A LIBERAL PUBLICATIONCOLLEGE tudent Body action Set for ...

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Transcript of A LIBERAL PUBLICATIONCOLLEGE tudent Body action Set for ...


yot. N ednesday at

Student Body


c01.� 211 _

i4Pati 3Juor


SAN JOSE. ritIDAY, 1932

San Jose, al. Subs. Rate. $1.00

l’er ttuarter

tudent Body action Set for Wednesday �4

Dr. and Mrs. T. MacQuarrie Ticket Sales To Board Picnic Biggest Election Turnout in History To Be Held June 4 I T3EuBroe Gll.esrts. on Start for Annual of San Jose State Expected Wednesday;

Polls Are To Be Open from 8 Until 5 at Mountain Ranchl Peaa nP

’ Dr. and Mrs. 1. W, be the guests of lo


ATTEND ANNUAL brother. A. C. 11,,,

OFTINti te or minnt�apoi.s, h.,. to


The annual Executive Board

nie will be held Saturday, June

el Captain Richard Werner’s

h in the Santa Cruz moun-

"La Gloriata de las Santa

Plans released today by Presi-

John Doming and Neil O. , controller of the student

v, call for a party of about 40

s of the entire 1931-1932

rd and faculty advisors.

The newly elected members of boanl will be guests of the

r board members, insuring

delightful time for all. Transportation is being ar-aged by Finanee Chairman

e Greenleaf; cars will leave *Ottertail Union at I p.

llorris Williams. fall quarter Editor. is chairman of the board, and wishes to keep

Ibis committee plans secret. it rumored that Dr. Peterson and

r. Thum, will not don the bite robes of the oflice of chef

and assistant as in times past. Sh’ A secret is being main -

mined! Each member of the lord is eligible to bring a guest. !lard member% will please’ reply

invitations now being sent out Morris Williams, chairman.

IMPORTANT NOTICE on Friths., June 3rd, in Room

r of the Dome-Making depart. ant at 3:00 o’clock, Nfr. F. A. adson of Irving lundborg Co., ’niters, of San Fracisco, tale on Investment Banking Busi--as for Mrs. Sarah Douelle’s ,,nsurne ranarkeling class.

111 those who think they would a interested are cordially an-

ted to attend at 3 ii�alock.

Lurope this summer. Mrs. Mited Quarriv will leave for the East on June 9, and will Ise joined by Dr.’ alacQuarrie in Chicago, who will leave San Jose on the evening of June

The Iwo NiacQuarrie families will sail from New York June 30 on the "Champlain", and will clock lat Havre, France. They I will motor in their own car I whieb they are bringing from! Minneapolis to Paris. and then towards Bordeaux in Ilie chateau , emintrY�

They will then go north when they will visil the battle lines. a part of thee country with which Dr. MacQuarrie is very familiar since he spent some lime there during the war.

From there they will motor to’ Germany anel down the Milne country. They only expect to


Players’ Season 1\7,1 CHRISTIE" NAIL!. BE


Opening the sales la. t Mat 1932-33 season. Sun Jose Players will place their books of season tickets for the coming year be-fore Doi public at the perform-ances of ()scar Wilde’s "The Im-portance of Being Earnest," on

Wills O’Neil’s "Anna Christie" for the Opener rOe 111e 1�011Iill’-. Seilti1/11, l’Inyen% 1111%1’ Se111.111111,1 the most ambitious season in their years of existence.

Other places on Ilie program have been given to "The Seleael for Scandal." "Nliettael .11111 N1:11,," "Ilotel Universe." a program of outstanding eme-etel plays, and another which is unehosen.

This will probably he a play will. I. is running on Broadway itt the tier., or messibly may be oresenled orior to its New York

, I will go from there by boat to indeed an honor evtended to few this she hns been a capable work -

amateurs in the country. er on La lorre. She was a niember � . " the British Isles until the latter , tt� the �china, ,,t- the pt., of the Verse Speaking Choir, the Chairman of finance has an able part e.f August, going to Scotland foreman-es, tickets for the sea- Student Affairs committee, and is candidate in Junior Wilson, nom-:met Wales. Dr. NlacQuarrie stated Charles Pinkham. son may he bought or reserved. t.troininent in Inter-society and ,inated bY that he should like to visit the knsuring a wide choice. of seats inter-nrganization work. i Wilson is the present president Cuiversity of London, where he for San Jose Piave, most amid. .As a Player she bees taken itn- of the Junior class. Wilson is the spent some titne after the war. time, ,,,.�,

i They will return to San Jose , peerlant roles in "Judas Iscariot", co-originator of the popular boat "Cock Hain," "Cradle. Song," ride. the class of ’33 has soon-

Ilte 1.:trly part 4 s..1.1...,,i,.., � "Romeo and Juliet." "House l’ar. sored for the last two years. Ile

ty." and will play in "The Im. !is also director of State motion

Colorado Is Agricultural Officers on Tuesday llelen Freeland’s name svas cap-

pictures, which has ben most sue--tiortance of Being Earnest."

live council, the Y. W. C. A. cab-

student, by

cesaful. ___. �__ .tlely put before the Colorado is rapidly i enamelling .111 women students are urged Jim Fitzgerald. recognized as a leading horticul- to attend he A. W. S. assemblY 1 Nliss Freeland has held the a-ttired stale because it is prealin�- which will be given on l’uesday, fices of secretary and vice-presi-

dent of the Junior class. She is I a member of the A. W. S. execu-

ing vegetables and fruits in high altitudes during seasons of the year when other sections of the country are not producing, ac-cording to William Case, exten-i %ion hortictilturalist at the Colo-raliii Oak,.

Verse Choir Is Royally Entertained by

Many Friends in Southern California

S..ti Bernardino --gelling along great so far�aud-iences are extremely responsive. We’te ila,! a perfect time�meet-ing grand people, etc.

presentation. This possibility is

A. W. S. Will Nominate

11.1s 31. a eleven o’clock. Since this will be the first and onlY metaing of the quarter, it is par-

. women be there. An interesting ’migrant has been arranged, con-

, ding a Or. Bertha Nfason, who II talk on the social relation -

or men and women. i Mier business of the day svill

nominations of officers for coming year. All those inter-

, st..1 in prospective candidates for these offices should make it a

The annual student body electiame will be held Wednesday, June 2 . with the pollee open from eight m. until I p. m.

A record turn -out is expectei for the election because of the .iderest aroused by the large number of desersing candidates hat have been nominated for th.. positionie.

Officers ,14 h0 P to be elected at thia time are: President. \me-President, Secretary, Chairman of Finance. Manager of For. enaics. Chairman of Student Affairs, Health Cottage Representa-tive. and Music Manafeer.

Because of the unavailabilly of tortures of all candidates for the offices; among these, viee,presi-oniees of secretary and chairman dent or the sophomore class, of finance, the l’imes has been treasurer of Players. student irely to..thle to secure cuts of all hub- leader, sell leader and :1S -

N i,1121.1% its 1.Iie paper goes to press, sistant Yell leader of the fresh -MO these, w ill be published in the rnan class for two quarters,

chairman of social affairs for at isaile of the paper.

NVednesday Nomination Day freshmen and new students. Ile ,aa,nett seastat c��) g � is a Spartan Knight, and a mem-

ber of the Pre -Legal club. A% a the Student Body offices of San S.111 .11/tie Player, lie lias appeared Jewe State. A general assembly ]

was called by President John in "Lail). Windermere’s Fan," "’loose Party," "110111e0 and Jul -Horning for the nomination of

andidates. iet." and various one-act plays. Carl Well W.1% presented as Bah Montgomery. nontinated

see_ candidate for chairman of finance I,y Yancy Williams for the retaryship. has been both presi- .frue. Tourtillot. Ih’elz has

I been music representative for twee dent and vice-president of Son quarters and concert series mana-ger for last year and the coming year.

.111%e I layers. For the last year and

Wilson has been elected to the newly. authorized position of Earl in the Spartan Knights, ror the last 1%%"0 quarters. Jun-ior was on thee election board last quarter. The. first complimentary formal given in the school. by the

met. the Student Affairs commit- (t.ti:e".� dee. Black Nfasque and Kappa Del-ta l’i. She was also an associate

worker on mans. committees.

editor of the Times. For forensic representative

For seeretary bth

naled Nfary Lou Carmichael. alar1 that position. Lou is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, the honor society a the forilltrilaNnejiµ.en-rni7; ttnotr.erncsdicist"ss.7:trene school. She also helped organize J... k Murdock nominated him for the General Elementary socielY� that office. Harry has worked 1/11

is st.es Ica at dal aren iitt to be at Ile meeting. Elec.’ For representative of the the Times three quarters, one

11,11111, tonight. Jean Byers and for °Ricer% for A, w. wilt licalth Cottage. Florence Snure, time being news editor, and twice

art. gocsts the daughter of Ille toke place on Wednesday, june Dorothy Kirby. and Dorothy assistant editor. Ile has been on

owner a on, of the ’arm, Im1111% first. in conjunction with the Horne were nominatted. the Spardi Cras committee and

Tomorrow ITueselay I we have Body elections. Bob Applegartb was nonlinated idle Boat Hide committee. He is a

Arrayed in Pomona Sunday two programs at Riverside-- chairman of finance by pete !member a Pre-Legal club. Harry

tertained at dinner by Miss Best, demonstration program at Red, uanned Goods Exhibited . . Lumen. Bud was chairman of has had two sears of debating eN-

!he enmmittee for the identiflra- perience previously. night at fii3u�lit seven were en- Wednesday, four at Boll:ends-

lion pictures. Ile has been on the , Brown, nominated for mush

Yesterday from 12:15 to 2:00 p. boat ride committee. Applegarth representative by Charles Pink -

m.. the class in cafeteria manage- is a neophyte of Spartan Knights. ham, is a member of the band and

inent. enjoyed a demonstration of Carl Palmer was nominated foe orchestra and elirector of the Lit�

canned goods by Nfr. George chairman of finance by George tle Theater orchestra.

Goodelay of the S. & W. Com- Greenleaf. Palmer has distin-! Fred Steen. nominee of Charles

guished himself as Student Affairs lite-bards for niusic representa-patty.

Mr. Coodelay opened canned rhairMan for two quartera. being live. is a member of the band and

responsible for many stirees�fid ore Matra, mid was se e ai y -

’dances. lia has held numerous �Continued from Page Ono)

music lie,a1 at Pomona�also sev- lands. era! other instructors there. Frielay we appear at San Ber-

There ye- svere; "distributed" merelinee J. C. Several luncheon about au,,,,t iit,. yarittos hoot, elide engagetnens too. People are host% mcr, s,�ry charming to us. receiving us most cordially. We

F.ntert.,ined at Pomona this .111. 1111111e comfortable except for

morning. ail also Chaffy J. C. at ,Ilio� terrific heal. belarai II 1 li t ih ti el that’s all � nner on g t a n the San liotuarelino Junior Col- BOASSO, foods and comparisons were

rth�gue sts of Dramatic Society. Times Correspontkint. made as tu quality., size, etc. I �


Aden Hee Rhoads Associate Editor Gall Baldwin Boort. Editor Sam Ziegler Feature Edttor ... ... ..... ....Conetanes Kona@ Circtilation Manager liethryn EPP. Ttmes Office.� .... Ban Jose State College

Special Writers Dr. T. W. MacQuarrle Katherine Hodge.

Faculty Adrhior Dr. Carl Holliday

PublIthed every school des. Incept Won-day. he the Aseociated Students of San Jose State College.

Entered ite � almond clam matter at the Ban Jom Poetoffica.

liebscription prim. one Seiler per easstw _ _

Press of WrIght�Eley Ito N. Second St San Jane. California

Chronicle of Small Beer

Under the Desert Skies (With apologies to the reader.) Sarbrush Sanuny strummed on

his guitar and sang the words of an old Scandinavian folk song. Inside the house there was noth-ing but hustle and bustle ("Hustle and Bustle, the Happiness Noises" as they were called in theatrical circles). kfo Simms was juggling pancakes in the kitchen, Pa

P � and patter act in the parlor, while the little baby Simms was hang-ing on the chandelier cultivating a drawl.

Sagebrush Sammy. who was I sitting on the steps of the Sinuns household, stopped playing and let his mind wander over to the the other side of the hill. (It wandere�I around for two days and was finally caught by a Nfr. Nk’illiam Simpson, a Real Silk Hosiery salesman). Anyway, Sammy was thinking of a white shack way over yonder. That was where lived. It was XII I:. W110 always rode the biggest horse in the rodeo. It was SI1E who could drink any five COW-

NW; in Squash Center under the table. It was SIIE about whom ’ Sagebrush Sainn6. thought all morning. all afternoon, and even a considerable portion of the night.

Suddenly Sammy had an inspi-ration. Grabbing a couple of ham sandwiches. a bottle of stuffed olives. and his guitar, he jumped upon his trusty spotted nag, "Pinto Scotch." and spec! away toward the towering hillside.

At day-break he reached a lit-tle vatile-waslied shack. In front of the house stood little Betsey. AS she saw Sammy drive up, she looked down at her feet (singu-larly large ones) and drew a cir-cle in the sand with the toe of her boot. Then she drew a tri-angle. When she began on hecta-gons, Sammy became interested and started drawing some figures himself.

At the advent of night, Betsey and Sammy had figured out the consequences of the two triangles, a and b.

This depression is terrible.

*an Just *Wit Tallrge (Titus

Dueness Menages ROBERT STE:YEENS

French Honor Society Gives I Dinner at St. Claire I

for Pledges Phone Ballard WU

Timm Mee The French Honor Society of ann z��� Boa. Celine

Ballard MI San Jose State, Iota Delta Phi, formed early last year by Dr.

Editor Hale Vara Lubowski and four charter mem-

Managing Editor Jim Fitzgerald bers held their formal initiation

Desk Editor Dick Bandon � ....mime Editor Harry Jennings on May 20th at the Hotel Sainte As.ociate Editor Orem Omer. Claire.

The society which was formed for the purpose of aiding those students with grades of A or B in French in becoming more familiar with that language, nothing but French being used at their meet-ings, has become quite active on the campus.

The initiation was presided over by President Alfred Goro-stordoy and the new members which vrere initiated vvere Jules Bouret, Leona Spitzer, Jean llockabout, Lucille McKeown and Anna Kriesfeld. A forntal dinner followed the ceremony, which was lightened by a talk on "The Theatre" by Madame Ferrier of San Francisco.

After the dinner the evening was spent very enjoyably at (lancing and cards, al the home of Dr. L. C. Newby, an honorary member of the society.,

Thursday noon a nieeting of the English Club was held in Room 3 of the Home-Making I3uilding. The business details of the club being disposed of, l’resident Ger-aldine Stackpole read a poem and

inanuseript for criticism and discussion. Following this plans

, for a forthcoming party were brought up. Gail Baldwin, Louis Scales, and Ilugh Penn were ap-pointed to ofliciate on the social committee.

Who’s Whooey

Apropos of Last Night we re

member a bit by the same title

that we read once: Sea . . . . sky . .

You. . . . I . . Moon . . . . trees . Song . . . . breeze . .

Sun . . . . dawn . .

You . . . . gone . . Just . . . . me . .

Carmel-by-the -Sea � � �

The presence of Clark Gable al

the Del Monte races over last

week-end gave two of State’s

feminine hearts a flutter. For the benefit of Gable worshippers,

be it known that be wears�whis-per it�a slave bracelet!

� � � Romance on the rocks. . . .

We notice that a certain couple have been That Way for about four years are back in circula-tion

� � � Rumor has it that the Mickey ’

Mouse Club at Sun Jose State�oh yes, there is one�is so ex-clusive that its members number only two. Methinks Agnes W. and June M. are among those eligible to join. For details see Bill Laughlin.

� � � We choose Janet Hartmanshem for her

baby stare. Georgina Jones for them there

eyes. Nadine Thompson

chartreuse (?) linen we’ve seen her wear.

Nlarion Jones f��r the

Should We Tolerate This?

"An expensive wrist watch has los

in the men’s wash room. Finder please return it, as it is precious to the owner."

What a full measure§ of meaning is hid-den betwen those pleading lities�inean-ing that makes State students blush with shame. A watch laid on a towel rack for a few seconds while a Mail WilSIIICS his hands; then a moment of forgetfulness as the fellow walks down the corridor, leav-ing the watch on the shelf. A hasty return inside of a few moments, only to find the watch gone�in the pockets of some skulk-ing rat who would have neither the ambi-tion to do a few days of work to buy a watch, nor the courage to steal one in any other way than to furtively pocket it when no one WIIS looking.

It hurts our pride to publish in the Times the fact that there are thieves in San Jose Slate�our College, but the evi-dence remains.

A feu’ Mlle men, with perjured mental-ities, are ruining a confidence that it has taken the students years to build up. The books of Times staff members have for months been left on desks anywhere in the office, with no thought of anyone touching them. A week ago, two rare volumes disappeared. Some outsider, taking advantage of the trust and com-radeship of our office, exploited it for his own profit.

This is one of the few cases where we feel that it is justifiable to take punish-ment into our own hands. These sneak

for that (?) dress

best -look-

Dr. Elder’s Speech to High School Concerns

English A

sain Jose High School seniors

will be given information on the

aptitude and English A tests to

be held June 10 and 11 by Dr.

Jay C. Elder of the State College

faculty. Dr. Elder will thoroughly ex-

plain the necessary procedure for

any student who intends to con-

tinue with higher educational

work after graduation.

Students taking the State tests

are eligible only to enter State College, but those who pass the

University of California tests are

eligible to enroll at that school,

Mills, Stanford, or State Teachers’

college. The tests are to be heldin the

Morris Dailey auditorium. They will begin al 9 o’clock, Saturday morning, June 4, for the Univer-sity of California, and at the stone place the next week-end for State College.

ring profile. IAudrey Batchelder for her sense of humor.

And the inimitable Nliss as the perfect flapper sport model of 1932.

� ’ � Elsie, the dumb tlanie, wonders

what name Barney Pritchard unifiers in his sleep.

� �

Our hat is off to A Certain Ero for her ingenius apple-polishing. Or perhaps she was a victini of eircumstanCe Sometimes we wonder what they will do next. . . .


For the past 1, ss quarters, the meetings

of the .1.ssociated Women Students hay(

become less and less frequent. There is a

very good reason for this, namely, tha

the women fail to attend these meetings

or participate in the acti�ilies of the or


Lately, the men of the campus lizz�e

been attempting to form a similar organi-

zation for all men students. The men feel

the need or such a gathering the women

have this privilege and fail to use it.

The organization of the Associated

Women Students was created especially to serve the women of San Jose State. Its officers are particularly anxious to know the wishes of the members. As an

Just Among Ourselvei Noir--The, colonies is termind het the prethlrni end the rollege,

Ire J Makt Mt 0; morrod.

If you can’t get._ a job you’d bet-’.� ter come to sum-mer school. ’Hoof .! West Coaafi School of Nattin Study will givt,i, yod a wonderful’ ten days. Som, of the romances of last year are still active. you’re Interested see Br. pc son.

And the offering here az college is unusual. Why you take some COlifSeS

not required? If you’re al you’ll get an F, register to � only. That art course I took summer thrills me yet, in I of my blue card. When I s piece of charcoal n �w it chokes me, but I have the unlimited appreciation for a piece of work in that tned and a good design sounds the, depths of my soul. I’d look’ the offering and take souk I want, for my own deselopn I doubt if you r,�;�11o� wh wonderful opportuni.) )ou I here. If I were to 1.,� here, take another course lusself, audit, this time.

In any case, whate,er yoLi this summer, keep ywir self

.spect. Look out for housi house selling jobs, or sitbscrip canvassing. Don’t under sny

int:list:ince% use the fart you’re a student to g, I a heal

iThat’s the cheapest 1...r��� (,1 ging. If you can’t .1.�0 I on) own personality an I i!��� of your °tiering. don’t fry

Nom- college. Knew one fellow id.- tha

my own school II:1N We thought he’d be a 00. , beratise lie "got v, h he I after." Well. be � ��u to anything. Still .� ,t � t

’ grafter, rationali/ing 10 , 1,0,1 success.

Hilch hiking I.0

KfieW f� ���. ) ngo who bragged at., at I:0, eess in hitelt hiking. I! 0 here for some Mil,. .1,if

OW. NOf II gOfill I11 g Saw hirn While

tramp. Develops an �n,tu�l� !nand that can’t it,’ �th aehieventent, or an, �����ii of man service.

SO Jimmie’s the n. -w Well, well, I knew Ilini

was a boy. Ycli, 1,0 around with hint. No, I n thought he’d come through answer to the expressed wish of many of

the women, they are presenting Dr. Bertha Mason on Tuesday. But unless a great many more than usual attend next ’Tuesday’s meeting and any other meet-ings called (luring the quarter, the of-ficers will never know the desires of the women they are trying to serve.

to attend the A. W. S. meeting next Tues-

It is up to the women of San Jose State 1" l’ate., allrgr’l rr"le! hbirnrostetv

dziy and to show their appreciation for then w 11."01 rle.7,1111Latilisieb

the efforts of those who are striving to bad checks totalling several] disappea red f t ,�r cas

niake the organization one of the real op- dred dollars. portunities of the women students.�II. F. The man hail repres� d I

self as a transfer slial,.nt f another university and men of a national fraternity then was reported.

rfa, to

theives deserve richly any sort of a beat-ing that could be administered to them.

this. Y’ never can tell a these kids. Every bill, u one of them surprises :sou. I lieve he’s had his eNt. HU, for a long time. Congratulat Jimmie, and good 1110k � - -

and � police this week wire :Menu







hes of Students Shown by Survey

ge Variation of Election Qualifications of Players Appear in Candidates Are


IS 21:15

meat dispatch from Dr. De

office shows that the ages

students registered a San

State range from 63 down to

07 young age of 17. The

og is a table that shows

various ages and the number


Tears 63 51.90



39-411 19

3135 36

26-30 90

25 24 23 22 21

19 18 17






38 85

150 320 351 440 380 160 24

Program Is Announced for Topham Letters to Listed Beneht for Edwin Home-coming Day Posemuckel Used in Festivities

(Continued on Page Three)

treasurer of the band last year. Milton Jenkins’ name was pre-

sented by Jack Murdock for mu-sic representative.

Donald Madsen NT$ nominated by Owen Ulph for music repre-

ling for a costume play and pro-sentative. He is a member of lite gram this Saturday afternoon, the Svan Jose State band and torches -2101o, when the Edwin Nlarkharn tra. Poetry Society will hold a garden Dirk Sanders was nominated party there. for t hairman of student affairs by

The play is a story of the Albin Anderson. Dick has been, French Revolution in verse, feat -associate editor of the Times

during the time he has worked on the paper. He has been ton officer of the Players. For three

uring the gifted young players, Marion Blackford, Richard Byrd Lewis, and James Fitzgerald, and besides there woll be a light and quarters, he has been an officer of varied program of music and the freshman class. Dick has

been in "Romeo and Juliet," "House Party," and "The import-ance of Being Earnest", produe, tions of San JOSC Players.

Louise Mohr was the nominee of Dunn for student affairs chair-man.

Home Maliing Students Hoid Picnic Meeting

Ninety students of the Home-Making Department, motored to

2118 Los Gatos on Wednesday, May 18, for their annual picnie. The ibemedium of the ages is 21.15 WeaIller WaS ideal for such an n. 25 per cent are 19.81 and affair, and under the supervision per rent are 22.57.

_ �o_ - able committee the picnic ’rid success in every de-

Elementary Majors ’ ,,..yone joined in the

Will Hold Picnic -.putt of real outdoor frolic.

The group was divided into ,1four teams, which competed as On June 2 � � units in all sorts or games. suit-, able prizes. consisting of delicious

All members of the G. E. M. it:1y are invited to attend the E. picnic which is to be

at Alum Bork on June 2. � An afternoon and evening of o and (robe is promised to all

:is a relief from the ’no of the coming final ex:el:-ions.

Itenber, of the organization wish to attend should sign

.t nr11�1� :It the table in front of ’Norm! Iv hall.

I:a the .1:,y tt the picnic all r,,linti!,1 be brought around to � Fourth Street entrance t,f the ! P.,ue, and from there all of the et oval en in a body to the

pies anti cakes, baked by Nliss Ncverizel’s Experimental offikerY

awombed to the Will -

t; teams. the %cry t�yeiling baseball

game. Id’s, Lydia Into, and Ntis: Ntartlia TII6111:6: Wrt’r�

stars. The Mill crInfest

1111.� 161 sof till. Mr+. M 411111 Mr. I arl

rec’tiol for drising speed.

credit is due INIrs. Sarah lb,wdle for the delicioni yipper. and for the elliciunt and organization a th, h"le f ,,ir.

dancing. Misses Lena !and Bertha de

Lindeman will appear in tvv�ro new Spanish songs, "Music and Flow-ers" and "Juana Mia," composed by Miss Marie Bowman of San Jose. The Spanish lyrics of these songs were composed by Mrs. de Lindeman and Miss Lena, and the English translations are by Gwen-dolen Brooks Penniman.

Miss Barbara Graham will give

a parasol dance, and other tiny dancers will appear as butter-

flies. These include Misses Betty

Holmes. Beatrice Perminian, :star-

garet Dorothy Smitherum, and

Clovadorin Merradier. There



Letters of endearment written by Barbara Tophain to Michevo Positinuckel were Introduced into Judge Lubowski’s court yesterday morning by the State’s attorney, Helen Silva, showing the possible rause of the murder of Michevo Posemuckel on the evening of the 25th of April in the latter’s apart-ment on Geary Street.

Inrriminating evidence held by Poseinuckel against Miss Topliani is believed for the latter having entered Poseinuckers apartment in an attempt to secure the de-sired information.

State’s Evidence Evelyn Lopez v:iis introduced

to the stand by the Stgite’s attor-ney. As a surprise v,:itness Eve-

Tyr’ Lopez created the sensation of the morning. It was found

!that this witness has been the !wife of Posetnuckel for the past year. Not being of age, the mar-ri;Igif W.V.. not announced US MiSS

Lopez’s parents would have ob-j1.1� �

Lt":";) 1117:)1I11:�ir "If/ Illarriage. � ig r t t I ny HOU-’ ret staled that fingerprints f���� �on the ;Jain thrimn from the

s . will he violin duets by Mr. Milton by the Conn:lure, department. All � L. Lawrence and Arthur Luck, connuerebd students and their "r qd."

1,, �

anti guitar numbers by ’Mr. Low. friends are invited to attend. A (her and A. W. Penniman. notice is being eirculated aumn

The program will be for III’ the classes for the shifter, benefit of the upkeep of the floe planning tr, Boom in the Edwin NI3rkham ’; Mr. Staffelbach says th Home. and is being arranged by curni,i,

the chairman of the Markham Po- �Hi

etry Soeiety. Gweirlolen Brooks , boy :�ieblv- 1,1 Ola�r Pcnnia,tn. It layon lc, the pub- ’

th. tic tit a slith adittissi,m charge.

and begins at three o’clock

promptly. The Led, Gardens arc tip?

at 10’37 The .1Iam, Ary.

Lucile Fontara Wins Science Department Is

In State Poster Contest FeLed at Barbecue

Markham Society Sensational Trial Saturday, June will be


loinecoming at State. A program

has been charted out which will

be as follows: 7 to 9 o’clock�Breakfast (de-

partment and societies). The Leib Gardens on the Ala-9 to 11 o’clock � Itegistration nieda will serve as a lovely set-

and open house on campus. 11:30 to 2 o’clock�Barbecue,

South Lawn, 85e per plate. 2 to 3 o’clock �Pageant, West

Lawn. 3 to 4 o’clock�Rest period. 4 to 6:30 o’clock�Commence-

ment in Quad. 6:30 .to 7:30�Rest period. 8:30 to 9:00�Receptions: Classes up to and including

1902--Dr. Freelund’s home. Classes from 19113-1915 � Dr.

Mosner’s home. Classes from 1916-1922 � Dr.

Kuntz and Miss Tompkins home. Classes from 1923-1928 � Mr.

Minssen’s home. Classes from 1929-1932 -- Mr.

Newby’s home. 9:00 to 12:ha�Dance in nien’s

new ttYninasium 125c per person,. �

Commerce Deparhnent to Hold Picnic at Coast

A picnic is be given :it Sea Cliff on June 2 in the afternoon

- Dog Sentenced to Death 1.��i or the S.in Paint & �

W.,11p tia�r ConTanY. miter(’ th,. � ster 6. 111.W on exhibit. .6..!


Vlilkshakes in Town


1 5 c

Campus Store 7th Strf t, across from the

Indt,trial Arts Bldg.

’[ 1

prt’skatt, d \VI dmsday en- (1,"’

,int4 �� ilk a ittwaplidt� artisl’s sketch .�1-1’’

thinot,’,1 by Carl tit

nique, handl of his 2-year.olds-on, the’ dog was senteneed to death in’ municipal court. Several law -years immediately offered to ap-p: al 1st.. and a petition

f� r the dog’s life was tan:utak:4 in town.



Hamburger In Town for a

Dime (toe to you)

Hamburger Jack’s 11’5 S. Second Street

When Prof. I.. II. Ilalo vestal if Northern Site Teacht es College. Nfarquette, Mich., ranidaintst that a mongrel flog hail bitten the


I ’ Fitz:de:1h Isnorpo’s poster re- soos, _

:����ised first Itanoraide mention: ti,,, ’and Dorcv Howard’s received sironment of th, ser’ael. ’I hat of Joe Repose was mouni,,im.

Hnidgial to be of superior tech..’

I The contest was under Ihe di- Inquiry Dropped in , rection of Mrs. Huth E. Turner,

lard dcparltnent head; Miss Estelle , Alabama Institution Be Honored at lioisimii .24 Daniel Mendelo- �

;Wiit, instructors in the depart- Montgomery, Ala.�Becao Dinner mod. A large number of posters was thought by the loge.’ � f

...-�����ory Asa.,

II f I

�were submitted. ’trustees that an investigation

IThe judges were Frank L. Bak- would be injurious to the col-

let:. Lawrence F. Ward, and Mrs. lege, a movement for an inquiry Puth Tttrm-r. into affairs at Alabama Polytech-

nic�Institute at Auburn has been dropped.

The investigation was asked by Victor H. Hanson, publisher of the Birmingham News anti The Age-Herald, anti a trustee of the college, after reports of flagrant cheating by students in examina-tions and of a department head’s disloyalty to Bradford Knapp, the president.

FREOIEELS This coupon fforo.1 for (roe hoola whon

don* with year half Wier.

rundgoal67 & 84. Near Eno POE BEST BOOR REPAIRING

College of Pacific Men to

tH:ta k lasda en.

in,z, May :11, the College Y is

sponsoring a supper and general

!get-together in honor 6 some

College of Pacific men. The sup-

per is to be held at the Lion’s

lien, and it will be an opportunity

to make the acquaintance of men

of another college.

ITickets are being sold for Lite.

anti may be obtained at the Times

’office, rir from the following men: Man in flockabout, Bill

!Jones, Harry Krstzer, Al Lopez,

’Max Sealandar, anti Bob Whiffen.

for Indulging m Bite


Second Games Are Played in Infra-

lYlural Leagues 1. D. K. TIES FoR FIRST IN


The Commerce Club continued to win by trimming the Print Shop, 8 to 5. An extra inning rally by the winners netted them three runs and the game.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tot l’rint Shop 1 1. 0 0 3 0 0 5 Commerce . 2 0 1 0 0 2 II 3 8

Batteries: Brown and De Fraga; Carmichael and Stewart.

Homers�Stewart for Commerce Club.


The Tau Delta Phi broke into the win column by slugging out a 22 to 5 victory over the N. S. K.’s.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tot N. S. K. 1 0 0 3 4 4 1’ 5 r. r. 9 0 3 1 5 5 0 22

Batteries�Sides and Sorensen; Barney and Byron.

Hoiners�Houniassett, N. S. K.; Anderson, T. D. P.


The I. D. K. team tied for the lead in the Spartan league by eas-ily defeating the Faculty, 24 to 1. Both teams played ragged ball; many errors were chalked up against them.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ’rot I. I). K. 5 3 4 4 1 2 5 24 Faculty 1000000 1

Batteries�I. I). K.. Keeley and Dawson; Faculty: Blest), p., Crawford, p. and (... SleDonald, c.

I’. E. Majors defeated the Sci-ence Club 3 to 0, behind the Inas-1,�rftil ’,itching of Neidcratier.

Coll Tournament Will Be

State Enters Team for the Pacific Field

Contest ’The Spartan club of San Jose

State College has officially entered

four men in the Annual Truck

and Field Championships of the

l’acific Association of the Ama-

teur Athletic Union and Sectional

Olympic Games Tryouts to be

held at Kezar :Memorial Stadium

Saturday. June 4, 1932, at 2:00


The Spartan Club is entering thrt�e Far Western Conference champions and one second place man. Louis Salyut°, champion of the Conference in the 1110-vard dash, is scheduled to pit his speed against the leading sprinters of northern and central California.

Harper, who recently climaxed his meteoric rise by taking first in the mile, and StTOIlli in the 880, in the Far Western Conference

silver, and bronze championship medals. For tenni standing points will be figured on the basis of flve points for first, three for second, two for third, and one

, for fourth.

Sport Spray ily I.Ssl I.

Correction: Doug. Taylor is not

the F. W. C. title holder. ’ray

lor’s time for the 440 was 49.8

and the P’. W. C. revord in the

furlong is held by Bill Hubbard,

also of San Jose State, with a

Hine of 49.3.

Don Harder. forme tria.k cap-

tain, is now employed in a local

sport shop, where he is trying to

gain SOIlle kllOWININC I/1 business methods, as he has the intention of opening a shop of his own in his home town of Has ward.

With the first two series run off, the teams that are supposed to be the teams to win are in the Gold and White League, the Print Shop and the I’. E. Nlinors. In the Spartan leagut: the favorites are the S. G. O’s. and the P. E. majors. The winners of Ihe two leagues vtill plav for the: school

meet. is entered in the 8011 championship, and this will con-fers flat. sist of one game onlY�

Doug Taylor, champion 4411 yard dash man of the Conference. and the outstanding broad juniper Soap Bubble Contest to of the college, and niore recenth elected captain of the 1933 track Be Broadcast in East team, is competing in the broad jump. Doug is figured to

proving that stiowe is doing ddl Nliss Tucker will tell of the

an excellent chance to place due !..tranger and stranger things, New ,"urses she °ffers in wunleil’s life to recent showings in the later York scientists announce that saving and water safety work.

meets of the season. 1 ’they are going to broadcast a Mr. Walker’s address will be an

interesting description of the VVallace Leslie, who was second soap bubble concert.

ference meet, is entered in the going to be limited to the mere I aid and life to Marty of Fresno in the Con- However. the concert is not arious courses lies,iii,rfitn.rgs tirnatititieinregs. (Ardsi(Ts..i.retiteiift,iprnetri(g.otr’ner:.01,11:;:ireitnstaaprbael

running high jump. Leslie has bursting of soap bubbles. Ther, _ ;


herine 11,dhu,e,


is�mind ronkm� Mary A rid � roaeopLI

First Aid Will Be Topic for Red Cross


Girls Will Hold an Inter-Class Swim

Meet on Tuesda ---



Held Today at Since the events number over

Hillview , twenty, not younting the trials land semi-finals, are open to all ;amateur athletes registered with

This a turoimo, Shit, enters I the l’at�ifle Association, there will

Golf, which according to some I sport experts will sonie day I superseded baseball us the nation- I al game, has been udded to the ’ Spartan competitive sports. Inas- I much as the members of the team are representing the Gold and White, the men are financing all their expenses. This shows a great deal of willingness on the part of the men to have State represented in this activity. As yet. golf still remains � in its in-fancy as the Physical Education department is concerned as no awards are to be given to men participating in this sport. There should be some representation of j State out at Hilkiew to watch ; the golfers in their first match j against Menlo J. C. The time,1

All l’hysieal Education majors,

Senior Bed Cross members, and

any others interested in any

phase or life-saVing, first or

community welfure. are urged by

Mr. Walker to attend the annual

meeting of the San Jose Chapter

of the American Bed Cross to be

the Hotel Sainte Claire

this evening. A g1.00 dinner will

be served at 6:30 o’clock for

those who desire. but the regular

business meeting will twain al

7:45 o’clock.

Mr. A. I.. Ngffilifer, Pacific Divi-

sion director of the American

lied Cross, v,ill be the principal

speaker of the meeting. and his

topic will cover social welfare.

life-saving. and first aid.

Three San Jose Stale physit�al

instructors, Miss Plum. Miss Tuck-

er and Mr. Walker, will each ad-

dress the meeting on State’s roue-

,es ill first aid and life saving.

mks Plum will discuss the first

�ddructoins given to women.

been improving t�onstantly so that is also going to be the nois,� � 0 er ins irs now he can clear heights almost sweet to numy ears, that noise

equal to the It�ridings jumpers on beer bottle makes when the cat, in Judging Contt the t�oast. is taken off, and there will he The prizes for the winners of music bY a bath towel. This Iasi

these events are regulation gold. has not been explained as yet,I At an agricultural judging col whether it will be music such aS test held recently on the campue singing in the bathtub, or just students from Hollister. judgine what. At any rate, skeptics will in the semi-flnals of the high no doubt be looking forward to school contest, walked away with this latest scietifle marvel. which the honors with u total of 30 remains a mystery until the points. broadcast. Other scores were: Salinas, 18; ,4

Watsonville, 15; Santa Cruz, 13;

New York.�If you are going to Centerville. 11; Campbell, 5; Alas-

Columbia for graduate work. and cadero, 4; and Morgan Hill. 1.

vou have a friend called "Smitty", Mr. liichard J. Werner. region-al supervisor of the State Depart-ment of Vocational Agriculture, and professor of natural sciences at Sun illtie state. directed the contests which were sponsored by the local college industrial arts and agricultural departments.

The thud contest is sehedued for May 14 at San Luis Obispo.

be plenty of entries and thus plenty of (�ompetition for the Spartan Club athletes.

Lima, Perm�If students in the’ United States think they are the

ims 0 paternalism on the part of their college administra-tors, they have only to look to this country to see how much freedom they actually have.

The Peruvian government re -eerily passed rules regulating the private lives of students in col-leges throughout the country as to personal cleanliness and punc-tuality in attendance nnd atten-tion to their studies.

a team or Hal De Fraga and the will try anti place %,,LI where. 2:00 o’clock. !�After a little heated discussion 44-�������-���������������-+-�-� � � � � � " � � � �

HS Wil0 WaS eligible and who couldn’t play, the intra-mural baseball league swung into its tk. Charles Henizer second season. The Phy. Eds are anxious to make this year’s league a bigger success than last year’s by giving those fellowsj who haven’t played baseball pre- , viously, a chance to perform. All �" those fellows who are not play-ing (and who haven’t played ear-sity baseball) and would lik(� to t!.




Ali of the girls who were si g xt itieut


night, May 31, at 7:30 at the po in the men’s gNin art� urged lel sure to be on hand Tuesday Ilk

laAdeefOennSdil;(1.11":111rdete111:111.1111er Of or have tried nut, and have sh up fur a very satiMar�tory tice season. The teams per ing Tuesday night are e from all of the women stet at State, and from what the tices have shown far, very keen and interesting pentitiiosniswti,141 rstt:tti�ini.y one of

first swimming meets for girls of the college sine, opening of the new pea students interested in weing of our swimmers and best w (livers are invited h, attend r day night, May 31.

The members of (le, team Senior Tearn�IViddhy

captain; Julie P, Non, Appleby, manager; l’ .2gy

Junior l’eam�tier r� rifle captain; Dorothy Kirby,

and you yell tit him from your dormitory window. don’t be sur prised if twelve dozen "Smitlys" conic running at your beck.

There are no less than 148 Smiths attending the university this year, as compared with 91 Millers. 68 Cohens, CM Browns, and 49 Jonses.

A Trea t---

Thick, Creamy Niilkshakes


San Jose

CLEANERt:I. 1.19 South First St.

......... Ballard 668

play, see one of the managers of


Try One


Finishing BY 12 N009

T Al P. X


3BS Store

st Street

itographie _=


Gard( Crea.

71; E. Santa