A NEW AND THREATENED INSULAR SPECIES OF LANCEHEAD …eco.ib.usp.br/labvert/Bothrops otavioi.pdf ·...

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Transcript of A NEW AND THREATENED INSULAR SPECIES OF LANCEHEAD …eco.ib.usp.br/labvert/Bothrops otavioi.pdf ·...

Herpetologica, 68(3), 2012, 418–429� 2012 by The Herpetologists’ League, Inc.




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1Programa de Pos-graduacao em Biologia Animal, Universidade Estadual Paulista ‘‘Julio de Mesquita Filho’’ (UNESP),15054-000 Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil

2Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo (MZUSP), P.B. 42494, 04218–970 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil3Programa de Pos-graduacao em Zoologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista ‘‘Julio de Mesquita Filho’’ (UNESP),

13506–970 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil4Museu de Zoologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 13083–970 Campinas, SP, Brazil

(retired and associated as researcher)5Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 05508–090 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

6Departamento de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), 09972–270 Diadema, SP, Brazil

ABSTRACT: We describe a new species of Bothrops from Vitoria Island, off the coast of Sao Paulo,southeastern Brazil. The new species differs from the mainland coastal populations of B. jararaca mostly in itssmaller and stouter body, number and form of scales, and hemipenial morphology. From B. insularis and B.alcatraz, both related species endemic to islands in southeastern Brazil, B. otavioi sp. nov. differs mainly in itsbody form and number of scales. The new species has the most common mitochondrial haplotype formainland populations of B. jararaca, which is also found in B. alcatraz. A mitochondrial genealogy (gene tree)shows the new species nested within the northern clade of B. jararaca. This genealogical pattern can beexplained by a recent speciation event for B. otavioi sp. nov. The isolation of insular species of Bothrops fromcontinental ancestor populations are probably related to the same vicariant process, the oscillations of sealevel during the Pleistocene. The new species feeds on small hylid frogs, and attains sexual maturity at 388mm snout–vent length (SVL; males) and 692 mm SVL (females). Bothrops otavioi sp. nov. is endemic toVitoria Island, and should be listed as critically endangered because it is known from only a single area (anisland), its geographic range covers less than 100 km2, and there is a projected continuing decline in thequality of its habitat because of increasing human settlement.

Key words: Atlantic Forest; Bothrops jararaca group; Bothrops otavioi sp. nov.; Evolution; Islandendemics; Quaternary; Taxonomy

THE GENUS Bothrops contains about 50species distributed in Central and SouthAmerica, of which 6 species groups areformally recognized: B. alternatus, B. atrox,B. jararaca, B. jararacussu, B. neuwiedi, andB. taeniatus groups (Campbell and Lamar,1989; Salomao et al., 1997, 1999; Campbelland Lamar, 2004). The B. jararaca speciesgroup has a widespread distribution in Brazil,from the coastal portion of southern Bahia tonorthern Rio Grande do Sul, reaching inlandmainly in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais(Marques et al., 2002; Grazziotin et al.,2006). Its distribution is highly congruentwith the Atlantic Forest biome of Brazil(Campbell and Lamar, 2004). Species withinthe B. jararaca group also occur on somecontinental islands (Duarte et al., 1995;Marques et al., 2002; Cicchi et al., 2007).

Some island populations of B. jararaca seemto be very similar to mainland populations,although a few insular forms are diagnosable(see Marques et al., 2002; Grazziotin et al.,2006). Because these populations may repre-sent isolated evolutionary units (there is noevidence of gene flow to these islands), theyshould be recognized as full species. Present-ly, the B. jararaca group comprises thefollowing species: the widespread mainlandB. jararaca (Salomao et al., 1997; Campbelland Lamar, 2004; Grazziotin et al., 2006),which is probably a complex of species (seeGrazziotin et al., 2006), and three islandendemics off Sao Paulo coast: B. insularisfrom Queimada Grande Island, B. alcatrazfrom Alcatrazes Island, and a new speciesfrom Vitoria Island that we describe herein.

Aiming to allocate the species of a cladecomposed of the Bothrops jararaca þ B.neuwiedi groups, Fenwick et al. (2009) pro-7 CORRESPONDENCE: e-mail, faustoebarbo@gmail.com


posed a new genus, Bothropoides, diagnosed bynonunique phenotypic synapomorphies such aslepidosis, hemipenial morphology, cranial oste-ology, dentition, coloration, and 38 mitochon-drial characters. Those authors also resurrectedthe genus Rhinocerophis Garman 1881 toallocate the species of B. alternatus group,diagnosed by 27 mitochondrial characters andone–two palatine teeth as unique morphologicalsynapomorphy. Based on new data, Carrasco etal. (2010) pointed out that the morphologicalanalysis by Fenwick et al. (2009) was incompleteand rejected the use of Rhinocerophis, whichmade the Bothrops complex paraphyletic withrespect to Bothriopsis and Bothropoides (Car-rasco et al., 2010). The lack of an exclusivemorphological character in Rhinocerophis andBothropoides, and a diagnosis based only onmolecular data, indicates that splitting of thegenus Bothrops into two or more genera is stillpremature. More recently, Carrasco et al.(2012) examined 111 characters of lepidosis,and 2393 molecular characters from SouthAmerican bothropoid snakes. Their resultspointed out that Bothrops sensu stricto isparaphyletic, and proposed new rearrange-ments to rectify this paraphyly, maintainingBothrocophias, and synonymizing Bothriopsis,Bothropoides, and Rhinocerophis with Bo-throps. Therefore, we maintain here the genericname Bothrops for the B. jararaca group (cf.Wuster et al., 2002; Carrasco et al., 2012),instead of adopting the rearrangements withinthis genus proposed by Fenwick et al. (2009).


We examined 30 specimens of the newspecies housed in the reptile collections of theInstituto Butantan (IBSP), the Museu deZoologia da Universidade de Campinas(ZUEC), and the Museu de Zoologia daUniversidade de Sao Paulo (MZUSP), and210 specimens ascribed to B. jararaca fromadjacent mainland populations of the SaoPaulo coast (Fig. 1; Appendix).

We measured snout–vent length (SVL), taillength (TL), and total length (TTL¼SVLþTL)to the nearest millimeter with a flexible ruler.We measured head length (HL; snout toextreme posterior portion of mandible), andeye diameter (ED) with calipers to the nearest0.1 mm. We determined the trunk length (TR)

as SVL – HL. We performed statistical testswith Statistica 5 and Statistica 6 (Statsoft, 1995,2001). We tested for differences in SVLbetween species with a Student’s t-test. Tocompare relative lengths of the tails and headsbetween species, we used the ratios TL/SVLand HL/TR, respectively. We tested for differ-ences in relative lengths of tails and headsbetween sexes of the new species using analysesof covariance (ANCOVA), in which SVL and TRwere the covariates, respectively (Zar, 1996).

Description and scale counts follow Camp-bell (1985). We counted ventral scales begin-ning with the first scale that was wider thanlong. We counted anterior cephalic scales(from posterior edge of supraocular scales toposterior edge of intercanthal scales; Fig. 2),intercanthal scales (from posterior edge ofintercanthal scales to snout), and intersu-praocular scales (line of scales in the middle,between supraoculars). We also counted thefollowing lateral head scales: interoculabialscales (between top of fourth and fifth supra-labial scales and circumorbital scales), circum-orbital scales (scales contacting eye), pre- andpostfoveal scales, temporal scales, and supra-and infralabial scales. We derived informationon prey type and reproduction from preservedspecimens.

We extracted from liver tissue with the useof standard methods for DNA extraction(Sambrook and Russell, 2001) based onenzymatic digestion (proteinase K) and de-proteinization (phenol:chloroform). We am-plified approximately 700 base pairs for themitochondrial gene cytochrome b (cytb) withthe use of primers and protocol described byPook et al. (2000). We purified the PCRproduct enzymatically and processed thesequence using DYEnamic ET Dye Termina-tor Cycle Sequencing Kit (GE Healthcare) ina MegaBACE 1000 automated sequencer (GEHealthcare) following manufacturer’s proto-cols. The quality of both strands was assessedand assembled with the use of the programGeneious 5.4 (www.geneious.com). We in-cluded our sequence in the molecular matrixused by Grazziotin et al. (2006) and alignedour sequence with the use of profile alignmentas implemented in Clustal X v2 (Larkin et al.,2007). Our analysis of haplotype relationshipwas based on a probabilistic approach. We

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FIG. 1.—Coastal region of Sao Paulo, showing mainland and island localities of examined specimens. (1) Sao Jose doBarreiro; (2) Cunha; (3) Ubatuba; (4) Vitoria Island; (5) Buzios Island; (6) Sao Sebastiao Island; (7) Alcatrazes Island; (8)Caraguatatuba; (9) Sao Sebastiao; (10) Bertioga; (11) Guaruja; (12) Santos; (13) Santo Andre; (14) Cubatao; (15) SaoVicente; (16) Mongagua; (17) Itanhaem; (18) Queimada Grande Island; (19) Peruıbe; (20) Itariri; (21) Pedro de Toledo;(22) Miracatu; (23) Iguape; (24) Cananeia; (25) Registro; (26) Sete Barras; (27) Capao Bonito; (28) Ribeirao Grande;(29) Guapiara; (30) Ribeirao Branco (A); Vitoria Island, adjacent islands, and coastal mainland (B).

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used a maximum-likelihood method imple-mented in PAUP* (Swofford, 2002), as usedby Grazziotin et al. (2006).


Bothrops otavioi sp. nov.(Figs. 2–4A, Table 1)

Bothrops jararaca, Cicchi et al., 2007:227–240; in part.

Holotype.—IBSP 78572 (field numberCC58), male, collected 11 August 2010 byF.C. Centeno and T.H. Condez, from ‘‘Trilhada Vitoria’’ (23844028 00S, 45801016 00W; datum¼WGS 84; Figs. 1 and 4B), Vitoria Island,Ilhabela Archipelago, Sao Paulo, southeasternBrazil (Figs. 2–4A). We deposited a tissue

sample at the herpetological collection ofMZUSP.

Paratypes.—Twenty specimens from thetype locality: IBSP 18866–67, males; IBSP18868, female; IBSP 18870–71, females; IBSP18872–73, males; IBSP 18874–75, females;IBSP 18876–77, males; IBSP 18879–81, fe-males; IBSP 18882, male, and ZUEC 3551female, collected March 1960 by A.R. Hoge(Instituto Butantan expedition); MZUSP 3949female, MZUSP 3951 male; MZUSP 3952female, and ZUEC 3550 male, collected 14–28 March 1964 by the Departamento deZoologia (DZ) expedition.

Referred specimens.—Ten specimens fromthe type locality: IBSP 18878 (flattenedspecimen), March 1960, Instituto Butantanexpedition collection; MZUSP 5577–85 (juve-niles), collected April 1964 by the Departa-mento de Zoologia (DZ) expedition.

Diagnosis.—The new species is similar to B.jararaca (Fig. 4A, Table 1), and is distin-guished from this latter species by thecombination of characters listed below (B.

FIG. 2.—Lateral, dorsal and ventral views of the head ofthe holotype of Bothrops otavioi sp. nov. (IBSP 78572).Note the diagnostic (unique) large scale on the dorsal sideof head, between the supraoculars. Line¼ 5 mm.

FIG. 3.—Bothrops otavioi sp. nov. (holotype, IBSP78572): Dorsal and ventral views. snout–vent length¼ 391mm, tail length ¼ 65 mm. Photographs by Fausto E.Barbo.

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jararaca in parentheses). Smaller adult size inmales: range SVL ¼ 388–475 mm, n ¼ 4(versus range SVL ¼ 635–1000 mm, n ¼ 46);few and larger scales at the intersupraocularrow: range ¼ three–six scales (versus rangefive–nine scales); lower number of ventralscales in males: 182–190 (versus 200–211);lower number of ventral scales in females:185–192 (versus 190–218); lower number ofsubcaudal scales in males: 54–61 (versus 62–72); lower number of anterior cephalic scales,generally rounded and with no or feeble keels:range ¼ 20–44 (versus range 27–61, generallyelongate and distinctly keeled). The hemi-penis of B. otavioi sp. nov. (Fig. 5A) has fewdiminutive ossified spines bordering calycesand they are restricted to the basal region ofthe capitulum (versus many small ossifiedspines reaching the medial region of thecapitulum, Fig. 5B); intersulcar region nude(versus intrasulcar region with small ossifiedspines). Bothrops otavioi sp. nov. is furtherdistinguished from B. jararaca by the absenceof diminutive ossified spines from the sulcusspermaticus to the base of the calyces.

From B. alcatraz, another small, island-dwelling species, B. otavioi sp. nov., can bedistinguished by its lower number of inter-supraocular scales: three–six (versus six–eightscales); higher number of ventral scales inmales: 182–190 (versus 173–182); highernumber of ventral scales in females: 185–192(versus 175–186); higher number of subcaudalscales in males: 54–61 (versus 47–54); rela-

TABLE 1.—Comparison of selected measurements and scale counts for specimens of Bothrops otavioi sp. nov., B.alcatraz, mainland specimens of B. jararaca, and B. insularis. Measurements in millimeters, number of specimens

in parentheses.

B. otavioisp. nov. B. alcatraza B. jararaca B. insularisb

Snout–vent length adult males 388–475 (4) 365–462 (10) 635-1000 (46) 393–788 (94)Snout–vent length females 391–692 (8) 365–505 (14) 897-1257 (29) 332–882 (106)Ventrals in males 182–190 (10) 173–182 (10) 200–211 (15) 171–188 (94)Ventrals in females 185–192 (11) 175–186 (14) 190–218 (20) 176–195 (106)Subcaudals in males 54–61 (8) 47–54 (10) 62–72 (15) 55–65 (94)Subcaudals in females 48–54 (10) 45–52 (14) 53–68 (19) 48–59 (106)Midbody scale rows 22–25 (17) 22–26 (24) 21–27 (34) 23–25 (200)Intersupraocular row 3–6 (21) 6–8 (24) 5–9 (34) 7–9 (203)Anterior cephalics 20–44 (20) 31–48 (24) 27–61 (16) 47–64 (10)Infralabials 10/10 (5); 10/11 (3);

11/10 (4); 11/11 (5);11/12 (2); 12/11 (1)

10/10 (19);10/11 (4);9/10 (1)

10/10 (6); 10/11 (5);9/11 (1); 11/11 (15);11/12 (14); 12/12 (2);

12/10 (1)

10/11 (1);11/10 (3);11/11 (6)

a Data from Marques et al. (2002).b Amaral (1921).

FIG. 4.—Bothrops otavioi sp. nov., adult male photo-graphed alive (holotype IBSP 78572; A), and the AtlanticForest (B) that covers most of the Vitoria Island.Photographs by Fernanda Centeno.

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tively longer tail in males (ratio TL/SVL 6SD): 0.169 6 0.010 (versus 0.161 6 0.007)and in females: 0.146 6 0.016 (versus 0.138 60.011); relatively longer head in males (ratioHL/TR): 0.057 6 0.004 (versus 0.053 60.003) and females: 0.061 6 0.008 (versus0.055 6 0.003). Bothrops otavioi sp. nov. isdistinguished from B. insularis, a largerisland-dwelling species of the B. jararacagroup, mainly by its brownish color pattern(pale or yellowish in B. insularis), lowernumber of intersupraocular scales: 3–6 (versus7–9), lower number of anterior cephalicscales: 20–44 (versus 47–64), and smalleradult size in males: SVL ¼ 388–475 mm(versus 393–788 mm). The new speciesoverlaps with B. insularis in number of ventralscales: 182–190 (versus 171–188) in males,and 185–192 (versus 176–195) in females; andsubcaudal scales: 54–61 (versus 55–65) inmales, and 48–54 (versus 48–59) in females.

Regarding haplotype genealogy, Bothropsotavioi sp. nov. is nested within the northernclade of Bothrops jararaca group sensuGrazziotin et al. (2006; Fig. 6). The newspecies has the most common cytb haplotypewithin the northern clade of B. jararacagroup, sharing the same sequence withpopulations from Alcatrazes Island, northernSao Paulo, and the continental coastal slope tolowlands (Fig. 6).

Description of holotype.—Adult male (Figs.2, 3, and 4A), preserved in ethanol with righthemipenis partially everted; SVL 391 mm; TL65 mm (7% of total length); head length 20.4

mm; head width 15.5 mm; mass 27 g(preserved). Rostral scute 2.7 mm wide and3 mm high; nasals divided anterior andposterior to nostril; loreal single; 0/0 prefo-veals; 1/2 postfoveals; prelacunal fused withsecond supralabial in both sides of head; 2/2preoculars; 2/2 postoculars; 8/8 supralabials; 3/4 interoculabials; 6/5 circumorbitals; 6/6temporals; 11/11 infralabials, with the firstpair contacting each other posteriorly; mentallonger than broad, contacting anteriorly thefirst three infralabial on each side; five gularsbetween chin shield and first ventral scale; fiverows of gulars separating first ventral scalesfrom infralabials; 2/2 canthals; 7 posteriorintercanthals; 3 intersupraoculars (middlescale larger than longer); 39 cephalic scales(scales above top of head þ intercanthalsscales) with no or feeble keels; 23/23/19dorsals; 186 ventrals; cloacal scute single; 56divided subcaudals. Posterior cephalic scaleslonger than wide and strongly keeled; inter-supralabials scales rounded, smooth andweakly keeled; temporal scales keeled; inter-nasals, canthals and supraoculars smooth.

In life, the coloration of the holotype was asfollows (Fig. 4A): Ground body color brown-ish on dorsal surface; 10/9 lateral trapezoidalmarkings (saddles) dark brown with well-defined borders, weakly white-edged, oppo-site and alternate to each other on each side ofthe dorsum. Dorsum of head grayish brown,with seven distinctive small blotches betweenoccipital–temporal portion and neck. Postor-bital stripe extends from behind eye to below

FIG. 5.—Hemipenes in sulcate views: (A) Bothrops otavioi sp. nov. (paratype MZUSP 3952); arrows in upper rightinset show the small ossified spines only in the basal portion of capitulum; lower right inset shows absence of spines inthe intrasulcar region; (B) Bothrops jararaca (ZUEC 1052) from Ubatuba; arrows in upper right inset show the smallossified spines at the medial portion of capitulum; in lower right inset arrows show small ossified spines at intrasulcarregion. Line¼ 5 mm.

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FIG. 6.—Mitochondrial genealogy based on 172 sequences of cytochrome b for Bothrops jararaca group. Triangleindicates sequences for B. alcatraz; diamond indicates sequence for B. otavioi sp. nov.; circles indicates sequences for B.insularis; names without shapes are sequences of continental populations of B. jararaca. Acronyms for Brazilian statesare: SP¼ Sao Paulo; RJ¼Rio de Janeiro; MG¼Minas Gerais; ES¼Espırito Santo; and PR¼Parana. Some sequencesare grouped and represented as solid triangles, keeping the proportion of sequence frequencies (see Grazziotin et al.,2006, for a full description of the grouped clades).

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angle of jaw. Tail brownish dorsally with smalldark brown lateral blotches; subcaudals speck-led on anterior portion and cream coloredposteriorly. Venter speckled irregularly light-yellowish and grayish, covering anal scute andreaching all subcaudal scales.

Variation.—Dorsum brownish, brownishgray, grayish, or dark-olive brown in preser-vative; lateral trapezoidal markings (saddles)placed opposite each other, partly or com-pletely alternate, with or without well-definedweak white edge. Five specimens (IBSP18870, IBSP 18874, IBSP 18875, IBSP78572, and ZUEC 3551) with dark-brownblotches between occipital–temporal regionand neck.

Hemipenis.—Bilobed, subcylindrical, bica-lyculate, and bicapitate; sulcus spermaticusextending to tip of each lobe (Fig. 5A).Intrasulcar region (sensu Zaher, 1999) withoutossified spines; sulcus spermaticus borderedby very few small ossified spines, from thecrotch up to calyces. Those small spines arerestricted at the basal portion of capitulum.

Sexual dimorphism.—Adult males with rel-atively longer tails than females (F1,18 ¼ 8.88,P ¼ 0.009). Females with relatively longerheads than males (F1,18 ¼ 4.58, P ¼ 0.04).

Etymology.—The specific epithet otavioihonors our friend and colleague Otavio A. V.Marques, a prominent herpetologist at theInstituto Butantan, for his great contributionto the study of natural history and conserva-tion of Brazilian snakes. We suggest thestandard English name ‘‘Vitoria’s Lancehead’’for the new species.

Distribution.—The new species is knownonly from the type locality, Vitoria Island(23844044 00 to 23845040 00S and 45801001 00 to45800027 00W), Ilhabela Archipelago, Brazil. Inthis archipelago, Vitoria is the easternmostisland, located ca. 23 km east of Sao SebastiaoIsland, and ca. 30 km southeast of Ubatuba,northern coast of Sao Paulo (Fig. 1), south-eastern Brazil. Vitoria Island has about 220 ha,with a maximum elevation of ca. 200 m abovesea level and with the predominant vegetationbeing Atlantic forest (Fig. 4B).

Natural History.—The holotype of Bo-throps otavioi sp. nov. was found active atnight, moving on the ground (T.H. Condez,personal communication).Three adult individ-

uals of the new species (IBSP 18871, IBSP18877, and IBSP 18880) had small hylid frogsin their guts. All specimens of the new speciesexamined that still retained their color patternhad dark tail tips (n ¼ 30), which is clearlyseen in live specimens (Fig. 4A). Fourpreserved individuals (IBSP 18867, IBSP18875, IBSP 18878, and IBSP 18882) out of21 (19%) had injuries and mutilations on thetail indicated by scars. The only female withfollicles or embryos in the oviduct measured692 mm SVL (K. Kasperoviczus, personalcommunication). The smallest mature male(with opaque efferent ducts and enlargedtestes) measured 388 mm SVL.


Three insular species of the Bothropsjararaca group are known to date: B. alcatraz,B. insularis, and B. otavioi sp. nov., all of themclosely related to the adjacent mainlandpopulations of B. jararaca (Marques et al.,2002; this study). Our molecular resultscorroborated the expectation of a rapiddifferentiation process for B. otavioi sp. nov.As shown by Grazziotin et al. (2006), thehaplotype phylogeny of cytb indicates thatinsular species of the B. jararaca group arenested inside the mainland diversity of B.jararaca. Two evolutionary scenarios canexplain such a genealogy: haplotype introgres-sion by recent gene flow between thecontinental and insular populations, andincomplete lineage sorting by sharing a recentcommon ancestral population. There is nopublished study or museum voucher speci-men showing evidence of migration of insularspecies of B. jararaca group to the continent,and there is no evidence of migration of themainland B. jararaca to the islands (Bernils,2009). If such dispersion events do actuallyoccur, they possibly are very rare, as natural-ists have explored the coast of Sao Paulo statefor more than three centuries without report-ing such events.

Actually, a gene genealogy pattern such asthat found here is the most expected outcomewhen differentiation involves small popula-tions isolated from a larger ancestral one, asusually occurs with island colonization (Avise,2000; Funk and Omland, 2003). Thesesituations are even more plausible if the

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mainland population is very large, has geo-graphic structure, or a short time has passedsince isolation (Johnson et al., 2000). All thesefeatures are very likely present in the processof insularization experienced by the islandspecies of the B. jararaca group.

Grazziotin et al. (2006) discussed the taxo-nomic issues associated with the possibleparaphyly of B. jararaca, and concluded thatthe mitochondrial gene tree probably conflictswith the species tree as a direct result of thespeciation process in the B. jararaca group.Gene trees conflicting with species trees is awell-known subject in the evolutionary litera-ture (Pamilo and Nei, 1988; Hudson, 1992;Maddison, 1997; Knowles and Carstens, 2007),and an increasingly common outcome ofgenomics and multilocus analyses (Degnanand Rosenberg, 2009). Any approach to delimitspecies based exclusively on gene-tree topolo-gies will occasionally fail to enclose all discor-dances among genealogies (Edwards, 2008).Therefore, our definition of species is notbased on reciprocal monophyly of haplotypegenealogies. As argued by Kizirian and Don-nelly (2007), the application of reciprocalmonophyly criterion cannot embrace all rec-ognized biological diversity, because only aftersufficient haplotype extinction will the lineagesorting be complete and the species berecovered as monophyletic for all gene gene-alogies. Consequently, we based the descrip-tion of B. otavioi sp. nov. on morphologicalcharacters and the ‘‘unique combination ofcharacters states’’ that makes this populationdiagnosable (Davis and Nixon, 1992). We usethe mitochondrial genealogy only to infer theunderlying speciation process. Thus, we em-phasize the limited occurrence of the newspecies on a relatively small and isolated islandand the exclusive phenotypic characters, whichallowed us to distinguish it from othercongeners. Additionally, we assume that thenew species represents a lineage that has beenevolving separately from other mainland andinsular populations of the B. jararaca complex,and therefore has its own evolutionary history,as also inferred for the related island species B.alcatraz and B. insularis.

Currently, the B. jararaca group comprisesat least four species, of which three are islandspecies. Plausibly, the isolation of each island

species from the continental ancestor popula-tion occurred at approximately the same timeand was caused by the same or similarvicariant process. The oscillations of the sealevel during the Pleistocene, of which the lastknown rise in sea level occurred around theend of the last glaciations period, between 20and 11 thousand years ago, is the mostaccepted hypothesis and can explain theisolation and evolutionary history of theseisland species (Martin et al., 1986; Rodrigues,1990; Marques et al., 2002). The occurrenceof those insular forms could be also related todispersal after the isolation of the continentalislands. Although both vicariance and dispers-al are plausible mechanisms for the isolationof Bothrops spp. in continental islands of theAtlantic forest, vicariance has been thepreferred hypothesis for speciation on Brazil-ian continental islands, because it can explainthe simultaneous speciation patterns based onfewer phenomena, and can even explain thespeciation of amphibians (Brasileiro et al.,2007a,b), which are much more sensitive todesiccation than are reptiles.

Bothrops otavioi sp. nov. possibly sharesseveral ecological attributes with B. jararacacontinental populations, such as forest-dwell-ing habit and mostly nocturnal foraging on theground (Sazima, 1992). The stouter andshorter body of the new species is sharedwith B. alcatraz, another relatively small,island-dwelling species of the B. jararacagroup (Marques et al., 2002). It is temptingto speculate that these two small speciestraded size for robustness.

Frogs are the most common prey animalfound in the guts of mainland juveniles of B.jararaca, which may catch these prey withcaudal luring, a behavior recently describedfor juvenile B. insularis as well (Sazima, 1991;Hartmann et al., 2003; Marques and Sazima,2004; Sazima, 2006; Andrade et al., 2010).Most mainland juveniles of B. jararaca have awhitish or yellowish tail tip that contrasts withthe darker background body color, whereasthe island-dwelling B. insularis display abrownish tail tip that contrasts with the lighterbackground color (Sazima, 1991; Sazima,2006; Andrade et al., 2010). Juveniles of B.jararaca that have brownish tail tips also lurefrogs successfully (Sazima, 1991, 1992). The

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specimens of the new species that had injurieson the tail and frogs in the gut lend support tothe idea that B. otavioi sp. nov. lures prey witha dark-brown tail tip, as recently suggested forboth juveniles and adults of the dark-tailed,island-dwelling B. insularis (Andrade et al.,2010; see also Martins et al., 2002).

Although nested within the northern cladeof B. jararaca, no examined individual of B.otavioi sp. nov. or B. alcatraz (which alsofeeds on ectothermic prey) had light-coloredtail tip, as recorded for juveniles of B. jararaca(Sazima, 1991, 1992). We speculate that theabsence of yellowish or whitish tail tip in bothAlcatraz’s and Vitoria’s lanceheads may beexplained by a few individuals of the ancestorpopulation having a dark-brown tail tip andthis character becoming fixed in both of theseisland-dwelling species, similarly to the ‘‘hem-iclitoris’’ found in all females of B. insularisand rarely in females of the mainland B.jararaca (F.E. Barbo, F.G. Grazziotin, I.Sazima, M. Martins, and R.J. Sawaya, personalobservations).

Sexual maturity of B. otavioi sp. nov. isattained at a relatively small size (388 mm SVLin males, and 692 mm SVL in females), as alsofound for the island-dwelling B. alcatraz,whose males attain sexual maturity at 365mm SVL and females at 477 mm SVL(Marques et al., 2002). Mainland adults of B.jararaca attain sexual maturity at about 650mm SVL in males and 750 mm SVL in females(Sazima, 1992; Janeiro-Cinquini et al., 1993).For B. insularis, the smallest mature femalewas 505 mm SVL (K. Kasperoviczus, personalcommunication). Thus, B. otavioi sp. nov. maybe a second instance of a paedomorphicspecies within the B. jararaca group, asalready suggested for B. alcatraz (Marqueset al., 2002).

The new species should be included innational and global red lists as criticallyendangered (CR B1a,b[iii], following IUCN,2001) because its extent of occurrence (ca. 2.2km2) is less than 100 km2, it is known from asingle location (‘‘an area in which a singlethreatening event can rapidly affect all indi-viduals of the taxon present’’; IUCN, 2001),and there is a projected continuing decline inthe quality of its habitat due to increasinghuman settlement. The two other island-

dwelling species of the B. jararaca group, B.alcatraz and B. insularis, also are criticallyendangered in the Brazilian and the global redlists (Marques et al., 2004a,b; Machado et al.,2005).

Acknowledgments.—We are grateful to F. Centeno andT. Condez for the collected material, and for photographsof a live specimen of the new species and the island; V.Germano for help in the laboratory; J.C. Arredondo andL. Oliveira for help with photographs of the hemipenesand data collection; K. Kasperoviczus for data onreproduction of insular species of Bothrops; H. Zaherand C. Mello for help and access to the MZUSPspecimens; O.A.V. Marques for valuable suggestionsabout insular species of Bothrops; R. Nunes for data onmainland B. jararaca populations. FEB and FGG thankthe FAPESP for scholarships (08/50068–2 and 07/52781–5, respectively). RJS and MM thank the CNPq forresearch fellowships. RJS thanks the FAPESP for grantsunder the project ‘‘Diversidade, Distribuicao e Conserva-ao da Herpetofauna do Estado de Sao Paulo’’ (08/54472–2), and INCTTOX PROGRAM of CNPq and FAPESP.MM thanks FAPESP for a research grant (10/50146–3).IS thanks the CNPq for earlier financial support. We alsothank the FAPESP for grants under the project ‘‘Origeme Evolucao das Serpentes e a sua Diversificacao na RegiaoNeotropical: Uma Abordagem Multidisciplinar’’ (2011/50206–9). Permit for collection of the holotype wasprovided by the Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservacaoda Biodiversidade (ICMBio) under number 14858–2 toRJS and FEB.


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Accepted: 16 March 2012Associate Editor: Christopher Raxworthy


Specimens Examined

Bothrops alcatraz.—Sao Paulo state: Sao Sebastiao:

Ilha dos Alcatrazes (IBSP 13031, 13126, 13183, 55578,


Bothrops insularis.—Sao Paulo state: Itanhaem, Ilha

da Queimada Grande (IBSP 667–68, 1254, 1884, 1918,

1928, 1953, 1971, 1984, 1992).

Bothrops jararaca.—Sao Paulo state: Bertioga (IBSP

64230–31); Cananeia (IBSP 16601, 19548, 22261, 23018);

Capao Bonito (ZUEC 2039); Caraguatatuba (IBSP

26730–35); Cubatao (IBSP 11966, 18674, 21670, 62072,

67182); Cunha (ZUEC 1564); Guapiara (IBSP 64461);

Guaruja (IBSP 55524, 55863, 55864, 64763–64); Iguape

(IBSP 1076, 24692, 55196, 56259, 57800, 57802, 57805,

57808, 57811, 57817, 57840–41, 57856, 57888, 57896–97,

57903–04, 57908, 57927–28, 57940–41, 57967, 57989,

57995, 58001, 58009, 58035, 58086, 58108, 58129–30,

58132, 58134, 58145, 58156, 58166–67, 58264–65, 61815,

64090, 64462, 64683, 66473, 66665, 66768); Ilhabela

(IBSP 75975–90); Itanhaem (IBSP 11177–78, 11557,

11760–61, 12606, 18548, 18723, 18918, 19935–36,

20879–82, 53102, 56360, 56475, 60669–70, 61821,

66582, 66746); Itariri (IBSP 1105); Miracatu (IBSP

28965, 28969, 55993, 56835, 57704); Mongagua (IBSP

56997–57004, 57247, 61945, 62889); Pedro de Toledo

(IBSP 18777, 18917, 18933, 18957–58, 24065–66, 61383,

61407, 67281); Peruıbe (IBSP 12581, 19036, 20727,

55195, 57790, 57792, 57866, 57869, 57871, 57880,

57882, 57920, 57942, 57945, 57948–49, 57953, 58002,

58014, 58077, 58088, 58090, 64658, 66918); Registro

(IBSP 18281, 23321–23, 53916, 61205–07); Ribeirao

Branco (ZUEC 1746, 1770); Santo Andre, district of

Paranapiacaba (ZUEC 862); Santos (IBSP 10459, 18848,

19501, 21684–88, 61373); Sao Jose do Barreiro (ZUEC

861); Sao Sebastiao (MZUSP 1403–04, 2267); Sao

Sebastiao, Maresias beach (MZUSP 12351); Sao Sebas-

tiao, Juquehy beach (MZUSP 12737, 12819); Sao

Sebastiao, Barra do Una (MZUSP 13167); Sao Sebastiao,

Engenho beach (MZUSP 15137); Sao Vicente (IBSP

14547, 15840, 18722, 57403); Sete Barras (IBSP 56005–

07); Ubatuba (IBSP 69042, 69047–48, 69055–57, 69060–

62, 69064, ZUEC 1052 [hemipenis])

September 2012] 429HERPETOLOGICA