A Neural Network Approach to the Problem of Recovering Lost Data in a Network of Marine Buoys

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  • 8/9/2019 A Neural Network Approach to the Problem of Recovering Lost Data in a Network of Marine Buoys


    FL - 04 S. Puca Page 1 of 4

    A Neural Network Approach to the Problem of Recovering

    Lost Data in a Network of Marine Buoys

    S. Puca*,B. Tirozzi*, G. Arena**, S. Corsini**, R. Inghilesi**

    * University of Rome La Sapienza, Department of Physics

    ** SIMN (National Hydrological and Marine Survey National Technical Surveys Dept. of Italy)


    Neural Network (NN) technology provides several reliable tools for

    analysis in many science and technology applications. In particular NN

    are often applied to the development of statistical models for

    intrinsically non-linear systems, since NN usually behave better than

    ARMA or GARCH models in complex conditions. A member of this class

    of problems is the analysis of time series of significant wave heights

    from a network of buoys. A project is being carried out by the Italian

    DSTN-SIMN (Technical Surveys Dept. National Hydrological and

    Marine Survey) and the Dept. Of Physics of the University of Rome La

    Sapienza, in order to reproduce the time series collected by the Italian

    SWaN network of buoys (Sea Wave monitoring Network). Aim of the

    project is the determination of the best way to fill gaps and long periods

    of missing data with the best accuracy by means of a reanalysis of the

    whole ten years data set of the SWaN. Here a NN model is proposed fortime-space analyses of the marine data. Main feature of the tool is the

    ability to reproduce long time series of data without any increase of the

    error. The method is based on a preliminary spatial analysis of the wave

    climates in order to classify the degree of overlapping of information

    from different stations. This overlapping, where possible, led to an

    optimal and selective training of the NN by means of data collected in

    different, nearby, locations. NN numerical simulations of some

    important historical storm are compared with the data originally

    observed at the stations of Crotone (Ionian Sea), Pescara (Adriatic Sea)

    and Monopoli (Adriatic Sea).

    . Introduction

    The Sea WAve monitoring Network (SWAN) is a network of 10 buoysmoored all round the coasts of Italy (Arena et al., 1997). It has beenworking since June 1989 with the original 8 stations of Alghero, LaSpezia, Ponza, Mazara, Catania, Monopoli, and Ortona. Two stations,

    Cetraro and Ancona, have been added since 1999. At present time sixbuoys provide real time data, all the network will be real time workingwithin the current year. In more than eleven years of activity, theefficiency of the monitoring system was high on the average, Overallstatistics indicate that less than 5% of data were lost for 6 out of 8

    buoys. For only two stations, namely Mazara and Ponza, the percentage

    is higher, about 10-15% (Corsini et al., 2000) . But even for the best ofthe circumstances no system can provide for 100% of the data forundefinitely long periods. Causes of relatively long periods of missing

    data were mainly unmoorings of the buoy due to occasional collisionswith ships, or prolonged radio transmission problems. The occurrenceof problems in the measure or even in the transmission of data affectsboth the principal activities of the network. It decreases the real-time

    monitoring efficiency (every buoy fault produces a decrease of 16% ofthe overall efficiency of the system), and deploys the quality of the long

    term statistics. It must be observed that most of the problems at sea areassociated with severe weather conditions. That is to say that moreoften than not lost information would have been the most valuable. Another aspect of the problem is that in the ordinary time series statistical

    analysis there are tasks, like the evaluation of the autocorrelationfunction, the Fourier analysis or the extreme wave analysis, which


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    requires some sort of replacement of the gaps. Methods reliabilitydepends usually on the length of the gap, univariate methods hardly canprovide reliable estimates of entire storm episodes hidden by large (twoweeks long, for instance) gaps. The aim of the present work is theassessment of a practical and reliable method of recovering lost

    information by means of multivariate Neural Network methods.

    NN approach

    There are several methods currently available to fill the gaps of a timeseries, or, at least, to evaluate their possible influence on the statistical

    analysis. Most of them are univariate techniques, i.e. methods that

    operate on the same time series. There can be statistical or empiricalmethods, which just help to fill the gaps in a way that preserves somefeature (the overall expected value, as an example). More sophisticatedmethods have the aim of simulating the actual time series by means of

    the past history (ARMA or Neural Networks). The intrinsic error in thecase of ARMA model comes from the fact that the prediction (or theestimate) of missing data is obtained by conditional expectation withrespect to the known data. In this algorithms each estimate of the variate

    at a certain time implies a prediction error, which adds up at every timestep. Same situation occurs with neural networks applied in the same

    way, that is, using a NN which captures the relationship among the data

    at time t+1 and those at previous times t, t-1, t-m. Ordinary NNapproach would result in errors in the estimates growing really fast withthe size of the gap, giving meaningless estimates after a few iterations.

    The problem of numerically evaluating the time series of observationscollected at a single station has little chances to be successfully solved.

    Dealing with networks of evenly positioned stations, on the other hand,allows the application of different strategies, in particular it suggest theuse of adaptive methods with multivariate data. The method which led

    to the best results in simulating the behaviour of a long time series forthe SWAN was found to be the use of a superposition of the directionand significant wave height (Hmo) information provided from the nearbystations with non-linear coefficients (weights) estimated by means of aSWAN-tailored NN. The directional information was responsible for

    the weights (correlations) attributed by the NN to Hmo data collected at

    different locations.

    Neural Network Architecture

    Neural Networks are a class of algorithms particularly suitable for the

    modelling of time series. Data can be chaotic or stochastic, usuallygoverned by deterministic evolution equations with stochastic terms(Herz et al., 1993). These algorithms can detect any form of non linear

    relation which generates a sequence of input-output pairs (patterns)

    { }Pyx 1, =

    , wherex is a n-dimensional vector and

    y is a m-

    dimensional vector, is a temporal index. Once it is assumed the

    existence of a functionmn RRf : of the following form:

    xfy = , the aim of the algorithm is then to determine the best

    approximation of the function ( )xf . If the output of the neuralnetwork is called

    z , a learning process is introduced in order to

    minimise the learning errorEL

    1) = =


    P m


    iiL yzP

    E1 1


    on a sequence ofP known patterns by means of the optimisation of the

    synaptic weights w , v . The complete data set is divided in twodifferent subsets. One, the Learning Set (LS), coincides with thepatterns collection on which the weights are estimated by means of theminimisation ofEL. The generalisation skill of the NN is then evaluatedapplying the error ET on the second subset of data, called the TestingSet (TS).

    The expression for theET error is:

    2) = =


    TP m




    T yzP

    E1 1



    where PT is the number of patterns present in the TS.

    The method described in the present paper was based on a two-layeredneural network (NN), in which the input layer was made of eightneurons, the hidden of ten, and the output of three neurons, as shown infig.2

    The input vector1+

    x was defined as:3) ( )122







    1 ,,,,,,, +++++ = ddHHddHH


    Where is a time index, 2,1Hx and

    2,1dx are respectively the

    significant wave heights and mean wave direction at the time of twostations near the buoy whose series is to be simulated. Each of the 8input neuron was connected to all 10 neurons of the first layer by thesynaptic interaction (weights) w(i,j) with i=1,..,10 and j=1,..,8. In the

    same way each neuron of the hidden layer is connected with the three

    neurons of the output by the synaptic weights v(h,k) with h=1,..,3 andk=1, 2,..., 10.

    The values of the output vector ( )121




    1 ,, ++++ = , are:






    + 8












    with h=1, 2, 3 and (x) is the non linear input-output function ofthe neurons, defined as follows:

    5)xi ie




    1)( with i=1,2.

    The components of the output vector1+ are the coefficients of the

    linear combination of the vector ( )121


    1 ,, +++ = HHP


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    higher peak curve. Nevertheless, in the present case it didnt affectsignificantly the results.



    comparison period: 15.02.97-15.03.97Three episodes were observed in the period, (fig 5) the first occurring inthe mid-January, the second (the extreme one) at the beginning ofMarch, and the last one just after two weeks. The major feature to beobserved is a neat overestimation (difference between peaks of about 1

    m) of the Hmo by HNN in the January episode. Further investigationswill be carried out in order to assess whether the overestimate can be

    related to the gap in the time series of the nearby buoy which can beseen along the leading (rising) edge of the peak line, or just to aninadequate representation of the directional information in the learning

    phase. The higher peak is well reproduced by NN, giving a reliablerepresentation for the descending tail of the curve, which was lost in theobservations.


    The preliminary analysis carried out on the test cases proposed, showedthat the numerical simulation of a very long time series, as the

    Monopoli time series, by means of the information collected in thenearby locations (Pescara and Crotone) processed by optimal NN

    algorithms, is at least promising in order to provide a method to recover

    the effects of the loss of data of whatever long period. In the entire testperiods considered NN were found to be far more effective in thesimulation of the physical process than the numerical high resolutionECMWF Wave Model. Comparison with the observations showed thatNN could reproduce most of the sea storm almost exactly in terms of

    the Hmo time series. Only one of the episodes considered in the threeperiods was 30% overestimated by NN, the failure being possibly

    related to the loss of nearby location data in the development stage ofthe storm. Minor weak points of NN were found to be the impossibilityof data recovery when more than one nearby stations fails (situation that

    fortunately was seldom seen to occur) and the uncertainty about themean wave directional information. It must be said that, despite thepoorer ability of HWAM simulation, WAM was found to be quiteeffective in the determination of the mean wave direction.

    Further analysis is being carried out in order to assure the optimisationof the learning sets for all the SWAN time series. More complete results

    will indicate the effects of the recovery of the gaps currently present intime series in standard statistical analyses (i.e. wave climate) as well asin the analysis of extreme waves.


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    FIG.5: 3RD