A letter of application by anastasia mazenceva 1071 1

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Transcript of A letter of application by anastasia mazenceva 1071 1

Writing rules

by Anastasia Mezenceva 1071/1

A letter of application

Definition: A letter of application,

also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience.

A letter of application typically provides detailed information on why are you are qualified for the job you are applying for. Effective application letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences.

1. Read the job announcement carefully to make sure you address the specific qualifications in your job application letter.


2. Place your address either as a heading, as on business stationery, or at the top right side of the page, as if you were writing a formal letter. Skip two lines, and put the date, aligned with the left margin. Finally, skip two to four lines, and type the address and name of the company to which you are applying.


99 Marvin Rd

City, State 00000

(999) 999-9999


January 20, 2008

Mrs. Mary Farr

Human Resources Manager

ABC Company

1111 Bessemer Avenue

City, State 00000

3. Write a strong statement about why you are the perfect candidate for this position - and be sure to include the title of the position you are applying for--in your first paragraph.

Example: "I read with great interest your open position for human resources manager in Sunday's edition of The News-Gazette. My 15 years of experience as a human resources manager at XYZ company and my strengths in communication and organization make me the perfect candidate for this position."

4. Highlight the former positions or education that would most benefit the company you wish to work for in the body of the job application letter.

If you have no job experience, write about your education, internship or college experience. Be honest in your letter, but sell yourself.


I am currently in the final year of a BA (Hons) course in Business Economics at City University, Bristol, and expect to graduate in June 2007. I have always wanted to pursue a career as an economist within an international environment and have been able to tailor my studies to that end. I have obtained A grades in the Economic Data Analysis, International Economics, and Economics of Business Strategy modules, and am currently completing a dissertation on the growth of e-commerce in the European Union. I

5. Close your letter with a strong paragraph that briefly summarizes your strengths.


I feel that the position offered would be ideal in giving me the opportunity to use my education and skills to provide a high level of service for the international client profile you describe.

6. In your last sentence, say thank you and sound confident.

Example: "I appreciate your time in reviewing my application and resume, and I look forward to hearing from you soon."

7. Type a closing, then skip four lines and type your full name.

8.Print your letter, and sign your name between the closing and your typed name.


Before you mail the application letter, read it over again, making sure that it is perfect. Special attention should be placed to ensure the job application letter: Is not too long.

Has no grammar or spelling errors.

Answers the job requirements.

Flows and is easy to read.

Is easy to load into recruitment software.


Referring to the advertisement

Describing work record

Describing qualifications

Useful expressions

I am writing with reference to your advertisement for ... I am interested in the position of ... advertised in ..., and would like to apply.

I have 9 years experience of ... After leaving ..., I worked for 8 months in ... as a ... For the last 2 years, I have worked as ... with ...

My main qualification for the position is my 8 years sales experience with ...

I trained for 3 years in ... as a ... and have a Higher Certificate in ...

A am quite fluent in English and use the language regularly.

Describing present job

Describing achievements/ personal qualities

My main duties are to sell to ... and to give demonstrations on ...

My present responsibilities consist of ...

I am in charge of ...

I hope you will see this as evidence of my capacity for hard work.

I believe that these qualities have enabled me to ...

Explaining the reasons for applying

Closing the letter

Due to ..., my contract expires at the end of ...

I would like to apply as I would welcome the challenge / the opportunity to work for a ...

I wish to gain experience in ...

Closing the letter I can arrange for you to receive letters of reference ...

Please do not hesitate to tell me if there is anything else you would like to know.

I enclose my curriculum vitae and hope to hear from you soon.