A little boy, in the autumn season, suddenly started wheezin’ and sneezin’.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of A little boy, in the autumn season, suddenly started wheezin’ and sneezin’.

A little boy, in the autumn season,suddenly started wheezin’ and sneezin’.

The mother soon began to worry, and made a phonecall in a hurry.

“He’s sick, he’s fussy,doesn’t chatter,Doctor, tell me,what’s the matter?”

The Doc replied, “M’am never fear, just come and bring your young child here”.

The doctor tried many allergen,according to symptoms and season

When, at last, the culprit he did discover,what allergen did he uncover?

Just what was the cause of Mama’s fright?Oh goodness, a teeny, tiny mite.

A little hive, so puffy and red;To a certain mite our test has led.

Surprise, surprise! We’ve found the mite!Now, onto the treatment that’ll set you right!

This nasty pest has caused such fuss,And you’d think it’d be grateful, living with us.

Instead of thanking us for protection,It makes us sick and prone to infection.

The little boy pouted,Looked sadly and said,“But, I want to play,Not lie sick in my bed!”

“I want to throw pillows,have a big pillow fight,and not have to stay up sickall through the night.”

“ My teddy bear needs me and my cuddles, too,But with sneezes and sniffles, just what can I do?”

“I’d just like to wrestle sometimes with my brother,and play ‘Cowboys and Indians’ like any other”.

“Oh! Doctor, please tell me, is my playing-time through?”

“Not a bit!”, said the Doc, “I’ve a cure that’s for you!”

But the sight of the needle made the little boy cringe,“ I hate to have shots! Take away that siringe!!”

The doctor replied, “Silly, it doesn’t hurt,

now hurry and roll upthe sleeve of your shirt.”

“It takes just a second,you see just how fast?

Thanks to the vaccine,your sniffles won’t last.”

“ Later on, when you wake upand go out to play,

There’ll be no more sneezesto ruin your day.”

“There are so many benefits vaccines can offer, they’re just the right thing for a sneezer and cougher”.

Now you’ve seen all the good things that vaccines can do,Why don’t you try them – I would, wouldn’t you?