compensator: Theory, modeling and

applications," IEEE l'kansactions on Power Delivery, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 241-246.

January 1998.

Chapter 2


The overd situation regardhg the traditional power transmission and control aspects

needed to be reviewed and what the FACTS development is bringing into attention to-

day is a totally novel series compensation theory and practice: the power fiow control

by solid-state, synchronous voltage sources (SVS) (11. The general concept of an SVS

can be understood through an analogy to an ideal synchronous machine generating a

set of three sinusoidal voltages at the fundamentai frequency, with controllable mag-

nitude and phase angle. The machine connected to the system can interndy generate

reactive power (capacitive and inductive) and its response is almost instantaneous,

not affecting the existing system impedance.

The goal is to allow full utilization of the exïsting power generation and trans-

mission facilities and this has to be done without altering the system avaiiability and

security. When employed for series compensation, an SVS has to be connected in

series with the transmission line, norrndy through a coupling transformer. The real

and the reactive power that can be exchanged with the ac system are dictated by the

phase displacement of the injecteci voltage with respect to the line current. When

these two variables are in phase, oniy real power is exchanged while for a quadra-

ture phase relationship between the two variables, only reactive power is transferred

to/fkom the system.



A solid-state SVS can be implemented by voltage-source inverters (VSI). The VSE

based devices employ inverters using forced turn-off switches and dc energy storage

capacitors to generate synchronous voltage. In order to simulate the effects of series

compensation, the voltage inserted by a VSI must be in phase quadrature with the

line current a t the point ofconnection. For normal capacitive series compensation, the

output voltage of the inverter must hg the Luie current by 90°, in order to compensate

for the inductive voltage &op taking place in the line reactance. EIowever, if the

inverter voltage leads the line current by 90°, it will be in phase with the inductive

line voltage drop and therefore will create such an effect as if the inductance of the

line is increased, resdting in reduction of the power transmitted over the line.


Inverters are power electronic devices used to convert dc power into ac power at some

specific desired output voltage magnitude and frequency. This particular switching

power converter when fed by a dc source with a very smail or negligible interna1

impedance is called a voltage source inverter. When using forced turn-off switches in

appropriate multi-pulse circuit configurations, this type of inverter is most practicd

for power utility applications [2].

The voltage source inverters are also classified as forced commutated inverters be-

cause of their commutation process. Each switch is conducting for a period indicated

by its gate pulse and is commutated once the puise is removed.

The switches empioyed in a bridge inverter are comected in a bridge configuration.

There are certainly different bridge inverter circuits that can be built. Among them,

the basic bridge inverter circuit is the simplest one from the control strategy point

of view and the output voltage waveforms are sMply rectangular/square waveforms


with one positive and negative cycle over one period of time. The two possible

configurations for a 1-phase bridge inverter are the haIf bridge inverter and the fidl

bridge inverter and the Iater one is drawn in Figure 2.1-(a). The reasons for using

either of these configurations depend on the type of appücation. The number of

components (thyristors and diodes) used in a half bridge inverter is haif that of a fidi

bridge inverter but the disadvantage is that the dc source required in a half bridge

inverter has to be a three wire dc source, or two similar sources with the d u e half

of that in a full bridge inverter are necessary

Figure 2.1: One-phase full bridge inverter


The gate pulses and the output voltage waveforms are shown in Figure 2.1-(b).

During the period O t 5 Tl2 thyristors Tl and T2 conduct and the voltage V is

applied to the load. At the moment t = T/2, thyristors Tl and T2 are commutated

off and T3 and T4 are then gated on. During the second half of the interval thyristors

T3 and T4 conduct and the load is subjected to a vokage -Y. Thus, the inverter

output voltage which is the load voltage is an alternating tectangular waveform with

the frequency ( l /T) . By controllhg the duration of period T, the frequency of the

output voltage can be varieci.

Normallx in a circuit with a pure resistive Ioad, the thyristors would be enough

to convert the dc voltage into an ac signal. But the majority of loads are inductive

or capacitive and even a resistive load would have some inductance or capacitance.

Therefore, for these cases the current io flowing through the load cannot reverse its

polarity at the same instant with the load voltage &. The main role of the feedback

diodes connected in antiparallel with each thyristor is to permit load current to flow

continuously and more than that, to ensure that the two thyristors in the same branch

(Tl and T4, or T3 and T2) do not conduct simultaneously to allow a shortcircuit to

take place across the dc source. Of cowse, the magnitude of the output voltage in

the fidl bridge inverter is twice that of the half bridge inverter at the cost of doubling

the number of thyristors and diodes in the circuit.

The bridge inverter can be built in a three phase configuration as well and the

load, which can be connected in star or delta across the terminals A, B and C,

is subjected to an output voltage with a higher number of steps in the rectangu-

lar voltage waveform. In Figure 2.2 the thyristors are fired in the fouowing order:

Tl, Tz, T3, T4, Ts, Ts, Ti, ... and so on. Considering the period T divided into 2a

radians, each thyristor is fired in sequence after an interval of r / 3 .

In the Sphase bridge inverter, there are two dinerent modes in which the thyriston

can be gated and commutated: each thyristor can conduct for a period of r or


Figure 2.2: Three-phase bridge inverter

for a duration 2 ~ 1 3 . The gate pulses for the first type of conduction are depicted

in Figure 2.3 and they indicate the duration for which the respective thyristor is

conducting. Again a thyristor is turned on with the application of a gate pulse and

as soon as the pulse is removed, commutation takes place in that specific thyristor.

From the waveforms in Figure 2.3, it can be seen that 6 commutations are required

in a cycle and each gate signal Iasts for 180" in order to obtain the expected waveform

at the output terminals. The inverter operation foilows the next pattern: gate signals

are given at an interval of lr/3 to three thyristors at a tirne. Therefore, they conduct

in this order: 156, 126, 123, 234, 345 and 456. In this commutating pattern thrce

thyristors conduct a t a time and by identimng them one can easily draw the h i e

voltage waveform, for example UAB, and the other two simüar waveforms v s c and

UCA will be displaced by 120' in time.

With the help of the Fourier series [2], the output voltages can be expressed as:


Figure 2.3: Waveforms of %phase bridge inverter with 180° conduction

These equations show that the üne voltages have values defined by the intervals

of conduction and they do not depend on the type of load. Therefore, any linear,

balanced or unbalanceci load, or even any combination of resistance, inductance and

capacitance is possible to be connected at the output tenninals [2]. Also, the equa-

tions (2.1) to (2.3) show that the triple harmonies are not present in the line voltages.

The phase voltage UN has been drawn for a resistive load connected in a star config-

uration at the output terminais. Thus, for the first three intervals, the phase voltage


VAN equals in sequence V/3, 2V/3 and again V/3, following the same shape in the

negative semi-cycle as weii (-V/3, -2V/3, -V/3).

The second mode of operation consists in gating and commutating the thyristors

such that each one wiU conduct for a period of 21r/3. Like in the previous case, in

this pattern six commutations per cycle are slso required, but ody two thyristors

conduct a t a time in each of the six intervais in which they are fired. Having only two

thyristors conducting simultaneously, two of the load terminais are always connected

to the dc supply and the third phase periodicalIy remains in a floating state during

the six intervals.

DifEerent a d a r y components lîke thyristors, diodes, capacitors, inductors or

resistors can be introduced in any configuration of a bridge inverter to modify the

design of the commutation circuit. Thus, dinerent commutation methods can be

utilized in gating and commutating the thyristors to obtain better efficiency from

this category of switching power converters. For example, the circuit tum-off time

should be greater than the thyristors turn-on t h e in order to minimize the energy

lost in the commutating circuit, condition that corresponds to a minimum supply

voltage and maximum load curent. The modified McMurray half and fidl bridge

inverters (1-phase and 3-phase), the modified McMurray Bedford half bridge inverter

and the three-phase bridge inverter with dc side commutation are just a few circuits

that use different methods of commutation in this scope.


When using inverters in different applications the control of the output voltage is one

of the most important issues that are of concern. Sometimes a constant ac voltage is

required and, most of the times, control of circuit voltage is necessary dong with the

fiequency (in motor control applications). In this sense, a few methods have been

developed that fall in three dinerent categories:


- control of the dc voltage supplied to the invert-

- control of the voltage delivered by the inverter to the Ioad;

- control of the voltage within the inverter using time ratio control techniques.

Out of the three categorïes, the 1 s t one is of more interest to power systems

applications and it involves tirne ratio control employing suitable modulation schemes.

The inverters that use this type of control are c d e d pulse width modulated inverters.

In these schemes, the total number of power circuit components is not significantly

increased. Another advantage of great use for power systems is that in parailel with

voltage control, it is ais0 possible to reduce or at least eliminate lower order harmonic

fkequencies. High order harrnonics can be eliminated by the inductive part of the

load, so filter circuits do not necessarily need to be employed to reduce the harmonics

in the load curent.

The pulse-width moduiation technique can be applied through single pulse modu-

lation (SM), symmetrical multiple pulse modulation (SMM) , multiple pulse modula-

tion with selective reduction of harmonics (MMSR) and sinusoidd pulse modulation

(Sin M).

(a) Wavefonn without modulation

. (b) Modulated waveform

Figure 2.4: Single pulse modulation


Figure 2.4 shows the output voltage waveform of a single-phase full bridge inverter

without modulation and the shape that the waveform takes &ter modulation- The

difference consists in the duration of the pulse; instead of 180' duration for an un-

modulated wavefom, a pulse with duration of 2d is generated symmetricdy around

90". By m g the pulse width 2d, control of the output voltage is achieved. The

following Fourier series describes vo:

where n = 1,3,5, ...


By replacing the Fourier coefncients in the original formula of the output voltage, ZQ

becomes the next function:

O0 4v vo = C (, sin nd) sin nwt


From the equation-(2.7), for n=l, it can be seen that the maximum value the funda-

mental component c m take occurs for a puise width d = 7r/2 and is a square waveform

with the magnitude given by:

Therefore, the maximum rms value of the fundamental represents 90.4% of the dc

supply voltage. Still, for low values of the output voltage the amount of harmonic

content introduced is very substantial. In order to elhinate it , a symmetrical multi-

pulse modulation (SMM) can be achieved simply by using several equidistant pulses


per half cycle. With this method the harmonie content at low output voltages can be


A better method to permit harmonic content reduction wodd be a selective elimi-

nation of harmonics which can be implemented with the help of Multiple pulse modu-

lation with selective reduction of harmonics (MMSR). Figure 2.5 illustrates the pulse

positions per quarter cycle. By selecting suitable M pulse positions, any M harmon-

ics c m be elMinateci and the output voltage can be varied by controliing the pulse

duration 2d symmetncally around the pulse position. In a quarter of a cycle, the

puise positions are indicated by BI to BM.

As in the previous cases, the waveform is symmetrical in each quarter cycle so the

B,, coefficient in equation (2.4) is again zero. Correspondingly, the n-th harmonic

amplitude is now:

8V M

(vo ) nm = - sin nd sin n BK nr


where n represents the harmonie numbers to be eliminated and M corresponds to

the total number of harmonics selected to be eliminated. By making equation ( 2 -9)

equd zero, M non-linear algebraic equations need to be solved to find out B I , B2.

B . Considering the elimination of only the third, @th and seventh harmonics.

Figure 2.5: Select ive harmonic elimination method


for example, the next equation has to be solved fot BI, B2 and B3:

8V (qJnm = - sin &(sin nBr + sin nB2 + sin n Ba)


By replacing n = 3, 5 and 7 in the above equation, a systern of three non-ünear

equations solvable with the Newton-Raphson numerical technique yields the solutions:

Using the angles Bi, Bz and B3 as h g puises in a quarter cycle and symmetri-

ca.liy for the rest of the interval, one can have harmonics 3rd, 5th and 7th not exactly

zero but with the amplitudes alrnost negligible. The advantage of using selective har-

monic elimination instead of SMM is that some low order hannoaics are eliminated

rather than just minimized, but in the case of 3rd, 5th and 7th harmonics elimina-

tion the fundamental component reaches only 67% of that of an unmodulated square


Sinusoidal puise modulation (Sin M) is another method which permits a reduction

în the harmonic content. The only difference between Sin M and the two previous

methods is that the pulse width in this case is a sinusoidal fûnction of the anguiac

position of the pulse in the cycle. A comparative study of sinusoidal pulse modulation

(Sin M) with selective reduction of harmonics (MMSR) given in [3] shows that in the

case of a few pulses per half cycle MMSR is superior to Sin M which is essentiaily a

harmonic reduction method.

Voltage control of the output voltage of a bridge inverter can be achieved thsough

different methods together with harmonic reduction or elimination of certain low

order harmonics. However, there are applications where it is more important that

the harmonic component of the load curent be l e s than 5% of the fundamental

regardless of the amplitude obtained in the output voltage. Therefore, a harmonic

elimination and reduction by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is possible which

cannot be used for voltage control. This modulation method employs four additionai


commutations per cycle instead of one uecessary for the unmodulateci squarewave.

This method presents the disadvantage of high switchuig Iosses due to the four extra

commutations. This drawback of large number of commutations taking place in the

inverter constitutes an important limitation when dealing with a configuration of

many full bridge inverters co~mected together because the energy l o s would increase

in a direct proportion with the number of inverters used.


-4s it was described in section 2.2, the output voltage waveform of a simple &pulse

inverter contains ail harmonic components of odd frequencies except for the tnpk

harmonics. The harmonic content frequencies can be expresseci as [6k I l] f, where

f is the fundamental output fiequency and k = l , 2 , 3 .... It is evident that the high

harmonic content of such an elementary inverter makes its utilization impractical for

power utility applications. However, if harmonic neutralization met hods are used, the

input and output of n basic &pulse inverters can be combined to obtain a P = 6n

multi-pulse stmcture. The bequencies of the harmonics present in the output voltage

of such an inverter configuration with P p&es are [Pk k l] f . It is obvious that

the harmonic spectnun improves rapidly with increasing pulse number. Asa, the

amplitude of these harmonics is inversely related to the pulse number (for example,

the magnitude of the k-th hatmonic is proportional to l / [ P k f II).

Multi-pulse harmonic neutralized inverters can be implemented by a selection of

different circuit arrangements. Even though the implementations may be different,

the output voltage waveforms obtained wiU be essentiaily the same. Among the

vanous VSI topologies, the muiti-phase and multi-Ievel configurations have become

popular for power systems application& In these configurations the switching fre-

quency can be kept low in order to minimize device stresses, switching losses and the

harmonic distortion.


A three-level VSI topology has been constructeci and tested for a laboratory mode1

of an Advanced Static VAR Compeasator (ASVC) [4]. In this particdat configuration

the number of levels refers to the positive voltage levels including zero which appear

in the ASVC output iine voltage. For transmission lïne applications, a puIse number

of 24 or higher is required in order to achieve adequate waveform quality without

passive 6lters.

A &pulse inverter was used for the development of a new static compensator

(STATCOM) whose output voltage is a 21-step staircare waveform apprmtimating

very closely the sinusoidai line voltage. This arrangement contains a number of

8 elementary &pulse inverters with their outputs combined electrwnagneticdy to

produce a nearly sinusoidal resultant waveform [5]. Another inverter structure exem-

plified in [l] can use any n &pulse inverter modules, connected in parallel to the same

Vdc source. A 12-pulse static synchronous compensator using a 3-level GTO inverter

was also proposed in [6].

In a high power inverter ushg a sufnciently high pulse number the output voltage

distortion can be reduced theoretically to any degree and so the capacitors ripple cur-

rent. Thus, a perfect inverter shodd generate sinusoidal output voltage and draw pure

dc current without htroducing any harmonies into the system to which is connected.

Different multilevel VSI schemes have been studied and tested so far, included

among them are diode-clamp, flying-capacitor and cascaded separate dc source in-

verters [7]. The next section introduces a new contiguration for a VSI scheme which

does not requite any transformers, clarnping diodes or flying capaciton.


A new binary voltage source inverter (BVSI) with three separate dc sources was

proposed in [8]. In general, this n-level BVSI produces a (2"+' - 1) step ac voltage

output against (272 + 1) step output correspondhg to the conventional n-level VSI


configuration. By appropriate switching topology, aIi the important harmonies can be

either minirnized or compIetely eiiminated and a 15-step ac voltage output is produced

over one cycle, using only three dc sources of binary proportion.

2.5.1 Codguration and Topology

In this configuration, in order to increase the voltage rating, a number of three single

phase full bridge inverters (FBI) have been connected in series on each phase, as

shown in Figure 2.6.

The three-phase star-connected arrangement of the proposeci inverter contains

three separate dc sources. Three single-phase FBk are connected in series and each

FSI has its own dc source. The magnitude of each dc source is in binary proportion

of Vdci 2Vd, and 4Vk, where Vk was chosen to get the desired fundamental ac voltage

L 1 1 1 1

Figure 2.6: Three-phase star comected Blevel binary VSI


output for normalized one per unit modulation index, defined later in this section.

In this scheme, the switches (GTOs) are turned -on and -off to generate the 15step

ac voltage output over one fundamental cycle. The ac voltage output of each level

(ulit v12, v13) coincides with a conduction period of each capacitor and the resulting ac

phase voltage (va) is given by:

The voltages of the three Ievels take diffetent values consecutiveiy, depending on

which thyristor is fued and when (Table BI-Appendix B).

By appropriate switching of various thyristors and their combination, the output

of each N1 bridge inverter level is varieci, resulting in the phase voltage given in (2.12).

The switching frequency of a device decreases as its voltage rating increases as can

be seen fiom Figure 2.7. Highest voltage rating devices (VC3) are switched -on and

-off just once per half cycle. Figure 2.7 presents the ac output voltage for each level

(va,) and the fundamentai output voltage of the inverter (v,), as weil as the current

(icJ flowing through the capacitors. Also, the firing angles el to 07 which determine

the conduction period of each capacitor are indicated.

The advantages of using such a configuration have been explained and demon-

strated in [8] and also, the use of a selective hannonic elimination modulation tech-

nique to either completely eliminate or minirnize the low order harmonics was stud-

ied. Finally, the selective harmonic elimination modulation (SHEM) technique was

employed for the elimination or minimization of the 5", p, 1 13'", l p , 19"

harmonics .


1; m i r

91 02 94 96 $ ?r 35

Figure 2.7: Typical voltages of 3-level binary VSI


From Figure 2.7, the staircase output waveform of the binary voltage source inverter

can be defined for the positive haIf cycle as foiIows:

The Fourier analysis gives the fiequency components of this wave as below:

This waveform is a symmetric, odd huiction (f (t) = - f (-t) ) , and beause f (t) =

- f (t + n) it contains only odd harmonies, so:

a0 = O, ah = O (2.16)


resulting in the next expression for u,:

Considering bh = ûa-l for k = 1,2,3,4, -.. equation (2.17) becomes:

The waveform having quarter-wave symmetry, Û Z k 4 is being determined as below:

Replacing again h as 2k - 1 in the above equation, Û2k-L can be written as:

Now generaking for a n-level binary voltage source inverter:

where N = 2" - 1. Combining equation (2.18) and equation (2.21) together yields:

The fundamental rms and the harmonic ms phase voltages can be extracted from

the above equation:

va =

%k-1 =

Equation (2.23) can be rewritten for the three-level BVSI: ..


Therefore, the maximum fundamental phase voltage is given by:

Having defined the harmonic rms for the inverter output voltage, the total harmonic

distortion (THD) can be de- as:


Vh = magnitude of individual harmonic components (rms volts)

h = harmonic ordet

V, = nominal system voltage (rms volts)

2.5.3 Selective Harmonic Elimina tion Modulation Technique

The harmonic analysis performed on the waveform (v,) from Figure 2.7 shows very

clearly that the harmonic content of the inverter output voltage can be improved

significantly if a proper technique is used. Two switching strategies are considered in

a cornparison study in [4]: a Selective Harmonic Elimination Modulation technique

(SHEM) together with a fundamental frequency modulation (FFM) and the benefits

of using SHEM are highlighted. In the case of the three-level binary VSI, the mod-

ulation angles (Bi) in the equation (2.20) can be varied to rninimize the harmonic

distortion and also to control the magnitude of the fundamental output voltage. In

general, for a n-level BVSI, (2" - 1) steps pet haif cycle in the inverter output volt-

age provide control of the fundamental and elimination or minimization of (2" - 2)

harmonics. So, for a three-level binary VSI, seven steps introduced by the seven

modulation angles (Ol to &) help eliminate any six harmonics.

It has been explaineci that due to the quarter symmetry of the switching pat-

tern only odd haxmonics are present in the output voltage, so six harmonics of order


5th, p, l l t h , 1 3 ' ~ ~ 17Lh, lgUL are chosen for elimination or minimization. The triple

harmonics are filtered by the circulation through the delta configuration of the tram-

former primary through which the inverter is coupled to the system.

In order to solve the equations that yîeld the solutions of the seven modulation

angles, another variable must be dehed to introduce the last equation to complete

a system of six non-linear equations that reflect the harmonics voltage magnitudes.

The Modulation Index (MI), also known as amplitude modulation ratio, is defined

fiom equations (2.25) and (2.26): -

The voltage magnitudes of the six harmonies c m be deriveci fkom equation (2.20) and

by equalizing their expressions with zero, the next system is obtained:

The set of seven non-linear equations given above were solved using the Newton-

Raphson numerical technique and only the solutions for a Modulation hdex varying

between 0.51 and 0.886 fall inside the first quarter-cycle (O < < n/2). Thesefore,

these solutions are the only ones acceptable for firing pulses. Table 2.1 exemplifies a

few of these solutions which were obtained off-line for a Modulation Index of 0.51 to

0.886 in steps of 0.001 and used as firing angles during nui-time simulations.


In this thesis, the new Binary Voltage Source Inverter (BVSI) is employed as a Static

Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) for real power compensation in a transmis-

sion line. The 15-step, ac output voltage produced by the inverter is injected in the

system through a couphg transformer, in phase quadrature with the line current.

The magnitude of the voltage is dictated by the level of the compensation required

and is not dependent on the current amplitude. This BVSI based SSSC provides


Table 2.1: Swïtching patterns for 3-level BVSI

Modulation Angles in degrees

91 l 02 i 03 1 04 1 85 1 86 1 07

capacitive and inductive compensation at the transmission Ievel with minimum har-

monic distortion introduced into the system. F'urther, this compensator is tested

for various operating conditions including severe faults through transient simulations

studies using PSCAD/EMTDC software package.


This chapter aims to provide basic background about voltage source inverters and

how the output voltage of this type of power converters is influenced by computing

the gating pulses. The harmonic reduction and voltage output control in the inverters

is discussed and a few general methods for harmonic content reduction are brought

into attention. Various VSI topologies introduced in the literature are exemplified.

A new configuration for a multilevel VSI, as welI as a new method employed for

the elimination or minimization of the harmonie content (SHEM) is presented. The

application of this binary voltage source inverter as a novel series compensator is

pointed out at the end of the chapter.



[II L. Gyugyi, "Dynamic compensation of ac transmission lines by solid-state syn-

chronous voltage sources," IEEE ~ n s a c t i o w on Power Delivery, vol. 9, no. 2,

pp. 904-911, April1994.

[2] A. Joshi G.K. Dubey, S.R. Doralda and R.M.K. Sinha, Thyr i s toeed Power

Controllers, John Wdey & Sons, 1986.

[3] K.A. Krishnamurthy, "Selective reduction of harmonies in inverters," Interna-

tional Journal of Eleetronies, vol. 46, pp. 321-330, 1979.

[4] J.B. Ekanayake and N. Jenkins, "A three-level advanceci static var compensator,"

IEEE Trmactions on Power Delàuery, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 54G545, January 1996.

[5] C. Schauder, M. Gernhardt, E. Stacey, T. Lemak, and L. Gyugyi, "Development

of a MO0 MVAR static condenser for voltage control of transmission lines," IEEE

Transactions on Power Deliuery, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1085-1097, July 1995.

[6] C. J. Hatziadoniu and F.E. Chalkiadakis, "A 12-pulse static synchronous com-

pensator for the distribution system employing the 34evel GTO-inwrter," IEEE

Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1830-1835, October 1997.

[7] Jin-Sheng Lai and Fang Zheng Peng, "Multilevel converter - a new breed of

power converters," IEEE Transactions on Indwtry Applications, vol. 32, no. 3,

pp. 509-517, May 1996.

[8] K.V. Patil, R.M. Mathur, J. Jiang, and S.H. Hosseini, "Distribution system com-

pensat ion using a new binary multilevel voltage source inverter," IEEE Transac-

tions on Power Delivery, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 459-464, April 1999.

Chapter 3



This chapter describes a novel series cornpensator based on the Binary Voltage Source

Inverter (BVSI) for a transmission line. The series connected VSI is called Static

Synchronous Senes Compensator (SSSC). Its operating principle has been described

in [l, 2, 31 and the theory of its operation has been summarized in Chapter 1.

This FACTS device is capable of injecting an aimost sinusoidal voltage in quadra-

ture with the line cunent, thus modeling an equivalent inductive or capacitive reac-

tance in series with the transmission line. In order to fuaher understand the purpose

and the theoretical assumptions regarding the operation of the SSSC in any power

system, a good approach is to extend the dynamic control of active and reactive power

flow to the general concept of the Unilied Power Flow Controuer (UPFC) [4].


The control of ac transmission systems which empioys the voltage source inverters as

synchronous voltage sources (SVS) for reactive shunt compensation, reactive series

compensation, and transmission angle adjustment was proposed in [5]. Then came

the concept of the UPFC (61 which was later generalized for dynamic active and

reactive power control [4].


Compensator (SSSC)

f I

- Unificd Powet Flow Controiicr - (UPFC)

Figure 3.1: The family of synchronous voltage source based power flow controllers

The use of a SVS for transmission line compensation and control can be generalIy

visualized in Figure 3.1. Considering an elementary single transmission luie inter-

connecting two systems in a simple arrangement, the control of the power flow P

transmitted through the line is given by:


where h, I; are the magnitudes and &, b2 are the angles of the voItages of the two

systems and & is the impedance of the Iine.

As illustrateci in Figure 3.1, the transmission line voltage can be controued by the

Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) ah* is shunt-connected, the Iine

impedance can be effectively controlied by the series-connecteci Static Synchronous

Series Compensator (SSSC) and al1 of these variables (voltage, impedance and power

angle) are controlled by the most effkctive Unified Power Flow Controller [WFC),

selectively or concurrentiy.

The basic operating principle of the UPFC is to inject a voltage vector in senes

with the transmission line and force current through it, so as to obtain the desired

power transmission. The power source based on VSI providing this voltage vector

exchanges real and reactive power with the ac system, as the magnitude and angle

of the injected voltage is varieci. The inverter executing series voltage injection is

able to generate internaliy the reactive power exchanged. The reai power exchanged

appears at the dc terminal as a real power demand. The shunt-connected inverter is

used to provide the real power demanded by the senes inverter, which is dranm frorn

the ac system. The UPFC makes it possible to handie al1 power flow controI aiid

transmission iine compensation problems using solid-state VSI instead of switched

capacitors and reactors.

The two inverters in the UPFC are back-teback connected with a common dc

source to accommodate bidirectional reai power transfer between the ac input (shunt)

and output (series) terminais. If a specific application requires only controilable shunt

or series reactive compensation, the two inverters can be separateci, each with its own

dc source. Each becomes a VAR source, controllhg the voltage of its own capacitor

by exchanging real power with the ac system.


The paraiiel branch can supply reactive power for shunt compensation and repre-

sents an advanced static VAR compensator (ASVC). The series branch can provide

controllable series compensation and acts as a series condenser (a controllable voltage

source whose magnitude can be controiled independently of the üne current). These

two main parts of the UPFC, when used independently as an advanceci static VAR

compensator (ASVC) and as an advanced controilable series compensator (ACSC),

individudy display characteristics superior


to those of the conventional equivalent

The basic UPFC power flow control functions can be better iiiustrated using phasor

representations. Figure 3.2 presents the effects of the UPFC reguiating the terminal

voltage, providing series compensation (acting on the line impedance), regulating the

transmission angle (phase angle) and, in a multi-function power flow control, where it

is able to simultaneously regulate terminal voltage, line impedance and phase angle.

In all four cases power flow control is achieved by adding a voltage phasor V,, to

the terminal voltage phasor V, (Figure 3.1). The ac voltage injected in series with

the line via a coupling transformer is supposed to have a controllable magnitude V,,

between O and a dehed maJcimum value &,-, and any angular position between O"

and 360" with respect to the terminal voltage. Since this voltage source is assumed

to have no restrictions, the end-point of its phasor can be situated on the edge of a

circle with the center at the end of the reference phasor V, and the radius of hP,. Terminal voltage regdation is obtained simply by making the angle of Qq equal

zero and its magnitude V, = *AVo, so the injected voltage is in phase or in anti-phase

with the terminal voltage, and is affecting only the magnitude of L$ (Figure 3.2-a). A

series line compensation is shown in Figure 3.2-b, where V, = V, and the phasor V, is

perpendicular to the line current phasor I . The voltage V, increases or decreases the

total voltage &op across the Iine impedance aecording to whether Vc lags or leads the


Voltage Series Phase angle Mdti-function regdation compctlsation regdation power fiow contml

Figure 3.2: Basic UPFC control functions

line current respectively. A phase angle regulation can be achieved when Vw = V, is

injected with an angular relationship with respect to V,, and so the resultant terminal

voltage phasor VJ at the end of the line has the same magnitude as V. but its phase

angle is shifted with the desireci c (the phase shift can be advanced or retarded) as

iilustrated in Figure 3.2s. Practicdy, the phase sh i f t is achieved without any change

in the magnitude of the terminal voltage.

In the multi-function power flow control, the Unified Power Flow Controller can

achieve combined terminal voltage regulation, series l h e compensation and phase

angle regulation at the same time. This is obtained by synthesizing the injected

voltage phasor £rom the three phasors controlled individually AV., Vc, and Vq. so

that the phasor V, = AV, + V, + V, (Figure 3.2-d).

3.2.3 Generalized power control perspectives

The basic power transmission concepts can therefore be expanded with the help of

this generalized Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). This approach permits corn-

bined shunt reactive compensation with controllable series compensation and phase

angle regulation. At the same time, the transition from one selected compensation


mode to another in real tirne is fast and thus dinerent system contingencies can be

handled more effectively. As an inneasing naber of FACTS devices WU start to be

used in relatively large interconnecteci power systems, the control compatibility and

coordination wi l l have to be maintaineci regardless of any equipment f ' u r e or sys

tem changes. A b , the approach of a UPFC provides more operating flexibility by its

inherent adaptability to power systems changes or expansions without any alteration

in the hardware.


This section provides a very thorough description of the Binary Voltage Source In-

verter (BVSI) based Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) , with ali the

controllers employed. Once again, its functioning and principle of operation are ïilus-

trated through explicit diagrams and detailed representations.

3.3.1 Configuration of a new SSSC

For active or reactive power compensation, injection of a controfled, synchronized volt-

age in a transmission line is a better alternative to adding circuit devices (capacitors or

inductoa) and controlling the current through them. This approach is recommended

for power flow control by soiid-state, synchronous voltage sources (SVS). It has been

shown in Chapter 2 that a solid-çtate, Synchronous Voltage Source implemented by

Voltage Source Inverters is able to produce a synckronous voltage similar to the one

generated by a synchronous machine at the fundamental frequency, by using only dc

energy sources and gate-turn-off devices.

For series compensation of a transmission line, the SVS must be connected in

series with the line through an insertion transformer. The real and the reactive

power of the compensatecl line is govemed by the phase angle and magnitude of the

injected voltage wïth respect to the line curent. When the injected voltage is in

phase quadrature with the line current, only the real power is influencecl. On the


other hand, when the injected voltage is in phase with the voltage at the point of

common coupling (PCC), the ceactive power is rnainly influenced.

The new series compensator based on the BVSI is presented in Figure 3.3. The

SSSC is connected in series with a simple three-phase transmisson line modeled

through an impedance (assumed pure inductive).

The transmission line, which can be part of a more complex power system, is

connecting two systems considered infinite buses: a sendingsnd voltage source Vs

and a receiving-end voltage source VR. The buses considered are 230 kV, 60 Hz and

the voltage and bequency are assumed to remah constant during the operation. The

load angle between the two bus voltages is considered to be b degrees. The series



Power Controller

Figure 3.3: Series connection of BVSL in a transmission line


connection of the SSSC is realized through an insertion transformer. The windings of

the BVSI transformer side are delta-connected for the circulation of triple harmonies.

The SSSC consists of the lbstep, harmonie neutralized BVSI, three single-phase

coupling tramformers and the controllers represented in block diagram in Figure 3.3.

The controller gains are given in Appendix A.

Considering the diagram in Figure 3.4 representîng the phasors £rom the mode1 in

Figure 3.3 and, for simplicity, the voltages of the two systems to be equal, the power

in equation 3.1 can be also written as:

P = vr cos 4 (3-2)

Normdy, for equality between the magnitudes of the voltages at the two ends of the

transmismon line the current phasor is located at approximately the same angle with

respect to the two voltage phasors, so # = b/2. Then, equation 3.2 becomes:

The voltage injected by a multi-pulse inverter can be mathematically expressed as:

v Figure 3.4: Phasor diagram of the compensated system voltages


where Vc is the injected compensating voltage, 1 is the Iuie eurrent, Xc is the reactive

line impedance, Xc is the capacitive reactance of the series compensation and k

defines the degree of the series compensation. Aftet the injection of the compensating

voltage Vc, the remaining voltage drop between the two systems can be defineci as:

b IXc - Vc = 2V sin -


or the h e current can be deducted as below:

By replacing the current in the equation 3.3:

V 6 6 P = -(2V sin - + Vc) cos -

XL 2 2

Thus, the tramferable power for two systems connected through a short transmission

line incorporating the effect of this compensation is given as a function of Vc:

In fact, the same compensated power can be written for an equivalent k pu compen-

sation as:

P = v

sin S X d l - k)

An interesting case arises for 6 = O0 when Vc = IXt is injected in the line. Then,

the effect of the compensating voltage is exactly the same as that of a phase-shifter,

introducing a phase Merence between each system voltage and the voltage at the

point of insertion, which should remain constant in magnitude. Theoreticdy, the

transmitted power would depend on the angle introduced by the compensating voltage

with respect to the terminai voltages.


3.3.3 Main Controller

As can be seen fiom the bfock diagram in Figure 3.3, the main function of the power

controller is to respond to any change in the power demand and to adjust the z t u d

power trammitteci through the line such as to make these two variables qua1 at any

moment in t h e -

In order to do this, a compensating voltage Vc of certain amplitude and in quadra-

ture with the line current needs to be injected by the SSSC at the point of coanection.

The magnitude of the Vc is controlIed by the power contro1Ier in closed-loop until

the power request is met. The angle of the BVSI voltage wîth respect to the line

current is estabIished by a phase angle controller (-90' or 90') based on whether the

compensation required is capacitive or inductive.

The power flowing in the line at the point of the BVSI connection is measured

continuously and per-unitized by dividing the measured value to the rated power. The

rated power of the Iine is chosen to represent 1 pu. Thus, every t h e there is a new

power demand in the line above or below 1 pu, the controller responds by calculating

an error signal based on the new power demand and the power flowing through the

h e at that moment. This error is passed through a proportional plus integral (PI)

controller with fdback signal denved from the power measured in the line and the

new demand. The output of this PI controller is the modulation index (MI) and

depending upon its value, the modulation angles (Bi...&) to fire various switches are

selected from the precornputed switching patterns table (Table 2.1 in Chapter 2).

The sequence of d u e s for the firing angles (Bi...&) coming out kom the switch firing

logic are gate signal vectors (sa, sb, s,) for the inverters in the configuration of the

3-level binary VSI.

Figure 3.5 illustrates the phase angle controller used for generating a voltage signal

in quadrature with the line current for one phase. SlmiIar schemes are employed for

the other two phases, with the corresponding phase shiRs of f 120". The controlIer


Phase due ta

I nansformer configuratim Fquenc y

*@d Magnitude

Figure 3.5: Inverter voltage phase angle controller

calculates the line current angle (4) with respect to the receiving-end voltage (VR)

considered as the reference phasor (6 = 0'). The phase angle of the generated signai

is either q5 - 90' when the inverter is operated in the capadive mode, or q5 + 90" for

the inductive mode of operation.

Also, the phase-shift fiom the delta configuration in the primary of the coupling

transformer to the star comection in the secondary is taken into account, and the

angle f& obtained fiom the capacitor voltage controller is added/subtracted fiom the

calculated voltage phase angle ( ~ ) depending on whether the capacitor voltages are

above or below the normalized levels. The fiequency of the voltage signal is held con-

stant at 60 Hz and synchronized to the supply. The magnitude of the output voltage

is controlled by the modulation index (MI) through the PI controller depending upon

the desired level of compensation.

3.3.4 Capacitor Voltage Con trouer

At the beginning of the BVSI operation, the capacitor voltage levels are set at

V&, 2Vd, and 4Vk, where the value of Vat was establisheà at 2 kV. As soon as

the batteries are removed leaving in place the capacitors to provide a constant dc

voltage and during the operation of the inverter, these voltages may drift from their

set levels due to the power losses in the inverter and an unbaianced operation of the

three phase system.

Basicdy, the charge and therefore the voltage across each capacitor is maintained

by prolonging or shortening the duration of the current flowing through it. This can

be achieved by shifting the switching patterns.

More charging of the capacitor can raise its falhg voltage when the inverter is

producing leading vars or absorbing laggîng vars. Also, a discharge of the capacitors is

necessary when the dc source voltages are jumping up while trying to support a VAR

request (hi case of a fa& occurring in the line during the capacitive compensation

mode). This can be done by deviating ftom the phase quadrature of the compen-

sating voltage with respect to the line current with a small angle; a few degrees can

cause a small real power exchange between the SSSC and the system for charging or

discharging the de side capacitors.

Figure 3.6 illustrates the dc source voltage controller employed on each phase,

which is the same controuer originally conceived for the capacitor voltage controller

in STATCOM [7]. In order to maintain the capacitor voltages constant and in b i n q

proportion, the phase angle of the generated voltage signal with respect to the line

current (1C, in Figure 3.5) is calculated to be a few degrees less than 90".

This deviation fiom 90' (Bd) is calculated nom the outputs of four PI controllers.

One error signal passing through the first controller is the ciifFerence between the

average of the dc voltages normalized for each level and a V&,rcj of 1 pu. The output

of the other three controliers is proportional to the difference between the average dc

voltage in pu on all the dc sources, and each individual capacitor voltage measured

and normalized to its reference value, producing some s m d angles A&. These AB1,

A& and A& are time intervals during which the conduction ofeach capacitor is either

shortened or prolonged depending on whether the capacitor voltage level is above or

below the reference value.


Figure 3.6: Control diagram of the capacitor voltages

For the capacitive mode of operation, the delay @,.J (negative in si*) is subtracted

from the -90" phase quadrature of the voltage signal, resulting in a lagging angle for

the compensating voltage smaiier than -90". During the inductive operation of the

inverter, the (negative) deviation Or is added to the +90° phase quadrature of the

voltage signal such that +90° is decreased to a smaller leading angle of the inverter

voltage. The power exchanged at the t e d a l s of the SSSC is given by:


Figure 3.7: Polar representation of the tngonometric hinctions

where Vc is the compensating voltage, 1 is the h e current at the point of common-

coupling and Bd ïs the deviation calculateci in the capacitor voltage controiler.

As can be seen fiom the diagram in Figure 3.7, whenever the inverter voltage angle

is found in the positive semi-circle of the cosine function, the power exchange will be

positive causing a circulation of some real power fiom the system into the inverter

to keep the capacitors charged. However, for an angle exceeding f90°, the cosine

function wilI be negative and therefore the power exchange wilI have a negative sign

supplying a certain amount of watts to the system, thus reducing the overcharging.

In principle, the resulting angle gd causes the inverter to draw sufficient amount

of active power from the system to keep the capacitors charged, or to pump the

same amount of active power into the system to discharge the capacitors, in order

for their voltages to be kept to binary constant levels. In essence, it adjusts the net

active power flow intolout of the inverter, while the angles AB1, A& and A& are

used to prolong or shorten the conduction period of the capacitors Cl, C2 and Cs,

respectively. The net active power exchange with the system equalizes the switching

and the capacitor losses.


3.3.5 Control of power flow

The operation of the SSSC is baseci on the injection of an almost sinusoidd voltage

in series with a transmission üne, having a variable magnitude and a phase angle

lagging or leading the iine current by 90". The amplitude of the injected voltage

is independent of the Iuie current magnitude. The load angle between the voltage

phasors at the two buses is supposed to remain unchangeci.

By injecting this compensatirtg voltage in anti-phase with the voltage drop across -

the line, the total voltage drop between the point of injection and the receiving-

end bus is increased as if the line impedance was increased. In fact, the effective line

impedance remain constant while more current and accordingly, more power is allowed

to flow through the line (Figure 3.8-a). On the contrary, when the compensating

voltage is inserted in phase with the iine voltage &op, the effect on the total voltage

drop is reversed, the load angle between the intermediate bus and the receiving-end

bus is decreased (fkom 6 to Y), and also the amount of current and power transferred

through the line (Figure 3.8-b).

From the phasor diagrams in Figure 3.8 the power transfer characteristic of a iine

compensated with SSSC is:

The fundamental V, of the injected voltage is controlled to lag or to lead the line

ciirrent by 90°, and the compensating reactance is defineci to be positive for capac-

itive compensation and negative for inductive compensation, t hereby increasing or

decreasing the current and the power in the line, respectively.


The operation of the new Static Syndironous Series Compensator and the validity

of the power controlier are evduated through transient simulations using PSCAD


Figure 3.8: Steady-state operation of the SSSC for capacitive (a) and inductive (b) compensation

software package. For simplicity, a test case is considerd where two infinite buses

are connected through a line represented by an inductance.

3.4.1 Test case with fine represented byan inductor

This case considers two inhi te buses, a sending-end voltage source and a receiving-

end voltage source, with the rated line voltage of 230 kV, at a constant synchronous

kequency of 60 Hz and the system base hf VA value (3-phase) is 100. In the model,

the source impedance type is resistive and no zero sequence of the impedance is

included. The load angle assumed is 30". The three phase line impedance is rnodeled

by an inductance, assuming no resistance. The value of the inductor is chosen such

as, according to the parameten of the system, a rated reai power flow of 100 MW is

transferred through the line. That gives an inductance of 701.6 mH in each phase.

The configuration of the BVSI, together with the power controller functions, are

rnodeled very precisely and the sd tch firing logic to generate firing pulses is called to

trigger the pulses during the run-time simulation. For simplicity, the voltages across

each dc source in the BVSI configuration are set to the binary ievels by batteries.

Thereiore, they are kept constant to the binary levels during the simulation. The

capacitor voltage controller will be employed later on, once the effeetiveness of the

new SSSC is tested.


The transformer used to conneet the BVSI to the line is modeled through three

single-phase transformers rated at 10 W A each. A small l ehge reactance of 0.1

pu is modeled inside the transfomers and no losses are considered so the transformer

model is lossless. The ta? changer windinq fkom primary to secondary have the

ratings 1:l but the magnitude of the voltage injected by the secondary is higher

than the magnitude in the pcimary because of the delta-star configuration of the


3.4.2 Discussion of the results

The simulation results for the case described above are presenteâ in Figure 3.9. It is

to be noted that dinerent graphs use difEerent scales in order to highlight the requited

part of the characteristic.

In the beginning the SSSC is disconnected from the system and the 0ow of red

and reactive power is initialized to reach a steady-state in the k t 0.3 seconds, with

100 MW & 25 MVAR power transfer, which represents the line operating at full

capacity (1 pu). As long as no compensation is needed, the SSSC can remain discon-

nected fkom the h e .

At 0.5 seconds, the reference power is increased from 1 pu to 1.25 pu (Figure 3.9-

a) and the breakers co~ect ing the inverter to the line are closed. To increase the

power transferred, capacitive compensation is necessary in order to decrease the line

impedance. The voltage that the BVSI injects into the system is lagging the line

current by 90' (Figure 3.9-d) and the power controller calculates the correspondhg

Modulation Index (MI) (Figure 3.9-c). The value of the MI is initialized in the PI

controiler a t 0.631, increases abruptly when the error is considerably large because

of the new demand, and then settles to a certain value which produces the specific

required voltage to compensate for the power demand. Soon after the connection

of the BVSI, the required real power flow is transferred through the line. With the


increase in the reai power Bow, a change in the amount of the reactive power flow is

also observed (Figure 3.9-b) which is due to the leakage reactance of the traosformer.

At 1 second, the power demand is decreased to 0.75 pu. The new demand imposes

the inverter to mit& the operating mode fion capacitive to inductive compensation.

The controiier adjusts the angle of the injected voltage such as to Iead the line current

which decreases in magnitude and therefore, the active power flow is reduced. A rapid

phase adjustment in the inverter output takes place within one cycle of power change


It is to be noted that the SSSC is able to successfully switch from capacitive

operation to inductive operation in a few millisecon&. The fast response of the

inverter enhances the transient overall stability of the system to the changes that

take place in the power demand.


3.4.3 Simulateci Test

tirne, sec

O Red power O Reactive power (b)

- - -

- . . tirne, sec

Modulation Index

t h e , sec

v , o r

time, sec

Figure 3.9: SSSC in capacitive and inductive mode



A new Static Synchronous Series Compensator for real power control in a transmis-

sion line is presented in this chapter. First, the dynamic control of active and reactive

power flow is extendeci to the general concept of Unifieci Power Flow Controiier. O p

erating principle as well as phasor representation are given in order to understand

its control functions. The configuration of the new BVSI based SSSC is elaborated

and explaineci together with the controliers ernployed by this compensator. Again,

prïnciple of operation and brief analytical formulation are provided in expiicit dia-

grains and representations. Finally, the two modes of operation are tested in a simple

case with the transmission line represented by an inductor. The preliminary results

provide a sound basis for the following chapter in which more complex systems are



[Il L. Gyugyi, CD. Schauder, and K.K. Sen, "Static synehronous series compensator:

A soüd-state approach to the series compensation of transmission Lines," IEEE

Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 406417, January 1997.

[2] K.K. Sen, ''SSSGstatic synchronous series compensator: Theo y* modeiing and

applications," IEEE ~ n s a c t z o n s on Power Deliveq, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 241-246,

January 1998.

[3] C. J. Hatziadoniu and A.T. Funk, "Development of a control scheme for a series-

connected solid-state SVS," IEEE ~ n s a c t z o n s on Power Delivery, vol. 11, no.2,

pp. 1138-1144, April1996.

[4] L. Gyugyi, C.D. Schauder, and S.L. Williams, "The irnified power flow controuer:

A new approach to power transmission control," IEEE Transactions o n Power

Delivery, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1085-1093, April 1995.

[5] L. Gyugyi, "Dynamic compensation of ac transmission lines by solid-state syn-

chronous voltage sources," IEEE Transactions on Power Delàuery, vol. 9, no. 2.

pp. 904-911, April 1994.

[6] L. Gyugyi, "Unined power-flow control concept for flexible ac transmission sys-

tems," IEE Proceedings-C, vol. 139, no. 4, pp. 323-331, July 1992.

[7] K.V. Patil, R.M. Mathur, J. Jiang, and S.H. Hosseini, "Distribution system corn-

pensation using a new binary muitilevel voltage source inverter," IEEE Transac-

tions on Power Delàwery, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 459-464, April 1999.

Chapter 4


In this chapter a complete test system is developed progressively, starting ftom the

mode1 of two infinite- buses connected t hrough a transmission line, then replacing one

end with a synchronous generator and the other end with a resistive load. Different

load changes and power order changes are simulated and tested to prove the vaIidity of

the SSSC operation under various operat ing conditions and system changes. FinaiIy,

a few faults are simulated fiom single-phase to ground fault to most severe conditions

Iike a three-phase to ground fault o c c d g for five cycles. Each case is presented

separateiy and simuiated with the help of the PSCAD/EMTDC software program [II which is described briefly in the following section.


PSCAD (Power System Computer Aided Design) is a collection of programs created

to provide a very flexible interface to electromagnetic transients simulation software.

EMTDC is a library of various power system models, components and procedures

which, t oget her with the collection of programs, constitutes the simulation software

provided with PSCAD. These two software packages are known and referred to as

" PSCAD/EMTDC . In other words, PSCAD is a famiiy of cornputer tools designed

to help simuiate power systems.


The EMTDC program has been developed since 1976- It tas been used to solve

systems far larger and address problems far bigger than origindy conceived. One

advantage to the uset is the FORTRAN coding which must be used to develop modeis

such that the user can create his/her own unique system.

EMTDC can model:

resistor, inductor and capacitor circuit elements;

mutuaiiy coupled windings;

distributeci, fkequency dependent transmission lines and cables;


swit ches, thyristors, diodes and gate- turn-O ff devices;

analogue and digital control hct ions;

AC machines and static compensators;

meters and measuring functions;

generic DC and AC machine controis.

EMTDC is used for studies such as:

1 - Control system studies with non-linear eiements, for optimizing performance

of DC transmission, static compensation, AC machines, switched systems.

2. Subharmonic problems of an AC system such as transient torque analysis a d

subsynchronous resonance including response and effects on DC transmission, static

compensation and AC machines.

3. Methods of forced commutation of DC systems.

4. Impact of weak AC systems on DC converters and methods of improving system


5. Series or parallel DC transmission systems.

6. The effects of AC and DC circuits on the same tower.

7. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS).

8. The impact of electromagnetic pulse on transfomen.

9. Operation of self excited induction generators for use in smali hydro and wind

turbine systems,

In this thesis, the EMTDC program was used to build a system model of a new

FACTS device to provide series compensation for a transmission iine connectbg two

buses. The new series compensator is a Binary Voltage Source Inverter (BVSI) based

Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC). The BVSI model was created by a

FORTRAN mitten user program [21.


Out of the four distributed electrical circuit parameters of a transmission h e (se-

ries resistance R and inductance L, shunt conductance G and capacitance C), the

characteristic behaviour of the line is dictated by its series inductance and shunt Ca-

pacitance. The series resistance and shunt conductance are ignored when modeling

the line because their influence is insignificant. Figure 4.1 shows a lumped-parameter

equivalent circuit of one phase of a transmission line with identical synchxonous ma-

chines connecteci at both ends. This is a model of a symmetrical line 131.

RECEIVING END Line inductance

A I - l n 1

\ Line capacitance

Figure 4.1 : Lumped-element representation of a long transmission line

Since both G and R are negligible, the high voltage lines are assumed to be lossless.

Hence, the characteristic impedance Zc with losses neglected is often referred to as

the surge impedance (SI) [41. It is numerically equd to:

being a function of the line inductance and capacitance but independent of the line

length. It has the dimension of a pure resistance. For high voltage overhead-lines,

the positive sequence value Iies in the range of 2 0 0 0 Q. A convenient average value

of the surge impedance is 400 Q [5].

If losses are neglected, then the line is entirely characterized by its length and by

two other parameters, Zc and p:

where X is the wavelength and /3 is the wave number. At 60 Hz, A is 3100 miles and

p can be expressed as 0.116°/mz. Since these two parameters are roughiy equal for

al1 lines, the behaviour of a line is different according to its length, voltage and level

of power transmission.

When a resistance equal to the surge impedance of a transmission line is connected

across the receiving-end of the line, a sinusoidal voltage introduced into the sendinp

end travels along the line being completely absorbed. The voltage at the receiving-end

varies sinusoidally in tirne, has the same magnitude as the voltage at the sending-

end, and is displaced by an angle equivalent to the time required for the wave to

move from one end to the other. The phase angle between the sending-end and the

receiving-end, which is also known as the electriccil length of the h e , expressed in

radians or wavelengths, is given by:

where L is the total length of the line. For a 100-miles line a t 60 Hz, the electrical

length of the iine is 0.203 radians or 11.6'.


Figure 4.2: Phasor diagram of a naturdy loaded line

If both V and I a t each end have a constant amplitude and are in phase with each

other dong the line (Figure 4.2), the line is said to have a flat voltage profile and to

be naturally loaded. The load deüvered over the line to the resistance equivalent to

the SI is caiied surge impedance lauding (SIL) or natural load and is given by:

K2 P o = - [MW] zc where iç the rated voltage of the line in volts. Based on an average value for the

SI of 400 O, the SIL can &O be written as:

SrL =2.5(kv)* [kW] (4.5)

where kV represents line-to-line kilovolts of the transmission line. For a nominal

voltage of 230 kV the SI is approximately 380 0, while the SIL is about 140 MW.

The reactive power balance is achieved at the natural loading (SIL). This is the

unique value for the transmitted power that gives a flat voltage profile of the line and

unity power factor at both ends. Po is also caiied the natural power of the line and

the reactive power is zero. It means that, at the natural load, no reactive power is

absorbed or generated at either end of the line.



This case presents the mode1 of a medium-length line (230 kV, 60 Hz) connecting

two infinite sources.

In modeling the test system, a 200 km (124.3 mi) length of the line is chosen

with ground resistivity of 100 ohm - m. This medium-length line is modeled as

a Bergeron, ideally-tramp& line, with the low frequency of 60 Hz and a high

fiequency of 106 Hz. The conductors type is AC conductors, 3 phases, rated at

230 kV line-teiine rms, displaceci by 120 electrical degrees. The generd conductor

data is considered by default in solving for the line constants. After the program

processes and solves the data, it is saved in a batch fde which is hurther compiled in

the draft file before running the simulation.

Two infinite sources are connected at each end of the line. Each source bas a

system impedance which is represented as RRL (R in series with paraIlel combination

of RL circuit). The system base MVA (%phase) is 100, the base fiequency is 60 Hz.

For this case, since the line losses are modeled, the magnitude of the voltage at the

sending-end is chosen to be slightly higher than the magnitude at the receiving-end.

That ensures the direction of the power flow, together with the phase displacement

between the two sources. The initial source magnitude of the sending-end is thus

selected to be 235 kV line-to-line while the voltage magnitude at the receiving-end is

only 230 kV. These values are assumed to stay constant during the operation since

they represent voltage-controlled buses.

For a line length of 200 km (124.3 mi), the phase angle between the two sources

is 14.5" according to equation (4.3). The initial phase from the receiving-end to the

sending-end is thus chosen to be 15 degrees. This value is found on the stable part

of the power-angle diagram ensuring stable operation.

In the above situation the line is able to transfer approximately 185 MW of real

power fiom the sending-end to the receiving-end, which corresponds to 1.32 pu SIL


operation. While the circulation of the real power is done in one direction only, both

sources are generating a smaU amount of reactive power (approximately 5 MVAR),

which is injected in the üne symmetricaliy by both ends. That can be explained by

the fact that the line operates heavily loaded (with 1.32 pu SIL) and, therefore, a

certain amount of reactive powec is absorbed by the line, which is suppüed by the

infinite sources at the two ends.

The transformer through which the conneetion of the SSSC to the iine is realized

has the same characteristics as the one modeled in the test of the new SSSC (Chapter

3). According to different ratings of the tap changer windings, control of the real

power can be provided starting fiom the immediate viciniv of 1 pu real power floming

through the line up to 50% of compensation. The maximum power transferred during

normal operation without the SSSC comected to the line (185 MW) represents 1 pu

rated real power for this line.

When no compensation is needed, the inverter can be disconnected nom the Line.

As soon as the reference power in the power controllet changes, the breakers connect-

ing the SSSC to the system are closed and the angle of the compensating voltage

is adjusted to lag or to lead the line curent, depending upon whether capacitive or

inductive compensation is required.


For the system modeled in Section 4.3 the rated power on the line is 185 JI1 k W .

representing 1 pu. The circuit of the mode1 is presented in Appendix A.

The transformer co~ec t i ng the SSSC to the system has delta to star configuration

£iom the inverter side to the h e , to eliminate triple harmonies produced by BVSI

entering the line. Therefore, the magnitude of the voltage injected fkorn the secondary

side will be higher than the one produced in the ptimary of the transformer, and

also there wili be a phase shift of 30° (change fkom ph& voltages to line voltages),

Table 4.1: BVSI's output voltage limits

marginally modifieci by intenial impedance voltage drops. This angle was taken in

consideration when designing the invertet voltage phase angle controller for the SSSC.

According to the selected value for Vd, of 2 kV on the capacitors side and in

b c t i o n of the Modulation Index calculated fiom the PI controller, the inverter is

able to produce a voltage of a certain magnitude between two ümits dictated by the

maximum and minimum acceptable values for the MI (Chapter 2, Section 2.5.3).

Sorne of these values are shown in Table 4.1, and the corresponding voltages are

calculated from equations (2.25) and (2.28). As can be seen from the above table,

the configuration of the BVSI aliows for a minimum of 6.4 kV and a maximum of

11.16 kV at the output terInbals of the inverter. The voltages on the transformer

secondary are 4 times the primary d u e s .

In order to provide compensation for the real power over a wide range ( h m 0%

to 50%), by selecting dinetent ratings for the tap changer windings of the transformer

more flexîbility in the magnitude of the inverter output voltage can be obtained- To

provide control in the immediate vicinity of 1 pu real power flowing through the

line, the insertion transfomers on each phase must have an appropriate rating of

the transformer windings of 41. A ratio of 2:l for the transformer windings makes

possible a compensation degree between 15%-25%. With 1:l rating of the tap changer

windings, the compensation level can be increased up to 50%.

A higher degree of compensation could be achieved if the transformer ratings are

ML 0-510

T t d o r m e r primary voltage (kV) 6.40

Transformer secondary voltage (kV) 11.09


further changed to 1:2, but in this test case compensation over 50% is not considered

for the study. Difterent power order changes are made possible by selecting appr*

priate ratings in the insertion transformer model, thus providing control over a wider



This case considers the above described transmission line connecting a 350 MtrA

synchronous generator with aU the dynamics enabled, with a stepup transformer at

one end, to a resistive ioad at the other end. The PSCAD circuit drawing and the

data are shown in Appendix A.

For the 350 MVA, 13.8 kV, %phase synchronous machine, the rated voltage and

current are respectively 13.8 kV l ine-tdhe and 14-64 kA. The machine is connected

to the 230 kV transmission iine through a %phase 350 MVA stepup transformer

with A-Y configuration. At the other end of the iine a resistive load of 0.5 pu is

connected to the terminal. In steady-state the machine should supply 173 MW of

power accordhg to the load flow.


Initiaily, the machine runs in steady state until load changes are made. Different

load changes are simulateci at the receivîng-end of the transmission line to verify the

ability of the inverter to respond to the changed operating conditions at the customer


A change in the reai load is created by adding a resistor in parailel to the Load

resistor. The total load resistance is changed to produce 1.5 pu load. However,

increased loading reduces the voltage at the load bus with a smali percent and, with

the SSSC disconnectecl from the system, the real power transiend to the load is seen

to be l e s than 1.5 pu. With the SSSC connected at the sending-end its effectiveness

is demonstrated as it creates capacitive compensation. The invertet is able to reduce

4.7. FAULTS 64

the total effective transmission h e impedance through the injectai voltage and &O

helps in improviag the voltage profile at the load bus. Therefore, the r e q d red

power is delivered to the load.

The system is tested for inductive compensation as weli. Instead of adding more

load to the system, a change is created by reducing the initial load by 50%. Thus, l e s

power should be drawn fiom the generator at the sending-end bus and the load on

the system should equd 0.5 pu. It is seen again that with the SSSC connecteci to the

system, the real power flow through the Iine is reduced exactly to 50% because the

line impedance is axtificiaiiy increased by the inverter voltage injected at the point

of comection. Inductive compensation is thus realized when l e s power is required

£rom the consumer bus. This request is translated in a reference power per unit and

rocesseci as input to the power controuer which determines the necessary value

of the Modulation Index. Hence, a certain amount of voltage is added to the line

providing the needed compensation. The voltage profile is maintained approximately

at 1 pu a t the load bus as well.


The operation of the SSSC is examined and tested under abnormal operating condi-

tions occurring in the transmission üne. DifFerent faults are simulated in the system

described in Section 4.3, starting with a single-phase to ground fault of 5 cycles du-

ration. Next, a two-phase to ground fault and f indy a three-phase to ground fault

with the same duration are tested. The simulation results prove the effectiveness of

the SSSC to maintain operation even when faults occur during dinesent operating

modes of the compensator. Mter clearing the fault the system restores back to its

predisturbed state.

In order to check the validity of di controllers the capacitot voltages are monitored

during the mn-time simulation and also the luie voltages. An harmonic analysis is

performed for each particular type of fault at Herent moments in time after the

fault has been cleared to verify the percent of the total harmonic distortion present

in the line voltages.


In this chapter a cornplete test system for the SSSC has been developed snd simulateci

to test its functioning under dBerent operat ing conditions. Lnitiaily, the transmission

h e is fed by two W t e sources and multiple power order changes can be applied to

the system. In order to aehieve a level of capacitive/inductive compensation over a

wider range, different ratios in the transformer windings have to be changed. Then,

two infinite buses are replaced by a synchronous machine and a resistive load and

Merent load changes are applied to verify the SSSC response in a more realistic

system. Faults of changed severity are initiateci in the Line while SSSC is working to

verify its performance under abnormal operating conditions.

[l] PSCAD/EMTDC Power Systems Simulation Softwafe, user's manual, Manitoba m c Research Center, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1996.

[2] Krishnat V. Patil, Dynornzc Compensation of Electfical Power Sys tem wing

a new BVSI STATCOM, Ph.D. thesis, Electrical and Cornputer Engineering, University of Western Ontario, March 1999.

[3] T.J.E. Miiier, Guide for Economic Evaluatàon of FACTS in Open Access Envi- ronrnents, John Wiley & Sons, 1982.

[4] Prabha Kmdur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-EW, Inc., 1994.

[5] Central Station Enmeers of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Ed., Elec- trical ~ n s m ù s z o n and Distdmtion Reference Book, Oxford &IBH Publishing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1950.

Chapter 5


In this chapter the results of significant power order/Ioad changes and recovery of

a system subsequent to various iine faults, obtained from the transient simulations

nui with PSCAD/EMTDC [l], are presented. Conclusions are drawn based on the

observations made with regard to the operation and utilization of the new SSSC for

real power control. The simulations are run for dinerent intervals of time fiom 1 to 3

seconds and some of the graphs are presented ody for a smailer duration to highlight

the important part of the curve. Also, some of the variables are plotted on magnified

scales to allow a cornparison between the shapes for curves of different order.


The test system with two infinite sources at the ends (Figure 3.3) is considered first

for examining the effectiveness of the SSSC for real power compensation in both

capacit ive and inductive modes.

5.1.1 Switching fiom one mode to another

At the beginning of the operation, the two-bus system is tramferring a certain amount

of real power fiom one end to the other according to the parameters described in pre-

vious chapters. The cornplete system is illustrated in Figure A.1. In the normal state


135 MW power is transferred on the line and this amount reprgents the iine operat-

ing at 1 pu power. The SSSC is disco~e~ted fiom the system, when no compensation

is needed.

Once the simulation stabilizes to a steady-state (0.4 s), the iine is operating at

its fidl capacity. For SSSC, the capacitors (voltages) are initiaily charged at 2, 4 and

8 kV levels by batteries. Figure 5.1 presents the r d t s showing the action of SSSC

operating in both capacitive (boost) and inductive (buck) modes.

At 0.5 seconds the reference power for the line is increased from 1 to 1.5 pu with

SSSC connected to the system to provide the requwd 50% capacitive compensation.

It is seen that the power in the line attains the reference value change in less than

0.2 seconds (Figure 5.1-a). At 0.1 seconds after the BVSI is connected to the system,

the batteries placed across the dc sources are removed and the capacitor voltages

(Figure 5.1-b) axe adjusted and maintaineci in the binary proportion by the capacitor

voltage controuer which starts operating at the same t h e with the power controller.

At 1.5 seconds the power demand is reduced abruptly to 0.5 pu requiring an induc-

tive compensation of 50% from SSSC. To accommodate the power order reduction the

phase of the injected voltage by SSSC undergoes 180° phase shift, which is achieved

within one cycle as may be observed from Figure 5-14. Notice that the phase of the

h e current remains unchanged but its magnitude is reduced conesponding to the

power level change. It should be observed that the line voltages (Figure 5.1-d) remain

almost unaffected and that the harmonic distortion due to the injection of the 15-step

BVSI-SSSC output voltage is practicdy negligible (Figure 5.1-e) .

A harmonic analysis is perfomed on the line voltages measured after the point

of common coupling and the total harmonic distortion coefficient (THD=1.5976%)

proves that a very srnall percent of harmonies is introduced into the system by the

inverter voltage.

This result is achieved by the injection of a voltage waveform (V,) approxhating


a sinusoida1 (Figure 5.1-c) which compensates foc the &op across the üne between the

two buses. The phasor of this voltage being perpendicular to the curent phasor at the

point of insertion, either supplements or annihilates part of the voltage drop taking

place in the uniforrnly distributeci reactance of the transmission line. Hence, more

or l e s current is drawn from the sendineend since the power angle of the voltage at

the intermediate point is either advanceci or retarded from the original phase shift

between the two buses, which remains unaffecteci by the power changes.

Figure 5.2 presents simüar results when the power order is changed fiom 0.5 pu

to 1.5 pu, switching the SSSC from inductive to capacitive compensation. In both

situations, the transition occurs very fast wit h a rapid phase adjustment in the inverter

output within one cycle of the power order change.

5.1.2 Diiferent power orders

Compensation of the real power can be achieved at Merent power orders. Figure 5.3

illustrates a power order step change of 25% in both directions together with the

modulation index (MI) values. The modulation angle is calculateci contiouously based

on the actual power need at every instant. Therefore, the variations of the real

power flow take place according to the output of the PI controller which produces

the MI. It is to be noted that for a higher error in the power controller there is a

jump in the value of the MI and as the power in h e approaches the desired value,

the MI stabilizes to an almost constant output, thus maintainhg the level of the

compensation. Obviously, the lower the compensation level required, the smaller is

the injected voltage. And also, with a smder step in the power order change, the

capacitor voltages are subjected to a smoother variation.

5.1.3 Load changes

Different load changes are simulated in the second test system with a synchronous

machine at the sending-end and the resistive load at the receiving-end (Figure A.4).


The simulation results show the performance of the SSSC in a more realistic system.

AMer the initiaization of the machine the real power flow is 1 pu. At 0.6 seconds

another resistive load is switched in at the load bus demanding 50% more real power

from the genetator. The line is able to increase its transmission capacity but not to

the required demand (Figure 5.4-a) and this happens because the voltage at the load

bus (VR) drops below the 1 pu level due to line &op (Figure 5.4-c). This situation

requires voltage regdation at the receiving-end which was not modeled in this case.

Figure 5.5 demonstrates the efféctiveness of the SSSC under such circumstances. The

required power transfer is made possible since the voltage profile at the load bus is

dso improved (Figure 5.5-c) .

Figures 5.6 and 5.7 depict the same situation when the load is reduced by 50%.

The power in the line is reduced partly without the SSSC connected to the system

and the voltage at the load bus increases above 1 pu (Figure 5.6-c). The inductive

compensation is &O effective in providing the exact amount of power to the consumer

as weU as bringing back the voltage level at the receiving-end (Figure 5 -74 .

5.1.4 Faults

The performance of the SSSC operation under different faults was studied for the test

system in Figure A.1 and the results are presented in Figures 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10. The

resulting wavefonns for this case show the variations in the fault severity.

Figure 5.8 presents a single-phase to ground fad t while the line is transferring

1.1 pu real power being capacitively compensated. At 0.5 seconds a fault occurs in

phase A of the transmission line reducing the line voltages Kb and V, by 1/fi and

leaving Vk unchanged for 5 cycles (80 milliseconds) until the fault is cleared. It is to

be obsewed that due to high fault cments in the b e , the capacitors charging leads

to transiently high values of Vds, 2Vd, and 4Vk. A few cycles after the fadt is cleaxed

the power in the system is restored and so are the capacitor voltage levels. The


total harmonic distortion is calcuiated at different moments in time &er the fault is

eliminated. The T H D is found to be less than 2% which shouid be acceptable as is.

A two-phase to ground and thee-phase to ground fadt are simuiated next. The

results are shown in Figure 5.9 and Figure 5.10. It should be noted that the variation

in the dc capacitor voitages are dinerent in the inductive operating mode (when the

iine powor is reduced to 0.9 pu).

In case of a fauit in a reai system, a voltage dependent controller could be added

which would detect fault conditions when the Iine voItages drop beIow a threshold, and

disable the SSSC (voltage) controllers to ensure that the capacitors are not subjected

to overvoltages during the fault and its recovery period (Figures 5.8-b and 5.10-b).

Capacitor overcharging (overvoltage) is observed when the SSSC experiences fault in

its capacîtîve operatîng mode. Figure 5.9 shows undervoltage when the fault occurs

when the SSSC is operating in the inductive mode. The voltage dependent cut-off

controller wodd remedy this undervoltage as well and actually speed up recovery.



time, sec

time, sec

1.45 1.47 1 -43 1-51 1.53

tirne, sec

Harmonic Spectnim (THI)=1.5976%) (4 350 - 280

210 - 140 - 70 - -

O i - - - 1 . . s . . O 5 10 1s 20 2s 30

Hanaonic Number

Figure 5.1: SSSC switching fiom capacitive to inductive mode


- 0 0.5

time, sec

O 0.5

t h e , sec

1.4s 1.47 1.49 1-51 1.53

time, sec

Harmonic Spectrum (THD=l.5995%)

Harmonic Number

Figure 5.2: SSSC switching from inductive to capacitive mode


a Real power O Reactive power (4

I - -

time, sec Modulation hdex

0.9 - 0.8



0.5 r . O 0.5 1 1.5 2 25

time, sec

a Vdcl 0 vu vdc3 (cl


8 - - - 6

4 - J I

2 - - I m -


O + . . s O 0.5 t 1 -5 2 2.5

time, sec r o v , id)

1 -4 1.43 1.46 1.49 1.52 1-55

time, sec

Fime 5.3: Power flow and Modulation Index variation

time, sec

Real power 270 - 22s.

. \

O 0.3 0.6 03 1 2 1.5

tirne, sec

O 0.3 0.6 0.9 12 15

time, sec

Figure 5.4: Adding more load without SSSC connected


1.6 r - - - 1 2

. . I

O 0.3 i l6 0.9 1 2 3.5

time, sec

Real power (b)

O 0 3

time, sec


tirne, sec

Figure 5.5: Adding

0.6 0.9

more load with SSSC




0 0 3 0.6 0.9 t 2 1 3

tirne, sec

Real power

time, sec

time, sec

Figure 5.6: Reducing the load without SSSC connected


O 0.3

time, sec

Real power (b)

. . O 0.3 0.6 O3 1 1 15

tirne, sec

a VS 0 VR (4



- - -

O 0.3 0.6 03 1 2 1.5

tirne, sec

Figure 5.7: Reducing the load with SSSC connected


Phase A to ground a t 0.5 seconds for five cycles

Table 5.1: THD for single-phase to ground fault

1 THD measured at 1 THD 1

- . 0.3

tirne, sec


time, sec


0 - -200 -

I 0.47- 0.- 0.58 0.835 0.- 0-74s 0.0

tune, sec

F i m e 5.8: Sinde-s hase to mound fault occurrinn in the capacitive mode

Phases A and B to ground at 0.5 seconds for five cycles

Table 5.2: THD for doubIe-phase to ground fauit

1 T H D measuredat 1 THD 1

t - - - 0.8 - - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 -

O 4 0.3 0.6 0.0 1.2 r .S 1.8 al 2-4 27 3

time, sec

0 4 4 0.3 O 1 0.9 1 3 1.5 1.6 2 1 2.4 27 3

time, sec (4

400 ! 0.47. 0- 0.50 0.03s 0.60 0.7- O d

time, sec

Figure 5.9: Two-phase to ground fadt occurring in the inductive mode


Phases A, B and C to ground at 0.5 seconds for five cycles

Table 5.3: THD for three-phase to ground fault

1 .s

- -


O q 4 0.3 0.6 0.0 1.2 1s 1 .a ~r 24 27 3

time, sec (b)

0.47- 032s 0- 0.- 0.69 0.7- 0.8

time, sec

Figure 5.10: Three-phase to gtound fault occurring in the capacitive mode


This chapter presents digital simulation results of a BVSI based SSSC working in

both capacitive and inductive modes of compensation, in steady-state and under

abnormalities such as fauits. In order to examine the effectiveness of this new corn-

pensator, various operating conditions and multiple types of fadts are simulateci. The

transient analysis results show a very good control and fault recovery performance,

accompanied by a Iow value of the total hannonic distortion for the various cases

studied. This achievement reestablishes the usefuIness of the SSSC as a real power

cornpensator with a minimum harmonic distortion, due to the increased number of

steps in the stair-case output of BVSI voltage, its modulat structure and the selected

haxmonic elimination aIgorithm used for the minimization or elimination of the ha-

monics introduced into the system [2]. The BVSI based SSSC can successfully switch

its operating mode from leading to lagging and vice-versa, withont endangering the

system steady-state performance or the harmonic content, and the transition occurs

smoothly in any direction.


(11 PSCAD/EMTDC Power Systenrs SimuZution Software, user's manual, Manitoba HVDC Research Center, W i p e g , Manitoba, Canada, 1996.

[2] Krïshnat V . Patii, Dynamic Compemotion of Electn'cal Power Systerns wzng a new BVSI STATCOM, Ph.D. thesis, Electricai and Cornputer Engineering, University of Western Ontario, Merch 1999.

Chapter 6


This last chapter presents some important discussions and conclusions extracted from

the investigation conducted in this thesis. Also, it includes a few directions for further

studies regarchg the application of the SSSC in a power line.


The electrical power industry is undergohg deregdation, requiring bill control of

power transmitted on important iines. This power control is derived from using

FACTS devices. To provide reasonable control of the power flow in transmission

networks, advanced power electronic devices are proposed, some of which ernploy

new, fast and sophisticated voltage source inverters (VSI). One topology for such a

device, named binary voltage source inverter (BVSI), capable of generating an ac

voltage at its output termin& with minimum harmonic distortion was proposed by

K.V. Patil, R.M. Mathur, et al. (11. It is a multilevel binary voltage source inverter. Its

configuration, toget her wit h a selective harmonic elimination modulation technique is

Nly researched by K.V. Patil[2]. This BVSI scheme increases the number of steps in

the ac voltage resulting in an almost sinusoida ac output reducing the total harmonic

distortion within acceptable limits and therefore, eliminating the need of employing

extemal filters.


This thesis has investigated the appiication of BVSI for the control of the real

power transferred over high voltage transmission networlrs. In the FACTS fiterature

such devices are c d e d Static Synchronous Series Compensators (SSSC) [3].

In this thesis a BVSI based SSSC has been proposai and hilly investigated. In-

vestigations were conûned to off-line digital simulations with appropriately designed

BVSI-SSSC and the requîred controllers. In the proposed SSSC a BVSI is used to

inject a voltage of the line frequency such that it either compensates for the iine re-

actance &op ( j IXL) thereby creating an effect akin to series capacitor compensation

(capacitive compensation), or increasing the line reactance (inductive compensation).

The resulting compensation increases (capacitive) or decreases (inductive) the power

flow on the Lne. A BVSI-SSSC therefore acts as an active power compensator (phase-

shifter). The proposed BVSI-SSSC operates as desired. In order to test its robustness

the proposed BVSI-SSSC is tested for step changes in power order as we11 as under

fault condit ions.

A BVSI-SSSC is designed and tested for a 230 kV transmission line. Its perfor-

mance is anaiyzed through transient studies. A two-bus system is modeled together

with the SSSC connecteci to the Iine. A real power controuer and a phase angle con-

troller are developed in the simulation program, and a capacitor voltage controller is

implemented to keep the voltages of the three de sources in binary proportion. The

digital simulation results demonstrate the performance of the BVSI based SSSC as

a real power compensator under various operating conditions, in steady-state as

as under abrupt fauits.


1. The low total harmonie distortion proves that the proposed stmcture of the

BVSI and the selected harmonie eiimination algorithm are effective in mini-

mization or complete elimination of the harmonies introduced in the system.


2. The BVSI based SSSC can smoothly switch its operating mode from lagging

to leading injected voltage with respect to the cment phasor at the point

of common-eoupüng, effectiveIy providing both series capacitive and inductive

compensations on a transmission line.

3. The proposed BVSI-SSSC operates tobustly as its operation is unafkcted by

severe line faults. Its recovery from fauits is reliable.

4. It can be conchded that the precise and fast, flexible and controiiable BVSI

based SSSC can therefore be utilized as a reai power compensator in a trans-

mission system to improve not only the power transmission capacity but it

can be used to add active power system damping without any degradation or

deterioration in the power quality even under severe disturbances.


The proposed BVSI-SSSC offers an alternative to the classical series compensation of

lines. In addition it offers controlled compensation and extends the range to inductive

compensation as well. The study of the proposed BVSISSSC has been carried out

in a simple test system. It should be extended to a complex transmission utility

system. Also, the location of the SSSC could be optimized for a network through

furt her studies.

The BVSI based SSSC, a series connected device, is designeci to provide only

real power control over a transmission line without massive real power exchange

with the system. When connected in shunt, such a voltage source inverter calleci

STATCOM negotiates reactive power at the point of common coupling. The dynamic

compensation of a distribution system with BVSI STATCOM was studied in [2].

These two elements, series and shunt connected, are the two parts constituting the

most universal and effective compensator known as Unified Power Flow Controller

(UPFC) .


It would be valuable to investigate the ability of the BVSI-SSSC to provide both

real and reactive power compensation by controiling the angle of the injected voltage.

The resulting device may be more econornical and effective for realizing a new BVSI-

UPFC as compared to a UPFC which combines a STATCOM and SSSC.

B I B L I O G W H Y 88


[l] K.V. Patil, ELM. Mathur, J. Jiang, and S.H. Hosseini, "Distribution system com-

pensation using a new binary multilevel voItage source inverter," IEEE Tmnsac-

tions on Power Delivery. vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 45-64, April 1999.

[2] Krishnat V. Patil, Dynamic Compensation of Eleetricaf Power Systerns using

a new BVSI STATCOM, Ph-D. thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering,

University of Western Ontario, March 1999.

[3] FACTS Applieotiow, Number 96TP 116-0. IEEE Power Engineering Society,


Appendix A


This appendix gives the draft mes and data from PSCAD/EMTDC. The first three subsystem represent the initial test system with the two W t e sources at the ends.

The transmission line and the BVSI connected are represented together with the mea- surement functions in the main system. The main controllers (power controller and

phase angle controuer) are iilustrated in the block diagrams of the second subsystem.

The third subsystem presents the capacitor voltage controiler and the outputs which are used in the main system. The last diagram presents the main system when the

sending-end is replaced by the synchronous machine and the receiving-end by the re- sistive load to which more load is added and also, some load is removed respectively,

in order to simulate the load changes at the customer bus. The Controuer gains and the Insertion T'kansformer parameters are given neut:

Capacitive compensation K, = 1 Inductive compensation Km = -1

T' (seconds) = 0.1 Capacitive compensation Kp, KpI, Kp2, Kpj = 10, 12, 10, 12 Inductive compensation K,, Kpl, Kp2, Kp3 = -10, -12, -10, -12

Tp, TP1, TpZ , Tp1 (seconds) = 0.8, 1.5, 1, 1

Iosertion transformer parameters Transformer Single Phase = 10 MVA Leakage reactance = 0.1 pu

Magnetizing current = 1%

Air core reactance = 0.2 pu

Figure A.1: Main system for test case with two infinite buses at the ends

Figure A.2: Subsystem representing the red power controller

Figure A.3: Subsystem representing the capacitor voltage controiier

Appendix B


GATE PULSES The gate pulses for the 12 mitches in one phase are shown in the foiiowing Table.

These firing pulses have b e n used in the FORTRAN algorithm for turning -on and -off the thyristors in the BVSI configuration.

Table B.1: Gate pulses output from switch firing logic


Fmm 1 TO

continuecf on next pagi


( c o n t i o ~ fiom pr-as page

Gate Pulses

1 mm ITO II:

180 - el - ne, + d, 180 + el - ~ e , 180 + Or - A& Ji80 + O i -A@l +dt

continued on n& pagt

continued fiom previous page n rr I'

I wt (degrces) II