A multi-script typeface family for augmented...

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ARoneA multi-script typeface family for augmented reality

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But you can call me Arone.

लेकिन आप मझेु एरोन नाम से बलुा सिते।

Books on ancient India here

Second Floor Shelf A61-3

Ancient India: as described by Megasthenes and Arrian

This is a classic work on the ancient geography of India. This is an English translation of the fragments of the Indika of Megasthenes collected by Dr. Schwanbeck, and of the first part of the Indika of Arrian.

यह भारत के �ाचीन भगूोल पर एक उ�ृ िकताब है। यह डॉ �वाबेक �ारा एकि�त इंिडका ऑफ मेग­नीज का एक अं�ेजी अनवुाद है और एिरयन ऑफ इंिडका के पहले भाग म� से एक है।

103 Ratings Book id: A130983672

by Arrian, John Watson McCrindle (Translator)

ARone Sans Regular, ARone Sans Bold, ARone Sans Condensed, ARone Serif Micro, ARone Devanagari Micro

gARone Serif Regular ARone Serif Micro

(Simulated rendering)

ARone is a multi-script typeface family

designed for augmented reality environments

and user interfaces. Its low contrast, generous

spacing androbust shapes make it work well in

busy backgrounds.

ARone has specific weights for high and low

resolutions duplexed to avoid text reflow and

enhance the user experience across devices.

The functionality has been tested thoroughly

to make the reading experience better even in

longer texts.

Latin SansLatin Serifदेवनागरी


ARone Serif Micro, ARone Devanagari Regular 12 pt

“Design virtual features for

augmented readability.”

Gerard Unger

spatial computing

mobile AR experiences

ऑगमेंटेड ररयललटीevolution of the immersive media

perspective distortion

51.4414 N, 0.9418 W










ARone Serif Regular ARone Serif Bold

ARone Serif Micro ARone Serif Micro Bold

ARone Devanagari Regular

ARone Devanagari Micro

ARone Devanagari Micro Bold ARone Sans RegularARone Sans Condensed

ARone Sans Extended ARone Sans BoldARone Sans Wide


onRounded exteriors and rectangular counter spaces for better readabilityand shape recognition

ARone Serif Micro, 260 pt

ARone Serif Micro, 138 pt

Large light traps to avoid halation at the joints and strong serifs for better renderingin low resolutions

ARone Serif Micro, 10 pt


h क1Shapes designed to complement both scripts equally

ARone Serif Micro, 138 pt

ARone Serif Micro, 138 pt

Maximised apertures with slightshape adjustments to aid legibility

ARone Serif Micro, 10 pt

trjStrong endings to give the letters a bit more weight and to avoid round-ing at the ends against transparent backgrounds/ low resolution.

ARone Serif Micro, 10 pt

ARone Serif Micro, 302 pt

Augmented Reality is an interactive experience of a real world environment whose elements are “augmented” by computer-

generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory. The overlaid sensory information can be constructive (i.e. additive to the natural environment) or destructive (i.e. masking of the natural environment) and is seamlessly interwoven with the physical world such that it is perceived as an immersive aspect of the real environment.

Augmented Reality is an interactive experience of a real world environment whose elements are “augmented” by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory. The overlaid sensory information can be constructive (i.e. additive to the natural environment) or destructive (i.e. masking of the natural environment) and is seamlessly interwoven with the physical world such that it is perceived as an immersive aspect of the real environment.

ARone Serif Regular, Bold 10 pt

ARone Serif Regular, Bold 7 pt

ARone Serif Micro, Micro Bold 10 pt

ARone Serif Micro, Micro Bold 7 pt

A head-up display (HUD) is a transparent

display that presents data without

requiring users to look away from their

usual viewpoints. A precursor technology

to augmented reality, heads-up displays

were first developed for pilots in the 1950s,

projecting simple flight data into their

line of sight, thereby enabling them to

keep their “heads up” and not look down

at the instruments. Near-eye augmented

reality devices can be used as portable

head-up displays as they can show data,

information, and images while the user

views the real world. Many definitions

of augmented reality only define it as

overlaying the information.

A head-up display (HUD) is a transparent

display that presents data without

requiring users to look away from their

usual viewpoints. A precursor technology

to augmented reality, heads-up displays

were first developed for pilots in the 1950s,

projecting simple flight data into their

line of sight, thereby enabling them to keep their “heads up” and not look down

at the instruments. Near-eye augmented

reality devices can be used as portable

head-up displays as they can show data,

information, and images while the user

views the real world. Many definitions

of augmented reality only define it as

overlaying the information.

72 pt

60 pt

48 pt

36 pt

30 pt

24 pt

18 pt

12 pt

Shapes designed to minimise excessive glow at joints and reconstruct the usual curve at small sizes by using the same glow as an advantage.

ARone Serif Micro, Devanagri Micro

We frequently mix old technology with computers to convert a backbreaking job into a breeze.

Despite technological advances, jalopies require a sizable petroleum fi x to whiz by.

I know that ATOMS produce complex forms of MATTER, which could become very jagged

ARone Serif Micro, Micro Bold 30 pt

ARone Serif Regular, Bold 30 pt

ARone Serif Micro 30 pt


élèves âgée

amphithéâtrepiñata colorido


augmentéhéél veel succes

ARone Serif Micro, 49 pt

ARone Serif Regular, 69 pt

ARone Serif Micro Bold, 52 pt

ARone Serif Micro Bold, 61 pt

ARone Serif Micro, 43 pt

ARone Serif Micro, 35 pt

ARone Serif Micro, 47 pt

ARone Serif Micro, 47 pt

Die begrip werkelikheid is ‘n

aanduiding vir die wêreld waarin

ons lewe, en is verwant aan die

begrippe “realiteit” en die bestaan.

Dit is ‘n heel elementêre begrip,

wat vanselfsprekend voorkom en

geen teks of uitleg benodig. Vele

wetenskappe gebruik die begrip

werklikheid ook as evident oftewel as

baie duidelik, maar in die filosofie en

die wetenskapsfilosofie is die begrip.

La réalité est l’ensemble des

phénomènes considérés comme

existant effectivement. Ce concept

désigne donc ce qui est physique,

concret, par opposition à ce qui est

imaginé, rêvé ou fictif. Si son usage

est initialement philosophique,

particulièrement dans sa branche

ontologique, il a intégré le langage

courant et donné lieu à des usages

spécifiques, notamment en science.

Verklighet är ett begrepp som

används särskilt inom filosofin och

som betecknar både egenskapen

att vara verklig/t och allt det som

är verkligt. Förutom denna rent

språkliga distinktion kan man urskilja

två huvudbetydelser av begreppet. För

det första kan det användas för att

beteckna allt som är förverkligat.

Virkelighed er et oprindeligt tysk

låneord. Det tilsvarende tyske ord

Wirklichkeit blev skabt af Mester

Eckehart som en oversættelse af det

latinske ord actualitas. Det betegner

den form for eksistens, som er

afgrænset af det mulige på den ene

side og det nødvendige på den anden.

Begrebsparret virkelighed/mulighed

står overfor det noget anderledes

vægtede begrebspar realitet/idealitet.

O real é tido como aquilo que existe

fora da mente ou dentro dela também.

A ilusão, a imaginação, embora não

esteja expressa na realidade tangível

extra-mentis, existe ontologicamente,

onticamente, ou seja: intra-mentis.

E é portanto real, embora possa ser

ou não ilusória. A ilusão quando

existente, é real e verdadeira em si

mesma. Ela não nega sua natureza. Ela

diz sim a si mesma.

La realitat és el conjunt de tot allò

que efectivament existeix, en contrast

amb tot allò que és imaginari o allò

que sembli altra cosa que el que és. Sol

equivaler al món amb una existència

física. Les ficcions no es consideren

com a reals. El mot en català “realitat”

està pres del llatí medieval realitate,

amb el mateix significat.







ARone Serif Micro, 8 pt

Patient id:


Case History





Mr. J is a 37-year-old man. He was

referred to me for further evaluation for

a possible metabolic disorder.The

patient reports great thirst and frequent

urination in recent months. He

collapsed at work on January 5 from

what he describes as severe flu-like

symptoms. His symptoms have not

improved since then. There is no

evidence of viral or bacteria infection.

Greatly elevated fasting blood glucose

level suggests diabetes. Further lab tests

reveal minimal insulin production and

no insulin resistance. The diagnosis is

Date: 13/01/18 Dr. Henson

Live Stream

Ultrasound Reports 21/02/18

Dr. Sudhir (Mumbai)

इस हालत िजसम� कोिशका इंसिुलन को ठीक से जवाब देने

म� िवफल होती है। जैसे जैसे रोग की �गित होगी इंसिुलन

की कमी भी िवकिसत हो सकती है। इस फॉम� को पहले







120/80 89

HBP Pulse 114 HBP Pulse 114

( )



Clock04:00 130/59 (72)

05:00 123/73 (84)

06:00 127/70 (89)

Open new reports

ARone Sans Regular, ARone Sans Condensed, ARone Serif Micro, ARone Devanagari Micro

पैARone Devanagari,Regular395 pt



राष्ट्रपकत ने िहा

योग िे ललए बद्ी में

नही ंसंभले तो ब ूं द ब ूं द पानी को तरस जाएंगे

सामालिि बरुाइयों व पाखंडों िे खखलाफ

ऋकियों िो सताने वाले दुष्ट राक्षसों िे रािा रावण िा सव्वनाश िरने वाले श्ीराम अयोध्ा िे महाराि दशरथ िे बडे़ सपतु्र थे।

ARone Devnagari Micro, 60 pt

ARone Devnagari Micro, 23 pt

ARone Devnagari Regular, 100 pt

ARone Devnagari Regular, 21 pt

ARone Devnagari Micro Bold, 120 pt

ARone Devnagari Micro, 15 pt

ARone Devnagari Micro, 48 pt


Decender Line


Ascender Line


ARone Serif Micro, 208 ptARone DevanagariMicro, 208 pt

Deep conjuncts designed to accomodate marks and reduce the overlaps in succesive lines.

Aron Serif Micro, 10 pt हनमुानभीम


भीम को वन में घमूते हुए एक बढ़ूा वानर ददखाई ददया। वह एक बहुत बड़ी आय ुवाला वानर था। जजसकी प ूँछ बहुत लंबी थी और उसकी प ूँछ भीम के रास्े में थी। भीम बहुत ही गववीला था। अगर उसके रास्े में कोई आता तो उसे पीछे हट कर भीम को रास्ा देना पड़ता। और इन बारह वर्षों के दौरान पांडवो ंको जजस लजजा का सामना करना पड़ा उसकी वजह से वह बहुत गसैु्ल भी हो गया था। पहले वो खशु जमजाज था।

भीम िो वन में घमूते हुए एि बढ़ूा वानर रदखाई रदया। वह एि बहुत बड़ी आय ुवाला वानर था। लिसिी प ूँछ बहुत लंबी थी और उसिी प ूँछ भीम िे रासे् में थी। भीम बहुत ही गववीला था। अगर उसिे रासे् में िोई आता तो उसे पीछे हट िर भीम िो रास्ा देना पड़ता। और इन बारह विषों िे दौरान पांडवों िो लिस लजिा िा सामना िरना पड़ा उसिी विह से वह बहुत गसु्सैल भी हो गया था। पहले वो खशु जमजाज था।

ARone Devnagari Regular, 12/17 pt

ARone Devnagari Micro, 12/17 pt

२ ३९ ४ ५४

राधा कैसे न जले लगान

: / :

गोिपयाँ आनी जानी है ंराधा तो मन की रानी है गोिपयाँ आनी जानी हैं


ताजा खबर�

रा�ीय �ेशल



आम म�ेु




भीड़ हमेशा उस रा�े पर चलती है जो रा�ा आसान लगता है लेिकन इसका मतलब यह नही ंकी भीड़ हमेशा सही रा�े पर चलती है। अपने रा�े खदु चिुनए �ोंिक आपको आपसे बेहतर और कोई नही ंजानता।

TweetsInHindi @Hindibhashi22 May 22

५वसंत पंचमी


बटन दबाएंभारतीय अथ��व�ा


NSE: टाटा मोटस�


नेशनल �ॉक ए च�ज (National Stock Exchange of India) भारत का सबसे

बड़ा और तकनीकी ¡प से अ¢णी �ॉक ए च�ज है। यह मुं बई म� ि�त है। इसकी �ापना

भारतीय अंतिर� अनसंुधान संगठनIndian Space Research Organisation

ISRO भारत का रा�ीय अंतिर� सं�ान है िजसका म�ुालय ब�गल�ु कना�टक म� है। सं�ान म� लगभग स�ह हजार कम�चारी एवं वै�ािनक काय�रत है।ं सं�ान का म�ु काय� भारत के िलये अंतिर� संबधी तकनीक उपल� करवाना है। अ�िर� काय��म के म�ु उ�े�यों म� उप�हों ¡मोचक यानों पिर�ापी राकेटों और भ¡ूणािलयों का िवकास शािमल है।

१९६९ म� �ािपत इसरो अंतिर� अनसंुधान के िलए त«ालीन भारतीय रा�ीय सिमित भौितक अनसंुधान ¡योगशाला ®तं� भारत के ¡थम ¡धानमं�ी जवाहर लाल नेह� और उनके करीबी सहयोगी और वै�ािनक िव�म साराभाई के ¡यासों से १९६२ म� �ािपत िकया गया। भारत का पहला उप�ह आय�भ³ जो १९ अ¡ैल १९७५ सोिवयत संघ ·ारा श�ु िकया गया था। वह गिणत� आय�भ³ के नाम पर रखा गया था।




चं»यान २आिद¼ १भारतीय श�ु आिब�टर िमशनमंगलयान २

जीएसएलवी माक� २पीएसएलवी ए½एलपीएसएलवी ए½एलजीएसएलवी ३


यान का नाम ¡�ेपण यान समय

ऊंचाई ४३ मी. (१४२.५ फीट)

लंबाई १३.५ मी. (४४ फीट)

इंजन २ िवकास इंजन

अंतिर� यान

सी २५

एल ११०

अस २२०

उपकरण बे

भिू र उपह ��ेपण यान

िजयोिस�ोनस सैटेलाइट लाँच वहीकल (Mark 3) या GSLV Mark 3 िजसे लॉÆ वाहन माक� ३ भी कहा जाता है भारतीय अंतिर� अनसंुधान संगठन ·ारा िवकिसत एक ¡�ेपण वाहन है। इसे भिू�र क�ा िजयोÈेशनरी ऑिब�ट म� उप�हों और

भारतीय अंतिर� याि�यों को ¡�ेिपत करने के िलये िवकिसत िकया गया है। जीएसएलवी ३ म� एक भारतीय तषुारजिनक �ायोजेिनक रॉकेट इंजन की तीसरे चरण की भी सिुवधा के अलावा वत�मान भिू�र उप�ह ¡�ेपण यान की तलुना म� अिधक पेलोड ले जाने

१५ अगÌ २०१८११ ४५

Arone Devanagari Micro, Micro Bold, Arone Serif Micro Disclaimer: Data shown is for representational purpose only.



17 10:24 PMC


4.7 km



ARone Sans Regular, ARone Sans Condensed, ARone Sans Extended

aaaaARone Sans, 500 ptCondensedRegularWide (Interpolated)Extended


ARone SansMicro, 138 pt

Sans was designed following the same parameters set in serif design with a careful consideration to capitals and numbers to be used as UI elements.

Aron Serif Micro, 10 pt

Interaction design in augmented reality technology centers on the user’s engagement with the end product to improve the overall user experience and enjoyment. The purpose of Interaction Design is to avoid alienating or confusing the user by organising the information presented.

Since user interaction relies on the user’s input, designers must make system controls easier to understand and accessible. A common technique to improve usability for augmented reality applications is by discovering the frequently accessed areas in

design the application to match those areas of control. It is also important to structure the user journey maps and the flow of information presented which reduce

In interaction design, it is important for developers to utilize augmented reality technology that complement the system’s function or purpose. For instance, the utilization of exciting AR filters and the design of the unique sharing platform in Snapchat users to better the user’s social interactions.

In other applications that require users to understand the focus and intent, designers can employ a reticle or raycast from the device. Moreover, augmented reality developers may find it appropriate to have digital elements scale or react to the direction of the camera and the context of objects that can are detected. The most exciting factor of augmented

ARone SansRegular18/ 21.6 pt

14/16.8 pt

12/14.4 pt

10/12 pt

7/9 pt

ę ü

Ẅ äéç









cyanobacteriën enquête matthäus scènes caraïbische valérie geïrrigeerd jè édith chambéryzomer geïllustreerd bètadeeltjes jürgen sébastien beëindiging yucatán régime adèle tröckener solocarrière

körper lärmen

dreißigjährige alttertiär



weiterführend färöer

südöstlich großmächte

exótík indíáni býli menntaskólanum alþý uflokkinn trúver ugleiki bókstafstrú fjær hrísgrjónarækt

rêrig vóór primêre karotenoïede kontroversiële kêrel één nádat adéliepikkewyn dít trôe óm geëmigreer miljoenêre wîe paleosoïkum asiëoorlog


CondensedARone Sans




Hardware components for augmented reality are: processor, display, sensors and input devices. Modern mobile computing devices like smartphones and tablet computers contain these elements which often include a camera and sensors such as accelerometer, GPS, and solid state compass, making them suitable AR platforms.

A head-mounted display (HMD) is a display device worn on the forehead, such as a harness or helmet. HMDs place images of both the physical world and virtual objects over the user’s field of view. Modern HMDs often employ sensors for six degrees of freedom monitoring that allow the system to align virtual information to the physical world and adjust accordingly with the user’s head movements. HMDs can provide VR users with mobile and collaborative experiences. Specific providers, such as uSens and Gestigon, include gesture controls for full virtual immersion. AR displays can be rendered on devices resembling eyeglasses. Versions include eyewear that employs cameras to intercept the real world view and re-display its augmented view through the eyepieces and devices in which the AR imagery is projected through or reflected off the surfaces of the

A head up display is a transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints. A precursor technology to augmented reality, heads-up displays were first developed for pilots in the 50s, projecting simple flight data into their line of sight, thereby enabling them to keep their heads up and not look down at the instruments. Near eye augmented reality devices can be used as portable head-up displays as they can show data, information, and images while the user views the real world. Many definitions of augmented reality only define it as overlaying the information. This is basically what a head-

Contact lenses that display AR imaging are in development. These bionic contact lenses might contain the elements for display embedded into the lens including integrated circuitry, LEDs and an antenna for wireless communication.

”ARone Sans Bold, 10 pt

ARone Sans Condensed, 10 pt

ARone Sans Condensed, 10 pt

ARone Sans Regular, 10 pt


Augmented REALITY



0.00 100.00



For science, reality is supposed to be made up of objects and events that are entirely independent of the observer. It is assumed to be 100% objective - not shaped in the least by our perceptions of it. But is this what reality really is?


ARone Sans Regular, ARone Sans Condensed

Many thanks toGerry Leonidas for supporting the idea right from the beginning and helping me to realise it into a fully fledged project. Gerard Unger for all the great advice on how to tackle the challenges,Fiona Ross and Vaibhav Singh for helping me learn another side of my native script.Michael Twyman, James Mosley and Victor Gaultney for their guidance and lectures.All the visiting lecturers for their feedback and valuable input.

My family for believing in me and making it possible for me to be here to pursue my passion. And all the amazing classmates for their continuous support and love.

Text: http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.urtd.net/x/cod/ https://shabdkosh.raftaar.in http://clagnut.com

Images: https://unsplash.com/




Designed by

Niteesh Yadav

Website: www.niteeshyadav.com

Mail: me@niteeshyadav.com

Twitter: @Niteesh22