A haloween test viii grade

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of A haloween test viii grade

HALLOWEEN TEST(spoooooooky)

Complete the poem. Use that or whoThis is the house ______ Jack built

This is the house ________ Jack built.This is the ghost _______ haunted the house ________ Jack

built.This is the witch _______ lived with the ghost

_______haunted the house _____ Jack built.This is the vampire________ bit the witch ______ lived

with the ghost_______ haunted the house ______ Jack built.

This is the garlic _______ killed the vampire______ bit the witch _______ lived with the ghost _________ haunted the house ________ Jack built

A lesson on witches

1. A witch is someone. She makes magic potions.

2. A magic potion is a drink. It makes people act strange.

3. A cauldron is an object. Witches use to make magic potions.

4. A magic wand is an object. It is used to create magic.

5. A man is called a warlock. He is a male witch.


1. Dracula lived in Transilvania, Romania.2. People thought werewolves became wolves

at full moon.3. People threw women into the rivers to see if

they were witches.4. People believed if the woman didn’t drown

she was a witch.5. People believed that vampires hate garlic.6. People chased werewolves with silver



1. This is a book about a witch. (old, horrible, tall)2. He saw a goblin. (green, short, scary)3. The wizard took his wand. (magic, thin, white,

wooden. favourite)4. The ghost made a sound. (long, horrifying)5. This is a house. (grey, old, enormous, awful,

haunted)6. We read about a vampire. (ancient, slim, horrible,

Romanian)7. The witch took her caldron (black, metal, very old,

ugly) and made a potion. (love, pink, sweet)