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Transcript of A LINCOLN

  • 7/28/2019 A LINCOLN


    Abraham LincolnScholars rank Lincoln among the top three U.S. Presidents, with the average of those surveysplacing him at number one. He is noted for his lasting influence on U.S. politics, includingredefining republican values.

    Lincoln's formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling, but he was largely self-educated and an avid reader. After coming across the Commentaries on the Laws of England,began to teach himself law. He got admitted to the barin 1837. With a reputation as a formidableadversary during cross-examinations and in his closing arguments, Lincoln became one of themost respected and successful lawyers in Illinois and grew steadily prosperous.

    ChartFebruary 12, 1809 at 6:54 AM in Hodgenville, KY (USA)




    BUDHAAbraham LINCOLN12-02-1809 6.54

    AM,KY, USA












    Education:4th lord Kuja is in 10th, aspecting the 4th house fully. 4th house is occupied by Khanta karaka Ketu,who has an 8th house amsa in Satrukshetra, Simha. Also, you may note the Neechamsa of thevidya karaka Budha. Lincoln had delays in formal education owing to this malefic Ketu, butultimately it gave way to the other strong positive features of the horoscope.

  • 7/28/2019 A LINCOLN


    Mind:Manokaraka Chandra in the Crocodile-Deer dwiswabhava rasi must have given rise to so manyconfusions regarding values, especially as it is associated with Rahu in Kumbha navamsa. It isfurther accented by Kuja drishti.

    Knowledge:2nd lord, Sani in sarvabheeshta sthana 11th, in Ucchamsa aspected by none other than Guru, ismore than what anybody can ask for! The presence of 9 th lord Budha is again a positive though,8th lord Suryas presence surely must have given rise to struggles. We can see the predominanceof law and political science in education.

    Karma:10th lord Sukra, is in Uccha rasi though in 3rd house. Sukra happens to be the yoga karaka, owingto his Kendra and Trikona lordships. Its yoga with Guru in Guru kshetra is very significant. Kuja in10th with Swakshetramsa is again good for Political administration though Rahus and Gulikasassociation must have given rise to lot of misuderstandings and non-transparent dealings.

    Bhagya:Bhagya lord, 9th lord Budha is in 2nd house. No doubt, his speeches brought him to power. But

    Budhas association with the 8th lord Surya, must have pulled him down many a time. (considerSuryas neecha amsa also.) Budhas neechamsa and association with Gulika in navamsa surelyindicates difficulties he had to face, with his own self.Here is one person, who worked hard towards success. Whose lagna lord took charge over thelimiting parameters.

    Wisdom:5th lord, Yogakaraka Sukra in 11th from 5th, namely the 3rd, in Uccha and again in 11th in amsa isgood enough to make one worldly wise. The association with Guru who has an ucchamsa, took itin a more positive direction.

    Summary:Lincoln is a mix of destiny and hardwork. Lagna lord Sani, 5 th and 10th lord Sukra, Jnana karaka

    Guru, and 4th


    lord Kuja all have played more role than the Bhagya lord Budha. No wonder,this man could change the perspective of one of the most influential countries in the world bybringing about radical changes like abolition of slavery.