A model for Supervision AAOS Approaches to Supervision ...

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Transcript of A model for Supervision AAOS Approaches to Supervision ...

Based on a talk given by Eveline Crotty and Peter Maher at the APSE-UK Conference June 2014

A model for Supervision

AAOS Approaches to Supervision

Peter Maher

“Education is the kindling of a flame,

not the filling of a vessel’

This is what we mean by

Transformative Learning

As a model for supervision

Transforming Practices Inc.

We create a safe context

We kindle flames

We sit with patience


the time is right for the person

to break open “their container” (whether that container be psychological, sociological, theological etc.)

Transforming Practices Inc.

Transforming Practices Inc.


Thick Description: ‘thin slicing’

“As a person searches for patterns and wisdom

sifting through the situation in front of them,

throwing out all that is irrelevant,

while zeroing in on what really matters….This often delivers a better answer than more deliberate and

exhaustive ways of thinking”

Often a supervisee is doing this either consciously or unconsciously

Transforming Practices Inc.

Transforming Practices Inc.

Strong feelings and emotions that start the process of thinking around an experience

This can lead to a disorientating experience or dilemma that makes a person rethink his/her existing ideas and theories

This can lead to be the discovery of assumptions on which a person has based her/his values, life and thinking

Transforming Practices Inc.

It could be a feeling of discontent

An awareness that he/she is living out of other people’s values and scripts

A realization that there are other psychological truths beside their own.

Michael Carroll

Supervision: Critical Reflection for

Transformational Learning (Part 2)

Transforming Practices Inc.

Jack Mezirow – pioneer of transformative learning theory

“Transformative learning involves reflectively transforming the beliefs, attitudes, opinions and emotional reactions that constitute our meaning schemes … “

(Mezirow, J. (1991). Transformative dimensions of adult learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. p 223)

Transforming Practices Inc.

Transforming Practices Inc.


The event - what

are the triggers?


Unpacking the

event - context,

feelings, beliefs


What questions


Possible change


What do I take into

my experience

It happens through dialogue within trusting relationships offering non-evaluative feedback free from unequal power.

It fosters a change in how people see themselves and their world – a new meaning scheme – including values, justice and inclusiveness.

Transforming Practices Inc.

Involves communicative and

instrumental learning

Involves allowing people to live with some discomfort at the edge of ‘knowing’ in the process of gaining new insights and understandings.

Transforming Practices Inc.

Involves reflection on how you work that leads to action

(Taylor, E., An update of transformative learning theory: a critical review of the empirical research (1999–2005) in International Journal of Lifelong Education,

Vol. 26, No. 2 (March-April, 2007), p173–191)

Transforming Practices Inc.

Involves emotional component as a catalyst for change

“… although a single event may catalyse

a shift or a particular story might dramatize a transformation,

closer examination reveals that change or shift was long in coming

and its possibility prepared for in myriad ways, generally across years …” (Daloz)

Transforming Practices Inc.

“I had no epiphany, no singular revelation, no moment of truth,

but a steady accumulation of a thousand slights, a thousand indignities,

a thousand unremembered moments … “

(Daloz, L. A. P. (2000). Transformative learning for the common good. In J. Mezirow &

Associates, Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory in progress (pp.105-6). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass)

Transforming Practices Inc.

Transforming Practices Inc.

examining your world

pay attention to our experience and its context

learn through an intellectual conversion (seeing through the walls of our containers)

begin to see ethical implications for our knowing moving towards goodness and justice

see grace at work in our own life and in others, systems etc.

Transforming Practices Inc.

Patricia Cranton applied transformative learning theory to adult education and teaching. She said teachers should be role models of reflective practice. Good teachers do more than hand on information.

She emphasized critical reflection in education as a process that requires self-awareness, planning, skill, support and discourse with others as a way to facilitate perspective change and shift. This involves both teacher and learner in a cooperative project. Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning:

A Guide for Educators of Adults. . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1994

Transforming Practices Inc.

What was/is the trigger for change?

What was/is the structure/power relationship/culture surrounding the event?

What part does one’s value/belief/spirituality system play in deeper reflection around the event? Transforming Practices Inc.

Were there other factors impacting on this event?

How did/could this event change attitudes, feelings, understandings; future plans, skills development or work/life choices?

How were/are the changes managed?

Transforming Practices Inc.

In out of the way places of the heart

where your thoughts never think to wander

this beginning has been quietly forming

waiting until you are ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire,

feeling the emptiness growing inside you

still unable to leave what you have outgrown.

Transforming Practices Inc.

It watched you play with the seduction of safety

and the grey promises that sameness whispered,

heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,

wondered would you always live like this.

Then the delight when your courage kindled

and you stepped onto new ground,

your eyes young again with energy and dream,

a path of plenitude opening before you.

Transforming Practices Inc.

Though your destination is not clear you can trust the promise of this opening

unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning that is at one with your life’s desire.

Awaken your spirit to adventure;

hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk; Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,

for your soul senses the world that awakes you.

John O’Donohue

Transforming Practices Inc.